Design of A Hexapod Robotic System

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Article · June 2001


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3 authors:

Paulo Flores J.C. Pimenta Claro

University of Minho University of Minho


Fernando Ribeiro
University of Minho


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J. P. Flores Fernandes J. C. Pimenta Claro Fernando Ribeiro

Mech. Engineering Depart. Mech. Engineering Depart. Industrial Electronic Depart.
School of Engineering School of Engineering School of Engineering
University of Minho University of Minho University of Minho
Campus de Azurém Campus de Azurém Campus de Azurém
4800-058 Guimarães 4800-058 Guimarães 4800-058 Guimarães
Portugal Portugal Portugal
The main purpose of this work was to design a prototype of an autonomous hexapod robot. This paper reports on
an initial phase, where the basic geometry of the system was specified and improved through a kinematics and
dynamic study, using a motion analysis software. This also allowed the design of all mechanical components and
the definition of motion generation needs. In this paper the importance of legged robots on mobile research is
emphasised. The capabilities of the computational programs specially dedicated to the analysis of mechanical
systems are demonstrated. The mobility of the geometric model presented in this paper is a trade-off between
natural idea and technical feasibility. Some results of the virtual simulation of the movement of this hexapod
robotic system are presented.

The main purpose of the work presented in this paper was to design a prototype of a hexapod robotic system.
Nowadays tasks in which human presence may be avoided are increasing, such as rote and boring activities,
work which imply a great danger and, consequently, very strict security rules (e.g. some of the work carried out
in nuclear power-plants), and activities which occur in places where the human being can hardly get (e.g. spatial
and underwater exploration). Nevertheless, robotic systems can be used in other fields as well. In order to reduce
or avoid the human element it is essential to design and develop mobile robotic systems, which are able to
undertake tasks that imply a great deal of danger. Therefore, alternative systems to deal with these tasks must be
The analytical simulation of Multi-Body Systems (MBS) is getting an increasing weight in mechanical design, as
developments in control software demand higher mobility, flexibility and dexterity of moving structures, from
simple manipulators to autonomous robots. In this field, the legged locomotion systems find several applications,
such as walking aid of handicap and elderly people (1), operations in hostile environments or inaccessible locals,
as it was shown by Kirchner (2), and even in entertainment applications as, for example the well-known pet
robot presented by Fujita et al. (3). An important advantage of these robotic systems is the ability to walking on
rough and irregular surfaces, overcoming obstacles with a high degree of softness. Their major limitation is
related to the dynamic equilibrium control, for reasonable operating speeds.
Two main groups of robotic systems that are currently under study can be identified: wheels’ robots and legs’
robots (4-13). The former undertake more rapid and soft movements in planar surfaces. However, they are very
sensitive to natural obstacles or on surfaces whose contact is not continuous. The USA army estimates that the
wheel can only reach 50% of the places on earth. The later, also known as ‘walking machines’, are able to
overcome the problems presented by the wheels’ robots as they have a greater mobility and adaptability to
irregular surfaces, with obstacles, such as climbing and down the stairs. Nevertheless, it should be noted that the
process of modelling and controlling these systems entails much more difficulties. Velimirovic et al. (10) studied
a hybrid system which presents the advantages of both wheels and legs robots.
Over the last decade a number of legged mobile robot prototypes was developed, from biped to four and
six-legged robots (3-10). The first designs tried to imitate animal movements, while later developments had a
more realistic and simpler configuration. Several published research works relate to the control and modelling
process of the movement, but only a few studies report quantitative results of the system motion characteristics,
namely in what concerns to the analysis of the mechanical efforts developed during the movement.
The reasons stated above justify the growing motivation for the study of locomotion robots. It is within this
context that the present work was undertaken aimed at designing and developing a hexapod robotic system. In
this research a computational program was used, enabling the kinematic and dynamic study of the mechanical
The mechanical complexity of legged locomotion systems is one of the characteristics that make their study both
interesting and difficult. Overall, the mobile robotic systems are mechanisms capable of being analysed
according to the Classic Mechanic (e.g. Newton-Euler method, Lagrange-D’Alembert formulation,
Denavit-Hartenberg method, among others) (6,7,11). Furthermore, a kinematic and dynamic study of mechanical
systems is intended to analyse the movement in terms of displacement, velocity, acceleration, coupled with the
forces and torques generated and transmitted. This enables the determination of the more critical situations and,
consequently, the design of the components. Nevertheless, the expressions resulting from this kind of analysis
can make the study of motion characteristics hard. Therefore, computing packages related to the mechanical
systems in general become a powerful alternative to the classic approach.
The use of computers in mechanical design is becoming widespread and leads to the development of
general-purpose computer aided mechanical design, such as Mechanica Motion, Simpack, Adams, Working
Model and so on. These dedicated computer applications have been widely used to simulate the dynamic loads
acting on the parts of a machine or machine system.
In this paper a six-legged walking machine is presented which is biologically inspired according to the kinematic
construction. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In section two the capabilities of the
computational programs are presented. A short description of model geometry is given in section three. Some
results of the virtual simulation are presented in section four. Finally, in the last section the main conclusions
from this study are drawn and the perspectives for future research are outlined.

In recent years a number of computer-based aids for engineering have emerged, due not only to the development
on hardware but also to the improvements on software and mathematical tools. In this context, the computational
programs specially dedicated to the kinematic and dynamic analysis of mechanical systems became a powerful
alternative to the classic methods. Simulation software allows testing design performance and predicting
component's behaviour, prior to building a physical prototype.
These software packages present several advantages, such as the possibility of simulating and visualizing the
global motion produced by the creation of virtual models, the opportunity of testing, evaluating and correcting
different configurations in real conditions, the capability of observing the functionality of the system, the
flexibility and easiness to process the information and, above all, the economy of time, materials and money
spent on its development (14-17).
In a general way, mechanical simulation requires data inputs on components geometry (which can be created via
a CAD1 system) and mass properties, connections between the elements (i.e., degrees of freedom or
restrictions/constraints) and external forces acting on the system (springs, dampers, revolute and linear actuators,
etc.). From these inputs, the equations of motion are generated and solved for every component, using numerical
methods approach, and displacements, velocities, accelerations and reaction forces are computed.
The computational programs use numerical methods to allow the solution of the motion of mechanical systems,
which are governed, in general, by a set of algebraic-differential equations arising from mechanics principles.
The main numerical methods used by these computational programs are Newton-Raphson’s method, Euler’s
method (the simplest and the fastest method) and Runge-Kutta’s method, among others (14-18). The accuracy of
results depends on the choice of integration method and the time step. The time step is a critical parameter in
fixed numerical integrators, because it affects the speed and accuracy of the result significantly. In general, a
small time produces more accurate simulation results, but requires more computational effort per given time
period than a larger integration time step (15-17).
Additionally, these software packages have automatic collision detection, which is used to simulate body's
surface interaction. Results are presented to the designer either in graphic or digital form and the computed data
can also be exported to other applications such as spreadsheets or Finite Element Analysis (FEA) programs,
where additional analysis, evaluation and post-processing can be performed.
These programs, usually, offer a complete array of 3D joints and constraints, from motors, actuators, etc.
enabling the user to model all types of complex 3D mechanisms. In these programs the moving components (part
and assemblies) of the mechanical systems are modelled as rigid bodies that are connected to each other in
accordance with realistic connections between components with various joints (allowing 0-6 degrees of freedom,
DOF). The connections provided by these programs are called ideal or perfect connections, that is, clearance,
mass and friction of joints is neglected. Another limitation of the commercial packages is related to the
non-consideration of the flexibility/deformability of bodies (16,17).
Figure 1 depicts the working steps during the analysis of MBS when a computational program specially
dedicated to mechanical systems analysis is used (14).
According to the above mentioned issue, computational packages related to the mechanical systems, in general,
become a powerful and user-friendly alternative to the classic methods, mainly in complex systems, such as
robots, where the traditional approach is very problematic, if not impossible in some cases.

The abbreviation CAD is commonly used for both Computer-Aided Drafting and Computer-Aided Design. Most of the CAD systems
available today are intelligent computerized drafting with limited design capability (14,16,17).
Model identification

Geometry definition of
the mechanical system

Properties definition such

as mass, coefficient of
friction, actuators, etc.

of the system

Visualization and
results assessment

Desired No


End of analysis

Figure 1 – Working steps with computational programs dedicated to mechanical systems analysis.

The hexapod robotic system presented in this paper was developed bearing in mind several abilities such as,
moving on irregular paths, overcoming obstacles, climbing and going down stairs, without compromising its
stability and keeping a low overall weigh. After several iterations, a geometric model was achieved, as it is
shown in the figure 2.
The mechanical structure of the hexapod robot consists of one rigid, load carrying mainframe with six legs,
similar and symmetrically distributed. Each leg is composed by four links, interconnected by four revolute joints
and attached to the main body by means of a fifth revolute joint. Revolute motors and linear actuators
accomplish traction movement and elevation, respectively. The figure 3 illustrates the kinematic configuration of
one leg. The foot of each leg is rigidly attached.
The main dimensions of the model are length ≈ 750 mm, width ≈ 500 mm and height ≈ 500 mm, being the total
weight estimated as 18 Kg. This model is used to generate elementary locomotion behaviour.
For an nb rigid body system with nc independent constraint equations, the mobility or the number of degrees of
freedom (DOF) is given by

DOF = 6 × nb − nc (1)

This mathematical expression, usually called the Grüebler-Kützback equation, can be used to determine the
mobility of the hexapod robotic model (16-18).
Using equation (1) each leg has 2 DOF. Considering six legs the system has a total of 12 DOF. So it is necessary
6 generators of motion (motors) and 6 linear actuators for producing the global motion.
Figure 2 – Mechanical structure of the hexapod robot. Figure 3 – Kinematic configuration of a leg.


In this section, two representative virtual simulations are presented in order to study the behaviour of the
movement characteristics of the proposed legged robot model. In the first simulation, a straight path on a planar,
horizontal and non-rough surface is considered. The second one deals with climbing a standard set of stairs
(height ≈ 170 mm, deep ≈ 280 mm). In the former simulation it was considered both static and dynamic stability,
while in the later only static stability was used to simulate the motion. Figure 4 shows an animation sequence of
the virtual simulation that corresponds to the second situation.
Static stability implies that, at least, three legs support the structure at any instant, and when in a top view the
centre of mass falls into a polygonal region drawn through ground point contacts. In situations where less than
three legs support the system, the polygonal region is reduced to a line or a point. In these circumstances the
system is considered to be dynamically stable if it maintains the equilibrium. The static stability is limited in
terms of speed and manoeuvre ability. On the other hand, the dynamic stability demands constant and complex
control system in order to maintain the stability (4,5).
The main parameters used in these simulations are height of the legs 500 mm; total weight about 18 kg
(including equivalent weight for motors, actuators, batteries, and hardware), the friction and restitution
coefficient between ground and feet is 0.9. At the start model is assumed to be in contact with the ground, and in
an horizontal position.

Figure 4 – Animation sequence of a virtual simulation of a standard set of stairs climbing.

Working Model Motion, a commercial simulation software, was used to create and analyse the virtual model.
This computing package is based on the Classic Mechanic, so-called Newtonian, in which the solutions are
obtained by successive approaches (15). For each situation mentioned above, kinematic and dynamic motion
characteristics were performed.
For each leg, the software computes forces and torques that act in all bodies. During the traction movement the
applied torque on motor and the force that acts on linear actuators were calculated for a front leg. Figures 5 and 6
illustrate some of these results. As it was expected, the worst situation in terms of mechanical efforts on the
components occurs in stairs climbing case. Therefore, these results were used to design the components and to
access motion generation requirements. The design was carried out using basic stress/strain concepts.
As pictured in figure 5 the necessary torque to drive each leg is about 10 Nm. The range rotation speed for
motors is 10-15 rad/s. These results were corroborated by several published results on physical experiments in
this field, namely in what concerns the average values of speed achieved on planar motion, and driving torque
needed for motors (9).
For the straight path movement on planar and horizontal surface the average speed is 0.2 and 2.0 Km/h,
respectively, for static and dynamic stability during the motion. This model needs about 50 s to climb the two
stairs, as it was shown in figure 4.
10 -10

9 -40
Torque [Nm]

Force [N]

5 -130
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Movement on a flat surface Time [s] Movement on a flat surface Time [s]
Climb a standard set of stairs Climb a standard set of stairs
Figure 5 – Torque applied on motor during Figure 6 – Force on linear actuator during the
the traction movement in the front leg. traction movement in the front leg.

In this work, a virtual prototype of a hexapod robotic system was designed. The merits of this hexapod
configuration consist of walking control of a hexapod being easier than that of a biped robot, and the model can
adjust its gait and leg movements to compensate for changes due to load and obstacles on the surface.
A computer aided analysis software was used to study kinematic and dynamic characteristics of motion. Design
software simulation allows testing design performance and simulating the behaviour of components prior to
building a physical prototype. This enables the determination of the most critical situation and, hence, the design
of the components and motion generators needs.
As it was pointed out in the second section, the computational programs dedicated to the kinematic and dynamic
analysis of the mechanical systems are a powerful tool for designers. Indeed, these programs present several
capabilities such as real-time simulation. Also, they allow designers to answer questions such as “Does it work
as intended?”, “Is it strong enough?” and “Is it over or under designed?” without a large investment of
preparation and without the underlying technologies.
The study of robotic systems, in general, and legged walking machines, in particular, is recognised as being a
very important problem in modern science and technology, because robots have great mobility and flexibility
from control software and high degrees of freedom, compared with other automatic machines. Besides, the
robotic systems find numerous applications in the most varied sectors of activity. On the other hand,
entertainment application is also an important target at this stage of both scientific and industrial development. It
is expected that various kinds of entertainment applications will create a completely new market in the near
The study of these systems involves several areas of the knowledge, such as mechanical, electronic, computer
science, and, eventually, biomechanics engineering.
The main focus of this paper has been on mechanical specifications in order to determine the more critical
situations and, consequently, the design of the components.
As further work, new gaits of locomotion for the hexapod will be studied, as well as other legged robotic
systems. The gaits should be as similar as possible to the biological locomotion gaits of animals.
Therefore, in the near future, this simulation is intended to be used as a ‘virtual test rig’ for the development of
the motion control system, prior to its implementation on the physical model.
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