Latihan Soal Kompetensi Profesional UP UKM
Latihan Soal Kompetensi Profesional UP UKM
Latihan Soal Kompetensi Profesional UP UKM
Question 1 (1 point)
… representative of the students of high-level achievers, the subjects of the experiment will be students drawn randomly out of the
5 classes as the accessible population
Question 1 options:
Be considered
To be considered
Being considered
Having considered
Question 2 (1 point)
… riding a motorcycle or driving a car can be blamed as the main cause of accidents on the road.
Question 2 options:
Question 3 (1 point)
According to the advertisement, the document that should be submitted by applicants is....
Question 3 options:
Question 4 (1 point)
At the age of sixty-five, Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing a series of novels for young people based on her early experiences on
American frontier. Born in the state of Wisconsin in 1867, she and her family were rugged pioneers. Seeking better farm land, they
went by overed wagon to Missouri in 1869, then on to Kansas the next year, returning to Wisconsin in 1871, and travelling on to
Minnesota and Iowa before settling permanently in South Dakota in 1879. Because of this constant moving, Wilder's early education
took place sporadically in a succession of one-room schools. From age thirteen to sixteen, she attended school more regularly,
although she never graduated. At the age of eighteen, she married Almanzo James Wilder. They bought a small farm in Ozarks,
where they remained for the rest of their lives. Their only daughter, Rose, who had become a nationally known journalist, encouraged
her mother to write. Serving as agent and editor, Rose negotiated with Harper's to publish her mother's first book, Little House in
the Big Woods. Seven more books followed, each chronicling her early life on the plains. Written from the perspective of a child,
they have remained popular with young readers from many nations. Twenty years after her death in 1957, more than 20 million
copies had been sold, and they had been translated into fourteen languages. In 1974, a weekly television series, "Little House on the
Prairie", was produced based on the stories from the Wilder books.
Pada usia enam puluh lima, Laura Ingalls Wilder mulai menulis serangkaian novel untuk kaum muda berdasarkan pengalaman
awalnya di perbatasan Amerika. Dilahirkan di negara bagian Wisconsin pada tahun 1867, ia dan keluarganya adalah perintis yang
tangguh. Mencari tanah pertanian yang lebih baik, mereka pergi dengan gerobak ke Missouri pada tahun 1869, kemudian ke Kansas
tahun berikutnya, kembali ke Wisconsin pada tahun 1871, dan melakukan perjalanan ke Minnesota dan Iowa sebelum menetap
secara permanen di South Dakota pada tahun 1879. Karena pergerakan konstan ini , Pendidikan awal Wilder berlangsung secara
sporadis dalam suksesi sekolah satu kamar. Dari usia tiga belas hingga enam belas tahun, dia bersekolah lebih teratur, meskipun dia
tidak pernah lulus. Pada usia delapan belas tahun, dia menikahi Almanzo James Wilder. Mereka membeli sebuah pertanian kecil di
Ozarks, tempat mereka tinggal selama sisa hidup mereka. Satu-satunya anak perempuan mereka, Rose, yang telah menjadi jurnalis
yang dikenal secara nasional, mendorong ibunya untuk menulis. Melayani sebagai agen dan editor, Rose bernegosiasi dengan
Harper's untuk menerbitkan buku pertama ibunya, Little House in the Big Woods. Tujuh buku lagi diikuti, masing-masing mencatat
kehidupan awalnya di dataran. Ditulis dari sudut pandang seorang anak, mereka tetap populer di kalangan pembaca muda dari
banyak negara. Dua puluh tahun setelah kematiannya pada tahun 1957, lebih dari 20 juta kopi telah terjual, dan mereka telah
diterjemahkan ke dalam empat belas bahasa. Pada 1974, serial televisi mingguan, "Little House on the Prairie", diproduksi
berdasarkan kisah-kisah dari buku-buku Wilder
Question 5 (1 point)
At the age of sixty-five, Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing a series of novels for young people based on her early experiences
on American frontier. Born in the state of Wisconsin in 1867, she and her family were rugged pioneers. Seeking better farm
land, they went by overed wagon to Missouri in 1869, then on to Kansas the next year, returning to Wisconsin in 1871, and
travelling on to Minnesota and Iowa before settling permanently in South Dakota in 1879. Because of this constant moving,
Wilder's early education took place sporadically in a succession of one-room schools. From age thirteen to sixteen, she attended
school more regularly, although she never graduated. At the age of eighteen, she married Almanzo James Wilder. They bought
a small farm in Ozarks, where they remained for the rest of their lives. Their only daughter, Rose, who had become a nationally
known journalist, encouraged her mother to write. Serving as agent and editor, Rose negotiated with Harper's to publish her
mother's first book, Little House in the Big Woods. Seven more books followed, each chronicling her early life on the plains.
Written from the perspective of a child, they have remained popular with young readers from many nations. Twenty years after
her death in 1957, more than 20 million copies had been sold, and they had been translated into fourteen languages. In 1974, a
weekly television series, "Little House on the Prairie", was produced based on the stories from the Wilder books. Which one
of the following events is not true in the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder?
Question 5 options:
Question 6 (1 point)
At the age of sixty-five, Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing a series of novels for young people based on her early experiences on
American frontier. Born in the state of Wisconsin in 1867, she and her family were rugged pioneers. Seeking better farm land, they
went by overed wagon to Missouri in 1869, then on to Kansas the next year, returning to Wisconsin in 1871, and travelling on to
Minnesota and Iowa before settling permanently in South Dakota in 1879. Because of this constant moving, Wilder's early education
took place sporadically in a succession of one-room schools. From age thirteen to sixteen, she attended school more regularly,
although she never graduated. At the age of eighteen, she married Almanzo James Wilder. They bought a small farm in Ozarks,
where they remained for the rest of their lives. Their only daughter, Rose, who had become a nationally known journalist, encouraged
her mother to write. Serving as agent and editor, Rose negotiated with Harper's to publish her mother's first book, Little House in
the Big Woods. Seven more books followed, each chronicling her early life on the plains. Written from the perspective of a child,
they have remained popular with young readers from many nations. Twenty years after her death in 1957, more than 20 million
copies had been sold, and they had been translated into fourteen languages. In 1974, a weekly television series, "Little House on the
Prairie", was produced based on the stories from the Wilder books. It can be inferred from the passage that….
Question 6 options:
Question 7 (1 point)
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) refers to formal academic learning. This includes listening, speaking, reading,
and writing about (30)…. This level of language learning is essential for students to succeed in school. Students need time and
support to become proficient in academic areas, (31)… from five to seven years.
Kecakapan Bahasa Akademik Kognitif (CALP) mengacu pada pembelajaran akademik formal. Ini termasuk mendengarkan,
berbicara, membaca, dan menulis tentang (30)…. Tingkat pembelajaran bahasa ini sangat penting bagi siswa untuk berhasil di
sekolah. Siswa membutuhkan waktu dan dukungan untuk menjadi mahir dalam bidang akademik, (31) ... dari perspektif lima hingga
tujuh tahun ketika ia masih anak-anak, mereka tetap populer di kalangan pembaca muda dari berbagai negara. Dua puluh tahun
setelah kematiannya pada tahun 1957, lebih dari 20 juta kopi telah terjual, dan mereka telah diterjemahkan ke dalam empat belas
bahasa. Pada 1974, serial televisi mingguan, "Little House on the Prairie", diproduksi berdasarkan kisah-kisah dari buku-buku
Question 8 (1 point)
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) refers to formal academic learning. This includes listening, speaking, reading,
and writing about (30)…. This level of language learning is essential for students to succeed in school. Students need time and
support to become proficient in academic areas, (31)… from five to seven years. Which option best completes (31)?
Question 8 options:
Question 9 (1 point)
Content-based instruction (CBI) is a teaching method that emphasizes learning about something rather than learning about language.
Although CBI is not new, there has been (26)… in it over the last ten years, particularly in the USA and Canada where it has proven
very effective in ESL immersion programs. This interest has now spread to EFL classrooms around the world (27)… that their
students like CBI and are excited to learn English this way.
Pengajaran berbasis konten (CBI) adalah metode pengajaran yang menekankan belajar tentang sesuatu daripada belajar tentang
bahasa. Meskipun CBI bukan hal baru, telah ada (26) ... di dalamnya selama sepuluh tahun terakhir, khususnya di AS dan Kanada
di mana telah terbukti sangat efektif dalam program perendaman ESL. Minat ini sekarang telah menyebar ke ruang kelas EFL di
seluruh dunia (27) ... bahwa siswa mereka menyukai CBI dan bersemangat untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dengan cara ini
an increased interest
a heated controversy
an amplified alarm
a confusing trend
a current affair
Question 10 (1 point)
Content-based instruction (CBI) is a teaching method that emphasizes learning about something rather than learning about language.
Although CBI is not new, there has been (26)… in it over the last ten years, particularly in the USA and Canada where it has proven
very effective in ESL immersion programs. This interest has now spread to EFL classrooms around the world (27)… that their
students like CBI and are excited to learn English this way. Which option best completes (27)?
Question 10 options:
Question 11 (1 point)
During the interview session we must be confident. Do not even show in your words ….
Selama sesi wawancara kita harus percaya diri. Bahkan tidak menunjukkan kata-kata Anda
Question 11 options:
brass farthing
besetting sins
broken accents
natural spirits
brute force
Question 12 (1 point)
Everyone present in the seminar was … petrified seeing that Raisha answered the examiner's questions brilliantly.
Semua orang yang hadir dalam seminar itu ... ketakutan melihat Raisha menjawab pertanyaan pemeriksa dengan cemerlang
Question 12 options:
Question 13 (1 point)
Flipped classrooms redefine in-class activities. In-class lessons (28) accompanying flipped classroom may include activity learning
or more traditional homework problems, among other practices, to engage students in the content. Class activities vary but may
include: in-depth laboratory experiments, (29) original document analysis, debate or speech presentation, current event discussions,
peer reviewing, project-based learning, and skill development or concept practice.
Kelas terbalik membalik mendefinisikan aktivitas di dalam kelas. Pelajaran di dalam kelas (28) yang menyertai kelas terbalik dapat
mencakup aktivitas belajar atau masalah pekerjaan rumah yang lebih tradisional, di antara praktik-praktik lain, untuk melibatkan
siswa dalam konten. Kegiatan kelas bervariasi tetapi dapat meliputi: percobaan laboratorium yang mendalam, (29) analisis dokumen
asli, debat atau presentasi pidato, diskusi acara terkini, tinjauan sejawat, pembelajaran berbasis proyek, dan pengembangan
keterampilan atau praktik konsep
Question 14 (1 point)
Flipped classrooms redefine in-class activities. In-class lessons (28) accompanying flipped classroom may include activity learning
or more traditional homework problems, among other practices, to engage students in the content. Class activities vary but may
include: in-depth laboratory experiments, (29) original document analysis, debate or speech presentation, current event discussions,
peer reviewing, project-based learning, and skill development or concept practice. The antonym of the underlined word 'original' is
Question 14 options:
Question 15 (1 point)
Growing Herbs Indoors Materials you need: Containers (with drainage holes and waterproof saucers); herb seeds and/or plants;
potting soil or soilless seed-starting mix; fertilizer Procedures: 1. Prepare the herbs that you want to plant. The herbs you can choose
for windowsill herb garden are basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme. You can start from seed for annual herbs
and from plants for perennial herbs. 2. Use individual pots for each herb so you can give each plant the specific care it needs. Be
sure containers have drainage holes and waterproof saucers. If you want to plant multiple types of herbs in a single container, make
sure they have the same cultural requirements. 3. If starting seeds, fill container with potting mix. Avoid using garden soil, which
tends to be heavy and may contain disease organisms. Sow seeds, checking the seed packet to determine planting depth. Learn what
conditions each herb prefers; for example, basil prefers warmth, while sage and rosemary like cooler temperatures. Consider
choosing compact or dwarf varieties to fit your space. 4. Next, place containers in a sunny, south-facing window. A south-facing
window is adequate for most herbs. Water your herbs to keep soil moist but not soggy, and drain saucers after watering. Fertilize
every two weeks with a half-strength solution of an all-purpose fertilizer. Pinch back branching plants, such as basil, to keep them
shrubby rather than leggy. What do you have to do before filling the container?
Tumbuh Bahan Herbal Di Dalam Ruangan Bahan yang Anda butuhkan: Wadah (dengan lubang drainase dan piring tahan air); biji
dan / atau tanaman herba; pot tanah atau campuran awal tanpa biji; Prosedur pemupukan: 1. Siapkan herbal yang ingin Anda tanam.
Jamu yang bisa kamu pilih untuk taman jamu jendela adalah basil, ketumbar, dill, oregano, rosemary, sage dan thyme. Anda bisa
mulai dari biji untuk ramuan tahunan dan dari tanaman untuk ramuan abadi. 2. Gunakan pot individu untuk masing-masing ramuan
sehingga Anda dapat memberikan setiap tanaman perawatan khusus yang dibutuhkan. Pastikan wadah memiliki lubang drainase
dan piring tahan air. Jika Anda ingin menanam beberapa jenis herbal dalam satu wadah, pastikan mereka memiliki persyaratan
budaya yang sama. 3. Jika memulai benih, isi wadah dengan campuran pot. Hindari menggunakan tanah kebun, yang cenderung
berat dan mungkin mengandung organisme penyakit. Menabur benih, memeriksa paket benih untuk menentukan kedalaman tanam.
Pelajari kondisi apa yang disukai setiap ramuan; misalnya, kemangi lebih menyukai kehangatan, sedangkan sage dan rosemary
menyukai suhu yang lebih dingin. Pertimbangkan memilih varietas kompak atau kerdil yang sesuai dengan ruang Anda. 4.
Selanjutnya, tempatkan wadah di jendela yang cerah dan menghadap ke selatan. Jendela yang menghadap ke selatan cukup untuk
sebagian besar tanaman obat. Siram ramuan Anda agar tanah tetap lembab tetapi tidak lembek, dan tiriskan cawan setelah disiram.
Pupuk setiap dua minggu dengan larutan setengah-guna dari pupuk serba guna. Jepit kembali tanaman bercabang, seperti kemangi,
agar tanamannya tidak kerdil daripada berkaki panjang. Apa yang harus Anda lakukan sebelum mengisi wadah?
Question 15 options:
Question 16 (1 point)
Growing Herbs Indoors Materials you need: Containers (with drainage holes and waterproof saucers); herb seeds and/or plants;
potting soil or soilless seed-starting mix; fertilizer Procedures: 1. Prepare the herbs that you want to plant. The herbs you can choose
for windowsill herb garden are basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme. You can start from seed for annual herbs
and from plants for perennial herbs. 2. Use individual pots for each herb so you can give each plant the specific care it needs. Be
sure containers have drainage holes and waterproof saucers. If you want to plant multiple types of herbs in a single container, make
sure they have the same cultural requirements. 3. If starting seeds, fill container with potting mix. Avoid using garden soil, which
tends to be heavy and may contain disease organisms. Sow seeds, checking the seed packet to determine planting depth. Learn what
conditions each herb prefers; for example, basil prefers warmth, while sage and rosemary like cooler temperatures. Consider
choosing compact or dwarf varieties to fit your space. 4. Next, place containers in a sunny, south-facing window. A south-facing
window is adequate for most herbs. Water your herbs to keep soil moist but not soggy, and drain saucers after watering. Fertilize
every two weeks with a half-strength solution of an all-purpose fertilizer. Pinch back branching plants, such as basil, to keep them
shrubby rather than leggy. It is not recommended to use garden soil to plant the indoor herbs because ....
Question 16 options:
Question 17 (1 point)
Growing Herbs Indoors Materials you need: Containers (with drainage holes and waterproof saucers); herb seeds and/or plants;
potting soil or soilless seed-starting mix; fertilizer Procedures: 1. Prepare the herbs that you want to plant. The herbs you can choose
for windowsill herb garden are basil, cilantro, dill, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme. You can start from seed for annual herbs
and from plants for perennial herbs. 2. Use individual pots for each herb so you can give each plant the specific care it needs. Be
sure containers have drainage holes and waterproof saucers. If you want to plant multiple types of herbs in a single container, make
sure they have the same cultural requirements. 3. If starting seeds, fill container with potting mix. Avoid using garden soil, which
tends to be heavy and may contain disease organisms. Sow seeds, checking the seed packet to determine planting depth. Learn what
conditions each herb prefers; for example, basil prefers warmth, while sage and rosemary like cooler temperatures. Consider
choosing compact or dwarf varieties to fit your space. 4. Next, place containers in a sunny, south-facing window. A south-facing
window is adequate for most herbs. Water your herbs to keep soil moist but not soggy, and drain saucers after watering. Fertilize
every two weeks with a half-strength solution of an all-purpose fertilizer. Pinch back branching plants, such as basil, to keep them
shrubby rather than leggy. After planting the herbs, you need to ….
Question 17 options:
Question 18 (1 point)
Recently, I took a trip to Japan. I went across the country and visited most of its famous places. One that I noted was Akihabara.
One notable establishment which can be found in Akihabara is called a Girl/Maid Cafe, a themed restaurant where the servers are
women and they come and have conversations with you at your table. Together with my friends, we went to a Mermaid Cafe, which
was themed to be under the sea. Our waitress was named Momone, and while she did not look exactly like a Mermaid, she was
definitely wearing a stereotypical maid outfit. Unfortunately I did not speak Japanese, though the rest of my small cohort did, so a
long conversation ensued about our servers' interests and adventures. I purchased a special drink, which costed a bit more than the
others, but came with a cute Polaroid which Momone and I posed for. She wrote all over the Polaroid with markers, writing cute
messages and drawing hearts, to help build the illusion that we were a cute (Kawaii) couple. The arcades in Akihabara are filled
with people playing games. I am a big fan of Guilty Gear, but I could not find it in the arcade I was in, so I instead settled for Blaz
Blu, its cousin. This arcade, and many other buildings in the area, have very slow elevators and no staircases. If there were a fire I
could only assume everybody would die. One of the shops I went to was several stories tall. The first story contained modern console
video games, the next stories contain retro console games. One story is dedicated to movies, while another to board games. There I
purchase one toy as a souvenir for a friend back in the States, though I had not yet asked how it worked. When riding between cities,
the trains were very packed. In these trains one will find many Japanese Businesspersons, who mostly appear sad and tired. This
offers a sharp contrast with the whole "Kawaii" culture which is especially prevalent in Akihabara.
Baru-baru ini, saya melakukan perjalanan ke Jepang. Saya pergi ke seluruh negeri dan mengunjungi sebagian besar tempat-tempat
terkenalnya. Salah satu yang saya perhatikan adalah Akihabara. Salah satu tempat terkenal yang dapat ditemukan di Akihabara
disebut Girl / Maid Cafe, sebuah restoran bertema di mana servernya adalah wanita dan mereka datang dan bercakap-cakap dengan
Anda di meja Anda. Bersama dengan teman-teman saya, kami pergi ke Mermaid Cafe, yang bertema berada di bawah laut. Pelayan
kami bernama Momone, dan meskipun dia tidak terlihat persis seperti Putri Duyung, dia jelas mengenakan pakaian pelayan stereotip.
Sayangnya saya tidak berbicara bahasa Jepang, meskipun sisa dari kohort kecil saya melakukannya, jadi percakapan panjang terjadi
tentang minat dan petualangan server kami. Saya membeli minuman khusus, yang harganya sedikit lebih mahal dari yang lain, tetapi
datang dengan Polaroid lucu yang saya dan Momone berpose. Dia menulis di seluruh Polaroid dengan spidol, menulis pesan lucu
dan menggambar hati, untuk membantu membangun ilusi bahwa kami adalah pasangan imut (Kawaii). Arcade di Akihabara
dipenuhi dengan orang-orang yang bermain game. Saya penggemar berat Guilty Gear, tapi saya tidak bisa menemukannya di arcade
tempat saya berada, jadi saya malah memilih Blaz Blu, sepupunya. Arcade ini, dan banyak bangunan lain di daerah itu, memiliki
lift yang sangat lambat dan tidak ada tangga. Jika ada api, saya hanya bisa berasumsi semua orang akan mati. Salah satu toko yang
saya kunjungi tingginya beberapa lantai. Kisah pertama berisi video game konsol modern, kisah selanjutnya berisi game konsol
retro. Satu cerita didedikasikan untuk film, sementara yang lain untuk naik gim. Di sana saya membeli satu mainan sebagai suvenir
untuk seorang teman di Amerika, meskipun saya belum bertanya bagaimana cara kerjanya. Saat mengendarai antar kota, kereta itu
sangat padat. Dalam kereta ini orang akan menemukan banyak Pengusaha Jepang, yang sebagian besar tampak sedih dan lelah. Ini
menawarkan kontras yang tajam dengan seluruh budaya "Kawaii" yang sangat lazim di Akihabara
the trip to get special toys the writer could buy in Akihabara
Question 19 (1 point)
Recently, I took a trip to Japan. I went across the country and visited most of its famous places. One that I noted was Akihabara.
One notable establishment which can be found in Akihabara is called a Girl/Maid Cafe, a themed restaurant where the servers are
women and they come and have conversations with you at your table. Together with my friends, we went to a Mermaid Cafe, which
was themed to be under the sea. Our waitress was named Momone, and while she did not look exactly like a Mermaid, she was
definitely wearing a stereotypical maid outfit. Unfortunately I did not speak Japanese, though the rest of my small cohort did, so a
long conversation ensued about our servers' interests and adventures. I purchased a special drink, which costed a bit more than the
others, but came with a cute Polaroid which Momone and I posed for. She wrote all over the Polaroid with markers, writing cute
messages and drawing hearts, to help build the illusion that we were a cute (Kawaii) couple. The arcades in Akihabara are filled
with people playing games. I am a big fan of Guilty Gear, but I could not find it in the arcade I was in, so I instead settled for Blaz
Blu, its cousin. This arcade, and many other buildings in the area, have very slow elevators and no staircases. If there were a fire I
could only assume everybody would die. One of the shops I went to was several stories tall. The first story contained modern console
video games, the next stories contain retro console games. One story is dedicated to movies, while another to board games. There I
purchase one toy as a souvenir for a friend back in the States, though I had not yet asked how it worked. When riding between cities,
the trains were very packed. In these trains one will find many Japanese Businesspersons, who mostly appear sad and tired. This
offers a sharp contrast with the whole "Kawaii" culture which is especially prevalent in Akihabara. Which of these statements that
is correct based on the text?
Question 19 options:
The businesspersons give the different view about the culture in Akihabara.
Question 20 (1 point)
Social Network Impact on Young People The impact of social networks on young people is significant. Children are growing up
surrounded by mobile devices and interactive social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which has made
the social media a vital aspect of their life. Social network is transforming the manner in which young people interact with their
parents, peers, as well as how they make use of technology. However, hyper-connected to social network cannot be bad for them.
The effects of social networking are twofold. On the positive side, social networks can act as invaluable tools for professionals.
They achieve this by assisting young professionals to market their skills and seek business opportunities. Social networking sites
may also be used to network professionally. On the negative side, the internet is laden with a number of risks associated with online
communities. Cyber bullying, which refers to a type of bullying that is perpetrated using electronic technology, is one of the risks.
Bullies have taken to internet sites such as Twitter and Facebook, where the hide behind the anonymity provided by the internet to
carry out their despicable acts. Young people also run the risk of inadvertently disclosing their personal information since on most
occasions; they usually neglect to read carefully websites' privacy policies. Whenever young people fail to read the policies and
disclaimers, they are exposed to risks of having their personal information disclosed. This is especially a serious matter in light o
the rising cases of cyber crimes such as identity theft. New studies reveal that social networks have the ability to sway people to
spend money by running advertisements on the user's page. Such forms of near-subliminal advertising can subconsciously cause an
individual to buy certain merchandise. It is becoming increasingly clear that social networks have become part of people's lives.
Many young people are using their tablet computers and smartphones to check Tweets and status updates from their friends and
family. As technology advances, people are pressured to adopt different lifestyles. Social networking sites can assist young people
to become more socially capable. However, they may also make them clumsy and incompetent, as well. Therefore, it is imperative
to exercise caution and restraint when dealing with such issues. What makes bullies are found on the social network?
Dampak Jejaring Sosial pada Kaum Muda Dampak jejaring sosial terhadap kaum muda adalah signifikan. Anak-anak tumbuh
dikelilingi oleh perangkat seluler dan situs jejaring sosial interaktif seperti Twitter, Instagram, dan Facebook, yang menjadikan
media sosial sebagai aspek vital dalam kehidupan mereka. Jejaring sosial mengubah cara orang-orang muda berinteraksi dengan
orang tua mereka, teman sebaya, serta bagaimana mereka memanfaatkan teknologi. Namun, hyper-connected ke jejaring sosial tidak
bisa berdampak buruk bagi mereka. Efek dari jejaring sosial ada dua. Di sisi positif, jejaring sosial dapat bertindak sebagai alat yang
sangat berharga bagi para profesional. Mereka mencapai ini dengan membantu para profesional muda untuk memasarkan
keterampilan mereka dan mencari peluang bisnis. Situs jejaring sosial juga dapat digunakan untuk berjejaring secara profesional.
Di sisi negatif, internet sarat dengan sejumlah risiko yang terkait dengan komunitas online. Penindasan dunia maya, yang mengacu
pada jenis penindasan yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi elektronik, adalah salah satu risikonya. Pengganggu telah
dibawa ke situs internet seperti Twitter dan Facebook, tempat persembunyian di balik anonimitas yang disediakan oleh internet
untuk melakukan tindakan tercela mereka. Orang-orang muda juga menghadapi risiko tidak sengaja mengungkapkan informasi
pribadi mereka sejak di sebagian besar kesempatan; mereka biasanya lalai membaca dengan cermat kebijakan privasi situs web.
Kapan pun kaum muda gagal membaca kebijakan dan penafian, mereka terpapar risiko diungkapkannya informasi pribadi mereka.
Ini khususnya masalah serius mengingat meningkatnya kasus kejahatan dunia maya seperti pencurian identitas. Studi baru
mengungkapkan bahwa jejaring sosial memiliki kemampuan untuk mempengaruhi orang untuk menghabiskan uang dengan
menjalankan iklan di halaman pengguna. Bentuk-bentuk periklanan yang hampir subliminal dapat secara tidak sadar menyebabkan
seseorang membeli barang dagangan tertentu. Semakin jelas bahwa jejaring sosial telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan manusia.
Banyak anak muda menggunakan komputer tablet dan telepon pintar mereka untuk memeriksa Tweet dan pembaruan status dari
teman dan keluarga mereka. Seiring kemajuan teknologi, orang-orang ditekan untuk mengadopsi gaya hidup yang berbeda. Situs
jejaring sosial dapat membantu kaum muda menjadi lebih mampu secara sosial. Namun, mereka juga bisa membuat mereka
canggung dan tidak kompeten. Karena itu, sangat penting untuk berhati-hati dan menahan diri ketika berhadapan dengan masalah
seperti itu. Apa yang membuat pengganggu ditemukan di jejaring sosial?
Question 20 options:
People have their own privacy protected by the law set up in the internet.
Question 21 (1 point)
Social Network Impact on Young People The impact of social networks on young people is significant. Children are growing
up surrounded by mobile devices and interactive social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which has
made the social media a vital aspect of their life. Social network is transforming the manner in which young people interact
with their parents, peers, as well as how they make use of technology. However, hyper -connected to social network cannot be
bad for them. The effects of social networking are twofold. On the positive side, social networks can act as invaluable tools for
professionals. They achieve this by assisting young professionals to market their skills and seek business opportunities. Soc ial
networking sites may also be used to network professionally. On the negative side, the internet is laden with a number of risks
associated with online communities. Cyber bullying, which refers to a type of bullying that is perpetrated using electronic
technology, is one of the risks. Bullies have taken to internet sites such as Twitter and Facebook, where the hide behind the
anonymity provided by the internet to carry out their despicable acts. Young people also run the risk of inadvertently disclo sing
their personal information since on most occasions; they usually neglect to read carefully websites' privacy policies. Whenever
young people fail to read the policies and disclaimers, they are exposed to risks of having their personal information disclo sed.
This is especially a serious matter in light o the rising cases of cyber crimes such as identity theft. New studies reveal that social
networks have the ability to sway people to spend money by running advertisements on the user's page. Such forms of near -
subliminal advertising can subconsciously cause an individual to buy certain merchandise. It is becoming increasingly clear
that social networks have become part of people's lives. Many young people are using their tablet computers and smartphones
to check Tweets and status updates from their friends and family. As technology advances, people are pressured to adopt
different lifestyles. Social networking sites can assist young people to become more socially capable. However, they may also
make them clumsy and incompetent, as well. Therefore, it is imperative to exercise caution and restraint when dealing with
such issues. "They" achieve this by assisting young professionals to market their skills and seek business opportunities.
(Paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to....
Question 21 options:
A. The effects
Social networks
Business opportunities
Internet users
Question 22 (1 point)
Social Network Impact on Young People The impact of social networks on young people is significant. Children are growing up
surrounded by mobile devices and interactive social networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which has made
the social media a vital aspect of their life. Social network is transforming the manner in which young people interact with their
parents, peers, as well as how they make use of technology. However, hyper-connected to social network cannot be bad for them.
The effects of social networking are twofold. On the positive side, social networks can act as invaluable tools for professionals.
They achieve this by assisting young professionals to market their skills and seek business opportunities. Social networking sites
may also be used to network professionally. On the negative side, the internet is laden with a number of risks associated with online
communities. Cyber bullying, which refers to a type of bullying that is perpetrated using electronic technology, is one of the risks.
Bullies have taken to internet sites such as Twitter and Facebook, where the hide behind the anonymity provided by the internet to
carry out their despicable acts. Young people also run the risk of inadvertently disclosing their personal information since on most
occasions; they usually neglect to read carefully websites' privacy policies. Whenever young people fail to read the policies and
disclaimers, they are exposed to risks of having their personal information disclosed. This is especially a serious matter in light o
the rising cases of cyber crimes such as identity theft. New studies reveal that social networks have the ability to sway people to
spend money by running advertisements on the user's page. Such forms of near-subliminal advertising can subconsciously cause an
individual to buy certain merchandise. It is becoming increasingly clear that social networks have become part of people's lives.
Many young people are using their tablet computers and smartphones to check Tweets and status updates from their friends and
family. As technology advances, people are pressured to adopt different lifestyles. Social networking sites can assist young people
to become more socially capable. However, they may also make them clumsy and incompetent, as well. Therefore, it is imperative
to exercise caution and restraint when dealing with such issues. What is likely the writer's opinion toward social networks?
Question 22 options:
The social networks only give bad impacts for young people.
Question 23 (1 point)
Steps for Connecting a Laptop to a Projector To connect a laptop to a projector, you need to prepare... 1. First, make sure your
computer and laptop are both turned off. 2. Second, connect the video cable (usually VGA) from your laptop's external video port
to the projector. 3. Then, plug your projector into an electrical outlet and press the "power" button to turn it ON. 4. Next, turn on
your laptop. 5. If you need audio for your presentation, connect the laptop's "audio out" port to the projector, or to another sound
system. 6. Sync the projector and laptop by holding down the FUNCTION key function (Fn) and pressing one of the following keys
to toggle. (Note: Depending on your computer, you may have to use a different F key than those listed above.)
Langkah-langkah untuk Menghubungkan Laptop ke Proyektor Untuk menghubungkan laptop ke proyektor, Anda harus menyiapkan
... 1. Pertama, pastikan komputer dan laptop Anda dimatikan. 2. Kedua, sambungkan kabel video (biasanya VGA) dari porta video
eksternal laptop Anda ke proyektor. 3. Kemudian, colokkan proyektor Anda ke outlet listrik dan tekan tombol "power" untuk
menyalakannya. 4. Selanjutnya, nyalakan laptop Anda. 5. Jika Anda membutuhkan audio untuk presentasi Anda, sambungkan port
"audio out" laptop ke proyektor, atau ke sistem suara lain. 6. Sinkronkan proyektor dan laptop dengan menahan fungsi tombol
FUNCTION (Fn) dan menekan salah satu tombol berikut untuk berganti. (Catatan: Bergantung pada komputer Anda, Anda mungkin
harus menggunakan kunci F yang berbeda dari yang tercantum di atas.)
Question 24 (1 point)
Steps for Connecting a Laptop to a Projector To connect a laptop to a projector, you need to prepare... 1. First, make sure your
computer and laptop are both turned off. 2. Second, connect the video cable (usually VGA) from your laptop's external video port
to the projector. 3. Then, plug your projector into an electrical outlet and press the "power" button to turn it ON. 4. Next, turn on
your laptop. 5. If you need audio for your presentation, connect the laptop's "audio out" port to the projector, or to another sound
system. 6. Sync the projector and laptop by holding down the FUNCTION key function (Fn) and pressing one of the following keys
to toggle. (Note: Depending on your computer, you may have to use a different F key than those listed above.) What should you do
to present the audio for your presentation?
Question 24 options:
Sync the projector and laptop by holding down the FUNCTION key.
Question 25 (1 point)
Suppose we want to build a machine that understands or generates linguistic communication between humans. So, we need models
and processes for (32) getting chunks of information from voice or textual utterances and manipulating them inside a computer.
These models' catch-all name is natural language processing. The underlined part getting chunks of information in the passage may
be best rephrased as….
Misalkan kita ingin membangun sebuah mesin yang mengerti atau menghasilkan komunikasi linguistik antara manusia. Jadi, kita
membutuhkan model dan proses untuk (32) mendapatkan potongan informasi dari ucapan suara atau teks dan memanipulasi mereka
di dalam komputer. Nama tangkap semua model ini adalah pemrosesan bahasa alami. Bagian yang digarisbawahi mendapatkan
potongan informasi dalam bagian itu mungkin sebaiknya diulangi sebagai ....
Question 25 options:
Question 26 (1 point)
The Bear Who Married a Woman Once upon a time there lived a widow of the tribe of the Gispaxlâ'ts. Many men tried to marry
her daughter, but she declined them all. The mother said, "When a man comes to marry you, feel of the palms of his hands. If they
are soft, decline him. If they are rough, accept him." She meant that she wanted to have a son-in-law who is skillful in building
canoes. Her daughter obeyed her commands and refused all young men. One night a youth came to her. The palms of his hands
were very rough, and therefore she accepted his suit. Early in the morning, however, he had suddenly disappeared, even before she
had seen him. When her mother arose early in the morning and went out, she found a halibut (name of fish) on the beach in front of
the house, although it was midwinter. The following evening the young man came back, but disappeared again before the dawn of
the day. In the morning the widow found a seal in front of the house. Thus they lived for some time. The young woman never saw
the face of her husband; but every morning she found an animal on the beach, every day a larger one. Thus the widow came to be
very rich. She was anxious to see her son-in-law, and one day she waited until he arrived. Suddenly she saw a red bear appear from
the water. He carried a whale on each side, and put them down on the beach. As soon as he noticed that he was observed, he was
transformed into a rock, which may be seen up to this day. He was a supernatural being of the sea. Which of the following statement
is TRUE according to the text?
Beruang yang Menikahi Seorang Wanita Pada suatu masa hiduplah seorang janda dari suku Gispax. Banyak pria mencoba menikahi
putrinya, tetapi dia menolak semuanya. Sang ibu berkata, "Ketika seorang pria datang untuk menikahi Anda, rasakan telapak
tangannya. Jika mereka lembut, tolak dia. Jika mereka kasar, terimalah dia." Maksudnya, dia ingin memiliki menantu yang terampil
membangun sampan. Putrinya mematuhi perintahnya dan menolak semua pria muda. Suatu malam seorang pemuda mendatanginya.
Telapak tangannya sangat kasar, dan karena itu dia menerima jasnya. Namun, dini hari, dia tiba-tiba menghilang, bahkan sebelum
dia melihatnya. Ketika ibunya bangun pagi-pagi dan keluar, dia menemukan halibut (nama ikan) di pantai di depan rumah, meskipun
itu musim dingin. Malam berikutnya pemuda itu kembali, tetapi menghilang lagi sebelum fajar hari itu. Di pagi hari janda itu
menemukan segel di depan rumah. Demikianlah mereka hidup selama beberapa waktu. Wanita muda itu tidak pernah melihat wajah
suaminya; tetapi setiap pagi dia menemukan seekor binatang di pantai, setiap hari lebih besar. Demikianlah janda itu menjadi sangat
kaya. Dia ingin sekali bertemu dengan menantunya, dan suatu hari dia menunggu sampai dia datang. Tiba-tiba dia melihat beruang
merah muncul dari air. Dia membawa seekor paus di setiap sisinya, dan meletakkannya di pantai. Begitu dia menyadari bahwa dia
diamati, dia berubah menjadi batu, yang dapat dilihat hingga hari ini. Dia adalah makhluk supranatural dari laut. Manakah dari
pernyataan berikut yang BENAR menurut teks?
Question 26 options:
The woman wanted to have a man with soft palms as her son-in-law.
The daughter disobeyed her mom to refuse all men with soft palms.
Question 27 (1 point)
The Bear Who Married a Woman Once upon a time there lived a widow of the tribe of the Gispaxlâ'ts. Many men tried to marry
her daughter, but she declined them all. The mother said, "When a man comes to marry you, feel of the palms of his hands. If they
are soft, decline him. If they are rough, accept him." She meant that she wanted to have a son-in-law who is skillful in building
canoes. Her daughter obeyed her commands and refused all young men. One night a youth came to her. The palms of his hands
were very rough, and therefore she accepted his suit. Early in the morning, however, he had suddenly disappeared, even before she
had seen him. When her mother arose early in the morning and went out, she found a halibut (name of fish) on the beach in front of
the house, although it was midwinter. The following evening the young man came back, but disappeared again before the dawn of
the day. In the morning the widow found a seal in front of the house. Thus they lived for some time. The young woman never saw
the face of her husband; but every morning she found an animal on the beach, every day a larger one. Thus the widow came to be
very rich. She was anxious to see her son-in-law, and one day she waited until he arrived. Suddenly she saw a red bear appear from
the water. He carried a whale on each side, and put them down on the beach. As soon as he noticed that he was observed, he was
transformed into a rock, which may be seen up to this day. He was a supernatural being of the sea. What can we conclude from the
Question 27 options:
The daughter did not love the young man but she had to marry him.
The woman finally realized that she had a red bear as her son-in-law.
The daughter knew the real identity of her husband yet still loved him.
Question 28 (1 point)
The Bear Who Married a Woman Once upon a time there lived a widow of the tribe of the Gispaxlâ'ts. Many men tried to marry
her daughter, but she declined them all. The mother said, "When a man comes to marry you, feel of the palms of his hands. If
they are soft, decline him. If they are rough, accept him." She meant that she wanted to have a son -in-law who is skillful in
building canoes. Her daughter obeyed her commands and refused all young men. One night a youth came to her. The palms of
his hands were very rough, and therefore she accepted his suit. Early in the morning, however, he had suddenly disappeared,
even before she had seen him. When her mother arose early in the morning and went out, she found a halibut (name of fish) on
the beach in front of the house, although it was midwinter. The following evening the young man came back, but disappeared
again before the dawn of the day. In the morning the widow found a seal in front of the house. Thus they lived for some time.
The young woman never saw the face of her husband; but every morning she found an animal on the beach, every day a larger
one. Thus the widow came to be very rich. She was anxious to see her son-in-law, and one day she waited until he arrived.
Suddenly she saw a red bear appear from the water. He carried a whale on each side, and put them down on the beach. As soon
as he noticed that he was observed, he was transformed into a rock, which may be seen up to this day. He was a supernatural
being of the sea. We can learn from the text that....
Question 28 options:
Question 29 (1 point)
The best arrangement of these sentences to make a logical paragraph is…
1. Therefore, it needs a broad effort by everyone to make the proper education system in such countries.
2. Education is very necessary for the betterment of everyone's life.
3. However, the education system is still weak in the undeveloped countries.
4. It enables us and prepares us in every aspect of life.
5. People living in such countries are poor and spend their whole day in arranging only some basic needs.
6. Proper education also creates lots of ways to go ahead in the future. Thus, we all should know the importance of education in our
Pengaturan terbaik dari kalimat-kalimat ini untuk membuat paragraf yang logis adalah ...
1. Oleh karena itu, perlu upaya luas dari semua orang untuk membuat sistem pendidikan yang tepat di negara-negara tersebut.
2. Pendidikan sangat diperlukan untuk perbaikan kehidupan setiap orang.
3. Namun, sistem pendidikan masih lemah di negara-negara yang belum berkembang.
4. Itu memampukan kita dan mempersiapkan kita dalam setiap aspek kehidupan.
5. Orang-orang yang tinggal di negara-negara seperti itu miskin dan menghabiskan sepanjang hari mereka dalam mengatur hanya
beberapa kebutuhan dasar.
6. Pendidikan yang tepat juga menciptakan banyak cara untuk terus maju di masa depan. Dengan demikian, kita semua harus
mengetahui pentingnya pendidikan dalam kehidupan kita.
Question 29 options:
Question 30 (1 point)
The earth has four major layers: the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust and the top of the mantle make up a thin skin
on the surface of our planet. But this skin is not all in one piece – it is made up of many pieces like a puzzle covering the surface of
the earth. Not only that, but these puzzle pieces keep slowly moving around, sliding past one another and bumping into each other.
We call these puzzle pieces tectonic plates, and the edges of the plates are called the plate boundaries. The plate boundaries are
made up of many faults, and most of the earthquakes around the world occur on these faults. Since the edges of the plates are rough,
they get stuck while the rest of the plate keeps moving. Finally, when the plate has moved far enough, the edges unstuck on one of
the faults and there is an earthquake. While the edges of faults are stuck together, and the rest of the block is moving, the energy
that would normally cause the blocks to slide past one another is being stored up. When the force of the moving blocks finally
overcomes the friction of the jagged edges of the fault and it unsticks, all that stored up energy is released. The energy radiates
outward from the fault in all directions in the form of seismic waves like ripples on a pond. The seismic waves shake the earth as
they move through it, and when the waves reach the earth's surface, they shake the ground and anything on it, like our houses and
us! Why does the writer write the text?
Bumi memiliki empat lapisan utama: inti dalam, inti luar, mantel dan kerak bumi. Kerak dan bagian atas mantel membuat kulit tipis
di permukaan planet kita. Tetapi kulit ini tidak semuanya utuh - terdiri dari banyak potongan seperti puzzle yang menutupi
permukaan bumi. Bukan hanya itu, tetapi potongan-potongan puzzle ini terus bergerak perlahan, meluncur melewati satu sama lain
dan menabrak satu sama lain. Kami menyebut potongan-potongan puzzle ini lempeng tektonik, dan ujung lempeng itu disebut batas
lempeng. Batas lempeng terdiri dari banyak patahan, dan sebagian besar gempa bumi di seluruh dunia terjadi pada patahan ini.
Karena ujung-ujungnya kasar, mereka tersangkut sementara sisa piring terus bergerak. Akhirnya, ketika lempeng telah bergerak
cukup jauh, ujung-ujungnya terlepas dari salah satu patahan dan terjadi gempa bumi. Sementara tepi kesalahan saling menempel,
dan sisa blok bergerak, energi yang biasanya menyebabkan blok meluncur melewati satu sama lain sedang disimpan. Ketika
kekuatan balok bergerak akhirnya mengatasi gesekan tepi bergerigi dari kesalahan dan melepaskan, semua energi yang tersimpan
dilepaskan. Energi memancar keluar dari patahan ke segala arah dalam bentuk gelombang seismik seperti riak di kolam. Gelombang
seismik mengguncang bumi ketika mereka bergerak melewatinya, dan ketika gelombang mencapai permukaan bumi, mereka
mengguncang tanah dan apa pun di atasnya, seperti rumah kita dan kita! Mengapa penulis menulis teks?
Question 30 options:
Question 31 (1 point)
The earth has four major layers: the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust and the top of the mantle make up a thin skin
on the surface of our planet. But this skin is not all in one piece – it is made up of many pieces like a puzzle covering the surface of
the earth. Not only that, but these puzzle pieces keep slowly moving around, sliding past one another and bumping into each other.
We call these puzzle pieces tectonic plates, and the edges of the plates are called the plate boundaries. The plate boundaries are
made up of many faults, and most of the earthquakes around the world occur on these faults. Since the edges of the plates are rough,
they get stuck while the rest of the plate keeps moving. Finally, when the plate has moved far enough, the edges unstuck on one of
the faults and there is an earthquake. While the edges of faults are stuck together, and the rest of the block is moving, the energy
that would normally cause the blocks to slide past one another is being stored up. When the force of the moving blocks finally
overcomes the friction of the jagged edges of the fault and it unsticks, all that stored up energy is released. The energy radiates
outward from the fault in all directions in the form of seismic waves like ripples on a pond. The seismic waves shake the earth as
they move through it, and when the waves reach the earth's surface, they shake the ground and anything on it, like our houses and
us! ... and most of the earthquakes around the world "occur" on these faults. (Par 1) The underlined word has a closest meaning to....
Question 31 options:
A. happen
Question 32
The earth has four major layers: the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust and the top of the mantle make up a thin skin
on the surface of our planet. But this skin is not all in one piece – it is made up of many pieces like a puzzle covering the surface of
the earth. Not only that, but these puzzle pieces keep slowly moving around, sliding past one another and bumping into each other.
We call these puzzle pieces tectonic plates, and the edges of the plates are called the plate boundaries. The plate boundaries are
made up of many faults, and most of the earthquakes around the world occur on these faults. Since the edges of the plates are rough,
they get stuck while the rest of the plate keeps moving. Finally, when the plate has moved far enough, the edges unstuck on one of
the faults and there is an earthquake. While the edges of faults are stuck together, and the rest of the block is moving, the energy
that would normally cause the blocks to slide past one another is being stored up. When the force of the moving blocks finally
overcomes the friction of the jagged edges of the fault and it unsticks, all that stored up energy is released. The energy radiates
outward from the fault in all directions in the form of seismic waves like ripples on a pond. The seismic waves shake the earth as
they move through it, and when the waves reach the earth's surface, they shake the ground and anything on it, like our houses and
us! The text mainly talks about....
Question 32 options:
Question 33 (1 point)
The explanation on the new teaching method can take a long time. But, the lecturer did not have much time as he had to go out of
town on duty. So, he tried to keep the explanation….
Penjelasan tentang metode pengajaran baru bisa memakan waktu lama. Tetapi, dosen tidak punya banyak waktu karena dia harus
pergi ke luar kota bertugas. Jadi, dia berusaha menjaga penjelasannya…
Question 33 options:
Question 34 (1 point)
The Indus River Valley was once home to the most widespread and peaceful of the ancient civilizations: the Indus Valley
civilization also referred to as the Harappan civilization. Known for its two major cities, Harappa and Mohenjo -Daro, this
society lasted from roughly 3300 B.C. to 1300 B.C., yet it was only recently rediscovered wit hin the last one hundred years.
Studies of the long-buried sites show surprising and interesting findings about the people, culture, and structures that made up
this great civilization. The phrase "early civilizations" usually conjures up images of Egypt a nd Mesopotamia and their
pyramids, mummies, and golden tombs. But in the 1920s, a huge discovery in South Asia proved that Egypt and Mesopotamia
were not the only "early civilizations." In the vast Indus River plains (located in what is today Pakistan and western India),
under layers of land and mounds of dirt, archaeologists discovered the remains of a 4,600 -year-old city. A thriving, urban
civilization had existed at the same time as Egyptian and Mesopotamian states—in an area twice each of their sizes. The people
of this Indus Valley civilization did not build massive monuments like their contemporaries, nor did they bury riches among
their dead in golden tombs. There were no mummies, no emperors, and no violent wars or bloody battles in their territory.
Remarkably, the lack of all these is what makes the Indus Valley civilization so exciting and unique. While others civilizati ons
were devoting huge amounts of time and resources to the rich, the supernatural, and the dead, Indus Valley inhabitants were
taking a practical approach to supporting the common, secular, living people. Sure, they believed in an afterlife and employed
a system of social divisions. But they also believed resources were more valuable in circulation among the living than on dis play
or buried underground. Amazingly, the Indus Valley civilization appears to have been a peaceful one. Very few weapons have
been found and no evidence of an army has been discovered. Excavated human bones reveal no signs of violence, and building
remains show no indication of battle. All evidence points to a preference for peace and success in achieving it. So how did such
a practical and peaceful civilization become so successful? (To be continued) The Indus Valley civilization was described as
Lembah Sungai Indus pernah menjadi rumah bagi peradaban kuno yang paling luas dan damai: peradaban Lembah Indus juga
disebut sebagai peradaban Harappan. Dikenal karena dua kota utamanya, Harappa dan Mohenjo-Daro, masyarakat ini bertahan
sekitar 3300 SM. hingga 1300 SM, namun baru-baru ini ditemukan kembali dalam seratus tahun terakhir. Studi terhadap situs yang
telah lama terkubur menunjukkan temuan yang mengejutkan dan menarik tentang orang-orang, budaya, dan struktur yang
membentuk peradaban besar ini. Ungkapan "peradaban awal" biasanya memunculkan gambar Mesir dan Mesopotamia dan
piramida, mumi, dan makam emas mereka. Tetapi pada 1920-an, sebuah penemuan besar di Asia Selatan membuktikan bahwa
Mesir dan Mesopotamia bukan satu-satunya "peradaban awal." Di dataran Sungai Indus yang luas (terletak di tempat yang sekarang
bernama Pakistan dan India barat), di bawah lapisan tanah dan gundukan tanah, para arkeolog menemukan sisa-sisa kota berusia
4.600 tahun. Sebuah peradaban kota yang berkembang pesat telah ada pada saat yang sama dengan negara-negara Mesir dan
Mesopotamia — di wilayah yang masing-masing dua kali ukurannya. Orang-orang dari peradaban Lembah Indus ini tidak
membangun monumen besar seperti orang-orang sezaman mereka, juga tidak menguburkan kekayaan di antara orang mati di
kuburan emas. Tidak ada mumi, tidak ada kaisar, dan tidak ada perang kekerasan atau pertempuran berdarah di wilayah mereka.
Hebatnya, kekurangan semua ini adalah apa yang membuat peradaban Lembah Indus begitu menarik dan unik. Sementara peradaban
lain mencurahkan banyak waktu dan sumber daya untuk orang kaya, supranatural, dan orang mati, penduduk Lembah Indus
mengambil pendekatan praktis untuk mendukung masyarakat umum, sekuler, yang masih hidup. Tentu, mereka percaya pada
kehidupan setelah kematian dan menggunakan sistem pembagian sosial. Tetapi mereka juga percaya sumber daya lebih berharga
dalam sirkulasi di antara yang hidup daripada yang dipajang atau dikubur di bawah tanah. Hebatnya, peradaban Lembah Indus
tampaknya telah damai. Sangat sedikit senjata yang ditemukan dan tidak ada bukti tentara ditemukan. Tulang manusia yang digali
tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda kekerasan, dan sisa-sisa bangunan tidak menunjukkan indikasi pertempuran. Semua bukti
menunjukkan preferensi untuk perdamaian dan keberhasilan dalam mencapainya. Jadi bagaimana peradaban yang praktis dan damai
menjadi begitu sukses? (Bersambung) Peradaban Lembah Indus digambarkan sebagai ...
Question 34 options:
\Question 35
The Indus River Valley was once home to the most widespread and peaceful of the ancient civilizations: the Indus Valley civilization
also referred to as the Harappan civilization. Known for its two major cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, this society lasted from
roughly 3300 B.C. to 1300 B.C., yet it was only recently rediscovered within the last one hundred years. Studies of the long-buried
sites show surprising and interesting findings about the people, culture, and structures that made up this great civilization. The phrase
"early civilizations" usually conjures up images of Egypt and Mesopotamia and their pyramids, mummies, and golden tombs. But
in the 1920s, a huge discovery in South Asia proved that Egypt and Mesopotamia were not the only "early civilizations." In the vast
Indus River plains (located in what is today Pakistan and western India), under layers of land and mounds of dirt, archaeologists
discovered the remains of a 4,600-year-old city. A thriving, urban civilization had existed at the same time as Egyptian and
Mesopotamian states—in an area twice each of their sizes. The people of this Indus Valley civilization did not build massive
monuments like their contemporaries, nor did they bury riches among their dead in golden tombs. There were no mummies, no
emperors, and no violent wars or bloody battles in their territory. Remarkably, the lack of all these is what makes the Indus Valley
civilization so exciting and unique. While others civilizations were devoting huge amounts of time and resources to the rich, the
supernatural, and the dead, Indus Valley inhabitants were taking a practical approach to supporting the common, secular, living
people. Sure, they believed in an afterlife and employed a system of social divisions. But they also believed resources were more
valuable in circulation among the living than on display or buried underground. Amazingly, the Indus Valley civilization appears
to have been a peaceful one. Very few weapons have been found and no evidence of an army has been discovered. Excavated human
bones reveal no signs of violence, and building remains show no indication of battle. All evidence points to a preference for peace
and success in achieving it. So how did such a practical and peaceful civilization become so successful? (To be continued) The text
implies that the early civilization ....
Question 35 options:
Question 36 (1 point)
The Input Hypothesis claims that humans acquire language in only one way--by understanding messages, (46)... by receiving
"comprehensible input." If acquisition is the core of this theory, the crucial question then becomes: How do we acquire? According
to the hypothesis, we move from one stage of understanding to (47).... More specifically, we acquire a new rule by understanding
messages that contain this new rule. We move from stage "i", the present level of the understood message or "current competence",
to the next level, giving us the formula "i+1." (48)…, "i+1", "comprehensible input" and the Input Hypothesis (IH) mean the same
thing and can be used interchangeably for the purpose of this paper. Which option best completes (46)?
Hipotesis Input mengklaim bahwa manusia memperoleh bahasa hanya dalam satu cara - dengan memahami pesan, (46) ... dengan
menerima "input yang dapat dipahami." Jika akuisisi adalah inti dari teori ini, pertanyaan krusial kemudian menjadi: Bagaimana
kita memperoleh? Menurut hipotesis, kami beralih dari satu tahap pemahaman ke (47) .... Lebih khusus, kami memperoleh aturan
baru dengan memahami pesan yang mengandung aturan baru ini. Kami beralih dari tahap "i", tingkat saat ini dari pesan yang
dipahami atau "kompetensi saat ini", ke tingkat berikutnya, memberi kami rumus "i + 1." (48) ..., "i +1", "input yang dapat dipahami"
dan Hipotesis Input (IH) memiliki arti yang sama dan dapat digunakan secara bergantian untuk tujuan makalah ini. Opsi mana yang
paling baik diselesaikan (46)?
Question 36 options:
Question 37 (1 point)
The Input Hypothesis claims that humans acquire language in only one way--by understanding messages, (46)... by receiving
"comprehensible input." If acquisition is the core of this theory, the crucial question then becomes: How do we acquire?
According to the hypothesis, we move from one stage of understanding to (47).... More specifically, we acquire a new rule by
understanding messages that contain this new rule. We move from stage "i", the present l evel of the understood message or
"current competence", to the next level, giving us the formula "i+1." (48)…, "i+1", "comprehensible input" and the Input
Hypothesis (IH) mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably for the purpose of this paper. Wh ich option best
completes (47)?
Question 37 options:
others' understanding
Question 38 (1 point)
The Input Hypothesis claims that humans acquire language in only one way--by understanding messages, (46)... by receiving
"comprehensible input." If acquisition is the core of this theory, the crucial question then becomes: How do we acquire? According
to the hypothesis, we move from one stage of understanding to (47).... More specifically, we acquire a new rule by understanding
messages that contain this new rule. We move from stage "i", the present level of the understood message or "current competence",
to the next level, giving us the formula "i+1." (48)…, "i+1", "comprehensible input" and the Input Hypothesis (IH) mean the same
thing and can be used interchangeably for the purpose of this paper. Which option best completes (48)?
Question 38 options:
Given that
Following this
It follows that
Question 39 (1 point)
The K-W-L-H learning strategy is one of the most popular strategies that have been used by the learning community to read and
understand texts as well as work on different school projects. This strategy that was developed by Donna Ogle in 1986 was originally
developed for studying literature. K-W-L-H is an acronym. The underlined part that was developed by Donna Ogle in the passage
may be best rephrased as….
Strategi belajar K-W-L-H adalah salah satu strategi paling populer yang telah digunakan oleh komunitas belajar untuk membaca
dan memahami teks serta bekerja pada proyek sekolah yang berbeda. Strategi yang dikembangkan oleh Donna Ogle pada tahun
1986 ini awalnya dikembangkan untuk mempelajari sastra. K-W-L-H adalah akronim. Bagian yang digarisbawahi yang
dikembangkan oleh Donna Ogle dalam bagian ini mungkin paling baik diucapkan sebagai….
Question 39 options:
Question 40 (1 point)
The main causes of obesity are: the decreased level of nutrients intake, and sedentary lifestyle. For example, the intake of fast food
meals tripled between 1977 and 1995, and calorie level magnified four times during the same period. Nevertheless, it is insufficient
explanation of phenomenal rise in the obesity levels in the well-developed countries. Overall, obesity is a major health and social
problem, which has reached pandemic levels. (49) … A survey indicates that more than 2 in 3 adults are considered to be overweight.
There are health risks caused by overweight or obesity. These are osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes,
and nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide.
It occurs when the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down over time. … The sentence that best completes blank
spaces in (49) is….
Penyebab utama obesitas adalah: menurunnya tingkat asupan nutrisi, dan gaya hidup menetap. Misalnya, asupan makanan cepat saji
meningkat tiga kali lipat antara tahun 1977 dan 1995, dan tingkat kalori diperbesar empat kali selama periode yang sama. Namun
demikian, tidak cukup penjelasan tentang peningkatan fenomenal tingkat obesitas di negara-negara maju. Secara keseluruhan,
obesitas adalah masalah kesehatan dan sosial utama, yang telah mencapai tingkat pandemi. (49) ... Survei menunjukkan bahwa lebih
dari 2 dari 3 orang dewasa dianggap kelebihan berat badan. Ada risiko kesehatan yang disebabkan oleh kelebihan berat badan atau
obesitas. Ini adalah osteoartritis, tekanan darah tinggi, penyakit jantung, diabetes tipe 2, dan penyakit hati berlemak nonalkohol.
Osteoartritis adalah bentuk artritis yang paling umum, menyerang jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Ini terjadi ketika tulang rawan
pelindung di ujung tulang Anda rusak seiring waktu. … Kalimat yang paling baik mengisi ruang kosong di (49) adalah….
Question 40 options:
The causes of obesity are interrelated factors, such as genetics, lifestyle and body energy use
People who are obese are at increased risk for many serious diseases and health conditions
A number of health hazards have been associated with overweight several studies reveal.
Overweight and obese persons are often blamed for their condition and considered lazy
Recently obesity or overweight has been the subject of intensive research medically
Question 41 (1 point)
The meaning that best expresses these two sentences: 'We joined a workshop by a facilitator' and 'His workshop topic was inspiring.'
Question 41 options:
Question 42 (1 point)
The meaning that best expresses this: 'The computer program is not at hand now. As a result, we analyze the data manually' is….
Question 42 options:
If the computer program is at hand now, we will not analyze the data manually
Were the computer program at hand now, we would not analyze the data manually*
If the computer program was at hand now, we would not analyze the data manually
Should the computer program be at hand now, we will not analyze the data manually
If the computer program would be at hand now, we would not analyze the data manually
Question 43 (1 point)
The table below shows the primary funding sources of international students in the US during the years 2003/04 and 2013/14.
A. current employer
other sources.
Question 44 (1 point)
The table below shows the primary funding sources of international students in the US during the years 2003/04 and 2013/14.
working and studying at the same time is not beneficial for the government
Question 45 (1 point)
Thesis draft consultation can also be a challenge for some students. Not only do they have to present their ideas but also to answer
their advisor's questions during the consultation session. Many really feel they.… before even they meet their thesis advisor.
Rancangan konsultasi tesis juga dapat menjadi tantangan bagi sebagian siswa. Mereka tidak hanya harus mempresentasikan ide-ide
mereka tetapi juga untuk menjawab pertanyaan penasihat mereka selama sesi konsultasi. Banyak yang benar-benar merasakannya
... bahkan sebelum mereka bertemu dengan penasihat tesis mereka
Question 45 options: