II - Semister - Syllbus B.Ed 2015 16 PDF
II - Semister - Syllbus B.Ed 2015 16 PDF
II - Semister - Syllbus B.Ed 2015 16 PDF
Ed: 7 - Learning, Teaching and Assessment
Contact Hours:60 Max Marks: 100 Credits:04
Objectives: After completion of the course the student – teacher will be able to
1. Comprehend the theories of learning and intelligence and their applications
for teaching children
2. Analyse the learning process, nature and theory of motivation
3. Describe the stages of teaching and learning and the role of teacher
4. Situate self in the teaching learning process
5. Analyze the scope and role of assessment in teaching learning process in
order to introduce dynamic scheme of assessment for education set up
towards enhanced learning.
Scheme of Assessment:
Sl.No Item Marks
01 One test (two hour duration of 50 marks Reduce to 10 marks) 10
02 Two assignments (one should be practical oriented 5+5) 10
Total 20
Suggested Readings:
1. Amin.N (2002). Assessment of cognitive Development of Elementary
2. Children:A Psychometric Approach, jain book agency New Delhi
3. Chauhan S.S(2013).Advance Educational Psychology, Jain Book Agency
4. King-Sears E.M (1994) Curriculum Based Assessment in Special
5. Singular Publishing group, San Diego, CA
6. Panch r.(2013) Educational Psychology: teaching and Learning
7. McGraw hill education (India) Private Limited, New Delhi
8. Paul. P(2009)Language and Deafness. Singular publication
9. Salvia John Ysseldyke, James, E. and Bolt, Sara(2007) Assessment in
Special and
10. Inclusive Education. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston
11. Whitcomb, s & Merrell, K.W(2012) Behavioral, Social and Emotional
12. Assessment of Children and Adolescents, Routledge, Newyork
13. Woolfolk, A Misra, g. & Jha A.K(2012) Fundamentals of Educational
14. Psychology, (11th Edn)Pearson Publication New Delhi
15. Suggested Readings
16. Geisinger K.F (2013) APA Handbook of Testing and Assessment in
17. American Psychological Association, USA
18. Guskey T.R & Bailey J (2000) Grading and reporting Thousands Oaks
19. Howell K.W & Nolet V(2000) Curriculum-Based Evaluation teaching and
20. Decision making wadsworth Ontario
21. McMillan J.H(2001) Classroom Assessment : Principles and Practice for
ED-8: Knowledge and Curriculum
Student - Teachers will be able......
1. To understand meaning of Epistemological terminologies and understand their
similarities and differences.
2. To become familiar with ideologies related to child centered education.
3. To understand the changes in education in the context of society, culture and
4. To Focus on the social and knowledge related bases of Education.
5. To Understand and accept education in context of various values
6. To Understand various school activities and class room interaction with
Reference to multi culture and democracy
7. To Understand the National, Global & Secular paradigms of education
8. To understand the concept, bases, various interpretation of curriculum, steps
And process of curriculum construction
9. To clarify the interrelation among curriculum, syllabus & text book
10. To understand the co-relation among power, principles and curriculum
Unit – 2: Social Basis of Education (15 Hours)
2.1. Educational change because of industrialization, Democracy, idea of
Individual autonomy in the context of society, culture and modernization.
2.2. Education in relation to modern values (Equality, Individual Opportunity,
and Social Justice): with special reference to Dr. B.R. Amebedkar
2.3. Conventional school activities v/s Modern school activities with reference to
2.4. Nationalism, Universalism, Secularism and their interrelation with
2.5 Privatization of school education : Issues and challenges.
Practical/Field based assignments: (Any one)
1. Critical analysis of a present textbook of any one class (6 to 10 class)
2. Survey of the Role of teachers, parents/guardian Institutions, Student
organizations in curriculum construction.
3. Survey of co-curricular activities of a secondary school & submit a report.
4. Conduct a quiz/debate on Indian Education system & submit a report.
Scheme of Assessment:
Sl.No Item Marks
1 One Test (Two Hour duration of 50 marks, Reduce to 10 marks) 10
2 Two Assignments (one should be Practical Oriented 5+5) 10
Total 20
1. Aggarwal J.C.(1990) Curricular reforms in India , Doaba House Delhi
2. Bruner (1960/77) : The Process of Education, Harvard University Press.
3. Bhatt,B.D and Sharma .S.R (1992):Principles of Curriculum Construction,
Kanishaka Publication New Delhi
4. Dewey, John (1921) Reconstruction in Philosophy, University of London Press,
5. Dewey, John (2012) Democracy and Education. Start publishing LLC.
6. Eisner E,W (1979): The Educational Imaginations New York,Macmillan.
7. Krishnmurthy (1992) Education and world peace, in social responsibility
Krishnamurthy foundation .
8. Mamidi M.R and Ravishankar (1984): Curriculum Development and Educational
Technology, Stering Pub,New Delhi
9. Parekh B, C. : Rethinking multi- cultures: Cultural diversity and political theory.
10. Sadyasachi.D (1997) The Mahatma and poet: Later and debates between Gandhi
and Tagore National Book Store.
11. Tagore, R (2003) Civilization and progress: In crises in civilization and other
12. Kulkarni.U.K& Hadimani.S.M: Pathyakrama mattu Maulyamapana,(2006), Vijaya
Publications, Gadag.
Objectives of course: After completing this course the student-teachers will be able to
Unit-4: Types of Schools in India: (20-Hours)
4.1. In relation to Funding: State, Aided and un-aided
4.2 .In relation to Philosophy: Aurobindo, M.M. Malviya Jiddu Krishnamurthy etc.
4.3. In relation to Affiliation: CBSE, SBSE, ICSE.
4.4. Other types: Jawahar navodaya vidyalaya (JNV), Murarji Desai schools, Kithuru rani
Chenamma, Kasthurabha Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, school for Physically and mentally
challenged children.
(Purpose of establishment, Structure and Functions to be discussed)
4.5. Enhancement of quality in Education:
Role and Functions of BRC, DIET, CTE, IASE, DSERT
Scheme of Assessment:
Sl.No Item Marks
1 One test (two hour duration of 50 marks Reduce to 10 marks) 10
2 Two Assignments (one should be Practical Oriented 5+5) 10
Total 20
National Education Commission. (1964-66). Ministry of Education, Government of
India, New Delhi.
National Policy on Education. (1986 & 92). Ministry of Human Resource Development
Government of India, New Delhi.
Right to Education Act (2009). Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government
of India, New Delhi.
Aggarwal, J. C. (1992). Development and Planning of Modern Education. Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Anand, S. P. (1993). The Teacher & Education in Emerging Indian Society.
NCERT,New Delhi.
Bhat, B. D. (1996). Educational Documents in India. Arya Book Depot, New Delhi.
Biswas. A., & Aggarwal, J.C. (1992). Education in India, Arya Book Depot, New Delhi.
Deshpande, S. (2004). Contemporary India: A Sociological View. Penguin, NewDelhi.
Jagannath. M. (1993). Indian Education in the Emerging Society. Sterling publishers Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi
Jangira, N.K. (2012). NCERT Mother of Inclusive Education Address on Golden Jubilee
of NCERT at RIE, Ajmer on 01 Sept. 2012.
. Kashyap, S. C. (2009). The Constitution of India. National Book Trust, New Delhi.
Steven, B. (1998). School and Society. Sage Publications, New Delhi.
Contact Hours: 60 Marks: 100 4 Credits
After the complication of course, pupil teachers will be able to-
1. Understand the teaching learning as system.
2. Differentiate- tools, techniques, methods and approaches and familiarize
3. Understand the schematic orientation towards class room transaction.
4. Understand the role of teacher in various contexts.
5. Equip with abilities for TLM preparation.
Unit 1: Teaching –learning System: (15-Hours)
1.1 Teaching – Learning – concept, Components, Characteristics, Importance.
1.2 Teaching Learning as system: Inputs, Process & output for teaching learning system.
1.3 Objectives for teaching Learning: Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.
1.4 Concept of Evaluation and Feed back for Teaching and Learning.
1.5 A) CCE-Continuous comprehensive Evaluation
b) Constructivism in Education
4.4 Learning packages
4.5 Software Materials
4.6 Exercise and Practice materials.
Dale, Edgar; 1946 ‘Audio visual Methods in teaching. New York the Dryden Press.
Sharma R. A. Technology of Teaching Meeret: International publishing house
Bloom; Taxonomy of Educational objectives.
Chauhan S. S. text book of programmed instruction
Kumar K. L. 1996 Educational Technology and communication Media cuttack nalanda.
Madhuri R Shah, N N Shukla, R S Trivedi, D.G.Samant;1981, Instruction in Education
(Teaching Technology), Somaiya Publications PVT. Ltd, Bombay/Newdelhi.
G Vishwanathappa, C Jangaiah, Techniques and Strategies of Teaching at secondary
level (2008), Neelkamal Publications PVT,Ltd Hyderabad.
Kulkarni U.K, Teaching Competence and Teacher Education (2012), Prasaranga,
Rambhai N Patel, Educational Evaluation (Theory and Practice),2005, Himalaya
Publishing House, Bangalore.
Kulkarni U.K, Hadimani S.M, Bodhana Kaushallyagalu mattu Tantragalu,2008,Vijaya
Publications, Gadag.
(Compulsory Activities for All students)
Ed.11-A: ICT-APPLICATION (Course for lab work-Internal Assessment)
Contact Hours: 30 Total Marks: 50 Credits: 02
7. LMS experience hands on various features of LMS.
8. Reading on emerging ICT trends in Education.
9. Creating Social book marking account and creating social book marking of internet
resources using any social book marking tools.
10. Developing a multimedia e- content for any one topic in UDP-I or UDP-II
Scheme of Assessment:
Sl.No Item Marks
1 One test (Two hour duration of 50 marks Reduce to 10 marks) 10
2 Four Assignments (4X10)/Activities 40
Total 50
Critical reflections on the benefits of ICT in education S Livingstone
National policies that connect ICT-based education reform to economic and social
development RB Kozma
ICT in education: Possibilities and challenges M Carnoy
On the complication of the course, Students –Teacher will:
1. Appreciat the origin and history of Yoga in India 1
2. Understand the concept and importance of yoga general health and quality life style.
3. Integrate the practice of yoga and it’s asanas for better self concept and esteem-
The theory needs to be discussed with practices as central aspect, The importance of
theory to practice should be1:1
1. Meditation
2. Asana
3. Pranayama
4. Yoga-nidra
5. Sukhasana
6. Vijrasana
7. Parvatesana
8. Bhujasana
9. Padmasana
10. Shavasana
11. Niralambasana
12. Daudasana
13. Ardha padmasana
14. Swastikasana
15. Shashankasana
4 periods
1. Surynamasakar
2. Meditation (any two)
3. Signification of yoga in modern times
4. Asana (any two)
Scheme of Assessment:
Sl.No Item Marks
1 One test (Two hour duration of 50 marks Reduce to 10 marks) 10
2 Four Assignments (5x4) 20
3 Educational Tour 20
Total 50
Educational Tour:
Educational Excursion/ Study Tour: should be organized during II Sem in
between 6 to 10 days. The Tour should be to cover areas such as Educational,
historical, science & Technology and Geographical Significance. The marks shall be
allotted on the basis of student’s participation and submission of reports.
20 Marks
1. NCTE (2014) Yoga Education )Bachelor of Education Program): NCW Delhi: NCTE,
Hans Bhawan, Wing-II Bahadar Shah Zafar marg.
2. Anantharaman, T.R (1996) ‘Ancient yoga and modern scientnce New Delhi nusheram
narohyavalal Publishers pvt Ltd.
3. Bhugal, R.S (2011) ‘yoga and modern psychology’ , Lonavala : kaivalyadhama, Swym
4. God, A (2007) “yoga education, philosophy and practice ‘ New Delhi : Deep and deep
5. Devi, I (1987) ‘Yoga, The techniques of health and happiness’ Bombay: jaico publishing