1181 BD Databases-Ramaz

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1152 Index

EQUIJOIN and NATURAL JOIN overview of, 245 LIS (local internal schema), 889
variations, 159–161 specialization and generalization, List constructor, 359
hybrid hash-join, 696 269 Literals (values), 378–382
implementing, 689–690 Label-based security atomic formulas as, 973
join selection factors, 693–694 administrator defining policy for, atomic literals, 378
multiple relation queries and 853 collection literals, 382
JOIN ordering, 718–719 Oracle Label Security, 868–870 complex types for, 358–360
nested-loop joins, 690–693 Label Security administrator, 853 in OO systems, 358
overview of, 157–158 Labels, semistructured data and, 417 structured literals, 378
partition-hash joins, 694–696 LANs (local area networks), 44, 879 Loading/converting data, in data-
Join operations, in QBE, 1094–1095 Large databases, 304 base application life cycle, 308
Join selection factors, 693–694 Latches, for short term locks, 802 Loading databases, initial state and,
Join selectivity ratio, 160, 715 Late (dynamic) binding, in ODMS, 33
Joined tables (relations), 123–124 368 Loading utility, for loading data files
JPEG image format, 966 Latency. See Rotational delay (rd) to database, 42–43
K-means clustering algorithm, Lattices, for specialization, 255–256 Local area networks (LANs), 44, 879
1055–1056 LCS (local conceptual schema), 889 Local conceptual schema (LCS), 889
KDD (Knowledge Discovery in LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Local internal schema (LIS), 889
Databases), 1036 Protocol), 919–921 Local query optimization, 902
Key attribute, 209 Leaf classes, 265 Local schema, in federated database
Key constraints Leaf-deep trees, 718 architecture, 890
on entity attributes, 208–209 Leaf nodes, of tree structures, 646 Localization, in distributed query
integrity constraints in databases, Learning approaches processing, 901
21 classification and, 1051 Location analysis, for spatial data-
overview of, 68–70 clustering and, 1054 bases, 959
specifying in SQL, 95–96 neural networks and, 1058 Location transparency, 880
Key field, sorted files and, 603 Legacy data models, 51 Lock compatibility table, 792
Keys Legacy database systems, 49, 60 Lock manager subsystem, in DBMS,
candidate and primary in rela- Legal relation states (legal exten- 779
tional databases, 518–519 sions), 514 Lock table, 779
indexes on multiple, 660–661 Levels of isolation, of transaction, Locking. See also Two-phase locking
methods for simple selection, 686 755 for concurrency control, 777
in ODMG object model, 388–390 Libraries of functions. See Function granularity level in, 795–796
specifying in XML schema, 430 calls, database programming index locking and predicate lock-
Keyword queries with ing, 801
overview of, 39 Lifespan temporal attributes, multiple granularity level,
searching with, 995 953–954 796–798
types of queries in IR systems, Lightweight Directory Access used in indexes, 798–800
1007 Protocol (LDAP), 919–921 Locks
Kleinberg, Jon, 1021 LIKE comparison operator, in string binary, 778–780
Knowledge-based systems, 932, 1007 pattern matching, 105 certify locks, 792–793
Knowledge Discovery in Databases Linear hashing, 614–616 conversion of, 782
(KDD), 1036 Linear regression, 1058 shared/exclusive (read/write),
Knowledge discovery process Linear searches 780–782
data mining in, 1036–1037 with brute force algorithm, in two-phase locking, 778
goals of, 1037–1038 685–686 Log buffers, 753–754
types of knowledge discovered, cost functions for SELECT opera- Log records, 753
1038–1039 tions, 713 Log sequence number (LSN), 822
KR (knowledge representation) of file blocks on disk, 597 Logic databases, 932. See also
aggregation and association, of files, 602 Deductive database systems
269–271 Lines, on maps, 960 Logic programming, 970
classification and instantiation, Link structure, of Web pages, Logical (conceptual) level, goodness
268 1020–1021 of relation schemas and, 501
compared with semantic data Linked allocation, of file blocks on Logical data independence, in three-
models, 267–268 disk, 597 schema architecture, 35–36
identification, 269 Links, in UML class diagrams, 227 Logical data models, 341
Index 1153

Logical definitions, of domains, 61 Maintenance Measurement operations, for spatial

Logical design, 9, 202 database, 6 databases, 958
Logical field references, for relation- of derived data, 943 Mechanical arm, on hard disks, 591
ships between file records, maintenance costs in choosing Memory hierarchies, storage devices
617 DBMS, 323 and, 584–586
Logical indexes, vs. physical indexes, Maintenance personnel, 17 Memory usage, cost components of
668 Mandatory access control. See MAC query execution, 711
Logical operators. See AND, OR, (mandatory access control) Menu-based interfaces, 38
NOT connectives Manipulating databases Merge phase, of sort-merge strategy,
Logical ordering, secondary indexes overview of, 5 683
and, 642 University student database Messages, passing to objects, 356
Logical theory, in ontologies, 272 example, 9 Meta-classes, in knowledge repre-
Login sessions, 839 Manufacturing, applying data min- sentation, 268
Logs/logging ing to, 1060 Meta-data
auditing and, 839–840 Map data, as spatial data, 959 in DBMS catalog, 33
database recovery and, 808 Mapping DBMSs managing, 306
tracking transaction operations, data model mapping. See Data defined, 5
753–754 model mapping describing structure of primary
during undo process, 821 from EER model to relational database, 10–11
Long-haul networks, 879 model. See EER-to-Relational Metadata repository, in data ware-
Long text strings, in HTML files, mapping housing, 1078
484 from EER schema to ODB Metasearch engines, 1018
Loss of integrity, as security threat, schema, 397–398 Methods. See also Operations
836 from ER model to relational of object classes, 50
Lossless (nonadditive) join property model. See ER-to-Relational of object operations, 356
decomposition into 3NF rela- mapping Metric operators, as spatial operator,
tions, 560–563 between levels of three-schema 961
decomposition into 4NF rela- architecture, 35 Metrics, for evaluating relevance in
tions, 570 Query mapping, 901 IR, 1015–1017
normal forms and, 518 SELECT command, 97 MGL (multiple granularity locking),
overview of, 553–556 tuples, 64 797–798
successive, 557 Market-basket data, association Micro life cycle, 307
testing binary decompositions for, rules and, 1040 Middle tier, in three-tier architec-
557 Marketing, applying data mining to, ture, 48
Lossy design, 554 1060 Middle-tier Web servers, PHP, 482
Lost updates, in concurrency con- Mass storage devices, 585 Middleware software
trol, 748–749 Massively parallel processing federated databases and, 886
Low-level data models, 30 (MMP), 1079 heterogeneous DDBMSs and, 50
Low-level (procedural) DMLs, Master files, 605 MIN function
37–38 Materialized evaluation, converting aggregate functions in SQL,
LSN (log sequence number), 822 query trees into query execu- 124–125
MAC (mandatory access control) tion plans, 710 grouping and, 166
classification attributes, tuple Materialized views implementing aggregate opera-
classification, and multilevel active rules for maintaining con- tions, 698
relations, 848–850 sistency of, 943 Minimal model, for interpretation
comparing with discretionary data warehouses compared with, of rules in deductive databases,
access control, 850–851 1079 976
overview of, 847 Mathematical relations, 59, 63 Minimal sets, of functional depen-
security classes in, 847–848 Mathematical set theory, 104 dencies, 549–551
Macro life cycle, 307 MAX function Minimum bounding rectangle
Magnetic tape aggregate functions in SQL, (MBR), in R-Trees, 962
for archiving and backup, 586 124–125 Minimum cardinality constraint,
as storage devices, 592–593 grouping and, 166 217
Main memory, 585 implementing, 698 Miniworld, 4
Main memory database, 585 MBR (minimum bounding rectan- MINUS operation, in relational
Main or master files, 605 gle), in R-Trees, 962 algebra, 152–155
1154 Index

Mirroring (shadowing), RAID, 619 B+-trees, 652–655 MVD (multivalued dependency)

Mixed fragmentation, in distributed dynamic, 646–647 4NF and, 531–533
databases, 896 overview of, 643–646 formal definition of, 533
Mixed strategy search, insertion, deletion, inference rules for, 568
for schema design, 316 655–660 relational model constraints, 68
for view integration process, 319 search trees compared with, N-ary
Mixed transactions, 322 647–649 relationship types, 291–292
MMP (massively parallel process- variations on B-trees and strategies for view integration
ing), 1079 B+-trees, 660 process, 319
Model mapping. See Data model Multilevel relations, in mandatory N-tier architectures, for Web appli-
mapping access control, 848 cations, 47–49
Model-theoretic interpretation, of Multimedia databases Named iterator, SQLJ, 461
rules in deductive databases, analysis of audio data sources, Named queries, in OQL, 402–403
976 969 Namespaces, XML, 428–429
Models, data. See Data models analysis of images, 967–968 Naming conventions
Models, for interpretation of rules object recognition, 968–969 for constraints, in SQL, 96–97
in deductive databases, 976 overview of, 965–967 for relations, 62
Models, spatial, 959–960 semantic tagging of images, 969 for schema constructs, 222
Modification anomalies, avoiding types of databases, 3 Naming mechanism, object persis-
redundant information in Multiple granularity locking (MGL), tence and, 363
tuples, 509 797–798 Naming transparency, 880
Modifier operations, objects, 362 Multiple hashing, in collision reso- NAS (network-attached storage),
Modify operations, on files, 600. lution, 609 622–623
See also Update operations Multiple inheritance Native XML format
Modules in ODBs (object databases), 368 DBMSs, 49
client and server, 29 ODL (object definition language) overview of, 425
DBMS, 16 and, 395 storing, 431
DBMS component, 40–42 subclasses and, 256 NATURAL JOIN operations,
MOLAP (multidimensional OLAP), Multiple relations 123–124, 159–161
1079 options for mapping specializa- Natural language interfaces, 39
Monitoring and maintenance phase, tion or generalization, 295 Natural language queries, 1009
in database application life queries and JOIN ordering, Navigational searches, 996
cycle, 308 718–719 Nearest neighbor, in spatial queries,
Morphological analysis, in semantic Multiplicities, in UML class dia- 961
model for IR, 1006 grams, 227 Negation symbol, in QBE, 1096
Movable-head disks, 591 Multiprocessor systems, 879 Negative associations, 1049–1050
MPEG image format, 966 Multiprogramming operating Negative literals, in Datalog lan-
Multidatabase systems systems, 744–745 guage, 973
recovery techniques for, 825–826 Multiset (bag), of tuples, 103–105, Nested-loop joins
types of distributed databases, 150 cost functions for, 716
885 Multiuser DBMS systems, 49 factors impacting performance of,
Multidimensional associations, Multiuser transactions 690–693
1048–1049 in databases, 13–14 implementing, 689
Multidimensional data models processing system, 744–745 Nested queries
decision-support technologies, Multivalued attributes correlated, 119–120
1069 declaring, 397 innermost, 119
dimension tables and fact tables, in ER model, 206 overview of, 117–119
1073 mapping ER-to-Relational data Nested relations
indexing, 1074–1075 models, 291 INF and, 521
roll-up and drill-down displays, Multivalued dependency. See MVD SQL and, 111
1072 (multivalued dependency) Network-attached storage (NAS),
schemas, 1073–1074 Multiversion concurrency control, 622–623
Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP), 777, 791–793 Network data models
1079 Multiway joins, 124, 689 classifying DBMSs and, 49
Multilevel indexes Mutually exclusive role, in role- overview of, 51
B-trees, 649–652 based access control, 851 types of data models, 31
Index 1155

Network transparency, 880 Normalization overview of, 50

Neural networks, 1058 algorithms. See algorithms, nor- spatial data, 960
NO-UNDO/REDO recovery tech- malization types of data models, 31
nique automated tools for database Object databases. See ODBs (object
based on deferred update, 815–817 design, 344 databases)
overview of, 807, 809 functional dependencies and, 545 Object definition language. See ODL
No waiting algorithm, for deadlock relational database design based (object definition language)
prevention, 787 on, 60 Object diagrams, UML, 330
Nodes, of tree structures, 646 of relational schema design, 516 Object Identifiers. See OIDs (object
Non-identifying relationships, in of relations, 517–518 identifiers)
Rational Rose, 340 NOT EXISTS functions, SQL, Object identifiers, in SQL, 111
Nonadditive (lossless) join property 120–122 Object lifeline, in sequence dia-
decomposition into 3NF rela- NOT logical connective. See AND, grams, 332
tions, 560–563 OR, NOT connectives Object-orientation (OO), 355–357
decomposition into 4NF rela- NOT NULL, specifying attribute Object-oriented analysis (OOA),
tions, 570 defaults in SQL, 94 1083
normal forms and, 518 Notation Object-oriented database manage-
overview of, 553–556 diagrammatic, 516 ment systems (OODBMSs), 49
successive, 557 in ER diagrams, 221–223, Object-oriented databases. See
testing binary decompositions for, 1083–1085 OODBs (object-oriented data-
557 for Prolog/Datalog languages, bases)
Nonprime attributes, 519 970–973 Object-oriented programming
Nonprocedural languages, relational for query graphs, 179–180, languages. See OOPLs (object-
calculus as, 174 701–703 oriented programming
Nonrecoverable schedules, transac- for query trees, 163–165, 701–703 languages)
tions, 758 in relational data model, 66–67 Object recognition, in images,
Nonrecursive queries, evaluating in in UML class diagrams, 226–228 968–969
Datalog, 981–983 Notification application, for active Object-relational database manage-
Nonrelevant sets, in probabilistic databases, 942 ment systems (ORDBMS), 354
model for IR, 1005 NULL values Object-relational (extended rela-
Nonrepeatable reads, transaction access control integrity, 850 tional) systems, 51, 111
support in SQL, 771 comparisons involving, 116–117 Object-relational model
Nonserial schedules, 761 constraints, 68–70 creating tables based on UDTs, 374
Nontime-varying attributes, 953 in ER model, 206 encapsulation of operations,
Nonvolatile storage, in databases, examples illustrating, 116 374–375
586 grouping tuples with, 128 ODB extensions to SQL, 369–370
Normal forms problems in relational design, OIDs using reference types,
based on primary keys, 516–517 563–565 373–374
Boyce-Codd normal form reducing in tuples, 509–510 specifying inheritance and over-
(BCNF), 529–531, 559–560 specifying attribute defaults in loading of functions, 375–376
domain-key normal form SQL, 94 specifying relationships via refer-
(DKNF), 531–533, 574–575 in tuples, 65–66 ence, 376
fifth normal form (5NF), 534–535 Numeric arrays, PHP, 487 UDT (user-defined types) and
first normal form (1NF), 65, Numeric data types, in SQL, 92 complex structures, 370–373
519–523 Object Data Management Group. Objects
fourth normal form (4NF), See ODMG (Object Data atomic (user-defined) objects,
531–534, 568–570 Management Group) 386–388
insufficiency of, 552 Object data management systems. complex types for, 358
normalization of relations, 517 See ODMS (object data man- in ODMG object model, 377–378
practical use of, 518 agement systems) operations, 362–363
second normal form (2NF), 523, Object data models persistence of, 19, 363–364
526–527 classifying DBMSs and, 49 state and behavior components
temporal normal form, 952 converting to/from logical of, 355
tests, 517 models, 341 visible/hidden attributes of, 361
third normal form (3NF), object modeling, 245 Occurrences, current set in database
523–525, 528, 558–563 ODMG object model, 376 state, 32
1156 Index

ODBC (Open Database ODL (object definition language) OO (object-orientation), 355–357

Connectivity) and, 390–395 OOA (object-oriented analysis),
client-side API for calling overview of, 376–377 1083
DBMSs, 47 ODMS (object data management OODBMSs (object-oriented data-
data mining tools using, 1060 systems). See also ODBs (object base management systems), 49
library of functions, 448 databases) OODBs (object-oriented databases)
ODBs (object databases) complex types for objects and lit- attribute versioning for incorpo-
bibliographic references, 412–413 erals, 358 rating time in, 953–954
complex types for objects and lit- early (static) binding and late complexity of data and, 24
erals, 358–360 (dynamic) binding, 368 persistent storage and, 19
conceptual design, 395–396 high-level query languages used OOPLs (object-oriented program-
encapsulation of operations, by, 361 ming languages)
361–363 list of concepts in, 369 bindings to, 376
extensions to SQL, 369–370 OIDs, 357, 377–378 class declarations of, 364
list of concepts in, 369 overview of, 353 instance variables in, 356
mapping EER schema to ODB standard for, 376 ODBs closely coupled with, 363
schema, 397–398 Offline, storing data, 587 OO concepts, 355–356
multiple and selective inheritance, OIDs (object identifiers) Open addresses, collision resolution,
368 comparing RDB design with 608
OID (object identifiers), 357–358 ODB design, 395–396 Open Database Connectivity. See
OO (object-orientation) concepts ODB features included in SQL, ODBC (Open Database
and features, 355–357 370 Connectivity)
overview of, 353–355 in ODMG object model, 377–378 Open operation, on files, 599
persistence of objects, 363–364 reference types, 373–374 Operating costs, in choosing a
polymorphism (operator over- unique identity and, 357–358, 369 DBMS, 323–324
loading), 367–368 Okapi relevance system, in proba- Operating systems. See OSs (operat-
selective inheritance, 368 bilistic model for IR, 1006 ing systems)
summary and exercises, 408–411 OLAP (online analytical processing) Operations. See also Functions;
type hierarchies and inheritance, data mining tools, 1061 Methods
364–367 data warehousing and, 1067–1068 comparing RDB design with
ODL (object definition language) overview of, 3 ODB design, 396
binding ODL constructs to C++, relational and multidimensional, in data models, 30
407–408 1079 database, 12
inheritance and, 395 OLTP (online transaction process- in database application life cycle,
in ODMG standard, 376 ing) 308
supporting semantic constructs of classifying DBMSs by purpose, 50 database design and, 201
ODMG object model, 390 database support for, 1068 encapsulation of, 361–363, 369
type constructors in, 359–360 sharing data and multiuser trans- on files, 599–601
University student database actions, 13 objects, 362–363
example, 391–395 transaction processing and, 79 in ODMG object model, 387
ODMG (Object Data Management Online analytical processing. See pipelining, 700
Group) OLAP (online analytical pro- query processing and optimizing,
C++ language binding in, 407 cessing) 700
OQL (object query language) in Online data storage, 587 transaction, 751–752
ODMG standard, 398 Online directories, 919–921 transformation rules for relation-
standards, 354, 376 Online transaction processing. See al algebra operations, 706–708
ODMG object model OLTP (online transaction pro- in UML class diagrams, 227
atomic (user-defined) types, cessing) Operations, in relational data model
386–388 Ontologies Delete operation, 77–78
built-in interfaces and classes, concepts, 267–268 Insert operation, 76–77
383–385 defined, 272 overview of, 75–76
extents, keys, and factory objects, OWL (Web Ontology Language), Update (Modify) operation, 78–79
388–390 969 Operators
inheritance in, 383 Semantic Web and, 272–273 arithmetic operators in SQL,
literals in, 378–382 Web content analysis and, 105–106
objects in, 377–378 1023–1024 Boolean, 1007
Index 1157

collection operators in OQL, Order preserving functions, hashing Parser, checking query syntax with,
403–405 and, 609 679
comparison operators in SQL, 98 Ordered (indexed) Partial categories, 260
concatenate operator in PHP, 485 collection expressions in OQL, 405 Partial dependencies, 523
grouping operator in QBE, cost functions for SELECT opera- Partial keys, 219
1095–1098 tions, 713 Partial order, of transaction sched-
logical connectives. See AND, OR, query results in SQL, 106–107 ule, 757
NOT connectives Ordered (sorted files), in records, Partial specialization, 253–254, 264
overloading. See Polymorphism 603–606 Partially committed state, transac-
(operator overloading) Ordering field, file organization and, tions, 752
relational, 980–981, 983 603 Partially replicated catalogs, 913
SELECT operator (σ), 147–149 Ordering key, sorted files and, 603 Participation constraints, on binary
spatial, 960–961 Organization context, for database relationships, 217
Operators, database workers behind systems, 304–307 Partition algorithm, for local fre-
the scene, 17 OSs (operating systems) quent itemsets, 1047
Optical jukebox memories, 586 DBMS access and disk read/write, Partition-hash joins
Optimization, in data mining, 1038 40 methods for implementing joins,
Optimizing queries. See Query pro- multiprogramming, 744–745 690
cessing and optimizing support for transaction process- overview of, 694–696
Optional fields, in file records, 595 ing in distributed databases, Partitioned hashing, 661–662
OQL (object query language) 909 Passwords, DBAs assigning, 839
collection operators and, 403–405 OUTER JOIN operations Path expressions
extracting single elements from implementing, 699–700 dot notation for build path
singleton collections, 403 vs. inner joins, 160–161 expressions in SQL, 376
group by clause in, 405–406 overview of, 169–170 in OQL, 400
in ODMG standard, 376, 398 in SQL, 123–124 specifying with XPath, 432–434
ordered (indexed) collection Outer queries, 117 Patterns
expressions, 405 OUTER UNION operation, in rela- analysis phase of Web usage
overview of, 398–399 tional algebra, 170–171 analysis, 1027
query results and path expres- Outliers, spatial, 965 data mining for discovering, 1057
sions, 400–402 Overflow (transaction) files, 605 substring pattern matching in
simple OQL queries, database Overlapping SQL, 105–106
entry points, and iterator vari- entity sets, 253 within time series, 1039
ables, 399–400 specialization and, 264 PEAR (PHP Extension and
specifying views as named OWL (Web Ontology Language), Application Repository), 491
queries, 402–403 969 Peer-to-peer database systems, 915
OR logical connective. See AND, OR, Owner accounts, granting/revoking Performance
NOT connectives privileges, 843–844 advantages of distributed data-
Oracle Package diagrams, UML, 330 bases for, 882
Cartridge, 931 PageRank algorithm, 1021 DBMS utilities for monitoring, 43
distributed databases, 915–919 Parallel architecture, for servers, Persistence
query optimization in, 721–722 1079 collections, 367
Oracle Internet Directory, 919–921 Parallel database management data, 586
Oracle Label Security systems, vs. distributed archi- objects, 363–364, 378
architecture of, 869 tecture, 887–888 Persistent storage, of program
combining data labels and user Parallel processing objects in databases, 19
labels, 869–870 on disks, 593–594 Persistent stored modules (PSM),
overview of, 868 handling multiple processes, 745 474–476
virtual private database technolo- Parameterized statements (bind Personal databases, 305
gy, 868–869 variables), protecting against Personalization, of information in
ORDBMS (object-relational data- SQL injection, 858 Web searches, 1019
base management systems), 354 Parameters Personnel costs, in choosing a
ORDER BY clause, SQL disk blocks (pages), 1087–1089 DBMS, 323–324
ordering query results, 106–107 SQL/PSM (SQL/Persistent Stored PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 854
in retrieval queries, 129–130 Modules), 474 Phantom records, concurrency con-
sorting query results, 682–683 Parametric users, interfaces for, 39 trol techniques, 800–801
1158 Index

Phantoms, transaction support in Pipelining, combining operations Predicate locking, 801

SQL, 771 using, 700 Predicates
PHP Pivoting (rotation) as arity or degree of p, 973
arrays, 486–488 functionality of data warehouses, built-in, 972–973
bibliographic references, 497 1078 fact-defined and rule-defined, 978
collecting data from forms and working with data cubes, interpretation of, 976
inserting records, 493–494 1070–1072 in Prolog languages, 970–972
connecting to databases, 491–493 PL/SQL relational schemas and, 66
features, 484–485 designing database programming Prediction, as goal of data mining,
functions, 488–490 language from scratch, 449 1037
overview of, 481–482 impedance mismatch and, 450 Preprocessors
retrieval queries, 494–495 writing database applications embedded SQL and, 452
server variables and forms, with, 447 in SQL programming, 449
490–491 Plaintext, 864 in Web usage analysis, 1025–1027
simple example of, 482–484 Point events (facts), in temporal Presentation layer (client), in three-
summary and exercises, 496–497 databases, 946 tier client/server architecture,
variables, data types, and con- Pointers, blocks of data and, 597 892
structs, 485–486 Points Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 854
PHP Extension and Application on maps, 959–960 Primary file organization
Repository (PEAR), 491 in temporal databases, 945 B-trees as, 651
Phrase queries, types of queries in Policies data organization and, 587
IR systems, 1008 access control for e-commerce Primary indexes
Physical clustering, of records on and Web, 854–855 cost functions for SELECT opera-
disks, 617 flow policies, 860 tions, 713
Physical data independence, in for label-based security, 853 methods for simple selection, 686
three-schema architecture, 36 security policies, 836 for ordered records (sorted files),
Physical data models, 30 Polygons, on maps, 960 605
Physical database design. See also Polyinstantiation, in mandatory overview of, 633–635
Database design access control, 849–850 searching nondense multilevel
bibliographic references, 740 Polymorphism (operator overload- primary index, 646
data organization in, 587 ing) tables comparing index types, 642
denormalization as design deci- defined, 369 types of ordered indexes, 632
sion related to query speed, in OO systems, 357 PRIMARY KEY clause, CREATE
731–732 overview of, 367–368 TABLE command, 95
in ER (Entity-Relationship) specifying in SQL, 375–376 Primary keys
model, 202 populating (loading) databases, 33 defined, 519
factors influencing, 727–729 Populations, in statistical database normal forms based on, 516–517
indexing decisions, 730–731 security, 859 primary indexes and, 633
overview of, 9, 326–327 Positional iterator, SQLJ, 461–462 relational model constraints, 69
summary and exercises, 739–740 Positive literals, in Datalog language, Primary site, concurrency control
tuning and, 735–736 973 techniques for distributed data-
Physical database file structures, 583 Precedence graph (serialization bases, 910–911
Physical database phase, in database graph), 763–765 Primary storage, 584
design, 311 Precision metrics Prime attributes, 519, 526
Physical indexes finding relevant information and, Printer servers, in client/server
vs. logical, 668 1019 architecture, 45
ordering primary and clustering measures of relevance in IR, Privacy
indexes, 642 1015–1017 information privacy vs. informa-
Physical problems/catastrophes, Precision, vs. security, 841 tion security, 841–842
recovery needed due to, 751 Precompilers issues in database security,
Physical relationships, between file DML commands and, 42 866–867
records, 617 embedded SQL and, 452 protecting in statistical databases,
Pile file (heap), 602 in SQL programming, 449 859
Pipelined evaluation, converting Predicate-defined (condition- Private keys, in public (asymmetric)
query trees into query execu- defined) subclasses, 252, 264 key algorithms, 864
tion plans, 710 Predicate dependency graph, 982 Privileged software, 19
Index 1159

Privileges dependency-preserving and non- transforming, 180

discretionary, 842–844 additive join decomposition using in queries, 180–182
granting/revoking, 111, 844–846 into 3NF schemas, 560–563 Queries. See also OQL (object query
limits on propagation of, 846–847 dependency-preserving decompo- language); SQL (Structured
unauthorized escalation and sition into 3NF schemas, Query Language)
abuse, 855, 858 558–559 content-based retrieval, 965
views for specifying, 844 insufficiency of normal forms database tuning and, 736–738
Proactive updates, valid time rela- and, 552 defined, 6
tions and, 949 nonadditive join decomposition design decisions related to query
Probabilistic model, for information into BCNF schemas, 559–560 speed, 731–732
retrieval, 1005–1006 nonadditive (lossless) join, evaluating nonrecursive Datalog
Procedural DMLs, 37–38 553–556 queries, 981–983
Process-driven design, 310 overview of, 544, 551 information retrieval, 1007–1009
PROCESS RULES, in active data- successive nonadditive join interactive interface for, 40
base systems, 938 decompositions, 557 IR systems, 1007–1009
Processes testing binary decompositions for keyword-based, 39
in database design, 322 nonadditive join property, modes of interaction in IR sys-
multiprogramming and, 744 553–556 tems, 999
Processors, parallel, 1079 Protocols physical database design and,
Program-data independence, 11–12, concurrency control, 777 728–729
23–24 deadlock prevention, 785–787 processing in databases, 19–20
Program-operation independence, 12 for ensuring serializability of in Prolog languages, 973
Program variables, 599 transaction schedules, 767–768 retrieval queries from database
Programming languages Proximity queries, 1008 tables, 494–495
advantages/disadvantages of, 477 PSM (Persistent stored modules), spatial, 958, 961
approaches to database program- 474–476 statistical, 859
ming, 449 Public (asymmetric) key algorithms, TSQL2, 954–956
DBMS, 36–38 863–865 Query blocks, 681
impedance mismatch and, 450 Public keys, in public (asymmetric) Query-By-Example. See QBE
object-orientation creating com- key algorithm, 864 (Query-By-Example)
patibility between, 369 Publishing XML documents, 431 Query compilers, 41
Web databases. See PHP Punctuation marks, text preprocess- Query decomposition, 905–907
XML, 432–436 ing in information retrieval, Query execution plans
Programs, insulation between pro- 1011 converting query trees into,
grams and data, 11–13 Pure time conditions, 955 709–710
PROJECT operations QBE (Query-By-Example) creating, 679
algorithms for, 696–697 basic retrieval in, 1091–1095 Query graphs
Query processing and optimizing, domain calculus and, 183, 185 creating, 679
696–697 grouping, aggregation, and data- notation for, 179–180, 701–703
in relational algebra, 149–150 base modification in, Query languages
Projection attributes, SELECT com- 1095–1098 DML as, 38
mand and, 98 overview of, 1091 for federated databases, 886
Projective operators, types of spatial QMF (Query Management Facility), SQL. See also SQL (Structured
operators, 961 185 Query Language)
Prolog language. See also Datalog Quadtrees, 963 TSQL2. See also SQL (Structured
language Qualified aggregations, in UML class Query Language)
logic programming and, 970 diagrams, 228 Query Management Facility (QMF),
notation, 970–973 Qualified associations, in UML class 185
Proof-theoretic interpretation, of diagrams, 228 Query mapping, 901
rules in deductive databases, Qualifier conditions, XPath, 432 Query modification, 135
975 Quality control, data warehousing Query optimizer, 41, 679
Properties, of association rules, 1041 and, 1080 Query processing and optimizing
Properties of relational decomposi- Quantifiers aggregate functions, 698–699
tions collection operators in OQL, bibliographic references, 725
dependency preservation, 403–405 catalog information used in cost
552–553 existential and universal, 177–178 functions, 712–713
1160 Index

converting query trees into query distributed query processing RDBs (relational databases)
execution plans, 709–710 using semijoin operation, 904 designing. See relational database
cost components of query execu- overview of, 901–902 design
tion, 711–712 query update and decomposition, overview of, 395–396
cost functions for JOIN, 715–718 905–907 schemas. See relational database
cost functions for SELECT, Query results schemas
713–715 cursors for looping over tuples in, RDF (Resource Description
DBMS module for, 20 450 Framework), 436
disjunctive selection conditions, ordering, 106–107 Reachability, of objects, 363
688 path expressions and, 400–402 Read command, hard disks, 591
external sorting, 682–685 retrieval queries from database Read-only transaction, 745
heuristic algebraic optimization tables, 494–495 READ operation, transactions, 751
algorithm, 708–709 Query (transaction) server, in two- Read (or Get) operation, on files, 600
heuristic optimization of query tier client/server architecture, Read phase, of optimistic concur-
trees, 703–706 47 rency control, 794
heuristics used in query optimiza- Query trees Read-set, of transaction, 747
tion, 700–701 converting into query execution Read timestamp, 789
hybrid hash-join, 696 plans, 709–710 Read-write conflicts, in transaction
implementing JOIN operations, creating, 679 schedules, 757
689–690 notation for, 163–165, 701–703 Read/write heads, on hard disks, 591
implementing SELECT opera- optimization of, 703–706 Read/write, OSs controlling disk
tions, 685 R-Trees, for spatial indexing, 962 read/write, 40
join selection factors, 693–694 RAID (Redundant Array of Read-write transactions, 745–747
multiple relation queries and Inexpensive Disks) read_item(X), 746
JOIN ordering, 718–719 levels, 620–621 Real-time database technology, 3
nested-loop joins, 690–693 overview of, 617–619 Reasoning mechanisms, in knowl-
notation for query trees and performance improvements, edge representation, 268
query graphs, 701–703 619–620 Recall metrics, in IR, 1015–1017,
operations, 700 reliability improvements, 619 1019
OUTER JOIN operations, 699–700 RAM (Random Access Memory), Recall/precision curve, in IR, 1017
overview of, 679–681 585 Record-at-a-time DMLs, 38
partition-hash joins, 694–696 Random access storage devices, 592 Record-based data models, 31
PROJECT operations, 696–697 Randomizing function (hash func- Record pointers, 609
query optimization in Oracle, tion), 606 Records. See also Files (of records)
721–722 Range queries, 686, 961 anchor record (block anchor), 633
search methods for complex Range relations, of tuple variables, blocking, 597
selection, 686–687 175–176 catalog information used in query
search methods for simple selec- Rational Rose cost estimation, 712
tion, 685–686 data modeler, 338 fixed-length and variable-length,
selectivity and cost estimates in database design with, 337 595–597
query optimization, 710–711 tools and options for data model- inserting, 493–494
selectivity of conditions and, ing, 338–342 mixed, 616–617
687–688 RBAC (role-based access control), ordered (sorted files), 603–606
semantic query optimization, 851–852 phantom records, concurrency
722–723 RBG (red, blue, green) colors, 967 control techniques, 800–801
set operations, 697–698 RDBMS (relational database man- placing file records on disk, 594
summary and exercises, 723–725 agement systems) spanned/unspanned, 597–598
transformation rules for relation- creating indexes, 731 in SQL/CLI, 464–468
al algebra operations, 706–708 ORDBMS (object-relational data- types of, 594–595
translating SQL queries into rela- base management systems), unordered (heap files), 601–602
tional algebra, 681–682 354 Recoverability, transaction sched-
Query processing and optimizing, in providing application flexibility, ules based o, 757–759
distributed databases 23–24 Recovery. See also Backup and
data transfer costs for distributed two-tier client/server architec- recovery; Database recovery
query processing, 902–904 tures and, 46 techniques
Index 1161

transaction management in dis- Relational algebra integrity, referential integrity, and

tributed databases, 912–913 aggregate functions and grouping, foreign keys, 73–74
types of failures and, 750–751 166–168 in list of data model types, 31
Recursive closure operations, in bibliographic references, 194–195 mapping from EER model to. See
relational algebra, 168–169 CARTESIAN PRODUCT opera- EER-to-Relational mapping
Recursive relationships, 168, 215 tion, 155–157 mapping from ER model to. See
Recursive rules, in Prolog languages, complete set of relational algebra ER-to-Relational mapping
972 operations, 161, 164 notation, 66–67
Red, blue, green (RBG) colors, 967 DIVISION operation, 162–163 other types of constraints, 74–75
REDO phase, of ARIES recovery EQUIJOIN and NATURAL JOIN overview of, 50, 59–60
algorithm, 823 operations, 159–161 practical language for. See SQL
Redo transaction, 753 examples of queries in, 171–174 (Structured Query Language)
REDO, write-ahead logging and, generalized projection, 165–166 schemas, 70–73
810–811 JOIN operation, 157–158 SQL compared with, 97
Redundancy, controlling in data- notation for query trees, 163–165 summary and exercises, 79–85
bases, 17–18 OUTER JOIN operations, transactions and, 79
Redundant Array of Inexpensive 169–170 update operations, 75–76, 78–79
Disks (RAID). See RAID OUTER UNION operation, Relational database design
(Redundant Array of 170–171 algorithms for, 557, 566–567
Inexpensive Disks) overview of, 145–146 attribute semantics in, 503–507
REF keyword, specifying relation- PROJECT operation, 149–150 bibliographic references, 302, 579
ships via reference, 376 recursive closure operations, bottom-up approach to, 544
Reference types, OIDs using, 168–169 Boyce-Codd normal form
373–374 RENAME operation, 151–152 (BCNF), 529–531
References SELECT operation, 147–149 dependency preservation proper-
foreign key, 73 sequences of operations, 151 ties of decompositions,
representing object relationships, summary and exercises, 185–194 552–553
360 transformation rules for opera- dependency-preserving and non-
specifying relationships via tions, 706–708 additive join decomposition
reference, 376 translating SQL queries into, into 3NF schemas, 560–563
Referencing relations, 73 681–682 dependency-preserving decompo-
Referential integrity constraints UNION, INTERSECTION, and sition into 3NF schemas,
inclusion dependencies and, 571 MINUS operations, 152–155 558–559
integrity constraints in databases, Relational calculus disallowing possibility for spuri-
21 domain (relational) calculus, ous tuples, 510–513
relational data model and, 73–74 183–185 domain-key normal form
specifying in SQL, 95–96 overview of, 146–147 (DKNF), 574–575
Reflexive associations, in UML class tuple relational calculus. See Tuple equivalence of sets of functional
diagrams, 227 relational calculus dependencies, 549
Regression function, 1058 Relational completeness, of rela- first normal form (1NF), 519–523
Regression, in data mining, tional query languages, 174 formal analysis of relational
1057–1058 Relational data model schemas, 513
Regression rule, 1057 bibliographic references, 85 formal definition of fourth nor-
Regular entity types, 219, 287–288 characteristics of relations, 63–66 mal form, 533–534, 568–570
Relation extension, 62 classifying DBMSs and, 49 functional dependencies based on
Relation intension, 62 concepts, 60–61 arithmetic functions and pro-
Relation nodes constraints, 67–70 cedures, 572–574
notation for, 703 correspondence to ER model, 293 functional dependency and,
in query graphs, 179 Delete operation, 77–78 513–516
Relation schemas domains, attributes, tuples, and general definition of second nor-
domains and, 61 relations, 61–63 mal form, 526–527
goodness of, 501–502 formal languages for. See general definition of third normal
in relational databases, 501 Relational algebra; Relational form, 528
Relation (table) level, assigning priv- calculus goodness of relational schemas,
ileges at, 842–843 Insert operation, 76–77 501–502
1162 Index

inclusion dependencies, 571–572 Relational database management Relationships

inference rules for functional and systems. See RDBMS (relational in data modeling, 31
multivalued dependencies, 568 database management systems) in ODMG object model, 386
inference rules for functional Relational database schemas references to, 360
dependencies, 545–549 algorithms for schema design, representing in OO systems, 356
informal guidelines for relational 557 specifying by reference, 376
schemas, 503, 513 bibliographic references, 542 symbols for, 1084
join dependencies and fifth nor- clear semantics for attributes in, University student database
mal form, 534–535 503–507 example, 7
key definitions, 518–519 components of, 70–73 Relationships, in EER model
mapping from EER model to disallowing possibility for spuri- class/subclass relationships, 247
relational model. See EER-to- ous tuples, 510–513 specific relationship types and,
Relational mapping formal analysis of, 513 249–250
mapping from ER model to rela- functional dependency and, Relationships, in ER model
tional model. See ER-to- 513–516 attributes of relationship types,
Relational mapping informal guidelines, 503, 513 218
minimal sets of functional overview of, 501–502 constraints on binary relationship
dependencies, 549–551 reducing NULL values in tuples, types, 216–218
multivalued dependency and 509–510 degree of relationship greater
fourth normal form, 531–533 reducing redundant information than two, 228–232
nonadditive join decomposition in tuples, 507–509 degree of relationship type,
into 4NF relations, 570 relation schemas in, 501 213–214
nonadditive join decomposition summary and exercises, 535–542 overview of, 212
into BCNF schemas, 559–560 Relational database state, 70 relationship types, sets, and
nonadditive (lossless) join prop- Relational design by analysis, 543 instances, 212–213
erties of decompositions, Relational design by synthesis, 544 relationships as attributes, 214
553–556 Relational expressions, 983 role names and recursive relation-
normal forms based on primary Relational OLAP (ROLAP), 1079 ships, 215
keys, 516–517 Relational operators Relevant sets, in probabilistic model
normalization of relations, in deductive database systems, for IR, 1005
517–518 980–981 Reliability, in distributed databases,
NULL values and dangling tuples relational expressions and, 983 881, 882
and, 563–565 Relations (relation states). See also Remote commands, for SQL injec-
overview of, 285 Tables tion attacks, 857
practical use of normal forms, alternative definition of, 64–65 RENAME operation, in relational
518 column-based storage of, 669–670 algebra, 151–152
reducing NULL values in tuples, defined, 61 Reorganize operation, on files, 600
509–510 interpretation (meaning) of, 66 Repeating field or groups, in file
reducing redundant information legality of, 514 records, 595
in tuples, 507–509 normalization of, 517–518 Repeating history, in ARIES recov-
relational decomposition and ordering tuples in, 63 ery algorithm, 821
insufficiency of normal forms, ordering values within tuples, 64 Replication
552 overview of, 62–63 active rules for maintaining con-
second normal form (2NF), 523 values and NULLS in tuples, sistency of replicated tables, 943
successive nonadditive join 65–66 in distributed databases, 897
decompositions, 557 Relations, temporal example of fragmentation, alloca-
summary and exercises, 299–301, bitemporal time, 950–952 tion, and replication, 898–901
575–578 transaction time, 949–950 transparency of, 880
template dependencies, 572 valid time, 947–949 Representational (or implementa-
testing binary decompositions for Relationship relation (lookup table) tion) data models, 31
nonadditive join property, 557 mapping of binary 1:1 relation- Requirements collection and analy-
third normal form (3NF), ship types, 289 sis phase
523–525 mapping of binary 1:N relation- in database design, 200, 311–313
top-down and bottom-up ship types, 290 database design starting with, 9
approaches, 502 mapping of binary M:N relation- of information system (IS) life
tuning and, 733 ship types, 290–291 cycle, 307
Index 1163

Reset operations, on files, 599 Root tag, XML documents, 423 testing conflict serializability of,
Resource Description Framework Roots, of tree structures, 646 763–765
(RDF), 436 Rotation. See Pivoting (rotation) Schema
Response time, physical database Rotation invariant feature transform conceptual design, 313–321
design and, 326 (RIFT), 968 entity type describing for entity
Restrict option, of delete operation, Rotational delay (rd) sets, 208
77 as disk parameter, 1087 instances and database state and,
Result equivalence, of transaction on hard disks, 591 32–33
schedules, 762 Row-level access control, 852–853 ontologies and, 272
Result relations, 75 Row-level triggers, 937 relational. See Relational database
Result tables, in QBE, 1095 Rows. See Tuples (rows) schemas
Retrieval operations Rows, in SQL, 89 relational data model and, 70–73
database design and, 728 RSA encryption algorithm, 865 three-schema architecture. See
from database tables, 494–495 Rule consideration, in active Three-schema architecture
on files, 599 databases Schema construct, 32, 222
modes of interaction in IR deferred consideration, 942 Schema diagram, 32
systems, 999 overview of, 938–939 Schema evolution, 33
objects, 362 Rule-defined predicates (views), Schema matching, types of Web
QBE (Query-By-Example), 978 information integration, 1023
1091–1095 Rule sets, in active database systems, Schema, SQL
types of relational data model 938 change statements, 137–139
operations, 75 Rules, in deductive databases names, 89
Retrieval transactions, 322 interpretation of, 975–977 overview of, 89–90
Retroactive update, valid time rela- overview of, 21, 932 Schema (view) integration, 316–317,
tions and, 949 in Prolog/Datalog notation, 319–321
Return values, of PHP functions, 970–972 Schemaless XML documents, 422
490 safe, 979–980 Scientific applications, 25
Reverse engineering, Rational Rose Runtime database processor Scope, variable, 490
and, 338 DBMS component modules, 42 Scripting languages, PHP as, 482
Revoking privileges, 844, 845–846 query execution and, 679 SCSI (Small Computer System
Rewrite blocks, file organization Runtime, specifying SQL queries at, Interface), 591
and, 602 458–459 SDL (storage definition language),
Rewrite time, as disk parameter, Safe expressions, in tuple relational 37, 110
1089 calculus, 182–183 Search engines
RIFT (rotation invariant feature Safe rules, in deductive databases, overview of, 998–999
transform), 968 979–980 vertical and metasearch, 1018
Rigorous two-phase locking, 785 Sampling algorithm, in data mining, Search fields, 648
Rivest, Ron, 865 1042 Search trees, 647–649
ROLAP (relational OLAP), 1079 SANs (Storage Area Networks), Searches
Role-based access control (RBAC), 621–622 conversational, 1029–1030
851–852 Saturation, hue, saturation, and faceted, 1028–1029
Role hierarchy, in role-based access value (HSV), 967 information retrieval. See IR
control, 851 SAX (Simple API for XML), 423 (Information Retrieval)
Role names, and recursive relation- Scale-invariant feature transform measures of relevance, 1014–1015
ships, 215 (SIFT), 968 methods for complex selection,
Roll-up display Scan operations, files, 600 686–687
functionality of data warehouses, Scanner, for SQL, 679 methods for simple selection,
1078 Schedules (histories), of transactions 685–686
working with data cubes, characterizing based on recover- navigational, informational, and
1070–1072 ability, 757–759 transactional, 996
ROLLBACK (or ABORT) operation, characterizing based on serializ- social searches, 1029
752 ability, 759–760 Web. See Web search and analysis
Rollbacks, in database recovery, equivalence of, 768–770 Second normal form (2NF)
813–815, 950 overview of, 755–757 general definition of, 526–527
Root element, XML schema lan- serial, nonserial, and conflict- overview of, 523
guage, 429 serializable schedules, 761–763 Secondary access path, 631
1164 Index

Secondary file organization, 587 Selective inheritance, in ODBs describing knowledge discovered
Secondary indexes (object databases), 368 by data mining, 1039
advantages of, 668 Selectivity and cost estimates, in discovery of, 1057
cost functions for SELECT, 714 query optimization in pattern discovery phase of Web
methods for simple selection, 686 catalog information used in cost usage analysis, 1027
overview of, 636–642 functions, 712–713 Serial schedules, 761
tables comparing index types, 642 cost components of query execu- Serializability, of transaction
types of ordered indexes, 632–633 tion, 711–712 schedules
Secondary keys, 636 cost functions for JOIN, 715–718 characterizing schedules based
Secondary storage, 584, 711 cost functions for SELECT, on, 759–760
Secret key algorithms, 863 713–715 serial, nonserial, and conflict-
Sectors, of hard disk, 589 multiple relation queries and serializable schedules, 761–763
Security JOIN ordering, 718–719 testing conflict serializability of
vs. precision, 841 overview of, 710–711 schedules, 763–765
Web security, 1028 Selectivity, of conditions, 687–688 used for concurrency control,
Security and authorization subsys- Self-describing data, 10–11, 416 765–768
tem, DBMS, 19 Semantic constraints view serializability, 768–769
Security, database. See Database relational model constraints, 68 Serialization (precedence) graph,
security template dependencies and, 572 763–765
Seek time (s) types of constraints, 74 Servers
as disk parameter, 1087 Semantic data models client program calling database
on hard disks, 591 abstraction concepts in, 268 server, 451
Segmentation, automatic analysis of aggregation and association, database servers, 42
images, 967 269–271 DBMS module for, 29
SELECT command, SQL classification and instantiation, 268 parallel architecture for, 1079
aggregate functions used in, 125 compared with knowledge repre- PHP variables, 490–491
basic form of, 97–98 sentation, 267–268 server level in two-tier client/
FROM clause, 107 ER (Entity-Relationship) model, server architecture, 47
DISTINCT keyword with, 103 245 specialized servers in client/server
information retrieval with, 97 identification, 269 architecture, 45–46
projection attributes and selec- for information retrieval, Set-at-a-time DMLs, 38
tion conditions, 98, 100 1006–1007 Set constructor, 359
in SQL retrieval queries, 129–130 specialization and generalization, SET DIFFERENCE operation
SELECT-FROM-WHERE structure, 269 algorithms for, 697–698
of SQL queries, 98–100 Semantic query optimization, in relational algebra, 152–155
SELECT operations 722–723 Set null (set default) option, in
cost functions for, 713–715 Semantic relationships, in semantic delete operations, 77–78
disjunctive selection conditions, model for IR, 1006 Set operations
688 Semantic Web, 272–273 algorithms for, 697–698
on files, 599 Semantics query processing and optimizing,
implementing, 685 approach to IR, 1000 697–698
in relational algebra, 147–149 of attributes, 503–507, 514 SQL, 104
search methods for complex equivalence of transaction sched- Set types, in network data model, 51
selection, 686–687 ules and, 769–770 Sets
search methods for simple selec- heterogeneity of in federated equivalence of, 549
tion, 685–686 databases, 886–887 explicit sets of values in SQL, 122
selectivity of conditions, 687–688 integrity constraints and, 21 SQL table as multiset of tuples, 97
SELECT operator (σ), 147 tagging images, 969 tables as, 103–105
Select-project-join queries, 179 Semijoin operation, 904 Shadow directory, 820
Selection cardinality, 712 Semistructured data, 416–417 Shadow paging, 820–821
Selection conditions Separators, XPath, 432 Shamir, Adi, 865
in domain calculus, 184 Sequence diagrams, UML, 329, 331 Shape, automatic analysis of images,
SELECT command and, 98, 100 Sequential order, in accessing data 967
SELECT operation and, 147 blocks, 592 Shape descriptors, 965
Selection, functionality of data Sequential patterns Shared nothing architecture,
warehouses, 1079 in data mining, 1037 887–888
Index 1165

Shared subclasses (multiple inheri- Social searches, 1029 Specialized servers, in client/server
tance), 256, 297 Software costs, choosing a DBMS, architecture, 45
Shared variables, embedded SQL 323 Specific attributes (local attributes),
and, 452 Software developers, 16 of subclass, 249
Sharing data and multiuser transac- Software engineers Specific relationship types, sub-
tions, 13–14 database actors on the scene, 16 classes and, 249–250
Sharing databases, 6 design and testing of applications, Specification, conceptualization and,
Shrinking (second) phase, in two- 199 272
phase locking, 782 Sort-merge joins Speech input and output, queries
SIFT (scale-invariant feature cost functions for, 717 and, 39
transform), 968 methods for implementing joins, SQL-99, 942–943
Simple API for XML (SAX), 423 689–690 SQL/CLI (Call Level Interface)
Simple (atomic) attributes, in ER Sort-merge strategy, 683 database programming with,
model, 205–207 Sorting 464–468
Simple Object Access Protocol external, 682–685 library of functions, 448
(SOAP), 436 functionality of data warehouses, SQL injection attacks
Simultaneous update, 949 1078 code injection, 856
Single inheritance, subclasses and, implementing aggregate opera- function call injection, 856–857
256–257 tions, 699 protecting against, 858
Single-level indexes ordered records (sorted files), risks associated with, 857–858
clustering indexes, 635–636 603–606 SQL manipulation, 856
overview of, 632–633 Space utilization, physical database types of, 855
primary indexes, 633–635 design and, 326 SQL programming techniques
secondary indexes, 636–642 Spamming, Web spamming, 1028 approaches to database program-
tables comparing index types, 642 Spanned/unspanned organization, ming, 449–450
Single-loop joins of records, 597 bibliographic references, 479
cost functions for, 716 Sparse indexes, 633 database programming tech-
methods for implementing joins, Spatial analysis, 959 niques and issues, 448–449
689 Spatial applications, 25 dynamic SQL, 448, 458–459
Single-quoted strings, PHP text Spatial databases embedded SQL. See Embedded
processing, 485–486 applications of spatial data, SQL
Single-relation options, for mapping 964–965 function calls. See Function calls,
specialization or generalization, data indexing, 961–963 database programming with
295 data mining, 963–964 impedance mismatch, 450
Single-sided disks, 589 data types and models, 959–960 overview of, 447–448
Single time points, in temporal dynamic operators, 961 sequence of interactions in, 451
databases, 946 operators, 960–961 SQL/PSM (SQL/Persistent Stored
Single-user systems, 49 overview of, 957–959 Modules). See SQL/PSM (SQL/
Single-user transaction processing Spatial joins/overlays, 961 Persistent Stored Modules)
system, 744–745 Spatial outliers, 965 summary and exercises, 477–478
Single-valued attributes, in ER Special purpose DBMSs, 50 SQL/PSM (SQL/Persistent Stored
model, 206 Specialization/generalization Modules)
Singular value decompositions constraints on, 251–254 overview of, 473
(SVD), 967 definitions, 264 specifying persistent stored
Slice and dice, functionality of data design choices for, 263–264 modules, 475–476
warehouses, 1078 EER-to-Relational mapping, stored procedures and functions,
Small Computer System Interface 294–297 473–475
(SCSI), 591 generalization, 250–251 SQL (Structured Query Language).
SMART document retrieval system, hierarchies and lattices, 254–257 See also Embedded SQL
998 in knowledge representation, 269 * (asterisk) for retrieving all
SMP (symmetric multiprocessor), notation for, 1084–1085 attribute values of selected
1079 refining conceptual schemas, tuples, 102–103
Snowflake schema, for multidimen- 257–258 aliases, 101–102
sional data models, 1073–1074 specialization, 248–250 bibliographic references, 114
SOAP (Simple Object Access UML (Unified Modeling CHECK clauses for specifying
Protocol), 436 Language), 265–266 constraints on tuples, 97
1166 Index

clauses in simple SQL queries, CREATE VIEW command, Statechart diagrams, UML, 329, 333
107 134–135 Statement-level active rules, in
common data types, 92–94 DROP command, 138 STARBURST example, 940–942
CREATE TABLE command, 90–92 EXISTS and NOT EXISTS func- Statement-level triggers
data definition in, 89 tions, 120–122 overview of, 937
dealing with ambiguous attribute explicit sets and renaming of in STARBURST example, 940
names, 100–101 attributes, 122 Statement records, in SQL/CLI,
DELETE command, 109 GROUP BY clause, 126–129 464–468
embedding SQL commands in HAVING clause, 127–129 Static (early) binding, in ODMS,
Java, 459–461 inline views, 137 368
external sorting, 682–685 nested queries, 117–119 Static files, 601
INSERT command, 107–109 outer and inner joins, 123–124 Static hashing, 610
list of features in, 110–111 overview of, 115 Static Web pages, 420
manipulation by SQL injection schema change statements, 137 Statistical analysis, in pattern dis-
attacks, 856 summary and exercises, 139–143 covery phase of Web usage
missing or unspecified WHERE UNIQUE function, 122 analysis, 1026
clauses, 102 view implementation and update, Statistical approach, to IR,
naming constraints, 96–97 135–137 1000–1002
object-relational features in, 354 views (virtual tables) in, 133–134 Statistical database security, 859–860
ordering query results, 106–107 SQL (Structured Query Language), Statistical databases, 837–838, 874
overview of, 87–89 ODB extensions to Statistical queries, 859
QBE compared with, 1098 dot notation for build path Steal/no-steal techniques
schema and catalog concepts in, expressions, 376 in database recovery, 811–812
89–90 encapsulation of operations, UNDO/REDO recovery algorithm,
SELECT-FROM-WHERE structure 374–375 819
of queries, 98–100 inheritance and polymorphism, Stem, of words, 1010
servers, 47 375–376 Stemming, text preprocessing in
specifying attribute constraints OIDs (object identifiers) using information retrieval, 1010
and default values, 94–95 reference types, 373–374 Stopwords
specifying key and referential overview of, 369–370 in keyword queries, 1007
integrity constraints, 95–96 specifying relationships via refer- removal, 1009–1010
substring pattern matching and ence, 376 text/document sources, 966
arithmetic operators, 105–106 tables based on UDTs, 374 Storage
summary and exercises, 111–114 UDTs and complex structures for allocation of file blocks on disk,
tables as sets in, 103–105 objects, 370–373 598
temporal data types, 945 SQLJ bibliographic references, 630
transaction support, 770–772 embedding SQL command in buffer management and, 593–594
translating SQL queries into rela- Java, 459–461 column-based storage of rela-
tional algebra, 681–682 retrieving multiple tuples using tions, 669–670
UDT (user-defined types) in, 111 iterators, 461–464 cost components of query execu-
UPDATE command, 109–110 SQLODE communication variable, tion, 711
SQL (Structured Query Language), 454 covert channels, 861
advanced features SQLSTATE communication variable, database storage, 586–587
aggregate functions, 124–126 454 database storage reorganization,
ALTER command, 138–139 Standards 43
bibliographic references, 143 database approach and, 22 database tuning and, 733
clauses in retrieval queries, database design specification, 328 file headers (descriptors) and, 598
129–130 SQL, 88 file systems and. See Files (of
comparisons involving NULL and Star schema, 1073 records)
three-valued logic, 116–117 Starvation, concurrency control files, fixed-length records, and
correlated nested queries, and, 788 variable-length records,
119–120 State 595–597
CREATE ASSERTION command, in ODMG object model, 382 hardware structures of disk
131–132 relational database state, 70–72 devices, 588–592
CREATE TRIGGER command, transaction, 751–752 iSCSI (Internet SCSI), 623–624
132–133 State constraints, 75 magnetic tape devices, 592–593
Index 1167

measuring capacity, 585 specific attributes (local attrib- recovery needed due to system
memory hierarchies and, 584–586 utes) of, 249 error, 750
NAS (network-attached storage), specific relationship types and, security issues at system level, 836
622–623 249–250 System designers, 16
overview of, 583–584 union types or categories, System environment
parallelization of access. See RAID 258–260 DBMS module, 40–42
(Redundant Array of Subset of Cartesian product, 63 tools, application environments,
Inexpensive Disks) Subsets, of attributes, 68–69 and communication facilities,
placing file records on disk, 594 Substring pattern matching, in SQL, 43–44
record blocking and, 597 105–106 utilities for, 42–43
records and record types, 594–595 Subtrees, 646 System independent mapping, in
SANs (Storage Area Networks), Subtypes, 247, 365–366 choosing a DBMS, 326
621–622 SUM function System logs. See also Logs/logging
secondary storage devices, 587 aggregate functions in SQL, auditing and, 839–840
spanned/unspanned records, 124–125 database recovery and, 808
597–598 grouping and, 166, 168 tracking transaction operations,
summary and exercises, 624–630 implementing aggregate opera- 753–754
Storage Area Networks (SANs), tions, 698 Systems analyst, 16
621–622 Superclass/subclass relationships Table inheritance, in SQL, 376
Storage definition language (SDL), in EER model, 264 Tables
37, 110 overview of, 247 ALTER TABLE command, 138–139
Storage medium, physical, 584 union types or categories, assigning privileges at table level,
Stored attributes, in ER model, 206 258–260 842–843
Stored data manager module, Superclasses base tables (relations) vs. virtual
DBMS, 40, 42 base class and, 265 relations, 90
Stored procedures, 21, 473–475 in EER model, 246–248, 264 basing on UDTs, 374
Stream-based processing, 700 generalization and, 250 DROP TABLE command, 138
Streaming XML documents, 423 options for mapping specializa- in relational model, 60, 61
Strict hierarchies, 255 tion or generalization, 294 retrieval queries from database
Strict schedules, 759 specialization and, 248 tables, 494–495
Strict timestamp ordering, 790–791 Superkeys in SQL, 89
Strict two-phase locking, 784–785 defined, 518 SQL table as multiset of tuples,
Strings relational model constraints, 69 97, 103–105
pattern matching, 105 Supertypes, 247, 365 virtual. See Views
PHP text processing, 485 Superuser accounts, 838 Tags
Strong entity types, 219, 287 Supervised learning HTML, 418–419
Struct (tuple) constructors, 358–359 classification and, 1051 semistructured data and, 417
Structural constraints, of relation- neural networks and, 1058 Tape jukeboxes, 586
ships, 218 Support, for association rules, 1040 Tape, magnetic, 592–593
Structural diagrams, UML, 329 Surrogate keys, 298 Tape reel, 592
Structured data Survivability, challenges in database Taxonomies, 272
extracting, 1022 security, 867 Technical metadata, in data ware-
overview of, 416 SVD (singular value decomposi- housing, 1078
vs. unstructured, 993–994 tions), 967 Templates
Structured domains, in UML class Symmetric key algorithms, 863 dependencies, 572
diagrams, 227 Symmetric multiprocessor (SMP), in Query-By-Example, 1091
Structured literals, 378 1079 Temporal aggregation, 957
Subclasses Synonyms, thesaurus as collection Temporal databases
in EER model, 246–248, 264 of, 1010 attribute versioning for incorpo-
generalizing into superclasses, 250 Syntactic analysis, in semantic rating time in OODBs,
as leaf classes in UML, 265 model for IR, 1006 953–954
options for mapping specializa- System bitemporal time relations,
tion or generalization, 294 accounts, 838 950–952
predicate-defined and user- catalog, 42 options for storing tuples in tem-
defined, 252 definition in database application poral relations, 952–953
shared, 256 life cycle, 308 overview of, 943–945
1168 Index

querying constructs using TSQL2 text preprocessing in information Timing channels, covert, 861
language, 954–956 retrieval, 1010–1011 TO. See Timestamp ordering (TO)
time representation, calendars Third normal form (3NF) Tool developers, 17
and time dimensions, 945–947 dependency-preserving and non- Tools, DBMS, 43–44
time series data, 957 additive join decomposition Top-down methodology
transaction time relations, into, 558–563 for conceptual refinement, 257
949–950 dependency-preserving decompo- for database design, 502
valid time relations, 947–949 sition into, 558–559 for schema design, 315–316
Temporal intersection join, 952 general definition of, 528 Topical relevance, in IR, 1015
Temporal normal form, 952 overview of, 523–525 Topological operators, 960
Temporal variables, 948 Thomas’s write rule, 791 Topological relationships, among
Temporary updates (dirty reads), Threats, to database security, spatial objects, 959
concurrency control and, 836–837 Topologies, network, 879
748–749 Three-phase commit (3PC) proto- Total categories, 260
Term frequency-inverse document col, 908 Total participation, binary relation-
frequency. See TF-IDF (term three-schema architecture ships and, 217
frequency-inverse document data independence and, 35–36 Total specialization constraint, 253
frequency) levels of, 34–35 Tracks, on hard disks, 589
Terminated state, transactions, 752 overview of, 33 Trade-off analysis, 345
Terms (keywords) Three-tier architectures Training costs, in choosing a DBMS,
modes of interaction in IR client/server architecture, 323–324
systems, 999 892–894 Transaction-id, 753
sets of terms in Boolean model PHP, 482 Transaction processing systems
for IR, 1002 for Web applications, 47–49 ACID properties, 754–755
Ternary relationships Three-valued logic, 116–117 bibliographic references, 775
choosing between binary and ter- Time constraints, on queries and characterizing schedules based on
nary relationships, 228–231 transactions, 729 recoverability, 757–759
constraints on, 232 TIME data type, 945 characterizing schedules based on
in ER (Entity-Relationship) Time dimensions, in temporal data- serializability, 759–760
model, 213–214 bases, 945–947 commit point of transactions,
Tertiary storage, 584, 586 Time periods, in temporal data- 754
Testing bases, 946 concurrency control, 747–750
conflict serializability of sched- Time representation, in temporal database design and, 306
ules, 763–765 databases, 945–947 equivalence of schedules, 769–770
in database application life cycle, Time series overview of, 743–744
308 management systems, 957 recovery, 750–751
Texels (texture elements), 967 patterns in, 1039, 1057 schedules (histories) of transac-
Text as specialized database applica- tions, 756–757
preprocessing in information tions, 25 serial, nonserial, and conflict-
retrieval, 1009–1012 in temporal databases, 946, 957 serializable schedules, 761–763
sources in multimedia databases, Time-varying attributes, 953 serializability used for concurren-
966 Timeouts, for dealing with dead- cy control, 765–768
storing XML document as, 431 locks, 788 single-user vs. multiuser, 744–745
Texture, automatic analysis of TIMESTAMP data type, SQL, 93, 945 SQL support for transactions,
images, 967 Timestamp ordering (TO) 770–772
TF-IDF (term frequency-inverse basic, 789–790 summary and exercises, 772–774
document frequency) for concurrency control, 777 system log, 753–754
applying to inverted indexing, 1013 multiversion technique based on, testing conflict serializability of
in vector space model for IR, 792 schedules, 763–765
1003–1004 strict timestamp ordering, transaction states and operations,
Thematic analysis, for spatial data- 790–791 751–752
bases, 959 Thomas’s write rule, 791 transactions, database items,
Theorem proving, in deductive Timestamps read/write operations, and
databases, 976 overview of, 789 DBMS buffers, 745–747
Thesaurus read and write, 789 view equivalence and view serial-
ontologies, 272 transaction time relations and, 949 izability, 768–769
Index 1169

Transaction processing systems, in Tree data models. See Hierarchical tuple variables and range rela-
distributed databases data models tions, 175–176
catalog management, 913 Tree structures. See also B+-trees; universal quantifier used in
concurrency control, 909–912 B-trees queries, 180–182
operating system support, 909 decision making in database Tuple versioning approach, to
overview of, 907–908 design, 730 implementing temporal data-
recovery, 912–913 FP-tree (frequent-pattern tree) bases, 947–953
two-phase and three-phase com- algorithm, 1043–1045 bitemporal time relations,
mit protocols, 908–909 leaf-deep trees, 718 950–952
Transaction Table, in ARIES recov- overview of, 646–647 implementation considerations,
ery algorithm, 822 R-trees, 962 952–953
Transaction time, in temporal data- search trees, 647–649 transaction time relations and,
bases, 946 specialization hierarchy, 255 949–950
Transaction time relations, in tem- TV-trees (telescoping vector valid time relations and,
poral databases, 949–950 trees), 967 947–949
Transaction timestamp, 786 Triggers Tuples (rows)
Transactional databases, distinguish- active rules specified by, 933 classification in mandatory access
ing data warehouses from, associating with database tables, control, 848
1069 21 combining using JOIN operation,
Transactional searches, 996 before, after, and instead triggers, 157–158
Transactions 938 comparison of values in, 118
ACID properties, 754–755 CREATE TABLE command, component values of, 67
canned, 15 132–133 dangling tuples in relational
commit point of, 754 CREATE TRIGGER command, design, 563–565
committed and aborted, 750 936 defined, 61
defined, 6 creating in SQL, 111 disallowing spurious, 510–513
designing, 322–323 overview of, 932 eliminating duplicates, 150
interactive, 801 row-level and statement-level, hypothesis tuples, 572
multiuser, 13–14 937 n-tuple for relations, 62
recovery needed due to transac- specifying constraints, 74 ordering in relations, 64
tion error, 750 in SQL-99, 942–943 ordering values within, 64–65
relational data model and, 79 Truth values, of atoms, 184 reducing NULL values in,
schedules (histories) of, 756–757 TSQL2 language, 954–956 509–510
SQL transaction control com- Tuning databases reducing redundant information
mands, 111 design, 735–736 in, 507–509
states and operations, 751–752 guidelines for, 738–739 retrieving all attribute values of
throughput in physical database implementation and, 311 selected, 102–103
design, 327 indexes, 734–735 retrieving multiple tuples in
types of, 745 overview of, 733–734 SQLJ, 461–464
Transfer rate (tr), disk blocks, 1088 queries, 736–738 retrieving multiple tuples using
Transformation approach, to image system implementation and cursors, 455–457
database queries, 966 tuning, 327–328 SQL table as multiset of, 97
Transience Tuple-based constraints, 97 storing in temporal relations,
collections, 367 Tuple relational calculus 952–953
data, 586 examples of queries in, 178–179 unspecified WHERE clause and,
object lifetime and, 378 existential and universal quanti- 102
objects, 355, 363 fiers, 177–178 valid time relations and, 948
Transition constraints, 75 expressions and formulas, values and NULLS in, 65–66
Transition tables, in STARBURST 176–177 versioning for incorporating time
example, 940 notation for query graphs, in relational databases, 953
Transitive closure, of relations, 168 179–180 Tuples variables
Transitive dependencies, in 3NF, overview of, 174–175 aliases and, 101
523–524 safe expressions, 182–183 looping with iterators, 98
Transparency SQL based on, 88 range relations and, 175–176
autonomy as complement to, 882 transforming universal and exis- TV-trees (telescoping vector trees),
in distributed databases, 879–881 tential quantifiers, 180 967
1170 Index

Two-phase commit (2PC) protocol Unary relational operations Universal relation assumption, 552
recovery in multidatabase sys- CARTESIAN PRODUCT opera- Universal relation schema, 552
tems, 825–826 tion, 155–157 Universal relations, 544
transaction management in dis- overview of, 146 Universe of discourse (UoD), 4
tributed databases, 908 PROJECT operation, 149–150 University student database example
Two-phase locking SELECT operation, 147–149 data records in, 6–9
basic locks, 784 UNION, INTERSECTION, and EER schema applied to, 260–263
binary locks, 778–780 MINUS operations, 152–155 Unordered (heap files) records,
conversion of locks, 782 Unbalanced trees, 646 601–602
overview of, 777–778 Unconstrained write assumption, Unrepeatable read problem, 750
serializability guaranteed by, 769 Unstructured data
782–784 UNDO/NO-REDO recovery HTML and, 418–420
shared/exclusive (read/write) immediate update techniques, information retrieval dealing
locks, 780–782 818–819 with, 993–994
variations on two-phase locking, overview of, 807, 809 Unsupervised learning
784–785 Undo operations, transactions, 753 clustering and, 1054
Two-tier client/server architecture, UNDO phase, of ARIES recovery neural networks and, 1058
46–47 algorithm, 823 UoD (universe of discourse), 4
Two-way joins, 689 UNDO/REDO recovery Update anomalies, avoiding redun-
Type (class) hierarchies immediate update techniques, dant information in tuples,
constraints on extents corres- 819 507
ponding to, 366–367 overview of, 807, 809 UPDATE command, SQL
inheritance and, 369 UNDO, write-ahead logging and, active rules and, 936
in OO systems, 356 810–811 overview of, 109–110
simple model for inheritance, Unidirectional associations, in UML Update operations
364–366 class diagrams, 227 bitemporal databases and, 950
Type-compatible relations, 697 Unified Modeling Language. See database design and, 728
Type constructors UML (Unified Modeling factors influencing physical data-
atom constructor, 358 Language) base design, 729
collection constructor, 359 UNION operation operations on files, 599
defined, 369 algorithms for, 697–698 query processing in distributed
ODB features included in SQL, in relational algebra, 152–155 databases, 905–907
370 SQL set operations, 104 in relational data model, 78–79
ODL and, 359–360 Union types (categories) types of relational data model
struct (tuple) constructor, EER-to-Relational mapping, operations, 75
358–359 297–299 Update transactions, 322
Type generator, 358–359 modeling, 258–260 Usage projections, data warehousing
UDT (user-defined types) UNIQUE function, SQL, 122 and, 1080
creating, 370–373 Unique identity, in ODMS, 357 Use case diagrams, UML, 329–331
in SQL, 111 UNIQUE KEY clause, CREATE User accounts, database security
tables based on, 374 TABLE command, 96 and, 839–840
UML (Unified Modeling Language) Unique keys, in relational models, 70 User-defined subclasses, 252, 264
class diagrams, 226–228 Uniqueness constraints User-defined time, 947
for database application design, on entity attributes, 208–209 User-defined types. See UDT (user-
329 factors influencing physical data- defined types)
as design specification standard, base design, 729 User-friendly interfaces, 38
328 integrity constraints in databases, User interfaces
diagram types, 329–334 21 GUIs (graphical user interfaces),
notation for ER diagrams, 224 overview of, 68–70 20, 39, 1061
object modeling with, 200 specifying in SQL, 95–96 multiple users, 20
representing specialization/gener- Universal quantifiers User labels, combining with data
alization in, 265–266 transforming, 180 labels, 869–870
University student database in tuple relational calculus, Users
example, 334–337 177–178 classifying DBMSs by number of,
UMLS metathesaurus, 1010–1011 used in queries, 180–182 49
Index 1171

database actors on the scene, scope, 490 Virtual tables. See Views (virtual
15–16 shared, 452 tables), SQL
measures of relevance in IR, 1015 temporal, 948 Visible/hidden attributes, of objects,
multiuser transactions, 13–14 tuple, 98, 101, 175–176 361
types of users in information VDL (view definition language), 37 Vocabularies
retrieval, 995–996 Vector space model, for information in inverted indexing, 1012
Utilities, DBMS system, 42–43 retrieval, 1003–1005 searching, 1013–1014
Valid event data, 957 Vertical fragmentation, in distrib- Volatile storage, 586
Valid state uted databases, 881, 895 Voting method, distributed concur-
database states, 33 Vertical partitioning, database tun- rency control based on, 912
relational databases, 71 ing and, 735 VPDs (virtual private databases),
Valid time databases, 946 Vertical propagation, of privileges, 868–869
Valid time, in temporal databases, 847 Wait-die transaction timestamp, 786
946 Vertical search engines, 1018 Wait-for graph, 787
Valid time relations, in temporal Very large databases, 586 WAL (write-ahead logging),
databases, 947–949 Victim selection algorithm, for 810–812
valid XML documents, 422–425 deadlock prevention, 788 WANs (wide area networks), 879
Validation Video applications, 25 Weak entity types, 219–220,
in database application life cycle, Video clips, in multimedia data- 288–289
307–308 bases, 932, 965 Web
of queries, 679 Video segments, in multimedia access control policies for,
Validation (optimistic) concurrency databases, 966 854–855
control, 777, 794–795 Video sources, in multimedia data- hypertext documents and, 415
Validation phase, of optimistic con- bases, 966 interchanging data on, 24
currency control, 794 View definition language (VDL), 37 Web analysis, 1019, 1027
Value, hue, saturation, and, 967 View equivalence, of transaction Web applications, architectures for,
Value references, in RDBs, 396 schedules, 768–769 47–49
Value sets (domains), of attributes, View integration approach, in con- Web-based user interfaces, 38
209–210 ceptual schema design, 315 Web browsers, 38
Values View materialization, 135 Web clients, 38
stored in records, 594 View serializability, of transaction Web content analysis
in tuples, 65–66 schedules, 768–769 agent-based approach to,
Values (literals) Views 1024–1025
atomic formulas as, 973 data warehouses compared with, concept hierarchies in, 1024
atomic literals, 378 1079–1080 database-based approach to, 1025
collection literals, 382 database designers creating, 15 ontologies and, 1023–1024
complex types for, 358–360 granting/revoking privileges, 844 overview of, 1022
in OO systems, 358 multiple views of data supported segmenting Web pages and
structured literals, 378 in databases, 12 detecting noise, 1024
Variable-length records, 595–597 specifying as named queries in structured data extraction, 1022
Variables OQL, 402–403 types of Web analysis, 1019
bind variables (parameterized Views (virtual tables), SQL Web information integration,
statements), 858 vs. base tables, 134 1022–1023
communication variables in SQL, CREATE VIEW command, Web crawlers, 1028
454 134–135 Web databases, programming. See
domain, 183 implementation and update, PHP
instance, 356 135–137 Web forms, collecting data
iterator variables, in OQL, inline views, 137 from/inserting record into,
399–400 overview of, 89, 133–134 493–494
limited, 980 Virtual data, in views, 12 Web interface, for database applica-
PHP, 485–486 Virtual data warehouses, 1070 tions, 449
PHP server, 490–491 Virtual private databases (VPDs), Web Ontology Language (OWL), 969
PHP variable names, 484–485 868–869 Web pages
program, 599 Virtual relations, specifying with analyzing link structure of,
in Prolog languages, 971 CREATE VIEW command, 90 1020–1021
1172 Index

content analysis, 1024 preprocessing phase of, XML (eXtended Markup Language)
ranking, 1000 1025–1026 data model, 51
Web query interface integration, types of Web analysis, 1019 interchanging data on Web using,
1023 Well-formed XML, 422–425 24
Web search and analysis WHERE clause XML (Extensible Markup Language)
analyzing link structure of Web DELETE command, 109 bibliographic references, 443
pages, 1020–1021 explicit sets of values in, 122 converting graphs into trees, 441
comparing with information missing or unspecified, 102 hierarchical (tree) data model,
retrieval, 1018–1019 in SQL retrieval queries, 129–130 420–422
HITS ranking algorithm, UPDATE command, 109–110 hierarchical XML views over flat
1021–1022 Wide area networks (WANs), 879 or graph-based data, 436–440
overview of, 1018 Wildcard (*) languages, 432
PageRank algorithm, 1021 types of queries in IR systems, languages related to, 436
practical uses of Web analysis, 1008–1009 overview of, 415–416
1027–1028 using with XPath, 433 storing/extracting XML docu-
searching the Web, 1020 WITH CHECK OPTION, view ments from databases,
Web content analysis, 1022–1025 updates and, 137 431–432, 442
Web searches combining brows- WordNet thesaurus, 1011 structured, semistructured, and
ing and retrieval, 1000 Wound-wait transaction timestamp, unstructured data, 416–420
Web usage analysis, 1025–1027 786 summary and exercises, 442–443
Web security, 1028 Wrappers, structured data extrac- well-formed and valid docu-
Web servers tion and, 1022 ments, 422–425
middle tier in three-tier architec- Write-ahead logging (WAL), XML schema language, 425–430
ture, 48 810–812 XPath, 432–434
specialized servers in client/server Write command, hard disks and, XQuery, 434–435
architecture, 45 591 XML schema language, 425–430
Web Services Description Language Write phase, of optimistic concur- example schema file, 426–428
(WSDL), 436 rency control, 794 list of concepts in, 428–429
Web spamming, 1028 Write-set, of transactions, 747 overview of, 425
Web structure analysis Write timestamp, 789 XPath, 432–434
analyzing link structure of Web Write-write conflicts, in transaction XQuery, 434–435
pages, 1020–1022 schedules, 757 XSL (Extensible Stylesheet
types of Web analysis, 1019 write_item(X), 746 Language), 415, 436
Web usage analysis WSDL (Web Services Description XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet
pattern analysis phase of, 1027 Language), 436 Language Transformations),
pattern discovery phase of, XML access control, 853–854 415, 436
1026–1027 XML declaration, 423

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