Subordinate and Main Clause DLP
Subordinate and Main Clause DLP
Subordinate and Main Clause DLP
I. Objectives:
a. Identify the two types of clauses;
b. Differentiate main clause from subordinate clause; and
c. Construct sentences using main clause and subordinate clause.
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities:
Class, let us all stand as we put ourselves in the (Students will pray)
presence of the Lord as we pray. Ram, kindly
lead the prayer.
Checking of Attendance
Thank you. Now I'm going to check your All of us are present, Sir.
attendance, is everybody's present?
All right class, what was our last topic last Sir, our last topic last week is all about
week? Sentence.
Excellent! Question, what is sentence again? Sir, Sentence is a group of words that has
complete thought.
Very good! Sentence also contains subject and They are group of words that looked like a
a verb to make it a complete thought and sentence but has no complete thought.
begins with a capital letter. How about
Sentence Fragment?
B. Motivation
Perfect. All right class, let's have a game shall Yes sir!
we? I will divide you into two groups. I will
show you some sentences and you will guess
either "complete" or "incomplete". The
winning group who gathered the most number
of points will receive an additional points to
their quiz on Friday. How's that sound?
Let us begin with the first one.
C. Lesson Proper
Now class, where's the subject and the verb Sir, the subject is the fast, red squirrel and the
there? Yes Gina? verb is the word darted.
"Sima and Michelle are skipping their Sir, both Sima and Michelle are the subjects
chemistry class to sit by the lake and watch the and "are skipping" is the verb.
sun sparkle in the water."
Yes, Maria?
and here are the words under relative pronoun, that, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom,
read altogether. whose, whosever, whomever.
comma, Sir.
All right class, question, what are we going to
use to combine independent and dependent
Exactly, thank you. Would you read the other When you attach a subordinate clause at the
method, Jane? end of a main clause, you will generally use no
Thank you, Jane. Here, the subordinate clause
will be at the end of the sentence behind the
main clause. But instead of comma, we will
use no punctuation to this one because it
indicates that you will continuously read the
sentence as a whole. Like this:
D. Generalization:
* Give examples of subordinate conjunctions. *the students will give the examples*
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Underline the subordinate clause in each sentence below.
V. Assignment
Research/study about Relative clause and construct at least five (5) sentences.
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