4th Grade Writing Rubric: Ideas & Content (Ideas) Organization Style (Voice, Word Choice, Fluency) Language Conventions
4th Grade Writing Rubric: Ideas & Content (Ideas) Organization Style (Voice, Word Choice, Fluency) Language Conventions
4th Grade Writing Rubric: Ideas & Content (Ideas) Organization Style (Voice, Word Choice, Fluency) Language Conventions
Ideas & Content (Ideas) Organization Style (Voice, Word Choice, Fluency) Language Conventions
Stays on the topic (Does not ramble or Shows understanding of multiple paragraph Consistent use of dynamic, vivid or Few or no errors in capitalization
repeat) form challenging words 4
Includes main idea(s) with 4 or more Has an engaging introduction and conclusion Uses original, unique, authoritative and/or Few or no errors in punctuation
supporting details with well developed interesting voice
Exceeds Stds.
Contains in depth information and Has a logical progression of main ideas and Includes complex sentences Few or no errors in subject and verb agreement
exceptionally supporting details, that are supporting details Has fluent writing
fully developed
In literary responses, elaboration needs to Uses effective and varied transitions between Displays multiple effective literary devices
include examples from the text. sentences and paragraphs
Stays on the topic (Does not ramble or Shows understanding of multiple paragraph Includes some interesting, specific words Few or no errors in the spelling of grade-level-
repeat) form appropriate words
Includes main idea(s) with 3 or more Has an effective introduction with topic Uses original, unique, authoritative and/or Few or no run-on sentences or sentence
supporting details with developed sentence interesting voice fragments
Exceeds Stds.
Creates clear/vivid images for reader Has a conclusion that summarizes points Exhibits complex sentences Indention of paragraphs all of the time
Has a logical progression of main ideas and Has fluent writing
supporting details
In literary responses, elaboration needs to Uses effective transitions between sentences Displays multiple effective literary devices
include examples from the text. and paragraphs
Stays mostly focused on the topic Show understanding of multiple paragraph Includes basic vocabulary appropriately Most capitalization is correct
(Seldom rambles or repeats) form Indention of paragraphs all of the time 3
Includes main idea(s) with 3 or more Has an identifiable introduction with topic Attempts to use literary devices Most sentences contain correct punctuation
supporting details with developed sentence Has appropriately Most sentences use appropriate verb tense
Meets Stds.
In literary responses, elaboration needs Has a logical progression of main ideas Demonstrates an awareness of audience Most sentences have correct subject and verb
to include examples from the text. and supporting details agreement
Uses transitions between sentences and Exhibits simple effective sentence Most grade-level words are spelled correctly
paragraphs patterns Writing has few or none run-on sentences or
sentence fragments
Stays somewhat focused on the topic Shows some understanding of multiple Includes basic vocabulary appropriately most Some capitalization is correct
In literary responses, elaboration needs to Has limited sequence of events (May include Demonstrates little or no awareness of
include examples from the text. only one of the elements: beginning, middle, or audience
Attempts no transitions
Has no clear topic Does not attempt to organize related ideas Limited basic vocabulary, uses many words Many errors in capitalization
Lacks details Lacks introduction and/or conclusion Attempts simple sentence patterns but not Many errors in subject and verb agreement
understandable Many errors in the spelling
Has no logical sequence of events Demonstrates no awareness of audience Writing has many run-on sentences or fragments
`` Attempts no transitions Indention of paragraphs is non-existent