2019 Active World Team 1-Year Flyer Opt2

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Amazing Opportunity!
Take advantage of this Active World Team promotion.
As a valued Independent Herbalife Nutrition Member, we’re excited to help
you in your efforts to build a sustainable Herbalife Nutrition business.


ACTIVE WORLD TEAM: You must be a Fully Qualified Supervisor to be eligible for the Active World
Team qualification. Volume Points achieved as a Qualifying Supervisor at a
Complete ALL three of the following qualifications in any four- to temporary 50% discount may be used toward the AWT qualification.
six-consecutive-month period from August 2018 through The US$500 Special Bonus is for first-time non-TAB Team AWT qualifiers only.
December 2019: GET qualifiers with an August or earlier qualification date are eligible for
recognition only.
1) Total Volume Points
2,500 in each of four consecutive months
You may only qualify one time for the US$500 Special Bonus. (For example, if
you have received your Active World Team Bonus any year between 2006 and
2018, you will NOT be eligible for another bonus in 2019.)
The US$500 Special Bonus will be paid out in local currency. Members are
2) Total Volume Points
10,000 in one month OR
responsible for payment of any and all applicable taxes, including country-
specific withholding taxes. All US$500 Bonus qualifiers must be in good
standing with Herbalife Nutrition.
OR 3) Total Volume Points
5,000 in any two months during the
qualification period
The qualification period can start any month from August 2018 onward. All
qualifications must occur in the same six-month period.
You can use Volume Points and/or Royalty Points from August 2018 through
December 2018 toward the 2018 and 2019 AWT qualification. However, 2019
4) Royalty Points
500 in one month
AWT qualification requires Volume Points and/or Royalty Points to be
completed during at least one month of 2019.
All three qualifications can overlap as long as they are completed within the
four- to six-consecutive-month period.
WHAT YOU EARN: The shortest time you may take to qualify is four months: e.g., 10,000 Total
• Active World Team pin and certificate Volume Points in one month can also count as one of the 2,500 Total Volume
Points in four consecutive months.
• Onstage recognition at the event in your region
Free one-year BizWorks subscription cannot be postponed to later date. The
• A US$500 Special Bonus for first-time non-TAB free one-year period starts the same month as the AWT qualification month or
Team AWT qualifiers the month following the last prepaid month of the BizWorks subscription.
• Free one-year BizWorks subscription for first-time Members must agree to BizWorks Terms and Conditions.
non-TAB Team AWT qualifiers Free one-year BizWorks subscription cannot be transferred to another
Membership. The BizWorks subscription cannot be exchanged for monetary

WHY YOU SHOULD QUALIFY: Members that already have a BizWorks subscription will not receive an
alternative reward.
• Develop three essential skills: Retailing, Recruiting When the free one-year period ends, the Member can continue to utilize
and Retaining BizWorks by paying the monthly subscription fee.
• In 2017, over 99% of Active World Team qualifiers
requalified as Supervisors*
• 87% of new Global Expansion Team qualifiers (GET)
in 2017 achieved Active World Team status prior to
their GET qualification date*
Go to MyHerbalife.com to check your progress.


The Active World Team is the foundation to building it better and moving up the Marketing Plan!

*These are worldwide statistics, excluding China. Past performance does not guarantee future performance.
© 2018 Herbalife Nutrition. All rights reserved. USA. 18911413 08/18

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