Loving Neighbor: LCS Talk 6
Loving Neighbor: LCS Talk 6
Loving Neighbor: LCS Talk 6
Loving Neighbor
MARK 12:28-31
The most important one is this; Listen, Israel!
The Lord our God is the only Lord. Love the
Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul, with all your mind,
and with all your strength.
The second most important commandment is
this; “Love your neighbor as you love
yourself.” There is no other commandment
more important than these two.
1 JOHN 4:20-21
If we say we love God, but hate others, we are
liars. For we can not love God, whom we have
not seen, if we do not love others, whom we
have seen. The command that Christ has given
us is this: “Whoever loves God must
love others also.”
B. What
Love is
1. Love is not only having positive feelings.
a) Love is risky business. What if one betrays you? What if your loved one
dies? Love seems to set one up to get hurt.
* Thus guarded love tries to protect itself from injury. Avoidance of pain,
difficulty and trial then become a condition attached to love.
b) Christian love is not guaranteed to be painless. But the pain is endured
through commitment, and the injury is sustained through forgiveness,
forbearance, etc.
4. Love is not self-seeking.
JOHN 15: 13
The greatest love you can have for your
friends is to give your life to them.
2. But most are not called to actually
die for others. How then do we
translate love into practical
everyday terms?