Business English Course Outline

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  Course outline / description 
Brief Course Description International Business English Course

This course combines specialized classes in International

Business English communication skills and concepts with general
English language skills. This course is designed to give students
the English skills they need to work effectively in today’s global
marketplace. English skills and vocabulary are developed through
exercises, case studies, role plays and research on business topics
including: I.T., finance, accounting, marketing, advertising, sales,
negotiation, business practices, and cultural comparisons in
business operations and appropriate grammar. Visits to businesses
and guest speakers on specialized topics may be arranged during
the course. Students can take either or both elective courses.
Students take the Essential English course in the morning and two
Business courses in the afternoon. The afternoon Business class
from 1pm to 150pm focuses on language, reading and listening.
The class from 2pm to 250pn focuses on speaking, writing and
case studies.

Course Prerequisites All prospective students must take the Tamwood placement test,
either onsite, via the agent or online. If the student places at Level
5 or above, they are eligible for the course. Existing students can
transfer from Level 5 or the end of Level 4.

  Course outline / description 

Attendance Expectations 80%

Learning Objectives/Outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to:

-make effective presentations in business situations

-accurately use the language of negotiations

-communicate confidently and effectively in business meetings

-use specialist vocabulary in formal business and colloquial

business jargon

-recognize the features of different genres of business

correspondence, such as memos, emails, and business letters as
well as business articles and essays

-employ strategies to be a successful employee or employer in the


-prepare for and participate in debates on business topics

-follow and demonstrate understanding of lectures, talks and

interviews on business topics delivered by authentic business
  Course outline / description 
Course details

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3

1 Communication Communication
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Adjectives for Vocabulary: Communications

communicators, idioms for Case study: Communications at an
communication electronics company
Listening: A communications expert Skills: Dealing with communication
Reading: For or against email breakdown, Role play – board meeting,
Speaking: Discussion of Writing business emails

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3

2 Marketing Marketing
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Word partnerships Vocabulary: Marketing terminology

Grammar: Compound nouns Case study: Cosmetics company –
Listening: A professor of creating a global brand
Marketing, a Chief Executive of a Skills: Brainstorming, Creating a
Marketing training organization television commercial, Writing action
Reading: Branding and luxury minutes
Speaking: Discussion of marketing
strategies and branding

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3

3 Building Relationships Building Relationships
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Describing relations Vocabulary: Relationships

Grammar: Multi-word verbs Case study: Hotel and spa group –
Listening: A Business Relations building customer loyalty
Manager, a Head of Global Skills: Networking, Creating and agenda
Corporate Responsibility and an action plan, Writing a sales letter
Reading: Global Networking and
  Course outline / description 
Business in China
Speaking: Discussion of companies
that have good relationships with
their customers, Global networking

(Doing business internationally –

listening, reading and speaking
about working across cultures)

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3

4 Success Success
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Collocations, prefixes Vocabulary: Success

Grammar: Review of present and Case study: Football club – obtaining a
past tenses new sponsorship deal
Listening: MD of a technology Skills: Negotiating, Writing a press release
development company and / or a letter
Reading: Profile of Carlos Sim (a
very successful entrepreneur and the
world’s second richest man)
Speaking: Discussion of what
constitutes success and failure in

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3

5 Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Synonyms, word forms Vocabulary: Job satisfaction

Grammar: Passives Case study: Technology company –
Listening: Motivation, An HR policies on staff relationships
Director at Procter and Gamble Skills: Cold calling, proposing guidelines
Reading: Working at Marriott and discussing inter-personal relationships
Hotels and KPMG in the workplace, Writing guidelines
Speaking: Discussion of motivation
and burn-out, satisfaction and
frustration, comparison: which is a
better company to work for
  Course outline / description 
Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3
6 Risk Risk
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Word partnerships Vocabulary: Describing risk

Grammar: Adverbs of degree Case study: A Mining Company considers
Listening: MD of the Institute of a new Joint Venture
Risk Management Skills: Reaching agreement, Discussing
Reading: Insuring trade risks and evaluating risk, Writing a report
Speaking: Discussing risks faced by analyzing options and making
businesses recommendations

(Working in new markets:

Listening, Reading and Discussion)

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3

7 Management Styles Management Styles
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Management qualities Vocabulary: Management styles

Grammar: Text references Case study: Multinational company seeks
Listening: The author of a manager for an international project
Management and Organisational team
Behaviour Skills: Presentations, selecting candidates,
Reading: Management styles: Anna Writing a report of recommendations for
Wintour, Editor of Vogue, Jim the Board of Directors
Buckmeister, CEO of Craigslist
Speaking: Discussion of the traits of
a good manager, management styles

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3

8 Team-building Team-building
Block 2: Language, reading, Case study, oral and written skills
listening, speaking

Vocabulary: Prefixes Vocabulary: Team building

Grammar: Modal perfect Case study: Kitchen company – motivating
Listening: Founder of team- the sales staff
building specialists Fresh Skills: Resolving conflict, discussing
Reading: Team building on a proposals, Writing a letter suggesting
  Course outline / description 
cookery course solutions and / or a letter warning an
Speaking: Discussion of being a employee of the consequences of
team player, role-playing: unacceptable conduct
criticizing and defending

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 3

9 Raising Finance Raising Finance
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Finance, money and Vocabulary: Finance

loans, money idioms Case study: Finding a distributor for a
Grammar: Dependent prepositions filmmaking team
Listening: MD of Blackstone, a Skills: Negotiating, drafting an agreement,
private equity firm Writing a summary of negotiations and
Reading: Finding finance for a indicating how to move forward
start-up company
Speaking: Money, loans, debt,

(Managing international teams:

listening and speaking – role-play:
a meeting)

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 2

10 Customer Service Customer Service
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills
Vocabulary: Complaints Vocabulary: Customer Service
Grammar: Gerunds Case study: Budget airline dealing with
Listening: Director and GM of complaints
Raymond Blanc’s restaurant Skills: Active listening, prioritizing,
Reading: Changes in Customer writing a report summarizing problems
Service and making recommendations
Speaking: Discussion of customer

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 2

11 Crisis Management Crisis Management
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills
  Course outline / description 
Vocabulary: Handling crises Vocabulary: Crisis management
Grammar: Conditionals Case study: Video game company’s
Listening: Professor of Ethics and response to a psychologist’s report about
Social Responsibility talking about the effect of violence in video games
the Toyota crisis Skills: Asking and answering difficult
Reading: Companies handling a questions, holding a press conference,
crisis well and badly Writing a report on a crisis as a journalist
Speaking: Discussion of what is and / or for the company
needed in a crisis, discussion of
likelihood and past mistakes

Week Topic and Focus Block 2 Topic and Focus Block 2

12 Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers and Acquisitions
Block 2: Language, reading, Block 3: Case study, oral and written
listening, speaking skills

Vocabulary: Describing mergers Vocabulary:

and acquisitions Case study: Cosmetics group looking to
Grammar: Prediction and acquire new businesses
probability Skills: Making a presentation to a group of
Listening: Director of Mergers and investors, discussing possible acquisitions,
Acquisitions Research Centre, Cass Writing a report of recommendations
Business School
Reading: Acquiring a green
Speaking: Discussion of the effects
of mergers and acquisitions

(International negotiations –
vocabulary, listening and speaking)

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