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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203





EC 8395– Communication Engineering

Department Of Computer Science Engineering

Regulation – 2017

Academic Year 2019 – 2020

Prepared by

Mr. T.V. Sudhir, A.P(O.G)/ECE

Ms.R.Birundha, A.P(O.G)/ECE
SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.




Amplitude Modulation – AM, DSBSC, SSBSC, VSB – PSD, modulators and demodulators – Angle
modulation – PM and FM – PSD, modulators and demodulators – Super heterodyne receivers

Q.No. Questions Competence
1. Discover the need modulation in communication systems. BTL 3 Applying

2. List the types of AM modulators. BTL 1 Remembering

3. Describe AM modulated wave for modulation index=0.5 BTL 2 Understanding

and its spectra.
Can you formulate the theory for modulation index of an BTL 6 Creating
AM signal and write its classification.
When a signal m(t)=3cos(2𝜋x103 t) modulates a carrier
5. BTL 5 Evaluating
c(t)=5cos(πx106t), assess the modulation index and
transmission bandwidth if the modulation is AM.
6. Summarize the methods for generating SSB-SC signal. BTL 2 Understanding

7. Define Coherent Detection. BTL 1 Remembering

A carrier is amplitude modulated to a depth of 80%.evaluate

8. BTL 5 Evaluating
the total power in the modulated wave, if the carrier is 10
Develop a modulation scheme for broadcast video
9. BTL 6 Creating

10. Compare AM with DSB-SC and SSB-SC. BTL 4 Analysing

11. Examine heterodyning principle. BTL 1 Remembering

Define modulation index of frequency modulation and

12. phase modulation. BTL 1 Remembering

Show that Armstrong method is superior to reactance BTL 3 Applying

Tell whyfrequency modulation is more preferred for voice
14. transmission? BTL 1 Remembering

15. Quote Carson’s rule to determine the bandwidth of FM. BTL 1 Remembering

Discuss the block diagram of a method for generating a narrow

16. BTL 2 Understanding
band FM.

17. BTL 2 Understanding

Interpret the mathematical expression for FM and PM.
18. Apply the concepts for detecting FM signals. BTL 3 Applying

19. Differentiate between phase and frequency modulation. BTL 4 Analysing

Analyse the bandwidth of FM when the carrier is modulated

20. by a sinusoidal modulating frequency of 2kHz resulting in a BTL 4 Analysing
frequency deviation of 5kHZ.
Q. No. Questions Competence
(i) Describe the concepts of AM modulation and derive the
equation of an AM wave. (7) BTL 1 Remembering
(ii)Identify the phasor diagram, spectrum, modulated AM
wave and AM for various degrees of modulation index. (6)
Define Amplitude modulation and explain its generation using BTL 1 Remembering
2. square law and switching modulators with the help of mathematical
expressions? (13)
(i)Tell how the demodulated AM wave is obtained by using BTL 1 Remembering
Diode Detector and Square law detector. (7)
3. (ii) Find out the modulation index and percentage
modulation of AM performed on message 40 sinω mt and
carrier sinωct. (6)

Examine the methods and describe demodulation of DSBSC BTL 1 Remembering

by Costas loop and Coherent detection. (13)

Discuss Analyse the significance of SSB-SC and elaborate in

5. detail about filter method of suppression of unwanted BTL 2 Understanding
sidebands. (13)
Demonstrate the generation of SSBSC signal using phase
6. shift method and Weavers method with a neat block diagram. BTL 3 Applying
(i)Explain DSBSC signal using Ring/Balanced Modulator.
7. (ii)Point out the advantages of VSB and illustrate the BTL 4 Analyzing
generation and demodulation of VSB with the help of a block
diagram. (6)
(i) Interpret the mathematical representation of FM and PM
waves. (7) BTL 2 Understanding
8. (ii) Summarize the Analyse the significance of transmission
bandwidth of FM (6)
Explain the characteristics of Narrowband Frequency
modulation comparing with Wideband Frequency BTL 5 Evaluating
Modulation. Also show the mathematical representation of
NBFM with phasor and block diagram. (13)
(i)Show the mathematical expression for Wideband Frequency
Modulation. (7) BTL 3 Applying
(ii)How do you obtain FM from PM and vice versa? Explain.
(i)Classify the types of FM Modulators and explain in detail
the two types of Direct FM modulators. (7) BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii)Infer with diagram the varactor diode indirect FM
Modulator. (6)
Analyse the working principle of FM generation by BTL 4 Analyzing
Armstrong’s indirect method. (13)
13. Formulate the two methods of direct FM transmitters. (13) BTL 6 Creating

Discuss the various parameters of super heterodyne receiver

14. and also explain its working principle with neat block BTL 2 Understanding
diagram. (13)

A complex modulating waveform consisting of as sine wave of

amplitude 3V and frequency 1 kHz plus a cosine wave of
amplitude 5 V and frequency 3 kHz amplitude modulates a 500 BTL 5 Evaluating
kHz and 10V peak carrier voltage. Explain the spectrum of
modulated wave and determine the average power when the
modulated wave is fed into 50ohm load. (15)
i) Estimate the percentage power saving when a carrier and one
of the sidebands are suppressed in AM wave modulated to the
depth of 100% and 50% (8)
ii) The commercial AM station is broadcasting with an BTL 6 Creating
unmodulated power of 10 kW. The modulation index is set at
0.7 for a sinusoidal message signal. Determine the total
transmitted power and the efficiency. (7)

Generalize the types of FM demodulator to recover the

modulating signal from Frequency modulated carrier and Creating
3. BTL 6
explain in detail on Foster – Seeley discriminator and Ratio
method. (15)
Summarize the operation of round Travis detector and operation
4. of PLL as a FM demodulator. (15) BTL 5 Evaluating


Low pass sampling theorem – Quantization – PAM – Line coding – PCM, DPCM, DM, and
ADPCM And ADM, Channel Vocoder - Time Division Multiplexing, Frequency Division
Q. No Questions BT Competence
1. Collect four advantages of digital communication system. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Define sampling theorem for band limited signals and tell BTL 1 Remembering
how to avoid aliasing.
3. Tell what is meant by aliasing. BTL 1 Remembering

4. Interpret the two fold effects of quantization process. BTL 2 Understanding

5. Compose the theory for PAM. BTL 6 Creating

6. Formulate the concept of PCM. BTL 6 Creating

7. Tabulate the advantages of delta modulator. BTL 1 Remembering

8. Distinguish PCM and DPCM. BTL 2 Understanding

9. Analyse the concept of ADPCM. BTL 4 Analysing

10. Show the principle of ADM. BTL 3 Applying

11. Identify the function of channel vocoder. BTL 1 Remembering

12. Express the pitch of the voice. BTL 2 Understanding

13. Tell why do we need multiplexing technique? BTL 1 Remembering

14. Differentiate the two basic multiplexing techniques. BTL 4 Analysing

15. Compare synchronous TDM with asynchronous TDM. BTL 4 Analysing

16. Explain the basic concept of frequency division BTL 5 Evaluating

multiplexing (FDM).
17. The outputs of the 16,20Hz low pass filters are sampled,
multiplexed and A/D converted. If the sampling rate is at the BTL 5 Evaluating
Nyquist rate of 40 samples/s and we use 3 bits/sample to
represent each voltage sample, measure the bit rate.
18. Discuss the use of guard bands in FDM. BTL 2 Understanding

19. Demonstrate Address overhead in asynchronous TDM. BTL 3 Applying

20. Illustrate the block diagram of TDM system. BTL 3 Applying


Discuss on statement of low pass sampling process and Understanding
obtain the spectrum/frequency domain representation of BTL 2
the sampled signal. (13)
2. Discover the expression for reconstructing the original
signal from the sequence of samples and explain aliasing BTL 3 Applying
3. (i) Identify the SNR of quantizer and explain mid tread
and midrise type characteristics of uniform quantizer with BTL 1 Remembering
suitable diagram. (7)
(ii)Describe the purpose of Non Uniform Quantization
and mention the Laws for implementing the same. (6)
4. Point out Natural Sampling and Flat top Sampling. Also BTL 4 Analysing
explain PAM generation and reconstruction. (13)
5. Describe PCM waveform coder and decoder with neat BTL 1 Remembering
sketch and list the merits. (13)
6. What are line codes and its characteristics? Discuss on BTL 2 Understanding
various line coding formats. (13)
7. Develop the block diagram of Differential Pulse Code
Modulation system and elaborate the working principle BTL 6 Creating
and SNR of DPCM at transmitter and receiver. (13)
8. Explain delta modulation in detail with the help of
transmitter and receiver. Detail on slope overload error BTL 4 Analyzing
and granular noise. (13)
9. List the drawbacks of delta modulation and explain ADM BTL 1 Remembering
technique with transmitter and receiver. (10)
10. (i) Define the term adaptive quantization. (7) BTL 1 Remembering
(ii)Tell about the quantization schemes and prediction
in Adaptive Differential Pulse-Code Modulation
(ADPCM). (6)
11. Analyse the working principle of channel Vocoder and BTL 4 Analyzing
explain in detail encoder and decoder of Vocoder (13)
12. Write about Frequency Division Multiplexing system BTL 3 Applying
for N- number of channels with neat diagrams. (13)
13. What is TDM and mention its applications. Explain in BTL 5 Evaluating
detail on digital TDM/TDM-PCM. (13)
14. Summarize the types of multiplexing techniques and BTL 2 Understanding
show the block diagram of analog TDM and explain. (13)

1. Evaluate practical aspects of sampling and signal BTL 5 Evaluating

recovery. (15)
2. Compose the steps involved in PCM encoder and BTL 6 Creating
decoder. Derive the expression for SNR for PCM.
3. Develop the block diagram of Delta Modulator (DM) and
Adaptive Delta Modulator (ADM) and explain how the Creating
performance of Delta Modulator is improved by making
the step size control? (15)
4. In what situation multiplexing is used? How could you
compare the performance of different multiplexing Evaluating
techniques? (15)


Phase shift keying – BPSK, DPSK, QPSK – Principles of M-ary signalling M-ary PSK & QAM
– Comparison, ISI – Pulse shaping – Duo binary encoding – Cosine filters – Eye pattern,


Q.No Questions Competence

1. Define Ask. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Label the waveforms for PSK and DPSK modulation BTL 1 Remembering

3. Given the input binary sequence 1100100010, Identify the BTL 1 Remembering
waveforms of the in-phase and quadrature components of
a modulated are obtained by using QPSK.
4. Examine the bandwidth and baud for FSK signal with a BTL 1 Remembering
Mark frequency of 49 kHz and Space frequency of 51 kHz
and a bit rate of 2kbps
5. Label the PSK Signal for the given message signal BTL 1 Remembering
6. Describe bit rate and baud rate. BTL 1 Remembering

7. Summarize the drawbacks of duo binary System. BTL 2 Understanding

8. Discuss QAM BTL 2 Understanding

9. Express Bandwidth Efficiency. BTL 2 Understanding

10. For 8 PSK System operating with an information bit rate BTL 2 Understanding
of 24 kbps. Predict bandwidth efficiency
11. BTL 3 Applying
Illustrate m-ary Phase shift keying.
12. Show the reason FSK and PSK signals are preferred over BTL 3 Applying
ASK signals.
13. Experiment the digitally modulated waveforms for the BTL 3 Applying
binary data 110101 using PSK,FSK
14. Differentiate BPSK and DPSK. BTL 4 Analyzing

15. Point outfour applications of eye pattern BTL 4 Analyzing

16. Analyze the causes for ISI BTL 4 Analyzing

17. Conclude Equalization. BTL 5 Evaluating

18. Judge how pulse shaping reduce ISI BTL 5 Evaluating

19. Invent eye pattern and state any 2 applications of eye BTL 6 Creating
20. Develop the Nyquist criterion for zero ISI BTL 6 Creating

PART –B (13 Marks)

1. Define Binary phase shift keying. Discuss in detail the BTL 1 Remembering
BPSK transmitter and Receiver and also obtain the
minimum double sided Nyquist bandwidth. (13)
2. Recall the spectrum and geometric representation of PSK BTL 1 Remembering
Signals. (13)

3. For a BPSK modulator with a Carrier frequency of 70 MHz BTL 1 Remembering

and an input bit rate of 10 Mbps, find the maximum and
minimum upper and lower side frequencies, draw the
output spectrum, identify the minimum Nyquist
bandwidth, and calculate the baud (Assume f= 5MHz) (13)
4. With the help of block diagram, waveforms and BTL 1 Remembering
expressions describe the operation of DPSK transmitter
and receiver. (13)
5. Discuss the operation of a QPSK transmitter with neat BTL 2 Understanding
diagram. Draw its waveform and phasor diagram (13)
6. Explain the operation of QPSK receiver, signal space, BTL 4 Analyzing
spectrum and bandwidth. (13)

7. Conclude on M-ary PSK transmission, signal space BTL 5 Evaluating

diagram, PSD, bandwidth and Euclidean distance. (13)
8. Develop M- ary PSK system with the help of transmitter BTL 6 Creating
and receiver. (13)
9. Demonstrate QAM transmitter, receiver and explain its BTL 3 Applying
PSD and bandwidth. (13)
10. Summarize the significance QAM. Explain the operation BTL 2 Understanding
of 8-QAM transmitter and receiver with suitable diagrams.
11. Demonstrate the comparison of various digital BTL 3 Applying
modulation schemes. (13)
12. With necessary expressions explain the practical BTL 4 Analyzing
difficulties encountered in ideal nyquist channel and how
are they overcome by raised cosine spectrum. (13)
13. Analyse Duo binary signalling scheme with and without BTL 4 Analyzing
precoder and explain. (13)
14. Discuss modified duo-binary signalling scheme with and BTL 2 Understanding
without precoder. (13)
PART –C (15 Marks)

1. In digital CW communication system, the bit rate of NRZ

data streaming 1 Mbps and carrier frequency is 100 MHz
Evaluate the symbol rate of transmission and bandwidth BTL 5 Evaluating
requirement of the channel in BPSK, QPSK and 16-ary
PSK system. (15)
2. Predict how eye pattern illustrates the performance of data
transmission system. (8)
If the binary sequence is 1100100010 is applied to DPSK BTL 6 Creating
transmitter, sketch the resulting waveforms at the
transmitter output. (7)
3. Explain the block diagram of baseband binary data
transmission system and generalize how ISI occurs in base- BTL 5 Evaluating
band binary data transmission system. (15)
4. Develop the need for equalization in digital transmission. BTL 6 Creating
Explain adaptive equalizers with operating modes. (15)


Measure of information – Entropy – Source coding theorem – Shannon–Fano coding, Huffman

Coding, LZ Coding – Channel capacity – Shannon-Hartley law – Shannon's limit – Error control
codes – Cyclic codes, Syndrome calculation – Convolution Coding, Sequential and Viterbi


Q.No Questions Competence

1. Define entropy. BTL 1 Remembering

2. Identify the entropy of the system for an event that has six BTL 1 Remembering
possible outcomes with probabilities 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16,
3. Quote the properties of entropy. BTL 1 Remembering

4. Defineprefixcoding. BTL 1 Remembering

5. Tell the importance of Huffman coding. BTL 1 Remembering

6. Examinethe main idea of code efficiency. BTL 1 Remembering

7. Discussthe concept of Lempel-Ziv algorithm. BTL 2 Understanding

8. Express measure of information. BTL 2 Understanding

9. Summarize the features of Syndrome calculation. BTL 2 Understanding

10. Estimate channel capacity of a discrete memory less BTL 2 Understanding

11. Experiment the Shannon’s theorem on information BTL 3 Applying
capacity of a channel.
12. Show the operation of convolution coding with an BTL 3 Applying
13. IllustrateViterbi decoding. BTL 3 Applying

14. Point out error control code. BTL 4 Analyzing

15. Explain the main idea of Error control in information theory. BTL 4 Analyzing

16. Analyze the properties of syndrome. BTL 4 Analyzing

17. Conclude the properties of cyclic codes. BTL 5 Evaluating

18. Assess when a binary code is said to be cyclic code BTL 5 Evaluating

19. Develop the difference between cyclic codes and BTL 6 Creating
convolution codes.
20. Generalize the importance of Viterbi algorithm. BTL 6 Creating

PART –B (13 Marks)

1. Describe the measure of information and entropy with BTL 1 Remembering
properties in detail. (13)
2. An analog signal is band limited to B Hz and sampled at BTL 3 Applying
Nyquist rate. The samples are quantized into 4 levels. Each
level represents one message. The probabilities of
occurrence are p1=p3=1/8 and p2=p3=3/8. Solve the
information rate of the source. (13)
3. Explain the need for source coding and channel coding. BTL 5 Evaluating
State and explain Shannon’s theorems on source coding,
channel coding and channel capacity. (13)
4. Express the channel capacity of a continuous channel. BTL 2 Understanding
Comment on the trade-off between SNR and capacity.
5. Tell the various data compaction techniques with procedure BTL 1 Remembering
6. Five source messages are probable to appear as m1=0.4, BTL 3 Applying
m2=0.19, m3=0.16, m4=0.15and m5=0.15. Examine
coding efficiency for Shannon Fano coding and Huffman
coding. (13)
7. Analyse Lempel – Ziv coding algorithm with the help of BTL 4 Analyzing
an example. (13)
8. (i)Discuss error control codes and detail on linear block BTL 2 Understanding
codes and hamming codes with suitable examples. (7)
(ii)Explain syndrome decoding of block codes and
properties. (6)
9. Consider a systematic block code whose parity check BTL 1 Remembering
equation are P1=m1+m2+m4, P2=m1+m3+m4,
P3=m1+m2+m3, P4=m2+m3+m4 Where mi is the
message digits and Pi are the parity digits.
(i) Identify the generator matrix and parity check matrix
for this code. (7)
(ii) Tell how many errors can be detected and corrected? If
the received code word is 10101010, find the syndrome.
10. (i) Draw and explain the generalized (n, k) cyclic encoder BTL 4 Analyzing
to implement an encoding procedure in systematic form.
(ii) Analyse a syndrome calculator for a (7, 4) cyclic code
generated by the polynomial G(x) = X 3 + X + 1.
Calculate the syndrome for the received vector
1001101. (6)

11. Summarize the two domain approaches of convolutional BTL 2 Understanding

coding with example. (13)
12. Using metric divergence effect describe sequential BTL 1 Remembering
decoding for convolutional codes. (13)
13. Explain how Viterbi procedure is used for decoding BTL 4 Analyzing
convolution codes with its advantages and disadvantages.
14. For the encoder below develop the code tree, trellis and BTL 6 Creating
state diagram. (13)

PART –C (15 Marks)

1. The parity check matrix of a particular (7,4) linear block

code is given by,
1 1 1 0 1 00
[ 𝐻 ] = [1 1 0 1 0 1 0 ] BTL 5 Evaluating
1 0 1 1 0 01
i) Estimate the generator matrix (G).
ii) Measure all the code vectors and what is the minimum
distance between code vectors?
iii) Draw the encoder diagram. (15)

2. A discrete memory less source emits symbols whose

associated probabilities are 0.07, 0.08, 0.04, 0.26, 0.14,
BTL 6 Creating
0.09, 0.07, and 0.25. Using Huffman code predict the
coding efficiency and redundancy. (15)
3. A rate 1/3 convolution encoder has generating vectors as
g1=(1 0 0) , g2=(1 1 1) and g3 = (1 0 1)
i) Determine the encoder configuration. (8) BTL 5 Evaluating
ii) Draw the code tree, state diagram and trellis
diagram. (7)
4. Develop the dimension, code rate, constraint length,
generating sequences and output sequence for the given
bits 10011 using the given convolution encoder shown
below. (15)

BTL 6 Creating


PN sequences – properties – m-sequence – DSSS – Processing gain, Jamming – FHSS –

Synchronisation and tracking – Multiple Access – FDMA, TDMA, CDMA.


Q.No Questions Competence

1. Define PN sequence BTL 1 Remembering

2. List the properties of PN sequence BTL 1 Remembering

3. Tell the characteristics of PN sequence. BTL 1 Remembering

4. Identify M-sequence? BTL 1 Remembering

5. Tabulate the properties of M-sequence BTL 1 Remembering

6. List the applications of MLS. BTL 1 Remembering

7. Discuss about DSSS technique. BTL 2 Understanding

8. Express the importance of Processing gain. BTL 2 Understanding

9. Summarize the concept of Jamming BTL 2 Understanding

10. Describe FHSS technique. BTL 2 Understanding

11. Show the applications of multiple access techniques in BTL 3 Applying

wired communication.

12. Demonstrate SS techniques based on modulation BTL 3 Applying


13. Examine the purpose of synchronization and Tracking. BTL 3 Applying

14. Explain about the working principle of TDMA. BTL 4 Analyzing

15. Contrast FDMA. BTL 4 Analyzing

16. Point out the application of spread spectrum modulation. BTL 4 Analyzing

17. Compare TDMA and FDMA. BTL 5 Evaluating

18. Discriminatethe advantages of TDMA technique. BTL 5 Evaluating

19. Generalize the difference between multiple access and BTL 6 Creating

20. Rewrite the advantage of CDMA system. BTL 6 Creating

PART –B (13 Marks)

1. Discriminate the model of spectrum digital communication BTL 5 Evaluating
with need, methods, application and advantages. (13)

2. (i) Tell the procedure to generate PN sequence. (7) BTL 1 Remembering

(ii) Describe the properties of PN sequence. (6)
3. Draw the PN sequence generator with neat diagram and BTL 1 Remembering
examine the procedures and parameters necessary for the
generation. (13)
4. Examine Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Technique BTL 1 Remembering
and also discuss the advantages and applications of this
technique. (13)
5. Develop SS modulation technique based on the operating BTL 6 Creating
concept of DSSS encoder and decoder. (13)
6. Discuss the slow frequency hopping M-ary frequency shift BTL 2 Understanding
keying system with transmitter and receiver block
diagram. (13)
7. Summarize the advantage of DSSS with coherent BPSK BTL 2 Understanding
transmitter and receiver. (13)
8. Describe the concept of FHSS transmission and reception BTL 1 Remembering
with suitable diagrams. (13)
9. Distinguish between slow FHSS and fast FHSS and BTL 2 Understanding
explain both with example. (13)
10. Explain in detail about Synchronization and Tracking in BTL 4 Analyzing
wireless communication systems. (13)
11. (i) Explain the difference between direct sequence and BTL 3 Applying
frequency hop spread spectrum techniques. (7)
(ii) List out the advantages and disadvantages of DS and
FH spread spectrum. (6)
12. Analyze the operation of FDMA with neat block diagram. BTL 4 Analyzing
13. (i)Illustrate how the interference avoided by using BTL 3 Applying
CDMA. Explain. (7)
(ii)Write the advantages and disadvantages of CDMA in
wireless communication. (6)
14. Explain the operation of typical TDMA system. (13) BTL 4 Analyzing

PART –C (15 Marks)

1. Develop the performance of DSSS with processing gain, BTL 6 Creating

probability of error and anti-jamming characteristics. (15)
2. Design a PN sequence generator with three stages (m=3)
and deduce the maximum length PN sequence for
feedback taps (3, 1). Draw the schematic arrangement and BTL 5 Evaluating
verify all the properties of PN sequence in generated
output. (15)
3. (i)Assess the performance of various Multiple Access
Techniques with comparison table. (10) BTL 5 Evaluating
(ii)Summarize the applications of SS modulation. (5)
4. Generalize the various multiple access schemes which is BTL 6 Creating
used in communication with appropriate diagrams. (15)

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