Decomposition of Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations: P. P., S. L. T. T. R
Decomposition of Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations: P. P., S. L. T. T. R
Decomposition of Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations: P. P., S. L. T. T. R
Steady-state simulation or design of chemical processes gives partitioning.
rise to the need of solving large sets of nonlinear algebraic Irreducible subsets can further be decomposed by “tearing.”
equations. In the equation-oriented flowsheeting programs This operation reduces essentially the dimension of the irre-
which are currently being developed (Shacham et al., 1981), ducible subset, by selecting some of the variables as “tear
these may be problems containing tens of thousand of linear and variables” and expressing the additional variables in the subset
nonlinear equations. The simultaneous solution of such a large as explicit functions of the tear variables. There are several
number of equations is very time-consuming and may be even difficulties in applying tearing techniques to nonlinear systems,
impractical. Fortunately, large systems of equations tend to be the major ones being: (1)tearing requires formula manipulation
sparse so that each equation usually involves a small number which is very expensive in terms of computer time; and (2)the
of variables. This sparsity makes it possible to decompose the smaller system generated by tearing tends to be more nonlinear
large system into a set of smaller problems which can then be and more difficult to solve (Mah, 1972).
solved sequentially. This process (usually denoted partitioning) In this paper a new tearing method for systems of nonlinear
decomposes the system into “irreducible subsets” which cannot equations is presented. This method does not require formula
be further partitioned. It has been proved that it is advantageous manipulation, and it either improves or does not change the
to partition a system to irreducible subsets (Hernandez and convergence rate when the Newton-Raphson or Broyden’s
Sargent, 1979), and there are several algorithms available for methods are used for solution.
Figure 1. Simple pipeline network and representative equations. Zb. Jacobian matrix of the unmodified system
r-2(kixl + kzxz + k 3 ~ 3+ k 4 ~ 4 )
Let us restructure the linear system (Eq. 5a) by reordering or by 2c. Jacobian matrix of the modified system
elimination so as to arrive at the following equivalent system: Flgure 2. Modlicatlonof the system of equationsof Figure 1 by tearing of linear
8 0 NR, modified
f9k) = X9 - %/x7 =0
Figure 7. Modifled form of the system of equations from Figure 5.
Equation 1 1 Using the two rules of simplification, the matrix of Figure 6 is
nunber 2 1
reduced to include only rows 1 , 2 , 3and 4 and expressions 1 and
3 1
2, Eq. 5 is placed in the linear subset and Eqs. 6 and 7 are placed
in the nonlinear subset.
4 1 1
Using the first-order search, two nonlinear expressions are re-
placed with new variablesx8 = 11x7, and xg = %6/%7,and two new
6 1 1
equations are generated: x8 - 11x7 = 0 and xg - xg/x7 = 0. The
1 1 1 last two columns of the Tmatrix are deleted so that the search for
frequency 2 3 1 1 1 1 replacement of the expressionsstops. Figure 7 shows the modified
form of the system of equations. It contains five linear and four
nonlinear equations. This system can, however, be further parti-
tioned, since x7 appears only in equations fs and fg, and 26 appears
only in fg. The first seven equations have to be solved simulta-
Flgure 6. Expression occurence matrix for the problem of Figure 5. neously, after Eq. 8 can be solved for x8 and Eq. 9 for xg.
0.208 0.32287
0.042 0.009224
0.048 0.046021
0.452 0.61817
0.250 0.0037165
0.340 0.57672
2.0 2.9779
0.50 0.33581
0.170 0.19367
‘I o NR 1 Equation
1 2 3 rank
Equation 1
nunter 2
1 1
3 1 1 1 3
4 1 1
5 I 1
6 1 1 2
frequency 3 4 2
dfidfa ....-df2 0
A = matrix of coefficients ax1 ax2 dxn
b = vector of constants
f = vector of functions
g = vector of nonlinear expressions
H = approximation to inversed Jacobian matrix
I = unity matrix bfnbfn ....-afn 0
J = matrix of partial derivatives (Jacobian matrix) ax1 ax2 dxn
k = iteration number dgzdgz ... -
L = lower triangular matrix -ax1 ax2 axn - X=Xk
...-ag1 +-dg2
axn ax,
ax, d x = q
Fluidized-bed reactors have been widely acclaimed in the actor operating conditions, knowledge of the particle history
process industry for their advantageous characteristics of good inside the fluidized bed is essential.
mixing, high rates of heat and mass transfer, mechanical ro- The fate of solids fed pneumatically through a jet into a
bustness, and capability of continuous operation. Research fluidized bed depends on the particle size and density, the jet
seeking to harness these favorable reactor characteristics to the velocity, the solid loading in the jet, the bed height, the bed di-
efficient and environmentally acceptable processing of fossil ameter, the jet nozzle design, and the fluidization conditions
fuels (e.g., coal combustion, coal and oil shale gasification) has in the bed. Despite the importance of the fate of pneumatically
been undertaken intensively in recent years. fed solids to reactor performance, the complex phenomena af-
In gassolid fluidized beds, the gaseous reactant is introduced fecting solids mixing have not as yet been studied systemati-
uniformly through a distributor plate, while the solids are in- cally.
troduced via individual feed points. As a result, one has to rely A simple but effective technique was developed in this study
on the characteristics of the flow field to promote solids mixing to determine the extent of solids mixing and the deviation from
within the reactor. the ideal flow patterns in different regions within a fluidized-
A commonly employed method of feeding solids into a bed reactor by sampling the injected solid tracer particles upon
fluidized bed is pneumatic injection of the solids through a defluidization.
twephase gas-solid jet. If the gas-solid reaction is fast, unde- Experimental results on solids mixing and the related flow
sirable, localized, nonuniform temperature and concentration field phenomena in a slugging fluidized bed are presented at
conditions may appear around the solids feeding points in the three nominal jet velocities of 52,37, and 25 m/s. The experi-
fluidized bed. Such an occurrence may compromise the per- ments were performed at atmospheric pressure and ambient
formance of the fluidized-bed reactor. Therefore, from the temperature.
points of view of reactor design and selection of optimum re-