Pindell Dewey 1982
Pindell Dewey 1982
Pindell Dewey 1982
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for several intervals through time. The spreading histories for the
Central and South Atlantic Oceans are fairly well known. ttowever, much
of the oceanic crust (and its magnetic anomalies) that was produced
during the initial separation between North and South America has been
destroyed by Caribbean evolution and cannot be directly evaluated. The
finite difference method for the North America-Africa-South America
three-plate system is the most valuable first-order technique by which
to examine Caribbean evolution because it provides the relative posi-
tions of the North and South American continents at various times since
the initial breakup of Pangea. The framework provided by this method
indicates whether and when extensional, compressional, or transcurrent
motions occurred between North and South America; thus plate boundary
schemes describing the evolution of the Caribbean Plate may be developed
iteratively by integrating the relative motion data with Caribbean geology.
Of vital importance to establishing the relative motion history is
the early Mesozoic predrift reconstruction of North America, South
America, and Africa. Published initial fits of the major continents are
varied, but all leave a noncontinental gap in the Gulf of Mexico area
that can only be filled with either or both the Yucatan and Chortis
blocks of Central America. The preservation of a remnant hole seems
unlikely because of (1) the intensity and continuity of the
Pennsylvanian-Permian orogeny, (2) the rare occurrence of oceanic holes
in other 'completed' orogenic belts around the world, (5) analyses of
strike-slip lateral motions within present-day collisional zones, which
inevitably fill or replace topographic lows with thick sediment wedges
and/or crustal blocks, and (4) the desert-like climatic conditions indi-
cated by the Early Mesozoic geology of southern North America and
northern South America. We propose an Early Mesozoic continental recon-
struction that (1) provides a tight, continuous fit between the three
major continents and the blocks of Central America and (2) satisfies late
Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic geology in terms of arcs, forelands, accre-
tionary terrains, sedimentary patterns, and paleomagnetism.
Beginning with the proposed continental reconstruction, a relative
motion vector history is reconstructed that describes the motion of
South America with respect to North America since the middle Jurassic.
The relative motion history is produced from an Atlantic opening model
proposed herein that varies significantly in the South Atlantic from
those previously published. It is upon this relative motion history that
the Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean evolutionary model is based.
The second lies to the south of the Ouachita system in the subsurface
structural high called the Sabine Uplift (Figure 1) where drilling has
recovered Mississippian volcaniclastics that may represent the Permo-
Carboniferous arc associated with the closure of the Proto-Atlantic.
Assuming that the Ouachitas represent allochthonous sheets eraplaced
onto the North American foreland (as described by Graham et al., [1975]
and Kluth and Coney [1981], we suggest that the Hercynian suture
passes between the Sabine Uplift and the Ouachita Mountains.
.Appalachian system. In the Central and Southern Appalachians, defor-
mation began in the Late Mississippian (Chesterian), and large-scale
thrusting continued at least through the late Pennsylvanian, possibly
into the Permian. Total shortening within the southern Appalachians
is at least 500 km as shown by COCORPseismic reflection studies [Cook
et al., 1979]. Deciphering the polarity of subduction before the
continent-continent collision that produced the Appalachian deformation
is difficult, but the westward emplacement of giant thrust sheets onto
the North American craton suggests eastward subduction.
Ouachita system. In the Ouachita segment of the belt, deformation
gradually increased from Late Mississippian into the early Pennsylvanian
[Tomlinson and McBee, 1959; Flawn, 1961; Goldstein, 1961; Frezon and
Dixon, 1975], with the climax of folding and thrusting occurring in the
Late Atokan [Goldstein, 1961] or early Desmoinesian (Frezon and Dixon,
1975]. The Ouachita Mountains are characterized by northward-verging
182 Pindell and Dewey: Reconstruction of Western Pangea
'" -
- -'-
Hercyman front
Limit of cont. crust
400 km
Fig. 5. Generalized map of the Yucatan 01ock showing (1) the area
occupied by the Central Guatemalan Arc (cross-pattern) and (2) the
limit of continental crust (CL) to be considered in the fit of Western
Todos Santos Red Beds Rifting, subsidence
195 .....
225 ....
255 Guadal.
_ TuilonSS--
Leona. ChocalLS
268 -- • •• .
Chuacus Group
Fig. 7. Limit oF pre-Mesozoic continental crust of the Chortis block.
Offshore position of boundaryis approximately the 100-fm depth contour.
MZ = Motagua Fault Zone; ND = Nicaragua Depression.
190 Pindell and Dewey: Reconstruction of Western Pangea
The most valid criterion for obtaining a fit between opposing rifted
margins is the realignment of marginal offsets because they are a direct
result of intracontinental rifting [LePichon and Fox, 1971; Klitgord
and Schouten, 1980]. If we assume (1) tortional rigidity for the
circum-Atlantic continents and (2) that the Bullard fit for the South
Atlantic is valid, proper correlation of the Late Paleozoic features be-
tween North and South America cannot be achieved. Two solutions are
plausible: (1) that right-lateral strike-slip motion occurred between
Africa and eastern North America after the Late Paleozoic oroœeny to
approximate the LePichon and Fox configuration before middle Jurassic
rifting, so that formation of much of the Gulf of Mexico predates the
Atlantic Ocean (following Van der Voe and French [1974]), or (2) that
Africa was not a torsionally rigid single plate during Cretaceous times
[Burke and Dewey, 1974] so that the Bullard fit in the South Atlantic
may be improved by closing an apparently noncontinental gap along the
Amazon section of the South Americmn shelf. The second solution allows
excellent correlation of Late Paleozoic features between North and South
America without any pro-rift differential motion between Africa and
North America; this alternative is favored here and is discussed in de-
tail below.
S.A. km
0 5(•0
Fig. 8. (a) Sediment isopachs and 2000-m contour along the Amazon
shelf, assumed by Bullard et al. (1965) to be underlain by continental
crust. (b) Revised interpretation of continental limit following the
principle that 8-10 km of sediment cannot lie upon normal co.ntinental
crust. Stipi•ed pattern is the gap in the Bullard fit.
CAM 70
76 t.,_....,•j•
SAN deform.
CON '82 m•rmeVVV
LE ~19N,2E
The following data sources are used to define the poles and rotations
for the opening histories of the Central and South Atlantic oceans, and
these in turn have been used to compute the relative motion history of
South America with respect to North America.
Africa with respect to North America. In the Central Atlantic the
poles and rotations of Sclater et al. [1977] were used and are summa-
rized in Table 2. These poles are based on LePichon and Fox [1971] for
165-80 Ma, and on Francheteau [1973] for 80 Ma to the present. Fol-
Pindell and Dewey' Reconstruction of Western Pangea 195
lowing Sclater et al. [1977], the time scales of Sclater et al. [1974]
and Van Hinte [1976a,b] are used for the Cenozoic and Mesozoic, respec-
South America with respect to Africa. In the South Atlantic, because
the Bullard et al. [1965] initial fit is not employed, several data
sources are used. The initial Jurassic fit is that of Rabinowitz and
LaBrecque [1979] for the time of anomaly MO (110 Ma). The additional
rotation of the 'southern plate' of Africa which is required to close
the southern South Atlantic Ocean is defined in this study and occurred
from the Valanginian (125 Ma) to 110 Ma. The motion of South America
with respect to Africa during the interval 110-80 Ma (Cretaceous Quiet
Zone) is that of Rabinowitz and LaBrecque [1979], whose 80 Ha position
is taken from Ladd [1974, 1976]. From 80 Ma to present, the poles and
rotations of Sibuet and Mascle [1978] are used. They too have taken
Ladd's [1974, 1976] 80 Ma position of South America with respect to
Africa and have recognized one minor change in spreading history at 36
Ma (anomaly 13). This provides additional control over the analysis of
Sclater et al. [1977] for the South Atlantic, who assume a single pole
from 80 Ma to present, after Francheteau [1973]. Table 3 summarizes
poles and rotations used in this study for the opening of the South
South America with respect to North America. Using the finite
difference method, relative motion poles of South America with respect
196 Pindell and Dewey: Reconstructionof WesternPangea
0 ......... 0.0
et al. [1982]; that surrounding the Yucatan block (Y) is poorly con-
strained, although a system similar to that shown is required to move
Yucatan to its present position. The Chortis block (C) is viewed as a
southern extension of Mexico. Extensional left-lateral motion along the
Chihuahua Trough (CT) and Texas Lineament allowed southeastward migra-
tion of Mexico into its 'overlap position,' which was occupied by South
America during the early Mesozoic.
150 Ma. Spreading between North America and Gondwana continued; by
150 Ma, a ridge jump had occurred in the Central Atlantic that is respon-
sible for the apparent asymmetry of the Atlantic Ocean with respect to
its ridge. Rotation of Yucatan with respect to South America is con-
sidered analogous to the early Cretaceous motion of Iberia with respect
to Africa; the formation of the Bay of Biscay, then, can be compared to
that of the Gulf of Mexico. The rifting of Yucatan from North America
left stranded horsts such as the Sabine Uplift (S) and Wiggins Arch (W)
along southern North America. Louann salts (small cross pattern) were
deposited around these structures and along the north-facing rifted mar-
gin of Yucatan in the restricted seaway between Yucatan and North
America. Salts of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age are found in the
Chihuahua Trough [Gries, 1979] indicating extension and subsidence of
that age along this feature. Left-lateral motion on other faults in
Mexico [de Czerna, 1976] was responsible for the completion of Mexico's
emplacement into the 'overlap position' probably by 140 Ma.
198 Pindell and Dewey' Reconstruction of Western Pangea
• _.-%....'• • o
Fig. 12. Relative motion histories of three points along northern South
Americawith respect to North America. Early relative motion of Africa
is also shown. These provide the relative positions of the three con-
tinents at various times and thus provide a framework in which to base
Caribbean/Gulf evolution. Vectors are the result of data in Tables 2,
3, and4.
i! , W
125 mo
Arc (p-cr) [Galli-Oliver, 1979] and motion on the Hess Escarpment (h.e.)
occurred during this interval. These features apparently formed in
oceanic crust that was affected by the widespread B'' volcanic event
during early Late Cretaceous time [Burke et al., 1978]. Apparent B"
occurrences at Nicoya [Schmidt-Effing, 1979] and within the Caribbean
Sea indicate that the Caribbean has a deep, plateau-type crust.
As the leading edge of the Caribbean Plate migrated north of the
North America-South America plate boundary, a new plate boundary was
formed that would become the site of subduction whose volcanism would
95 mo
SA / :
80 me
•"< p.-c.r.
B• • •
form the calc-alkaline rocks of the Aves Ridge (at) in latest Cretaceous-
early Tertiary time.
6S Ma. At about 6S Ma, arc-continent collision occurred between
South America and the Venezuelan Antilles. The subsequent relative
motion between North and South America from 6S to S5 Ma had a slightly
extensional component and it is suggested that early Eocene rifting
(Bonaire, Maracaibo-Falcon) in northern South America are related to
this minor extensional phase.
In the Greater Antilles, continued northward migration was complex.
65 me
The Yucatan Basin (yb) was formed by back-arc spreading between Cuba
(frontal arc) and the southern Hispaniola block (remnant arc) from
latest Cretaceous to middle Eocene times [Gealey, 1980]. Age-depth
relationships of the Yucatan Basin floor indicate an age within the
early Eocene-Paleocene interval, and grabens of southern Cuba which are
probably associated with the extensional event are filled with Paleocene-
Lower Eocene basalts and clastics [Iturralde-Vinent, 1978]. Uplift and
erosion along the eastern Yucatan Peninsula in Paleocene time [Weidie
et al., 1980] are interpreted as a result of strike-slip passage of the
frontal arc (Cuba). Thus Cuba migrated toward eventual collision with
the Bahamas Platform by the formation of a back-arc basin behind it.
To the east, the remainder of the Greater Antilles migrated toward
the Bahamas in a different fashion. Motion along the Hess Escarpment
(h.e.) severed the southern portion of the arc and allowed northward
migration at a rate similar to the rate of spreading in the Yucatan
Basin. Thus the Hess Escarpment was connected to the Yucatan Basin
ridge system, in the Cauto Basin of Cuba (½b), and to the trench asso-
ciated with the Panama-Costa Rica Arc. The motion on the []ess Escarp-
ment also allowed juxtaposition of the Panama-Costa Rica Arc with the
Chortis block; the suture between the two is defined by the Santa-Elena
Peridotite [aleBoer, 1979].
53 Ma. In about middle Eocene time, the Greater Antilles collided
with the BahamasPlatform [Gealey, 1980]. Eocene migration of rodents
from North America to South America [C. Woods, personal communication,
1982] may have been achieved via the Bahamas/Greater Antilles-Aves Ridge
connection. In the Greater Antilles, carbonate deposition accompanied
general subsidence and tectonic quiescence throughout the remainder of
the Eocene. Similarly, subduction at the Aves Ridge effectively ceased
as the Caribbean Plate moved very little with respect to the North
American Plate. Motion between the North and South American plates,
although minor, was approximately strike-slip and probably occurred
along the northern South American borderland.
/ •••65
, 'P"'
' _ • 140
Fig. 26. Relative motion vectors of South America and Africa with
respect to North America based on data presented in Sclater et al.
the volcanic axis along the eastern Caribbean Plate boundary. In the
south, a large portion of the Caribbean Plate was subducted beneath
Colombia/Ecuador throughout the latter part of the Tertiary. The fact
that the Netherlands-Venezuelan Antilles arc has not been greatly
separated from the Villa de Cura basement thrust which was obducted onto
northern South America [Gealey, 1980] indicates that most of the
Caribbean-South American plate offset has occurred to the north of the
island chain. The complex South Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone has
developed due to the shear couple created at the primary strike-slip
interface. Thus, plate boundary zone related deformation swept eastward
across Venezuela, having begun earlier in western Venezuela than in
eastern Venezuela.
21 Ma. Hastward migration of the Caribbean Plate continued. The
Lesser Antilles overrode Atlantic oceanic crust so that magnetic data
pertaining to relative motions between North and South America were des-
troyed. Motion between central and southern Hispaniola had definitely
begun by this time [J. C. Cooper, M.S. thesis, in preparation].
10 Ma. Continued eastward migration consumed more Atlantic crust,
juxtaposed the three masses of Hispaniola via compressional strike-slip
motion along the flanks of the Cibao and San Juan/Enriquillo Valleys,
and led to arc-continent collision between Panama and northwest Colombia
in late Miocene or early Pliocene time, which led to the uplift of the
three cordillera of Colombia [Irving, 1975]. Numerouspull-apart basins
within the North and South Caribbean Plate Boundary Zones formed in Late
Miocene time due to imperfect strike-slip motion on many minor faults.
Three causes for this seem likely. First, the Panama-Colombia arc-
continent collision may have complicated continued eastward motion of
the Caribbean Plate. Second, convergent relative motion between North
and South America during the past 21 million years (Figure 12) may have
reached a critical point by Late Miocene time that was sufficient to
create internal deformation within the Caribbean Plate, thereby affecting
Plate boundary flow lines. The position and the Neogene uplift of the
Beata Ridge support this viewpoint. Third, the pole describing the
Pindell and Dewey: Reconstruction of Western Pangea 207
motion of the Caribbean Plate with respect to North and South America
may have shifted position in Late Miocene times so that strike-slip
faults and flow lines about the new pole became non-parallel.
0 Ma: the present. The present plate boundary configuration differs
little from the 10 Ma reconstruction except that an exceedingly complex
zone of deformation has developed in the Panama-Colombiaregion in
response to continued eastward migration of the Caribbean Plate today.
Strike-slip faulting with associated basin and thrust development is
continuing throughout the Northern and Southern Plate Boundary Zones.
In the western portion of the Chortis block, a back-arc basin may be
developing along the Nicaragua Depression. If this is so, the Caribbean
Plate may be moving eastward at a slow rate with respect to the mantle.