The Japanese Offensive in The Pacific, 1942: 1.1 Game Premise

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3.0 SET-UP
9.0 SPOTTED AND UNSPOTTED NOTE: To remove the rules from this step by step. The Sequence of Play (6.0), if
magazine, carefully and slowly peel
10.0 COMBAT followed very meticulously, will methodically
them from the subscription card they are
attached to by peeling from the top and take you through all the steps of each game
then the bottom meeting in the middle. turn, and you’ll discover that the game will
12.0 AIR COMBAT The card is not intended to be removed. hold together well and do exactly what it is
13.0 BOMBING supposed to do. Detail-minded players will
These rules use the following color system: adapt to this game very well, but casual
14.0 NAVAL COMBAT Red for critical points such as errata and players may have more difficulty. So, follow
15.0 COASTAL BOMBARDMENT exceptions, Blue for examples of play. each rule carefully and literally, and you
will discover that the game will quickly
1.0 INTRODUCTION take on an interesting life of its own.
17.0 WHEN A UNIT IS HIT 1.1 Game Premise
18.0 AFTER THE BATTLE Midway Solitaire is a wargame of the Campaign Your task, as the player, is to win the game by
in the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO) in surmising, guessing, estimating, and judging
April-June 1942. This period saw the Japanese how to prevent a Japanese victory within the
20.0 SPECIAL UNITS take the offensive in two major campaigns framework of the solitaire mechanics. From the
21.0 INCIDENTS (Optional) which resulted in the battles of the Coral Sea US perspective, you are taking on the role of
and Midway, both of which were decided Adm. Nimitz in terms of what options you have
22.0 OPTIONAL UNITS by aircraft carrier actions. In the game, the available and what decisions you can make to
player takes command of United States Navy repel the Imperial Japanese Navy’s drive across
and Allied (USN) forces. The game system the Pacific. In this regard, it is recommended
takes command of Imperial Japanese Navy that you play at least two games and consider
(IJN) forces. You, as the USN commander, the first as a sort of training exercise, and
Design: Joseph Miranda must defeat multiple IJN naval offensives then see if you can beat the system during
& Eric R. Harvey while your foe has superior numbers. your next game(s). The key to winning is
good guesswork and properly balancing your
Developer: Eric R. Harvey 1.2 Rules Advisory limited assets to meet the threats that present
Final Rules Editing: Eric R. Harvey This game is unique in the annals of wargames themselves over the course of the game.
Playtesters: Eric R. Harvey, Roger because it ties three very disparate types of
Mason, Joe Youst, Chris Perello, games together as one cohesive experience. 2.0 COMPONENTS
Chris Cummins, John Mason Midway Solitaire is a strategic game A complete game includes:
(featuring most of the Pacific Theater), an
Counters: Tom Willcockson operational game (featuring distinct naval These rules
Map Graphics: Joe Youst units and flotillas with individual air groups One 22 x 34” inch map
and unique operational capabilities), and One counter sheet of 176 game pieces
Production: Lise´ Patterson, Callie
also a dedicated solitaire game, all in one.
Cummins & Chris Cummins
You'll need at least one six-sided die to
To seamlessly accomplish this melding of play the game (although several dice
© 2017 Decision Games different wargame approaches, Midway of various colors will be helfpul).
Solitaire is a relatively complex game,
Bakersfield, CA. procedurally speaking. However, do not be
Made & Printed in the USA. put off by that, because these rules have
been very carefully arranged and organized
so as to allow you to follow the procedures

WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017 R1


2.1 The Map 2.2 Playing Pieces

The map shows the Pacific Theater of operations (PTO). Various items on The various game pieces are defined as follows:
the map are described as follows:
Task Force: When placed on the map, task force markers indicate the
location of the naval units that are displayed in the same-named or
ROUTE same-numbered Task Force Boxes. Each task force marker and box is
LINE printed with a capacity number (printed in brackets) that indicates the
maximum quantity of naval units that it may comprise.

Task Force ID
(1st Carrier Strike Force)
Task Force Capacity

SPACES Task force markers have two sides, a front side (known as its unspot-
IJN ISLAND ted side) and a back side (known as its spotted side) to indicate its in-
BASE susceptibility or susceptibility, respectively, to attack by enemy units.

Spaces: The white circles on the map are the spaces upon which USN Leaders: USN leaders accompany task forces to enhance their
game pieces, air and sea, may move during the course of a game turn. capabilities (see 20.1).
Some spaces are known as Island Bases.

Route Lines: These are the black lines connecting spaces and/or
home bases together. Game pieces may only be moved on the map to
other spaces via these route lines. Errata: The Terrain Key on the map
incorrectly shows the route lines as a blue line. IJN Operations Markers: Operation markers are drawn randomly
at the beginning of each turn to dictate which route line will be
IJN Island Bases: The red circles (Wake, Rabaul) represent Japa- activated.
nese island air bases. Rabaul consists of two separate red circles,
both representing the same location, but are separate for purposes
of defining each of the two distinct route lines (MO and SO, respec-

IJN Home Bases: The four large uncolored boxes (two “Japan” Incident Markers: Incident markers are used to denote when inci-
boxes and two “Truk” boxes) represent major Japanese bases from dents occur as a result of task force movement (see 21.0).
where Japanese task forces start their operations.

Note: Home bases are printed with anchor symbols. These have no
tangible meaning during play other than to identify their respective
locations as a home base.
Coastal Defense Unit: Coastal defense units occupy all of the island
USN Island Bases: The green squares (Aleutians, Midway, Solo- bases on the map. They provide their island base with an air basing
mons, Port Moresby) represent Allied air bases. These are objectives capacity (the parenthetical number printed in the top-right corner), an
of Japanese operations; the IJN wins the game if two USN Island anti-aircraft capability whenever bombed (the top-left number), naval
Bases are captured. combat number (middle left number) and a coastal gun capability dur-
ing coastal bombardment (the bottom-left number).
USN Home Bases: The large uncolored boxes (Alaska, West Coast,
Pearl Harbor, Samoa, New Caledonia, Australia) represent major U.S. Air Combat Number
bases; the IJN wins the game if one USN Home Base is captured. (Represents Anti-Aircraft)
Note: Home bases are printed with anchor symbols. These have no
tangible meaning during play other than to identify their respective Airbase Capacity
locations as a home base. Naval Combat Number (Four Air Units)
(Naval Combat)
Task Force and Air Group Boxes: These are used to display and
organized air and naval game pieces.
Ground Combat Number
Available, Reinforcement, Damaged, Eliminated Boxes: These (Coastal Bombardment)
are used to place and record the status of various game’s pieces.

R2 WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017

Note: Some coastal defense units have no basing capacity (for 2.3 Hit Numbers
example, the Solomons = 0, meaning that it has no airbase capacity). The units’ various factors are simply “hit” numbers, meaning that
whenever a unit is attacking an enemy unit (of that combat category), a
Errata: The Port Moresby coastal defense unit is printed with a “(2)” die roll that is equal to or less than that factor is a successful hit upon
on the front side, but this should be a “(4)” instead. The back side is that enemy unit (see 17.0). Each type of combat category's hit number is
correct (2). explained as follows:
Air Combat Number: When participating in combat with any air
Air Unit: There are two basic types of air units in the game, NAC units, this is the die roll number (or less) required to inflict a "hit" upon
(naval aviation) and LAC (army aviation). Only NAC may be based on an enemy air unit. A parenthesized air combat number indicates a type
aircraft carriers, but they otherwise operate in the same way. Further- of air unit that can only participate in air combat if it is attacked by an
more, there are two kinds of air units in the game, FTR (fighters) and enemy FTR type of air unit.
BBR (bombers). Only BBR may bomb enemy surface targets.
Naval Combat Number: When participating in naval combat (or
Air Combat Number when bombing, if a bomber-type air unit), this is the die roll number (or
(Parenthesized: Defensive only) Parent Aircraft Carrier
less) required to inflict a "hit" upon an enemy naval unit.

Movement Number Ground Combat Number: When a naval unit conducts a coastal
Naval Combat Number (Range) bombardment, this is the die roll number (or less) required to inflict a
(Bombing) "hit" upon an enemy coastal defense unit in that space.

Naval Aircraft Type Movement Number (Range): This is the maximum number of
Ground Combat
(NAC) spaces that an air unit may fly to for the purpose of conducting an air
Number (Bombing)
strike. Naval units are moved according to different rules (see 8.0),
Bomber-type (SBD) and thus are not printed with any movement number.

NAC Capacity: The number of NAC units that can be based on this
Note: Many USN bombers are printed as either SBD or TBD, but func- aircraft carrier.
tion no differently in any respect than any bomber. Their distinction is
only relevant if playing optional rule 20.3. 2.4 Game Term Definitions
Air units are generally two-sided game pieces, meaning that their
front side is their full-strength side, and their back side is their re- Route Line: One of the four route lines (AL, MI, SO, MO) that will be
duced side. When any air unit is “hit” during combat, it is to be flipped activated by an IJN Operations (Ops) marker drawn each turn.
to its back, reduced side (or eliminated if already on its reduced side).
IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy): General term for game-controlled
Naval Unit: There are four basic types of naval units in the game, CV,
CVA, CVL (aircraft carriers), BB, CA, CL, DD (warships), TR (transport), IJN Operations: There are four IJN Operations that may occur during
and AVD (aircraft tenders). Each type of naval unit has unique ratings. a game, known by their geographic objective code: AL (Aleutians), MI
(Midway), MO (Port Moresby), and SO (Solomons).
Naval units are one-sided game pieces. They are printed with a flag
on their backs to indicate when they are unspotted. Spotted: This refers to a task force marker which is face down.

Task Force: A naval formation which includes various ships. A task

Air Combat Number force also represents fleet logistics ships not otherwise shown in the
(Represents Anti-Aircraft) NAC Capacity game, but has no capabilities when it is not comprised of any naval
(Three NAC) units.
Aircraft Carrier
Naval Combat Number 2.5 Game Scale
(Naval Combat) Each turn represents a period of activity (from one day to one week). CV,
CVA, and CVL units represent one aircraft carrier. BB units represent two
battleships. CA units represent two to four ships. CL units represent two
Ground Combat Number
to four light cruisers plus several destroyers. DD units represent four to
(Coastal Bombardment)
twelve destroyers.

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3.0 SET-UP USN Task Forces

Set up the game in the following order: Place all Task Forces on their un-spotted side.
Task Force-1: Pearl Harbor
Note: All air and coastal defense units are at full strength. All naval
units, except the Saratoga, are undamaged. Task Force-8: Alaska
Task Force-16: Pearl Harbor
3.1 USN Historic Set-up
Task Force-17: New Caledonia
Set-up these game pieces in the map locations as listed: Task Force-44: Australia
Task Force-11: West Coast
Aleutians Control and the Aleutians coastal defense unit:
USN Naval Units
Midway Control and the Midway coastal defense unit: Place in Task Force boxes:
CL-8.6, DD-8.4: Assigned to Task Force-8
Solomons Control and the Solomons coastal defense unit:
Solomons DD-11.4: Assigned to Task Force-11

Port Moresby Control and Port Moresby coastal defense unit: CV-6 (Enterprise), CV-8 (Hornet), CA-16.2, DD-16.4: Assigned to Task
Port Moresby Force-16
CV-2 (Lexington), CV-5 (Yorktown), CA-17.2, DD-17.4, Spruance: As-
signed to Task Force-17
USN Air Units
CA-17.3: Assigned to Task Force-44
11AF (B-17), 11AF (B-18), 11AF (P-40): Alaska
CV-3 (Saratoga): In the Moderate Damage box of the West Coast Dam-
19 BG (B-17), 11+20 (PBY): Australia
aged/Repair Table
VMF 221 (F2A3), VMSB 241 (SBD), PW 2 (PBY), 7 AF Det (B-17), TS-8
AVD-12: Assigned to Task Force-1
(TBD): Midway
8 PG (P-39), 3 LBG (B-25): Port Moresby
USN Reinforcements
Place in the USN Reinforcements box:
USN NAC Air Units
Lexington FTR NAC: CV-2 Lexington box DD-1.4
Lexington SBD NAC: CV-2 Lexington box 7AF (P-40)
Lexington TBD NAC: CV-2 Lexington box 18th BW (B-17; also represents other various types of bombers)
Saratoga FTR NAC: CV-3 Saratoga box RAAF (Hudson)
Saratoga SBD NAC: CV-3 Saratoga box AVD 17.9
Saratoga TBD NAC: CV-3 Saratoga box

Optional “(Opt)” Units

Note: The Saratoga’s NAC air units are not assumed to be damaged, Place off the map if not in play (see 22.0).
but they are assigned to the Saratoga until the Saratoga is repaired.
3.2 IJN Historic Set-up
Yorktown FTR NAC: CV-5 Yorktown box
IJN Operations Markers
Yorktown SBD NAC: CV-5 Yorktown box Place all IJN Op markers (including special markers; see 6.1) in a draw cup
Yorktown TBD NAC: CV-5 Yorktown box (known as the Operations Pool) to be drawn at the beginning of each game
Enterprise FTR NAC: CV-6 Enterprise box
Enterprise SBD NAC: CV-6 Enterprise box IJN Ground Units
Enterprise TBD NAC: CV-6 Enterprise box “SO” Rabaul coastal defense unit: Rabaul (SO route)
Hornet FTR NAC: CV-8 Hornet box “MO” Rabaul coastal defense unit: Rabaul (MO route)
Hornet SBD NAC: CV-8 Hornet box Wake coastal defense unit: Wake
Hornet TBD NAC: CV-8 Hornet box

R4 WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017

IJN LAC Units IJN CVA and CVL Naval Units
Place all CVA and CVL naval units face down and then mix them up.
11 Det (G4M): Wake
Blindly select one at a time and determine which route line each must
4 AG (G4M), Genzan (G3M), Tainan (A5M), Yokohama (A6M): “MO” be set up by consulting the IJN Random Deployment Table printed on the
Rabaul map. Once a route line is determined for each one, assign it to whatever
4 AG (G4M), Genzan (G3M), Tainan (A6M): “SO” Rabaul IJN task force is already set up on that route line (i.e., place that naval
unit, still face down, in that particular Task Force’s IJN Task Forces display
Box printed on the map).
Note: Rabaul is featured as two distinct locations on the map, but
each Rabaul space represents the same historic location during IJN Invasion Naval Units
different months of 1942 (and, furthermore, the units at each Rabaul Place the following transport type naval units in the following Task Force
location represent various units already stationed there or brought Boxes:
in as reinforcements throughout the course of 1942). For all game
TR-4, TR-5: Invasion-MO
purposes, however, treat each unit (even if identical to another unit)
and space as a distinctly separate game piece and space, respectively TR-6: Invasion-SO
(e.g., the elimination of the Genzan G3M bomber from the MO Rabaul TR-1, TR-2: Invasion-MI
space has no effect on the Genzen G3M bomber at the SO Rabaul
TR-3: Invasion-AL
space, even though they represent the same historic unit).

IJN Task Forces IJN BB, CA, CL and DD Naval Units

Place all IJN Task Force game pieces on their unspotted side in the follow- Place all IJN BB, CA, CL, and DD naval units, as well as the three “Decep-
ing locations: tion” counters, face down then mix them up. Blindly select one at a time
and place it in each of the Task Forces Boxes in the apportionments listed
1st CSF, Invasion MI, Main Body-A, Guard: Kyushu Japan (MI) Home
Base box as follows:

2nd CSF, Invasion-AL, Main Body B: Honshu Japan (AL) Home Base box Two random naval units: 1st CSF

Invasion MO, Covering: Truk (MO) Home Base box Two random naval units: 2nd CSF

4th CSF, Invasion SO, Support: Truk (SO) Home Base box Two random naval units: 4th CSF
One random naval unit: Main Body-A
IJN Air Units Two random naval units: Main Body-B
Shokaku FTR NAC: CVA Shokaku box One random naval unit: Support
Shokaku BBR NAC: CVA Shokaku box One random naval unit: Guard Force
Zuikaku FTR NAC: CVA Zuikaku box Two random naval units: Covering Force
Zuikaku BBR NAC: CVA Zuikaku box Two random naval units: Invasion-MO
Akagi FTR NAC: CVA Akagi box Two random naval units: Invasion-SO
Akagi BBR NAC: CVA Akagi box Two random naval unit: Invasion-MI
Kaga FTR NAC: CVA Kaga box One random naval unit: Invasion-AL
Kaga BBR NAC: CVA Kaga box
Note: All IJN naval units are considered unspotted until they become
Hiryu FTR NAC: CVA Hiryu box
Hiryu BBR NAC: CVA Hiryu box
There is no specific stacking limit in the game; any number of game pieces
Soryu BBR NAC: CVA Soryu box
may occupy any particular space on the map. However, aircraft carriers
Ryujo FTR NAC: CVL Ryujo box and bases themselves are limited to specific quantities and types of air
Ryujo BBR NAC: CVL Ryujo box units that they may accommodate, and task forces are limited to specific
quantities and types of naval units that they may accommodate.
Junyo FTR NAC: CVL Junyo box
Junyo BBR NAC: CVL Junyo box 4.1 Aircraft Carrier Basing Capacity
Each aircraft carrier may only accommodate a maximum quantity of
Shoho FTR NAC: CVL Shoho box
friendly NAC type air units equal to that aircraft carrier’s capacity value.
Shoho BBR NAC: CVL Shoho box This value is printed on each aircraft carrier game piece as a parenthetical
Zuiho FTR NAC: CVL Zuiho box number (and is also printed on the Carrier Air Groups Display on the
map as a parenthetical number). All USN aircraft carriers have a basing
Zuiho BBR NAC: CVL Zuiho box
capacity of “3”, but IJN aircraft carriers have various basing capacities.
Hosho BBR NAC: CVL Hosho box

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Note: A damaged aircraft carrier retains its full basing capacity and The composition of IJN Task Forces may never be voluntarily changed
retains whatever NAC air units it is carrying while it is being repaired. (though combat losses and scheduled reinforcements, if any, will change
an IJN Task Force’s composition). IJN Task Forces have no composition
When the game begins, each NAC air unit is based aboard an aircraft capacity limits; their composition is dictated by the game’s initial set-up.
carrier of its same name. They may be subsequently based aboard other
friendly aircraft carriers if necessary (if, for example, its own aircraft Naval units that have been eliminated or are presently undergoing
carrier had been sunk), but never in excess of any other aircraft carrier’s repairs on the Repair Track do not count when considering a task force’s
capacity value. composition capacity.

If it ever occurs that there are more NAC air units than available basing 5.0 HOW TO WIN
capacity in a space (if, for example, an aircraft carrier had been sunk), you The IJN wins the game if any IJN Task Force arrives at any of the six USN
must eliminate enough air units (of your choice) to not exceed the avail- Home Base boxes (i.e., Alaska, West Coast, Pearl Harbor, Samoa, New
able basing capacity. Caledonia, Australia) and remains there until the end of the same game
4.2 Basing Capacity at a Base
Each base, whether an island base or a home base, may only accom- The IJN also wins the game is at least two USN Island Bases (i.e.,
modate a maximum quantity of friendly air units (of any type) equal to Aleutians, Midway, Solomons, Port Moresby) have been captured by IJN
that base’s printed capacity value. This value is printed on the map as an invasion naval units
airfield symbol with an equals sign (=) and either a number or the word
“Unlimited”. Japanese Home Bases are not printed with a capacity value, The USN player wins the game if he prevents an IJN victory.
however, because no Japanese air units are set up or ever placed on any
Home Base Box. 6.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY
Each game turn is comprised of the following steps (which must always be
Note: NAC air units that are based aboard an aircraft carrier do not executed in the following order). The game ends when the last Operations
count against any base’s capacity value, and vice versa. (Ops) marker is drawn and played, or if the IJN achieves a victory per 5.0.

An island base’s capacity value will become eliminated if its coastal de- IJN PHASE
fense unit is eliminated, or reduced if its coastal defense unit is damaged.
If an island base’s coastal defense unit is damaged, the airbase capacity 1) IJN Operations Determination Step
of that base is thus reduced to the parenthetical number printed on the You must blindly draw one IJN Op marker from the Ops pool.
upper right corner of that coastal defense unit’s reverse side. This indicates which route line a Japanese Task Force will
move along for the current IJN phase. If you drew a "Special"
If it ever occurs that there are more air units than available basing marker instead (CF vs NGS, Intelligence, Reinforcement,
capacity in a space (if, for example, a coastal defense unit has been Redeploy Victory Spirit, Nagano, Yamamoto), see rule 7.1.
reduced), you must eliminate enough air units (of your choice) to not
exceed the available basing capacity. 2) IJN Spotting Attempt Step
When one of the IJN Route Lines is activated (8.0), you must
4.3 Increasing USN Basing Capacity immediately conduct one spotting attempt with each IJN Task Force
If a USN AVD naval unit is present at any USN base, the airbase capacity and/or each IJN Island Base on that route line (7.0) that is within its
there is increased by +1 (so long as that AVD naval unit is physically spotting range of any USN Task Force’s (counted in terms of spaces).
there). Multiple AVD naval units do not cumulatively increase any one
base’s airbase capacity, however. Note: Individual air units within a task force or at a base do not at-
tempt to spot. Spotting attempts are conducted by each task force and
4.4 Task Force Composition Capacity (Optional) island base.
Task force game pieces have no capabilities other than to represent the
map location of one or more friendly naval units that are organized on USN Bases are always considered to be spotted automatically,
their side’s Task Force Display. Each task force corresponds to a specific but a USN Task Force that is present is not spotted
Task Force Box printed on its own side’s Task Force Display; whatever automatically merely because it currently occupies a base.
naval units are in that box are assumed to be occupying their task force’s
location on the map. 3) IJN Task Force Movement Step
You must now move all IJN Task Forces on that activated route
The game’s initial set-up for both sides will indicate which naval units line (only) per the IJN Task Force movement rules (see 8.4).
are assigned to each task force. The player is permitted to reorganize the
composition of USN Task Forces during his G-1 Organization Step (see 6.0 Check for possible incidents if playing with
“(11)”), though no USN Task Force may accommodate more naval units that optional rule (see 21.0).
than its composition capacity. This composition capacity is printed on each
USN Task Force game piece and Task Force Box as a bracketed number. If 4) USN Reaction Step
an admiral is also present with any particular task force, that admiral’s “+” You may do EACH of the following (a and b)
rating is automatically added to that task force’s bracketed composition on the currently active route line:

R6 WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017

a) Spotting: Each USN Task Force and Island Base may now conduct If you are required to choose a target for an IJN air unit, you must
one spotting attempt (see 9.0). endeavor to select a target (from among those present there) that
has not yet been targeted, or a target that has only been targeted
Note: IJN Island Bases are always considered to be spotted auto- once so far if others have already been targeted twice, et cetera.
matically; if an IJN Task Force is present in that same location, it is
therefore spotted automatically, too. 6) IJN Mutual Combat Resolution Step
For each space containing both IJN and USN air and/or naval
b) Air Strike: You may move any or all USN air units (of any type) to units, execute the combat procedure now (see 13.0).
attack any space(s)/base(s) on the same activated route line where
an IJN Island Base is or a spotted IJN Task Force is present (if within Note: If there is more than one space on an activated route line
the air unit’s printed range). Other IJN units present in other spaces where combat is to occur, you may resolve them in any order you
nearby or along the way do not impede, interrupt, or intercept this prefer. The outcome of a combat (such as the sinking of an aircraft
movement. Resolve all combat that results from this movement (see carrier) does not affect a pending combat that is occurring elsewhere
10.0 to 13.0). during this same step (such as the attack by aircraft of that sunken
aircraft carrier).
Thereafter, all air units that had participated during
this Reaction Step are returned to their bases of origin Thereafter, all air units that had participated in such combat are
(assuming they were not eliminated). If there is insufficient returned to their bases of origin (assuming they were not eliminated).
basing capacity available (for instance, if a base was If there is insufficient basing capacity available (for instance, if a
eliminated), the adrift air units are eliminated instead. base was eliminated), the adrift air units are eliminated instead.

5) IJN Air Unit Launch Step 7) IJN Amphibious Assault Step

All IJN air units with an IJN Task Force or at an IJN Island Base For each IJN Task Force containing a BB, CA, CL, and/or DD
within range of a spotted a USN Task Force or USN Island Base that is now present in any USN-controlled island base on any
on an activated route line must now be moved (launched) to the route line anywhere on the map, execute bombardment of any
spotted space (this also includes air units from all other IJN Task USN coastal defense unit there (see 15.2). If there is a USN
Forces or Island Bases that have air units within range on that same coastal defense unit with a ground combat number there, it must
space, as well as those that had just participated during the above resolve combat against any IJN BB, CA, CL, or DD naval unit.
Reaction Step). Other USN units present in other spaces nearby or
along the way do not impede, interrupt, or intercept this movement. If there is no USN coastal defense unit at that island base,
no combat is resolved, and the amphibious assault succeeds
Note: Given a choice between multiple spotted USN Task Force(s) automatically (assuming there is at least one Japanese TR
and any base amongst different spaces, the IJN air units must present there; see 16.0). Flip the control marker over to the IJN
attack whichever one presently possesses the most USN air unit side. Any USN air units at that base (that were not launched
game pieces (regardless of their type or condition), or alternatively, during the USN Reaction Step) are eliminated automatically.
whichever one is closest if they possess the same quantity of air units
game pieces. 8) Return Step
Return all aloft air units to their base(s) of origin (or
All USN air units there must participate in air combat. Air an alternate base with available basing capacity if
units with a parenthetical air combat number do not fire their base of origin has been eliminated).
unless specifically attacked, but no USN air units may avoid
air combat when IJN air units enter their space (representing, 9) IJN Morale Step
for example, strafing runs against their airfields, or so). For the IJN activated route line where an IJN Task Force
has moved, you must make a morale check if any IJN CVA
When the IJN air units arrive in that spotted space, determine what (fleet carrier), CVL (light carrier), BB, and/or TR naval
each IJN air unit will do; this is done by rolling two six-sided dice units has been damaged or eliminated during the current
for that IJN air unit and consulting the IJN Target Determination operation. To do so, implement the following procedure:
Table (see 11.0). The IJN Target Determination Table will indicate
what type of target that each IJN air unit will attack (if both a USN a) Roll one six-sided die. Add +1 to the die roll for each USN CV and/
Task Force and Island Base are present in the space, targets at both or CVL that has been sunk or damaged during this turn.
are eligible to be attacked by this table). If the dice roll result is a
particular type of target that is not present there, then the USN b) If the result is greater than or equal to (>) the number of IJN CVA,
player must, instead, choose an alternate legal target for that IJN CVL, BB, and TR (total) naval units eliminated/damaged on that route
air unit. If the dice roll result indicates a target that has already been line, then there is no effect.
targeted, then that target is “doubled-up”, or even “tripled-up”, et
cetera (see 13.0). All else being equal, you may choose whichever c) If the result is less than the number of IJN CVA, CVL, BB and TR
target you prefer. However, on occasion, there will only be one (total) naval units sunk/damaged, then all of the Japanese Task Forces
type of eligible target there, in which case that is automatically anywhere on that same route line must be immediately returned to
the target that must be attacked, regardless of the dice roll. the home base they came from. This does not cause the loss of control

WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017 R7


of any captured base, and nor does it automatically resurrect or repair c) Combine Task Forces: Combine two or more task forces in the
any eliminated or damaged units. same space or base into one task force (this does not combine either’s
stacking capacity, however). One task force therefore remains on the
Note: This means you will have to keep track of which IJN CVA, CVL, map (and absorbs the other’s naval units, up to its stacking capacity).
BB, and TR were eliminated/damaged on each route line. Any remaining empty task forces are then removed from that space or
base and placed in the USN Task Forces Available Box.
10) IJN Logistics Step
Collect all IJN naval units (but not air units) that have been d) Place New Task Force: Select any USN Task Force markers from
damaged (but not eliminated). Place each such naval unit on the the USN Available Task Forces Box and place it in either the West
IJN Damaged Units Box and then immediately roll one six-sided Coast, Pearl Harbor, or Australia Box (if there are any USN naval units
die for that unit. Consult the IJN Repair Table; any repair result there to be assigned to that task force, any of which can be assigned
immediately repairs that IJN unit (this automatically includes to that task force immediately, if not in excess of that task force’s
all of a CV’s or CVL’s eliminated or damaged NAC in the case stacking capacity).
of aircraft carriers) and then assigns it to an IJN Task Force.
12) USN G-2 Intelligence Step
Use the IJN Random Deployment Table to determine where a During this step, you may attempt EACH (a, b) of the following:
repaired IJN naval unit is assigned (i.e., it may not necessarily
be assigned to the same task force it came from). Any other a) Spotting Attempt: Every USN Task Force and Island Base
result remands that naval unit to the IJN Damaged Units Box. anywhere on the map is eligible to conduct one spotting attempt
apiece of each space on their same route line against each space that
Next, you must roll to repair any one remaining damaged (but not it within its spotting range (see 9.0).
eliminated) IJN air unit anywhere on the map (of your choice,
though it is mandatory) per the IJN Repair Table. If repaired, that b) Perform Signals Intelligence: Roll one six-sided die. On a
particular IJN air unit is flipped back to its front side in place. die roll of “6,” randomly draw the next Op marker for the IJN (thus
allowing you to know what operation the IJN will be conducting next
If there is no damaged IJN air unit at this time, then entirely turn) instead of picking an IJN Op marker during the IJN Operations
resurrect one eliminated IJN air unit (of your choice) instead (to Determination Step. Any other die roll (“1-5”) has no effect.
full strength). NAC air units may only be resurrected if its parent
aircraft carrier is not damaged or sunk, and LAC air units may If an enemy task force is spotted, it may be attacked during
only be resurrected if its base of origin (where it began the game the next step (see step “(13)” immediately below).
set up) is an IJN Island Base with available airbase capacity.
13) USN G-3 Operations Step
If there are no damaged or eliminated IJN air units, During this step, you may attempt EACH
disregard this requirement at this time (eligible (a, b, c, d, e) of the following:
repairs are not saved up from turn to turn).
a) Air Strike: Move any USN air unit(s) on any single route line from
Note: The IJN Logistics Step is performed irrespective of which route one (not all) particular space and/or base to attack a space with a
line is activated (i.e., an air unit that is to be repaired can be from any spotted IJN Task Force or an IJN Island Base or (if it is within the USN
route line). air unit’s printed movement range) on the same route line (see 9.0).

USN PHASE b) Move Task Force: Move one USN Task Force (or independent
naval unit) from its current space or base to another space or base via
11) USN G-1 Organization Step a connected route line (per the naval movement rules; see 8.0).
During this step, you may attempt EACH (a, b, c, d)
of the following actions during this step: Note: A moving task force cannot “pick up” other task forces along
the way as it moves. Two USN Task Forces can indeed be combined
a) Reinforcement: Select one USN unit from the USN Reinforcement during the following USN Organization Step, however; see “(11)”
Box and place it in the West Coast Box (although the RAAF Hudson above.
LAC must always be placed in the Australia Box instead) if not in
excess of the remaining basing capacity there. c) Rebase Bombers: Move (rebase) any or all USN BBR LAC air units
that are currently present on any base(s) anywhere on the map to any
b)Assign Naval Air to Task Force: Assign any or all USN naval other base(s) on the map (if not in excess of basing capacity); range
units and/or NAC air units in a particular space or base (but not those limits are ignored.
in the Reinforcement Box) to any USN Task Force that is present in
that same space or base (if not in excess of that task force’s stacking Note: Airbase capacity may be temporarily ignored in those instances
capacity). Place those units in that task force’s box on the USN Task in which air units will be flying into the same location where other air
Force Display. NAC air units must be placed aboard a USN aircraft units will be flying out (at the same time).
carrier (but only if not in excess of that aircraft carrier’s basing

R8 WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017

d) Rebase Fighters: Move (rebase) any or all USN FTR LAC air units e) Attempt to Repair Coastal Defense Unit: Select one eliminated
that are currently present on any base(s) anywhere on the map to USN coastal defense unit and roll to see it if is repairable now (per
any other base(s) on the map where a USN AVD type naval unit is the USN Repair Table). If so, place that coastal defense unit on the
currently present (if not in excess of basing capacity); range limits are Pearl Harbor Damaged Repair Table. Then roll another six-sided die to
ignored. determine the severity of the damage, from 1 to 6. If that next die roll
is a “1”, the repair is immediate and that eliminated coastal defense
e) Rebase Naval Air: Move (rebase) any or all USN NAC air units unit is immediately returned to its island base.
that are currently present on any base(s) or are assigned to any
aircraft carrier(s) anywhere on the map to any other base(s) and/or 17) End of Turn Step
aircraft carrier(s) on their same route line. Move all units that are on a Damaged Repair Table (including those
just placed on a Damaged Repair Table during step “(16)” above)
14) USN Mutual Combat Step from their current numbered box position on the track to the next
For each space or base that contains both USN and IJN air lower numbered box position on the track (e.g., from the “6” box to
and/or naval units, resolve combat there (see 10.0). the “5” box). Once any unit is moved to the “1” box, it is considered
to be repaired and is then placed on the map immediately (in the
Note: If there is more than one space or base on a route line where West Coast Box if on the West Coast Damaged Repair Table, or
combat is to occur, you may resolve them in any order you prefer. In on the Pearl Harbor Box if on the Pearl Harbor Damaged Repair
this way, the outcome of one particular combat could affect another Table). NAC type air units may be placed with a friendly task force
combat (for instance, if a task force is forced to withdraw to a space that contains its own aircraft carrier, but only if that task force is
that contains a pending combat). within twice the printed movement number (range) of that NAC
air unit. In that case, place that NAC air unit game piece (at full
All air units there must participate in air combat strength) on the USN Carrier Air Groups Display on the map (in
(see 12.0) if any enemy air units are present. the particular box that corresponds to its own aircraft carrier).

All surviving bomber air units there must attempt to End the current game turn and begin a new game turn by drawing an
bomb (13.0) if any surface targets are present. Ops chit from the pool (unless you already drew an Ops chit during
the G-2 Intelligence Step). This will inaugurate the next game turn.
15) Return Step
Return all aloft air units to their base(s) of origin (or an available Finally, flip all spotted task forces (from both sides) to their
alternate base if their base of origin has been eliminated). unspotted sides.

16) USN G-4 Logistics Step 7.0 IJN OPERATIONS

You may take one Logistics Action to attempt When an Operation (Op) marker is drawn from the Ops pool, the IJN Task
EACH (a, b, c, d, e) of the following: Force(s) that are present on that Op’s route line will begin their actions for
that game turn. Each Op’s route line is indicated by its printed route line
a) Repair Air Unit: Select one USN air unit (of any type) already in abbreviation, explained as follows:
the USN Damaged Units Box and roll to see if it is repairable now
(per the USN Repair Table). If so, place that air unit (on its undamaged AL (Aleutians)
side) on any Damaged Repair Table (in the “3” box if a FTR type air MI (Midway)
unit, or the “4” box if a BBR, SBD, or TBD type air unit). When it is SO (Solomon)
advanced to the “1” box, place it in the West Coast or Pearl Harbor MO (Port Moresby)
During the IJN Operations Determination Step of the IJN Phase, you must
b) Withdraw Damaged Air Unit: Remove one damaged USN air therefore activate the IJN Task Forces (and air units at island bases) that
unit from the map and place it in the USN Damaged Units Box now. are anywhere along that operation marker’s indicated route line. Follow
the sequence of play in the order it is give (see 6.0).
c) Refit Eliminated Air Unit: Select one eliminated USN air unit (of
your choice) in the USN Eliminated Units Box and place it in the USN Note: Some Op markers do not contain any route line abbreviation;
Damaged Units Box. those Op markers (known as special markers) will specify different
activities or require the activation of multiple route lines instead (see
d) Attempt to Repair Damaged Naval Unit: Select one damaged 7.1 below).
USN naval unit and roll to see it if is repairable now (per the USN
Repair Table). If so, choose either the Pearl Harbor or West Coast Box In the event that there are two or more IJN Task Forces and/or Island
and then roll another six-sided die to determine the severity of that Bases on the currently active route line, you must always conduct actions
unit’s damage (from 1 to 6). If the West Coast was chosen, subtract starting with the IJN Task Force and/or Island Base that is farthest east
one (-1) from that die roll. If the net die roll result is “1” or less, that along that route line.
unit is repaired immediately and placed into the chosen box (i.e., Pearl
Harbor or West Coast).

WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017 R9


Once an Op marker has been drawn and played, it is out of play perma- 4 = Automatically resurrect one eliminated IJN LAC, if any, of your
nently and placed in the Ops Played Box (although some special markers choice. Then assign it to any IJN Island Base (with available basing
will cause an expended Op marker to be returned to the Ops pool; see 7.1). capacity) of your choice. If there is no eliminated IJN NAC, disregard
this special marker and redraw from the Ops pool.
You are not entitled to know what Op markers are currently in the Ops
pool, nor examine or keep a written record of what Ops or special markers 5 = Automatically repair one reduced IJN coastal defense unit. If there
have already been played. is no damaged IJN coastal defense unit, disregard this special marker
and redraw from the Ops pool.
7.1 Special Markers
When a special marker is drawn from the Ops pool, it is implemented 6 = Automatically resurrect one eliminated IJN coastal defense unit.
according to its special instructions (although sometimes a special marker Then place it on its same-named island base. If there is no eliminated
will instruct another Op marker to be drawn). The list of special markers IJN coastal defense unit, disregard this special marker and redraw
are the effects is as follows: from the Ops pool.

CF (Combined Fleet) vs NGS (Naval General Staff): The IJN Phase Victory Spirit: Move all USN Task Force back one space on every
immediately comes to an end. Proceed to the USN Phase and route line, except those that are present on a Home Base Box.
place this counter in the IJN Ops Marker (already played) Box.
Yamamoto: Both the AL and MI Route Lines are activated.
Intelligence: Roll one die for each USN Task Force on any Conduct operations with all IJN Task Forces and Island
space on all route lines. On a roll of “1”, flip that USN Task Bases on both route lines normally, starting with the
Force to its spotted side. Any other die roll result (2-6) is AL Route Line and then the MI Route Line.
no effect. Then blindly draw a new IJN Op marker.
Nagano: Both the MO and SO Route Lines are activated. Air and naval units are the only game pieces that are capable of move-
Conduct operations with all IJN Task Forces and Island ment, and only within the strictures of the sequence of play.
Bases on both route lines normally, starting with the
SO Route Line, and then the MO Route Line. 8.1 Air Unit Movement
Air units exist on the map at bases or upon the Carrier Air Groups Display
Redeploy: If the IJN controls any USN Island Bases, roll one six-sided (for NAC air units that are assigned to aircraft carriers). NAC air units that
die per each IJN Task Force that is on the same route line as that are on their Carrier Air Group Display do not move, but are assumed to be
island base to determine if that IJN Task Force is redeployed with their assigned aircraft carrier wherever it moves to.
to another route line, per the IJN Random Deployment Table
printed on the map. If no USN Island Base is controlled by the An air unit must be physically moved to participate in any attack against
IJN, disregard this Ops marker and redraw from the Ops pool. another space (if a spotted task force or island base is present there), but
no air unit may be moved to attack a space that is further than its own
Regardless of whichever route line that IJN Task Force is deployed printed range number (counted in terms of spaces) from its present base or
to (even if it is the same one it is already on), it is placed into the IJN its parent aircraft carrier’s location. Range is always calculated to include
Home Base Box of that route line. every space towards and into the target’s space (but not the space or base
the air unit launches from).
Reinforcement: Roll one die and implement the result as follows:
Note: An air unit’s range number is its maximum outward distance
1-2 = Automatically repair one IJN naval unit presently in the IJN (returning to its launching base is automatically included as part of an
Damaged Units Box. If there is more than one IJN naval unit in the IJN air unit’s range number; see 18.0).
Damaged Units Box, you must prioritize repairing the most valuable
naval unit in the box (defined as CVA, CVL, TR, BB, CA, CL, DD in the Range limits are always ignored when rebasing an air unit (see the G-3
order of most valuable to least valuable). All else being equal, you Operations Step). However, no air unit may ever artificially increase its
decide which naval unit is to be repaired. In either case, place that range by “staging” (i.e., stopping off) at friendly bases along the way
repaired naval unit in the Japan Operation MI Home Base Box. during the course of its movement to a space.

Note: When a CVA or CVL is repaired by this special marker, all of its An air unit may never move off of its current route line to jump over to
NAC air units are immediately returned to it at full strength (even if another route line, even if adjacent (for example, Rabaul).
eliminated) automatically.
8.2 Naval Unit Movement
3 = Automatically resurrect one eliminated IJN NAC, if any, of your Naval units exist on the map upon the Task Forces Display (for naval
choice. Then, assign it to any known IJN aircraft carrier (with avail- units that are assigned to task forces. Naval units that are on their Task
able basing capacity) of your choice. If there is no eliminated IJN Forces Display do not move, but are assumed to be with their assigned
NAC, disregard this special marker and redraw from the Ops pool. task force whenever it moves). Each naval unit and task force marker is to
be construed as a single element when being moved, when spotted, and
when engaging in combat. Naval units that comprise a task force cannot

R10 WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017

act independently from that task force (unless separated as a separate A moving IJN Task Force must also halt its movement in spaces that
element during a reorganization step). contain USN Task Forces or naval units (whether spotted or not) where it
will attempt to spot and then destroy all USN units there. Once that goal
Note: IJN Task Forces always move first (as per the sequence of play is accomplished (or if the USN Task Force was not spotted), every IJN Task
and the drawing of an Op marker that inaugurates a game turn). Force there (and every subsequent IJN Task Force that enters that same
space) will then resume its movement normally (as of the next operation)
Naval movement must always be along a route line (no naval unit or task toward a USN Home Base box in an attempt to win the game.
force may ever jump to nor be picked up to be placed on another route line
than the one it’s presently on), although USN Task Forces may move along Note: An IJN aircraft carrier does not halt merely because it has no
route lines in between USN Home Bases and thereby get to another route remaining NAC air units.
line by moving to a USN Home Base that is connected to that other route
line. 8.6 USN Naval Movement
You may move one USN Task Force or naval unit of your choice during the
Naval movement is always counted off in terms of spaces. For instance, USN G-3 Operations Step (if that is your choice of operations during that
if an IJN Task Force moves two spaces from a home base, it would move step). A USN Task Force or naval unit may move one or two spaces (or
to the first space closest to that home base (as its first of two moves), more if a USN admiral is present with that task force; see 20.0). You are
and then to the next space adjacent to the first one. No space may ever not required to move any task force or naval unit.
be skipped or jumped during naval movement; each one must be entered
sequentially during the course of any movement (including air movement). 8.7 USN Halt
A USN Task Force or naval unit must always halt its movement if it enters
When permitted to move USN naval units and Task Force may move in any a space that contains an IJN Task Force (whether spotted or not). If it
direction that you prefer. However, IJN Task Forces only ever move from survived any combat there (or if none occurred because neither side was
west to east (toward a US Home Base). spotted), it may move out of that space (in any direction) as of the next
operation, however.
8.3 Task Forces
Task force markers themselves have no combat strengths. They may No USN unit may ever enter any Japanese Home Base Box.
not fire. They cannot be eliminated by enemy units. However, they are
removed from the map and placed in the USN Available Task Forces Box if 9.0 UNSPOTTED AND SPOTTED
all naval units assigned to them are damaged and/or eliminated (but can All task forces are printed with an unspotted and a spotted side. At the
be placed back onto the map during the G-1 Organizational Step). beginning of the game, all task forces are automatically assumed to be
unspotted and therefore cannot be attacked until becoming spotted.
8.4 IJN Task Force Movement Furthermore, IJN Task Forces cannot be inspected (i.e., their composition
For each activated route line, determine the movement for all IJN Task of naval units cannot be examined) until becoming spotted (and only while
Forces that are present in any space (or IJN Home Base when their spotted).
movement begins). Each task force moves separately. To determine each
IJN Task Force’s movement (during the IJN Task Force Movement Step), Note: You may always freely inspect any and all USN stacks
roll one six-sided die for that task force and then refer to the IJN Naval anywhere on the map, as well as any IJN Task Force or base that
Task Force Movement Table. Next, cross-reference the die roll result with participates in any category of combat.
the type of task force that is to be moved; this will give the number of
spaces that particular task force will move at this time. Bases and island bases are always considered to be spotted automatically
at all times, and they may be inspected at any time. This does not suggest
Note: No IJN naval unit ever moves independently of its task force. that any task force that is in the same space as a base is considered
spotted, however. They are always considered to be separate for spotting
8.5 IJN Halt purposes.
A moving IJN Task Force must halt its movement in USN Island Bases
where it will attempt to destroy all USN units there. If the IJN Task If a spotted task force becomes unspotted, it cannot be attacked (even if
Force includes any TR (transport) naval unit(s), it will attempt to capture it has already been attacked), and previous spotting attempts, whether
that island base as an amphibious landing. Once either of these goals successful or not, have no effect on an unspotted task force.
is accomplished, every IJN Task Force there (and every subsequent IJN
Task Force that enters that island base) will then resume its movement 9.1 Spotting Attempts
normally (as of the next operation along that route line) toward a USN Spotting attempts may only ever be attempted by task forces or bases
Home Base Box in an attempt to win the game. However, so long as a along their route line (even if the bases are not occupied), but only out
USN Island Base remains uncaptured or undestroyed, any IJN Task Force to limited “range” of connected spaces from the spotting task force’s or
there or that subsequently enters there may not continue its movement base’s present location. All IJN Task Forces and Bases have a maximum
toward a USN Home Base. spotting range of three spaces, whereas all USN Task Forces and Bases
have a maximum spotting range of two spaces. Individual naval units that
are present on the map and not assigned to any particular task force may
never attempt to spot.

WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017 R11


Exception: If there is a USN “PBY” air unit present in the Air Combat
same space as a USN Task Force or Base (regardless of Bombing
where its based), that USN Task Force’s and Base’s maximum Naval Combat
spotting range is three spaces (instead of two). Coastal Bombardment
Amphibious Landing
When an IJN Task Force or Base is mandated to attempt to spot (see 3.3
(5)), or when you want to attempt to spot for your own USN Task Force or Many types of units are capable of combat during multiple combat
Base, conduct each spotting attempt via the procedure below. Spotting categories, assuming they survive each category. For instance, a naval unit
attempts are only ever attempted against specific spaces, not against that is printed with a naval combat number and a ground combat number
individual task forces or units: is eligible to participate during the Naval Combat Category and then the
immediately-following Coastal Bombardment Category.
Note: No units are actually moved to conduct a spotting attempt.
Generally, a unit is entitled to use each of its distinct combat factors
Roll one six-sided die for each task force and base that is attempting (once) during each combat category in which it could be applied. No two
to spot (whether an IJN spotting attempt or a USN spotting attempt), units may ever combine their combat factors as a single attack, however,
resolved as follows: and no two different types of combat factors may ever be combined or
switched (e.g., a bomber may not use its ground combat number to attack
1-3 = Spotting succeeds; Flip every enemy task force in that same any naval unit).
space over to its “Spotted” side. Any individual naval unit(s) in that
space are likewise considered spotted. You may examine all IJN units 10.1 Combat Restrictions
that are present in a spotted space. A unit with a printed combat strength of “0” may not ever have it raised to
“1” or more, and a unit with a combat strength of “1” or more may never
4-6 = Spotting fails; No spotting occurs, and the task force or base be lowered to “0” (“1” is the minimum).
that attempted to spot may not attack the space where the spotting
attempt failed. A failed spotting attempt does not prevent any USN 11.0 IJN TARGET DETERMINATION
Task Force’s entrance into that space, however. Combat is automatic when IJN and USN units occupy the same space or
base (regardless of which side encroached that space).
However, each spotting attempt die roll is subject to die roll modifications
by all of the following circumstances that apply: You must therefore roll two six-sided dice for each participating IJN unit
(in any order of present IJN units you prefer) to ascertain which present
-1 = If a USN spotting attempt is east or south of the Japanese USN unit(s) will be attacked by each participating IJN unit (if otherwise
Defense Perimeter line printed on the map. eligible to attack that type of USN unit). The types of IJN units are listed
as follows:
-1 = If an IJN spotting attempt is west or north of the Japanese
Defense Perimeter line printed on the map. BBR LAC (Bomber Land AirCraft)
FTR LAC (Fighter Land AirCraft)
-1 = If the spotting attempt is conducting from and into the same BBR NAC (Bomber Naval AirCraft)
space. FTR NAC (Fighter Naval AirCraft)

9.2 Automatic Spotting Attempts You simply cross-reference the dice roll result with the given IJN unit’s
Task forces that occupy the same space are always automatically spotted listed type on the IJN Target Determination Table; this will indicate which
by the other side. present USN unit shall be attacked by that particular IJN unit.

9.3 Duration of a Successful Spotting Attempt 11.1 No Such Target

When any task force is spotted, it remains spotted until the end of the cur- If it should happen that the IJN Target Determination Table result indi-
rent game turn, but is not spotted when the next operation begins. cates a type of USN unit that is not actually present in that space, then
you must choose any alternative USN unit (that can be eligibly targeted)
10.0 COMBAT from among the units present. However, in such a case, you must always
Combat is mandatory whenever IJN and USN units are in the same space select a USN unit that has not yet been targeted during that combat,
or base. Depending on the composition of opposing units that are in the if possible, or whichever USN unit has been targeted the least thus far
same space or base, combat will comprise multiple categories, each of among all the targeted units. All else being equal, you may choose which-
which are listed below. Whenever combat occurs, the combat categories ever alternative USN target you prefer.
must be strictly resolved in the order listed. If a particular combat category
is not relevant (for instance, the air combat category would not be relevant If there is no eligible target for any particular IJN unit to attack, it does not
if there are no air units present), then simply skip that category and therefore attack (but remains there and can be attacked nonetheless).
proceed to the next category.
11.2 Identical Target Types
If it should happen that there is more than one of the unit types indicated
by the IJN Target Determination Table result, whichever one of them is

R12 WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017

as-of-yet untargeted, or whichever one of them has been targeted the 12.3 Break-off
least thus far is to be the target. All else being equal, you may choose After each eligible air unit has rolled a die during air combat, the USN
whichever one of them you prefer, even if it is doubled up, etc. player must decide whether he wants to continue air combat or “break-
off”. If he chooses not to break-off, all of his air units simply remain
11.3 USN Target Determination there (even if they are only bombers). If he chooses to break-off, he must
During naval combat (14.0), USN naval units may never specifically target immediately return all of his air units to their bases of origin, and so no
any Japanese CVA or CVL aircraft carrier. Notwithstanding this particular USN bombers, if any, “get through” (12.5). If any IJN BBR air units remain
restriction, you may always choose which target each of your own units there after a break-off, they must attempt to bomb whatever USN surface
will attack, and you may also “double-up” or “triple-up,” et cetera as you target(s) are there, if any (see 13.0).
prefer (regardless of how many other IJN targets are present there).
IJN FTR air units only break-off when there are no remaining USN air units
12.0 AIR COMBAT present in that same space or base, and IJN BBR air units only break-off
Whenever it occurs that there are opposing air units in the same space, air if there are no USN surface targets present in that same space or base.
combat must be resolved if there is at least one FTR type air unit present. In either case, such IJN air units are then immediately returned to their
To resolve air combat, ALL of the air units from both sides that are present base(s) of origin.
in that same space must be arrayed in the Battle Display Box printed on If no break-off occurs, air combat must then continue by repeating 11.0
the map, and then a specific target must be selected for each FTR air unit and 12.1 above, although the opportunity to break-off will occur again
there: The IJN Target Determination rules (see 11.0) will always determine after each eligible air unit has rolled a die during air combat.
which USN air units will be attacked by IJN FTR type air units there,
although the USN player must choose the targets for each of his own FTR 12.4 Returning to Base
air units there that are not being targeted by a Japanese FTR air unit. After an air unit breaks-off, it is then returned to its base of origin at this
time. See 18.0 below.
Designer’s Note: Non-FTR type air units must participate in
air combat even when there are no surface targets for them 12.5 Getting Through
to bomb (regardless of which side is the encroacher). This Any BBR, SBD, and/or TBD that was not eliminated and did not break-off
assumes that they are being strafed at their airbase or so, not will therefore remain in that space during the following Bombing Step (see
necessarily that they in the air when air combat occurs. 13.0 below) to bomb any surface targets there.

In cases when there are more FTR air units than targets to engage, the 13.0 BOMBING
extra FTR air units can simply “double-up” (or “triple-up”, etc.) against Whenever it occurs that any BBR, SBD, and/or TBD air unit(s) are present
whatever enemy air units are present there. However, a doubling-up unit in the same space as any enemy surface targets (i.e., naval units or a
may not be changed to a different target if its initial target has been coastal defense unit at an island base), and assuming they were not
eliminated before it had a chance to attack. eliminated during any air combat there (see 12.5), they will attempt to
bomb the surface target(s) there. To resolve bombings, all of the bombing
12.1 Resolving Air Combat air units and surface targets that are present in that same space must be
After a target has been determined for each present FTR air unit, roll one arrayed in the Battle Display Box printed on the map. If IJN BBR air units
six-sided die per each FTR air unit (one at a time): If its die roll is equal to are bombing, consult the IJN Target Determination rules (see 11.0) to
or less than its printed air combat number, the enemy air unit it is target- ascertain each BBR air unit’s target. If USN BBR, SBD, and/or TBD air units
ing is hit and immediately flipped to its reduced side (or is eliminated if it are bombing, they may target any present enemy surface targets of the
had already been flipped or has no reduced side). player’s choice.

Note: Air combat is always considered to be simultaneous, and so It is perfectly legitimate for bombing air units to “double-up” (or “triple-
the reduction or elimination of a particular target has no effect on its up”, etc.) against whatever enemy surface targets are present there.
eligibility or capability during that same air combat. A just-flipped unit However, a doubled-up unit may not then be changed to a different target
must return fire with its full-strength air combat number. if its initial target had been eliminated before it had a chance to attack.

12.2 Defensive Fire 13.1 Resolving Bombing

After a die has been rolled for each FTR air unit, now roll one six-sided die After a target has been determined for each present bombing air unit,
for every other type of air unit there that is printed with a parenthetical air roll one six-sided die per each such air unit (one at a time): If its die roll is
combat number (one at a time), but only if that air unit was specifically at- equal to or less than its printed naval combat number (if bombing a naval
tacked by an enemy FTR air unit (but regardless if that air unit had been hit unit) or less than its printed ground combat number (if bombing a coastal
or not by that enemy FTR air unit’s attack). If an air unit with a parentheti- defense unit), the enemy surface target is hit and immediately subject to a
cal air combat number is attacked by multiple enemy FTR air units, it is Hit Table result (see 17.2).
entitled to one die roll per each enemy FTR that has attacked it. If its die
roll is equal to or less than its printed parenthetical air combat number, Exception: A coastal defense unit is reduced instead
the enemy FTR air unit that attacked it is hit and immediately flipped to when it is hit (or eliminated if already reduced).
its reduced side (or is eliminated if it had already been flipped or has no
reduced side).

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13.2 Anti-Aircraft Fire 14.2 Retreat Determination

After a bombing die has been rolled for each bombing air unit, now roll If, after naval combat, both sides have naval units remaining in a space,
one six-sided die for each surface target that is printed with an air combat one of the two sides must withdraw their entire naval force. If the battle
number (but only once per surface target), even if that surface target was occurred west of the Japanese Defense Perimeter Line, the USN side
not specifically attacked by an enemy BBR, SBD, and/or TBD air unit (and must withdraw (in totality); if the battle occurred east of the Japanese
regardless if any surface target had been hit or not by any enemy bomber’s Defense Perimeter Line, the IJN side must withdraw (in totality).
To withdraw, move all of the withdrawing naval units (as a task force)
Exception: A coastal defense unit’s anti-aircraft is one space towards a friendly home base. If that space is also occupied by
only rolled when it is specifically attacked. enemy task force, its withdrawal stops and naval combat must then begin
there immediately, as well.
If a surface target’s die roll is equal to or less than its printed air combat
number, one enemy bomber is immediately hit and reduced (or eliminated 15.0 COASTAL BOMBARDMENT
if already reduced) of your choice. Whenever it occurs that there are naval units in the same space as an
enemy coastal defense unit, and assuming the naval units had already
13.3 Returning to Base survived any naval combat there (see 14.0), a naval bombardment must be
After each bomber has completed its bombing attack and also undergone resolved if at least one naval unit with a printed ground combat number
any resulting anti-aircraft fire, it is then returned to its base of origin at is present. To resolve naval bombardment, all of the naval units that are
this time (assuming it was not eliminated). See 18.0 below. present in that same space must be arrayed in the Battle Display Box
printed on the map.
Whenever it occurs that there are opposing naval units in the same space, 15.1 Resolving Coastal Bombardment
naval combat must be resolved if at least one naval unit with a printed Roll one six-sided die per each naval unit (one at a time): If its die roll is
naval combat number is present there. To resolve naval combat, ALL of equal to or less than its printed ground combat number, the enemy coastal
the naval units that are present in that same space must be arrayed in the defense unit is hit and immediately reduced (or eliminated if already
Battle Display Box printed on the map. The IJN target determination rule reduced).
(11.0) must then be consulted to determine which type of USN naval unit
that each present IJN naval unit must target during that naval combat. 15.2 Coastal Guns
After a die has been rolled for each bombarding naval unit, now roll
If the IJN target determination procedure specifies a type of USN naval one six-sided die for the coastal defense unit (regardless if that coastal
unit that is not present, you must select an alternate USN naval unit (of defense unit had been hit or not by that enemy naval unit’s attack). If a
your choice) there to be targeted by that IJN naval unit. If the IJN target coastal defense unit is bombarded by multiple enemy naval units, it is
determination procedure specifies a type of USN naval unit that has entitled to one die roll per each enemy bombarding naval unit (but not
already been targeted by an IJN naval unit, it simply becomes targeted other naval units). If its die roll is equal to or less than its printed ground
again (In this way, it is possible for multiple IJN naval units to target the combat number, that bombarding enemy naval unit is immediately subject
same USN naval unit during the same naval combat, and may not target a to a Hit Table result (see 17.2).
different USN naval unit even if their original target had already been sunk
in the meantime). 15.3 Airbase Damage
If a coastal defense unit is reduced, the airbase capacity at that island
Next, after the targets have been determined for each of the present IJN base is also reduced (see the airbase capacity number printed on the
naval units there, whatever USN naval units were not targeted, if any, may upper right corner of the coastal defense unit’s reverse side). If a coastal
now be assigned to target any of the IJN naval units there of your choice. defense unit is eliminated, any landed air units at that same island base
are also eliminated.
Exception: USN naval units may only ever target IJN CVA or
CVL (aircraft carrier) naval units if there are no other types of 15.4 Remaining on Station
IJN naval unit present during that same naval combat. If a coastal defense unit survives all bombardment in its space, the enemy
bombarding naval units also remain in that space until activated to move
14.1 Resolving Naval Combat again during a subsequent operation.
After a target has been determined for each present naval unit, roll one
six-sided die per each naval unit: If its die roll is equal to or less than its 16.0 AMPHIBIOUS LANDING
printed naval combat number, the enemy naval unit it is targeting is hit Whenever it occurs that any IJN transport (TR) naval unit(s) are present in
and immediately subject to a Hit Table result (see 17.2). the same space as a USN Island Base that does not contain any coastal
defense unit, that island base immediately becomes captured by the IJN.
Note: Naval combat is always considered to be simultaneous, and so In such a case, flip that island base’s control marker over to its back side to
the damage or elimination of a particular target has no effects on its indicate that it is now controlled by the IJN side.
eligibility or capability during that same naval combat.
Note: The game does not include any specific amphibious marine
units. The mere presence of an IJN transport naval unit presumes that
amphibious ground units have been landed.

R14 WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017

IJN control of any island base permanently disallows any USN air unit to 18.0 AFTER THE BATTLE
be based there, and also contributes to the game’s victory conditions (see After all five categories of combat have been concluded, return all surviv-
5.0). An island base, once captured by the IJN, can never be recaptured. ing naval units to their side’s Task Force Display, and return all surviving
air units to their bases of origin.
If an IJN transport type naval unit is present in the same space as a USN
Island Base that contains a coastal defense unit, no amphibious landing An air unit may not return to an alternate base except when its own base
is conducted, and that island base does not become captured by the is sunk, damaged, or destroyed, although no air unit may return to any
IJN. This circumstance does not affect the IJN transport naval unit(s) alternate base that is beyond its printed range (counted from the air unit’s
there, and they will be compelled to move out of that space (leaving present location). In such a case, an air unit must return to the closest
it uncaptured) if that same route line is activated during a subsequent alternate base available (that has available airbase capacity).
operation per 6.0 normally.
Note: If there are two or more equally-close alternatives, you choose
17.0 WHEN A UNIT IS HIT amongst them (even for IJN air units).
A unit is only “hit” during combat by a specific enemy unit that had
attacked it. Multiple hits by multiple enemy units are compounding. How- Eliminated units must be placed in their respective Eliminated Box.
ever, air, naval, and coastal defense units are affected differently when
hit, explained as follows: 19.0 IJN REPAIRS
During the IJN Logistics Step, you must attempt to repair damaged IJN
17.1 Air Units units, explained as follows:
When any kind of air unit is hit during air combat or by anti-aircraft, it is
immediately reduced (i.e., flipped to its back side) or eliminated if already Note: The IJN Logistics Step is performed irrespective of which route
reduced (or only a one-sided air unit). line is activated (i.e., an air unit that is to be repaired can be from any
route line).
17.2 Naval Units
When any kind of naval unit is hit during naval combat or by bombing, 19.1 Repairing IJN Naval Units
naval combat, or by coastal guns, it is not necessarily damaged or sunk Roll one six-sided die for each IJN naval unit that is presently in the IJN
automatically. Instead, you must roll one more die per each hit and consult Damaged Units Box and then consult the IJN Repair Table. Any success-
a Hit Table printed on the map (the IJN Attacking USN Naval Units Table ful repair result immediately repairs that IJN naval unit (any other results
if a IJN naval unit is hit, or the USN Attacking IJN Naval Units Table if an remands that naval unit to the IJN Damaged Units Box). Once repaired,
USN naval unit is hit). If that die roll result is “Miss”, there is no effect it must then be immediately assigned to an IJN Task Force per the IJN
and the “Hit” is disregarded (as if it had not been a hit in the first place). If Random Deployment Table (i.e., it is not necessarily assigned to the same
that die roll is “Damaged”, the hit naval unit is considered damaged and task force it came from).
will be placed in the Damaged Box, but only after any other pending hits
are resolved (and only if that naval unit is not sunk by a subsequent hit). 19.2 Repairing IJN Air Units
If that die roll is “Sunk”, the hit naval unit is considered eliminated and Roll one six-sided die for one (only) damaged IJN air unit (whether an LAC
must be immediately placed in the Eliminated Box, disregarding any other or NAC air unit) that is present on any route line of your choice, if any, and
pending hits. then consult the IJN Repair Table. A successful repair result immediately
repairs that IJN air unit in place (i.e., where it is currently present). No
Note: Multiple damage results against the same naval unit have no more than one IJN air unit may ever be repaired per IJN Logistics Step,
additional effect (i.e., there are no levels of damage, and repeated however.
damage results are not translated into a sunk result or an elimination).
If there is no damaged IJN air unit, then you must, instead, resurrect any
Of course, a sunk result supersedes any other results, although any other one eliminated IJN air unit (of your choice) and either place it with its
pending hits are never redirected to any other units; they are disregarded same-named parent aircraft carrier (if it is an NAC air unit) or its island
as overkill. base or origin (if it is an LAC air unit).

Damaged aircraft carriers do not lose their basing capacity, though they Note: If there are no damaged or eliminated IJN air units, disregard
are removed from playing area of the map to be repaired and cannot this requirement at this time (eligible repairs are not saved up from
launch any aircraft until repaired. turn to turn).

17.3 Coastal Defense Unit 20.0 SPECIAL UNITS

When a coastal defense unit is hit by a bombing or bombardment, it is
immediately reduced (i.e., flipped to its back side) or eliminated if already 20.1 USN Leaders
reduced. If a coastal defense unit is reduced, the airbase capacity at that The USN has two leaders (Spruance, Fletcher), or optionally three leaders
island base is reduced (see 4.0). If a coastal defense unit is eliminated, no (if using the Halsey leader). A USN Leader must be assigned to a specific
air units may be based at that island base ever again. Any aloft air units task force , not an individual unit, but no more than two USN Leaders may
that been flown from that base will be eliminated when required to return be assigned to the same task force. It always moves with that task force,
to base (unless an alternate base is available to them; see 18.0). and is eliminated if that task force is eliminated. A leader can be assigned
to a different task force during the USN G-1 Reorganization Step.

WORLD AT WAR 54 | JUN – JUL 2017 R15


Leader Effects on Movement: If a USN Leader starts Surprise Attack (IJN): Add one more movement to the task force’s
a USN Movement Impulse assigned to task force, movement result
then that task force increases its movement by one
point (or two in the case of Halsey, if in play). Weather (USN or IJN): Neither side may conduct any spotting attempt
nor launch any air missions into or from the space where the weather
Leader Effects on Combat: If a leader is assigned to a task force incident has occurred for the remainder of this phase.
which includes USN carriers, then any single SBD or TBD assigned
to that task force will have its naval combat number increased 22.0 OPTIONAL UNITS
by one (or by two in the case of Halsey, if in play). A leader does The game includes six optional game pieces that you may include to
not affect air combat, bombardment, or naval combat, however. explore alternative history circumstances. Generally speaking, the balance
of the game favors the Japanese side (most standard games will result
20.2 USN DDs in an IJN victory); the inclusion of each additional USN unit listed below
USN DDs automatically incur a +2 die roll penalty to the spotting attempt increases the chances of a USN victory minimally (collectively, they will
of the task force they are with. increase the odds of a USN victory by about 20% if the IJN 26th AG is not
included as well). You should feel free to use any combination of these
20.3 TBD and SBD Bombers optional units as you prefer, though they are all ahistorical inclusions to
USN NAC bombers are specifically differentiated as either a TBD (torpedo some degree. These optional units are listed as follows:
bomber) or an SBD (dive bomber). These aircraft function like normal
bombers in every respect. However, if both a TBD and an SBD attack the Admiral Halsey (Halsey was hospitalized in early 1942
same IJN naval unit during the same combat, the SBD’s naval combat and was out of action until later that year; this optional
number is increased by +1. unit assumes that Halsey had remained in command).
Set-up Halsey with any task force of your choice.
20.4 Optional Units
The units marked “Opt” are only applicable when playing with rule 22.0. BB-1, BB-3, DD-1.5 (these units represent much of the fleet
that was destroyed during the air raid at Pearl Harbor; these
21.0 INCIDENTS (OPTIONAL) optional units presume that the attack at Pearl Harbor had
Whenever any task force or a separate naval unit moves on a route not been a total surprise and therefore far less effective).
line and ends its movement in a space, you must immediately roll one Set-up these units in the Pearl Harbor Base Box.
six-sided die to determine if any incident has occurred. If that die roll is
“6”, roll another die and consult the Incident Table printed on the map to SB2 NAC (this represents air units that were historically
ascertain what specific incident occurs in that specific space. destroyed at Pearl Harbor; this optional unit presumes
that they largely survived the Japanese attacks at Pearl
Note: Do not make incident checks for task force/naval units that end Harbor). Set-up this unit in the Pearl Harbor Base Box.
their move in a home base, or those that are compelled to move back
to a previous space after inconclusive naval combat. IJN LAC 26th AG (this unit did not appear until October
of 1942, but was not a dedicated fighter unit until
21.1 Incident Procedure later in the war; this optional unit assumes that
Consult the Incident Table. Roll one die. Cross reference that die roll with it was pressed into service as a fighter unit much
the Event Column to determine the result, as follows: earlier). Set-up this unit at the Wake Island Base.

21.2 Incident Explanations

Calm Seas (USN or IJN): Nothing happens.

Submarine (USN or IJN): Roll one six-sided die, resolved as follows:

1 = One aircraft carrier of your choice, if any is present*, is damaged.

2 = One BB of your choice, if any is present*, is damaged.
3 = One CA, CL, or DD of your choice, if any is present*, is damaged.
4 = One AVD or TR of your choice, if any is present*, is damaged.
5 = No effect.
6 = No effect.

*If no such naval unit is present, the result is “No effect” instead.

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