MS Word (Lecture 1-2)

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Course Intermediate Class Lecture Duration : 45
Subject I.T. Skill (Level-1)
Topic MS Word
Microsoft word is application software developed by Microsoft Inc. Microsoft is an
American multinational technology company. It is word processing software.
Microsoft word is used to create and edit professional-looking documents such as
applications, forms, templates, business cards, letters, paper, reports, and booklets.
The file extension of MS word in earlier version is .doc but in version 2007 and after
it, it is .docx.
Open and Explore MS Word:
1. Choose Start->AllPrograms->MicrosoftOfficeMicrosoft Word(2003, 2007 or
2010 depends on the version installed in your system) toopen ablank, new
document in Word. Figure below and the table here helps you identify the
major parts of the Word window.
2. Close any document by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of its screen.
Close Word by clicking the File tab and then clicking Exit in Backstage view that
The Ribbon appears between the
Location Item default placement of the Quick
1 Quick Acc essToolbar ( QAT) Access Toolbar and the title bar
2 Titlebar and above the document area.
3 Ribbon Both the Ribbon and the Quick
4 Documentarea Access Toolbar appear at all
5 Statusbar times in Word

1. In an open Word document click in the document area.
2. Type text as you type Word displays characters to the left of the insertion point
which is the vertical black bar shown in Figure.
3. You don’t need to press Enter at the end of the line because MS word
automatically wraps text to the next line. Press Enteronly to start a new


4. The insertion point marks o r s i m p l y p o i n t s the location where text

appears when you type. You can move to other locations in the document
using any of the following key strokes as shown in the table.

Press ToMove
Anyarrowkey Onecharacterinthedirectionofthearrowkey
Ctrl+↑orCtrl+↓ Upordownoneparagraph
PageUporPageDown Onescreen upordown
HomeorEnd Tothebeginning o r theendofthecurrent line
Ctrl+HomeorCtrl+End Tothebeginning o r theendofthedocument
Save document:
1. Click the File tab from Back stage view that appears. Choose Save As.
2. In the Save As dialog box that appears in Figure
3. Navigate (choose) to the folder where you want to save the document.
4. Type a name for the document in the File Name field and press save button.

ExploringtheBasics ofEditing:

You will devote much of the time you spend in a Word document in editing.
Whether you are editing text, paragraphs or pages, t h e r e a r e separate topics in
this lesson to each category because you take different actions, depending on the
type of editing you need to do.
However, all types of editing share some common characteristics and actions, and
we focus on those basic editing techniques you will need.
You can:-
1. Insert additional text and replace existing text.
2. Copy or cut text and paste to other location
3. Delete text and undo changes.
4. Automatically correct the typing mistakes.
5. Editing on font size, font type, bold, under line and italic etc.
6. Align the text.
7. Highlight and changing color of text.
o Insert Text by Replacing Existing Text:
1. Select the text you want to replace by holding mouse left key or until as
required or on key board press shift+arrow key (left or right).
2. Type the new text. Word replaces the selected text with the new text you type
as show in figures.

o Copy or Cut Text and Paste to other Location

1. Select the text and right click on mouse here you can copy or cut the text
(short keys on keyboard for copy: ctrl+c and for cut: crtl+x for paste the text at
desired location and pressing right click on mouse (short key on keyboard for
paste: ctrl+v).

o Delete text and undo changes:
1. Select the text and press delete (del) button or place you pointer to desired
location and press the backspace button.
2. For undo your any command press Crtl+Z.

o Automatically correct the typing mistakes.

You may be able to correct the spelling entered wrong during typing by
clicking right click as seen the figure .

MS word does
under line (red) the
word which spell is
not correct

o Editing on font size, font type, bold, under line and italic etc.
1. You can change the text size, font type (Arial, Time New Roman or Calabria
etc), under line or bold etc. as shown in the figure.

Font Type

Bold, Italic or underline

o Align the text:
Select the text and align it left, center, right or justify. We shall also read it in
paragraph formatting.

o High light and changing color of text.

Select the text and click the button at ribbon for changing its color or to highlight it
as show in figure.

Formatting Paragraphs:
When you format paragraphs, you affect the appearance of a paragraph of words
instead of affecting individual words within the paragraph.
For example, you can align all the text in a paragraph on the left margin, on the
right margin, centered between margins, or justified so that all words align on both
the left and right margins. Tab settings indentions line spacing also affect an entire
paragraph of words. In fact spacing between paragraphs also affects an entire
paragraph of words. Bullet and numbering lists are forms of paragraph

You also can create styles in Word that store a collection of text and paragraph
formatting, making it easy for you to assign a set of formats to a paragraph of text.
In this chapter you
o Display paragraph formatting in formation.
o Hide and Display Ruler.
o Align text
o Set tabs
o Indent paragraphs.
o Set line spacing within and between paragraphs.
o Create bulleted or numbered lists.
o Work with styles.

o Display Formatting Information:

1. Open any document
2. Click the Home tab.
3. From the Paragraph group click the Show/Hide (¶) icon (see
Figure below) to display all formatting marks in your document.
•Spaces look like single dots between words such as the one between Fun and
Day time in Figure. They appear each time you press the spacebar.
•Paragraph marks look like backward capital ‘P’ and appear each time you press the
Enter key the icon after Ensemble in Figure is a paragraph mark.
•Line breaks, such as those separating the lines in the Contents list of Figure,
appear when you press Shift+Enter; they represent the end of line but not the end
of a paragraph. Lines separated by line breaks share the formatting applied to the
•Tabs appear as arrows; in Figure a Tab appears between the number 1 and the
word Purpose.

o Hide and Display Rulers:

o Click the View tab.

2. To hide rulers From the Show group remove the check beside the Ruler
check box. To display rulers in the Show group select the Ruler check box.
When you display rulers they appear below the Ribbon and on the left side of
your document (seeFigure). When you hide rulers are below the Ribbon and
on the left side of your document is blank

o Align Text:
Select the paragraph containing the text you want to align (see in figure).

Click the Home tab.

From the Paragraph group select alignment button.

In Figure, I justified the selected paragraphs.

o Work with Tab:
1. Click the icon above the left vertical ruler until it represents the type of tab
you want to add See the table to determine the type of tab you want to add.

TypeofTab Purpose
Textyoutypestartsattheleftedge ofaLefttaband extendstotheright.

TextyoutypecentersaroundaCenter tab,withsome characters appearingontheleftsideofthetabandsome onthe right.

Textyoutypestartsattherightedge ofaRighttaband extendstotheleft.

Textyoutypestartsattherightedge ofaDecimaltaband extendstotheleft until youpresstheperiod; thentext extendstotheright.

Atthelocationwhereyouplace aBartab,Word displaysa verticalbarandthendisplaystextextendingtotheright.

2. Click
the horizontal ruler where you want the tab to appear.
Word displays the type of tab you chose at the location you clicked. In Figure I
placed a tab of each type at the 2-inch mark on each line and then pressed Tab and
typed text so that you can see the effects of each type of tab.

o Indent Paragraph:
1. Click in the paragraph for which you want to adjust indentation.

2. Click the Home tab.

3. From the Paragraph group click the dialog box launcher icon

4. Inthe Indentation section of the Paragraph dialog box that appears (see in
figure), you can
•Use the Left and Right fields and spinner controls to control the amount, in inches,
that Word indents the paragraph from the document’s margins.
•From the Special drop-down list box, select a hanging indentation or a first line
indentation; then set the amount from the byfield and its spinner control
o Add Border, Set line spacing and Bullets.
 Add a Border to a Paragraph
1. Select the text that you want to surround with a border.
2. Click the Home tab.
3. From the Paragraph group, click the drop-down arrow of the
Borders button as see in figure below.
4. Choose Borders and Shading at the bottom of the menu.
5. In the Borders and Shading dialog box that appears (see Figure), click the
Borders tab (if it’s not already showing).
6. Click in the Setting section to select a type of border.
7. Click in the Style list to select the style for the border line.

8. Use the Color drop-down list box to select a color for the border line.
9. Use the Width drop-down list box to select a thickness for the border line.
10. Click OK. Word displays a border around the selected text.

 Set Line Spacing within a Paragraph:
1. Click in the paragraph or select the paragraphs for which you want to set
line spacing and click the Home tab.
2. From the Paragraph group click the Line and Paragraph
Spacing button (see Figure).
3. Click a number to represent the amount of space Word places between
the selected lines of text.

•1.0 represents single spacing and was the default in Word 97–2003.
•1.15 is the default spacing in Word 2007 and later.
•1.5 places one-half of a blank line between lines of text.
•2 represents double spacing placing one blank line between lines of text.
•2.5 and 3 add one and one-half and two blank lines, respectively.

 Set Line Spacing between Paragraphs:

1) Click in the paragraph or select the paragraphs between which you want to
define spacing and click the Home tab.

2) In the lower-right corner of the Paragraph group click the dialog box
launcher to display the Paragraph dialog box (see Figure).

3) In the Spacing section, click the spinner arrows to increase or decrease the
space before or after the selected paragraph.

 Create a Bullet or Numbered List:

1. Click the Home tab.
2. From the Paragraph group click either the Bullets button or the Numbering
button (see in figure). Word or bullets automatically starts a list (seeFigure)

 Create a Multilevel List:

1. Place the insertion point at the location where you want to start the
multilevel list.
2. Click the Home tab.
3. From the Paragraph group click the Multilevel List button to display the
available list formats (see Figure).

4. Select a list format and Word applies the format to the line containing the
insertion point (see Figure)

5. Type a list item and press Enter.

•To indent an item press Tab.

•To out dent an item press Shift+Tab.
•To stop entering items in the list press Enter twice.

Course Intermediate Class Lecture Duration : 45
Subject I.T. Skill (Level-1)
Topic MS Word

Managing Pages and Printing:

As you work with Word documents some of the editing and formatting you do
affects entire pages rather than characters and words or paragraphs. When you
format pages you affect the appearance of text on a page. For example, changing
page margins affects the amount of text that will fit on a page. You can take a
variety of actions to specify what actually appears on a page.
 Change page margins.
 Change Page Orientation.
 Insert page and section breaks.
 Work with headers and footers.
 Table Creation and Work with tabular and news paper columns.
 Preview document and print it.
o Change Margins:
1. Click anywhere in the document or section for which you want to change
2. Click the Page Layout tab.
3. From the Page Setup group click the Margins button.
4. In the Margins gallery that appears (see Figure) click Custom Margins (at the

5. On the Margins tab of the Page Setup dialog box that appears (see Figure)
type a new margin setting in any or all of the fields in the Margins section.
6. Click OK. Word saves your changes.

o Change Page Orientation:
1. Click the Page Layout tab.
2. From the Page Setup group click the Orientation button and then select
Portrait or Landscape (see Figure).

o Insert a Page Break:

1. Place the insertion point at the location in the document where you want
the current page to end and the next page to begin.
2. Click the Page Layout tab.
3. From the Page Setup group click the Breaks button.
4. From the Break gallery that appears select Page (see Figure).

o Add a Header or Footer:

1. Click the Insert tab.
2. From the Header & Footer group click the Header button or the Footer
3. In the appropriate gallery that appears (see Figure A) click a header or
footer style. The text in your document appears dimmed the insertion point
appears in the Header or Footer field and the Header & Footer Tools Design
tab appears on the Ribbon (see Figure B).

4. If the header or footer you selected contains a prompt for information click
it to select it. Type when you finish click outside the prompt.

Figure A

Figure B

o Add Document Page Numbers:

1. Click the Insert tab.
2. From the Header & Footer group click the Page Number button.
3. From the list of choices that appears, select Top of Page or Bottom of Page
to display a gallery of choices for the page number format (see Figure).

4. Select a format and Word inserts the current page number, formatted as
you chose in a header or a footer (see Figure).
5. Click the Close Header and Footer button on the Ribbon to continue editing
your document

o Create a Table:

1. Click in your document where you want the table to appear.

2. Click the Insert tab.
3. From the Tables group click the Table button to display a table grid.
4. Move the mouse pointer across the squares that represent the number of
rows and columns you want in your table Live Preview draws a sample of the
table on screen (see Figure).

5. Click the square representing the lower-right corner of your table. The table
appears in your document with the insertion point in the table. The Table Tools
tab appears on the Ribbon consisting of a Design tab and a Layout tab (see
Figure 6-16).

6. Click in the table cell where you want to enter information.

7. Type the information if necessary Word expands the row size to
accommodate the text. Press the Tab key to move the insertion point to the
next cell.
8. Click outside the table to resume working with other document text.

o Create Newspaper Columns:

1. Place the insertion point at the location in the document where you want to
begin working in newspaper-style columns or select the text you want to convert
to newspaper- style columns.
2. Click the Page Layout tab.
3. From the Page Setup group click the Columns button.
4. Click More Columns (see Figure).

5. From the Columns dialog box that appears (see Figure below), use choices
in the Presets section to select the number of columns you want.

6. Optionally you can

•Select the Line Between checkbox to add a line between columns.
•Use the settings in the Width and Spacing section to change the width of each
column and the spacing between columns.
7. Use the Apply to drop-down list box to apply columns to your entire
document or to the text that appears below the insertion point.
8. Click OK to setup the columns.

o Preview a Document Before Printings:

1. Click the View tab.
2. From the Document Views group click Print Layout. Your document appears
on screen as It will print.
3. From the Zoom group you can
•Click One Page to view an entire page at one time (see Figure A)
•Click Two Pages to view two pages at a time (see Figure B).
•Click the Zoom button to open a dialog box and set a custom zoom level.
•Click the 100% button to display your document at 100% zoom level.

•Click the Page Width button to zoom your document so that it fills the document

Figure A

Figure B

o Print a Document:
1. Click the File tab from the Back stage view that appears, click Print (see
A preview of your document as it will print appears on the right. You can use
the arrows below the preview to page through your document.
2. In the Copies field identify the number of copies to print.

3. If you want to use a printer other than the Windows default printer, use the
Printer section to find and select a printer.

4. In the Settings section, you can print all pages of the document or specify the
pages of the document that you want to print. You can print selected pages by
typing the page numbers in the Pages field, as shown in Figure below

5. In the Settings section, you also can

o Print on one side or both sides of the page.

o Prints multiple copies collate do run collected.

o Select an orientation for your document. Choose from Portrait or Lands

cape. See “Change Page Orientation” earlier in
o Select a paper size. Click the third button from the bottom (see Figure) and
scroll through the list. The height and width of each paper size appear below
your selection

o Change document margins. Clicking the second button from the bottom. For
each set of margins, Word displays top, bottom, left and right margin settings.

o Specify the number of pages you want to print on each sheet of paper. Click the
last button (see Figure)

6. Click the Print button at the top of the list of printer options to print your
document using your selected settings.

Q. No. 1: Short Questions:

1. What is Microsoft Word and which company developed this software?

2. Describe any three formatting commands?
3. In MS word if word is underline by red color what does it mean?
4. What is Paragraphs formatting?
5. How to set line spacing between paragraphs?
6. How to create multi-Level list?
7. How to change the Page Margin?
8. How to insert a Page break?
9. How to put headed and footer?

Q. No. 2: Fill in the blanks:

1. Short key for cut a text is ___________________.

2. MS word software developed by _______________.
3. The file extension of MS word is _______________.
4. The short key to copy data is_______________________.
5. Short key for justify a text is ___________________.
6. Short key for align text left _______________.
7. Short key for align text right _______________.
8. Short key for align text center _______________.
9. On page orientation it may be Portrait or ___________________.
10. Header or Footer is used to Page _______________.
11. You can take variety of actions to specify what actually ___________on a

Q. No. 3: Chose the correct option:

1. Short key to paste a copied data is:

2. MS word is used for :
a. Creating of website b. Letters & Reports c. Maths
3. Short key to undo:

Q. No. 4: True False:

1) In MS word you may set different space between paragraphs.

2) In MS word you may not create multi-level lists.

3) Align a text means left, right, centered or justify the text.

4) In Ms Word you may print random pages.

5) Page orientation means to insert page numbers.

6) Short key to print paper is CRTL+P.



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