Design Practices: Postgraduate Program 2019
Design Practices: Postgraduate Program 2019
Design Practices: Postgraduate Program 2019
Seminars 1, 2, 3
Projects 1, 2, 3
Independent Study 1, 2, 3
Internship Summer 1
Interlude 2
Capstone 4
Recognised as a specified/specialised studies Portfolio 1, 2, 3, 4
institution u/s 66 of the Karnataka State Universities
Act, 2000 by Bengaluru Central University vide order KUMKUM NADIG Exhibition 4
no. BCU/RP/108/2018-19.
© Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology 2019
»» Understand design process and employ the tools and principles of visual
communication design to formulate creative and meaningful design solutions.
»» Awareness and knowledge about historical contexts as well as latest
developments and concerns in the practice of visual communication design
and ability to add to these developments and concerns his/her own voice
within the context of his/her own practice.
»» Demonstrate autonomy and proficiency to become a critical creator.
»» Ability to work against prescribed notions of design practice thus setting new
standards and novel approaches to design research / processes / ideation /
»» Apply principles of cognition and perception and fundamentals of visual design
to create meaningful, desirable & appropriate visual messages and experiences
that are empathetic to cultures, contexts and environment.
»» Work with diverse media and materials rapidly to create visual/experiential
»» Communicate compellingly the design process to invite critique & develop a
community of stakeholders for the work.