Design of A Low Cost BPSK Modulator/demodulator For A Practical Illustration of Digital Modulations

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Design of a low cost BPSK modulator/demodulator for

a practical illustration of digital modulations

Philippe Dondon, J.M Micouleau, Jérôme Legall, Patrice Kadionik

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Philippe Dondon, J.M Micouleau, Jérôme Legall, Patrice Kadionik. Design of a low cost BPSK
modulator/demodulator for a practical illustration of digital modulations. Engineering Education,
Jul 2007, Agios Nicholaos, Greece. p 61. �hal-00347510�

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Design of a low cost BPSK modulator/demodulator for a practical teaching
of digital modulation techniques


ENSEIRB, rue A Schweitzer- 33400 TALENCE

Abstract : Teaching the digital transmission techniques- like other fields of electronic- is not always easy : There is
classically theoretical courses and practical lessons. The link between the two is often the most important difficulty
that appears for the students. An abundant literature on digital wireless, including high mathematical level approaches
is available; since a few years, theoretical courses are easily illustrated by the 2D computer simulations. But simple
descriptions or analysis are rarely found and simulations do not replace a concrete true design. In order to improve
the efficiency of our teaching, we present here a practical and pedagogical low cost BPSK modulator/demodulator
model kit to teach modulation during practical lessons.

Keywords : digital transmission and modulation, BPSK, education, practical lessons,

1 Introduction HF LO carrier
Since a few years, we observed some major frequency
changes in student’s behaviour in our engineer school: LO carrier receiver
They are less interested in theory and “reject” all frequency

courses which have no concrete application. So, one L.O demodulator

of our challenge is how to motivate these new IF frequency IF IF frequency
students generation to the fundamental courses. interface scrambler transcoder
Moreover, even if simulations tools like SIMULINK junction

are helpful and “funny to use”, they do not fit Serial digital signal
Clock rate interface
perfectly the behaviour of a true circuit. The use of recovery

an intuitive and practical approach seems to be more Digital signal

efficient than traditional courses for these students.
Fig 1 : Digital transmission block diagram
The job we present here is a try to create a didactical
link between theoretical course and practical lesson.
The example of a hand made low cost BPSK
modulator/demodulator is used to illustrate this 2.2 BPSK modulation principle [3]
approach. Modulation BPSK (Binary Phase Keying Shift)
This kit is used by students during practical lessons consists of a phase modulation with 2 possible states
without necessity of expensive and sophisticated test of the intermediate frequency by a serialized
equipment. The schematic diagram and pictures are numerical signal. Like there is, neither relation of
given and explained in the next paragraph. phase nor of frequency between the Intermediate
Frequency and the modulating signal, one
synchronizes this one on the IF by a simple D latch.
2 Digital modulations background After a translation of level (centred on 0V), the
synchronized modulating signal and the FI, is applied
to an analogue multiplier. (Fig 2)
2.1 Generalities
A complete digital radio link is a complex system [1], multiplier
BPSK modulated
[2], [6], [7] which consist of several main blocks as IF input
indicated on the figure 1. The subset which interests
us here is the modulator/demodulator on intermediate Shaping
frequency. Among all the possible numerical
modulations, we chose to start with the students, by
Clk Q
simplest ie BPSK modulation.
NRZ input signal

Fig.2 : Modulator principle

This allows obtaining a modulated signal with two Vol = A.cos t (1)
states of phase 0° and . The phase shift then occurs The received signal is:
when the IF modulated signal crosses zero. Without B.cos t or B.cos (t + ) (2)
the preliminary synchronization of signal NRZ, the
phase shifts would happen in a random way compared
to the carrying signal and would have a harmful effect The signal delivered by the multiplier is:
on the spectrum (more marked transitions).
A.B.cos t .cos t or A.B. cos t .cos (t + ) (3)

From trigonometrically formulas:

NRZ signal cos a. cos b = 1/2.( cos (a+b)+cos (a-b)) (4)
Tb synchronized
phase inversion it yields :
at zero crossing with the carrier
1/2 A.B. ((cos 2t) +1)) or
Modulated signal 1/2 A.B ((cos 2t) -1)) (5)
The low pass filter suppresses the harmonic 2.

Fig 3 : Modulation BPSK We obtain then at the output a two level signal: 1/2
AB and -1/2A.B corresponding to the two level of the
The shape of the modulated signal spectrum looks NRZ emitted code.
 sin(f .Tb) 
like a classical cardinal sinus A.  centred To demodulate the signal, it is obviously necessary to
 f .Tb  reconstitute locally the carrier wave one not presents
on IF frequency as indicated in figure 4. in the emitted spectrum. That can be carried out
according to two principles: rise squared in carrying
BPSK Modulated signal spectrum
or Costas loop [10 ]: we chose to use the first, simpler
of approach, the Costas loop being approached in a
more complete handling on modulation QPSK. The
Bandwidth =2/Tb
signal modulated received BPSK is applied
carrier simultaneously to the 2 entries of a multiplier. At the
F.I -1/Tb I.F+1/Tb output, one finds the product:
frequency f
I.F Cos2t or Cos2 (t + ), depending on carrier
Fig 4 : BPSK modulated signal spectrum
As Cos2 a = (1+cos 2a)/2, it results from it a DC
Around 90% of the total energy is contained in the voltage and a signal at frequency 2 without phasing.
main lobe. A simple filtering and a division by 2 are enough to
restore locally the carrier wave in phase with the
emitted IF carrier.
2.3 BPSK demodulation principle The corresponding block diagram is given in figure 6.
The demodulation is known as coherent when that
one has with the reception a local oscillator multiplier
synchronized in frequency and phase with the emitted BPSK signal L.P
frequency. Filter Demodulated
NRZ signal
multiplier multiplier
BPSK modulated signal L.P Selective
filter NRZ signal
and %2 Filter Fp

I.F Carrier recovery


Fig.6 : IF carrier recovery principle

synchronised in phase and frequency

Fig. 5 : Demodulator principle 2.4 Practical design

To simplify the design and to reduce the costs of
realization, we chose to work at the standard
One can point out shortly the operation of the frequency of 455 Khz, with an adjustable binary rate
demodulator. The output voltage of the LO is written: from 10 to 20 kBits/s. The use of integrated circuits of
the trade traditional easy to supply ensures the
perennially of our models and an easy maintenance 3

service. 4070

U1:A U1:B U3:B U3:A

5 1 9 13 9 13 5 1

3 11 11 3 séquence 15b
2 12 12 2

2.5 General schematic diagram Q Q Q Q




4013 4013 4013 4013

The board consists of a pseudo random pulse train J1

generator which can (or not) be integrated in a horloge bit

FPGA. This generator drives the IF 455 kHz Fig 8 : Pseudo random generator principle
modulator whose essential component is an analogical
multiplier AD 835. The more important the number of D latches used is,
The 455kHz carrier wave is generated by a sinusoidal the longer the random pseudo sequence will be and
integrated oscillator MAX038 which can be possibly the spectrum observed nearer to reality. In our case,
replaced by an oscillator with door and with ceramic we used 8 D latches and a sequence of 219 bits was
resonator 3,64 MHz, a divider by 8 with D latches selected. Its length is sufficient to obtain a "quasi"
and one ceramic filter narrowband, tuned on 455 Khz, continuous spectral concentration. The generator can
for more stability. be designed starting from discrete D latches or
The modulator is directly connected to the integrated in a small standard XILINX XC 9572
demodulator primarily made up of a multiplier programmed under "HDL designer" for example.
AD835. The recovery of carrier frequency is it also
based on multiplier AD835 wired as a squared
associated with a divider by 2 and one filter ceramic 2.7 Scrambler /Descrambler
SFZ 455 A. The demodulated signal is given in form To better match the reality of a modulation system,
by a fast comparator AD790 then a simple logical we integrated a scrambler/descrambler whose role is
gate. double: to code information and to increase the
number of transitions in the signal to facilitate the
emitter receiver
demodulator recovery of the binary rate in the receiver.
data sync shaper


4070 J3
modulator S embrouillée
U3:B U1:A U1:B U2:A U2:B

J2 4 5 1 9 13 5 1 9 13

3 11 3 11
entrée série 4070
2 12 2 12
carrier recovery Q Q Q Q



4013 4013 4013 4013

data clock horloge bit


Data Input Fig 9. : Scrambler and generator

power supply

Data output On the example of figure 9, the equation of the

muddled exit M after the nth period of clock H (D
latches numbered from 1 to 4, from left to right) is
given by:
Fig 7 : Schematic diagram

Because of the differences in power supply voltages M(n)= E(n)  [Q3(n)  Q4(n)] (6)
between circuits, a voltage level adaptation is
necessary between Xilinx and the other circuits. or :

In the two following paragraphs, we detail the M(n) = E(n)  [Q2(n-1) Q3(n-1) (7)]
constitution of the blocks integrated in a CPLD.
Then :

2.6 Pseudo random pulse train generator M(n) = E(n)  [Q1(n-2) Q2(n-2)] (8)
In order to observe the characteristics of the
modulated signal, we included in the design, a digital
And finally :
pulse train generator [ 4 ] which simulates the data to
be transmitted, based on the following diagram of
figure 8. M(n) = E(n)  [M(n-3) Q1(n-3)] (9)
Where E is the input and Qn, are the outputs of the the components, we propose also a simple filter RC
different latches. which will already make it possible to the pupils to
include/understand and compare the effect of these
It yields: filters on the signal and the obstruction spectral. The
selection of one or other filter is done by a simple
M(n)=E(n) [M(n-3) M(n-4)] (10)
The descrambler looks almost like the scrambler
(figure 10).
2.9 Main components

J3 For information, we give the list of the principal


4070 U1:A U1:B U2:A U2:B Sortie désembouillée components and their suppliers:

5 1 9 13 5 1 9 13

entrée série 3 11 3 11
2 12 2 12

AD835 multiplier Analog Devices



4013 4013 4013 4013


horloge bit
SFZ 455 A ceramic Filter Murata
Fig 10 : Descrambler MAX038 oscillator Maxim
XC 9572 Xilinx
With M applied to the input of the descrambler, we AD790 comparators Analogue Devices
can write the logical equation at the nth period of LT 1164-7 (linear phase filter ) Linear Technology
clock between the output S and the input : CD 4060, CD 4013, 4011 latches and gates
LM 7805, 7505, 337 et 317 power supply regulator
S(n)=M(n) [M(n-3) M(n-4)] (11)

If we associate the two circuit scrambler/descrambler, 3 Experimental

we obtain the logical equation: The experimental results that we give here are those
which the students can do during the practical lesson,
S(n)=M(n) [M(n-3) M(n-4)] (12) on our BPSK board. A simple oscilloscope equipped
with FFT function, or an oscilloscope and an analyzer
With: of spectrum are enough for the practical observations
of Work. Figure 11 shows the chronograms raised
M(n)=E(n) [M(n-3) M(n-4)] (13) with an oscilloscope Agilent “Megazoom” mixed
analogical numerical, in run/stop mode synchronized
And it comes:
on the data flow. The phase shift is well observed in
S(n)= E(n) [M(n-3) M(n-4)]  [M(n-3) M(n-4)] the passing to zero of frequency FI.

Finally :
trace 1
S(n)= E(n) (15)
The descrambler-scrambler system is known as auto D15
synchronizing: After a maximum of n period, (with n
= a number of latches stages, here 4), the system is Zoom trace 1
locked and the exit of the descrambler restores the
signal accurately. The unit must be correctly
initialized with the powering to avoid any blocking of
the D latches. Fig 11 : BPSK modulated signal BPSK

Trace 1 : IF 455 kHz modulated

D14 : random pulse train 11Kbits/s ,
2.8 Gaussian filtering D15 : bits clock 11 KHz
The Gaussian filtering of the numerical train before Zoom Trace 1 : phase shift with D14 changes
modulation normally requires a DSP and a
sophisticated algorithm. For reasons of cost, one can The spectrum of the modulated carrier is given in
advantageously replace this filtering by an integrated figure 12.
filter for example of the 8th order, called of
"improved Bessel" [8] to which the effect will be very
close on the spectrum to the transmitted signal. For
teaching questions and of facility of provisioning of
Fig 12 : Modulated signal spectrum (Tek 2712) Fig 13 : Spectrum with a simple R ,C filter
Horizontal scale : 10kHz/div

One checks on figure 13, the widening of the The modulating signal then takes the form given on
principal lobe proportionally to the increase in the figure 14 (run/stop mode, infinite persistence), and
baud rate [ 9 ]. the lobes secondary become almost non-existent.

Figure 14 : Digital signal after 8th order Bessel

filtering (cutoff frequency tuned at 9kHz)
Fig 13 : BPSK spectrum with a 24Kbits/s baud rate
and IF 445 kHz (Horizontal scale : 20kHz /div) Lastly, if an expensive test equipment such as vector
signal analyzer (Agilent E4443 for example [ 5 ]) is
Then, one checks by bringing into service a simple available, one can visualize, the phase diagram, and
R,C filter, on the bit stream 24Kbit/s (figure 14), the the eye diagram (figure 15, 16,)
reduction of the secondary lobes. This observation has
only a pedagogical goal, that to show the impact of
filtering on the spectrum width of the modulated
As already indicated this filtering is naturally far from
sophisticated Gaussian numerical filtering really used
but is sufficient from a teaching point of view.

A filtering closer to reality can, at this step, be

introduced on the electronic board by “switching on”
the improved Bessel 8 th order filter LT 1164-7. Figure 15 : Analyser E4443

The "widening" of points 0° and testifies of phase

vibration on modulating signal NRZ due to the
electronic circuits.
5. Conclusion
We showed that with reasonable techniques and
financial tools l (as well in the field of the
components as the equipment measurements), it is
possible to create a very cheap practical lesson which
illustrates perfectly the modern concepts of digital
transmission of information. In complement of the
traditional courses and work on standard simulator
MATLAB which makes it possible to simulate
complete connections, Our models complete the
"often difficult transition" between abstract and
concrete with which our students are confronted
during their schooling.
After this experiment, we are introducing, and on the
same way, “hand made” board for QPSK
Figure 16 : BPSK vector analysis modulation/demodulation with Costas loop, and soon
FSK which will supplement the “numerical
According to the operating mode of the analyzer, one communications” lessons given in ENSEIRB.
can visualize (figure 17) the eye diagram (to be
compared with figure 14), the constellation and the
parameters of amplitude and phase errors in the same

Figure 18 : BPSK board view

[1] Ph. Dondon “ Cours internes de faisceaux
hertziens numériques société T.R.T. “ 1989
Fig. 17 : Eye diagram [2] B. Escrig “ Cours systèmes de communications
numériques “ ENSEIRB 2003
In the opposite case (no vector analyser available), the [3] F. de Dieuleveult “ Electronique appliquée aux
constellation can also be observed on a simple hautes fréquences “ édition DUNOD Paris, 1999
oscilloscope in X,Y mode. ISBN 2100040901
[4] P.Kadionik Personal ENSEIRB WEB site :
[5] Agilent application note n° 1298 “ Digital
4. Possible improvements Modulation in Communications Systems - An
The design and the use of these low cost models , (cf Introduction”
photograph of figure 18) constitute above all, an [6] John G Proakis “Digital Communications“ ed. Mc
initiation with the numerical modulation and a Graw Hill
practical complement with the theoretical lesson: the [7] A.Glavieux, M.Joindot “Communications
reaction of the receiver in the presence of a noisy numériques “ Editions MASSON Paris
transmission channel, the measurement of error rate [8] Linear technology Application note LT1164-7
[9] Hikmet Sari, Transmissions des signaux
and the oscillators jitter, the extraction of the binary numériques, E-7100, vol E, Techniques de
rate (clock recovery) in reception are currently not l’ingénieur, Paris
presented on the model, but that can constitute an [10] Application note n° HSAP2031
evolution or a later possible extension. HYPERCEPTION “Costas Loop Implementation with
Hypersignal Block Diagram/RIDE “

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