Convertibility of Taka
Convertibility of Taka
Convertibility of Taka
Booking of Passage: No Bangladesh Bank approval is needed for booking of passage for
Bangladesh nationals against payment in Taka. Prepaid Ticket Advice (PTA) in favour of
foreign guests invited by Government, Semi-Government, autonomous organizations or
bodies affiliated with UN agencies or other internationally recognized agencies may be
issued without prior approval of Bangladesh Bank. Air tickets may be issued against
payment in Taka to foreigners working in Bangladesh if they draw salaries in Bangladesh
Taka or if the cost of the ticket is to be borne by the employer, as per terms of the work
permits approved by Bangladesh Government.
PrivateTravel: Annual travel quota entitlement of Bangladesh nationals is US$ 1000 per
person for visits to SAARC member countries and Myanmar (US$ 500 for overland
visits), and US$ 3000 per person for visits to other countries. Bonafide requirements
beyond these limits are accommodated by Bangladesh Bank on written request supported
by satisfactory documentation. International credit cards may also be issued against such
travel entitlements. Release of foreign exchange in excess of US$ 200, requires valid visa
Business travel quota for importers and manufacturers producing for domestic markets:
i) Subject to an annual upper limit of US $ 5000, importers are entitled to business travel
quotas @ 1% of their imports settled during the previous financial year.
8.3ii) Subject to an annual upper limit of US $ 5000, non-exporting producers are entitled to
business travel quotas @ 1% of their turnover of the preceding financial year as declared
in their tax returns.
The same business organisation engaged in imports as well as production shall, however,
draw business travel entitlement only on one count.
Education: Prior permission of Bangladesh Bank is not required for releasing foreign
exchange in favour/on behalf of Bangladesh students studying abroad or intending to
proceed abroad for studies. Remittances may be made through Authorised Dealers (ADs)
for all regular courses.
Seminars and workshops: ADS may release allowance not exceeding US$ 200 per day for
countries in the SAARC region and Myanmar and not exceeding US$ 250 per day for all
other countries to private sector participants for attending seminars, conferences and
workshops arranged by recognized bodies
Medical treatment: ADs may release foreign exchange up to US$ 10000 for medical
treatment abroad on the basis of recommendation of Medical Board constituted by the
Health Directorate or on the basis of the need established through recommendation of
8.6appropriate medical specialists and the cost estimate from a foreign medical institution.
Bonafide requirements in excess of US$ 10000 are accommodated by Bangladesh Bank on
written request alongwith satisfactory documentation supporting the bonafides of the
Taking out/bringing in of Bangladesh Taka: Incoming/outgoing passengers may bring
in/take out up to Taka 500 per person in Bangladesh currency.
Taking out/bringing in of personal jewellery: Incoming/outgoing adult female passengers
8.8may take out/bring in any quantity of personal jewellery worn on their person or as part of
their personal baggage.
Remittance of membership fees: ADs may remit membership fees of foreign professional,
scientific institutions and fees for application, registration, admission, examination
(TOEFL, SAT etc.) in connection with admission into foreign educational institutions as
per estimate of the concerned institution.
Evaluation and Visa Processing Fee: ADs may remit evaluation and visa processing fee on
9.2behalf of Bangladeshis desiring immigration to foreign countries, as per demand note of
the foreign immigration authorities.
Visa fee: Intending travellers may send visa fees through ADs to the embassies of
countries that do not have consular offices in Bangladesh.
Consular/visa fees collected by foreign embassies in Bangladesh Taka may be remitted
abroad by the ADs without prior approval of Bangladesh Bank.
Family maintenance: Remittance of moderate amounts of foreign exchange for
maintenance abroad of family members (spouse, children, parents) of Bangladesh
nationals are allowed by Bangladesh Bank, on written request supported by certificates
from the Bangladesh mission in the concerned country.
Prior permission of Bangladesh Bank is not required by the ADs for:
-remittance on account of short weight, quality claim, partial shipment etc. upto 10% of
realised export proceeds.
-payment of discount not exceeding 10% of the invoice value at the request of the exporter
where foreign importers refuse to clear goods due to discrepant documents etc.,
Payment of hotel bills of foreign guests may be accepted in local currency.
- Funds from non-resident Taka accounts can be freely withdrawn regardless of the
amounts involved.
- Declaration in Form C is not required in case of remittances sent by Bangladesh nationals
working abroad. However, persons other than Bangladesh nationals are required to declare
in Form C if the inward remittance is US $ 2000 or above.
Bangladesh Bank has taken the following steps to help stimulate/activate the interbank
foreign exchange market:
1)Bangladesh Bank has stopped sales and purchases with ADs of any currency other than
the US Dollar, to encourage interbank cross currency transactions.
2)To encourage inter-bank deals and to dissuade frequent recourse to transactions with the
central bank, Bangladesh Bank has raised its transaction threshold to US$ 50,000 with
values in multiples of US$ 10,000, for its deal with ADs. The exchange rates for the
Bangladesh Bank's spot purchase and sales transactions of US Dollars with ADs is decided
on a case to case basis, Bangladesh Bank does not undertake any forward transaction with
ADs. The ADs are free to quote their own spot and forward exchange rates for inter-bank
transactions and for transactions with non-bank customers.
3)To provide greater flexibility in the foreign exchange transactions of ADs, Bangladesh
Bank has abolished their foreign exchange holding limits; they are, however, required to
be within the open position limits prescribed by Bangladesh Bank in respect of exposure to
exchange rate fluctuation risk.
4)Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers Association (BAFEDA) has been formed and a
“Code of Conduct” for treasury operations and interbank foreign exchange market has
been formulated.
5) ADs have been allowed to maintain with Bangladesh Bank FC Clearing Accounts in
Euro, Japanese Yen, as well as US Dollar & Pound Sterling.