Radio Shack PRO-51 Owner's Manual

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Cat. No, 20-308 OWNER’S MANUAL PRO-51 200-Channel Direct Entry Programmable Scanner RADIO SHACK LIMITED WARRANTY ‘prc i marae aga lets fr 1 Yea Yor cate of puchave ‘tom Rado. Snack conpary owes stres and autorzes Ras Shack ‘bate and lator” Simply bring Your Ragio Shack sales lip xe poo! of Gtchase daw 10 any. Rago ‘Sack ste Waray” dose rat oe {potas or ees ce 4 ket nied is EXCEPT ‘Ag “PROVIDED HEREN, RADIO. SHACK MAKES NO WARFONTIES, EXPRESS. OR NIPLED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF NERCHANTABLAYY AND PHNESS FOR A PARTICULAR. PURPOSE Sons sates 69 rl pet talon & excuson of mpled waranies ‘ote Scat cana ay Yr apy he ‘envy out wey Sa a eh We Service What We Sel! RADIO SHACK A Division of Tandy Corporation Fort Worth, Texas 76102 UBRS0129922(6R) 1A3 Printed inthe Phippines Please road before using this equipment. INTRODUCTION Your new Radio Shack PRO-51 200-Channel Direct Entry Pro- (grammable Scanner lets you in on all the action! This scanner fives you direct access to over 29,000 exciting frequencies that Include the police department, fre department, ambulance Services, amateur radio, and transportation services. You can Select upto 200 channels for your scanner to scan and you can ‘change your selections at any time. The secret to your scanner's abilily to sean so many froquen- cies is ite custom-designed microprocessor — a tiny, builtin ‘Computer. Your scanner also has these special features: ‘Band Search - lets your scanner search the frequencies allo- Caled to the air trafic ie, marine, or weather services, so you ‘can listen Yo the services you profer, even if you do not know the frequencies, 2-Second Scan Delay - delays the scanning mode for 2 seconds bofore moving io another channel, so you can hear mare repos. ‘Memory Backup ~ keeps the channel frequencies stored in ‘memory for up to 3 days during power loss, Lock-Out Funetion ~ keeps channels you select from being scanned, Priority Channel ~ checks your most important channel every 2 ‘seconds so you don’ miss important cals on the channel you speci ‘Ten Channel-Storage Banks ~ lets you store 20 channels in ‘each of 10 banks fo group frequencies so you can easily idently cals, ‘Monitor Memories - let you store up to 10 channels you locale during a frequency search which you can then tanster to perma rent memory Frequency Search ~ scans through every available frequency ‘al upto 100 steps per second to find interesting broadcasts (©1903 Tandy Corporation ‘At Rips Recor, ‘asia Sachin registred Waar ued by Tandy Corporation. ‘Your scanner can roceve all of these bands: ae So Sree, | Ue stein tacen + Begnszrtme SMemereeoces 7 Giesnwa aaa ie eSeevrasmrqmieny —* S98 T2506 MMe re eee For your permanent records, we urge you to record your scanner’s serial number n the space provided below. You wl find the serial ‘number on the scanner's back panel. Serial Number: FCC NOTICE Your scanner might cause radio or TV interference even when itis operating propetly. To determine whether your scanner is causing the intererence, tum off your scanner. tthe intederence goes ‘away, your scanner is causing the inlererence, Try to eliminate ‘the inteerence by + Moving your scanner away fom the recever + Connecting your scanner to an outlet that is on a diferent clectricl crit trom the receiver. + Contacting your local Radio Shack sore for help if you cannot eliminate the interference, the FOC roquires that you ‘stop using your scanner Note: Mobile use ofthis scanner is unlawful or requires a permit in ‘Some areas. Check the laws In your area. CONTENTS PREPARATION Power Sources Using Batteries Connecting the Antenna ‘Connecing an Optional Antenna Connecting an Earphone/Headphones Listening Safely Trae Salty Connecting an Exiension Speaker Resetting the Scanner Using the Bet Cip UNDERSTANDING YOUR SCANNER ‘A.Look a the Display ‘A.Look at he Keyboard UNDERSTANDING CHANNEL-STORAGE BANKS CChanne-Storage Banks Montor Memories OPERATION Setting Volume and Squeich Using the Keylock Storing Frequencies Searching For and Temporarily Storing Active Frequencies Limit Search Direct Search Using the Band Search Keys Listening to Monitor Memories. Moving a Frequency from a Monitor Memory to a Channel ‘Scanning the Channels ‘SPECIAL FEATURES Delay Locking Out Ghani “Turning Channel Storage Banks On and Of Print Manually Selecing a Channel Using the LCD Baek Lignt 19 " ‘GENERAL GUIDE TO SCANNING Birdies Birdie Frequencies Reception Notes ‘AGuide tothe Acton Bands | ‘Typical Band Usage Images USING OTHER POWER SOURCES Important information about the Extemal Power Jacks Using an AC Power Source Using a DC Adapter Charging Nickel Castrium Batteries (Chargng Ti TROUBLESHOOTING CARE AND MAINTENANCE ‘SPECIFICATIONS 88 2 S8BBB8 SABSRAN

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