Intracranial Tuberculoma 5
Intracranial Tuberculoma 5
Intracranial Tuberculoma 5
Case Description
Tuberculoma is a mass of granulomatous tissue
or caseous foci which develops from tubercles.
Tuberculoma case reaches 5-30% of all intracranial Reference
mass lesions. 1 1. John ML. Central Nervous System
Tuberculosis. Microbiology Spectrum.
There are two pathogenic processes for TB in 2017.
Add your information, graphs and images to this section.
the CNS, meningoencephalitis and granuloma 2. Burrill J et al. Tuberculosis : A
(tubercle) formation. The pathology process Radiologic Review. RadioGraphics.
begins with a formation which containing tubercle Tuberculoma is one of the lesion in the brain that is characterized 2007.
caseosa in the brain parenchymal. 4 by a caseous focus. Tuberculoma can be diagnosed by clinical 3. Centers for Disease Control and
Neuroloradiological imaging with CT and MRI manifestation and neuroimaging with CT scan and MRI. CT scan will Prevention (CDC): Trends in
show a hypodens lesion and with contrast will make a ring tuberculosis United States. 2013.
has a high sensitivity for tuberculomas. Nodular
enhancement appearance. In this case a 17 years old child have chief 4. Lee WY, KY Pang, CK Wong. Case
lesions with central hypodens is features of Report; Brain Tuberculoma in Hong
Tuberculoma on CT scan and with contrast shown compliment of headache and seizure. MSCT was performed and the
Kong. 2002.
a ring enhancement lesion. 2 result show a multiple hypodens lesion which with contrast filling 5. Surendra KS, Alladi M, Abhishek S.
The prognosis of this case commonly bettter make a ring enhancement appearance. Before MSCT examination, the Challenges in the diagnosis &
with medical theraphy and tuberculoma lesion can patient have a chest x-ray examination and show a wide spread small treatment of miliary tuberculosis.
nodular opacities distributed throughout both lungs. This Indian J Med. 2012
be disappear. 3
examination supported with positive result of the sputum smear 6. Martin AS, Felix W, Christian F, Stefan
A 17 years old child with a headache and W. Central Nervous System
microscopic test. 1 ,2 Based on the clinical manifestation and the
seizures came to the radiology department and Tuberculosis. Clinical Neuroradiology.
have a MSCT examination. The Result show a examination, this patient was diagnosed with intracranial 2018.
multiple hypodens lesion in the subcortex of right tuberculoma.
temporal lobe and with contrast make a ring Tuberculoma can be induced by immunocompromised. This
enhancement appearance. The sputum smear condition make bacillemia and penetrate the blood brain barrier.. 5,6
microscopy result test of this patient was positive
for TB.