Due For Submission On 5th of Following Month: Numbers Reported During The Month
Due For Submission On 5th of Following Month: Numbers Reported During The Month
Due For Submission On 5th of Following Month: Numbers Reported During The Month
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
(Monitoring & Evaluation Division)
Monthly Format for Sub Center and Equivalent Institutions
City/ Town/
Facility name
M5 Family Planning M8
5.1 Number of Interval IUCD Insertions (excluding PPIUCD and PAIUCD) 8.3
5.2 Number of Post Partum (within 48 hours of delivery) IUCD insertions 8.4
5.3 Number of IUCD Removals 8.6
5.4 Number of complications following IUCD Insertion 8.7
5.5 Injectable Contraceptive-Antara Program- First Dose 8.8
5.6 Injectable Contraceptive-Antara Program- Second Dose 8.9
5.7 Injectable Contraceptive-Antara Program- Third Dose 8.10
5.8 Injectable Contraceptive-Antara Program- Fourth or more than fourth 8.11
5.9 Number of Combined Oral Pill cycles distributed 8.12
5.10 Number of Condom pieces distributed 8.13
5.11 Number of Centchroman (weekly) pill strips distributed 8.14
5.12 Number of Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP) given 8.15
5.13 Number of Pregnancy Test Kits (PTK) used 8.16
5.14 Quality in sterilization services 8.17
5.14.1 Complications following male sterilization 8.17.1
5.14.2 Complications following female sterilization 8.17.2
11.2.2.a IUCD
11.2.2.b Combined Oral Pills (in cycles)
11.2.2.c Condom (in pieces)
11.2.2.d Injectable Contraceptive MPA (vials)
Part C Mortality Details Part C.
M12 Details of deaths reported with probable causes: M16
12.1 Infant deaths within 24 hrs(1 to 23 Hrs) of birth 16.1
12.2 Infant Deaths up to 4 weeks (1 to 28 days) due to 16.2
12.2.1 Infant Deaths up to 4 weeks due to Sepsis 16.2.1
12.2.2 Infant Deaths up to 4 weeks due to Asphyxia 16.2.2
12.2.3 Infant Deaths up to 4 weeks due to Other causes 16.2.3
12.3 Infant Deaths Between 1 month (more than 28 days) and less than 12 months due to 16.3
12.3.1 Number of Infant Deaths (1 -12 months) due to Pneumonia 16.3.1
12.3.2 Number of Infant Deaths (1 -12 months) due to Diarrhoea 16.3.2
12.3.3 Number of Infant Deaths (1 -12 months) due to Fever related 16.3.3
12.3.4 Number of Infant Deaths (1 -12 months) due to Measles 16.3.4
12.3.5 Number of Infant Deaths (1 -12 months) due to Others 16.3.5
12.4 Child Deaths between 1 year and less than 5 years due to 16.4
12.4.1 Number of Child Deaths (1 -5 years) due to Pneumonia 16.4.1
12.4.2 Number of Child Deaths (1 -5 years) due to Diarrhoea 16.4.2
12.4.3 Number of Child Deaths (1 -5 years) due to Fever related 16.4.3
12.4.4 Number of Child Deaths (1 -5 years) due to Measles 16.4.4
12.4.5 Number of Child Deaths (1 -5 years) due to Others 16.4.5
12.5 Maternal Deaths (15 to 49 yrs.) due to 16.5
12.5.1 Number of Maternal Deaths due to Bleeding 16.5.1
12.5.2 Number of Maternal Deaths due to High fever 16.5.2
12.5.3 Number of Maternal Deaths due to Abortion 16.5.3
12.5.4 Number of Maternal Deaths due to Obstructed/prolonged labour 16.5.4
12.5.5 Number of Maternal Deaths due to Severe hypertesnion/fits 16.5.5
12.5.6 Number of Maternal Deaths due to Other Causes (including causes Not known) 16.5.6
12.6 Other Deaths (except Infant, Child & Maternal Deaths) 5 years and above due to 16.7
12.6.1 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Diarrhoeal diseases 16.7.1
12.6.2 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Tuberculosis 16.7.2
12.6.3 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Respiratory diseases including infections (other than TB) 16.7.3
12.6.4 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Other Fever Related 16.7.4
12.6.5 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to HIV/AIDS 16.7.5
12.6.6 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Heart disease/Hypertension related 16.7.6
12.6.7 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Cancer 16.7.7
12.6.8 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Neurological disease including strokes 16.7.8
12.6.9 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Accidents/Burn cases 16.7.9
12.6.10 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Suicide 16.7.10
12.6.11 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Animal bites and stings 16.7.11
12.6.12 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to known Acute Disease 16.7.12
12.6.13 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to known Chronic Disease 16.7.13
12.6.14 Number of Adolscent / Adult deaths due to Causes Not known 16.7.14
12.7 Deaths due to Vector Borne Diseases ( all age groups) 16.8
12.7.1 Number of Deaths due to Malaria- Plasmodium Vivax 16.8.1
12.7.2 Number of Deaths due to Malaria- Plasmodium Falciparum 16.8.2