01 Rod Cossor CV - JC Civil

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Rod brings 27 years of experience in civil construction ranging from estimator through
to a project manager for both his own company and whilst working at a number of
other leading civil engineering companies.
A qualified engineer, Rod is highly respected throughout the industry, having been
involved in numerous large projects including the construction of rail and transport
terminals, marine work and major road and bridge projects. Rod has developed his
expertise in main roads and government projects over many years with securing major
tender and project managing large scale projects.

 Bridge Construction
 Large scale service infrastructure
 Subdivisions
 Highway construction
 Flood reconstruction
 Service Installation
 Drainage, Sewerage and Water mains
 People management, team leadership
 Time management and cost controls
 All aspects of bid management, preparation and submission of EOIs, RFPs and
competitive tenders in a design and construct environment
 Management and coordination of the design and construction interface in a design
and construct environment on technically challenging projects
 All aspects of project management in civil infrastructure projects in both design
and/or construction projects
 Writing and development of project management plans, policies and procedures
 Development of complex and detailed construction methodologies and staging

Education & Continued Professional Development

Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering – QLD University of Technology (1989)
Contract Estimator (2015 - Present)
JC Civil Projects Pty Ltd

 Provide diverse and challenging tenders and EOIs to companies ranging

from small subcontractors to National companies
 Work to extremely tight timeframes and being called on to develop design
parameters for project with limited detail or conception designs.
 Involved in a diverse range of tenders from $100,000 subdivisions and
carparks to $200,000,000 National highway upgrades

Senior Estimator (2010 - 2015)

Frostdale Pty Ltd

 Responsible for the development of tenders for private and local government
departments with a specific emphasis on drainage, water and sewerage
 First based pricing of major civil tenders including programming

Senior Estimator (2006 - 2013)

CMD Drake

 Responsible for the development of tenders for private and local government
departments with a specific emphasis on drainage, water and sewerage
 First based pricing of major detailed tenders including programming
 Client negotiations
 Project start-up once tenders were won

Senior Estimator (2006 - 2008)

McDonald Keen Group Pty Ltd

 Responsible for the development of major civil tenders

 First based pricing of major civil tenders including programming
Managing Director (2005 - 2006)
Industrial Fabric Solutions
Design, sales and construction of water storage tanks and repairs to existing water reservoirs.

 Planning, costing and delivery projects

Senior Estimator (1995 - 2005)

Basic Construction

 Full development of project tenders including programming and planning

 Quality Assurance
 Representative and Auditor
 Systems Development and Safely Officer
 Extensive experience in Main Roads and council works – especially road works
and bridges.

Project Engineer/Manager (1990 - 2005)

Basic Construction
Multifaceted civil construction company who took an early philosophy of not owning
construction equipment giving it the flexibility to pursue any field of work.

 Experience gained in a diverse range of construction activities from the more

common practice of bridge and road construction to the challenges of
marine work and Olympic level athletic facilities.

 Barbara Kong – Director – Basic Construction
 Jack McDonald – Director – McDonald Keen Group
 Troy Drake – Director – CMDrake Pty Ltd
 David Ahem – Director – Civil Mining & Construction
Rod Cossor
Project Highlights


Numerous large various Senior Estimator
projects including
construction of rail and
port terminals, marine
work and major roads
and bridge projects
Westbrook Road and Project Engineer / 7km of highway including
Bridge Manager major culvert crossings and a
two span bridge

Bikeway construction Project Engineer / Bikeway construction adjacent

adjacent South East Freeway Manager South East Freeway including
bridge construction

Athletics Track – University of Project Engineer / Construction of International

Queensland and QEII Manager Standard athletic facilities to
2mm tolerances including
extensive drainage and
ancillary works while
maintaining existing facilities
Brisbane River Boardwalk – Project Engineer / Major timber boardwalk in the
Main Roads Manager Brisbane River fronting the
Cultural Centre involving major
timber piling utilizing floating
Kangaroo Point Esplanade – Project Engineer / Building a harbor entry to the
Qbuild Manager Brisbane river and dredging
several metres of river silt.
Construction of architectural
retaining walls and timber
boardwalks to a right program
under strict environmental
Anita Street Subdivision Project Engineer / Construction of a staged
Manager subdivision development in
difficult ground conditions

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