Mundane Ranger Items Tables
Mundane Ranger Items Tables
Mundane Ranger Items Tables
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Mundane Ranger Item Table
This product makes use of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. These rules can be found online as part of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
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Author –Keith Done, Angela Caffery, Malcolm Owen and Callum Spinaze
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Credits ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
About the Author .......................................................................................................................................... 3
About this Publication................................................................................................................................... 5
The Setting .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Mundane Ranger Items Table ....................................................................................................................... 6
Eldorian Specific Items ................................................................................................................................ 11
Hunter’s Whistle (aka a Mating Caller) Whistle ...................................................................................... 11
Animal Companion.................................................................................................................................. 11
The Badge of a Specific Company of Rangers ......................................................................................... 12
A Finely Carved Roundel Set (with carved animal pieces) ...................................................................... 13
A Leaflinen Cloak ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Twin-Tailed Falcon .................................................................................................................................. 14
A Fey Bracelet (an Eldorian Charm) ........................................................................................................ 15
Liacca Moss (a natural healing medium) ................................................................................................ 15
Liraan’s Water (a purifying agent) .......................................................................................................... 17
Ryeeka (a scent inhibitor) ....................................................................................................................... 18
Hirath Holy Symbol ................................................................................................................................. 19
Ohrmskaat (an insect repellent) ............................................................................................................. 19
Ellytinkin’s Practical Magic Utensils ........................................................................................................ 20
Notes on Ellytinkin’s Magic Items ....................................................................................................... 21
Ellytinkin’s Stir-a-Lot-a-Pot.................................................................................................................. 21
Ellytinkin’s Warm-a-Lot-a-Pot ............................................................................................................. 22
Luumus Pods ........................................................................................................................................... 23 25
Online Community Pages ........................................................................................................................ 26
Previously Published Modules ................................................................................................................ 27
Copyright ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Mundane Ranger Item Table
“It appears that yon woodsman has been killed by the bear that lies close by, slain by his fine
arrows…hmmm,’tis an equally fine bow that lies there for the taking”.
Have you ever felt the pressure and frustration of coming up with multiple mundane items as players loot
the body of a ranger or search his abandoned camp-site? Then the Mundane Ranger Items Table is your
solution. Not only are there a variety of mundane objects keyed to an outdoors character, the table also
includes the macabre and unusual – perhaps even sparking an idea for a new adventure. The Mundane
Ranger Items Table is a stand-alone expansion to the original 200 Mundane Items Tables and will add an
even richer layer to your campaign and allow you to narrow the scope of what your players find when
searching the body of a slain Ranger.
Also look out for the companion books available via Drive Thru RPG:
The Setting
This resource has been written for the fantasy world of Eldoria and throughout are explanations for
terms specific to that campaign setting. However if you want to use it in your own campaign, the details
and statistics can very easily changed to suit the world you are playing in. If you find the world of Eldoria
intriguing, more information can be found in Encyclopedia Eldoria and Reliquarium Eldoria.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
First determine how many things may be likely to be found; I often allow a single item or allocate a
number of items equal to a die range such as 1d4 or 1d6 items. Then you can determine what they
actually are by rolling percentile dice.
However, don’t always be compelled to follow the result rolled. Sometimes the result may not make
sense (e.g. 50’ rope found in someone’s pocket) or you may decide that there is something specific on
the tables that you want to give to the players. Use the tables as a guide and ignore or substitute items
as you see fit.
You may also find that certain items that are found using the tables develop their own plotline (e.g. if
the players find a map); so what starts out as a chance discovery gives you an idea for a whole
The Mundane Ranger Items Table is designed as a companion to the original 200 Mundane Items Tables
and its companion Class Tables. When your players are searching a person or building that has a
connection with a specific character class, you may wish to ‘mix-and-match’, using the most appropriate
tables when determining what they find. For example, you allow a roll of 1d6 to determine how many
items are found and the players get a ‘6’ on the die. You decide to allow two rolls on the Mundane
Ranger Items Table, one roll on the Mundane Arcane Items Table and three rolls on the 200 Mundane
Items Tables. It’s up to you how you want to use these tools!
Note that some items are from the Eldoria world setting and are indicated by this symbol:
More information on these can be found in the rear of this resource under, Eldorian Specific Items.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
2 A polished acorn
7 A flail
8 A whip
17 A horn lantern
18 A horse bridle
19 Saddlebags
24 A longbow
Mundane Ranger Item Table
27 Hunter’s whistle
28 Animal companion
29 A weighted net
30 Fletching tools
33 High boots
45 Bucket List
Mundane Ranger Item Table
55 Leaflinen cloak
57 Tusk on a cord
60 Bundle of kindling
63 A twin-tailed falcon
65 Bone collection
67 Water-skin
74 Skinning knife (treat as a dagger; causes Bleed condition on a critical hit in addition to damage)
Mundane Ranger Item Table
78 A booklet showing how to tie several types of knots (-1 to Escape Artist checks)
81 Leatherworking tool-kit
84 A small tent
86 Spy glass
89 2+2d4 broadhead arrows (+1 non-magical damage and Con Save DC 15 or target receives the
Bleed condition)
90 Pouch of belladonna
93 Wolf-collar (10% chance of cancelling critical damage against prey when worn by a hound)
99 Elven Cloak
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Animal Companion
This assumes that the ranger the players have encountered is a minimum of 4th level. At 4th level, a
ranger forms a bond with his hunting companions. This bond can take the form a close relationship with
an animal companion. The GM should determine the type of companion from the following list (or roll
The animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the ranger on his adventures as appropriate for its
kind. A ranger’s animal companion shares his favored enemy and favored terrain bonuses. This ability
functions like the druid animal companion ability (which is part of the Nature Bond class feature), except
that the ranger’s effective druid level is equal to his ranger level –3. This animal companion is found in
close proximity to its master or the camp-site of its master. It’s up to the GM how the animal is
introduced and what its disposition toward those it encounters. For example, the players may have
come across the body of a ranger who is the animal’s master and the ranger has been killed by bandits
who wounded the animal; the wounded animal is guarding the body and is hostile toward anyone
approaching. Alternately it may be that your players are scoping out the camp of a ranger while he is
absent and discover the animal guarding the ranger’s possessions.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
The Greyleafs
A company ranges throughout Sard and Elkia, tracing their roots to the great
Druid Izrach. They are known for keeping travellers who use mountain trails safe
from bandits and Goblinkynd. Their badge is a grey leaf stained with a drop of
The Shadowthrix
A company based in the Llanish highlands who keep the isolated farmsteads safe
from the Bloodmane barbarian tribes. They also range across the unexplored
forests of far western Llan and have contact with the hidden Elvish communities
that were established there many hundreds of years ago. Their badge is a
predatory black rabbit.
The Suujakyn
The expert desert trackers of Y’sira. They often escort caravans across the more
remote dune seas of that land. Their badge is a scorpion with a curved dagger held
in its claws.
The Seawardens
A group of Rangers who are skilled mariners, who serve the Church of Gurthor.
They are mostly a Human following that originated in the island of Trith, in the Sea
of Souls. They draw much of their knowledge from the lore of older seafarers, such
as the Dwarves and Elves. Their badge is a golden seahorse a blue background.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
The game is often played by members of quasi-military orders, such as the Ranger companies of Eldoria,
where the pieces are often depicted as animals (e.g. the King is a Lion).
A Leaflinen Cloak
The Elves of Leezeria often wear cloaks, jerkins and britches made of valandia (called leaflinen in the
Sardellan tongue). This is made from the large, broad leaves of the valandia-lily, an extremely tough,
water-resistant plant. The leaves retain their properties of suppleness, strength and water-resistance
many years after they have been removed from the parent plant. Rangers frequently invest in a leaflinen
cloak to protect them against inclement weather. In Human realms they can be found in markets in the
major cities of the north, where they sell for 20+1d10gp.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Twin-Tailed Falcon
CR: 0.3 XP 135
N Tiny animal
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +2 size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +2
Speed 10 ft., fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 talons +5 (1d6–3)
Str 6, Dex 18, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +7; CMD 22
Feats Weapon Finesse; Flyby Attack
Skills Fly +7, Perception +14; Racial Modifier +8 Perception
The twin-tailed falcon is a small, predatory bird found mainly throughout the northern regions of Eldoria,
although they have been known to roam as far south as the islands in the Sea of Souls. They prefer cold
and temperate climates and dwell in forested and mountainous regions. The falcons are a pale grey in
color, with brown markings on the wings, neck and tail. The tail, which gives them their name, is forked
and this provides the bird with excellent manoeuvrability. Their wingspan (averaging 60 inches) is larger
than an average falcon, providing the bird with much greater speed. They are very territorial, especially
during mating season and will attack relentlessly if they consider their young are threatened.
The Sé Church began taming twin-tails from around 1100R and including them as part of their aviaries in
all Sé temples. The falcons proved to be an excellent bird for carrying messages between these temples,
having excellent memories and homing abilities. Knowledge of the use of twin-tails by the clergy came
to the attention of secular authorities and, over time, nobles, merchants and the military gave their
patronage to the Sé religion in order to use their communication networks to deliver urgent messages
and information, across most of Eldoria.
The church profited from these arrangements and its priests were privy to great deal of confidential
information that passed through its temples. During the Kinstrife, following the collapse of the Sardellan
Empire, many Sé temples were deliberately captured and destroyed by rival factions in order to limit
war-time intelligence. Others were abandoned after the Kinstrife, as a result of the Sé priesthood
consolidating its assets around 1700R. In many cases, the birds in the aviaries were set free and, as a
result twin-tailed falcons can often be found living at the sites of old Sé temples, where they have
continued to roost for centuries.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Although the magic of a charm is not as powerful as a spell effect, their creation is a closely guarded
secret and usually involves the crafting of mundane items that are then blessed by a Seervati. Many
charms of different kinds exist within each religion.
For the complete list of popular Eldorian religious charms and how they function, refer to “Eldorian
Charms”, available on
DC: 12
Cost: 5cp
Frequency: Rare
In modern Eldoria, any character with three ranks of Survival or Knowledge: Nature will know about
Liacca and will actively look for moss growing on trees when adventuring in the wild, in order to brew a
pint or two for safe-keeping.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Initial Effect: 1d2 restoration of positive hit point damage (Liacca never restores negative hit point
damage). Drinking multiple doses, within a 24 hour period does not provide any extra healing.
Secondary Effect: Drinking Liacca daily will also restore an additional 1 hit point gained by natural
Side Effect: Drinking Liacca causes immediate drowsiness and characters must make Fortitude Check to
avoid falling asleep within 10+1d10 minutes of imbibing a Liacca brew. This lasts 2+2d6 hours and is not
magical; affected characters can be awakened but, if not physically animated, they must make a new
save every 30 minutes during the period that the Liacca is active. Persons who remain awake, under the
influence of Liacca, receive the Fatigued condition.
Description: Liacca is a russet colored moss that grows on trees in most temperate zones in Eldoria, so
long as the conditions are conducive to shade. After it is scraped from a tree, the moss turns pale ochre
in color. Mixed with boiling water, the resulting liquor tastes like aniseed and leaves the tongue numb
for several hours.
Cure: The recommended antidote for the soporific effect of Liacca is several strong mugs of Taak. This
allows a Fortitude Save at DC 18. If successful, the associated side-effects of Liacca are negated.
Creation: A dose of Liacca tonic is made by dicing a handful of Liacca moss and boiling it for 5-10
minutes in about a pint of water. The resulting liquor (when cool) can be drunk and starts having an
effect within an hour.
Market Price: Generally Liacca is free and easy to make into an effective healing potion but, in cities and
non-temperate regions, various Liacca based tonics and remedies are available for 1sp for a 2 pint bottle.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Market Price: The formula for Liraan’s Water is a closely guarded secret of the Both Human and Elven beliefs in
Liraan acknowledge that the
Church of Liraan and it is only available from their priests. It costs 10gp per Goddess’s lifeblood is the clean,
pint. fresh water that flows in the
rivers, streams and lakes of the
world and that to dam or pollute
these waters is an affront to the
Goddess. Water is essential to all
life and every cup that is downed
cleanses the soul and brings the
true believer closer to Liraan.
Thus many rituals of the church
revolve around water, requiring
the ceremonial drinking of or
bathing in water.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Type: Vermin Repellent (Insects). Ryeeka is applied to exposed skin and repels most normal insects
however it has no effect spiders.
Onset: Ohrmskaat takes 1+1d3 minute before it becomes effective in repelling insects.
Initial Effect: Ohrmskaat will prevent insects from making physical contact with the wearer for 3+1d3
hours. Insects must make a DC22 Fort Save to overcome the effects of the repellent.
Secondary Effect: The smell of Ohrmskaat is similar to the pheromones produced by female bears
during the mating season. When using Ohrmskaat, there is a 25% chance of attracting a male bear
within a radius of one mile. Rangers will often use Ohrmskaat as a lure when hunting bears.
Side Effect: Ohrmskaat is toxic to insectoid monsters and races. Any such creature that is struck by a
weapon coated in Ohrmskaat must make a DC18 Fort Save or take 1d6 points of additional damage per
round until a successful saving throw is made.
Description: Ohrmskaat is green lotion with black flecks. It has an earthy odor.
Creation: The leaves of the Ohrmskaat shrub are boiled to make a lotion that, when applied to exposed
skin, provides similar protection from many insect species.
Market Price: Ohrmskaat can be purchased for 1gp a vial in Rhenfara and Maritaan (a vial contains
3+1d4 applications). It is more rare in the northern lands where it costs anywhere between 5gp and
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Elly was born and raised in the Gnomish Elly wanted desperately to make magic items
community of Bramblethatch Delving, in the far like the ancient artificers had made in the
distant western highlands of Llan. She was the Twilight years but her master had neither the
apprentice to the Delving’s sorcerer and, from time or skill to assist her and Elly wasn’t the
an early age, she was fascinated by the greatest sorcerer in the world. She was
mechanical contraptions and old devices always distracted from her studies and
that the Gnome elders had acquired from this often resulted in her spells not
the Human world over the centuries functioning quite like they were
and squirreled away in their Archive supposed to. Try as she might, she could
at Bramblethatch. Most of these not create devices that could rain down
artefacts were broken or drained fireballs or summon an army of
of Tas but that did not deter Elly, skeletons (and why would any
who studied the craft of their respectable Gnome wish to do so
manufacture from scrolls and anyway, Elly rationalised). So
tomes kept by her master. instead, Elly concentrated on
Whenever she had a spare developing (what she would later
moment she could be found call) Ellytinkin’s Practical Magic
in the Archive with her nose Utensils. These were minor
in a book or working at a arcane devices that had real
bench with a large selection of tools, trying to applications that everyday folk could benefit
replicate the constructs that held her attention. from.
Over the short space of one year, Elly created over a hundred ‘practical utensils’ with varying degrees of
success. They were mainly magic devices to help with cooking, cleaning, grooming and many other
associated domestic tasks. Some worked; some didn’t; others had unforeseen effects. It was after the
mayor of Bramblethatch used one of her utensils designed to clean and style hair and ended up totally
bald, that Elly was ordered to cease her work before something disastrous happened. This broke Elly’s
heart; magic and mechanics was what she lived for! So there was nothing for it but to leave the Delving
and spread her wings in the wide world and she did so in the company of some like-minded young
Gnomes who also found Bramblethatch a bit too conservative for their liking. Elly went on to have many
adventures with her companions and it is rumoured that she once walked the hallowed halls of
Godshome itself, the ancient ancestral home of the deities of Eldoria, where she beheld (and made
copious notes about) the artefacts of the Gods. On the following page are two of Ellytinkin Twifirbling’s
practical magical utensils which can be purchased from the Ellytinkin’s Eldritch Emporium, located
beside the offices of “The Darringmoor Dart”. They are of ‘practical’ use to Rangers in the wild.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Construction Requirements
Spellcraft; Craft Wondrous Item, Magehand; iron pot and spoon costing 5sp.
Failure Effects
If the DC Failure check is unsuccessful, the following unusual effects will take place. Note that the pot
cannot be deactivated for 6 rounds when an unusual effect takes place. Roll 1d20.
D20 roll Result Effect
1-5 Whirlpool The stirring motion becomes excessive and the contents are thrown from the pot.
6-10 Maelstrom All small items weighing 1lb or less are caught up in a small circular maelstrom within 5ft radius of the
pot. Creatures within the maelstrom take 1d4 points of damage per round No Saving Throw).
11-15 Magnetic Field The pot generates a powerful magnetic field and all metallic items within 5ft are pulled toward it. A
successful STR DC25 is required to prevent being drawn to the pot.
16-20 Transmutation The contents of the pot are transformed into another foodstuff (GM’s choice)
Ellytinkin’s Warm-a-Lot-a-Pot
Aura feint evocation; CL 3rd; Weight 2 lb (small iron pot and spoon) Market Price 200gp
This is another magical construct of Elly’s that uses a small iron pot. When this pot’s power is invoked,
the contents will be magically heated to just below boiling point over a period of 5 minutes. This
expends one charge and the heat will remain at a simmer for 1 hour, after which a charge is expended.
The heating motion can be made to stop at any time by invoking a word that deactivates the item.
Construction Requirements
Spellcraft; Craft Wondrous Item, Burning Hands; iron pot costing 5sp.
Failure Effects
If the DC Failure check is unsuccessful, the following unusual effects will take place. Note that the pot
cannot be deactivated for 6rounds when an unusual effect takes place. Roll 1d20.
D20 roll Result Effect
1-5 Overheating The pot rapidly boils and the contents may be spoiled by the excessive heat.
6-10 Heat Blast The pot emits a burst of radiant heat in a 5ft radius of the pot. Creatures within the area of effect take 3d4
points of fire damage (Ref Save DC 15 halves damage).
11-15 Heat Metal The pot generates a Heat Metal effect (as per the 2nd Level Druid Spell) but only within a 10ft radius. The
Will Save for objects is DC15.
16-20 Fire Elemental The pot creates a small Fire Elemental which has a 50% chance of being hostile. It will exist for 6 rounds
until the charge is expended.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Luumus Pods
Luumus pods are small green globes that grow amongst the foliage of the
Luumus tree, which is native to Rhenfara in the south of Eldoria. Being a dry
country, Rhenfara experiences regular forest fires during the summer of the
March of Fire and the Luumus plant has evolved a unique form of protecting
Rhenfara is one of the more exotic
itself. Its seeds are held in leathery pods that form high in the canopy of the tree countries of Eldoria, with
approximately 10-15 years after its initial growth. These seeds are very light in landscapes ranging from dense
weight and shaped like a small propeller, allowing them to be carried on the tropical jungles in the west,
wind for long distances. In addition to the seeds, these pods also contain through to the wide grasslands of
the Eritaani Plains. It also has some
thousands of spores which contain fire-retarding chemicals. of the most beautiful coastlines of
the Sea of Souls, with its white sand
During a forest fire, the Luumus pods react to the heat and burst, expelling their beaches and colorful coral reefs.
seeds and spores. The seeds are carried away safely by the updraft of hot air
Rhenfara’s people live in extended
and dispersed safely, while the spores (which are somewhat heavier) rain down
village communities and, at first
on the fire, effectively extinguishing an area of a 20’ wide circle around the base glance, it would be easy to assume
of the Luumus bush. The chemicals in the spores remain active for 20+1d10 that they are a primitive culture,
hours. similar to the barbarian tribes of
the Outlands. However, that is far
from the truth; the Rhenfaran
civilization is highly sophisticated
and advanced. Their antiquated
dwellings and technology are a
reflection of their choice to live in
harmony with the land, under the
guidance of the Druidical order of
the Brotherhood of the Dead Tree.
They fully understand advanced
concepts such as stone-masonry,
engineering and metallurgy but
have no need for such things in
their way of life. They have
developed alternatives that have
served them well for generations.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
A single Luumus pod will extinguish a 20’ circle of fire in 2+1d4 rounds. The pods have an efficacy DC of 5;
a d20 roll of 6+ must be rolled for pod to overcome the initial fire otherwise they are consumed and
have no effect. If successful in quenching the flames the chemical in the spores continue to prevent
flames from starting up again in that same area for a period of 20+1d10 hours.
There has been some conjecture about using Luumus pods as a cheaper replacement for the popular
flame retardant Thirrish, which is painted on many buildings in the north during the March of Fire.
However Thirrish has a higher degree of permanency and remains effective for more than 80 days, while
Luumus pods have a much shorter life. Instead, there has been interest of late, in major cities acquiring
Luumus pods for their militia to use in fighting outbreaks of fire. The most common current use of the
pods by Rangers is to quickly quench camp fires, especially if an enemy is detected.
Market Price: 1cp for a sprig of three pods in Rhenfara; 1gp in the north, where they are in much
shorter supply.
A backstreet in the Dimside district of the Elkian city of Darringmoor showing the extensive use of the
flame retardant paint, Thirrish. Most people will coat their properties with Thirrish at the beginning of the
March of Fire and the concoction fades over an 80 day period, being washed away by the rain during the
March of Air.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
200 Mundane Items, Pathfinder Compatible. (2016).Friends of Eldoria. Mundane items source
material set in Eldoria.
Mundane Bard Items, Pathfinder Compatible. (2017).Friends of Eldoria. Mundane items source
material set in Eldoria.
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Interesting Inn Series# 1 – Sail’s End, (2016) Pathfinder Compatible. Friends of Eldoria. (2016).
Inn source material set in Eldoria.
Interesting Inn Series #2 – Muddy Boots Inn, (2017) Pathfinder Compatible, Friends of Eldoria.
(2016). Inn source material set in Eldoria. (Coming soon)
Interesting Inn Series #3 – Tipsy Tinker, (2017). Pathfinder Compatible. Friends of Eldoria. Inn
source material set in Eldoria. (Coming soon)
Rat’s Nest, (2016) Pathfinder Compatible, Friends of Eldoria. Mini-module set in Eldoria.
Ten Market Stalls. (2016). Pathfinder Compatible, Friends of Eldoria. Market stall source
material set in Eldoria.
Ten MORE Market Stalls. (2017). Pathfinder Compatible, Friends of Eldoria. Market stall source
material set in Eldoria.
There is a ‘Friends of Eldoria’ Facebook group where players can chat and get some additional
information here:
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Mundane Ranger Item Table
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved.
Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis
Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR.
Encyclopedia Eldoria Copyright 2005, Keith Done and Comstar Media LLC
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Mundane Ranger Item Table
Mundane Ranger Item Table
Miscellaneous Discoveries
(100 MiscellaneousDiscoveries
Discoveries found
on a Rogue)Bard)
“It appears that yon woodsman has been killed by the bear that lies close by,
slain by his fine arrows…hmmm,’tis an equally fine bow that lies there for the
Have you ever felt the pressure and frustration of coming up with multiple mundane items as
players loot the body of a ranger or search his abandoned camp-site? Then the Mundane
Ranger Items Table is your solution. Not only are there a variety of mundane objects keyed to
an outdoors character, the table also includes the macabre and unusual – perhaps even
sparking an idea for a new adventure. The Mundane Ranger Items Table is a stand-alone
expansion to the original 200 Mundane Items Tables and will add an even richer layer to your
campaign and allow you to narrow the scope of what your players find when searching the
body of a slain Ranger.
Also look out for the companion books available via Drive Thru RPG:
While this book is written as a supplement for a GM who is running a campaign based in
Eldoria, there is nothing stopping you from transplanting any of the religions contained in
this book to your own alternate setting
The “Mundane Ranger Items Table” has been written using the Pathfinder RPG system
but it is light on rules and is easily adaptable to other systems.