Washwin Lubuagan Nhs
Washwin Lubuagan Nhs
Washwin Lubuagan Nhs
Sanitation Segregated Toilets Security of Wash Facility for Wash Facility for
★★★ Toilets Toilets MHM
★★ ★ ★★★
n 0 Star n 2 Stars
n 1 Star n 3 Stars
Department of Education
WASH in Schools Monitoring System
A. School Profile
B. Water Access
C. Sanitation
8 How many toilet seats are available for children in the school? Do Male Female
not include toilet seats for teachers.
Functional 1 1
Not Functional
9 Are all functional toilets secure, private and have door with lock? Yes
14 How often are the sanitation facilities cleaned? At least twice a week
15 Does the school burn its waste? Yes
16 Are segregated trash bins with cover available in the following areas?
Classrooms Check
Toilets Check
Offices Check
Clinics Check
Play areas Check
Gardens Check
Hallways Check
Gyms/Stage Check
17 Are the students segregating their solid waste properly? Yes
18 Does the school have policies/sanctions which promote the practice Yes
of solid waste segregation?
19 How regular is garbage being collected from the school? No collection
20 Does the school have a compost pit for biodegradable waste? No
21 Does the school have a refuse pit for non-biodegradable waste? No
D. Hygiene
33 What is the extent of student participation in supervising group handwashing? Check all applicable
Students are participants supervised by teachers Check
Students assist teachers in supervising handwashing activities Check
42 What are the sources of funds for WinS Supplies? Please check all School MOOE Private/
that apply. Individual
Cleaning materials/supplies for toilets Check
Repair and maintenance Check
E. Deworming
F. Health Education
50 Which areas in the school have IEC materials for WinS? Hygiene Menstrual
Bulletin board Check
Handwashing facilities
Canteen/Eating areas
* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required
* Required
Shared/ Total Pupil Toilet
Communal Ratio
1 3 0
PTA LGU Funds Voluntary
from internal
Sanitation Food safety
W.S1-2. The school coordinates with the W.S2-2. The quality of water is tested once W.S3-2. The quality of water is tested more 0
relevant agency/office to test the quality of every calendar year in coordination with the than once every calendar year in coordination
water. relevant agency/office. with the relevant agency/office.
W.S1-3. Regardless of source, water for W.S2-3. Regardless of source, water for ✓ W.S3-3. Regardless of source, water for 3
cleaning is available only for certain days of the cleaning is available on a daily basis but only on cleaning is available on a daily basis in all
week certain hours of the day. school hours
Sanitation S.S1-1. The overall pupil to toilet seat ratio is S.S2-1. The overall pupil to toilet seat ratio is ✓ S.S3-1. The functional pupil to toilet seat ratio 3
101 or higher and there are at least two 51-100 students and there are more than two (by gender) is 50 or less
functional and clean toilets that are gender functional and clean toilets that are gender
segregated segregated as needed based on enrolment
S.S1-2. Toilets are secure, private, with door ✓ S.S2-2. Toilets are secure, private, with door S.S3-2. Toilets are secure, private, with door 1
and lock, have lighting, adequate ventilation and lock, have lighting, adequate ventilation and lock, have lighting, adequate ventilation
and wrapping materials for used pads and wrapping materials for used pads and wrapping materials for used pads
S.S2-3. There is a handwashing facility with S.S3-3. There is a handwashing facility with
soap within or near the toilets soap within or near the toilets
S.S2-4. There is a facility for washing IN at least ✓ S.S3-4. There is a facility for washing IN female
one female toilet for MHM toilets for MHM
S.S2-5. Detached Toilets are located within view S.S3-5. Detached Toilets are located within view
of school building and people of school building and people
S.S3-6. There is a toilet accessible to persons
with limited mobility
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Catgegory One Star Two Stars Three Stars Score
S.S1-7. Daily cleaning of toilets, and S.S2-7. Daily cleaning of toilets, and S.S3-7. Daily cleaning of toilets, and 0
handwashing and other water facilities handwashing and other water facilities handwashing and other water facilities
✓ S.S1-8. Funding for regular maintenance and ✓ S.S2-8. Funding for regular maintenance and ✓ S.S3-8. Funding for regular maintenance and 3
repair of toilets, handwashing and other water repair of toilets, handwashing and other water repair of toilets, handwashing and other water
facilities comes from the regular school budget facilities comes from the regular school budget facilities comes from the regular school budget
(i.e. MOOE) and/or other DepEd funds (i.e. MOOE) and/or other DepEd funds (i.e. MOOE) and/or other DepEd funds
S.S1-11. Waste segregation is practiced S.S2-11. Waste segregation is practiced ✓ S.S3-11. Comprehensive waste segregation
system is in place, such as policy, facility and
practice, and sanctions for non-compliance
✓ S.S1-12. No garbage collection services BUT S.S2-12. Garbage is collected at least once a S.S3-12. Garbage is collected at least twice a
school has compost facility for biodegradable week OR school has compost facility for week OR a school has compost facility for
waste and safe disposal of non-biodegradable biodegradable waste and safe disposal of non- biodegradable waste and materials recovery
waste such as properly fenced refuse pits biodegradable waste such as properly fenced facility (MRF) for recyclable waste.
(burying). refuse pits (burying).
✓ S.S1-13. Functional Septic tank is available for ✓ S.S2-13. Functional Septic tank is available for ✓ S.S3-13. Functional Septic tank is available for 2
all toilets all toilets all toilets
✓ S.S1-14. Functional drainage from kitchen and ✓ S.S2-14. Functional drainage from kitchen and ✓ S.S3-14. Functional drainage from kitchen and
wash areas to ensure that there is no stagnant wash areas to ensure that there is no stagnant wash areas to ensure that there is no stagnant
water in the school water in the school water in the school
S.S1-16. All food handlers are oriented and S.S2-16. All food handlers should have a health S.S3-16. All food handlers should have a health 0
practice food safety measures certificate certificate and for schools with canteen, an
updated sanitary permit
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Catgegory One Star Two Stars Three Stars Score
Hygiene H.S1-1. Daily SUPERVISED group handwashing H.S2-1. Daily SUPERVISED group handwashing H.S3-1. Daily SUPERVISED group handwashing 0
with soap for all elementary pupils is led by with soap for all elementary pupils is led by a with soap for all elementary pupils is led by
teacher/s mix of teachers and students student leaders
✓ H.S1-2. Regular supply of soap for handwashing ✓ H.S2-2. Regular supply of soap for handwashing ✓ H.S3-2. Regular supply of soap for handwashing
H.S1-3. At least one functional group H.S2-3. Pupil to group handwashing facility ✓ H.S3-3. Pupil to group facility with soap ratio of
handwashing facility with soap with soap ratio of 1:200 for one shift 1:100 for one shift
H.S3-4. There are individual handwashing
facilities with soap in strategic areas in the
school (e.g. near canteen/eating areas, play
areas and toilets)
✓ H.S3-5. The practice of individual handwashing
with soap is done during critical times
H.S1-6. Daily SUPERVISED activity of tooth H.S2-6. Daily SUPERVISED activity of tooth H.S3-6. Daily SUPERVISED activity of tooth 0
brushing with fluoride toothpaste for all brushing with fluoride toothpaste for all brushing with fluoride toothpaste for all
children is led by teacher/s children is led by a mix of teachers and children is led by student leaders
H.S1-7. Regular supply of fluoride toothpaste H.S2-7. Regular supply of fluoride toothpaste H.S3-7. Regular supply of fluoride toothpaste
for the tooth brushing activity for the tooth brushing activity for the tooth brushing activity
H.S1-8. Repair and maintenance requirements H.S2-8. Repair and maintenance requirements H.S3-8. Repair and maintenance requirements 0
are reflected in the School Improvement Plan are reflected in the School Improvement Plan are reflected in the School Improvement Plan
(SIP) and Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) (SIP) and Annual Improvement Plan (AIP) (SIP) and Annual Improvement Plan (AIP)
H.S1-9. Soap, toothbrush and toothpaste are H.S2-9. Soap, toothbrush and toothpaste are H.S3-9. Soap, toothbrush and toothpaste are
provided by the school through DepEd funds provided by the school through DepEd funds provided by the school through DepEd funds
only (ie. MOOE) complemented by external partners complemented by external partners
✓ H.S1-10. Sanitary pads are accessible in the ✓ H.S2-10. Sanitary pads are accessible in the ✓ H.S3-10. Sanitary pads are accessible in the 2
school school school
✓ H.S2-11. There is information on proper ✓ H.S3-11. There is information on proper
disposal of sanitary pads in the girls toilet disposal of sanitary pads in the girls toilet
H.S2-12. DepEd approved IEC materials on ✓ H.S3-12. DepEd approved IEC materials on
menstrual hygiene management for teachers menstrual hygiene management for teachers
are available and students are available
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Catgegory One Star Two Stars Three Stars Score
H.S3-13. There is a rest space/changing room
for MHM that is secure, private and
comfortable (not necessarily in the CR)
Deworming ✓ D.S1-1. Deworming is done semi-annually, in ✓ D.S2-1. Deworming is done semi-annually, in ✓ D.S3-1. Deworming is done semi-annually, in 0
the presence of a health personnel, in the presence of a health personnel, in the presence of a health personnel, in
coordination with DOH, and with parent’s coordination with DOH, and with parent’s coordination with DOH, and with parent’s
consent consent consent
D.S1-2. 50-74 %of school students were D.S2-2. 75-84% of school students were D.S3-2. At least 85% of school students were
dewormed dewormed dewormed
Health HE.S1-1. IEC materials are present only in the ✓ HE.S2-1. IEC materials are present in ✓ HE.S3-1. IEC materials are present in 3
Education schoolboard or wall classrooms and strategic places (eg. canteen, classrooms and strategic places (eg. canteen,
play areas, toilets, handwashing facilities, etc.) play areas, toilets, handwashing facilities, etc.)
HE.S1-2. There are organized teams and HE.S2-2. There are organized teams and HE.S3-2. There are organized teams and 0
accountable units to promote WinS (e.g. TWGs, accountable units to promote WinS (e.g. TWGs, accountable units to promote WinS (e.g. TWGs,
student clubs) student clubs) student clubs)
HE.S2-5. Advocacy is done during GPTA ✓ HE.S3-5. There are planned and organized
assembly activities for parents/stakeholders for learning
and advocating WinS
✓ HE.S2-6. WinS is part of the extra-curricular ✓ HE.S3-6. WinS is part of the extra-curricular
program of students program of students
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Lubuagan National High School, Lubuagan, Kalinga
3-Star Rating by Category 3-Star Rating for Water Indicators
3 3
2 2
1 1
Semi-a nnual Dewormi ng
Semi-a nnual Dewormi ng