Wushu Training Routines
Wushu Training Routines
Wushu Training Routines
In order to get good at wushu, you will need a proper training routine. Whether you choose a
beginners or an advanced routine, depends on your current fitness and your goals. A lot of
intermediate wushu practitioners make the mistake to choose an advanced routine, which can
lead to over training within just a few days. Watch out for the symptoms of over training and cut
back if necessary. Find wushu instructions at wushu main.
First of all, you have to define a goal. Do you want to compete in wushu? Are you just
doing wushu for health and fitness? Or are you already doing an other sport (gymnastics,
breakdance, capoeira etc) and just want to learn a few wushu moves? Stay realistic, set
your goals high, but not too high. Again, you don't wanna over train.
Then determine your weaknesses. Weaknesses could be technique, strength, endurance,
flexibility, a specific jump, etc. At the beginning endurance is the most common
weakness. If you are a beginner, you really have to work on your technique. But if you
don't have the endurance, you can't do that or lose focus very soon. Sometimes your
coach or a friend can help you point out these weaknesses.
Then hit these little problems with the right routine. Endurance, flexibility and plyometric
strength are very important in wushu. Intermediate athletes should be able to perform the
front splits, hold each stance for at least 2 minutes and easily run 5km. BTW, in my
opinion there is no wushu training routine without running. You should go for a short 15
minutes run every day and run 5 to 10 km at least once month.
The Average Wushu Workout
o Warm up 5 to 10 minutes
o Stretch 5 to 10 minutes
o Do the basic kicks (10 minutes)
o Do the sweeps (back sweep and front sweep=
o Do the jumps (flying frontkick, whirlwind kick, lotus kick, butterfly kick, b-twist,
cartwheel without hands, cartwheel without hands - twist)
o Work on your hand form sequences.
o Work on your wushu hand forms.
o Work on your weapon form sequences.
o Work on your wushu weapon forms.
o Cool down and stretch
Beginners Routine
This routine is good for everybody who is new to wushu or had to rest for a while
because of an injury or disease. Also choose this routine if you are on a vacation and/or
don't have much time.
Training volume: 3 to 5 hours per week. (3 days a week)
o Wushu: Concentrate on your technique. Endurance and Technique are always
important, no matter if you are a beginner or an advanced athlete. Warm up a few
minutes, stretch, and then work on your basic kicks. Do your jumps at least twice
a weeks and spend 20 minutes per workout working on your forms.
o Gymnastics: That's not a traditional wushu thing, but I recommend you learn
some basic gymnastics skills. Work on your handstand, the rolls etc. Give your
gymnastics 30 to 60 minutes per week.
o Stretch before every workout. Do static and dynamic stretches, but avoid PNF
stretches at the beginning.
o Running: Run 5 minutes before every workout and go for a long run once a
o Weight training: If you are already into weight training, you can add one workout
per week. But you shouldn't be sore for the rest of the week. Weight training is
not really important at the beginning. I recommend you just do some plyometrics,
stretch and work on your technique.
Intermediate Wushu Routine
This is the right routine for you if you wanna get serious about wushu. You are no longer
a beginner and want to get all the jumps down and maybe compete in the future.
Training volume 5 to 15 hours per week. (4 to 5 days a week)
o Wushu: At this point you would start working out twice a day. Do a short workout
in the morning. Run a few km, do static stretches and go through a few
movements/sequences. Your real workout should be in the afternoon. Warm up,
stretch, do the basic kicks and then the jumps. Also work on your hand forms and
the weapons in the afternoon. At the end of your workout you should stretch again
(just a few minutes).
o Gymnastics: Again, this is not really a traditional wushu thing, but I really think
every wushu practitioner should learn a little bit of gymnastics. At this point you
should already know how to do a handstand and maybe start learning the round-
off and the back handspring.
o Stretching: Add an intensive stretching workout. This stretching session should
last about 45 minutes and include isometric and/or pnf stretches. Actually, you
can do this stretching workout every 2nd week.
o Running: Run before every workout and go for a long, 1 hour run every second
week. One week you do your stretching workout, the next week you go for a run.
o Weight training: Do barbell squats, bench press and other free weight exercises
once a week. Your goal is NOT to bulk up, but strengthen your muscles. A lot of
wushu athletes think that weights will make them slow. That's not true! Weight
training can actually make you faster. But the reason why I recommend weight
training is that I have seen too many wushu athletes who only do plyometrics and
have serious knee problems before they reach their 20s.
Advanced Wushu Routine
This training routine is for everybody who wants to be the best :). Don't go straight to this
routine if you are a beginner, because you will over train after 2 days and injure yourself.
Even though this is an advanced routine, you should not work out every day. The more
you work out, the more important rest becomes. At this point you wanna go to your
limits. However, don't follow this routine for more than 6 weeks.
Training volume: 15 to 25 hours per week. (5 to 6 days)
o Wushu: You still work out in the morning, like if you were following my
intermediate wushu routine. But now you add a third workout 2 or 3 times per
week. If you are a student, this 2nd workout could be during PE class or at the
weekend. The 10 o'clock workout would consist of stretching, basic kicks and
forms. In the afternoon you would stretch, do just a few basic kicks, then work on
your jumps and then your weapons.
o Gymnastics: Keep up the basic gymnastics training from the intermediate routine.
At this point you should start working on you flips.
o Stretching: Work on your holds (like the standing split) twice a week.
o Running: Same as in the intermediate wushu routine.
o Weight training: Same as in the intermediate wushu routine.
Pre-Competition Wushu Routine
This routine is for the last 4 weeks before your wushu competition.
o Wushu: You basically start with the advanced routine and focus on the
movements you have in your form. The first 2 weeks you practice your form
section (duan) by section. In week 3 you do 2 sections at once, and the last week
you always perform your entire form like if you were actually competing.
o Gymnastics: If the form you will perform contains any gymnastics moves, keep
doing gymnastics once a week. If you are performing in di tang quan, do 2
gymnastics workouts per week.
o Stretching: Don't apply any isometric or dynamic stretches the day before your
o Running: Don't go for a long run 3 days before the competition.
o Weight training: Don't do weights, 3 to 5 days before your competition.
o The last day: Whatever you do on your last day, don't drive you pulse over
150bps, don't apply any ballistic stretches, don't apply any isometric stretches.
Just go through your form a few times ad relaxes.