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Is leaf chlorophyll content lower in

plants with dense leaves?

I made an experiment with several tomato cultivars. I measured chlorophyll content at
one middle leaf by using SPAD 502. The result showed that plant with dense leaves
(high number of internodes) had lower chlorophyll contents compared to the ones with
less dense leaf (Lower number of internodes).


Leaf Chromatography
Collect This Project

3.8 based on 64 ratings

By Beth Touchette
Updated on Jan 29, 2014

Photosynthesis, you might remember, is the process in which plants convert

light energy from the sun to chemical food energy. Brightly
colored pigments in leaves are essential to the first steps of light absorption,
with chlorophyll being the most important pigment. There are two main types
of chlorophyll: chlorophyll A, which is bluish-green, and chlorophyll B,
which is yellowish-green. During most of the growing season, leaves contain
more chlorophyll than any other pigment, making them appear green. In the
fall, however, chlorophyll begins to break down, and the other pigments, which
have been there all along, are finally revealed: we see pretty yellow and
orange fall leaves. The yellow pigments in leaves are called xanthophylls,
and the orange pigments are called carotenoids (carotenoids are easy to
remember because they are orange like a carrot!).

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If you want to see the hidden yellow and orange pigments in green leaves for
yourself, you can use a simple but powerful technique
called chromatography, which is the separation of a mixture by passing it
through a medium (in our case, filter paper) through which different parts of
the mixture will move at different rates. Chromatography works because
different substances in a mixture have different degrees of
solubility. Solubility refers to how much of a particular substance can dissolve
in a particular solvent. For instance, you can dissolve lots of sugar in water,
but not quite as much salt. In chromatography, the least soluble substances
fall out of the filter paper column first, while the most soluble one travel the
furthest up the paper.

How Can the Different Pigments in Leaves Be Revealed?

 Soft green leaves (if no leaves are available, fresh spinach works fine,
 Scissors
 Mortar and pestle or food processor
 Glass or ceramic cup
 Isopropyl alcohol (or acetone in nail polish remover, but be careful—
acetone creates more fumes)
 Flat coffee filters
 Tape
 Pencil or straw
1. Use the scissors to cut up enough leaves to make a ¼ cup of pieces.
2. Use the food processor or mortar and pestle to grind the leaves into a
fine pulp.
3. Pour the pulpy leaves into the cup. What color do you see?
4. Pour enough isopropyl alcohol over the leaves to cover them. Stir. Why
can’t you use water as solvent?
5. Cut out strip of coffee filter paper about 6 inches long and 1 inch wide.
6. Attach the strip to the pencil with a piece of tape. Make sure the bottom
of the strip hangs straight.
7. Adjust the length of the filter paper strip so that the bottom just touches
the green liquid in the cup.
8. Checking every couple minutes, wait for the band of solvent to migrate
to the top of the filter paper. Different colored bands should become evident
along the strip.
9. Study your strip, and try to identify the pigments.

Your results will vary depending on the types of leaves that you chose and
how careful your leaf chromatography technique was. You might not see all
the pigments. An orange-colored band is likely to be near the top. Below that,
you should see a yellowish band, a blue-green band, and a greenish-yellowish
band, respectively.

When you ground up your leaves, the pulp was probably green because of the
overwhelming amount of chlorophyll. You were instructed not to use water as
a solvent because the pigments in leaves are not very soluble in it: they are
much more soluble in solvents like alcohol or nail polish remover. The orange
colored band, made of the pigment called carotenoids. is the most soluble in
alcohol, so it traveled the farthest. The yellow xanthophylls are the next most
soluble, followed by the blue-green chlorophyll A. The least soluble pigment is
the yellow green chlorophyll B. You may be wondering why plants have more
than one pigment. One reason is that these differently colored pigments
absorb different colors of light: by having many pigments, plants can use more
of the light energy shining down them.

Going Further
Investigate what colors of light plants grow best in. Buy a green, blue and red
light bulb. See what color of light seem to be the best for growth.

In life, it's not the person with the least birthday candles who wins — it's the
one with the most! Wishing you many more birthdays!

At least you’re not as old as you will be next year! Happy Birthday!
In life, it's not the person with the least birthday candles who wins — it's
the one with the most! !

PAPA :* :D
it's been soo long since i've met you! :3 but the friendship remained the
way it was earlier... glad that i've come across a person like you who
taught me to be super frank :'D lol yeah, the way you speak.... the way you
eat.. :'D what not... i love the way you are <3
simply wishing you on your special day won't do... so i'm sending you
1000+ hugs and kisses virtually :* <3 ^_^ I’m sending you a day when all
your dreams come true and, a year that means the most to you! :)
reenakka you are 17 now :v party hard :D
At least you’re not as old as you will be next year....Wishing you many
more birthdays!! :*

#5+years_friendship <3
much love :)

(p.s. sorry for the pic if you didn't like it! :v we hardly took any :P )
Hello there! Today I will be writing about a Chromatography lab, how it was
performed, the results and the analysis.

This Chromatography lab was done to identify pigments in different

colored leaves and to evaluate the relationship between the
pigments and photosynthesis. Chromatography allows a sample, the
solute, to be separated out into the samples different pigments and
colors through the use of a solvent and capillary action.
Chromatography shows what substances and pigments are within a
mixture. However, for chromatography to occur, the correct solvent
must be present, a mixture must be able to be separated into
differing pigments and finally the correct type of paper must be
used to allow capillary action to occur. Capillary action is when
solvent flows up a narrow space or piece of paper in opposition of
gravity. Solvent helps separate the individual pigments in a mixture
and the distance the solvent travels also helps to find the Rf value.

Rf value stands for the the Relative Mobility Factor. Rf is a

characteristic that is specific to a certain substance and is calculated
by Dunknown divided by Dsolvent, which stands for Distance solute
traveled divided by Distance solvent traveled. Because Rf values are
consistent across consistent conditions, the value can be used to
identify a substance by all scientists.

So, using this knowledge, chromatography was performed on two

different leaves, one green and one red. The chromatography paper
was cut and set up and the solute was added to the beaker. Then,
the pigment from each leaf were transferred onto two different
chromatography papers by pressing a quarter into the leaf, resulting
in the pigment transferring onto the paper. The tip of the
chromatography paper was then put into the solvent and the
experiment sat for 10-15 minutes.

Red leaf chromatography

Green leaf chromatography

After 10-15 minutes, the chromatography paper was taken out of

the beaker and analyzed by measuring solvent distance and the
various distances for each pigment present. The chromatography
paper indicated that the Green Leaf is composed of Yellow, Light
Green and Green pigments, while the Non-Green Leaf contains
Orange, Yellow, Light Green and Green pigments.
Red leaf chromatography after 15 minutes

Green leaf chromatography after 15 minutes

The Rf values were then calculated for each pigment for each leaf
and the results were the following:
Rf values are in the right column

Rf values are in the right column

These results show that the Green leaf has mainly green pigment
(Chlorophyll), while the Red leaf has all pigments.

The lab itself was fairly easy to set up, however there were various
inconsistencies such as the length and width of the chromatography
paper used, the time allotted for the experiment to occur and the
amount of pigment transferred onto each paper, which all contribute
to experimental error.
You can try this lab at home, check out this YouTube video to see
how you can perform this experiment with a pen.

This experiment gives insight into what pigments different colored

leaves are composed of and how calculating the Rf value can
indicate what pigment it is. I’m curious to know how pigments and
photosynthesis relate, in terms of how fast photosynthesis occurs.
The initial data from chromatography can lead to many other
experiments and connections made between photosynthesis and
leaf pigmentation. I’m curious to see if the amount of pigment in
each leaf can be calculated or found in an experiment. One
experiment leads to many more questions!

Thanks for reading!

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ममैनन अपनन वजन दद महहीनन मन ८५ ककिलद सस ५४ ककिलद
किमैसस किर ललयन

नमस्तत ददोस्तत! सबनन दत खख हदोगख कक ममैनन बहहत ज्यखदख वजन घटख ललियख हमै और ममझसस अब बहमत सवनल पपूंछ
प स जननस लगस
हह. मम आप सभभ कदो जवखब दत नख तथख सहयदोग करनख चखह रहह थभ, पर असफलि रहह- इतनन सखरत सवखलित कत जवखब दत नत कत
ललिए महझत हमतशख ऑनलिखइन हह रहनख पड़तख. इसललिए ममनत यह लितख ललिखख तखकक लिदोगत कदो जवखब लमलि जखए कक “ममैनन ३१
ककिलद वजन किमैसस घटनयन?” (इसकख मतलिब यह नहहह कक आप महझत कहछ ललिख नहहह सकतत यख पहछ
प नहहह सकतत, इससत बस
मतरह जजहदगभ आसखन हदो गयभ हमै ).

मतरत पररवतर्तन मन २ महहनत लिगत! शखनदखर पररणखम लमलिख, हम नख?

भलप मकख
मम कभभ भभ दब
ह लिह नहहह थभ पर ममैनन एक बखत पर ध्यखन ददयख कक मम मदोटह हदोतभ जख रहह थभ.मतरत पतट पर तभन घतरत पद गए थत
और मम बबककनभ मन बहलिडडॉग कक तरह ददखतभ थभ, सखथ हह मतरत कपल्हत, पमैरत और ननतम्बत कख अकखर बढ़तख हह जख रहख
थख! ममैनन हर तरहीकिस सस स्वस्थ शरहीर पननस किन ननश्चय ककियन, इसललए ममैनन तलिख चचकनख खखनख खखनख बहद कर ददयख तथख
ववलिम्ब सत आहखर लितनख भभ बहद कर ददयख. मम पखतत कखलि ददौड़नत तथख शखम कदो व्यखयखमशखलिख मन अभ्यखस कत ललिए जखनत लिगभ
पर वजन बढ़तख हह जख रहख थख. एक महहनन कत बखद मतरख वजन भयखवह जस्थनत मन पहह च गयख-लिगभग ९० ककलिदो! मम अपनत
आहखर कदो और अचधिक ननयहबत्रित करतभ चलिह गयभ तथख ममैनन मखहस, बतड फखइज और लमठखइयत कख त्यखग कर ददयख. अहत मन
मम बस फलि तथख सजबजयखह खखनत लिगभ एवह कतवलि पखनभ पभकर गहजखरख करनत लिगभ. ममैनन कहछ बहहत हह महह गभ वजन घटखनत
वखलिह गदोललियखह तथख चखय आदद लिहह पर ककिसस सस भस मझ
म स किदई फनयदन नहहीपूं हमआ. कहछ समय पश्चखत, घटख हहआ वजन
वखपस आ जख रहख थख.

आहखर ननयहत्रिण तथख गदोललियत सत कहछ नहहह हदोतख हमै, वत बस समय कक बबखर्तदह करतभ
व्यखयखम करनख बहत
ह कदठन हदोतख हमै तथख पररणखम बहत
ह समय बखद ददखतत हम.
अब मम क्यख करह?
आहखर ननयहत्रिण, गदोललियत तथख व्यखयखमशखलिख मन व्यजक्तगत पलशक्षक कदो हजखरत रपए दत नत कत बखद मतरत हखथ बस हतखशख हह
लिगभ. एक ददन ममैनन गसन किकॉफफ कत बखरत मन एक लितख पड़ख तथख इसत अजमखनत कख ननणर्तय ललियख. हखलिखहकक ममैनन डतमभ मपर, कमैटह
पतरह, जत-लिदो तथख अन्य कई अलभनततखओह एवह अलभनतबत्रियत कदो इस कडॉफक कक सहखयतख सत वजन घटखतत सन
ह ख थख पर मम थदोड़भ
ननरखशखवखदह हदो गयभ थभ. पर हर एक चभज़ कदो आजमख कर ननरखश हदोकर मसरस पनस किदई और ववकिल्प भस नहहीपूं बचन थन!
इसकिस अलनवन ममैनन प्रनतकक्रियनएपूं भस पढ़हीपूं और वस किनफफ अच्छछ थसपूं!

यदोरदोप तथख यएप स कक करदोड़त मदहलिखएह गभन कडॉफक कक सहखयतख सत वजन घटखतभ
हम.एक शदोधि कत अनस
ह खर, ९६.७% लिदोग तभन हफ़्तत मन १२-१७ ककलिदो वजन घटखतत
इसललिए मम ननजश्चत थभ! मम उनकिफ वसबसनइट पर गयभ, कफर सत हर चभज़ जखहचभ तथख कडॉफक आडर्तर कर दह. यह कहछ एक
हफ़्तत मन आ गयभ. ममैनन ननदर श पढ़त तथख हर रदोज नखश्तख तथख खखनत कत सखथ २-३ कप पभनत लिगभ.
किसवल दद हफ़्तन किस अन्दर, मसरस पररणनम शननदनर थस- ममैनन १३ ककिलद वजन घटनयन! थहलिथहलिखपन चलिख गयख थख तथख मतरह
दत हयजषट कखफक अच्छछ हदो गयभ थभ! कहल्हत और पतट कखफक छदोटख हदो गयख थख- और मतरख मपड अच्छख हदो गयख! महझत ववश्वखस
हदोनत लिगख कक बबनख ककसभ आहखर ननयहत्रिण यख कसरत कत मम कफर सत सहन्दर बन सकतभ हपह! इसललए मह अपनस इच्छननमसनर
सब किरतस रहही! मम कसरत और भपखत रहनत सत आजजज आ चहकक थभ...
तससरस हफ्तस किस अपूंत तकि, मसरन वजन ८ ककिलद और घट गयन थन! मम और अचधिक स्वस्थ हदो गयभ थभ और इससत मझ
ह त इतनभ
पतरणख लमलिह कक मम एलिहवतटर कक जगह सभडडयत कख पयदोग करनत लिगभ. जदो पहलित एक कदठन कखम हहआ करतख थख वह अब
मतरत ललिए कखफक आसखन हदो गयख थख! ममझस ववश्वनस नहहीपूं हद रहन थन ककि यह बस इसललए हद रहन थन क्यपपूंककि मह किकॉफफ पमैकि पर
ददए सनमनन्य ननदर शन किन पनलन किर रहही थस! अगर मम यह कर सकतभ थभ- तदो हर कदोई कर सकतख थख! कतवलि ददो महहनत मन
मतरख वजन ३१ ककलिदो कम हदो गयख थख!
ममैनन अपनन लक्ष्य बस ६० ददनन मन पन ललयन थन. मतरख पतट कम हदो गयख थख, मसरन वजन ३१ ककिलद किम हद चमकिन थन और ममझस
ऐसन शरहीर लमलन जजसकिफ ममैनन सपनस मन भस किल्पनन नहहीपूं किफ थस!
अब भभ मझ
ह त ववश्वखस नहहह हदोतख हमै कक मम शभशत मन क्यख दतख रहह ह:प ह

वमैसत गभन कडॉफक कख परहक्षण नतशनलि एकतडमभ ऑफ़ सखइहस द्वखरख २०१२ मन ककयख गयख
थख. पररणखम बहत
ह शखनदखर थत पर उन्हन कभभ सबसत सखमनत नहहह लिखयख गयख.
ह त लिगतख हमै कक ऐसख इसललिए हआ
ह क्यकक
पह इससत रखतत रखत फखमखर्तसदह टकलि
कहपननयत, कफटनतस क्लिबत, पदोषण ववशतषजत तथख महहगत अस्पतखलित कख कखम बहद
हदो जखतख.
आश्चयर्त कक बखत नहहह हमै कक: गभन कडॉफक बहत
ह हह सस्तभ हमै!
अब मम अपनत ददोस्तत तथख सहकलमर्तयत कदो गसन किकॉफफ कक सलिखह दत तभ रहतभ हपह. आवश्यक:किसवल अधधिकिकत वसबसनइट सस हही
खरहीदन अन्यथख आपकदो एक नकलिह उत्पखद लमलि सकतख हमै . मम अपनत पररणखमत सत खहश हपह और महझत ववश्वखस हमै कक आप भभ
खहश हतगत! पपवखर्तगह कदो भपलि जखइयत: आपकदो अच्छत शरहर कत ललिए कदोई आहखर ननयहत्रिण तथख कसरत कक जरुरत नहहह हमै !
अच्छत शरहर कत बखरत मन सपनत दतखनख छदोडडयत! इसत बस पख लिहजजयत!
हर कदोई जजसनत गभन कडॉफक पभकर वजन घटखयख हमै , ककपयख अपनन पररणखम यहखह सखहझख ककजजयत! आप और लिदोगत कक मदद
करनत मन सहखयक हतगत! बधिखई हदो!
नमस्किनर! मसरस पनस एकि शमभ समनचनर हमै ! गसन किकॉफफ किपूंपनस किस प्रनतननधधि नस ममझसस सपूंपकिर ककियन तथन ममझस एकि प्रस्तनव
ददयन ककि मसरस ब्लकॉग किस पहलस १०० दशरकिन किद आररर मन ५०% किफ छपट दही जनएगस!

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