Fedegari User Manual
Fedegari User Manual
Fedegari User Manual
Type Machine 1 Autoclave
Model Customer Application SW
W 32.0
N. Document Code DM
- Cover (template of this document) - -
1 User Manual – General # 226810 .5
User’s Manual
Software Version W32
Document Rev.4
FEDEGARI has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this manual is accurate and exhaustive. However, it assumes
no responsibility in case of errors or omissions. FEDEGARI reserves itself the right to amend, at any time and without notice, the
informations regarding the hardware and software described in this document. FEDEGARI reserves itself the option of amending this manual
at any time without notice.
Revision 1 Correct permissions table 6-4 and table 6-5, with the following changes:
Paragraph 6.6.2 Correct permissions of Change password function in Table 6-4.
Paragraph Correct permissions of Change password function in Table 6-5 for TH4-EL
Revision 2 Correct permissions table 6-4 and table 6-5, with the following changes:
Paragraph 6.6.2 Correct permissions of Change password function in Table 6-4.
Paragraph Correct permissions of Change password function in Table 6-5 for TH4-EL
Revision 3 Extended GUI Remote OS to Windows 7
Paragraph 1.3.8 Extended GUI Remote OS to Windows 7
Paragraph 15.2.3 Extended default installation folder depending of the operative system
Revision 4 Paragraph 1.3.1 Add blind PC Digital Proface APL3000-BA-CD2G-2P-1G-NO250
Paragraph Add blind PC Digital Proface APL3000-BA-CD2G-2P-1G-NO250
Paragraph Add blind PC Digital Proface APL3000-BA-CD2G-2P-1G-NO250
Paragraph 1.4.2 Add blind PC Digital Proface APL3000-BA-CD2G-2P-1G-NO250
The THEMA4 systems of Fedegari Autoclavi S.p.A. are electronic systems dedicated to controlling sterilization
processes of the moist-heat, gas, and dry-heat types. Moist-heat or gas sterilizers are termed "Type 1" devices
(or autoclaves) and dry-heat sterilizers are termed "Type 2" devices (or ovens).
An ordered sequence of phases aimed at sterilizing a load, i.e., a sterilization cycle, can be performed only if the
physical values of pressure, temperature, concentration, etc to be reached during the various phases, or the
durations of these phases, or the attainment (as a trigger) of conditions expressed as digital inputs have been
specified as parameters. A "parameterized cycle" is usually termed program.
It is important to note that in ordinary speech and in this manual, the term cycle is used to indicate both a
parameterized sequence of phases and the execution of a typically discontinuous process such as a sterilization
program. In other words, the term cycle may also designate the execution of a program, i.e., a "run". The context
almost always allows to distinguish very easily between the two meanings of cycle, and therefore the expression
"program execution" will be used only in the few cases in which this is necessary.
This user manual has a different scope and destination with respect to the operator manual
and is derived from revision 3 of the functional specifications of THEMA4 systems.
Accordingly, it deals with the application of THEMA4 systems to Type 1 sterilizers, i.e., to
autoclaves and Type 2 sterilizers, i.e., to ovens.
In this user manual, these notations are used:
for additional note
for references to other sections
for important note
for very important note
This user manual is composed of the following sections
This section gives an overview of time calculation in Thema4 such as determination of progressive
program time, phase time, sterilization time. Moreover some special cases are detailed.
This section describes types of alarms of Thema4 control system and gives the full alarms list with default
effects, delays, causes and remedies for each alarm. Moreover a special case is detailed.
This section gives informations about CFR21P11 management on the system, based on access codes
and their associated operations. Gives details about parameterization of this function, maps levels of
access to functions and about audit trail report.
This section describes general operations with the controller and GUI functions for each work area.
This section describes generalities on print management in Thema4 focusing on printout of “Sterilizer
data”; printout of “Process reports” is detailed in the previous section.
INDEX Integration with YOKOGAWA recorders of the DX100P/DX200P family ..................... 332
13.2.4 Type 3 integration ...................................................................................................................... 333
13.2.5 Type 4 integration (TH4-RECORDER)...................................................................................... 335
13.3 INTEGRATION WITH UTILITIES CENTRAL SYSTEM (UCS) ....................................................336
MANAGEMENT .........................................................................................................................................337
14 APPENDIX A – ALARMS LIST, CAUSE & REMEDY ............................................................................... 339
14.1 ALARMS LIST STERILIZER TYPE 1...........................................................................................340
14.1.1 Alarms list with “Effects” and “delay” at the activation............................................................... 340 Alarms applicability at the sterilizer................................................................................... 345
14.1.2 Alarm causes and remedies ...................................................................................................... 346
14.2 ALARMS LIST STERILIZER TYPE 2...........................................................................................372
14.2.1 Alarms list with “Effects” and “delay” at the activation............................................................... 372 Alarms applicability at the sterilizer................................................................................... 374
14.2.2 Alarm causes and remedies ...................................................................................................... 375
15 APPENDIX B – REMOTE GUI ................................................................................................................... 383
15.1 INTRODUCTION TO REMOTE GUI.............................................................................................384
15.1.1 Hardware and software requirements ....................................................................................... 384
15.1.2 Characteristics and limitations................................................................................................... 384
15.1.3 Installation.................................................................................................................................. 385
15.2 REMOTE GUI USAGE..................................................................................................................386
15.2.1 Process controller configuration ................................................................................................ 386
15.2.2 Remote GUI start....................................................................................................................... 386 TH4RStart ......................................................................................................................... 386 TH4Remote.bat (only for WIN GUI architecture) .............................................................. 387
15.2.3 Folder organization .................................................................................................................... 388
15.3 REMOTE GUI SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS........................................................................................389
15.3.1 Printer related settings............................................................................................................... 389
15.3.2 Connection parameters ............................................................................................................. 389
15.3.3 Archive conversion .................................................................................................................... 389
15.4 HINTS FOR WINDOWS CONFIGURATION ................................................................................390
15.4.1 Fonts required............................................................................................................................ 390
15.4.2 Access-rights required to Remote GUI folders.......................................................................... 390
Table 1-1– Association of hardware elements and software components.............................................................23
Table 1-2 – Panel PC table.....................................................................................................................................27
Table 1-3 – I/O board table.....................................................................................................................................27
Table 1-4 – Media devices present in the panel PC...............................................................................................29
Table 1-5 – Allen Bradley FLEX I/O .......................................................................................................................31
Table 1-6 – Siemens ET200S I/O...........................................................................................................................31
Table 1-7 – Siemens ET200M I/O ..........................................................................................................................31
Table 1-8 – SCM EX250 I/O ...................................................................................................................................32
Table 1-9 – SCM EX500 I/O ...................................................................................................................................32
Table 1-10 – Allen Bradley POINT I/O ...................................................................................................................32
Table 1-11 – Pt100 converter table ........................................................................................................................32
Table 1-12 – Hub/Switch table................................................................................................................................34
Table 1-13 – Cable Ethernet table..........................................................................................................................34
Table 1-14 – Thema4 hardware consumptions table .............................................................................................35
Table 1-15 – Duration for UPS APC Back-UPS 650MI ..........................................................................................35
Table 1-16 – UPS Table .........................................................................................................................................36
Table 1-17 – Thermal printer table .........................................................................................................................37
Table 1-18 – Thermal printer cable table................................................................................................................37
Table 1-19 – Doors display LCD table....................................................................................................................39
Table 1-20 – Display messages .............................................................................................................................39
Table 1-21 – Display messages meaning ..............................................................................................................41
Table 1-22 – Remote GUI minimum requirements.................................................................................................43
Table 1-23 – Driver/BSP for the types of Panel PC................................................................................................46
Table 1-24 – Directories structure for Panel PC side 1 ..........................................................................................46
Table 1-25 – Directories structure for Panel PC side 2 / 3 .....................................................................................47
Table 1-26 – Directories structure for program GUI ...............................................................................................47
Table 1-27 – Directories structure for program PCS ..............................................................................................48
Table 1-28 – Directories structure for library JWORKS..........................................................................................48
Table 1-29 – Directories structure for program FECP............................................................................................48
Table 1-30 - Directories structure for program Remote GUI ..................................................................................49
Table 1-31 – Code Pages and languages supported in Thema4...........................................................................50
Table 1-32 – Thema4 standard languages.............................................................................................................51
Table 1-33– Table of files archived in THEMA4 .....................................................................................................53
Table 1-34 – Suggested limit for archives data ......................................................................................................54
Table 1-35 – Categorization of Thema4 internal errors..........................................................................................55
Table 1-36 – Table of stations enabled ..................................................................................................................56
Table 1-37 – Communication options table ............................................................................................................57
Table 1-38 – External devices integration options table.........................................................................................57
Table 1-39 – Network services options table..........................................................................................................57
Table 1-40 – Additional functions options table......................................................................................................58
Table 1-41 – Thema4 operational limits .................................................................................................................62
Table 1-42 – International Standard for T, P and time ...........................................................................................63
Table 1-43 – Configuration Menu ...........................................................................................................................66
Table 1-44 – Recovery Disk menu .........................................................................................................................67
Table 2-1 – Login Number types ............................................................................................................................70
Table 2-2 – Hardware configuration limits ..............................................................................................................70
Table 2-3 – Analog input types for autoclaves .......................................................................................................73
Table 2-4 – Analog input types for ovens ...............................................................................................................73
Table 2-5 - Limit values for analog readings for autoclaves (sterilizer Type1).......................................................74
Table 2-6 - Limit values for analog readings for ovens (sterilizer Type2) ..............................................................74
Table 4-1 – Functional series of P/Gs ....................................................................................................................84
Table 4-2 – Types of P/G........................................................................................................................................85
Table 5-1 – Effects of alarms..................................................................................................................................92
Table 5-2 - Alarm configuration ..............................................................................................................................95
Table 6-1 – Possible error messages at Login .................................................................................................... 109
Table 6-2 – General Parameters for Access management ................................................................................. 112
Table 6-3 – Remothe Authentication parameters................................................................................................ 115
Table 6-4– Defaults of the levels of access to the functions and operating modes ............................................ 119
Table 6-5– Defaults of the levels of access to the functions and operating modes for TH4-EL ......................... 120
Table 6-6 – Comments inserted by the system ................................................................................................... 124
Table 7-1 – Authorization file structure................................................................................................................ 128
Table 7-2 – Factory parameters .......................................................................................................................... 129
Table 7-3 - System parameters ........................................................................................................................... 133
Fig. 1-1 – Thema4 system architecture ..................................................................................................................22
Fig. 1-2 – Thema4: HW and SW architecture.........................................................................................................23
Fig. 1-3 – WIN GUI / side1......................................................................................................................................24
Fig. 1-4 – Thema4: WIN GUI / side2 ......................................................................................................................24
Fig. 1-5 – Panel PC requirements ..........................................................................................................................28
Fig. 1-6 – Thema4 Ethernet connections ...............................................................................................................33
Fig. 1-7 – Multi sterilizers connection by hub/switch ..............................................................................................33
Fig. 1-8 – Type1 and 2 door management module ................................................................................................38
Fig. 1-9 – Thema4 software components layout ....................................................................................................44
Fig. 4-1 – Relation among PGL, Cycles and Programs .........................................................................................83
Fig. 4-2 – Cycle execution general flow (sterilizer Type 1).....................................................................................87
Fig. 4-3 – Cycle execution general flow (sterilizer Type 2).....................................................................................87
Fig. 6-1 – Audit Record........................................................................................................................................ 122
Fig. 8-1 – GUI structure ....................................................................................................................................... 208
Fig. 8-2 – Button and message area (6/7 buttons) .............................................................................................. 209
Fig. 8-3 – Examples of display of types of message and alarm pop-ups............................................................ 210
Fig. 8-4 – Pop-up keyboard (English US)............................................................................................................ 211
Fig. 8-5 – Keyboard selection popup................................................................................................................... 211
Fig. 8-6 – Reduced keyboard .............................................................................................................................. 212
Fig. 8-7 – LCD “Module door management” message status bar ....................................................................... 212
Fig. 8-8 – Status bar ............................................................................................................................................ 213
Fig. 8-9 – Example of scroll bar ........................................................................................................................... 214
Fig. 8-10 – Example of sorted list ........................................................................................................................ 214
Fig. 9-1 – Reconnect page .................................................................................................................................. 221
Fig. 9-2 – Blackout in progress page................................................................................................................... 221
Fig. 9-3 – Log-in page.......................................................................................................................................... 221
Fig. 9-4 – Log-in page without and with Remote Authentication ......................................................................... 224
Fig. 9-5 – “Run & Operations” complete menu................................................................................................... 229
Fig. 9-6 – “Run & Operations” menu (no program selected) ............................................................................... 229
Fig. 9-7 – Process Summary ............................................................................................................................... 232
Fig. 9-8 – List of active alarms, in “Alarm details”................................................................................................ 240
Fig. 9-9 – “Program Management” complete menu .......................................................................................... 243
Fig. 9-10 – “Cycle Management” complete menu .............................................................................................. 250
Fig. 9-11 – “Setup & configuration” complete menu........................................................................................... 252
Fig. 9-12 – Structure of “HW physical view” ........................................................................................................ 253
Fig. 9-13 – “Diagnose Maintenance” complete menu ........................................................................................ 260
Fig. 9-14 – Diagnostic data of the channels in digital modules ........................................................................... 260
Fig. 9-15 – Diagnostic data of the channels in analog modules.......................................................................... 260
Fig. 9-16 – Diagnostic data of the channels by type ........................................................................................... 260
Fig. 9-17 – Hard Disk status information ............................................................................................................. 268
Fig. 9-18 – “Log-in & Passwords” menu .............................................................................................................. 273
Fig. 9-19 – “Alarm & Data Logging” menu........................................................................................................... 276
Fig. 9-20 – “On line Manual” Menu ...................................................................................................................... 281
Fig. 13-1 – TH4-Recorder integration.................................................................................................................. 335
Fig. 13-2 – Thema4 -UCS Integration ................................................................................................................ 336
Fig. 13-3 – Thema4 Integration with an external database – SW architecture .................................................. 337
Fig. 15-1 – TH4RStart graphical interface .......................................................................................................... 386
6 5
7 4
Ethernet connection
us Ethernet, SQL) to
8 external systems
Thema4 control system components are defined in the document “CONFIGURATION
Converter BUS board
I/O config. R.T.O.S
config. file +
Panel PC
3 Field bus
Panel PC
Connection to
external systems
Log data WINDOWS
Kernel SRVR +
Conf. data
No THEMA4 parts VxWorks Windows Boot PCS FECP GUI DATA Conv. I/O
RTOS OS ROM + & Conf. Conf.
1 Operator panel L1 X X X X X X X
2 Operator panels L2/L3 X X X
3 PLC Remote I/O modules X
4 Ethernet connection hub
5 UPS for blackout management
6 Thermal printer
7 Side 1/ 2 doors management
8 Remote operator station X X
Table 1-1– Association of hardware elements and software components
Panel PC
L1 Conf.data
UPS Windows
BUS board
3 Blind PC
I/O config.
Remote OS
GUI Windo
Panel PC Panel PC
BUS board L1 L2
THEMA4 Windows
I/O config.
PL-HD220 - HD 20GB
- Pentium 4 2,4Ghz
- HD >=40GB, RAM 256/256MB (expandable to 4 GB),
- 12.1-inch analog resistive TFT color LCD touchscreen, SVGA 800x600
- 50,000-hour backlight
- 1 COM port, 1parallel port, 1 PS/2 keyboad port, 1 PS/2 mouse port
Siemens - Audio In/Out, Microfono In, Joystic port
Panel PC - 7 USB ports (1 at front),
TH4_HW- - 10/100/1000M, RJ45 Ethernet
PC577 Slot: 2 PCI
PANEL_Z (12’’ Touch
- CD-ROM Drive (installed laterally)
6AV7820 0AB00-1AA0) - Np preinstalled operating system
- AC110/230V 50/60Hz
- IP65 (front surface after installation)
- +5°C..+45°C
- Dimensions: 310(H), 483(W), 162(+28)(D) mm, 13kg
- 190W power consumption
- PentiumIII 1 Ghz
- HD >=20GB, RAM 128/256MB,
- N°4 COM, N°1 PS/2 Keyb., N°1 PS/2 mouse,
- Audio In/Out, Microphone In, Joystic port
- N°4 USB
- N°2 Ethernet 10/100M, RJ45
- Slot: 3 PCI
Digital Proface - Floppy Disk Drive 3.5 (installed in the expansion PSB-CD/F01)
TH4_HW- PS-2000B - CD-ROM Drive (installed in the expansion PSB-CD/F01)
PANEL_B (with - No preinstalled operating system
PSB-CD/FD01) - Temperature control and Watchdog
- AC110/230V 50/60Hz
- 118(A), 265(L), 299(P) mm, 4.5kg
- 159(A), 265(L), 299(P) mm (with the expansion PSB-CD/F01)
- 110VA power consumption
Following characteristics does not fulfill the minimum requirements display and LPT printer
port, being a “blind PC”)
- Celeron M320 1.3GHz
- DRAM 256MB (exp.512MB), First BIOS, 2°cache 512K
- 12.1inch TFT color LCD SVGA 1024x760, touch-screen resist.analog
- Replaceable CFL backlight
- N°1 COM
- N°5 USB (1 front),
- Ethernet 10B-T/ 100 B-TX,
- RAS(2 D/I, 2D/O)
TH4_HW- Digital Proface
- Slot: 1 (PCI Rev. 2.2)
PANEL_D PS3650A-T41 - No preinstalled operating system
- 110VA
- T: (5-50)°C
- IP65f (front surface after installation)
- 239(A), 301(L), 103(P) mm, 4.5kg
Following characteristics does not fulfill the minimum requirements: LPT printer port (it is
possible to print on USB printer only)
- Core Duo, 1.2 GHz
- 40 GB HD, 1 GB RAM
- 15-inch analog resistive TFT color LCD touchscreen, SVGA 1024x768
- Ports: COM, 1 parallel, 2 PS/2, 1 DVI
- 5 USB ports
Allen Bradley - 2 ports 10/100/1000M Ethernet RJ45
TH4_HW- VERSA VIEW 1500P - Slots: 1 PCI slot Rev 2.3
- DVD Drive
- Preinstalled operating system removed during configuration
(6181P-15TPXP) - 1100VA power consumption
- T: 0-50°C
- IP66 (front surface after installation)
- Dimensions : 309(H), 410(W), 100(D) mm, 9 kg
12.1-inch analog resistive TFT color LCD touch screen, SVGA 800x600
USB verified with THEMA4:
- USB1.0
- USB2.0 less than 1GB (read 6MBps, write 3MBps)
- USB2.0 1GB (read 10~12MBps, write 8MBps)
- USB2.0 2GB (read 16MBps, write 12MBps)
The panel PC Allen-Bradley VersaView 1500P ser.A, rev. A/B supports only pen drive which
have USB 1.0 legacy.
When you use the USB pen drive please wait the end of the light blinking on the memory
stick before to use it.
Both operator panels are composed of a single unit, which is the same one used for the Operator Panel
on Side 1:
TH4_HW-PANEL - Touch-screen Panel PC
TH4_HW-PANEL 2/3 - Touch screen Panel PC:
The serial, parallel and USB ports are not used for the Panel PCs side 2/3
The “module model” listed in the table refer to modules available at the moment they have
been configured in Thema4 control system. As time goes by those models can have “minor”
changes that do not alter the way they interact with the controller, but can be identified by a
change in the code of the module (for example: for SIEMENS ET200S the last 4 ciphers
identify changes to the firmware or internal components). Modules with such differences in
the code are compatible and can be applied to the Thema4 control system, which will always
report, in the hardware configuration, the code of the first version of the module.
17 1794-TB3G Screw-down terminal strip, 3 rows, for 1794-IJ2 and IRT8 Terminal strip
18 - - Profiled guide (35X7.5mm) Guide
(a) One POWER SUPPLY can supply sufficient power to operate up to 4 ADAPTERS
(b) As an alternative, the PROSOFT FLEX-IO 3170-PDP model can be used
I A Profibus ADAPTER can be interfaced with (i.e., supply and transfer data to) up to 8 1794 I/O modules. For more than 8
I/O modules it is necessary to user other ADAPTERS connected in a cascade configuration.
(d) To be used only if the Pt100/4-20mA converter modules (standard solution) are not used.
Table 1-5 – Allen Bradley FLEX I/O
Modules with different firmware version (cipher in italic) can be considered compatible. Each
module is listed in its initial firmware version.
The number of power supply modules depends on the I/O modules used. This module distributes 24 VDC power to the
modules of the guide (max 10A) with diagnostics. It requires a 24 VDC power supply.
(b) The number of Profibus interface modules depends on the power supply modules and I/O modules.
(c) To be used only if the Pt100/4-20mA converter modules (standard solution) are not used, this solution has never been
Table 1-6 – Siemens ET200S I/O
The module requires a specific configuration, which is obtained by downloading, by means
of specific software and hardware, a configuration file that correlates the temperature range
with the 4.00-20.00 mA range. This file is supplied in preconfigured form by Fedegari
(Section 1.2).
It is in any case advisable to always provide the possibility to place the Ethernet connection
outside the sterilizer in order to allow easier maintenance, software updates, and data
backup/restore; in this case, even a single required Ethernet connection, among the ones
cited above, requires the use of a hub.
When the hub is used, the cables must not be of the “cross” type.
4. Remote station (OPT.)…….
5. External connections (OPT.)…….
- SCADA, DCS, (Data transfer)
- Recorder / Maintenance GUI
Fig. 1-6 – Thema4 Ethernet connections
This configuration is not mandatory but it is an example and depends on the options requested.
Connecting multiple sterilizers in a LAN network for using a single external connection (remote station
or external LAN connection)
By using the MDI/MDI-X port, this hub can be connected (together with other Ethernet connections) to another
central hub/switch in order to connect the sterilizers to a LAN network, (sterilizers LAN and/or the plant LAN).
1 2 3 4 5 MDI/MDI-X 1 2 3 4 5 MDI/MDI-X
Sterilizer LAN
1 2 3 4 5 MDI/MDI-X
Remote station (OPT.),
STERILIZER NO. 2 connectable to multiple sterilizers
External connections (OPT.)
1 2 3 4 5 MDI/MDI-X (SCADA, DCS, …) for sterilizer data
Direct connection to primary Panel PC of a
sterilizer, without Side 2 and technical area
Fig. 1-7 – Multi sterilizers connection by hub/switch
Total power required (A) 85VA (135VA) 165VA (215VA) 245VA (295VA)
Total power required (S,Z) 325VA (375VA) 645VA (695VA) 965VA (1015VA) NOTE: using table supplied by APC BK650MI
Total power required (D) 115VA (165VA) 225VA (275VA) 335VA (385A)
Values required, considering even HW-PLC I/O are in brackets
Table 1-14 – Thema4 hardware consumptions table
Code Model Characteristics
UPS with 400W output power, for filtering under-over voltages out of the power
APC supply and sustaining the power supply with:
Back-UPS 650 - Typical backup power time with half load (200 watts): 15.4 min
- Standard backup power time with full load (400 watts): 5.4 min
UPS with 660W output power, for filtering under-over voltages out of the power
TH4_HW- UPS_2 supply and sustaining the power supply with:
- Typical backup power time: with 1 PC 30 min, 2 PC 15 min, 3 PC 8 min.
UPS with 500VA (325W) output power, for filtering under-over voltages out of the
power supply and sustaining the power supply with:
TH4_HW- UPS_3 1609-U500ES
- Typical backup power time: with full load 9 min, with half load 18 min
500VA (UL)
- Compliant to UL standard.
UPS with 1000VA (600W) output power, for filtering under-over voltages out of the
TH4_HW- UPS_4 power supply and sustaining the power supply with:
- Typical backup power time with : 1 PC 30 min, 2 PC: 15 min, 3 PC 8 min.
UPS with 800VA (480W) output power, for filtering under-over voltages out of the
TH4_HW- UPS_5 power supply and sustaining the power supply with:
- Typical backup power time with : 1 PC 24 min, 2 PC: 12 min, 3 PC 6 min.
Table 1-16 – UPS Table
Characteristics vary considerably among models, and therefore, based on the customer
requirements and the system configuration, machines may require a different model of UPS.
In some case a special UPS model have to be used (in compliance with required standard or
with special characteristics).
If requested, it can be used the plant UPS of the customer. In this case no local UPS is used
in Thema4.
The solution of controlling the buttons of the doors externally with respect to the Panel PC
allows to manage the doors independently of the activity in progress on the Panel PC.
The LCD display allows to view the status of door management by means of luminous indications and makes it
unnecessary to carry digital signals on the door control buttons.
The display is controlled via a serial line by the Side 1 Panel PC, which transmits the messages in the language
selected on the Side 1 Panel PC, according to the logic criteria already described, preventing multiple-language
messages from occurring on the LCD panel.
The system is capable of driving more than one display (at least 2) by using a single serial line.
The display is provided only on Side 2 of the sterilizer, if a Side 2 Panel PC is not installed, in
order to allow viewing of door status messages, which are required for the correct operation
of the buttons, regardless of the operating condition of the Panel PC, because the user
interface (GUI) includes, in the bottom region of the screen, a “door message display bar”,
which lists, in four separate boxes, the same messages provided on the four lines of the
LCD display (subsection
14 “Treatment temperature low”: the display of this message means that alarm no. 20 is x -
present and indicates that during a sterilization phase the “product” temperature has
dropped below the minimum allowed value.
15 “Treatment OK”: the display of this message indicates that a “sterilization” phase, x STEOK
identified as described above, has been completed successfully. This message may (NLOD 355)
continue to be displayed and the STEOK digital output may remain activated from the
beginning of the phase that follows the sterilization phase to the end of the cycle end
16 “Alarm on”: the display of this message indicates that an alarm configured with an x x ALL
acoustic warning is in progress. (NLOD 378)
17 “Auxiliary alarm 1 / 2”: the display of this message indicates that a “type 1/type 2 auxiliary x x -
configuration” alarm is in progress (see subsections and
18 “Door system alarm”: the display of this message indicates that alarm no. 58 or no. 59 is x -
in progress (see subsection 12.5).
19 “OK open door side 1”: the display of this message indicates that the door on Side 1 of x -
the sterilizer can be opened because the necessary process and safety requirements
have been met. This condition corresponds to the presence of alarm no. 84.
20 “OK open door side 2”: the display of this message indicates that the door on Side 2 of x LAS1
the sterilizer can be opened because the necessary process and safety requirements (NLOD 350)
have been met. This condition corresponds to the presence of alarm no. 83.
21 “OK open door side 1 and 2”: the display of this message indicates that it is possible to x -
open the door on Side 1 or the door on Side 2 of the sterilizer, because the required
process and safety requirements for opening both doors have been met.
22 “Door side 1 open” or “Door side 2 open”: the display of this message indicates that one x
of the doors or of the sterilizer, or both, is/are not locked although it is in the closed
position. a) Door 2
a) If it relates to the door on Side 2, the “on” condition indicates that the digital input LAAS,
(NLOD 356)
channel connected to the maximum-pressure switch PR11 of door 2 is not
electrically energized (i.e., the state of NLID 321 is false) and corresponds to the
presence of digital output LAAS, NLOD 356.
b) If instead it relates to the door on Side 1, the “on” condition indicates that the digital x b) Door 1
input channel connected to the maximum-pressure switch PR10 of door 1 is not LAANS,
electrically energized (i.e., the state of NLID 320 is false) and corresponds to the (NLOD 358)
presence of digital output LAANS, NLOD 358.
23 “Door moving”: the display of this message warns that one of the doors is moving to open x Door 1
or close. MCP1
a) If it relates to the door on Side 1, it corresponds to the presence of digital output (NLOD 363)
MCP1, NLOD 363, or of MAP1, NLOD 362, and indicates that the digital input or
channel connected to the remote control switch TM1 is electrically energized (i.e., (NLOD 362)
that the state of NLID 371 is false).
b) If it relates to the door on Side 2, it corresponds to the presence of digital output x Door 2
MCP2, NLOD 368, or of MAP2, NLOD 367, and indicates that the digital input MCP2
channel connected to the remote control switch TM2 is electrically energized (i.e., (NLOD 368)
that the state of NLID 372 is false). or
(NLOD 367)
24 “Ok open nonster.door”: the display of this message indicates that the door on nonsterile x -
side of the sterilizer can be opened because the necessary process and safety
requirements have been met.
25 “Ok open sterile door”: the display of this message indicates that the door on sterile side x LAS1
of the sterilizer can be opened because the necessary process and safety requirements (NLOD 350)
have been met.
26 ”Nonster.door open”: the display of this message indicates that the door on the nonsterile x LAANS,
side is not blocked altough it is in closure position. (NLOD 358)
27 “Sterile door open”: the display of this message indicates that the door on the sterile side x LAAS,
is not blocked altough it is in closure position. (NLOD 356)
ACOUSTIC WARNING The acoustic warning is still active (not silenced) x AL+FC 379
ACTIVATED for an alarm present (configured with the D effect)
or for the End Cycle phase in progress
EMERGENCY ALARM ON The acoustic warning is still active (not silenced) x X ALLEM 376
(not silenced) for an alarm configured to cause Emergency.
DOOR SYSTEM AL. ON Door system alarm no. 58 or no. 59. x LAALP 375
TEST AIR DETECTOR NOT Test air detector failed and alarm no.32 ON x LAAD 80
CRITICAL ALARM ON A least an alarm with “critical effect” is activated x x ALLCR 399
(state ON)
5 Active ALL. WITHOUT At least an alarm without “emergency effect” has x ALNE 382
alarms EMERGENCY IS NOT ACK been activated and it is not ACK (it can be both ON
or OFF)
ALL. WITH EMERGENCY IS At least an alarm with “emergency effect” has been x ALE 383
NOT ACK activated and it is not ACK (it can be both ON or
ALL.CRITICAL IS NOT ACK At least an alarm with “critical effect” has been x ALC 389
activated and it is not ACK (it can be both ON or
6 Doors OK OPEN DOOR SIDE 2 See message n° 20 in x LAS1 350
For Remote GUI to operate correctly, it is required to execute it using the correct JRE
Fedegari tests Remote GUI application using the recommended JRE, therefore, even if it
might be possible to execute a Remote GUI with a JRE different from the one recommended,
in that case it will not be guaranteed that the application will behave correctly.
By the moment that each Remote GUI has a list of supported JREs, if more Remote GUIs are
executed on the same PC, it is possible that it is required to install more than one JRE on
that PC, in order to execute each Remote GUI with the correct JRE version (this might
happen only when connecting to different Wx software versions).
The Remote GUI can manage a printer, through the Windows operating system, in order to print in A4 format,
both the process reports and the data stored in the archives of Thema4 (log files and parameters).
Printout of process reports can be automatic (at the end of the cycle in progress), if enabled, or manual (when
selected by the operator for archived cycles) and has the following characteristics:
- The printed page is formatted by means of Windows printer drivers
- Page layout with headings
- Color management: red for heading and alarms, green for phase changes and F(T,z) values (for sterilizer
Type1) and FH, FT values (for sterilizer Type2).
- Printout of temperature, pressure and sterilization charts.
- Printout of alarm summary.
For more information about Remote GUI, see section 15
Each software component is constituted by elements such as drivers, software modules and applications.
The following diagram illustrates the software components and their composition.
VxWorks OS PCS
OS Components
Graphics libraries
Boot procedures
GUI Application
The highlighted parts of the BSP + Drivers vary depending on the model of Panel PC that is used, while the P/G
Library is a stand alone program.
These seven software component are installed using the functions, available in the Configuration menu.
The software is provided, for each machine, on a CD, in the Thema4 software kit TH4-SW KIT (see
section 1.8), which allows to generate the installation disks (if one wishes to proceed with installation via
floppies) or can be used directly for installation over the network (if one wishes to proceed with
installation via FTP) or can be copied on a USB key (if one whishes to proceed with disk-on-key
installation). THEMA4 software management, that allows independence among SW, HW and
As defined in the document “HW and SW Configuration Manual (D/O#86727)” , THEMA4 software components
are managed, grouped in three main parts:
Wx Kx OS/D
Where in details:
1- Wx - Application Software for the machine (devices, sensors, MMI and data) management, with the
- PCS-Nucleus : Process Control System - Nucleus
- GUI : Graphic User Interface
- FECP : Fedegari External Communication Protocol
- Jworks : Java library for VxWorks operating system.
2- Kx - Phases Groups Library (PGL) for the process (phases and cycles) management, with the component:
- PCS- PGL : Process Control System – Phase Groups Library. This is a software
component concerning the sterilizer process: the phases architecture. In
details: phase (local) parameters, user commands enablement during a
phase, fixed and conditioned activations of analog/digital outputs, PIDs
control, phase alarms management, phase targets.
The compatibility among these components is defined in the document “CONFIGURATION
MANUAL (D/O#86727)” as a “configuration” Cx.
This management architecture, allows to Thema4 system the independence among the software components:
MACHINE–PROCESS INDIPENDENCE: The P/G Library Kx (and therefore the phases execution)
is independent from the THEMA4 application software Wx (and from the operating system and
driver software OS/D).
HW-SW INDIPENDENCE: based on separation between OS/D and application sw Wx + Kx.
bootrom.sys bootrom
vxWorks.st VxWorks image
Table 1-25 – Directories structure for Panel PC side 2 / 3
The structure is identical to the one of the local GUI except for the export folder, and is obtained downloading
files directly from the controller through TH4RStart.
The files in the export directory have the same name as the corresponding file archived in the process controller,
except for the extension, which can be *.pdf, *.txt or *.csv for converted files.
For a correct operation of the on-board printer it is necessary that the firmware loaded in the
thermal printer contains the set of characters corresponding to the “current codepage”.
The set of characters normally installed (standard) is the one used by “western” languages, which is the
CP1252. Currently can be installed upon request, as an alternative, the CP1251 which supports other languages
such as “cyrillic” or CP1250, which support est european languages.
Languages and keyboards (soft and external) supported by codepages available, are listed in the table below:
For all the languages, English US keyboard is always supported
The five standard languages are supported also by non Latin (CP1252) codepages with a
limitation in print operations: can be printed only ASCII characters and characters belonging
to CP1252 which can be found in the codepage used; characters that can’t be found will be
replaced in printouts with a question mark (?).
where “xxx” is the “language identifier”, a specific code of three characters, which identifies the language to
which these string files refer (this identifier is contained in the second line within each language file).
The strings related to Causes and Remedies of the alarms, contained in the file “xxx_CR”,
are managed only in Italian and English (for languages different from Italian).
Responsibility for the changes, eliminations and additions of texts, lies with the user who
has access to the CUSTOM language management.
The “change language” operation can be performed on every GUI at any time, except:
- when a print operation is in progress on the on-board Panel PC;
- on the GUI of the Side 1 Panel PC during the execution of a cycle, in order to prevent the
stored process report from containing a mixture of two or more different languages. The
process report is in fact always generated and archived (and optionally printed) in the
current language that the primary Panel PC is using when the cycle starts.
For all the other connected GUIs, all the other archived data are displayed in the current language of the
GUI and printed in the language that the Side 1 Panel PC (which prepares these printed reports) is using
at the time when these data are requested.
Language selection is an operation that can be enabled or not on each configured access code.
The management of these files, as they are “electronic records”, is compliant with 21 CFR
Part 11. These archived files, therefore, cannot be modified and any tampering with them is
detected and recorded; furthermore, after each change, the previous values of the data are
stored in another memory location. All changes made are traced (date and author), and safe
data backup/restore procedures are available to the user.
The inalterability of these data is ensured by an integrity check based on a CRC32 algorithm. When the file is
created, and every time it is changed, the PCS applies the CRC32 algorithm to the contents of the file, obtaining
a number, which is placed in the file itself (and is not included in the calculation). Every time the file needs to be
opened to display, edit and print its data, the CRC32 algorithm is recalculated and the result is compared with
the number previously stored in the file at the end of its creation or last change. If the system detects that the
new CRC32 algorithm is different from the old one, i.e., that the contents of the file have been altered, a
message is issued on the GUI and a trace of this file is left in the “audit trail” file. In this case, the system
reinitializes the file, generating an “empty” file.
Archived files can be of two types: “Process reports” (in ASCII text format) and “Sterilizer data” (in binary format
except for the “audit trail” file, which is in ASCII format), which are divided into “Parameter” files and “Recording”
files (for greater detail, see Section 11.3). Recordings are always collected within a single file, which is updated
All the archived files are listed in the table below, which also lists the number of files used: “N + 1” indicates N
“historical” versions of the file plus the “current” version.
No. File name Process Sterilizer data Format No. of
reports Parameters Recordings files
1 Alarm history list (*) X Binary 1
2 Process reports X ASCII N
3 Equipment configuration
4 D/IN configuration for NL
5 D/OUT configuration for NL
6 A/IN configuration for NL
7 A/OUT configuration for NL
8 AN channel conversion data
9 Factory parameters
10 System parameters
11 Program parameters and data X binary N+1
12 Cycle data
13 Calibration parameters
14 Configuration alarm list
15 Alarm list (effects and delays)
16 Maintenance plan
17 Filter maintenance plan
18 Hard Disk maintenance param.
19 List and data of configured users
20 User Access General Data
21 List and data of selected user
22 Backup configurations (job)
23 List of Audit Trail recordings X ASCII 1
24 Internal diagnostic reports X ASCII N
(*) NOTE: currently, the alarm history is stored in RAM and is lost every time the system is restarted.
Table 1-33– Table of files archived in THEMA4
These files are not encrypted.
All the files, except for the “Process reports”, are archived independently of the language
being used, since the text strings are not stored in the files but are indexed by means of
specific “pointers”. For this reason, each GUI can display and print these parameters in a
different language from the one selected when the file was created.
The log files are saved on the hard disk in the “/ata0a/THEMA4/error” path and can be exported by a backup
operation of the data category “System Diagnose” (both by means of the GUI and by means of the Recovery
These diagnostic data can be analyzed only by Fedegari personnel, using software development systems.
The log files are limited, and therefore once the file limit in the archiving directory has been
exceeded, the last file is overwritten. Accordingly, the last 40 recorded error reports are
Data are collected into CSV files that can be handled using Excel, with “.sil” extension. The number of samples
into the file can be controlled with the “polling time” parameter, which normally should be 1 second. It is possible
to increase this value to save hard disk space. Every 60 minutes the log file is closed a new one started. The
number of old log files to keep is controlled by the “Log queue” parameter so, by acting on this parameter, it is
possible to control how long to retain old system information data.
The log files are saved on the hard disk in the “/ata0a/THEMA4/error” path and can be exported by a
backup operation of the data category “System Diagnose” (both by means of the GUI and by means of
the Recovery Disk). These data are intended to be analyzed and interpreted by Fedegari personnel.
Some of these options are related only to software functionalities, while others require also specific hardware
devices (HW) or plant devices (PLANT) or specific phase groups of the P/G library (Lib P/G) or to delivery
specific files (FILE).
Options enabled on each sterilizer can be checked and printed in the function “Setup &
Configuration / Authorization Parameters” (see 9.10.8).
OPT.20 Golden Cycle package x x W31 Opt. (param. G19-G22) 213838 -
OPT.21 Parametric Release table x x W32 Opt. (param. G23) 219002 -
Table 1-40 – Additional functions options table
This kit is always delivered, for each sterilizer, with the release of a Thema4 software
versions and it allows to execute the DISASTER RECOVERY PROCEDURE, on Thema4
Remote GUI (TH4RStart) software is always delivered, but will work only if the sterilizer has
Remote GUIs licensed. On line manuals for the Remote GUI are downloaded by TH4RStart
from the sterilizer so it is no longer required to install them separately.
TH4-PCW KIT - Thema4 Panel PC Windows KIT
This KIT is delivered if the option ST.4 – Local Panel PC WINDOWS (see par. 1.7) is present. It contains the
configuration software for the Panel PC Thema4 with O.S. Windows and the installation procedure.
1 - CD ROM with CD PC577_WINConfig
1.1 - O.S. Windows configuration 1.1.1 SW files and programs to configure the Operative System
software for Thema4 Panel PC
2 - DVD ROM with programs to recover OS Windows on Panel PC
2 - MANUALS (paper)
Use of the control system when the user license is unregistered causes the following effects:
The login page shows the message “Software license not registered. Insert the serial number using
configuration menu procedures”.
Alarm 147 “SOFTWARE LICENSE NOT REGISTERED” is always active
The heading of the process report includes the message “SOFTWARE SERIAL NUMBER not
After software registration these messages disappears, the Alarm 147 “SOFTWARE LICENSE NOT
REGISTERED” can not longer be activated and the “SOFTWARE SERIAL NUMBER”, in the heading of the
process report, is followed by the actual license number.
Please check with Fedegari, the type of components used for systems installations at
altitudes of more than 2000 m or in particular environmental conditions.
Normally, the digits to the right of the decimal point indicate tenths or hundredths. This applies also to
programmable time values: for example, a sterilization time of "3.6" indicates that an actual exposure of
three minutes and six tenths of a minute, i.e., 3 minutes and 36 seconds, is required. The time values
displayed and printed during a cycle are instead always in the "minutes:seconds" format.
About rounding criteria for data management (display, elecronic reports, printouts, transfert
data to SCADA, target values) and measure unit used in Thema4 control system, see the
documents: TN-A0001 (D/O#138173) for autoclaves and TN_A0002 (D/O#138175) for ovens.
These procedures are described briefly, since they are detailed in the document
“INSTALLATION MANUAL – HW and SW installation and system configuration – THEMA4
control system”( D/O#100978).
N. Function Sub-function
1 Set device 1.1 Set device to network
1.2 Set device to USB key
1.3 Set device to USB floppy
This submenu allows to choose the media to be used for operations that require a source or a destination
media (for example software installation or backup). The device can be changed at any time.
If the device is not set it is possible to perform only operations that does not require
source or destination media. All other operations will display an error message.
The currently selected device is identified in the title of the menu page.
USB device will be listed only if plugged in.
This submenu allows to peform a full update to a software version contained in a software KIT. This is
equivalent to update each item individually using “Software object update”, in what following operations are
1) instal PCS,
2) install FECP
3) install GUI
4) install JWORKS
5) install OS
6) install P/G
7) try to install authorization
8) install config.ply
9) flash profibus card
10) install online-manual
11) launch touch screen calibration
After “Software installation & update”, it is possible to perform other operations
included in the configuration menu, but it is necessary to restart the machine after
leaving the menu in order to activate the settings at the subsequent boot.
3 Software objects update 3.1 PCS installation
3.2 P/G installation
3.3 FECP installation
3.4 GUI installation
3.5 JWORKS installation
3.6 O.S. installation
3.7 BOOTROM installation
3.8 Language installation
3.9 Database installation
3.10 Profibus card
3.11 Manuals & Help om line
3.12 Kerberos Keytab file installation
The submenu allows to install individually Thema4 software components.
Item 3.8 allows to install the CUSTOM language which is a language, the user can customize.
The responsibility, coming from a wrong file composition, in the language
customization, by the option CUSTOM language, lies on the customer.
Installing a language consists in transferring a set of language files. The language file sets are a group of
"txt" files of the CUS*.TXT type, stored in the “/ata0a/thema4/app/string” directory reserved to the PCS
application and in the “/ata0a/java/data” reserved to the GUI application.
Installing an existing language causes the loss of the original files due to overwriting.
Item 3.9 allows to install the database of the equipment and the database of the cards required for
hardware configuration. These databases are managed separately, since it may be necessary to update
them separately.
Item 3.10 has a submenu that allows to install the configuration file for Profibus card and load it into its
Item 3.11 has a submenu that allows to operate on Manuals or Help on line (which is not currently
After “Software installation & update”, it is possible to perform other operations
included in the configuration menu, but it is necessary to restart the machine after
leaving the menu in order to activate the settings at the subsequent boot.
Using this command on a non-virgin system causes the loss of all sterilizer data. To
upgrade a system use the Software update menu instead.
7 Move archives
This functionality allows to perform maintenance of archives to keep optimal system performances.
This topic is discussed in the document “THEMA4 PERFORMANCE DEGRADATION DUE
Only a small fraction of the many possible functions is used simultaneously by an individual
sterilizer, and so the NL used.
The complete “Configuration" of a THEMA4 controller” comprises other operations,
including the definition of the alarms generated by the comparison of the state of an input
channel with a normal state or with the state of an output channel (see the 9.10.3) and the
proper setting of the System parameters.
This I/O configuration is executed in two step, using the Setup & Configuration (see section 9.10.2) functions:
Compose the sequence of “equipment”, corresponding to the remote I/Os module installed in the
machine (as reported in the document Fedegari I/O configuration for NF)
For each equipment, configure the I/Os channel: assignment of the proper NL (sterilizer function) to the
channel that is connected (wired) with the “field devices”, used to perform that function (as reported in
the document Fedegari I/O configuration for NF).
Each NL can be one of these type:
NL type Signal type Function
NLID digital input for detecting an on-off situation in the field
NLOD digital output for executing an on-off action in the field
NLIA analog input for measuring a physical variable in the field
NLOA analog output for executing a modulated function in the field
Table 2-1 – Login Number types
No NL can be assigned to more than one channel, but it is possible to assign to the same
channel up to three digital NLs
CH A progressive numeral associated with the physical location of the channel, which varies from 1 to
the maximum number of provided channels (the maximum depends on the type of equipment and
card that is used and can be for example 4, 16 or 32)
TYPE An index, “DI” or “DO”, which indicates the operating mode of the channel. “DI” means that the
channel is used as an input channel while “DO” means that it is used as an output channel. The
availability of particular hardware modules determines functionally the minimum number of
contiguous channels for which the operating mode must be the same.
NAME A short description (up to 7 chars) that identify the function of the logic number, accordingly to
definition of logic numbers actually used. The name can be preset when editing NL1, but can always
be changed at will by editing it directly
NL1 This parameter assigns to the channel an NL, which can be an NLID or an NLOD depending on the
choice of operating mode of the channel indicated in the TYPE column. The range of values that can
be used is comprised between 1 and 999. When editing this field, if the NL1 typed in is found in
internal lists of the controller, the Name is preset with the name coming from the list.
NL2 This parameter can assign to the channel another NL, as above, except for Name preset
NL3 This parameter can assign to the channel a third NL, as above, except for Name preset
NLA This parameter can associate with the channel a different NL. The association is active only if the
channel is used as output channel (see below)
NLB This parameter can associate with the channel a second different NL. The association is active only
if the channel is used as an output channel (see below);
NC this parameter, which can be 0 or 1, identifies the “Normal condition” of the NL assigned to the
An output channel configured with “NC = 0” is electrically energized if the state of at least one of the NLOD
assigned to the channel (i.e., NL1, NL2 or NL3) is true.
In the same case, the associated NLODs, identified by the parameters NLA and/or NLB, if different from ‘0’, also
become true, and this energizes electrically the assigned channels of the associated logic numbers, regardless
of which they are, provided that they exist.
Assume that certain output channels are configured as in the following table:
In the case of this table, NLOD 150 is associated with NLODs 35, 36, 163 and 168 and with NLOD
100; this last NLOD in turn is associated with NLODs 43, 101, 162 and 349.
NLOD 150 becomes true:
whenever one or more of the NLODs 35, 36, 59, 100, 163 and 168 are set to true by the
current program;
if NLOD 100 is forced to true due to its association with NLOD 43, which is true: 100 is in
fact greater than 43.
On the other hand, NLOD 150 remains false if NLOD 100 is forced to true due to its association
with any one of NLODs 101, 162 whose value is true: 100 is in fact smaller than each of these
numbers. Note that in the case of NLOD 349, NLOD 150 is forced to true not by means of NLOD
100, but by direct association as NLB with NLOD 349.
TYPE 2 4-20 mA signal a linear absolute pressure transducer for the range 0..5 bar with a 4-20 mA signal;
TYPE 3 4-20 mA signal a linear absolute pressure transducer for the range 0..4 bar with a 4-20 mA signal
TYPE 4 4-20 mA signal having no predefined characteristics, and therefore the coefficients needed for the
conversion of the physical signal into numeric values (see subsection must be
TYPE 5 4-20 mA signal a linear relative pressure transducer for the range 0..6 bar (indicated with the label 1..7 bar
abs) with a 4-20 mA signal
Table 2-3 – Analog input types for autoclaves
Analog inputs of THEMA4 controller can be of 3 types for the sterilizer Type 2 - Oven:
NL type Signal type Function
TYPE 1 Pt100 4-wire RTD Pt100 4-wire RTD probe for detecting an temperature
TYPE 2 4-20 mA signal a differential pressure linear transducer for the range 0..100 Pa with a 4-20 mA signal;
TYPE 3 4-20 mA signal having no predefined characteristics, and therefore the coefficients needed for the
conversion of the physical signal into numeric values (see subsection must be
Table 2-4 – Analog input types for ovens
The filter is described in the document “DIGITAL FILTER FOR ANALOG
The values of these parameters are fixed for all the sensors types, with the exception of
type1 (programmable sensor), where various types of sensors can be interfaced with
Thema4, by appropriate values of Gain and Offset.
Assuming that the reading acquired by means of the analog modules is expressed by the numeric value CNT,
the general formula for converting the counts (CNT) into physical values (VAL, expressed in hundredths of a °C
or in mbar for sterilizer Type1 or tenths of Pa for sterilizer Type2) is:
where GAIN and OFFS depend on the type of analog module that is used and on the type of value to be
measured. Acceptance criteria for the converted value
The reading of an analog input is considered significant by the controller only if the received value is comprised
in a range of variability that depends on the "type" of the sensor. The minimum and maximum values of the
variability ranges for different types are indicated in the following table:
3.2.1 - Progressive program (or cycle) time
3.2.2 - Progressive phase time
3.2.3 - Total phase time
3.2.4 - Actual sterilization time (exposure time)
3.2.5 - Actual sterilization time, elapsed during a
3.2.6 - Sterilization hold time
3.2.7 - Sterilization time of cooling water
The first one is used only as a "calendar clock". It is backed up by a lithium battery, which is installed directly in
the controller card, and is not used in calculating process times but merely to determine the date and time of the
system at startup.
The "System clock" used for process control is based on the standard Intel 8254 interface, which uses an
integrated 11.9-MHz quartz. The actual deviation of each installed oscillator is guaranteed at the factory by the
The calculation of equivalent time F(T,z) is based on temperature measurements every 500 ms, derived from the
system clock and therefore from the point of view of the base time its precision is the same.
The system clock is used for time-control of the tasks and for updating incremental counters. Many of these are
of general use during cycles and others are active only during certain phases and are described in the data
sheet of the P/G to which the phase belongs. The general-use incremental counters are described in the
subsections that follow. During a blackout, they remain "frozen" (see Chapter 4).
This time can be reset also by a blackout that lasts longer than a programmed value (see subsection,
parameter G7). This value is calculated independently of the progressive program time. Its final value, termed
TOTAL PHASE DURATION, is printed for all phases except for the cycle end phase (therefore including the
preparation phase). If “tp” has been reset, the final printed value is the one calculated after the reset.
A "phase change" lasting 0.5 seconds occurs between any phase and the subsequent one: the total duration of
a phase and the sum of two or more phases are always less than the difference between the progressive
program time printed at the beginning of the first phase that follows the phases being considered and the
progressive program time printed at the beginning of the first phase being considered. In general, this difference
is equal to 0.5 seconds multiplied by the number of phase changes that have occurred.
The progressive program time is stored by the THEMA4 controller and is printed in the process report among the
data to the left of each recorded event, except during the preparation and cycle end phases. Throughout the
preparation phase, the progressive program time is still zero and could not be used to distinguish between non-
simultaneous events; during cycle end phases, the total program time is frozen and would not allow to
distinguish non-simultaneous events. During these phases, the progressive phase time is added to the last value
of the progressive program time and the sum is printed to the left of each recorded event.
This time is calculated by means of the system clock by internal procedures of the PGL program (see Section
4.1.1), for example in order to check the phase end conditions or for activation of alarm no. 23 “PHASE TIME
EXCESS". This time is neither displayed or printed, but most P/Gs automatically modify the time target, if any, of
their phases depending on the total phase time that has already elapsed if the phase is resumed after being
interrupted due to a temporary transition to the emergency phase.
The following examples try to clarify this concept. Assume that the minimum sterilization
temperature is always 120.0°C.
Example 1: Single product probe
Assume that when a blackout begins, 5 minutes of the sterilization phase have already elapsed
regularly; the actual sterilization time accumulated up to the beginning of the blackout is therefore
also 5 minutes. Assume also that the last temperature value read before the blackout by the single
product probe is 120.8°C.
Assume that the blackout lasts exactly 2 minutes and that the first temperature value read by the
product probe after the blackout is 118.4°C.
The temperature variation during the blackout was therefore 120.8 – 118.4 = 2.4°C in 2 minutes,
i.e., 120 seconds. Assuming that this temperature reduction has occurred uniformly over time, i.e., if
a linear interpolation is performed, the threshold of the minimum temperature of 120.0°C is crossed
at one third of the total time (i.e., 40 seconds) after the beginning of the blackout. Of the 2 blackout
minutes, 40 seconds are therefore added as actual sterilization time to the 5 minutes that have
already elapsed, and when electric power is restored the displayed actual time restarts from 5’40”.
The remaining 1’20” is considered entirely as a period during which there was a lack of sterilization
temperature and for the purposes of the assessment of the overall suspension of sterilization it must
be added to the time required for the temperature to reach 120.0°C again.
Example 2 : Two product probes, no. 1 and no. 2
Assume that the beginning of the sterilization phase is forced by means of the Phase Step button at
a moment when only probe no. 1 has already reached the programmed minimum temperature.
Probe no. 2 reaches the threshold only 2 minutes later. This can correspond to the physical case of
probe no. 2 immersed in a certain amount of liquid.
The actual sterilization time displayed on the screen remains zero for the first two minutes of the
sterilization phase and begins to increase only after probe no. 2, too, has reached the minimum
threshold, but at that moment the actual "accumulated" sterilization time for probe no. 1 is already 2
10 minutes after manual start of the sterilization phase, the actual minimum sterilization time,
displayed and to be compared with the target, is therefore 8 minutes, but the actual time for probe
no. 1 is already 10 minutes. Assume that at this point the temperature is 121.0°C and is the same
for both probes.
At this moment, a blackout occurs which lasts 10 minutes.
When the electric power supply is restored, probe no. 1 can be significantly colder than probe no. 2
(for example, if probe no. 1 is "free inside the chamber" and probe no. 2 is inside a certain amount
of liquid). Assume that at the end of the blackout the values are 111.0°C for probe no. 1 and
119.0°C for probe no. 2.
The linear interpolation, already described for example 1, yields a single minute of additional time for
probe no. 1, but 5 minutes for probe no. 2. Accordingly, at the end of the blackout the time that has
elapsed in regular sterilization conditions is 10 + 1 = 11 minutes for probe no. 1, but 8 + 5 minutes
for probe no. 2. After the end of the blackout, the actual displayed time restarts from 11 minutes, 0
It is likely that probe no. 1, in the same way it cooled more rapidly, also heats more rapidly than
probe no. 2. The “Sterilization T lack” alarm remains active until even just one of the two probes
remains below the minimum threshold of 120.0°C, but as soon as probe no. 1 has reached this
threshold, the actual sterilization time resumes increasing even if probe no. 2 is still below the
minimum required value. Probe no. 2 has in fact already accumulated 13 minutes, while the actual
sterilization time is only 11 minutes due to probe no. 1. However, the increase of the actual
sterilization time after probe no. 1 has reached the minimum threshold and while probe no. 2 is still
below this threshold cannot exceed the 2 minutes of lead time that probe no. 2 has (13 - 11 = 2).
After the actual sterilization time has reached 13 minutes, it stops again, if necessary, to wait for
probe no. 2, etc.
The actual sterilization time, therefore, does not remain always unchanged when the
“Sterilization T lack” alarm is active. This also entails that the difference between the total
duration of a sterilization phase and the actual sterilization time can be shorter than the sum
of the activation times of this alarm.
4.1.1 - Relation among PGL, Cycles and Programs in
Thema4 (PGL)
4.2.1 - Phase Group Library (PGL)
4.2.2 - Phase Group identification
4.2.3 - Phase Group composition
4.2.4 - Data of the Phase Groups displayed and
printed by THEMA4
4.2.5 - PGL installed in a sterilizer
4.3 - CYCLE
4.3.1 - Cycle identification
4.3.2 - Conditions preventing the cycle execution
4.3.3 - Cycle execution general flow
4.4.1 - Program identification
4.4.2 - Program creation and execution
Of these elements, only Phase Groups, Cycles and Programs correspond to specific "objects" (program files and
data files) of the software of the control system.
PHASE The phase is the basic structure of every "process” of the sterilizer. Each phase is structured
so as to perform a specific function (for example, slow emptying of the sterilizer chamber, or
filling of the chamber with saturated steam until the target pressure is reached, management
of an emergency situation, restoring of the atmospheric pressure in the chamber in order to
allow to open the doors, etc). The goal of a phase is achieved by reading the input signals
that arrive from the sensors of the sterilizer and by means of the activation of the output
signals that control the actuators of the sterilizer, according to a specific control logic, which
is implemented in the phase (also as a function of the values given to the "phase
parameters" and of the possible actions of the operator).
PHASE GROUP A phase group (or P/G) is a sequence of one or more phases (up to a maximum of 16).
Each P/G identifies a part (sub-process) of the process performed by the sterilizer, which
entails performing several phases in sequence (e.g., P/G 9 - VACUUM IN CHAMBER, which
consists of the sequence of two phases: F1-Reduced rate depressurize and F2-Normal rate
depressurize). Each P/G is defined by a series of data (see subsection 4.2.4), which are
specified in a document entitled “P/G data sheet”.
Each phase group corresponds to a “software program" (of which the various versions are
managed), written in the C language and of which the “P/G data sheet” is the “Functional
P/G LIBRARY A certain number of P/Gs, required to perform the various processes of the sterilizer, is
(PGL) stored in the control system. This set is known as Phase Group Library or PGL.
Different libraries may include the same P/Gs or different P/Gs, even just because they
relate to different versions. This depends on the type and structure of the sterilizer required
to meet the process requirements of the user.
A single Library is always installed in a control system and can contain up to a maximum of
5000 P/Gs (to the extent allowed by the memory limitations of the Panel PC).
CYCLE Each process of the sterilizer is performed by means of a very specific sequence of P/Gs
termed “Cycle”. Therefore, a Library that contains all the P/Gs required to configure the
cycles needed by the user must be installed on the control system of a sterilizer. Different
cycles can use different P/Gs or can also use the same P/Gs in a different sequence. The
cycles may be composed freely by the user. However, there are certain specific rules which
must be followed for correctly composing a cycle (subsection 4.3.1).
PROGRAM The system is structured so as to provide the user, for each cycle, with different Programs.
These programs perform the cycle from which they are derived, but can be differentiated by
means of the different values assigned by the user to the Program Parameters. For the
sake of brevity, one may say that a THEMA4 Program is a cycle provided with parameters.
Furthermore, since each Program consists of the sequence of the P/Gs of the Cycle from
which it is derived, by appropriately assigning values to the parameters of the P/Gs that
constitute it, the user can decide how the individual Phases will operate.
Therefore, by means of an appropriate parameter assignment, the user can “specialize" a
generic "sterilization cycle for solid items" in order to obtain a specific program for sterilizing
a particular type of solid product, and store it in the memories of the system.
It is possible to store up to a maximum of 9999 programs in the memories of the system.
Each program is identified by a Number and by a Description. For each program, the Cycle
from which it has been derived is always displayed.
P/G 1
P/G n…
P/G 1
P/G 2
P/G n.2
PROG. n.1 . . . . . PROG. n..
P/G 2
Phase Phase
P/G n.1 1 .. INITIAL
P/G 1
P/G 1
Phase 2 16
P/G 2 P/G 2
Phase2 ..
Phase.. 16
Phase P/G …
Developed by Fedegari SW Dept. Composed by the customer, Composed by the customer, in a simple
and installed on the sterilizer in a simple mode, using mode, using THEMA4 function
THEMA4 function “Program management”
“Cycle management”
Phase Type Note
chr 1 2
A Preparation phases x x Each executable program must comprise one, and only one,
preparation phase as an initial phase
V Phases for descent to vacuum x
T Phases for time-controlled x
F Phases for pulsed vacuum, x i.e., repeatable pulses of steam and vacuum
H Heating and/or sterilization x The sterilization phase of a cycle must be unique. Any repetition
phases. of this phase is impossible after the programmed sterilization
target has already been reached once.
Treatment phases. x The treatment phase of a cycle must be unique. Any repetition
of this phase is impossible after the programmed sterilization
target has already been reached once.
C Phases for cooling x x
L Phases for filling the chamber x
with liquids
W Phases for washing and x
penetration of liquids
D Phases for discharging liquids x
P Test phases x
Q Phases for special purposes x (generally with null execution time)
B Phases for blowing or x
X Phases for atmospheric x (interruption of vacuum or discharge of pressure)
pressure balancing
Y Cycle end phases x each executable program must comprise one, and only one,
end cycle as last-but-one phase
Z Emergency phases for sterilizer x each executable program must comprise one, and only one,
Type1 emergency phase as its last phase
Last phase group x includes cooling and cycle end phases. It is immidiately reached
in the case the emergency condition is activated in a previous
Table 4-1 – Functional series of P/Gs
- 3° and 4°characters are always digits and represent a progressive number, which identifies the P/G among
the others of the same functional series (indicated by the second character) and of the same type (indicated by
the fifth character).
- 5° character is a letter that identifies the type of P/G, i.e., the process that uses it predominantly according to
the following table.
The composition of a cycle is subject to following limitations:
a) the total number of P/Gs in the cycle ranges from a mnimum of 3 to a maximum of 60;
b) the total number of phases comprised in the P/Gs of the cycle cannot exceed 80;
c) the total number of local parameters related to the P/Gs of the cycle cannot exceed 300.
• If the cycle does not comprise Phase Groups of the "Preparation", "Cycle end" or "Emergency" types, or if it
comprises them more than once or in incorrect positions, program execution is not allowed and the alarm
93 “CYCLE NOT EXECUTABLE” is displayed. For Type2 sterilizer the emergency phase is replaced by the
last phase group which groups "cooling and cycle end". The correct positions of these Phase Groups within
the cycle are:
Type 1 sterilizer Type 2 sterilizer
- Prepare Autoclave first Prepare Sterilizer first
- Cycle end last-but-one Cooling and cycle end (Emergency) last
- Emergency last
• If special purpose P/G (Q category) has not been inserted in the cycle in the right order. For details about
composition rules of cycles with special purpose P/Gs see the specific definition document.
• A similar denial and warning occur if the phase group for heating and sterilization is of the high pathogen or
decontamination type but the other groups of the cycle do not belong to the list, which is intrinsic in the PGL
program, of the ones that are consistent with this choice.
• All the phase groups of the cycle from which the program is derived must be comprised in the library
installed on the system; otherwise, the message alarm 93 “CYCLE NOT EXECUTABLE” is displayed.
• The type of program and the programmed door opening sequence for the program must be compatible with
the system parameters related to the doors (see subsection, System Parameter no. 11); if the type
of program selected or the door opening sequence is not allowed, the message "PROGRAM LOCKED BY
DOOR MANAGEMENT" is displayed.
• Program execution must not be prevented by a program interlock (see subsection, System
Parameter no. 5, and subsection 7.4.2, items G11 and G12); in this case, execution of a release program is
required and the message "PROGRAM LOCKED" is displayed.
• (OPT.20) If program parameter 19 “Golden Cycle” is selected but there is no corresponding Golden Cycle
profile, or TEs and TPs selected in the “check” column are improperly configured.
• (OPT.20) If Equilibration Time calculation is requested but program parameter 22.1 and TEs selected in the
“check” column of the TE list are improperly configured.
• (OPT.20) If Temperature Uniformity calculations are requested but no TEs are selected in the “check”
column of the TE list.
• (OPT.21) If program parameter 23 “Parametric Release table” is selected but there is no corresponding
Parametric Release table
Whereas in the first three cases the execution of the program is still impossible, in the other cases it is
possible to run the selected program but only after performing the requested actions.
Section 9.8 describes in detail the “Program management” operations (creation, copying, changing and
5.1.1 - Configurable “effects” of the alarm
5.2.1 - Nucleus alarms
5.2.2 - Configuration alarms
5.2.3 - Phase alarms
5.3.1 - Alarm visualization
5.3.2 - Retained and not retained alarms
5.3.3 - Alarms of temperature and pressure probes
5.3.4 - Alarms with customizable message
5.3.5 - Alarms list visualization modes: “full” or
“applicable to the sterilizer”
5.3.6- Alarm list export
5.4.1 - Heating phases
5.4.2 - Time-controlled sterilization/treatment phases
5.4.3 - Sterilization/treatment phases controlled by
equivalent time
5.4.4 - Tyndallization phases
For the THEMA4 controller, the term "alarm" does not always indicate an abnormal or
potentially dangerous situation but may also indicate a simple displayed or printed
Regardless of the type defined above, each alarm has the following characteristics:
- a brief descriptive text, with a maximum length of 35 characters, which is the (multiple-language) message
that is displayed and/or printed when the alarm is activated; for alarms ranging from 196 to 215 it is possible
to define a custom message (this message does not change if a different language is selected).
- the delay, i.e., the time in seconds that elapses from the moment when the cause of the alarm occurs and
the moment when the alarm is actually activated;
- the effects, i.e., the "effects" generated as a consequence of the issuing of the alarm.
9 (I) Automatic acknowledgment (auto-ack). Some alarms, which indicate a particular state of the process X X
(e.g. A65- READY TO START) or have been “caused” by the operator by pressing certain buttons (e.g., A39-
PHASE STEP UTILIZED, A121-PHASE DURATION EXTENDED), do not require acknowledgment of their activation by
the operator and therefore they are configured with this effect.
10(L) Auto off. The alarms (e.g., nos. 23, 38 and 118) that detect system events are configured with this effect, X X
and therefore are kept active and displayed even only for a short period, after which they are deactivated
automatically. Only the activation of these alarms is stored (and printed).
11(M) Alarm that causes loss of sterility condition (applied only for Type 2 Sterilizers).For the effects of X X
sterility lost.
12(N) Log acknowledgment in Audit. By means of this effect, the acknowledgment of the alarms activated X X
during the execution of the program can be recorded in the Audit trail.
If the effect 9(I) auto ACK is configured, this effect 12(N) is not applicable (even if configured).
13(O) Log acknowledgment in report. By means of this effect, the alarm acknowledgment is archived (and X X
therefore printed) in the process report. If the effect 9(I) auto ACK is configured, this effect 13(O) is not
applicable (even if configured).
14(P) Critical alarm. If alarms in which this effect has been configured occur during a cycle, digital output 399 is X X
activated, and is deactivated when the next cycle starts. The "WITH CRITICAL ALARM” message is
inserted in the final printout of the process report. If the alarm summary is not selected among the print
options, a reduced alarm summary is produced which comprises only the critical alarms that have occurred.
When a new cycle is started, all the alarms are deactivated, with the only exception of those related to door
"Nucleus” alarms are related to the general operation of the sterilizer or of the process (e.g., SIDE 1 DOOR OPEN,
During the execution of a program, all the phase and configuration "procedures" are
repeated cyclically; the checks for activating the configuration alarms are performed at the
beginning of each management cycle, before using the specific procedures of the phase in
progress. This arrangement allows to manage special cases, such as the case of modulating
valves (see subsection, by means of simple additional checks in the Phase/Group
program, without having to alter the general procedure.
Depending on the way in which the alarms are configured, it is possible to define several types of configuration
1. Simple input alarms
2. Alarms with execution control
3. “Complete” alarms for motors
4. “Complete” alarms for valves
5. “Partial” alarms for motors
6. “Linked” input alarms”
7. Alarms for modulating valves
8. “Partial” alarms for valves
9. Type 1 “auxiliary” configuration alarms
10. Type 2 “auxiliary” configuration alarms
11. Comparison alarms for analog inputs
When its NLOD is false, a valve of this type is driven with non-modulated air in order to keep it closed; the NLID
that corresponds to the PC microswitch is configured with NC = 1 and the configuration alarm must be activated
if, but only if, the valve is open when it should not be (NLID true and NLOD false). Furthermore, if a valve of this
type modulates during a phase, the other part of the check (for the case of NLID true and NLOD also true) is
performed by a phase procedure, which activates the alarm only if the analog output is high enough to close the
valve to such an extent that the PC should no longer detect it open. The same alarm parameter SCM already
described defines the maximum value for which an analog output does not reduce sufficiently the opening of
normally-open modulating valves. If the value of the analog output does not exceed this threshold, the alarm
caused by the “NLID true with NLOD true” condition is canceled by a phase procedure; the Data Sheet of the
P/G specifies that the alarm in question is "halved".
Normally-open modulating valves that can operate both in a modulating manner and in a non-modulating
manner are more common. If their NLODs are true, these valves do not receive driving air and therefore, since
they are normally open, they open completely; however, they might not be closed even though their NLODs are
false. These valves normally use PC microswitches which are installed and configured in the standard manner
(the channel is electrically energized when the valve is closed and NLID with NC = 1) and the alarms related to
the position of the PCs are managed as described in subsection
If the installation of a PO is also required for these valves, the PO will energize the input channel with the valve
open, and the corresponding NLID will have to be configured with NC = 0.
Finally, the value LOG = 3 can also be used for the case of PCs installed in normally-closed modulating valves,
which are connected and configured normally with NC = 1 to energize the input channel when the valve is
closed. The alarm would be activated only with NLID true and NLOD false, i.e., if the valve is detected by the PC
as not being closed when it should be. Since modulation of these valves in any case entails tales that their
NLOD is true, if the NLID of the PC were false due to the low value of the analog output, the alarm would not
occur in any case.
The Data Sheets of the P/Gs comprise all the information required for correct programming
and use of phase alarms.
Not-retained alarms : the active alarm list displays the alarms in the states:
o ON / NACK,
o ON / ACK
When an acknowledged ACK alarm assumes the state OFF, it is removed automatically from the list.
Retained alarms: the active alarm list displays the alarms in the states:
o ON / NACK,
o ON / ACK,
o OFF / ACK (until RESET)
When an acknowledged ACK alarm assumes the OFF state, it is not removed automatically from the list, but
continues to be displayed until the “RESET” button is pressed. The reset operation removes from the active
alarm list all, and only, the alarms in the OFF/ACK state. RESET can be sent by SCADA communication.
For temperature “plant”/”control” probes. the alarms are managed, independently if these
probes are present or not in TE list.
There is no alarm for “displayed” probes except for the external probes (see par.
For the “not plant” probes. the alarms are managed, only if these probes are present in TE
list and configured as “product” probes.
For the “external” probes. the alarms are managed, only if these probes are present in TE/TP
list and if the System parameters n.16.4 “Recorder probes” (see par. 7.3), is set.
applicable to a sterilizer, by the moment that many of them depend by secific hardware options (devices) or
software options (optional functions).
The “full” visualization mode allows to display and print all alarms defined for a Thema4 system, while the
“applicable to the sterilizer” visualization mode allows to display and print alarms really used by the system,
filtering them basing on:
- options defined in authorization file;
- system parameters;
- configuration alarms programmed;
- library installed and phase group enabled.
By the moment that the alarm list proposed in the filtered visualization mode depends by the parameterization of
the system, its content can change as the parameterization changes. When the editing of a parameter causes a
variation of the filtered alarm list, a message is displayed in the GUI to tell the user that the list has changed.
When the “applicable to the sterilizer” visualization mode is active it is not possible to add
new configuration alarms, by the moment that the alarm to add is not displayed in the list.
To add a new configuration alarm it is necessary to switch temporarily to “full” visualization
mode, adding the configuration alarm and then switching back to the “applicable to the
sterilizer” visualization mode.
Phase alarms are filtered basing on P/G enabled, without checking if they are really used in a
program. Moreover, in order for this functionality to work correctly, it is necessary that the
P/G library installed supports this function. If the P/G library installed does not support this
function all phase alarms are considered always present
During the sterilization phase, the THEMA4 controller calculates various mutually independent times:
1. the time tp elapsed from the beginning of the phase;
2. for each “product” heat probe (subsection, the times ts actually spent by each probe at a
temperature that is not lower than the "Minimum sterilization temperature".
Alarm no. 23 is activated at any time during the sterilization phase if the sum of the elapsed phase time tp and of
the time still needed to reach the sterilization goal (tstg – ts) is greater than the sum of the target tstg and of the
maximum excess tsexc, i.e., if [tp + (tstg - ts)] > [tstg + tsexc], i.e., as soon as:
tp > ts + tsexc
As indicated in the Data Sheet of each sterilization phase group, if alarm no. 23 is activated during a sterilization
phase, the phase is stopped immediately. The system stores the fact that the sterilization requirements have not
been met.
In the case of time-controlled sterilization, one can also say that the phase is lasting too long when, for at least
one of the "product" probes, the increase in the actual exposure time has been interrupted in total for a time
equal to the "maximum excess sterilization time".
The minimum sterilization temperature exists also in the case of a sterilization that is controlled by equivalent
time. If the process proceeds normally, i.e., if no product probe drops below the minimum temperature, the
actual time from the beginning of the sterilization phase can never exceed the equivalent time calculated at the
minimum temperature. At any time during the sterilization phase it is in fact possible to simulate a value ts,
"elapsed exposure time", by dividing the value Fmin, which is the lowest of the equivalent times accumulated by
the individual probes, by the value Lmin of the lethality factor that corresponds to the minimum sterilization
temperature Tsmin, calculated with respect to the reference temperature R as a function of the temperature
coefficient z:
The choice of the suitable value for “Maximum excess sterilization time” is a consequence of the
characteristics of the product, of the importance of its potential thermal degradation, and naturally of the
possibility to subject it to a new sterilization treatment if the first one has failed.
During the tyndallization phase, the THEMA4 controller calculates several mutually independent times:
1. the time tp elapsed since the beginning of the phase and,
2. for each “product” heat probe (subsection, the times tt actually spent by each probe at a
temperature which is not lower than the “Minimum tyndallization temperature".
Alarm no. 23 is activated at any time during the tyndallization phase if the sum of the elapsed phase time tp and
of the time tttg – tt still needed to achieve the target exceeds the sum of the target tttg and of the maximum
excess ttexc, i.e., if [tp + (tttg - tt)] > [tttg + ttsexc], i.e., as soon as:
tp > tt + ttexc
As indicated in the Data Sheet of every tyndallization phase group, if alarm no. 23 is activated during a
tyndallization phase, the phase is stopped immediately.
Therefore, one can say that a tyndallization phase is lasting too long when, for at least one of the "product"
probes, the increase of the actual exposure time has been interrupted in total for a time equal to the "Maximum
excess time tyndallization”.
6.3.1 - Accessing the system and starting a work
session (“Login”)
6.3.2 - First renewal of a new password
6.3.3 - Closing a work session (“Logout”)
6.3.4 - Managing access codes
6.3.5 - Changing password
6.6.1 - Professional roles
6.6.2 - Predefined access levels
6.6.3 - Visualization and edit of predefined access
When Remote Authentication is enabled those access codes are configured and managed in
an external system, such as Microsoft Active Directory.
"Public" The "public" identification code, known also as "identifier" or "ID code" and abbreviated
Identification Code as "ID", is an alphanumeric sequence of 1 to 11 characters, which identifies a specific
operator within the organization.
It is known both to the Administrator who assigns it and to the operator, who must
always use it to access the system. An identifier can be displayed and correlated to a
specific operator only in the access code management function and in the printout
related exclusively to the active codes (functions which can be accessed only by an
Administrator), or while the operator is entering it. An identifier is given by the
Administrator when he assigns the "access code" to an operator.
“Secret” Password The “secret” password is an alphanumeric sequence stored in encrypted form, which is
never displayed on the monitor or in printouts, where it is always displayed as a
sequence of asterisks. A password can include up to an absolute maximum of 19
characters, starting from a minimum number to a maximum number, which are set by
programmable parameters. When an "access code" is assigned, the password is
initially given by the Administrator, but before the user can actually use it to access the
operations for which he has been enabled, he is forced, when he accesses the system,
to change it (see subsection 6.3.2); an active password is therefore known only to one
person, i.e., its owner.
User name The user name, abbreviated as "name", allows "public" identification, within the
organization, of the operator responsible for the system; a name can include up to 51
alphanumeric characters. When an operator has a work session in progress, his name
is displayed on the heading of the screen (see subsection and is reported in
the electronically archived files (and on any printouts of these files) following
modifications and actions performed by that operator. The system checks that this
name is unique.
User Type The user type, or “level", indicates the function given to the owner of the code. There
are four types of user:
- Supervisor (abbreviated as SUP),
- User (abbreviated as USR),
- Maintenance (abbreviated as MAN),
- Administrator (abbreviated as ADM)
The first three user types are meant to perform operations for "routine" use of THEMA4,
which do not comprise access code management; the last user type is entrusted with
access code and data archive management and therefore is the only one enabled to
use the "Access code configuration" menu.
Allowed operations The allowed "operations" for an user who receives the new “access code” depend on
the default clearances pre-assigned to the various user Types (see subsection 6.6.2),
although depending on the tasks given to him by the organization and for which he
becomes responsible, the Administrator may modify these assignments by acting on
the "List of operations enabled for user" (see section 6.6).
There are some status information associated to an “access code”; they are:
Status The status of the “access code” shows whether the code is enabled, enabled and
active, suspended (i.e., temporarily disabled) or has been removed (i.e., permanently
Validity time The validity time is the number of minutes an “access code” can be logged in the
system and perform operations. When this time reaches zero the “access code” is
Expiration date The expiration date is the date until the “access code” will be allowed to log in to the
system and perform operations. When this date is reached the “access code” is
Administrator who The Administrator who created the “access code” is the user name associated to the
created the login Administrator that created this “access code”.
Administrator who The Administrator who removed the “access code” is the user name associated to the
removed the login Administrator that removed this “access code”. This status information is present only
for removed “access codes”.
ENCRYPTION - The components of an “access code” ("identifier" and "password") and the
"name" are encrypted when entered and therefore are transmitted and stored in an
appropriately provided archive file in encrypted form. Of these, only the "identifier" and the
"name" are displayed (and printed) in unencrypted form.
Following operations are performed in the internal database of the controller so they do not
apply to remote logins (Remote Authentication):
- Managing “access codes”
- Changing passwords
17 The clock misalignment of the sterilizer’s clock The clock of this sterilizer is out of sync with the Key
and the Key Distribution Center’s clock is greather Distribution Center.
than the threshold (usually 5 minutes)
18 UserID is correct but the password is wrong Wrong password.
19 UserID is wrong User not found in the remote database.
20 The login is disabled This user is disabled.
Table 6-1 – Possible error messages at Login
If the “access code” provided is correct a “work session” is started and the operator has access to all, and only
those, operations for which he has been enabled.
In the heading (status bar) of the displayed page (see subsection the GUI displays his user name, the
residual validity and the expiration date of his password.
If the login is remote the parameter “residual validity” indicates the session time set in Microsoft Active Directory.
In order to ensure uniqueness of accesses to the system (in compliance with 21 CFR Part
11), once access to the system has been ensured by entering the new passwords (with at
least one access of the Administrator type), one of the administrators must remove the
“Startup access code”.
Before printing out the information regarding the “access codes”, the system always
performs a checksum, by means of the CRC32 algorithm, on the integrity of the file
that stores the information. If an error is detected, the printout is not generated and
the message related to file "corruption", defined in section, is displayed.
• Configure a new "access code" by entering its components and associated information.
As mentioned, each “access code” is constituted by two separate components, which in combination
make it unique. When an Administrator creates a new "access code" by means of the "Access
configuration" function (see subsection, he first enters its two fundamental components (the
identifier and the "initial" password (see Section 6.2) and then he enters associated information, which
cannot be modified and remains permanently linked to the generated code until it is disabled if needed
• Manually suspend an "access code", disabling temporarily its access to the system.
An “access code” suspended can no longer access the system. This status is intended as a temporary
condition that can be restored, making the “access code” enabled again, or confirmed removing it
• Re-enabling a suspended "access code", allowing it to interact again with the system.
An “access code” suspended can be restored to the enabled status with a re-enabling operations. This
operation consists in giving it a new password. Similarly to a new crated “access code”, the “access
code” re-enabled will be able to interact with the system after the first renewal of the password.
• Remove an "access code", permanently disabling its access to the system.
This operation disables irreversibly the “access code” and the code can no longer be restored. For this
reason this operation requires confirmation.
In practice, a removed “access code” continues to be stored without the possibility to delete it and it is
no longer possible to enter a new one having the same "identifier" or to associate with a new identifier a
"name" that has already been used, or a "password" that is in use or has already been used, according
to the criteria described above (see subsection
In order to ensure that the system has at least one access possibility, an
Administrator cannot remove his own code; accordingly, at least one system
Administrator always remains.
• Change type or permissions of the “access code”
It is possible to change the user type and/or allowed operations for an active login. This operation
allows to update permissions for an user as his profile changes within the customer organization.
Moreover, a user cannot be assigned an initial password that already exists or one of the passwords previously
used by that user during the last n performed renewals (see Section 6.3). If the option for "Uniqueness" of the
passwords has been selected, this exclusion expands to include the passwords of all the other users, included
removed ones; for these users, the passwords of the last n renewals may never be reused, since further
renewals are not possible (see Section 6.4).
Even if "Uniqueness" of the passwords is not imposed, the absolute uniqueness of the
"identifier" in any case entails the uniqueness of the "access code" as a combination of its
two parts. Moreover, since the "access codes" are not "secret", if password uniqueness is
not imposed, one avoids the remote risk that a user, by finding out that a certain password
already exists (because THEMA4 refuses it), may discover, by means of repeated fraudulent
attempts, its association with the identifier that is already using it actively, which might
correspond to a user enabled for other operations.
When the new password is accepted, the new password becomes immediately functional; its
"residual validity", if it is not unlimited, immediately begins to decrease, since a work
session is open, while its “expiration date" (duration), if it is not unlimited, is calculated
starting from 24:00 hrs of the same day.
As mentioned, the system never accepts the input of a new password if that password is still present among the
n passwords stored for that operator (see Section 6.4). If "Uniqueness" of the passwords has been selected (see
Section 6.4), a password, in order to be accepted, must also be different from all the other active passwords and
from all the other passwords that are still stored, both of still-enabled operators and of identifiers that have been
removed or otherwise disabled.
ADM assigns a Login The user performs the The Login is suspended ADM removes a login
or re-enables a “1st renewal” by the system or by the
suspended login ADM
(awaiting renewal) (because already SYSTEM (from any state)
renewed) (due to expiration or
access violation)
These status transitions are related to access codes in the internal database of the
controller so do not apply to remote logins.
General parameters
No. Parameters u.m. min. max. default
4 MAX PASSWORD CHARS no. 2 19 19
5 VALIDITY TIME hours 0 4000 0 (unlimited validity)
6 EXPIRATION DATE days 0 9999 90
7 INACTIVITY TIME min. 1 60 5
9 TIME LIMIT USE WARNING THRESHOLD hours 0 par. 5 0 (no warning)
10 EXPIRATION DATE WARNING THRESHOLD days 0 par. 6 0 (no warning)
No. Remote authentication sub parameters u.m. min. max. default
11.2 DOMAIN - - 63 char.
11.3 DNS SERVER IP ADDRESS - - 15 char.
11.4 USER no. 0 99999999 0
11.5 SUPERVISOR no. 0 99999999 0
11.6 MAINTENANCE no. 0 99999999 0
11.7 ADMINISTRATOR no. 0 99999999 0
No. Parameters u.m. min. max. default
Table 6-2 – General Parameters for Access management
Param. Description
The system stores in memory, for each operator, the last n passwords that he has used to renew
his own password, where n is the value this parameter.
In order to prevent an operator from habitually reusing the same password when he renews it, the
system does not allow him to use a password that is present in memory among the last n
passwords that he has used. Therefore, an old password can be reused by the same operator
only after a number of renewals that is greater than the value of the "Repetitions number"
The system displays an appropriate warning message if an operator attempts to renew his
password by using one that is still stored among the last n passwords.
This parameter defines the number of consecutive incorrect access attempts after which the
“access code” associated with the identifier that has been used is "suspended". At this point, no
activity can be performed by this “access code” on the system until an Administrator optionally re-
enables it; the Administrator may also remove it permanently.
The system refuses the input of a new password if the password has less than the minimum or
more than the maximum number of characters set by means of these parameters.
By means of an appropriate message, the system immediately indicates that the new password
has not been accepted.
Changing the value of the parameter does not affect the validity of already-
active passwords, even if they are composed with a number of characters
that exceeds, or is lower than, the new values of the corresponding
This parameter defines the maximum time an user can be logged in the system before his “access
code” is disabled or put in the “awaiting renewal” state. To prevent this the user must change its
The residual validity of a single password, always displayed in the status bar of the user interface
in order to remind the user to renew his password in time, is calculated by comparison with this
If this parameter is set to "0" (default value), the generic validity time of all passwords must be
considered unlimited; in this case the validity time in status bar of the user interface is replaced
with dashes (“----”).
If this parameter is set to a value other than “0”, the residual validity time is initially equal to the
value set for this parameter and is decreased "in real time" during each open work session.
Any change to this parameter causes the recalculation of the expiration date for all active
If the user is logged in more that a session, the remaining time decreases of
one minute every minute for each logged session. For example, for an user
logged with two sessions, its remaining time decreases of two minutes
every minute.
If a password is allowed to expire because the limit has been exceeded, the
corresponding “access code” is "disabled" and only an Administrator may
optionally re-enable it by assigning it a temporary password.
If this happens when the “access code” is logged in a session, that session
is immediately closed.
In order to ensure in any case access to the application program, the
validity limit do not apply to passwords of the Administrator type, for which
this parameters are always "forced to 0", thus entailing an unlimited
Param. Description
This parameter defines the date an user can work with the system before his “access code” is
disabled or put in the “awaiting renewal” state. To prevent this the user must change its password.
The expiration date of an individual password, always displayed in the status bar of the user
interface in order to remind the user to renew his password in time, is calculated by adding the
value assigned to this parameter to the actual date since the last renewal of the password being
If this parameter is set to “n" days, the expiration date is always calculated as 24:00 o’clock of the
n-th day after renewal. If this parameter is set to "0", the passwords have no expiration date; in
this case the expiration date in the status bar of the user interface is replaced with dashes (“----”).
Any change to this parameter causes the recalculation of the expiration date for all active
passwords (status B = “enabled and in use”).
If a password is allowed to expire because the limit has been exceeded, the
corresponding “access code” is "disabled" and only an Administrator may
optionally re-enable it by assigning it a temporary password.
If this happens when the “access code” is logged in a session, that session
is immediately closed.
In order to ensure in any case access to the application program, the
validity limit do not apply to passwords of the Administrator type, for which
this parameters are always "forced to 0", thus entailing an unlimited
While an operator has a work session in progress, the system counts the "inactivity time",
understood as the continuous period of time during which no activity of the operator is detected,
i.e., no "onscreen selections" (selections of touch area for a GUI or mouse clicks and keyboard
inputs for remote GUIs) are detected.
The work session of an operator is closed automatically by the system when the accumulated
"inactivity time" reaches the limit programmed by this parameter, after issuing a warning message
30 seconds before the session expires. To perform any operation, it will be necessary to open
another work session with a new login operation.
If password uniqueness has been selected by means of this parameter, during password
changing, the system will not accept a password that is still valid or a password that is still stored
among the last n replaced passwords (where n is the current value of General Access parameter
no. 1: "Repetitions number") not only by the same operator but also by all the other operators
identified by the system, including removed or disabled ones. In these two cases, the last n stored
passwords remain permanently unusable.
If "Uniqueness" is disabled, the checks that the system performs on the passwords are limited to
the passwords of the individual user.
It is possible to get warnings from the system when the residual value of validity and/or expiring
date for the login logged in fall below chosen thresholds. Warning thresholds can be set by means
of these parameters.
Each threshold can be set from 0 to the actual value of the corresponding parameter (VALIDITY
DATE WARNING THRESHOLD). When the threshold is set to zero the related warning message
in not shown.
The warning message is displayed once for each working session: after the login or when the
threshold is reached (at midnight for expiration date, every minute for time limit use).
Param. Description
If the Remote Authentication option is available (OPT.16, see section 1.7) it is possible to enable
the integration with an users central domain based on Microsoft Active Directory.
Details about this option are discussed in the document “USERS REMOTE
The domain name (lowercase) of the network where the Key Distribution Center is
11.4 USER
This is a pure number that identifies the Global Protection Group defined in Microsoft
Active Directory for which accounts belonging to it will be identified as THEMA4 USERs
for the sterilizer.
This is a pure number that identifies the Global Protection Group defined in Microsoft
Active Directory for which accounts belonging to it will be identified as THEMA4
SUPERVISORs for the sterilizer.
This is a pure number that identifies the Global Protection Group defined in Microsoft
Active Directory for which accounts belonging to it will be identified as THEMA4
MAINTAINERs for the sterilizer.
This is a pure number that identifies the Global Protection Group defined in Microsoft
Active Directory for which accounts belonging to it will be identified as THEMA4
ADMINISTRATORs for the sterilizer.
Access control to the controller is achieved by means of a mapping between the four basic login
types of the controller and global protection groups defined in Microsoft Active Directory
(parameters 11.4, 11.5, 11.6 and 11.7).
If the remote login operation identifies a valid login the controller checks the list of global protection
groups to which the user belongs: if one (and only one) of the groups the user belongs to has been
associated to a controller internal group (User, Supervisor, Maintenance or Administrator) the
operator will be allowed to access the system, and GUI will be configured as defined by default
permissions for that group.
There is a limitation to the number of Microsoft Active Directory groups a remote login can belong
to: in W26 the login will fail if a remote login belongs to more of 10 Microsoft Active Directory
groups, in W27 this limit has been raised to 1000.
Immediately after remote authentication has been set or parameters 11.1,
11.2 o 11.3 have been changed it is necessary to reboot the system in order
to apply changes. Moreover, after a PCS software installation, it is
necessary to set again parameters 11.1 e 11.2 in order to apply them, even
if they behave identical.
If this parameter is not set, when a login reaches the expiration date or consumes all the validity
time, it is put in the “suspended” state. The audit trail reports the message:
From the “suspended” state a user can’t interact with the system and the manual intervention of an
administrator is required to disable it permanently (“removed” state) or to rienable it (“awaiting
renewal” state).
If this parameter is set, when a login reaches the expiration date or consumes all the validity time,
it is put in the “awaiting renewal” state. The audit trail reports the message:
Automatic change-password for XXX!
From this state the interaction with the system is not possible and the user that tries to log-in in the
system is forced to change his password through the first renewal page. The enablement is done
directly by the user through the renewal of the password, and no intervention is needed from any
The Administrator is the only one who can configure users with these professional roles, defining for
each one the accesses allowed to the various functions of the system.
Fedegari releases the THEMA4 with only one Administrator configured, with known “access codes”, in
order to allow the customer to configure his various users.
When they are created, the various professional roles have predefined access privileges, which the
Administrator can in any case modify, user by user, according to the operating requirements.
There is no limitation to the number of users that can be created (compatibly with the
available space on the hard disk of the Panel PC side 1)
For each professional role and for each function of the GUI menus,
- 1-Run & Operations
- 2-Program management
- 3-Cycle management
- 4-Setup & configuration
- 5-Diagnose maintenance
- 6-Login & passwords
- 7-Alarm & data logging
- 8-On-line manuals
the table displays the permissions (as reported on GUI), with the states VISIBLE [V] (that means to access in
display-only mode) and EDIT [E] (that means to access with display and operation mode: run cycle, change
parameter, create-modify program, to execute operations,..), that are configurable (if background is “white”) or
non configurable (if background is “gray”), and the default setting (at the profile creation) displayed with “X”.
The level EDIT [E] when configured, is applicable only if the MASTER access has been
Sub-functions "inherit" the clearances of the functions from which they are derived (shown by means of
the "double quote" symbol), unless specific clearances are indicated for them.
If all the functions of a work area are locked, the work area is also locked and therefore cannot be
During a "work session", a specific operator can only access the operations relative the enabled
Other strategies are allowed, based on the flexibility of the permissions configuration.
If the Remote Authentication option is available (OPT.16, see section 1.7) profiles can also be edited. For
remote log-ins it is not possible to customize permissions on a single log-in basis: remote log-ins are grouped
into Thema4 professional roles and permissions for a specific group depend by its default profile.
By editing default profiles for each Thema4 professional role it is possible to customize permissions of remote
log-ins on a group basis.
It is not possible to edit predefined access levels outside restrictions imposed by the
distinction between Administrator and other groups.
It is not possible to configure the Administrator group to operate the sterilizer, nor it is
possible to configure any other group to manage access codes.
e /ata0a/thema4/user/key/keyu.cnf /ata0a/thema4/arch/key/051108145746keyu.cnf f
N° Comment Description
8 Maintenance executed N. 1 a maintenance has been executed, the class number is
9 Maintenance filter executed a filter maintenance has been executed
10 Thema4 date/time modified the time and date of the controller has been changed
11 Date and time updated by DST daylight saving time management has changed date and time
12 Date and time updated by SNTP SNTP managment has automatically changed the date and
management time
13 Date and time updated manually SNTP management has changed the date and time due to a
by SNTP a manual synchronization command
14 File generated by the system the system has modified a file to recreate it with default
values or to update its file format
15 Process report saved by the the system has been turned off while a cycle was running;
system when the system has been turned on the process report
incomplete has been archived
16 Log-in Mario Rossi created username of the newly created login
17 Mario Rossi changed password username of the login that changed its password
18 Login Mario Rossi removed username of the login that has been removed
19 Login Mario Rossi disabled by username of the login that has been manually suspended and
Startup! username of the administrator that performed the operation
20 Login Mario Rossi rienabled username of the login that has been rienabled
21 Login Mario Rossi changed username of the login that changed its permissions list
22 Wrong access attempt of Mario username of the login that performed a wrong acces attempt
Rossi! by providing a wrong password
23 Wrong access attempt of Mario username of the login that performed a wrong acces attempt
Rossi! Login disabled! by providing a wrong password. The login has been
suspended because the wrong access attempt limmit has
been reached
24 Mario Rossi expired! Login username of the login that has been suspended by the
disabled! system because timi limits have been reached
25 Automatic change-password for username of the login that has been put in the “awaiting
Mario Rossi! renewal” state by the system because time limits have been
26 Login(s) property updated: login(s) property have been updated automatically due to the
added… installation of a new software version.
27 Backup 051107143700 on backup failed
network failed!
28 Backup 051107143721 on backup succeeded, follows the list of data categories inside
network; items: 1ABC the backup with the following symbols:
number (1) – indicates data category
letter (A) – indicates actual
letter (B) – indicates historic operating
letter (C) – indicates historic hidden
29 Automatic backup automatic backup succeeded, follows the list of data
DESCRIPTION on network; categories saved with the following sumbols:
items: 1ABC number (1) – indicates data category
letter (A) – indicates actual
letter (B) – indicates historic operating
letter (C) – indicates historic hidden
30 Automatic backup not started: automatic backup not executed because the system was OFF
The system was OFF
N° Comment Description
31 Automatic backup not started: automatic backup not executed because another automatic
DESCRIPTION backup was running
Another automatic backup was in
32 Automatic backup not started: automatic backup not executed because a cycle was running
A cycle was running
33 Automatic backup not started: automatic backup not executed because a blackout was in
A blackout was in progress
34 Automatic backup not started: automatic backup not executed because a restore was in
A restore was in progress
35 Automatic backup not started: automatic backup on USB not executed because no USB
DESCRIPTION device was plugged in
No USB device plugged in
36 Automatic backup not started: automatic backup not executed because an archive
DESCRIPTION A moving files maintenance was in progress
procedure was in progress
37 Restore 051107143721 from restore succeeded, follows the list of data categories restored
network; items: 1ABC with the following symbols:
number (1) – indicates data category
letter (A) – indicates actual
letter (B) – indicates historic operating
letter (C) – indicates historic hidden
38 Reset archive(s): 1ABC archives reset, follows the list of data categories reinitialized
with the following symbols:
number (1) – indicates data category
letter (A) – indicates actual
letter (B) – indicates historic operating
letter (C) – indicates historic hidden
39 Conversion in PDF format PDF convertion succeeded, follows the list of data categories
finished correctly; items: converted with the following symbols:
1ABC,2ABC number (1) – indicates data category
letter (A) – indicates actual
letter (B) – indicates historic operating
letter (C) – indicates historic hidden
40 Pressed the button START cycle the START button has been pressed
41 Pressed the button STOP from the STOP button has been pressed during a prepare phase
prepare phase
42 Pressed the button STOP from the STOP button has been pressed during an emergency
emergency phase
43 Pressed the button STOP cycle the STOP button has been pressed during cycle end.
44 Pressed the button STEP BY the STEP BY SYTEP button has been pressed
45 Pressed the button the PROL. PHASE button has been pressed
46 Pressed the button MANUAL the MANUAL EMERGENCY button has been pressed
47 Pressed the button DOOR the DOOR INVERSION button has been pressed
Table 6-6 – Comments inserted by the system
Starting from software version W27, the audit trail file is in UNICODE (16-bit) format, while all
previous versions supported the 8-bit file format. The audit trail is updated also for
operations performed with the Recovery Disk. To avoid corruptions of the audit trail file,
starting from version W27, it is mandatory to use the Recovery Disk version 05 or later.
Generally speaking the configuration and parameterization of a Thema4 system consists of these operations,
normally in this order :
As shown in the table above many configuration and parameterization topics are discussed in Sections
dedicated to the specific argument.
This paragraph details:
- 1. Factory configuration: Authorization and Factory parameters (by the “authorization file”)
- 5. Parameterization: System Parameters and Program Parameters
Days of validity. The number of days of validity of the authorization file, in the x x Internal use only,
case of an expiring license, time-controlled for expiring license
Allowed starts The number of cycles allowed of the authorization file, in the x x Internal use only,
case of an expiring license, cycle number controlled for expiring license
Creation date The creation date of the authorization file x x Internal use only
Creation CRC The creation CRC32 of the authorization file x x Internal use only
User software license - Number and state of user software license x x Thema4 GUI
Disk full limit Limit of the data stored in the hard disk for the activation of the x x Thema4 GUI
alarm 217
Log files limit Initial value for limit of the number of process reports for the x x Thema4 GUI
activation of the alarm 218
Audit Trail limit Initial value for limit of the audit trail size for the activation of the x x Thema4 GUI
alarm 219
Table 7-1 – Authorization file structure
If the license has a time-controlled expiration, when the set period ends it is no longer possible to use the
machine. If the license has an expiration based on the number of executed cycles, no further cycles can be
performed once the limit is reached.
The “authorization file” can be configured only by Fedegari.
Boot of the “server” primary panel PC is not possible if the authorization file is not present
or is corrupt.
An exception to this rule are Station IP addresses, that can be customized by the user in order to set up Thema4
in his network.
For “User software license” see par. 1.9
Because the configuration of these parameters is critical for the correct operation of the
machine, they can be modified only by Fedegari in the setup configuration of the sterilizer., a
part the parameter MAX TEMPERATURE TEs PROBE that is changeable by user in Analog
Input Configuration (see
The value of these parameters (modifiable within a pre-determined range) is standardized at “default” values that
have been identified as the ideal values for a certain Sterilizer model.
Factory parameters
No. Name Ster u.m. min. max. Default
1 2
1 SERIAL NUMBER (NF) x x 15 chr - - -
2 MODEL x x 11 chr - - -
3 T MAX STERILIZER (Tmax) x °C 0.0 150.0 150.0
T MAX STERILIZER (Tmax) x °C 0.0 300.0 260.0
4 P MAX STERILIZER (Pmax) x bar 0.00 5.00 2.50
5 MAX TEMPERATURE Tes PROBE (*) x °C 0 160 (**)
MAX TEMPERATURE Tes PROBE (*) x °C 0 300 (**)
Table 7-2 – Factory parameters
(*) Changeable by Analog Input Configuration (see
(**) These values are initialized by the “Authorization file” to the value of T MAX STERILIZER.
Insert the proper value of MAX. TEMPERATURE Tes PROBE if the default initialized is not
appropriate (example TE29).
Each one of these groups contains a series of parameters. Some of these parameters, when configured,
enable other sub-parameters to set. Changing System Parameters during a cycle and their relation with “Program
The alteration of system parameter when a cycle is running is no more allowed because
there are a few parameters (for example date and time format) that, if changed during a
cycle, can lead to inconsistencies in the process report.
CHANGING SOME SYSTEM PARAMETERS (e.g., nos. 11.2 and 11.3 related to door
management, nos. 4, 5 related to program management, or no. 12, which configures the
System parameters
No. General parameters Opt u.m. min. max. default
1 MIN. P ATMOS. BALANCE bar 0.50 1.00 0.98
2 MAX P ATMOS BALANCE bar 0.55 1.10 1.03
3 MAX. TIME ATM. BALANCE min 1 20 5
4 MIN. Fo TARGET min 0 3270 8
7 IDENTIFY MACHINE - blank 15 char. blank
No. Door configuration u.m. min. max. default
10 MOTORIZED DOORS 0-1 0 1 0
11 DOOR NUMBERS 1-2 1 2 1
11.1 INITIAL DOOR 1-2 1 2 1
11.2 DOOR 1 CONTROL 0-2 0 2 0
11.3 DOOR 2 CONTROL 0-2 0 2 1
No. Steam generator u.m. min. max. default
12 STEAM GENERATOR 0-1 0 1 0
12.1 MAX T STEAM GENERATOR °C 110.00 (*) (*)
12.2 HEATING TEMP. DIFF. GAP -°C 0.00 10.00 2.00
12.3 PURGE CYCLE TIME min 3 999 120
12.4 PURGE OPENING TIME s 0 180 2
12.5 DEGASSER 0-1 0 1 0
12.5.1 WATER TEMPERATURE °C 50.0 90.0 70.0
12.5.2 MIN. WATER TEMPERATURE °C 40.0 (**) 60.0
No. SCADA communication u.m. min. max. default
13 SCADA ENABLED 0-1 0 1 0
13.1 SCADA PROTOCOL 0-3 0 3 0
13.2 WRITE ENABLE 0-1 0 1 0
No. Onboard printer configuration u.m. min. max. default
14 PRINTER: No PRINTER (0)/ USB(1)/ PARALLEL (2) 0-2 0 2 2
15.2 PHASE LISTS 0-1 0 1 0
15.4 TE AND TP TABLE 0-1 0 1 0
15.5 PID PARAMETERS 0-1 0 1 0
15.6 PROCESS DATA 0-1 0 1 0
15.9 ALARMS SUMMARY 0-1 0 1 0
(*) Value is 2 °C lower than the “Maximum temperature” programmed for the control probe of Steam generator TE29.
(**) Value is 5 °C lower than the parameter 12.5.1 “Water Temperature” programmed.
In the GUI, the entry of a parameter that has several options occurs by direct selection on graphical
objects, without requiring the entry of any number.
The subsections that follow describe the meaning of the general System parameters (listed with their
non-abbreviated text), grouped by type.
This parameter is meant to give a biological meaning to the sterility condition required to open a
door, managed by System Parameters 11.2 and 11.3. It indicates the minimum value of Fo, i.e., the
equivalent time at 121.11°C that must be obtained by means of a sterilization process that can be
programmed with THEMA4, independently of the temperature selected for the process.
As explained in detail in the section related to the assignment of the “General program parameters”
(see 7.4.2) with regard to the STERILIZATION CONTROL parameter, if the process is “time-
controlled”, the minimum Fo to be reached defines the minimum programmable value of the general
program sub-parameter STERILIZATION TIME as a function of the value selected as minimum
sterilization temperature. If instead the goal of sterilization is to reach a certain equivalent time
F(T,z), its minimum programmable value will depend not only on the minimum Fo to be reached
and on the minimum sterilization temperature, but also on the temperature T adopted as reference
of the equivalent time and on the adopted temperature coefficient z; if the reference temperature is
121.11°C and the temperature coefficient is 10°C, the minimum programmable value of the
parameter F(T,z) TARGET VALUE is of course equal to the parameter MIN Fo TARGET.
If this parameter is 1, the program interlock function managed by “General program parameters”
numbers 11 and 12 is enabled (see subsection 7.4.2).
The operator can also be forced to acknowledge the sterilizer before executing a program by
entering the identification code represented by the parameter 7 IDENTIFY MACHINE (see also the
subsections related to the manual/automatic start with machine identification 9.7.4). This is obtained
by assigning the value "1" to this parameter.
This parameter can be left blank or can be programmed with a maximum of 15 alphanumeric
If this parameter is blank, the sterilizer is not identified in any way other than by means of the
"Serial number" and the "Model", included among the "Factory parameters" (see subsection 7.2.3,
items F1 and F2), which are in any case included among the “Process data” that are stored and/or
transmitted and/or printed.
If this parameter is programmed, it is considered as a sterilizer identification code and is included
among the process data like the serial number and model.
Special temperature probes, used in extremely rare cases, are available as an option. These
probes can detect the presence of liquid around them and are meant to be inserted in closed full
containers. If the container with the probe breaks, the liquid is at least partially dispersed and the
temperature detected by the probe is no longer the temperature of the liquid contained originally
inside it.
If they are enabled by this parameter, some heat probes can be selected as “immersion” probes,
provided that they have already been selected as “product” probes (see subsection 7.4.4).
If no liquid is detected around an enabled and selected immersion probe, the “kernel” PCS program
identifies this condition by means of an appropriate signal (flag). This flag can be recognized by the
application program of the Phase Groups, and therefore the P/G that is active at the time can
perform specific actions as a consequence of the detected situation. For example, if during a
cooling phase an immersion probe no longer detects liquid around itself, the programmed
temperature, if it does not exceed 85°C, is automatically reduced by 30°C (to a minimum of 20°C)
with respect to the intended value and alarm no. 25 is activated.
Both of these operations are not managed directly by the PCS program, which merely
acknowledges the presence of the probes and that they are no longer immersed. These conditions,
as well as any elimination of the "Ready to start" condition, are in fact managed by the phase group
Up to seven “product” probes can be of the immersion type. For immersion control, it is necessary
to configure an NLID (with SN = 1) for each one of the selected “product” probes. The NLIDs are
the ones from 284 to 288 (to be associated with NLIAs 1 to 5), 297 (to be associated with NLIA 6)
and 297 (to be associated with NLIA 7).
TE1, TE6 and TE7 are used by most phase group libraries as fixed probes in order to detect the
temperature in the discharge trap of the chamber and in the air intake filters. Therefore, it is
generally not possible to use these probes as immersion probes, since this characteristic is
inherently reserved to “flexible” chamber probes.
Table 7-4 summarizes the possible associations of analog inputs and digital inputs for immersion
NLIA Usual name of the TE Associable NLID
1 (TE1) 284
2 TE2 285
3 TE3 286
4 TE4 287
5 - 288
6 (TE6) 296
7 (TE7) 297
Table 7-4 - NLID/NLIA association for “immersion” probes
The detailed description of this function is provided by Fedegari document
D/O185823 "TH4PV".
For a description of “retained” alarms see
This function can be enabled only if the corresponding authorization parameter
OPT.4 is enabled (see 1.7 Table 1-40 and 7.2.1 Table 7-1).
If this parameter is "2", after door 2 has been unlocked or after THEMA4 has been
switched off and then back on, in addition to the limitations described above, the
execution of any program other than high pathogen or decontamination is denied.
If the execution of a program is denied for one of the reasons described above,
the warning "PROGRAM LOCKED BY DOOR MANAGEMENT" is displayed
immediately after an attempt to run a program that cannot be executed.
NLIA 29 for TE29, Pt100 heat probe installed inside the generator;
NLID 232, NC = 1, for RL, reached-level sensor, electrically energized when the level is lower than the
expected maximum;
NLID 233, NC = 1, for RLSIC, minimum-level sensor, electrically energized if the level is not lower than
the required minimum;
NLOD 292 for REC1, electric resistors for heating to the minimum hold temperature: the condition
required, but not sufficient, to energize these resistors is the energized condition of the
input RLSIC;
NLOD 293 for EG, water supply valve; this digital output is energized if the input RL is energized
and, if the degasser is configured, if the “Degasser ready” condition is estabilished;
NLOD 297 for REC2, electric resistors for heating to the expected maximum temperature: the
condition required, but not sufficient, to energize these resistors is the energized
condition of the input RLSIC.
NLOD 13 for PA, water supply pump activated in parallel to EG if the degasser is not configured,
or always activated if the degasser is configured;
NLOD 452 for EGS, steam generator purge valve.
The THEMA4 procedures for the generator also manage the following outputs, the configuration of
which is optional, and which must be associated with the following NLs:
NLOD 294 for LAREC, indication of the instantaneous temperature below the maximum, i.e., at
least REC2 are energized;
NLOD 295 for LAGEP, indication that the temperature has reached at least once the maximum
value after the last power-on of the control system.
The value "1" of the parameter STEAM GENERATOR is a required but not sufficient condition to
energize, during a cycle, the digital output SSGR (NLOD 57), if configured (see subsection 7.4.3),
General program parameter no. 15, STEAM FROM GENERATOR. If instead the parameter
STEAM GENERATOR is zero, from the beginning of the preparation phase of any cycle, the output
SSNT (NLOD 58), meant to open a valve for drawing steam from the mains, is energized
When this system parameter is given the value "1", another page is displayed automatically and
lists five auxiliary parameters; to access this page again, it is in any case necessary to reassign the
value “1” to the system parameter.
When this System Parameter is assigned the value "1", the other two "auxiliary parameters", 12.1,
12.2, 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5, are displayed automatically. These parameters are descried below and
listed in the table, with the text displayed (in bold) followed by the minimum, maximum and default
Auxiliary parameters for steam generator u.m. min. max. default
(*1) (*2)
12.2 HEATING TEMP. DIFF. GAP -°C 0.00 10.00 2.00
12.3 PURGE CYCLE TIME min 3 999 120
12.4 PURGE OPENING TIME s 0 180 2
12.5 DEGASSER 0-1 0 1 0
Table 7-6 – Auxiliary parameters for steam generator
If a steam generator feeding water degasser system is installed (DEGASSER) this
parameter must be set to “1”.
The degasser management is described in the specification
“Degasatore per l’acqua di alimentazione del generatore”, DM #141390.
It is possible to enable only a protocol at a time.
This parameter has no effect for FECP protocol.
Depending by the selected protocol (parameter 13.1), there are different subparameters.
When this System Parameter is assigned a value different from zero, the following parameter
15 is displayed automatically.
These auxiliary parameters allow to define the various parts of the process report to be printed.
These parts are described in detail in Section 10 related to the “PROCESS REPORT”.
During the execution of a program, the process report is always archived in a
“log” file (which can be displayed also during the execution of the cycle)
independently of whether online printing on the onboard printer is configured
or not. The electronically-archived process report is always complete in all of
its parts, regardless of the values assigned to the auxiliary printout parameters
(archiving occurs as if all these parameters were equal to “1”).
This parameter allows to select the IP address of the recorder with which communication is
to be established. The same address must be set in the system parameters of the recorder.
This parameter must be set if it is necessary to use a gateway to reach the subnet of the
This parameter specifies the user name of an Administrator-type login configured on the
recorder. Combined with the UserID and the password, it allows to specify the data of the
Login used to start and close recording and send cycle data.
This parameter specifies the UserID of an Administrator-type login configured on the
recorder. Combined with the Username and the Password, it allows to specify the data of
the Login used to start and close recording and send cycle data.
This parameter specifies the Password of an Administrator-type Login configured on the
recorder. Combined with the Username and UserID, it allows to specify the data of the Login
used to start and close recording and send cycle data.
This parameter allows to set the IP address of the recorder to talk with. It must be the
identical to the primary address of the TH4Recorder to connect to.
This parameter is composed by the enabling of 12 probes that can be configured in the
TH4Recorder. By means of this parameter it is possible to specify which of these probes are
actually configured in the Recorder and will be managed by the controller. When a probe is
enabled it is displayed in the Logical View in Diagnose & Maintenance. Moreover, alarm 189
(EXTERNAL PROBE UNSERVICEABLE) is managed only for external probes enabled by
means of this set of parameters and listed in TE list table of a running program.
This parameter allows to set the IP address of the recorder to talk with. It must be the
identical to the primary address of the Eurotherm Chessel recorder to connect to.
This parameter is composed by the enabling of 12 probes that can be configured in the
Eurotherm Chessel recorder. By means of this parameter it is possible to specify which of
these probes are actually configured in the recorder and will be managed by the controller.
When a probe is enabled it is displayed in the Logical View in Diagnose & Maintenance.
Moreover, alarm 189 (EXTERNAL PROBE UNSERVICEABLE) is managed only for external
probes enabled by means of this set of parameters and listed in TE list table of a running
The matching between recorder channels and probes is fixed and is clearly reported in the
Thema4 GUI. As shown above, channels 1-2 and 7-8 are reserved for pressure probes,
whilst channels 3-6 and 9-12 are reserved for temperature probes. Note also that the name
of the probe is determined by the channel number of the recorder, and this affects recorder
Probes on the recorder must be configured with an appropriate scaling, because the value
acquired by Thema4 from the recorder is subject to a fixed scaling operation depending on
the sensor type (temperature or pressure, with a different scaling for type 1 or type 2
The picture below shows the menu used to configure a probe on the recorder (see
Channel/Alarm Configuration in Eurotherm Chessel User Manual).
If disabled on the recorder, it must be disabled on Thema4 too (in this case subparameters
16.5.1 and 16.5.2 are hidden).
In this case, when the Thema4 connects or reconnects to the recorder, a login operation is
performed first. If successful, data can be read from the recorder, otherwise data can’t be
read and the alarm 195 EXTERNAL RECORDER ALARM is raised to indicate that the
Thema4 is connected to the recorder but can’t read data.
There can be additional messages at the end of the batch in case of sterilization or vacuum
test, in which cases the outcome of the threatment is recorded.
If the start/stop batch feature is enabled and Thema4 detects that the recorder is not
recording, alarm 195 EXTERNAL RECORDER ALARM is activated, to indicate an error
For details about the implementation of this integrated Sartorius WIT, see “Software
design integration WIThin Sartorius – THEMA4 control system”, Fedegari document
This options requires specific plant hardware and specific phase groups.
The integrated Sartorius WIT is parameterized by means of the 4 sub-parameters listed below:
Param. Description
This parameter sets the type of air filter installed on the machine. This string is printed in the footer of
the process report if the executed cycle provides for the execution of the integrated Sartorius WIT
This parameter sets the net volume of the expansion vessel used during the integrated Sartorius WIT.
This value is determined during the installation of the machine and must never be modified, since it
depends on the physical characteristics of the installed test system
This parameter sets the filling time used during the integrated Sartorius WIT. This value is determined
during the installation of the machine and must never be modified, since it depends on the physical
characteristics of the installed test system
This parameter sets the filling pressure used during the integrated Sartorius WIT. This value is
determined during machine installation and must never be modified, since it depends on the physical
characteristics of the installed test system
When the SNTP management is enabled it is not possible to alter manually date and time using
the function “Date/time setup” of the GUI.
The SNTP client of the machine can work in two ways: SLAVE or MASTER:
- In SLAVE mode the control system keeps listening to the port indicated to detect broadcast
messages coming from SNTP servers, when such a message is detected the date and time
information in it is processed. In this mode the rate of updating of Thema4 control system date
and time is completely controlled by the SNTP server. It is always possible to set a timeout (with
parameter 22.4) that causes the activation of alarm 144 “SNTP SERVER NOT AVAILABLE” to
indicate that the connection to the SNTP server is probably faulty. In SLAVE mode auxiliary
paremeters 22.5 and 22.6 are not present.
- In MASTER mode the controller ciclically requests date and time to an SNTP server with a
frequency set by parameter 22.6. The parameter 22.5 allows to set the IP address of the SNTP
server to contact. If the SNTP server does not answer within the timeout defined by parameter
22.4 the controller activates the alarm 144 “SNTP SERVER NOT AVAILABLE” to indicate that
the connection between server and controller is not working properly. For a correct operation it
is required for the timout parameter 22.4 to be lower than the polling time parameter 22.6.
If MASTER mode is set, the GUI “Date/time setup” function shows an “SNTP sync” button that
allows to start manually a synchronization request to the SNTP server, without waiting for the
periodic update.
Every time the controller gets or receives the date and time from an SNTP server it compares the
date and time received with its date and time: if there is a difference greather than 1 second the
date and time is updated to match the date and time of the SNTP server. It is important to note
that, due to the time required for video refresh, the time difference perceived between server and
controller can be greather than 1 second. When the synchronization takes place the alarm 143
“DATE AND TIME UPDATED BY SNTP” is raised and, if a cycle is running, two messages are
added to the process report to show the date and time before and after the synchronization:
In order to work properly, the SNTP function requires the daylight saving
time management to be enabled. If this is not the case, when the daylight
saving time is active, the controller displays an hour less than the real.
To set this parameter to zero is to be choosen carefully, most likely only
in SLAVE mode, because it can get stuck the SNTP client waiting for an
answer that will never come.
In MASTER mode the timeout must always be set lower than the polling
time interval.
Daylight saving time management needs start and stop date and time to be defined. Every country
adopts different rules to define those dates so it is complex to find a common rule. For this reason
the parameter “day selection mode” (23.2 and 23.6) can be set to values FIRST, SECOND, LAST
and DAY. First three values allows to set a “relative” date that remains correct evey year, and in
this case the subsequent parameter (23.3 and 23.7) allows to define a weekday. The fourth value
allows to set an “absolute” date that, generally, for countries that use a relative date that can’t be
represented with other three day selection modes, must be changed every year. In this case the
subsequent parameter (23.3 and 23.7) is a monthday.
If the daylight saving time management is enabled, in the “Date/time setup” area of the GUI, is
present a message that informs that the daylight saving time management is enabled and displays
calculated begin and end time, based on system parameters. For explicit date and time calculation
it is necessary to consider that, if the end date and time falls before the begin date and time, the
end date and time must fall in the next year (southern daylight saving time). The calculation of
begin and end date and time for a northern daylight saving time is automatically updated when a
new year begins. The calculation of begin and end date and time for a soutern daylight saving time
is automatically updated when the daylight saving time ends.
For incorrect setting (such as 31 February) the calculated date will be
shifted to the corresponding valid day (in this case 03 March).
If the controller is powered when the daylight saving time begins or ends the date and time is
altered and the alarm 142 “DATE AND TIME UPDATED BY DST” is activated. If the controller is
turned off, as it will be powered, date and time will be automatically updated. If the daylight saving
time management is turned on or off when the daylight saving time is used, the date and time
altered and the alarm 142 is activated. This does not happen if the daylight saving time
management is turned on or off when the daylight saving time is not used.
In the status bar of the GUI it is possible to understand if the daylight saving time is used by means
of a specific icon.
If the date and time is changed due to daylight saving time management when a cycle is running, a
specific message composed of two rows is printed to show the date and time before and after:
For printout different from audit trail and process reports, the format selected affects both header
then data inside the printout (for example printout of maintenance). This is possible because those
data are in binary format and the right conversion is applied when printing.
For what concerns process reports, which are stored in text format, the date and time format
selected affects only the header of a reprint. The date and time of begin and end in the process
report are printed with the same format selected when the process report was generated.
For what concerns the audit trail more than one data format can be present at the same time. For
this reason each date (starting from W24) is followed by its representation. If the software has been
upgraded or when Recovery Disk is used, some dates will not be followed by any representation;
these dates are implicitly in the format DD/MM/YY.
Changes made to all these parameters are effective at the next system
26.1 HTTP
This parameter allows to set the http connection string (depending on IP address and
Web server) to reach the service TH4SoapSrvr on a Web Server.
This parameter enables, in SQL database, the management of: “Calibration”.
This parameter enables, in SQL database, the management of: “Programs”
This parameter enables, in SQL database, the management of: “Cycles”
7.4.1 Introduction
These are the parameters that configure the operation of every single Program of the Sterilizer and that
can be modified by the user according to his own requirements.
Because the configuration of these parameters is critical for the correct execution of the sterilization or
test programs, they can be modified only by authorized personnel.
General parameters
No. Alias Graph scale Opt u.m. min. max. default
1 G1 PRESSURE SCALE 0-3 0 3 0
3 G3 TIME SCALE 30 min 1 99 2
No. Alias Sterilization u.m. min. max. default
0. No sterilization
1. Time-controlled
2. Time-controlled with calculation of F(T,Z)
3. F(T,Z)-controlled
4. ETO
5. Tyndallization
No. Alias Other parameters u.m. min. max. default
1. 1 2 if Ster.OK
2. 2 1 if Ster.OK
3. Always Side 1
4. Always Side 2
5. 1 2 always
6. 2 1 always
6 G6 AUTOMATIC START 0-1 0 1 0
0. No
1. Yes
8 G8 CYCLE END ALERT TIME sec 0 180 10
0. No
1. Yes
11 G11 EXECUTABILITY LEVEL 1-10 1 10 1
12 G12 INTERLOCK LEVEL 1-10 1 10 10
19 G19 ENABLE GOLDEN CYCLE 20 0-1 0 1 0
21 G21 PV CONTROL 20 0-1 0 1 0
Table 7-18 - “General parameters” program parameters
There are four temperature scales for the P/T/t chart. The four scales correspond to the nonzero
values of this parameter.
The full-scale values are:
1. 30°C - 80°C
2. 50°C - 100°C
3. 50°C - 150°C
4. 50°C - 200°C
The distance between the origin and full-scale is the same for all scales and the resolution is
always 214 points in the Process Summary (340 points in the Chart Detail). Therefore, each
additional point corresponds to a variation of 0.25°C for scales 1 and 2, of 0.5°C for scale 3, and of
0.7°C for scale 4.
If this parameter is "0", THEMA4 initially uses scale 1; when the signal of a “monitored”
temperature probe exceeds the full-scale value of scale 1, the scale becomes automatically scale
2. Likewise, transition occurs to scale 3 and may occur to scale 4. These transitions are not
reversible until the cycle in progress ends.
If instead the parameter has a nonzero value, the controller uses only the selected temperature
The values from "1" to "99" give this scale an initial extension from 30 minutes (1) to 2970 minutes
During the cycles, the display is automatically modified by increasing by 1/6 the initial scale value
until twice this value is reached as soon as the total program time (see subsection 3.2.1) reaches
the full-scale value; at that point, the increment of 1/6 of full-scale is reapplied.
If, for example, the initial full-scale is 30 minutes, when the total program time reaches 30 minutes
the scale is updated to 35 minutes; when the total program time reaches 35 minutes, the scale is
updated again to 40 minutes, and so forth until the 60-minute scale is reached. At this point, the
scale is increased in steps of 10 minutes until the 120-minute scale is reached.
The resolution is 370 points in the Process Summary (465 points in the Chart Detail).
The refresh of the points on the screen occurs every 10 seconds.
This parameter can also be used to plot traces of temperatures and pressures over a fixed scale,
simply choosing a time value greater than the duration of the program.
This parameter can also be used by Remote GUI to determine a fixed time scale to be used to plot
temperature/time and pressure/time charts on the A4 printer (see 10.3.3).
Depending on the value of this parameter (ranging from 0 to 5), the system displays some
sterilization sub-parameters.
The system creates a new program with the parameter set to 0 (default
value). If the parameter is modified it is necessary to edit by hand its sub-
parameters to set them to the default values, because the system does not
change them automatically.
Tsmin (°C) This parameter is the minimum sterilization temperature and is programmable
with a resolution of 0.1°C. In its programmability range, it is used both for time
based sterilization processes than for F(T,z) based sterilization process.
The PCS “kernel” application program limits the programmability of the other
sterilization parameters on the basis of the actual value of this parameter.
Ttmin (°C) This parameter is the minimum tyndallization temperature and is programmable
with a resolution of 0.1°C. It is similar to Tsmin but it is used only for time based
tyndallization processes because this kind of process requires a lower limit.
Tsmax (°C) This parameter is the maximum sterilization temperature and is programmable
with a resolution of 0.1°C. Tsmax is the maximum temperature value above which
most of the Sterilization P/Gs activate alarm no. 19 “STERILIZATION
TEMPERATURE EXCESS” (see Section 14.1).
For special use of this parameter in high pathogen and decontamination
processes, please refer to the data sheets of the specific P/Gs.
Tscon (°C) This parameter is the sterilization control temperature and is programmable with
a resolution of 0.1°C. Tscon is used by most of the Sterilization P/Gs as
temperature control value during the sterilization phase. This use can be direct or
by conversion of the value of the pressure of the saturated steam that corresponds
to the set temperature.
The data sheets of the involved P/Gs include all the details on the subject.
Tminf (°C) This parameter is the F(T,z) calculation lowest temperature and is
programmable with a resolution of 0.1°C.
It is used only for F(T,z) based sterilization processes and is the lowest
temperature at which the lethal effect of moist heat is considered significant for the
sterilization process to be performed with the program of interest.
R (°C) This parameter is the reference temperature for F(T,z) calculation, and is
programmable with a resolution of 0.01°C; its default value is the classic value
used for the calculation of Fo, 121.11°C = 250°F. It is used only for F(T,z) based
sterilization processes and, as explained in detail in Fedegari Technical Note
F.R.TNO.00001, it is the temperature value of an ideal sterilization, with which the
actual sterilization is compared as regards the lethal effect of the moist heat.
tstg (min) This parameter is the exposure time, used as a target for time based sterilization
processes, and is programmable with a resolution of 0.1 minutes, i.e., 6 seconds.
The minimum programmable value and the default value for this parameter are
calculated exactly as a ratio between the value of system parameter no. 4, Fomin,
and the value of the lethality factor Lfo(Tsmin) that corresponds to the set minimum
sterilization temperature.
The exact ratio is then rounded up to the nearest tenth of a minute. If the values of
Fomin and/or of Tsmin are changed so that the programmed value of tstg is below
its new minimum programmable value, as soon as the page of the auxiliary
sterilization parameter tstg is accessed it assumes automatically the value of the
new minimum.
tttg (min) This parameter is the threatment time, used as a target for tyndallization
processes, and is programmable with a resolution of 0.1 minutes, i.e., 6 seconds.
Ftg (min) This parameter is the F(T,z) target, used for F(T,z) based sterilization processes,
and is programmable with a resolution of 0.1 minutes, i.e., 6 seconds.
The minimum programmable value for this parameter, which is also its default
value, is a function of system parameter no. 4, Fomin, and of the preceding
parameters reference temperature R, temperature coefficient z and minimum
sterilization temperature Tsmin.
Calculation of the minimum programmable value for Ftg is performed by first
calculating the exact ratio between the lethality factor Lf(R,Tsmin,z) that
corresponds to the chosen values of R, Tsmin, z, and the standard lethality factor
Lfo(Tsmin) at the minimum sterilization temperature Tsmin. This ratio is then
multiplied by the value of system parameter no. 4, Fomin.
The exact result is then rounded up to the nearest tenth of a minute. As noted
above, Lfo(Tsmin) is equal to Lf(121.11,Tsmin,10), so that if the reference
temperature is 121.11°C and the temperature coefficient is 10°C, the minimum
programmable value for Ftg is exactly system parameter no. 4, Fomin.
If the values of Fomin, R, z and/or Tsmin are modified so that the programmed
value of Ftg is below its new minimum programmable value, as soon as the page of
the auxiliary sterilization parameters is accessed again, Ftg assumes automatically
the value of the new minimum.
In the case of control based on equivalent time F(T,z), Ftg is used by the
sterilization control procedures to identify the moment when sterilization completes
If this goal is reached before the sterilization phase begins, the active P/G
immediately ends the heating phase and within two seconds the sterilization control
procedures assume that the sterilization phase also has been concluded
successfully. As noted above, if the minimum temperature requirement is not met,
the active P/G activates alarm 20 (STERILIZATION TEMPERATURE LACK)
tsoff (min) This parameter is the maximum sterilization suspension time and is
programmable with a resolution of 0.1 minutes, i.e., 6 seconds. Within its
programmability range, it is an independent variable and is used both for time-
based sterilization processes than for F(T,z) based sterilization processes.
tsoff is the maximum time for which a product temperature (see subsection
is allowed to remain continuously below the minimum sterilization temperature
during a time-controlled sterilization phase.
If the maximum suspension time is exceeded, the sum of the sterilization time
related to the involved probe (see TOTAL PHASE TIME, subsection 3.2.3) is reset.
The calculation of the sterilization time during an interruption of the electrical
power supply to THEMA4 (blackout), based on linear interpolation of the
temperature trend, is described in detail in Chapter 9.4.
ttoff (min) This parameter is the maximum tyndallization suspension time and is
programmable with a resolution of 0.1 minutes, i.e., 6 seconds. Within its
programmability range, it is an independent variable and is used only for
tyndallization processes.
ttoff is the maximum time for which a product temperature (see subsection
is allowed to remain continuously below the minimum sterilization temperature, if
the maximum suspension time is exceeded, the sum of the sterilization time related
to the involved probe (see TOTAL PHASE TIME, subsection 3.2.3) is reset.
tsexc (min) This parameter is the maximum excess sterilization time and is programmable
with a resolution of 0.1 minutes, i.e., of 6 seconds. It is used both for time-based
sterilization processes than for F(T,z) based sterilization processes and its
minimum programmable value is the programmed value of tsoff.
ttexc (min) This parameter is the maximum excess tyndallization time and is programmable
with a resolution of 0.1 minutes, i.e., of 6 seconds. It is used only for tyndallization
ttexc is meant to avoid an abnormal extension of exposure when thermolabile
products are treated.
Tmax (°C) this is one of the “general factory data of the autoclave" (see subsection 7.2.3,
parameter 3) and is the maximum operating temperature intended for the
Fomin (minutes) this is system parameter no. 4 (see subsection, which indicates the
minimum value of Fo, i.e., of F(T,z) with T=121.11°C and z = 10°C, with which
the programmable parameters of all THEMA4 programs that include a
sterilization phase, regardless of the actual process conditions, must be
Lf(R,T,z) this is the lethality factor (see subsection 5.4.3) at the temperature T°C,
referred to the temperature R°C, with a temperature coefficient of z°C;
Lfo(T) indicates Lf(121.11,T,10); i.e., the lethality factor at the temperature T°C,
referred to 121.11°C with a temperature coefficient of 10°C;
The description of this parameter uses symbols defined in Fedegari
document D/O101836 "List of symbols and general program parameters".
See definition of Tsmin.
In the case of time-based control, Tsmin is the minimum temperature value above which
the sterilization control procedures add the "sterilization time" (see also subsection
TOTAL PHASE TIME 3.2.3). If even just one of the probes selected as “product” probes
(see subsection TE LIST 0) drops below the value Tsmin, the sterilization control
procedures activate alarm no. 37 (STERILIZATION TIME SUSPENDED) and, if
applicable, alarm no. 38 (STERILIZATION TIME RESET). Furthermore, Tsmin is used by
sterilization P/G to activate alarm no. 20 (STERILIZATION TEMPERATURE LACK).
The reported value applies if not differently specified in authorization parameters,
otherwise apply the value specified in authorization parameters.
See definition of Tsmax.
If the value of Tsmin is changed so that the programmed value of Tsmax is outside of its
new programmability range, as soon as the auxiliary sterilization parameter page is
accessed, Tsmax assumes automatically the default value of its new programmability
The maximum programmable value of this parameter is the smallest between
(Tsmin+10.0°C) and Tmax.
The default value of this parameter is the smallest between (Tsmin+2.0°C) and
See definition of Tscon. If the values of Tsmin and/or Tsmax are changed so that the
programmed value of Tscon is outside of its new programmability range, as soon as the
page of the auxiliary sterilization parameter Tscon is accessed, it assumes automatically
the default value of its new programmability range.
The default value is the arithmetic mean of Tsmin and Tsmax.
See definition of tstg.
See definition of tsoff
See definition of tsexc
If one wishes to control the process with the classic parameter Fo, the
default values for reference temperature and temperature coefficient must be
left unchanged, as F(121.11,10) is in fact equal to Fo.
This kind of sterilization control is not currently implemented, do not select it!
However, in case of mistake, there is no risk of damage, since all the time-
controlled sterilization parameters and subparameters of the original program
(in the case of a program copied from another program) or all the default time-
controlled sterilization parameters and subparameters (in the case of newly
composed programs) continue to be operational.
The general criteria for door opening are described in subsection,
System parameters, at no. 11. The manners and conditions of "unloading
door reversal” are given in the description of alarm no. 130 – UNLOAD DOOR
INVERTED, subsection 14.1.2.
If this parameter has the value "1", it is possible to start a cycle automatically as described in
subsections 9.7.2.
This is the maximum time for which a continuous interruption of the electric power supply to
THEMA4 is considered acceptable. If the value of this parameter is lower than MAX OFF TIME
STERILIZATION. (see above the sterilization parameters S1.5, S2.8 and S3.8), this value is
reduced to the value of MAX BLACKOUT TIME.
If the maximum blackout time is exceeded without the electric power supply being restored, the
progressive phase time tp (see subsection 3.2.2) is reset. If the phase is time-controlled, it is
therefore repeated from the start. This parameter does not directly affect the total phase time
ttp (see subsection 3.2.3) and the actual sterilization time ts, (see subsection 3.2.4), which is
conceptually different from the progressive time of the sterilization phase.
The actual sterilization time is reset or not, after a blackout, not according to
the duration of the blackout but according to the suspension of sterilization,
evaluated by linear interpolation, as described in detail in Section 3.2.5.
If different from zero, this parameter represents the time (in seconds) during which the controller
waits for the actuation of the STOP button during the cycle end phases, emitting an intermittent
acoustic warning. When this time has elapsed, the cycle ends automatically.
If it is equal to zero, the cycle end phase and the acoustic warning last indefinitely until the STOP
button is pressed.
If this parameter is positive, the presence of the digital input signal TESIC (NLID 331) is a safety
condition required for door opening at the end of a cycle and during the subsequent period, even if
the controller is switched off and on again, up to the start (by pressing the START button) of a new
cycle that does not require the final temperature check.
When the final temperature check is disabled the controller activates the digital output TESICE
(safety TE enabled, NLOD 396). If the logic number is configured and if the bypass circuit is wired
to the digital output, when the output is activated, the hardwired circuit cut of discharge valves and
the motor is bypassed. This TESICE allows the user, to disable even the hardwired circuit, for that
programs where the final temperature check is disable.
As mentioned in Chapter 4, each phase is also characterized by a specific minimum print interval;
the phases that are considered most critical, such as sterilization, have a minimum interval of 10
seconds, (which is the maximum storage resolution), while others have longer minimum intervals
and others, such as for example the phases for filling the chamber with liquids, provide exclusively
for printing the initial and final data of the phase. The minimum print interval of each phase is
indicated in the data sheet of the P/G to which the phase belongs.
Since the required print interval can be a choice of the user, this parameter allows to increase the
print interval.
The actual print interval during a phase of a program is the product of the minimum interval
provided for that phase and the value of this parameter.
Independently of the minimum print interval, in every phase the process values are
recorded every 10 sec in the Process report and stored in the archives of the system.
If system parameter no. 5, "Program interlock", is zero (see subsection, this parameter
loses its meaning; otherwise it can be used, in combination with parameter 12 described below, to
manage an interdependence system in the execution of programs.
The minimum programmable value of this parameter is the actual value of general parameter no.
12 of the same program.
Due to these parameters, the execution of a program can be prevented only if system parameter
no. 5 is different from zero and if one or more alarms have occurred in the following conditions:
• effect no. 8, "Alarm that causes program interlock" (see subsection 5.1.1), is configured in the
"extension" of at least one of the alarms that have occurred;
• at least one alarm with interlocking effect has occurred during the execution of a program with
a "Blocked program level" (see below) that is higher than the interlock level of the program
that one would like to run;
In other words, this parameter assigns to a program a decreasing level of executability if the
executability of the program depends heavily on the outcome of the execution of other
programs, and vice versa.
This parameter is used to assign an interlocking capacity level to a program. If one or more alarms
with interlocking effect (see subsection 5.1.1) have occurred during the execution of a program, all
the programs whose "interlock level" is lower than the "blocked program level" of the program that
has just been run cannot be run temporarily.
The interlock will remain active even if the THEMA4 is switched off and on again, until the program
that caused it, or another program with an equal interlocking power, has been completed:
• without the occurrence of alarms with an interlocking effect;
• without the STOP button being pressed during the Preparation phase;
• without the STOP button being pressed during an Emergency phase.
This means that the interlock due to a certain level can be eliminated by the adequate execution of
a program having the same blocked program level.
In other words, if levels 3 and 5 are blocked, the adequate execution of a program with blocked
program level 5 will re-enable levels 3 and 4, but not levels 1 and 2, which in order to be unblocked
require the adequate execution of a program with blocked program level 3.
If this parameter is "1" in a program, no other program can be locked by it.
as the program being executed and will load it in RAM memory. This means that any changes to
the Golden Cycle profile will not apply to the program being executed until a new program load
operation will be performed. If no profile is found then an error message is displayed and the
program won’t start.
The comparison between the Golden Cycle profile and the program being executed is performed at
program termination. The selection of temperature and pressure probes to be checked is made by
means of “check” column in TE and TP lists which are shown if this parameter is enabled. If
“check” column is not programmed correctly (TPs selected but no pressure profile or TEs selected
but no temperature profile) an error is displayed and the program won’t start.
At the end of program execution, the Golden Cycle profile data will be embedded in the process
report along with the Golden Cycle Analytical Report and the outcome of comparison with Golden
If Temperature Uniformity is enabled, additional fields are recorded in the sterilization phase of
the Process Report:
• for every process data row an additional S.U. column is added at the end which contains the current
value for Temperature Uniformity in space;
• at phase end an additional T.U. row is added with values of Temperature Uniformity in time, under
columns of probes selected in the “check” column of TE list.
This parameter can be enabled only if the Golden Cycle package is enabled in authorization
(OPT.20, see paragraph 1.7).
If enabled, during sterilization phase, the system checks if the current values of chamber pressure is inside
the range [Pv(Tsmin) - Pv(Tsmax)], that is the range of saturated steam pressure corresponding to Tsmin and
for Tsmax).
When the current chamber pressure is over Pv(Tsmax) the alarm 230 STERILIZ. PRES. EXCESS
is activated, while when the current chamber pressure is under Pv(Tsmin) the alarm 231
STERILIZ. PRES. LACK is activated.
If Saturated Steam Control is enabled, additional data are embedded in the final data of the
Process Report:
- Tsmin and Tsmax are printed near Min. and Max. Sterilization Temperature;
- Min and Max sterilization pressures are printed along with Pv(Tsmin) and Pv(Tsmax).
Calculation starts
⇒ when the temperature acquired by the probe identified as the START PROBE (par. 22.1), is greater
than or equal to the sterilization temperature threshold (defined as: tsmin + 0.2°C), causing the
activation of the alarm 232 EQUILIB.TIME CALCULATION START.
Calculation ends:
⇒ when all the other (product) temperature probes, identified in the column “check” of TE list, have
reached (at least one time) this threshold, causing the activation of the alarm 233 EQUILIB.TIME
CALCULATION END. In this case, if the time interval between the alarms 232 and 233 is greater
than the value of MAX EQUILIBRATION TIME (par.22.2), the alarm 234 EQUILIB.TIME
EXCEEDED is activated, to indicate that the equilibration is tacking too long to complete.
⇒ If the sterilization phase terminates before all probes configured reach the threshold. In this case the
calculation is suspended and the alarm 235 EQUILIB.TIME ALARM is activated to indicate that it
was not possible to complete the calculation of the equilibration time.
⇒ if any of the configured temperature probes breaks before the calculation is ended or is started. In
this case the calculation is suspended and the alarm 235 EQUILIB.TIME ALARM is activated.
If the program parameter 22.1 START PROBE defines a logical number which is not included in the “check”
column of the TE list, or if the “check” column specifies less than two temperature probes, the program won’t
start, and an error will be displayed.
Auxiliary parameters
No. Alias Auxiliary heating Opt. u.m. min. max. default
13 G13 AUXILIARY HEATING 0-1 0 1 0
13.1 J1.1 DEFAULT TEMP.AUXILIARY HEATING °C 50.0 Tmaxj 118.0
13.2 J1.2 SET TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE +/-°C 0.0 20.0 0.5
13.3 J1.3 JACKET TEMP.ALARM TOLERANCE °C 5.0 20.0 7.0
No. Alias Air detector parameters u.m. min. max. default
14.1 A1.1 AIR DETECTOR ISOLATE PRESSURE bar 0.00 Pv(Tsmin) Pmaxb
14.2 A1.2 AIR DETECTOR WARNING PRESSURE bar 0.01 0.50 0.10
No. Alias Steam generator u.m. min. max. default
15.1 B1.1 MAX T STEAM GENERATOR °C 110.00 Tmaxg 141.00
15.2 B1.2 HEATING TEMP. DIFF. GAP °C 0.00 10.00 2.00
No. Alias H2O Sterilizer u.m. min. max. default
16 G16 H2O STERILIZER 0-1 0 1 0
16.1 W1.1 H2O SUPPLY LINE FLUSH.TIME sec 0 300 20
16.2 W1.2 MAX TIME LOADING H2O min 1 999 10
16.3 W1.3 MAX TIME HEATING H2O min 10 120 20
16.4 W1.4 H2O STERILIZATION TIME min 1 999 20
16.5 W1.5 H2O PRE-HEATING TEMPERATURE °C 60 110 98
16.7 W1.7 H2O STERIL.TEMP.TOLER. °C 0.5 5 1.5
16.8 W1.8 STER.H2O PRE-COOLING TEMP. °C 30 105 85
No. Alias Auxiliary cooling system u.m. min. max. default
No. Alias Utilities management u.m. min. max. default
18 G18 UTILITIES MANAGEMENT 10 0-1 0 1 0
18.1 G18.1 CLEAN STEAM (CS) 10 0-1 0 1 0
18.2 G18.2 PLANT STEAM (PS) 10 0-1 0 1 0
18.3 G18.3 PROCESS AIR (PA) 10 0-1 0 1 0
18.4 G18.4 WATER FOR INJECTION (WFI) 10 0-1 0 1 0
18.5 G18.5 PURIFIED WATER (PW) 10 0-1 0 1 0
18.6 G18.6 TAP WATER (TW) 10 0-1 0 1 0
18.7 G18.7 CHILLED WATER (CW) 10 0-1 0 1 0
18.8 G18.8 NITROGEN (N2) 10 0-1 0 1 0
Table 7-25 - “Auxiliary device” program parameters
Auxiliary heating is managed mainly by the PGL program: its details are
given in the data sheets of the individual P/Gs.
If general program parameter no. 13 is zero, the auxiliary heating is still disabled, because the
“kernel” PCS program of the THEMA4 does not provide the PGL program (see Chapter 4) with the
authorization required for heating the jacket and/or the internal plates.
If general program parameter no. 13 has the value "1", when the operator has entered this
value, following sub-parameters are displayed:
If this general program parameter no. 14 has the value "1", when the operator has entered this
value, the auxiliary parameters (of type A) for this case are displayed immediately.
The following table lists these auxiliary parameters with their displayed text (in bold), followed by
the minimum, maximum and default values.
The auxiliary cooling system is described by the specification
“Auxiliary Cooling Systems” DM#141391.
If this general program parameter no. 17 has the value "1", the auxiliary cooling system is
anabled, otherwise it is disabled.
When this general program parameter n. 18 is set to “1”, the auxiliary parameters are
displayed immediately.
The table below lists all these auxiliary parameters (with the text displayed and min, max and
default values), which allow to enable the utility management integration for different kinds of
7.4.4 TP list
By selecting the function “TP list”, a table is displayed which lists the number of pressure transducers displayed
during the cycle (”display” probes). Up to 16 transducers can be used to display pressures in the process chart
and in reports.
If Golden Cycle package is enabled (OPT.20 see paragraph 1.7) and general program parameter G19 is
enabled an additional “check” column is added, allowing to set if the TP has to be compared against Golden
Cycle pressure profile.
Please note that printing on the onboard thermal printer is subject to limitations
discussed in Chapter 11.2.
Every program has, for default, the TP transducer configured in slot 1. This setting can’t
be modified.
Pressure probes are identified by their analog input logic number (NLIA, see section 2.3), which are listed in the
"Hardware configuration” or acquired from “external” devices. These NLIA are used to select transducers to be
used. The order in which the probes have to be written in the programmin page is completely free except for the
first position which is always taken by TP. Its only consequences are the different colors in which the behavior of
the individual probes will be displayed on the screen during a cycle (see subsection 9.7.5) and printed in the final
charts of the process report, and the order in which their values will be printed in the process report (see
subsection 10).
For sterilizers equipped with the second chamber pressure transducer (TP2) by programming it in the TP
list changes the way the TP is displayed and printed. If TP2 is not programmed in the list, the display
and printing of TP will show values acquired from TP when it is working fine and values coming from
TP2 when it is broken. If TP2 is programmed in the list each trace (TP and TP2) will always contain
values coming from its transducer; if a transducer is broken it will display zero.
7.4.5 TE list
By selecting the function “TE list”, a table is displayed which lists the number of temperature probes used in the
control of the cycle and their mode (”display” and/or ”product” probes). The probes (up to sixteen), depending on
the set configuration, can be used:
- to drive the logic systems assigned to control of the primary parameters in the sterilization chamber and in
the jacket (if provided) and/or in the independent steam generator;
- to display the temperature function on the process chart in printed reports or in the final printed report.
Up to 16 probes can be used.
If Golden Cycle package is enabled (OPT.20 see paragraph 1.7) and general program parameters G19, G20 or
G22 are enabled an additional “check” column is added, allowing to set if the TE has to be compared against
Golden Cycle pressure profile.
Please note that printing on the onboard thermal printer is subject to limitations
discussed in Chapter 11.
The current values of the fields are displayed for each configured probe:
− TE monit. : logic number of monitored probe
− Product : if enabled, configures the probe as “product probe”
− Safety : if enabled, configures the probe as “immersion safety probe” (heat probe with immersion
− Check : (displayed optionally if Golden Cycle or Temporal Uniformity or Equilibration Time check are
enabled) true or false to select the probes to be used to compare against Golden Cycle profile.
It is not possible to run a program if it does not use at least one “product” probe; if
this requirement is not met, alarm no. 90, ALL PRODUCT TE UNSERVICEABLE, is
activated directly after the start of the preparation phase with an irreversible
emergency effect and the cycle can only be aborted.
No default probes are selected during program creation. Probe selection, therefore, is
a manual operation, which is always compulsory during the creation of a new program
in order to allow its execution.
The high pathogen and decontamination cycles require at least two product probes:
one of these must be TE1. If this requirement is not met, alarm no. 93, CYCLE NOT
EXECUTABLE, is activated directly after the beginning of the preparation phase with
an irreversible emergency effect and the cycle can only be aborted.
The temperature probes are identified by their analog input logic numbers (NLIA, see Section 2.3), which are
listed in the "Autoclave configuration" or coming from external devices.
These NLIAs must be used to select the probes to be used. The order in which the probes are to be written in
the programming page is completely free (*). Its only consequences are the different colors in which the behavior
of the individual probes will be displayed on the screen during a cycle (see subsection 9.7.5) and printed in the
final charts of the process report, and the order in which their values will be printed in the process report (see
section 10).
Differently from what has been specified, for software versions prior to W15, no empty
spaces are allowed in the list. If there are spaces, control of the TEs during the cycle
will not be performed correctly.
The maximum number of probes that can be used by a THEMA4 program is 16, but only the first six probes of
the MONITORED column will be printed by the onboard printer (if installed). This limitation does not refer
to data display, data storage or data transmission.
"MONITORED" TEs All the temperature probes connected to the THEMA4 can be included in this list.
All the temperature probes to be used as “product” probes must also be
selected as monitored probes.
The values transmitted by the first four probes of the list are displayed during a cycle
and optionally printed. These values are printed in numeric form during the cycle with
the chosen frequency (see subsection, item 10) and are included in the
Temperature/time chart printed at the end of the cycle.
“PRODUCT” TEs These are the probes used to monitor the operation of the sterilizer in relation to the
temperature of the product. For example, automatic phase advancements, calculation
of the actual sterilization time and calculation of the equivalent time F(T,z) use the
values transmitted by these probes.
Some probes are meant to control the operation of the sterilizer and cannot be
programmed as product probes. These are so-called “system” probes, i.e., the jacket
probe (NLIA 8), the probes that control the supply of steam in counterpressure
autoclaves (NLIA 9, 10, 19, 20), the probes for the cooling water sterilization circuit
(NLIA 28) and of the steam generator (NLIA 29). The “Reference RTDs” (NLIA 23 and
24) also cannot be programmed as “product” probes.
“External” probes (NLIA from 80 to 99) can’t be programmed as product probes.
A temperature probe cannot be selected as a “product” probe in any case if it has not
been already programmed as a “monitored” probe. As in the case of “system” probes,
in this case also, THEMA4 will not accept the selection attempt and will display a
warning to assign an NL before setting the product checkbox.
TEs "WITH IMMERSION CONTROL" The use of probes "with immersion control" must be enabled by System
Parameter no. 8 “ENABLE IMMERSION TE” (see subsection
For general information on probes “with immersion control”, see System Parameter
no. 8.
It is not possible to select as “immersion” probes any probes that have not been first
configured as “product” probes; any such attempt will be refused and a message will
be displayed on the bottom line of the screen.
Any attempt to eliminate the “product” flag from a probe specified as an “immersion”
one will generate a message, and will remove also the “immersion” flag.
This operation allows to program five different groups of coefficients used by the PID
("proportional/integral/derivative”) algorithm used for calculation of the analog outputs. In nearly all applications,
the analog output signals are received by electropneumatic converters (“E/P converters”), which supply the
driving air to the modulating valves of the sterilizer.
The PID algorithm can be used by THEMA4 to modulate the following operations:
• supply of steam (to control the rate of heating or of reaching and holding of the temperature)
• supply of compressed air for chamber pressurization
• progressive pressure discharge
• cooling rate control
• control of vacuum application rate
• rotation of internal drum (in this case, the converter is not of the E/P type but of the I/F
(intensity/frequency) type
Actually, the individual sterilizers only have some of the listed possibilities, depending on their hydraulic and
mechanical installation.
The second column is used mainly for feeding and discharging compressed air, when the modulating valves for
pressurization and discharge operate continuously.
The third column is used mainly for feeding and discharging compressed air, when the modulating pressurization
and discharge valves operate discontinuously. In this case, one can speak of mixed modulating/on-off
adjustment, which is typical for FOA autoclaves.
The fourth column is used mainly for special requirements, for which reference to the data sheets of the P/Gs
should be made.
The fifth column is used mainly to adjust the rate of application of the vacuum in FOF autoclaves and the cooling
rate in FOW autoclaves.
The choice of the most suitable values for the PID parameters also depends on the specific hydraulic
configuration of the autoclave and on the characteristics of the available utilities. The values of these parameters
are defined during testing by expert Fedegari personnel. Users are advised to be very cautious before changing
these parameters and in any case to record (by means of the simple print screen operation) the original values
before changing them.
The “zero” value (offset or bias) of proportional action, expressed in hundredths of a mA: this is the
U0 output value due only to proportional action when the error is nil, i.e., when the actual value
coincides with the control value. U0 therefore defines the position of the proportional control field
with respect to the control value. By virtue of the variability Umin and of Umax, the control field is not
fixed with respect to the control value Yo, but with respect to a value Yp which is a function of P,
Umin, Umax and U0 according to the relation:
When the actual value Yt is greater than Yp - P/2 and less than Yp + P/2, i.e., when it is within the
proportional band, the value of the analog output varies from Umax to Umin according to the
proportional part of the calculation formula (see below).
Some examples will clarify the matter: the last three have a purely theoretical meaning.
i. U0 = Umin (default condition).
Regardless of the actual value of the parameters, the proportional band has the
adjustment value Yo as its upper limit. The proportional output begins to be different from
Umax when the error is equal to P.
ii. Umin < U0 < Umax, e.g. Umin = 400, Umax = 2000, U0 = 800.
(U0 -Umin) / (Umax - Umin) = 0.25, therefore the central point Yp is 0.25 P lower than the
adjustment value and the lower end of the band is 0.75 P below the control value. To
allow the proportional output to reach the minimum value, the actual value must exceed
the controlled value by 0.25 P, i.e., the minimum value is reached with a negative error.
iii. Umin < U0 < Umax, e.g. Umin = 400, Umax = 2000, U0 = 1200.
(U0 -Umin) / (Umax - Umin) = 0.50, therefore the central point Yp coincides with the
control value, etc.
iv. U0 = Umax.
Independently of the actual value of the parameters, the proportional band has the control
value Yo as its upper limit. The proportional output starts to be different from Umax when
the error is negative, i.e., when the actual value has exceeded the adjustment value.
v. U0 < Umin < Umax.
(U0 -Umin) / (Umax - Umin) < 0, therefore the central point Yp is over 0.5 P lower than
the control value and the upper end of the band is below the control value. The
proportional output reaches the minimum value before the actual value reaches the
control value and never becomes as low as U0.
vi. Umin < Umax < U0.
U0(U0 -Umin) / (Umax - Umin) > 1, therefore the central point Yp is over 0.5 P higher
than the control value and the lower end of the band is above the control value. The
proportional output abandons the maximum value after the actual value has exceeded
the control value, but has never been as high as U0.
Width of the “integral band” expressed as a percentage of the width P of the proportional band.
AR The integral action is calculated only when all the following conditions are all met:
• the actual value of analog output is not equal to Umax with positive error;
• the actual value of analog output is not equal to Umin with negative error;
• the absolute value of the error is smaller than half the integral band.
Accordingly, in physical terms, the integral band is centered on the control value and there can be
no integral action if AR = 0.
Width of "integral band” expressed as a percentage of the width P of the proportional band. The
AD derivative action is calculated only when the absolute error value is smaller than half of the
derivative band.
Accordingly, in physical terms, the derivative band is centered on the control value and there can be
no derivative action if AD = 0, and the derivative action is always calculated if the actual value of the
variable to be controlled is comprised in the derivative band.
The general formula for calculating the modulated value of the analog output is:
If the result of the calculation is less than Umin, then Ut = Umin; if it is greater than Umax, then
Ut=Umax: as explained earlier, this limitation has the effect of placing the proportional band as a
function of the differences between Umax, Umin and U0.
The first term within the brackets is the proportional action; the second term is integral action; the third term is
derivative action. As noted above, when Yt is outside of the range defined by AR, the term due to integral action
undergoes no variations; when Yt is outside of the range defined by AD, the term due to derivative action is nil.
Param. Description
Default analog output: this is the value of the analog output when no control action is in progress,
DAO and applies to the entire cycle. Its main purpose is to reduce the opening of the modulating valves
when they are used as on-off valves, for example during some steam pulse phases. The
programmable values are comprised between 500 hundredths of a mA (5 mA) and 2000 hundredths
of a mA (20 mA).
Each one of these groups contains a series of parameters. Some of these parameters, when configured,
enable other sub-parameters to set. Changing System Parameters during a cycle and their relation with “Program
The alteration of system parameter when a cycle is running is no more allowed because
there are a few parameters (for example date and time format) that, if changed during a
cycle, can lead to inconsistencies in the process report.
CHANGING SOME SYSTEM PARAMETERS (e.g., nos. 11.2 and 11.3 related to door
management, nos. 4, 5 related to program management, or no. 12, which configures the
System parameters
No. Door configuration Opt. u.m. min. max. default
1 DOOR NUMBERS 1-2 1 2 1
No. General parameters u.m. min. max. default
9 IDENTIFY MACHINE - blank 15char. blank
No. SCADA communication u.m. min. max. default
10 SCADA ENABLED 0-1 0 1 0
10.1 SCADA PROTOCOL 0-3 0 3 0
10.2 WRITE ENABLED 0-1 0 1 0
No. Onboard printer configuration u.m. min. max. default
11 PRINTER: No PRINTER (0)/ USB(1)/ PARALLEL (2) 0-2 0 2 2
12.2 PHASE LISTS 0-1 0 1 0
12.4 TE AND TP TABLE 0-1 0 1 0
12.5 PID PARAMETERS 0-1 0 1 0
12.6 PROCESS DATA 0-1 0 1 0
12.9 ALARMS SUMMARY 0-1 0 1 0
12.10 ALARMS ACKNOWLEDGE 0-1 0 1 0
12.11 COMPLETE REPORT 0-1 0 1 0
12.12 GOLDEN CYCLE DEFINITION 20 0-1 0 1 0
12.14 PHASE CHANGE 0-1 0 1 1
No. External recorder configuration u.m. min. max. default
13 RECORDER 1,14,19 0-2 0 2 0
No. Barcode reader u.m. min. max. default
14 BARCODE READER 12 0-1 0 1 0
No. Date and time SNTP synchronization u.m. min. max. default
15 ENABLE SNTP 11 0-1 0 1 0
No. Daylight Saving Time management u.m. min. max. default
No. Units and formats u.m. min. max. default
In the GUI, the entry of a parameter that has several options occurs by direct selection on graphical
objects, without requiring the entry of any number.
The subsections that follow describe the meaning of the general System parameters (listed with their
non-abbreviated text), grouped by type.
"Serial number" and the "Model", included among the "Factory parameters" (see subsection 7.2.3,
items F1 and F2), which are in any case included among the “Process data” that are stored and/or
transmitted and/or printed.
If this parameter is programmed, it is considered as a sterilizer identification code and is included
among the process data like the serial number and model.
This parameter allows to enable or disable the management of alarms in “retained” mode.
When switching from “reatined” mode to “non-reatained” mode, a reset command is sent
automatically, so the active alarm list does not contain any alarm in the OFF & ACK status.
For a description of “retained” alarms see
This function can be enabled only if the corresponding authorization parameter
OPT.4 is enabled (see 1.7 Table 1-40 and 7.2.1 Table 7-1).
7.6.1 Introduction
These are the parameters that configure the operation of every single Program of the Sterilizer and that
can be modified by the user according to his own requirements.
Because the configuration of these parameters is critical for the correct execution of the sterilization or
test programs, they can be modified only by authorized personnel.
General parameters
No. Alias Graph scale Opt. u.m. min. max. default
1 G1 PRESSURE SCALE 0-3 0 3 0
3 G3 TIME SCALE x30 min 1 99 1
No. Alias Treatment u.m. min. max. default
1. Time control (FH calc)
2. FH control
3. Time control (FT calc)
4. Control by FT & FH
No. Alias Other parameters u.m. min. max. default
1. Normal
2. Unload from non-sterile side
7 G8 AUTOMATIC START 0-1 0 1 0
0. No
1. Yes
9 G7 CYCLE END ALERT TIME sec 0 180 10
11 G19 ENABLE GOLDEN CYCLE 20 0-1 0 1 0
Table 7-33 - “General parameters” program parameters
There are four temperature scales for the P/T/t chart. The four scales correspond to the nonzero
values of this parameter.
The full-scale values are:
0. automatic
1. 30 °C – 80 °C
2. 50 °C – 100°C
3. 50 °C – 200°C
4. 50 °C – 290°C
If this parameter is "0", THEMA4 initially uses scale 1; when the signal of a “monitored”
temperature probe exceeds the full-scale value of scale 1, the scale becomes automatically scale
2. Likewise, transition occurs to scale 3 and may occur to scale 4.
If instead the parameter has a nonzero value, the controller uses only the selected temperature
The values from "1" to "99" give this scale an initial extension from 30 minutes (1) to 2970 minutes
During the cycles, the display is automatically modified by increasing by 1/6 the initial scale value
until twice this value is reached as soon as the total program time (see subsection 3.2.1) reaches
the full-scale value; at that point, the increment of 1/6 of full-scale is reapplied.
If, for example, the initial full-scale is 30 minutes, when the total program time reaches 30 minutes
the scale is updated to 35 minutes; when the total program time reaches 35 minutes, the scale is
updated again to 40 minutes, and so forth until the 60-minute scale is reached. At this point, the
scale is increased in steps of 10 minutes until the 120-minute scale is reached.
The resolution is 370 points in the Process Summary (465 points in the Chart Detail).
The refresh of the points on the screen occurs every 10 seconds.
This parameter can also be used to plot traces of temperatures and pressures over a fixed scale,
simply choosing a time value greater than the duration of the program.
This parameter can also be used by Remote GUI to determine a fixed time scale to be used to plot
temperature/time and pressure/time charts on the A4 printer (see 10.3.3).
Ttmin (°C) This parameter is the minimum treatment temperature and is programmable
with a resolution of 0.1°C. The PCS “kernel” application program limits the
programmability of the other sterilization parameters on the basis of the actual
value of this parameter. Ttmin defines the minimum value above which the
treatment control routines count the Treatment Time. If a product probe is
under this value, the control system procedures active the alarm N.37.
Ttmax (°C) This parameter is the maximum treatment temperature and is programmable
with a resolution of 0.1°C.The minimum programmable value of this parameter
is Ttmin+2.0°C, its default value is Ttmin+6.0°C. If Ttmin is programmed in
order to have the value of Ttmax out of range of its programmable field Ttmax
automatically gets its default value.
Ttcon (°C) This parameter is the sterilization control temperature and is programmable
with a resolution of 0.1°C. Its default value is the arithmetic mean of Ttmin and
Ttmax. If the values of Ttmin and Ttmax are modified and makes tha
programmed Ttcon value out of range, Ttcon get automatically the default value
of its new programmable field. Ttcon is used by most of the Sterilization P/Gs
as temperature control value during the heating and treatment phase. The data
sheets of the involved P/Gs include all the details on the subject.
tttg This parameter is the exposure time and is programmable with a resolution of
0.1 minutes which means 6 seconds.
This parameter indicates the duration of the Treatment Time to identify the
moment in which the Treatment successfully ended.
See definition of Ttmin.
If this parameter has the value "1", it is possible to start a cycle automatically as described in
subsections 9.7.2.
Auxiliary parameters
No. Alias Fan parameter u.m. min. max. default
6 G6 FAN SPEED LOW 0-1 0 1 0
Table 7-38 - “Auxiliary device” program parameters
7.6.4 TP list
By selecting the function “TP list”, a table is displayed which lists the number of pressure transducers displayed
during the cycle (”display” probes). Up to 16 transducers can be used to display pressures in the process chart
and in reports.
If Golden Cycle package is enabled (OPT.20 see paragraph 1.7) and general program parameter G19 is
enabled an additional “check” column is added, allowing to set if the TP has to be compared against Golden
Cycle pressure profile.
Please note that printing on the onboard thermal printer is subject to limitations discussed
in Chapter 11.2.
Every program has, for default, the TP transducer configured in slot 1. This setting can’t be
Pressure probes are identified by their analog input logic number (NLIA, see section 2.3), which are listed in the
"Hardware configuration” or acquired from “external” devices. These NLIA are used to select transducers to be
used. The order in which the probes have to be written in the programmin page is completely free except for the
first position which is always taken by TP. Its only consequences are the different colors in which the behavior of
the individual probes will be displayed on the screen during a cycle (see subsection 9.7.5) and printed in the final
charts of the process report, and the order in which their values will be printed in the process report (see
subsection 10).
The Oven has also the TP2 i.e. the "pressure in the sterile area" measured by a pressure transducer or assumed
as equal to the value set by the General System Parameter.
For sterilizers equipped with the second chamber pressure transducer (TP2) by programming it in the TP
list changes the way the TP is displayed and printed. If TP2 is not programmed in the list, the display
and printing of TP will show values acquired from TP when it is working fine and values coming from
TP2 when it is broken. If TP2 is programmed in the list each trace (TP and TP2) will always contain
values coming from its transducer; if a transducer is broken it will display zero.
7.6.5 TE list
If the “TE list” function, a table is displayed, listing the temperature probes used in the cycle management and
their utilization mode: ”display” and/or ”product” (control) probes. The probes (maximum sixteen), depending on
the set configuration, can be used:
- to drive the logic systems assigned to control of the primary parameters in the treatment chamber;
- to display the temperature function on the process chart in printed reports or in the final printed report.
If Golden Cycle package is enabled (OPT.20 see paragraph 1.7) and general program parameters G19 or G20
are enabled an additional “check” column is added, allowing to set if the TE has to be compared against Golden
Cycle pressure profile.
The maximum number of probes that can be used by a THEMA4 program is 16, but only
the first six probes of the MONITORED column will be printed by the onboard thermal
printer (if installed) and only the first four probes displayed in the graphics. This limitation
(due to the thermal paper dimension) does not refer to data display on the screen, data
storage in electronic report or data transmission. (See chapter 11).
The current values of the fields are displayed for each configured probe:
− TE monit.: logic number of monitored probe
− Product : if enabled, configures the probe as “product probe”
− Check : (displayed optionally if Golden Cycle or Temperature Uniformity are enabled) true or false to
select the probes to be used to compare against Golden Cycle profile.
No default probes are selected during program creation. Probe selection, therefore, is a
manual operation, which is always compulsory during the creation of a new program in
order to allow its execution.
The high pathogen and decontamination cycles require at least two product probes: one
of these must be TE1. If this requirement is not met, alarm no. 93, CYCLE NOT
EXECUTABLE, is activated directly after the beginning of the preparation phase with an
irreversible emergency effect and the cycle can only be aborted.
Differently from what has been specified, for software versions prior to W15, no empty
spaces are allowed in the list. If there are spaces, control of the TEs during the cycle will
not be performed correctly.
This operation allows to program five different groups of coefficients used by the PID
("proportional/integral/derivative”) algorithm used for calculation of the analog outputs. In nearly all applications,
the analog output signals are received by electropneumatic converters (“E/P converters”), which supply the
driving air to the modulating valves of the sterilizer.
The PID algorithm can be used by THEMA4 to modulate the following operations:
• heating (to control the rate of heating or of reaching and holding of the temperature)
• supply of air for pressurization set up
The choice of the most suitable values for the PID parameters also depends on the chamber of the oven and on
the characteristics of the available utilities. The values of these parameters are defined during testing by expert
Fedegari personnel. Users are advised to be very cautious before changing these parameters and in any case to
record (by means of the simple print screen operation) the original values before changing them.
Param. Description
Proportional band width, expressed in mbars or hundredths of a degree Celsius, depending on the
P control actually performed by the P/G. If this parameter is nil in a column, no modulating action is
possible on the functions that use that column.
Reset time of integral action (also termed “integral action time”), expressed in seconds. If this
I parameter is nil in a column, the controls that use that column will not include any integral action.
The lead time or rate time of derivative action (also termed simply “derivative action time”),
D expressed in seconds with a discrimination of hundredths of a second. If this parameter is nil in a
column, the controls that use that column will not include any derivative action.
The minimum value of analog output, expressed in hundredths of a mA: during control, the analog
Umin output will never be lower than Umin, regardless of the result of the calculation.
The maximum value of analog output, expressed in hundredths of a mA: during control, the analog
Umax output will never be greater than Umax, regardless of the result of the calculation. If this parameter
is not greater than Umin, modulating action is not possible.
The “zero” value (offset or bias) of proportional action, expressed in hundredths of a mA: this is the
U0 output value due only to proportional action when the error is nil, i.e., when the actual value
coincides with the control value. U0 therefore defines the position of the proportional control field
with respect to the control value. By virtue of the variability Umin and of Umax, the control field is not
fixed with respect to the control value Yo, but with respect to a value Yp which is a function of P,
Umin, Umax and U0 according to the relation:
When the actual value Yt is greater than Yp - P/2 and less than Yp + P/2, i.e., when it is within the
proportional band, the value of the analog output varies from Umax to Umin according to the
proportional part of the calculation formula (see below).
Some examples will clarify the matter: the last three have a purely theoretical meaning.
i. U0 = Umin (default condition).
Regardless of the actual value of the parameters, the proportional band has the adjustment
value Yo as its upper limit. The proportional output begins to be different from Umax when the
error is equal to P.
ii. Umin < U0 < Umax, e.g. Umin = 400, Umax = 2000, U0 = 800.
(U0 -Umin) / (Umax - Umin) = 0.25, therefore the central point Yp is 0.25 P lower than the
adjustment value and the lower end of the band is 0.75 P below the control value. To allow
the proportional output to reach the minimum value, the actual value must exceed the
controlled value by 0.25 P, i.e., the minimum value is reached with a negative error.
iii. Umin < U0 < Umax, e.g. Umin = 400, Umax = 2000, U0 = 1200.
(U0 -Umin) / (Umax - Umin) = 0.50, therefore the central point Yp coincides with the control
value, etc.
iv. U0 = Umax.
Independently of the actual value of the parameters, the proportional band has the control
value Yo as its upper limit. The proportional output starts to be different from Umax when the
error is negative, i.e., when the actual value has exceeded the adjustment value.
v. U0 < Umin < Umax.
(U0 -Umin) / (Umax - Umin) < 0, therefore the central point Yp is over 0.5 P lower than the
control value and the upper end of the band is below the control value. The proportional
output reaches the minimum value before the actual value reaches the control value and
never becomes as low as U0.
vi. Umin < Umax < U0.
U0(U0 -Umin) / (Umax - Umin) > 1, therefore the central point Yp is over 0.5 P higher than the
control value and the lower end of the band is above the control value. The proportional
output abandons the maximum value after the actual value has exceeded the control value,
but has never been as high as U0.
Width of the “integral band” expressed as a percentage of the width P of the proportional band.
AR The integral action is calculated only when all the following conditions are all met:
• the actual value of analog output is not equal to Umax with positive error;
• the actual value of analog output is not equal to Umin with negative error;
• the absolute value of the error is smaller than half the integral band.
Accordingly, in physical terms, the integral band is centered on the control value and there can be
no integral action if AR = 0.
Width of "integral band” expressed as a percentage of the width P of the proportional band. The
AD derivative action is calculated only when the absolute error value is smaller than half of the
derivative band.
Accordingly, in physical terms, the derivative band is centered on the control value and there can be
no derivative action if AD = 0, and the derivative action is always calculated if the actual value of the
variable to be controlled is comprised in the derivative band.
The general formula for calculating the modulated value of the analog output is:
If the result of the calculation is less than Umin, then Ut = Umin; if it is greater than Umax, then
Ut=Umax: as explained earlier, this limitation has the effect of placing the proportional band as a
function of the differences between Umax, Umin and U0.
The first term within the brackets is the proportional action; the second term is integral action; the third term is
derivative action. As noted above, when Yt is outside of the range defined by AR, the term due to integral action
undergoes no variations; when Yt is outside of the range defined by AD, the term due to derivative action is nil.
Param. Description
Default analog output: this is the value of the analog output when no control action is in progress,
DAO and applies to the entire cycle. Its main purpose is to reduce the opening of the modulating valves
when they are used as on-off valves, for example during some steam pulse phases. The
programmable values are comprised between 500 hundredths of a mA (5 mA) and 2000 hundredths
of a mA (20 mA).
In the upper part of the screen there is always a "status bar", which always displays the following information: the
Fedegari logo; the data related to the user who opened the work session (the "User name", the "Residual
validity" and the "Expiration date" of his password) and the icons of the GUIs connected to the system,
highlighting the GUI that has Master access.
If multiple GUIs can be displayed on a PC used as a remote station, the screen of the PC also displays the serial
number of the connected sterilizer.
At the bottom of the work area there is a "message and button area" which shows, in two separate sub-areas,
the buttons required to activate two types of function: functions related to the work area and functions common
to all areas. This area is also used to display messages and alarms, which when present are superimposed on
the buttons and disappear immediately after they have been acknowledged.
At the bottom of the screen there is a status bar, which is divided into four parts and displays the same
messages sent to the LCD panel of the "Side 2 door management module" (see subsection 1.3.7).
I A - Work area
B - Work area selection labels
B (area labels)
C - Function tree of the
selected work area (panel
D - Function/sub-function
selection label (panel tab)
E - Function tree scroll area
(tree scroll-bar)
G F - Data management area
(property panel)
G - Data management
area scroll area (panel
H - Buttons and messages area
(soft-keys area)
F H1 - General button area
(global soft-keys)
H2 - Area for active function-
related buttons (context
H soft-keys)
I - Status bar
J J - Status bar for “Door panel”
E D H2 H1
H2 H1
This acknowledgment, obtained by pressing a button located to the right in the bar, eliminates the pop-up bar,
allowing to display any other subsequent queued messages/alarms: for example, an alarm detected by the
system just after the alarm that has been acknowledged.
The bar color and the icon displayed (at left corner) differentiate the type of message, as shown in the table:
Red Alarm Process and system alarms, recorded in the alarm history
The following figure shows examples of the three types of messages, by means of notification pop-ups, with their
parts: a warning icon, the multiple-language message, and the buttons needed to manage the message/alarm.
Filter TE unserviceable
If these three types of notification are simultaneous, they are displayed in different and
contiguous areas at the bottom of the screen. Simultaneous notifications of the same type
are instead superimposed. Therefore, an alarm message can never be hidden by a
message of another type.
The messages related to these notifications are contained in the multiple-language string
files (see Section 1.5.2), divided as follows:
- ALARMS : xxx_ALL
- Dialog messages : xxx_ASK
- Warning messages : xxx_MSGYYY where YYY=CLT, GUI, PCS, SVR depending on the
software component that manages the message
When a message is present in the "Button and message area", in order to continue
operations it is always necessary to remove this notification by pressing the
acknowledgment button.
Acknowledgment of an alarm in this pop-up bar (for displaying messages/alarms) only
causes the disappearance of the message/alarm and must not be confused with "alarm
acknowledgment", which is an event managed in the "Alarm details" function (see
subsection 9.7.10) and is recorded in the alarm history archive (see subsection 9.13).
Please note that, starting from W32, the warning related to the alarm 150 (BLACKOUT) is
displayed along with the special blackout page.
In “Welcome Page” it is proposed a pre-selected keyboard, which normally is the one belonging to the current
language. The system allows to choose another one between all available soft-keyboards, to allow to input any
of the access codes configured.
For internal GUI pages it is possible to choose, within available soft-keyboards, only soft-keyboards that can be
applied to the current language (so English US soft-keyboard is always available). For a cross-reference of
languages and soft-keyboards see par. 1.5.1.
To select a new soft-keyboard press the key Keyboard type selector (which also identifies the language of the
current soft-keyboard) to display the keyboard selection popup window. In the popup window select the
checkbox corresponding to the desired soft-keyboard and then press OK.
If an error is found in the composition of the data, corrections or re-inputs can be performed by using certain
buttons, as follows:
- If the string exceeds the number of allowed characters or some of the entered characters are incorrect, the
incorrect character(s) can be deleted by placing the cursor by using the <LEFT> and <RIGHT> positioning
button and by pressing the <BACK> button on the keyboard (used to delete the preceding character) or the
<DEL> button (used to delete the following character). The deleted character is then retyped and entered in
the field by pressing the <RETURN> button.
- If the string contains multiple errors, it can be deleted completely by pressing the <DEL.LINE> button. The
string is then retyped and confirmed by pressing the <RETURN> key.
Data fields which contain wrong data are highlighted with a white foreground on a red
background to allow the user to identify them easily and correct them. If the user does not
correct them, in a single page there can be more than one wrong field. When a wrong field
is corrected its color changes back to the normal color.
If the SAVE button is pressed while errors are present, fields with wrong data are saved
with their last correct value.
If the display has multiple input fields on the same page, it is possible to move (move the cursor) among the
different fields by using the <DOWN> and <RIGHT> positioning buttons.
The <SHIFT> button allows to activate/deactivate the upper function for all dual-function buttons.
The <CAPS LOCK> button allows to activate/deactivate the input of uppercase characters.
The keyboard is removed from the screen by pressing the <RETURN> buttons (entry of data in field) or the
<CLOSE> button.
For some input fields there are specific restrictions about characters that can be introduced. In this case, after a
wrong insertion, a specific warning message is displayed to clarify which characters can be typed in. Currently
fields subject to such limitations are: sterilizer identifier, program name and cycle identifier. Reduced keyboard
A reduced data entry keayboard is available to be used with barcode. It allows only simple operations such as:
data deletion, date confirmation, insertion of spaces and commas.
The reduced data entry keyboard is used for those fields that have been programmed to accept only input
coming from barcode reader, this to not allow to insert alfanumeric data by means of the virtual keyboard. the
behaviour of the reduced data entry keyboard is shown in the following figure.
Table 8-3 – Icons provided on the status bar and related to connected GUIs
If multiple remote systems are connected, multiple icons of the last type are displayed.
The icon with a yellow background identifies the GUI that is being used. The icon with a red border, if
present, identifies the GUI that has control over commands ("master" connection).
This allows to immediately identify locally the condition of the system and of each GUI: whether it is active in
Master mode or purely for display.
If a SCADA is present in the system and requires Master control when this control is already assigned, the
icon of the SCADA is colored with a red background to point out the pending request.
The data related to the user who opened the work session: Icon, “User name”, “Validity time” and “Expiration
date” of his password (see subsection 6.2)
The icon near the username displays if the login is remote, local or undefined:
It is displayed only when the process summary page is displayed in the logout
Always present
condition; in this case there is no username
Table 8-4 –Icon near the username displays if the login is remote
Date-time information, DST (Daylight Saving Time) enabled, date format, current date-time
The Fedegari logo: if the logo is drawn raised as in the figure below then it is possible to activate\deactivate
the Full Screen mode by touching it
The serial number of the sterilizer (if multiple GUIs are displayed on a PC for monitoring multiple sterilizers)
in order to facilitate the identification of the connected machine if a remote GUI is used.
“over” button
scroll bar
sub-tree indicator
On the leftmost position there is a scroll bar that allowsto scroll the tree when there are too many labels to
display them all on the screen. The scroll bar contains also three special buttons listed in the following table:
Labels that hide a sub-tree can be identified by means of the sub-tree indicator which disappears when the label
is expanded and the sub-tree is visible.
When there are too many labels and the tree is scrolled downward or upward, the label of the previous and
current level do not disappear on the top or bottom of the screen. They are packed, instead, to the top or bottom
of the tree, separated with a yellow line to highlight that a portion of the sub-tree is not visible. This helps to
quickly identify which function the sub-function belongs to.
9.1.1 - System power-on
9.1.2 - System startup and diagnostic controls
9.7.1 - Machine state
9.7.2 - Program run (selection)
9.7.3 - Program “selected”
9.7.4 - Input data (and program load)
9.7.5 - Process Summary
9.7.6 - Graphic details
9.7.7 - Report of the current program
9.7.8 - Cycle Acceptance
9.7.9 - Synoptic
9.7.10 - Alarm details
9.7.11 - Buttons enabling
9.8.1 - Program list
9.8.2 - “Program x” function
9.8.3 - Golden Cycle list
9.8.4 - “Golden Cycle x” function
9.8.5 - Parametric Release table list
9.8.6 - Parametric Release table “x” functions
9.9.1 - Cycle list
9.9.2 - Phase groups
9.10.1 - Factory parameters
9.10.2 - HW Physical view
9.10.3 - Alarm configuration
9.10.4 - System Parameters
Warning: for systems equipped with floppy drives the boot sequence is stopped if a floppy
disk is left in the drive; in this case remove the floppy and reboot the system.
Bootline check................done
USB initialization............done
MMI initialization............done
Audit trail initialization....done
Loading CFR log...............done
Loading factory data..........done
Loading system data...........done
Loading I/O configuration.....done
Loading NLDI configuration....done
Loading NLDO configuration....done
Loading NLAI configuration....done
Loading NLAO configuration....done
Loading scaling factors.......done
Loading calibration...........done
Initializing maintenance data.done
Loading maintenance data......done
Initializing filter data......done
Loading filter data...........done
Loading alarms................done
Loading configuration alarms..done
The list of controls performed may be different depending on the software version installed.
The second step consists in displaying a message on the screen with a countdown to press a key of an external
keyboard to access the configuration menu.:
Press any key to request configuration menu...
When the countdown expires the third step begins which consists in P/G library loading and last PCS
A serious error causes a message to be printed on the screen and the boot procedure to
After that the video mode switches to graphic mode and appears one of the following pages, depending on the
startup successful:
Reconnect page
Blackout page
Welcome page
Furthermore, if the sterilizer comprises a steam generator and if the controller has been configured to manage
it, generator filling starts immediately, followed by its heating.
In addition to controlling the doors and managing the steam generator (if present and configured), the controller
performs some operations on the field. These operations include maintaining pressure conditions that are
consistent with the type of sterilizer. The reading of the digital and analog inputs is always active and constantly
updated for this purpose as well.
It is mandatory to use the “safe shutdown procedure”, before to switch off the system, in
order to avoid eventual damages to the hard disk and loss of data
The blackout condition is detected by the Side 1 Panel PC by means of a digital signal which comes from the
electrical system of the machine. This digital signal can be acquired in two ways: by means of a digital input,
configured appropriately among the ones available in the PLC I/Os (TH4_HW-PLC I/O), or by means of the
digital input that is present on the bus connection PCI card by means of a Field bus (TH4_HW-I/O BOARD_P).
Use of the digital input available on the bus card is the standard solution.
The control software detects the blackout and reports it by means of appropriate alarm messages (Al150-
BLACK-OUT) to all connected operator stations (local and remote), and activates the blackout management
In order to allow stabilization of the reading of the analog channels, the end of a blackout for
the controller is postponed by 15 seconds with respect to the physical end of the blackout.
In case, due to hardware tolerances, this delay is not enough for stabilization of analog
inputs, it can be increased using “Configuration Menu” by setting the special parameter
“Blackout recovery time” in “Special operations”.
The Side 1 Panel PC remains active even if the electric power supply fails during a cycle, but the cycle in
practice is interrupted, since the connected sterilizer would no longer be able to perform the instructions that
arrive from the controller and would not be able to supply information regarding its own status.
The effects of the duration of the blackout on the execution mode of a program are described in subsection 7.4.2
program parameter G7 (for sterilizer Type 1), 7.6.2 program parameter G8 (for sterilizer Type 2)
For the Oven if a blackout has occurred during the time-controlled treatment phase, the “treatment time”
calculation is resumed, starting from the last stored value, provided that it has not be reset to 0. This happens if
the power failure duration has exceeded the value of program parameters “Max. off time: t, FH” and/or “Max. off
time: FT”.
The same happens for F values in the sterilizer Type 1.
If a blackout happens during the execution of a cycle, when the main power supply returns,
the cycle resumes with last phase displayed before the interruption or with the Emergency
phase (only if the alarm A150-BLACK-OUT is configured with effect Eff.3(C)- Alarm that
causes emergency (see 5.1.1)).
If the blackout duration is over the “power time” consented by UPS, Thema4 control system
switches off.
In order to allow to enter the identification code and the password, a dialog box is displayed. After entering in the
appropriate fields the identification code (which is shown on-screen) and the password (which is shown by
means of asterisks), the system checks the validity and consistency of the entered data and, in case of a positive
outcome, opens a "work session", allowing access to the operations for which the user has been authorized.
The operator interface software then configures itself according to the access levels allowed to the user who
opened the work session (see Section 6.6).
If the access data are entered incorrectly, or if remote authentication checkbox is not properly selected, “pop-up”
windows (see display specific warning messages, which must be "acknowledged" before it becomes
possible to perform any corrections.
The following table lists all the functions and sub-functions that can be accessed into the work areas, by means
of the appropriately provided "Label", according to the structure implemented in the “Function tree” (see
subsection 8).
The functions that can be selected and the activation of the fields depend on the
permissions allowed to the current password and on whether the access is configured as
master access,
.4 TE list x x
.5 PID param. x x
Program Phase
1.1 .2 .1 - P/G “xxxxx” x x
.2 Input data x x
.3 x x
.4 x x
.5 current x x
.6 x x
1.2 Synoptic x x
1.3 x x
1.4 x x
Fig. 9-5 – “Run & Operations” complete menu
If "Program run" is selected, the display shows, in the data management area, the list of the programs that are
available for selection, sorted by number, by name or description (sorting can be selected by means of table
header). In the program list, each line displays the following data for each program: number, name and
description. If the barcode management is enabled there is also the list of 12 barcode that can be associated to
the program.
As for every list, the program can be selected by touching the corresponding line of the list or of the function tree,
this only if the option “use only barcode reader to select a program” is not enabled. If it is enabled it is possible to
select with the touch screen only programs that have no associated barcode.
The list is not available if the session is not master.
After selecting the chosen program, the function tree displays two new functions (with their sub-
functions) 1.1.1 -Program “selected and 1.1.2 - Input data, related to the management of the selected
If the barcode management is enabled it is possible to allow to edit fields 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
by means of the barcode reader.
The following table lists the context-dependent buttons related to the Input data function .
Icon Name Reference Description of use
Load program T2.1 Loads the program into the work memory (LOAD)
Unload program T2.2 Removes the program from the work memory (UNLOAD)
Table 9-4 – Context-dependent buttons of data input area
When the program load button <T2.1> is pressed, three more functions (1.1.3 - Process Summary, 1.1.4 -
Chart Details, 1.1.5 - Current Program Report), required for starting and managing the program, are displayed
in addition:
1.1 Program run
1.1.1 Program “selected”
1.1.2 Input data
1.1.3 Process summary
1.1.4 Graphic details
1.1.5 Report current program
Furthermore, the system automatically sets itself to the "Process summary" function.
In the "Current program report" the Process Report is updated in real time and can be inspected by the user.
If enabled by the specific System parameter no.15 -PRINT ON-LINE REPORT, the printout of the initial data of
the program is simultaneously activated on the onboard printer
In normal operating conditions, the program being run enters its first phase, i.e., Preparation phase (and the
sterilization program starts with the activities related to the preparation of the sterilizer); if an abnormal condition
is detected, the Emergency phase is loaded instead.
The appearance of the "Process summary" for sterilizer Type 1 is shown schematically below:
The appearance of the "Process summary" for sterilizer Type 2 is shown schematically below:
30.0 [3.7] 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
The identification texts written in bold are the captions that refer to the displayed data and their meaning are
described in the following table:
that the value of a different pressure (for example the pressure of the bell of
the air intake filter) is displayed for these cases. In these cases, any pressure
value to be reached also refers to the alternative variable.
1.14 Current minimum F(T,z) Fmin (Ster. If General Program parameter no. 4 is “0” or "1" the calculation of the
Type 1) equivalent sterilization time is not performed and therefore this line displays a
Current minimum Ft/Fh Fmin (Ster. nil value.
Type 2) Otherwise these fields display maximum and minimum values of the
1.15 Current maximum F(T,z) Fmax(Ster. equivalent times added for “product” probes. The NLIA (see Section 2.3) of the
Type 1) corresponding probe ([1.19] and [1.20]) is displayed to the right of each one of
Current maximum Ft/Fh Fmax(Ster. these values.
Type 2) Until no equivalent time equal to at least 0.1 min has been added, the value
1.19 NL of product probe associated with Fmin refers to the probe that occupies the first position in the list of "product"
Fmin probes, whereas “0” is displayed as a superscript to the right of Fmax. If only
1.20 NL of product probe associated with one of the “product” probes has accumulated an equivalent time equal to at
Fmax least 0.1 min, this will of course be referred to Fmax, while the value of Fmin,
which is still nil, will continue to be referred to the probe that occupies the first
position in the list of “product” probes.
The displayed NLIAs are always mutually different; an exception is the case in
which a single product probe has been selected and the case in which the
equivalent times calculated for all the product probes are identical to a tenth of
a minute.
1.16 Current sterilization time(Ster. Type If a time-controlled sterilization phase is in progress, i.e., if General Program
1) parameter no. 4 is "1" or "2", (see subsection 7.4.2), the actual sterilization
Current treatment time(Ster. Type 2) time is displayed (see subsection 3.2.4);
the progressive phase time is compared continuously with the actual
sterilization time for the purposes and according to the criteria presented in
subsections 5.4.2 and 5.4.3.
2. Control buttons and alarm messages
2.1 Buttons area, where the buttons for Commands for controlling the selected program are described in details in the
controlling program execution are following section.
3. Process chart
3.1 Color identifying, in the chart, the List of the displayed TPs/TEs
track of the displayed probes For each probe of the list is displayed:
3.2 TE Number of the displayed TE - a box with the color of the track (a maximum of 32), which can be
probes modified by the user by selecting it among the colors that have not been
(up to 16) used already [3.1];
3.3 Temperature of the displayed TE - the name associated to the Logic Number given to the displayed probe in
probes “Hardware Configuration” if any, otherwise it will be blank [3.2];
(up to 16) - the “current” value of the temperature measured by the probe, displayed
in tenths of °C [3.3].
The sequence lists TPs followed by TEs without taking into account any
spaces left free in the “TP list” or in the "TE list" (subsection 7.4.5). This
means, for example, that the first probe in the “TE list” is displayed by means
of the first track available after pressure transducers, regardless of the line of
the list in which it is actually written and of the logic number assigned to the
probe. If, for example, the first two lines are empty, the first track after
pressure transducers applies to the probe written in line 3, but if a new probe
is inserted in the first or second lines, the first track after pressure transducers
applies to that probe and the probe of line 3 will take the following track, etc.
3.4 Chart of the displayed TE probes TPs/TEs chart
and of the pressure This area is dedicated to a chart [3.4], which plots:
3.5 Temperature axis - the measured temperature values of all the probes selected as
3.6 Pressure axis “monitored” probes and referred to the scale on the Y-axis to the left of the
3.7 Time axis chart [3.5];
- the trend of “monitored” pressure transducers, the values of which are
referred to the scale on the Y-axis to the right of the chart [3.6].
This chart is updated at the same rate of data collecting in the process report
(10 seconds), with the data obtained from field measurements and processed
by THEMA4 in order to obtain "physical" values from them. During the
sterilization process and until the cycle ends, this chart is updated continuously
to express the profiles over time of the pressure and temperatures detected
within the sterilizer chamber.
For the scale of temperature, pressure and time axis, please refer to General
Program parameters no. 1, 2 and 3 (subsection 7.4.2).
The data relative the “phase” in execution, are updated continuously (approximately every half second)
and at each phase change.
The units of measure and the formats of these data are described in Paragraph 1.11.
Most of the "target" parameters are programmed directly with the resolution used in their final display, but the
PCS control software uses "actual" data in hundredths of a degree Celsius or Pascal (hundredths of a mbar).
In some cases, the value of the control pressure is actually in Pascal, since it is read in a table or is the result of
a mathematical calculation. Even in this case, the displayed target value is rounded to hundredths of a bar, while
the process is controlled by using the exact value in Pascal.
If fixed scales for pressure and temperature have been preset and the process chart cannot
be printed fully, the graphical portion that exceeds the upper values of the selected scale is
lost. The digital values of the acquired data (T/P/t) are in any case stored and displayed on the
monitor and in the printout of the numerical data in the process report, with their correct
value, without any loss of information.
The process summary continues to be displayed even at the end of the executed program
and disappears only when a new program is selected or when the system is shut down.
Other operations can be performed during a cycle, provided that they are compatible with the
operating conditions of the sterilizer (please refer to the subsections that describe the
individual operations).
From selection until the end of the program, the commands for controlling the process are shown in specific
positions of the "Run & Operation" work area.
Some of these buttons are present only if they have been enabled by the user by means of the "Button enabling"
function (see subsection 9.7.11) and allowed by the P/G being executed.
The table below shows the buttons of this area in the various functions of program management and the type of
enabling required, if any.
Functions Context-dependent buttons General–use buttons
At the end of the
initial data input
Preparation phase (2)
Generic program S/S EMERG. PH.EXT. DOOR LOGOUT
(3) (1) (3)
Emergency phase STOP S/S LOGOUT
(1) (4)
Cycle end phase STOP DOOR LOGOUT
At the end of
program execution Recording in Audit Trail of commands for controlling the selected program
The activation of buttons START <T2.3>, STOP <T2.4>, DOOR.REV <T2.8>, S/S <T2.5>, EMERG <T2.7> and
PH.EXT. <T2.6> are recorded in Audit Trail with the activation “date-time” and the “Public name” of the operator
that performed this operation. If the action has been performed by an external system SCADA (see section 13.1)
the user name recorded is “SCADA”.
When the STOP button is pressed, there are three different messages recorded in audit trail, depending on it is
pressed during the “Preparation phase”, during an “Emergency phase” or during a “Cycle end”. Logout with Process Summary visualization
The seventh context button LOGOUT & DISPLAY <T2.9>, allows to perform a “special” logout from the Process
Summary page. This logout operation has the peculiarity to keep showing, not active, the Process Summary
instead of the Welcome Page. This second way to exit from the GUI allows to understand what is going on in the
system even if nobody is logged in.
When the button logout is pressed the “Full Screen mode” is activated; cycle buttons that require enabling
become hidden and START and STOP in prepare phase buttons (which do not require an explicit enabling) are
If an alarm is raised, in this “logout & display” mode, the alarm red popup bar is shown but
it is not possible to close it, because the OK button can’t be pressed. These warning stay
even if the cycle is terminated and a new cycle is run (by another GUI).
By using Log-in button it is possible to log-in in the system and, in case, to close popup
If no cycle is running the page shows an empty Process Summary with no data. If the cycle has been unloaded
completely by means of the UNLOAD then even the chart is empty.
Part of the "sterilizer preparation" activity, (for example, the injection of steam in the jacket, if
provided) can also be performed while the loading door is open, in order to allow product loading
operations simultaneously with preparation activity (loading of the machine can be performed at
any time, even before the program starts).
If the machine has a jacket and the selected program has provisions for this, the jacket is
heated during the Preparation phase.
Program start can be manual or automatic (deferred) depending by the value of the general program parameter
no. 6 – AUTOMATIC START (see subsection 7.4.2). Manual start
Once the targets of the preparation phase, if any, have been reached, as indicated in its Data Sheet, and if no
door of the sterilizer is open, alarm message no. 65, READY TO START (see subsection 14.1.1), is displayed
and it is possible to proceed with the second phase of the cycle by pressing the START <T2.3> button. Automatic start
During standby for automatic start, the current date and time are displayed in the status bar and it is always
possible to view the set date and time among the batch data.
The second phase of the cycle then starts automatically as soon as the targets of the preparation phase, if any,
indicated in the Data sheet of the phase, have been reached, provided that no door of the sterilizer is open.
If deferred automatic start of the program has been programmed, the program "starts" automatically at the end of
the machine preparation activity, without needing to receive the START <T2.3> command from the operator. In
this case, such a clearance would have the effect of causing the cycle to start earlier. Start of the Preparation phase and doors management
During the “Preparation phase” it is always possible to open-close the door consented. Warning about a door left
open is issued by means of alarms no. 15 and 16 (see subsection 14.1.1) and prevents the “enabling of the start
After the actual start of the preparation phase, it will be possible, at the cycle completion, to re-open freely the
door, that is authorized by the opening sequence that corresponds to the actual value of General Program
parameter G5 – DOOR OPENING SEQUENCE (see subsection
The "Chart details" function, displayed after loading a program, allows to choose the details of the charts that are
traced as regards temperatures and pressure.
By using the Zoom in and Zoom out buttons, the horizontal (time) and vertical (pressure and temperature) axes
are enlarged/reduced, doubling/halving the scale every time the in/out button is pressed.
A reset button always allows to return to the normal view.
When this page is shown the system is in the status of “Waiting for Cycle Acceptance”, during which the
following things happens:
• for type 1 sterilizers the doors are locked;
• it is not possible to run a new program;
• if shutdown is requested, the confirmation is required;
• it is not possible to force outputs in autodiagnose;
• backup and restore are blocked;
• archive maintenance is blocked.
There is a contextual button <T2.10> at the bottom of the page that allows to perform the “Cycle Acceptance”
The “Cycle Acceptance” page and the <T2.10> button can be viewed by any login, but the operation will be
accepted only if the UserID and Password provided belong to a login that is allowed to perform the “Cycle
Acceptance” operation (see
If the login supplied is not enabled the operation is rejected and an error message is shown.
If the login supplied is enabled the operation is accepted, the page is removed from the Program Run tree, the
comment is embedded into the Process Report and the Audit Trail, doors are unlocked and inverted (if
requested and applicable).
If the Remote Authentication option is enabled (OPT.16) the login can be local or remote and a checkbox allows
to specify which kind of login it is. If the option is enabled the default is that the login is remote, but it is always
possible to uncheck it and specify a local login. If the option is not enabled there is no checkbox, and the login is
always local.
9.7.9 Synoptic
This overview lists the configured analog devices (identified by means of their Logic Number and Name) with
their current value.
The list of the managed alarms is given in the sterilizer “Configuration document”, which is
released with each machine.
In the "Alarm details" function, all the "active" alarms are displayed in a chronological list of the event related to
the alarm (activation, deactivation and/or acknowledgment), with the information given below.
Cause Remedy
[1.8] [1.9]
[1.11] [1.10]
Fig. 9-8 – List of active alarms, in “Alarm details”
If effect “E” is configured (see subsection 5.1.1), the issued "active" alarms are displayed in the function
"Alarm details", which is available after loading a program.
When an alarm is no longer “active”, it is removed from the list.
Depending on the configuration of the alarm "effects”, three events are detected by the system for each alarm:
- Alarm activation (ON)
- Alarm deactivation (OFF)
- Alarm acknowledgment (ACK)
Acknowledgment of an alarm (activated or deactivated) occurs by pressing the specific button (if the
auto-ack function has not been configured).
Where the "reset” operation removes from the list of the “active alarms”, all the alarms in the state OFF & ACK..
Therefore, this list may include alarms in all possible states: ON & NOT-ACK, ON & ACK, OFF& NOT-ACK, OFF
& ACK.
These operations always require re-input of the complete access code (ID and password) of the same password
that has the work session in progress.
Button enabling occurs in the "Button enabling" area of the "Run & Operation" work area. Enabling of a given
button remains active from when it is selected until the controller is shut down or until the next logout operation
(see 9.7.11).
pressing the emergency button a second time. After eliminating alarm no. 40, it is possible to leave the
emergency in the conditions and in the manner described above.
For safety reasons, this possibility is excluded in certain phases (for example during phases
for cooling or unloading of liquids), as indicated in the Data Sheet of the involved Phase
When the "Phase Step” button is enabled, every action thereon is displayed on the screen and recorded in the
"Process report" as alarm no. 39.
Its enabling automatically enables the Emergency STOP button.
For safety reasons, this possibility is excluded in certain phases, as indicated in the Data
Sheet of the involved Phase Group
The "phase extension in progress" state is expressed by the presence of alarm no. 121. If the cycle is interrupted
by a manual emergency produced with the A/M selector or with the emergency button, the extension state is lost
when the selector is switched to the "0" position or the emergency button is pressed again. If instead the
emergency is caused automatically by other alarms, the extension state is maintained after leaving the
emergency state, if this occurs, until the extension button is pressed again.
When phase extension is active, the button is shown in the pressed position, otherwise it is shown in the
released position.
The use of the extension button is provided for testing or research purposes.
DOS Description
1 opening of the door on Side 1 is authorized
2 opening of the door on Side 2 is authorized
3 opening of the door on Side 2 is authorized only if the sterilization has been completed successfully;
otherwise, during the cycle end phase the reversal is eliminated automatically (if it has been already
selected) or denied (if an attempt is made to select it) and the authorization remains on the door on Side
4 opening of the door on Side 1 is authorized only if the sterilization has been completed successfully;
otherwise, during the cycle end phase the reversal is eliminated automatically (if it has been already
selected) or denied (if an attempt is made to select it) and the authorization remains on the door on Side
5 opening of the door on Side 1 instead of Side 2 is authorized
6 opening of the door on Side 2 instead of Side 1 is authorized
The reversed unloading door state is expressed by the presence of alarm no. 130 and is maintained if the cycle
is interrupted by an Emergency. If the reversal is eliminated automatically during the cycle end phase (see
above, if DOS is "3" or "4"), alarm no. 130 is no longer displayed and its deactivation is printed.
.4 TE list x x
The following table lists the context-dependent buttons related to the Program management area:
Icon Name Reference Description
Copy program/ T5.1 Button for copying a program, a Golden Cycle or a
Golden Cycle/ Parametric Release table
Release table
Delete program/ T5.2 Button for deleting a program, a Golden Cycle or a
Golden Cycle/ Parametric Release table
Release table
New program/ T5.3 Button for creating a program, a Golden Cycle or a
Golden Cycle/ Parametric Release table
Release table
Table 9-9 – Context-dependent buttons for Program management area
For a detailed description of each parameter see Paragraph 7.4.
The current value is associated with each parameter. Some parameters, if configured appropriately, activate
sub-parameters or auxiliary parameters.
By selecting the “Phase Groups” function, the ordered list of the Phase Groups that constitute the cycle from
which the program is derived is displayed. In this list, the current value of the fields are presented for each Phase
- ID : identification number of the Phase Group
- PG Code : unique identification code of the Phase Group
- Phase list : list of the phases that compose the group (up to 32)
By selecting a phase group “x” from the list (or by means of the sub-functions), access is gained to the page that
lists (in addition to the list of the phases that constitute it) the parameters of the Phase Group (V parameters)
with their current values. The current values of the fields are given for each parameter:
- ID : number of the parameter
- Description : name of the parameter
- Min, Max : minimum and maximum values of the parameter
- Value : current value of the parameter.
Some Phase Groups may have no parameters. In this case, the list of their parameters is
When a new program is created or copied, the system assigns automatically the first free ID
code, but the user can change it with any other one, so long as it is comprised within the
range from 1 to 9999 and is not already used.
It is not possible to insert a new row if the time difference between the two rows where
insertion is requested is 10 seconds. This is a consequence of the requirement that time
values must be multiple of 10 seconds.
For a Golden Cycle profile to be valid it must have 0 (profile not defined) or more than 2 rows
(profile defined). If these conditions are not satisfied it will not be possible to save the
Golden Cycle profile.
Table 9-12 – Context-dependent buttons for Zoom control for Graphical mode edit
Buttons <T5.11> and <T5.12> allow to control Time zoom, while buttons <T5.13> and <T5.14> allow to control
vertical zoom. Button <T5.10> reset zoom, restoring normal viewing. To pan horizontally or vertically simply drag
on the chart area.
By pressing button <T5.9> it is possible to go back to Graphical mode edit. This operation will freeze current
scrolling position and zoom, allowing to edit points within the chart area selected.
In this page it is not possible to explicitly save the Golden Cycle being edited because Save
and Restore buttons are not displayed. If an attempt is made to leave the Golden Cycle being
edited, the usual message that ask to save data being edited is displayed. By pressing OK
data are saved, but to discard changes it is necessary to switch back to Graphical mode and
press Restore.
When a new Golden Cycle is created or copied, the system assigns automatically the first
free ID code, but the user can change it with any other one, so long as it is comprised within
the range from 1 to 9999 and is not already used.
Note also that the ID of the Golden Cycle has a special meaning, by the moment that it is
used to create a link between programs and Golden Cycle profile, so it is essential to assign
the correct ID.
When a new Parametric Release table is created or copied, the system assigns automatically
the first free ID code, but the user can change it with any other one, so long as it is
comprised within the range from 1 to 9999 and is not already used.
Note also that the ID of the Parametric Release table has a special meaning, by the moment
that it is used to create a link between programs and Parametric Release table, so it is
essential to assign the correct ID.
By means of the contextual menu buttons it is possible to add or remove table rows.
By pressing button <T5.5> it is possible to insert a new row after the row currently selected. The newly created
row has no data and it necessary to fill it properly.
The GUI performs checks on the min, set, max values and on the formula entered. If the
value is not accepted it will be highlighted in red and it will not be possible to save the
Parametric Release Table containing errors.
For a Parametric Release Table to be valid it must have at least 1 row.
For more info on Parametric Release Table see the document “THEMA4 OPTION 21 –
By means of the captions of the table the list can be sorted by each one of these items. Displaying and changing a cycle and copying into a new cycle
If a generic existing cycle “x” is selected, access is gained to the display of its data: the fields “ID” and “Name”
and the phase groups that constitute it.
In this page, by means of specific buttons, it is possible to:
- change some data of the cycle: the fields “ID“ and “Name”;
- change the sequence of P/G starting an edit session with the button <T4.10>;
- delete the selected cycle with the button <T4.9>;
- copy the selected cycle into a new cycle with the button <T4.8>.
By selecting a Phase Group “x” from the displayed list (or by means of its sub-functions), access is gained to the
page that lists (in addition to the list of the phases that constitute it) the parameters of the Phase Group (V
parameters) with their values preset by Fedegari:
- ID : number of the parameter
- Description : name of the parameter
- Min, Max : minimum and maximum values of the parameter
- Default : preset value of the parameter.
By selecting the “Copy cycle” button <T4.8>, a new cycle is created which has the same P/Gs as the source
cycle, but the operator must enter a new and different “ID“ and “Name” for identification of the cycle.
The preset values of the parameters of the P/Gs that constitute the cycles cannot be
modified. They can be changed only in the “programs” derived from the cycles (in which
they appear, when created, as default values), in order to adapt the created process to the
requirements of the user.
By selecting a generic P/G “x” from the list (o by means of the sub-functions), access is gained to the page that
lists (in addition to the list of the phases that constitute it) the parameters of the phase group (V parameters) with
their values preset by Fedegari (see subsection
It is not possible to modify the P/Gs that are present in the installed library which is supplied
by Fedegari.
For an overview of hardware architecture see Chapter 1.
For a detailed description of hardware configuration see Chapter 2.
The following table lists the context-dependent buttons related to the HW Physical View area:
Icon Name Reference Description of use
New equipment / module T7.1 Button for creating a hardware module or device
Delete equipment / module T7.2 Button for deleting a hardware module or device
The first module of an equipment set must always be a communications module (COM),
which contains no parameters or channels and requires no configuration.
It is possible to access the various configured elements by means of the function tree shown schematically
below, configuring in the following order:
The “Configuration document”, issued by Fedegari for each sterilizer, lists the fields that the
operator must enter to perform configuration.
The “Name” field of each channel is the Fedegari code of the device identified by logic
number NL1 and can be entered only after entering the numeric value of NL1.
If the NL1 typed can be found in the internal logic number list of the controller, the field
“Name” is preset with the short description of the internal list, which can be further
customized if needed.
The fields “Minimum count” and “Maximum count” are also displayed and provide the representation range of the
analog value for the selected module. With the programmable module, by entering the “Min. values” and “Max.
values”, a match is created between the count values and the set values.
Except for the “Type” field, all the other fields can be set only after assigning a valid value to
the NL. If the NL typed can be found in the internal logic number list of the controller, the
field “Name” is preset with the short description of the internal list, which can be further
customized if needed. The “Maximum temperature” field is available only for channels of the
“Pt100” type and “Progr.” Type. The fields “Max. values” and “Min. values” are available
only for channels of the “Progr.” Type. Maximum temperature of the configured TEs
The configuration of the analog input channels defines the maximum temperatures allowed for each channel
configured as a temperature probe.
THEMA4 uses only the values related to the NLIAs actually configured as temperature probes (i.e., as "Type 1"
according to subsection 2.3.1) and “Progr.” Type configured as temperature probe, and does not consider all the
values related to the NLIAs that are configured as "Type 2" or "Type 3" (pressure inputs) or are not configured.
If the temperature measured during a cycle by a monitored probe (see subsection other than nos. 8, 9,
10, 19 and 20 exceeds the actual value of this parameter, alarm no. 30, OPERATING TEMPERATURE
EXCESS, is activated. This alarm causes automatic transition to the emergency phase, from which it is possible
to exit in order to resume the program only after all the involved temperature values have returned below the
allowed maximum value.
The actual value of the maximum temperature for probe TE29, if configured, is used also as maximum allowed
value for System parameter 12.1 (see subsection and for General program parameter 15.1 (see
subsection 7.4.3), i.e., the maximum heating temperature used for the steam generator.
For example, a “Progr.” probe configured with Min.Value = 0 and Max.Value = 15000 will be
acquired internally on an integer ranging from 0 to 15000 when input ranges from 4 to 20mA.
If the format is programmed as ###.#- , the value shown in the Synoptic page when:
- the input current is 20 mA, will be 150.0: 20mA 15000 units 150.00 u.m.
- the input current is 10 mA, will be 75.0: 10mA 7500 units 75.00 u.m.
If the format is programmed as #.##-- , the value shown in the Synoptic page when:
- the input current is 20 mA, will be 1.50: 20mA 15000 units 1.50 u.m.
- the input current is 10 mA, will be 0.75: 10mA 7500 units 0.75 u.m.
The fields “Minimum count” and “Maximum count” are also displayed and provide the range of representation of
the analog value for the selected module.
In the filtered visualization mode it is not possible to add new configuration alarms. To add
them it is necessary to switch temporarily the visualization to full mode.
Moreover, in the filtered visualization mode the list of alarms can change dynamically as the
system parameterization changes.
NA alarm no
Type alarm type (C, N, P or mixed)
Description name of the alarm
Conf. config.checkbox, only for type C (configuration) alarms, displaying if it has been configured
Delay activation delay: 0.0-999.0
Effect decimal coding of the effects of the alarm
In this page it is possible to edit Delay and Effect (as a table of checkboxes) for the selected alarm.
For alarms ranging from 196 to 215 it is possible to provide a custom description by selecting the checkbox
“custom description” and by typing a description.
A confguration alarm (type C alarm) can be activated by checking the config. checkbox and configured by the
user by entering additional parameters, in addition to the ones listed above:
The other configuration parameters are displayed only after the “Alarm configuration” field
has been selected.
The meaning of these parameters and the various methods for configuration of the alarms are described in
subsection 5.2.
If the SNTP management is enabled it is not possible to set manually Date and Time.
Customized language files, which hold Thema4 System text, must be prepared by the user in
a specific manner, by respecting the structure detailed in Chapter 1.5, following a specific
The “Language setup” function acts only on the operator interface on which this operation
is performed, independently of the language set on the other operator interfaces of the
system. The language of the archived process report is always the same selected on the
“primary” interface, moreover in the process report is identified the language and language
files that generated it.
For a complete list of these parameters see Paragraph 7.2.2.
These options cannot be modified by the graphical user interface.
Only for station IP addresses it is possible to alter them by using the “Configuration Menu”,
with the operation “Station Configuration”.
For every other parameter the value is imposed at factory and can be applied to the system
by using the “Configuration Menu”, with the operation “Authorization Management”.
For details about Remote GUI parameters see Paragraphs 15.3.1 and 15.3.2
Note that the two pages are not identical: in “IO Logical View” it is possible to force only outputs that have been
configured (i.e. physical outputs with an associated logic number), in “HW Physical View” it is possible to force
every output of the PLC, also outputs not connected to any logic number.
For safety reasons it is not possible to force outputs related to door management. If an
ouput can’t be forced the state shown under the Value column does not change when the
force button is pressed.
The autodiagnose function is automatically disabled under following conditions:
- when the master session is closed (both manually than automatically);
- when a new cycle is run.
9.11.4 Calibration
This function allows to perform calibration operations on the analog input channels of the system: the Pt100
temperature probes and pressure transducers.
External analog inputs are excluded by this functionality and can’t be calibrated (NLIA from
80 to 99). They must be calibrated directly on the source device (for example on the
When the calibration page is selected, the list of the channels of the analog inputs configured in the system is
displayed by listing the following data for each channel:
- Type : Type of the analog channel
- NL : Logic Number associated with the channel
- Name : Name of the NL
- Direct : analog value read on the channel, before applying calibration
- Calibrated : analog value read on the channel, after applying calibration
- Points : number of points on which calibration is performed (2-3)
These data can be accessed only for display.
- Count : direct value expressed in numeric form, comprised within the range of
representation of the analog value for the selected module;
- Direct : analog value read on the channel, before applying calibration;
- Calibrated : analog value read on the channel, after applying calibration;
- Calibration on : allows the user to select the number of points on which calibration is to be
2/3 points performed.
Follows a table with 2 or 3 rows depending on the number of calibration points choosen; for each row
the following data are displayed:
- Index : index of the calibration point: from 1 to 2 or 3;
- Reference : reference value of the measure, obtained from the reference sensor used, which
must be entered manually by the operator;
- Measured : value measured by the probe without calibration in the same condition of the
reference sensor, acquired automatically by pressing the “Set” <T14.1> button;
- Set <T16.1> : by pressing this button the “Measured” value is acquired by copying the value
displayed in the “Direct” field.
The following table lists the buttons related to the Calibration area:
Icon Name Reference Description
Set T16.1 Allows to acquire the value “measured” on an analog
Table 9-20 – Buttons of Calibration area
The calibration operations can be performed simultaneously on multiple channels. Confirmation of the
change of the calibration values of all the channels must always be given by means of the “Save” button
provided in the page for accessing the Calibration function, which displays all the analog input
After pressing “Save” button the new calibration is applied.
The following table lists the buttons related to the Maintenance plan area:
Icon Name Reference Description
Exec Maint. T17.1 Displays a maintenance class not expired
Expired Maint. T17.2 Higlights an expired mainenance class
Ok Maint. T17.3 Displayed temporarily when a maintenance is performed
on a class
Table 9-21 – Buttons of Maintenance plan area
A class can have days or cycles set to zero, which means respectively no limits for days or no limits for
performed cycles.
If both days and frequency are zero the maintenance class is not programmed and will not appear in the
maintenance plan.
If a maintenance class with both days and cyles set to zero (i.e. un-programmed) is followed
by programmed maintenance classes, those classes are considered un-programmed too
and will not be displayed in the maintenance plan.
Alarm 146 is activated if one of the two limits is exceeded. It is activated at the end of the
cycle that causes the limit to be exceeded and at each restart of the system until the reset
button is pressed.
The reset button is provided at the bottom of the page and allows to reset the counts once maintenance has
been performed:
If the limit is exceeded without executing the maintenance class, the class is displayed as expired in the
maintenance plan.
The data category “Alarms” is intended to hold the history of alarm activations but is not
currently implemented. The history of alarm activations is kept in a list stored in the RAM
memory of the controller capable to hold 300 records and is lost when the controller is
powered off.
The data category “Machine State” holds the progressive number of cycles performed and
the number of successful sterilizations performed. It is necessary from time to time to
evaluate if it is the case to restore this data, because this can cause to run two cycles with
the same progressive number.
It must be noted in any case that the work archive, regardless of any backup/restore
operations, always resides on the hard disk of the primary Panel PC, in specific directories
(see subsection 1.4.3).
The system allows to configure up to 10 backup jobs which are managed with CFR21; this means that a copy of
the backup job configuration is saved every time a job changes.
The backup data page displays the list of configured backup jobs; if there is no configured backup job the page
is empty.
For each backup job the following data are displayed:
By pressing <T9.4> it is possile to create a new backup job and to configure it as desired. Backup job details
By selecting a specific backup it is possible to see or print detailed informations about it, change
parameterization, remove it (by pressing the button <T9.5>) or, if it is a manual backup job, to start it manually
(by pressing the button <T9.1>).
The following table lists the context-dependent buttons related to the Backup job area:
Icon Name Reference Description
Start backup T9.1 Starts manually the backup activity
Delete job T9.5 Deletes the selected backup job
- Description : Description (31 char.) provided to help to identify the task performed by the backup job
- Media : This can be Floppy, Remote PC (by FTP protocol) or USB (USB key or USB floppy)
- IP address : If Remote PC is selected, this is the IP address of the PC running the FTP server
- User name : If Remote PC is selected, this is an username of a login of the FTP server
- Password : If Remote PC is selected, this is the corresponding password for the FTP login
- Directory : A specific folder of the destination media
- Type : This can be manual or automatic
- Date : If automatic is selected, this is the date of the first backup activity
- Time : If automatic is selected, this is the time of the first backup activity
- Period : If automatic is selected, this is the number of “time unit” between two backup
activities, if it is zero the backup will be one shot.
- Time unit : If automatic is selected, this is the measuring unit of “Period” (days, weeks or
- Format : This can be File (files are transferred one by one on the media) or Zip (files are
compressed and stored in an unique zip file).
- Data selection : A grid of checkboxes to select the data categories to store in the backup..
The directory field does not require any prepending unit letter; to address a specific
subfolder separate folders with slashes “/”.
The backup procedure will not create any folder so it must already exist in the media or the
backup procedure will fail.
The data can be archived in two formats:
FILE a standard format supported by all software versions: the data are deposited in directories, which
are organized appropriately by means of a procedure for the individual files
ZIP a compressed format, supported by versions later than W15; the data are transferred in ZIP files,
inside which the individual files are compressed. The result can be one or more ZIP files,
depending on the selected backup medium and on the amount of data. This procedure has the
advantage of being faster (especially for backups on a floppy) and less prone to media problems
(especially for network backups). Furthermore, the space required for data archiving is
considerably smaller.
When the backup procedure is in progress the screen is covered by a specific image and it is not
possible to perform any operation except the one asked from time to time on the screen (for example to
insert a new floppy disk in case of a backup operation that requires multiple floppies). Automatic backup
Automatic backup is available if optional function OPT.6 is present (section 1.7).
If the backup is automatic it is necessary to set date and time of the first backup and the periodicity with its
measuring unit (days, weeks, months). If the periodicity is set to zero the backup is one-shot and it will be
performed at the date and time defined. If the periodicity is different from zero it will be executed at the date and
time defined and repeated periodically at defined intervals. If the periodicity is programmed as days or weeks the
backup is performed at fixed intervals, if the periodicity is programmed as months the interval will vary as the
length of months varies. If the date of the next backup does not exist the backup will be performed n 1st of the
next month.
The system will perform the backup automatically when the time limit is reached.
When the date and time for an automatic backup is reached the procedure fails if:
- the system is turned off;
- a cycle is running;
- a blackout is in progress;
- another backup procedure is in progress;
- a restore procedure is in progress;
- the media is not available. Backup media
Data can be archived and retrieved by using various types of media:
Floppy Floppy disk, by means of the floppy drive installed on the Side 1 Panel PC
Remote PC The hard disk of a remote PC, connected over an Ethernet network to the Side 1 Panel PC, by
means of the FTP Protocol.
USB USB disk-on-keys, USB hard disks or external USB floppy connected to the USB port of the Side
1 Panel PC
It is possible to use the USB media also if they are connected to an external PC, which runs in the -
Windows environment and onto which the data have been transferred via the Ethernet network (by
means of a backup operation). The data must then be saved on the medium or with a manual operation
in the Windows environment or with a proper configuration of the FTP server running on the Windows
When performing a backup to an USB device it is mandatory that only one USB device is
connected to USB ports of the primary panel PC, otherwise it will not be possible to identify
the selected USB media.
The following table lists the context-dependent buttons related to the Restore Data area:
Icon Name Reference Description
Restore list T9.2 Shows the list of the possible restores on the indicated
Table 9-25 – Buttons of the specific Restore Data area
After the button <T9.2> has been pressed the system starts searching for backup in the selected media. If no
backup is found the message “No data available for restore” is displayed and the list is emptied. Otherwise there
will be an entry in the table for each backup found with the following informations for each one:
- Icon : This icon identifies the format of the backup (File or Zip)
- Date of the backup : The date and time when the backup was taken
By deselecting checkboxes in the Data Selection table it is possible to perform a restore of few data of the
backup (for example only process reports). It is not possible to select data categories that are not present in the
The following table lists the context-dependent buttons related to a specific backup to be restored:
Icon Name Reference Description
Start Restore T9.3 Starts the restore of the selected elements
At the end of a successful restore is required to reboot the system. If, for any reason, the
restore procedure failes the hard drive of the primary panel is left unchanged so there is no
need to reboot the system.
The following table lists the context-dependent button related to Hard Disk Status page:
Before to reset the audit trail it is advisable to backup it for future reference.
To identify older files it is possible to display the “Full list” of “Historic data”
and sort it by date.
It is advisable to move also files about to expire, to avoid having this alarm
activated again within few days.
The following table lists the context-dependent button related to Archive Management pages:
Icon Name Reference Description
Info T23.1 Displays info about the selected file
Range Select T23.3 Allows to change selection mode to “Range Select”
By pressing the button <T23.1> when there is at least a selected file, causes a popup window to be displayed
with informations about the file, depending on the data type:
Process Report: progressive number; start time and end time (only if the system was not turned off
when the program was running);
Archived data: date and time the file was archived (i.e. date and time when data contained in the file was
superseeded by a new edit operation).
The content of the popup changes as long as the selection change. To close the popup window press
the <T23.1> button again.
By pressing the button <T23.5> files selected are moved to the other side. When the operation begins,
the screen is covered with a tile that contains a progress bar, which displays the task completion, a
button to abort the operation and a disabled OK button. By pressing the Abort button the operation is
terminated and the OK button is enabled, similarly the OK button is enabled when the transfer
completes. By pressing the OK button, file lists are reloaded, to show an updated situation.
This function allows to export “sterilizer archived data” data onto an external PC in a format that can be read by
means of commercial editing programs. Formats used are: PDF, XML, CSV and TXT formats. Only PDF and
XML export are currently implemented.
The XML file format is supported only for Process Reports. For this reason it is impossible
to select the XML file format if Process Report is not the one and only data category
The generated PDF files are encrypted and therefore cannot be altered without the aid of a suitable PDF file
The XML Process Report generated contains all the information that can be found in the electronically archived
Process Report, arranged in a fixed structure of XML elements defined by Fedegari. It is possible to extract any
information by means of an XML parser trained to recognize the Fedegari’s XML structure.
Functionally, the procedure is similar to a backup operation, since it is necessary to first select the categories of
files to be converted and then start the conversion procedure. When the conversion is in progress the screen is
covered by a specific image and it is not possible to perform any operation.
It is not possible to start the conversion procedure when a cycle is in progress, during a
blackout, during a backup and during a restore.
The converted files are deposited on the computer that hosts the remote GUI in the installation directory of the
GUI, which has the structure described in the chapter 1.4.3.
Archive conversion in PDF format has not a GMP documentation purpose.
By the moment that this function consists in the conversion of “raw data”, documents
generated lack of some formattation present in corresponding printouts:
- header
- page numbering
- charts (process report only)
- alarms summary (process report only)
For additional information about XML conversion see document “THEMA4 Function: Export
of data in XML format” DM#221612
It is possible to get PDF document identical to the corresponding printout by printing with
the Remote GUI with a PDF printer driver.
Fedegari does not guarantee this function to work correctly with all PDF printer driver in the
market. The suggested driver is PDF Creator version 0.8.0 or later.
9.11.10 Test
This function allows to performs the filter test and DOP test which executes automatic activation of the Oven
only. These test are showed here below:
- Filter Test : This operation activates a series of digital outputs to allow the testing of the
filters of the sterilizers. To end the test press “Stop” button and wait two
minutes to allow the heat exchanger to empty. A counter indicates the wait
- DOP test: Inlet Filter Test : This operation enables the digital outputs which corresponds to the
pressurizer, in order to allow to perform the DOP test on the absolute filter in
- DOP test: Internal Filter : This operation enables the digital outputs which corresponds to the internal
Test circulators and to the pressurizer, in order to allow to perform the DOP test
on the internal absolute filters;
- DOP Test: Outlet Filter Test : This operation enables the digital outputs which corresponds to the
pressurizer, in order to allow to perform the DOP test on the discharge filter.
- Icon : representation of the type of unit used for the session (see subsection,
- Type : name of the type of unit, among the following:
Primary: if Panel PC Side 1
Secondary: if Panel PC Side 2
Maintenance: if Panel PC technical area
Remote: if remote interface on PC
Scada: if Scada session
- Access : type of connection, “Master” (with system control capacity) or “not master”.
- User name : public name of the user who opened the session (SCADA if the session is own by a Scada
- Log-in time : date and time of access.
The following table lists the buttons related to the Log-ins Status area.
Icon Name Reference Description
Log-out T6.1 Return to initial Log-in page
Request master T6.2 Activation or deactivation as Master
Release master T6.3 Activation or deactivation as Master
Shutdown T6.4 Activation of safe shutdown of machine
- <T6.1> Allows to close the work session, by showing a confirmation message that allows to cancel the
Log-out operation or to proceed, returning to the initial access page (see Section 6.3.3)
- <T6.2> Request master: allows (if available) to acquire control of the sterilizer
- <T6.3> Release master: allows to release (if it has been already acquired) control of the sterilizer in
order to make it available for another user
- <T6.4> Shutdown: activates the procedure for safe shutdown of the control system (see subsection 9.3).
These parameters can be modified only by an Administator.
This function allows to display/print all the passwords (users) that have been configured and enabled or
disabled, together with their data. The following table lists the buttons related to the Log-ins Status
Icon Name Reference Description
New Log-in T6.5 Button for creating a new Log-in of a new user
The figure below lists the tree-menu of the functions of this area.
For each element of the list the following data are displayed:
- Status : alarm status (ON or OFF)
- Ack : alarm acknowledge (ACK or noACK)
- ID : alarm number (from 1 to 300)
- Time : date and time of the transition.
- Description : alarm description in the current language.
By selecting a specific alarm transition the Cause & Remedy for that alarm is displayed at the bottom of the
The list of logged alarms is stored in the RAM memory of the controller and is lost at power
The list can be sorted by “Id” or “Log file name”. This function is useful to list process reports in reverse order
(with the last one at the top of the list instead that at the bottom).
In the Remote GUI only, for logins allowed to perform the “Archive Conversion” operation, there is a contextual
“XML output” button that allows to generate an XML Process Report for a specific Process Report stored in the
sterilizer’s archive. The file will be stored in the Windows path configured and XML Generation options will be
used to trim the sections.
If the XML is generated successfully a blue popup windows is shown on the screen to give the information to the
If for any reason the XML can’t be saved in the path specified (for example network path not available) a red
popup window is shown on the screen to give a warning to the operator.
For additional information about XML conversion see document “THEMA4 Function: Export
of data in XML format” DM#221612
Please note that generally “Id” and “Log file name” are strictly related so there is no
difference sorting by the former or the latter.
This happens because the “Id” depends by the position the log file takes in the filesystem,
which usually depends by the date and time the file has been stored. The “Log file name”
contains the progressive number so, normally, the “Id” and the “Log file name” grow
This rule failes when the machine identifier is changed or when the “move archive” function
is used on process reports. In this case is more consistent to order by “Log file name”.
This function allows to display/print the archived sterilizer configuration data grouped as shown in the figure at
the beginning of the chapter (see 9.13).
The “Complete archive list” function displays all the archived files in chronological order of archiving, allowing to
select them directly instead that by category.
For each element of every list the following informations are displayed:
- Icon : an icon that identifies the data category
- Type : the name of the data category
- Date of store : the date the file has been stored in the archive
- Time of store : the time the file has been stored.
Please note that the date and time of store is not the date and time when those data were set
but the date and time when those data became no longer in use, because superseeded by a
new setting. The date and time when those data were set is reported in the field “Last
Change” in the heading of the specific archive report.
Items 7.3.11 can be accessed only by an Administrator.
The “audit pane” (the pane which is displayed when the audit report button is touched) show the entire audit
report as a text file. For every year on which the audit report contains data, an "audit report year summary"
subpane is added to the audit pane. These subpanes display statistics for the year broken down into months.
The "audit report year summary" panes has "audit report view" subpanes corresponding to each of the months in
that year for which the audit report contains data. These subpanes display the data for the month in table format,
and it is possible to toggle to a "statistic" view by means of the button <T25.2>. It is possible to navigate to the
audit report view panes either by touching the navigation button for that pane or by touching the entry for that
view on the "audit report year summary" pane.
There are 8 user defined views that can be customized one by one.
User defined views are local to each GUI and temporary per session. This means that when a
user logs out, any views that he defined is destroyed.
This option is available only on the remote GUI and the file are saved in the directory export/audit/…
The file exported contains an header, which consists of the NF of the sterilizer, the username of the user that
produced it, date and time it was generated and the current date and time format for the GUI. This header is
followed by the fields in the following order for each record:
Field Description
Date The date in the current GUI format
Time The time in the current GUI format
Username The username associated with this audit entry
Local/remote/system 'L', 'R' or ‘S’
Operation type 'C' for creation, 'D' for deletion, 'M' for modification, 'N' for no data.
Data category The name of the data category, in current GUI language
Path before modification Path to file or empty
Path after modification Path to file or empty
Comment String or empty
Table 9-39 – Audit Report data exported
Note also that the installation of the On-line Manual on the panel PC is possible only if the
option is present.
The installation in the Remote GUI is always possible but, if they are not authorized, they
won’t be displayed anyway.
If On-line Manuals are enabled the work area can be accessed by every login registered in the system.
Previous page T20.2 Button to step to the previous page (if any); if the new page
belongs to another chapter the selected chapter in the
navigation tree on the left is refreshed
Next page T20.3 Button to step to the next page (if any); if the new page
belongs to another chapter the selected chapter in the
navigation tree on the left is refreshed
Previous chapter T20.4 Button to step to the previous (if any) level 1 chapter
(Chapter “x”); the selected chapter in the navigation tree on
the left is refreshed
Next chapter T20.5 Button to step to the next (if any) level 1 chapter (Chapter
“x”); the selected chapter in the navigation tree on the left is
Table 9-40 – Buttons of Log-ins Status area
The Summary of the Chapters lists chapters present in the manual up to the third level. The same chapters are
also reported in the navigation tree on the left as labels.
The Cover points to the cover of the User’s Manual where the version of the User’s Manual can be checked.
The Index points to the starting page of index of the User’s Manual.
Every Chapter “x”, Chapter “x.y” or Chapter “x.y.z” page points to the starting point of the related chapter.
When a page is selected it is possible to display its content reduced in size in the work area:
because dimensions are small this is to be intended just as a preview.
By activating the full-screen function the page is displayed in the work area enlarged: this is
the visualization option advised to read the manual.
10.1.1 - Print parameters
10.1.2 - Print mode: automatic or manual
10.1.3 - Print format: reduced or complete
10.2.1 - Program identification data
10.2.2 - Process data
10.2.3 - Final data
10.2.4 - Heading of “manual print
10.3.1 - Heading of print on A4 printer (by Remote
10.3.2 - Printout of sterilization detail chart
10.3.3 - Disabling autoscaling of time axis
10.3.4 - Golden Cycle printout (OPT.20)
10.3.5 - Parametric Release printout (OPT.21)
All process reports are archived in files that can’t be modified. The system check for their
“integrity”, every time these files are displayed or printed, by CRC32 algorithm. Remote GUI parameters for Network configuration, Print, PDF, and XML
The A4 printer, the PDF and XML generation of Process Reports and the Network configuration, managed by
the Remote GUI, is controlled by means of specific parameters in the Remote GUI (see section 9.10.9) in “Setup
& Configuration” work area.
For additional information about XML conversion see document “THEMA4 Function: Export
of data in XML format” DM#221612
• Automatic printing
In turn, automatic printing of process reports is of two types: online and cycle-end.
Automatic printing is termed "online" if it is performed progressively during a cycle. This is possible only on
the onboard printer and does not derive from an "electronic record", i.e., from a file of previously
archived data, but from data received during execution, which are present in the RAM memory but are not
yet archived in a file (this will occur only at the end of the cycle).
Only the identification of the user who launched the cycle is indicated on the heading of the report.
Automatic printing is instead termed "cycle-end” printing if it is performed automatically only at the end of
the cycle after archiving the process data in a file. This is possible only on the remote printer. Any request for
"automatic printing" must be configured in the "print preferences" of the GUI.
The printout is identified by the caption "automatic printout" (AUT) and the heading of the report includes, in
addition to the identification of the user who launched the cycle, the identification of the user who has the
work session in progress, if any.
• Manual printing
Manual Printing is the printout of the process reports generated following a command from the operator. This
is allowed both on the onboard printer and on the remote printer by manual selection of the process report to
be printed (Alarms & Data Logging function), and is derived from an already-archived "electronic record" (log
In this case, the printout is identified by the caption "manual printout" (MAN, but only on the remote printer)
and the heading of the report provides, in addition to the identification of the user who launched the cycle,
the identification of the user who requested the printout (date and public name).
In case of thermal printer this behavior is controlled by the System parameter 15.11 – COMPLETE PRINT, in
case of Remote GUI this behavior is controlled by the parameter 2 – REDUCED PRINT in “Remote GUI – Print
generation parameters”.
Note that the default for the thermal printer is to print reduced: if a complete print is required it is necessary to set
the parameter COMPLETE PRINT.
For the A4 printer the default is to print complete: if a reduced print is required it is necessary to set the
parameter REDUCED PRINT.
Do not mistake the print format (complete or reduced) with the parameter, that controls if to
print or not the process data (System parameter no. 15.6 and “Remote GUI – Print
generation parameters” 3.6).
The former controls the amount of process data row to print: one every 10 seconds or only
the ones allowed by P/G print interval (in P/G data sheet) and the Program parameter Print
interval multiplier G10 (see section
The latter controls if process data are printed or not at all: if this parameter is not set
process data will be printed only once at phase begin and once at phase end; if this
parameter is set process data will be printed with the frequency decided by the previous
“Characters printed”: most of the text is written in uppercase characters; lowercase characters are used almost
exclusively for the units of measure and for auxiliary information.
The printed texts are stored in the application program in specific "string files”, as specified in subsection 1.5.
For the “units of measure” and the display formats, please refer to Chapter 1.11.
The print-format obtained depends on the actual setting of the print parameters of System Param.
The process report always includes other data, which allow to distinguish aborted cycles from cycles that have
actually been run (see below).
This progressive number can be reset only by means of the special operations for
completely reinstalling the software or for reinitializing the state of the machine and cannot
be changed in any other way. Staring from W30 it is possible to set it using Condifuration
Menu (access controlled), in case the number needs to be initialized to a specific value
because accidentally lost.
Printout of the process data begins always with the Preparation phase data.
The printout of the process report on the "onboard printer" is always truncated to 64
characters, limiting to a maximum of 7 the number of TPs and TEs which can be printed,
while the maximum number of TPs and TEs used can reach 32.
Phase “Heading”
Lines Content Note
1 empty line
1 An heading to identify the Phase, the subsequent lines refer, by progressive number and
name: PHASE progressive number xx = phase name
1 An heading to identify the columns of process report data (up to 9) such as time, pressures
and temperatures: TIME TPxxx TExxx S.U.
i. TIME: this column identifies the program time except during the prepare phase where it
is replaced by the the progressive phase time (the program time is in fact zero until the
end of the preparation phase). During the cycle end phase, program time is no longer
increased; therefore, the sum of the final value of the program time, which corresponds
to the initial moment of the cycle end phase, and of the progressive time of the cycle
end phase, is printed.
ii. TPxxx: the name associated to the corresponding pressure transducer of the “TP list”.
iii. TExxx: the name associated to the corresponding temperature probe of the “TE list”.
iv. S.U.: temperature uniformity in space; this column is present only for sterilization It requires OPT.20
phases when Temperature Uniformity verification is requested by means of program Golden cycle
parameter G20 (see package to be
authorized (see 1.7).
After the heading there are always one or two lines (two lines if F(T,z) is calculated) with process data printed
exactly when the phase begins.
Process data
Lines Content Note
1 As many columns as the heading to display values of:
i. TIME: program time, progressive phase time or program time plus cycle end
progressive phase time in minutes:seconds format, depending by the phase in
ii. TPxxx: the pressure value for the corresponding pressure transducer of the “TP list” in
the format x.xx bar.
iii. TExxx: the temperature value for the corresponding probe of the “TE list” in the format
xxx.x °C.
iv. S.U.: temperature uniformity in space in the format xxx.x°C; this column is present only It requires OPT.20
for sterilization phases when Temperature Uniformity verification is requested by means Golden cycle
of program parameter G20 (see package to be
authorized (see 1.7).
1 Another line is added below each "time/Pressure/Temperature" line. This line contains the II General program
actual values of equivalent time F(T,z) calculated for each “product” probes. The individual parameter no. 4
values of F(T,z) (characterized by the index "F" on the left) are printed in the column that ("Sterilization
corresponds to the probe for which they are calculated in the format "xxx.x" (minutes and control", is "2" or "3",
tenths of a minute). The maximum printable value is therefore 999.9. see subsect. 7.4.2)
After the initial process data of the phase, there are the Subsequent process data, that are the same of the
phase init.
Subsequent process data are printed at fixed intervals as indicated in the data sheets of the
individual Phase Group and in accordance with the Program parameter 10 – PRINT
INTERVAL MULTIPLIER (see subsection 7.4.2).
Alarms messages are printed during "transitions" both for activation and deactivation depending on effects of the
specific alarm (see subsection 5.3.1).
Alarms message
Lines Content Note
1 The moment when the transition occurs is printed in the time column. If appropriate, the
pressure column is used to print the type of transition (ON or OFF), followed by the alarm
number. The descriptive text of the alarm is printed immediately to the right.
1 When the activation of an alarm occurs, or if multiple activations occur simultaneously, a line
is added which contains all the time/Pressure/Temperature columns with the data related to
the time of activation (the value of the time is therefore printed two or more times).
Blackout messages can also appear among the data of a phase. For these data, no reference is made to the
progressive program time.
Blackout messages
Lines Content Note
1 The phrase BLACKOUT START followed by date and time when the blackout began
1 The phrase BLACKOUT END followed by date and time when the blackout ended
Phase final data: all the phases, except for the cycle end phase, also comprise three final lines, which are in the
following order:
Phase final data
Lines Content Note
1 a line which comprises the progressive phase time (see subsection 3.2.2) of the phase or
phase part that has ended. This time value is preceded by the index TOTAL PHASE TIME
and as usual is printed in the format min:sec
1 a second line, which contains only the heading FINAL PHASE DATA
1 the time/Pressure/Temperature columns related to the final moment of the phase. Depending
by the P/G a phase can last at least from zero to half a second, so even if the end time is
printed identical to the begin time it is possible that half a second elapsed.
1 T.U.: temperature uniformity in time final value in the format xxx.x°C only for columns selected It requires OPT.20
as “check” in the TE list; this column is present only for sterilization phases when Temperature Golden cycle
Uniformity verification is requested by means of program parameter G20 (see package to be
authorized (see 1.7).
In this case phase data are printed only at the begin and end of the phase, but not during it.
These data comprise a group of lines, which can vary in number and content depending on the actual value of
the general sterilization control parameter, of the actual cycle sequence, and of the success or failure of some
phases of the sequence which are considered critical.
Process final printed in the Process Report, include the following data:
General final data
Sterilization/Leak test final data (sterilizer Type 1) or Treatment final data (Sterilizer type 2)
WIT final data
Door opening permission final data
Critical alarms final data
Golden Cycle result (optional)
Parametric Release result (optional)
Acceptance Request (optional)
If the "Sterilization control" parameter is different from "0" for sterilizer Type 1
Sterilization final data (Sterilizer type 1)
Lines Content Note
1 the outcome and progressive number of the sterilization process, with one of the following texts:
This text is printed when the sequence of the cycle contains a sterilization phase and this phase
has had a positive outcome. The progressive sterilization number is also increased progressively
from 1 to a maximum of 99999999, and its updated value is stored every time, and only if, a
sterilization phase has ended successfully. This progressive number can be reset only by means
of the special operation for reinstalling the PCS software, by means of the machine state
reinitialization operation or explicitly set using Configuration Menu and cannot be changed in any
other way.
This text is printed if sterilization has been interrupted and also if the sequence of the cycle does
not comprise a sterilization phase but the sterilization control parameter is different from zero
and the sequence of the cycle does not comprise any "tightness test" P/G.
3 the maximum and minimum temperature values detected during the sterilization phase, and with the
progressive phase time detected for the sterilization phase at its final moment. It should be noted that
the progressive phase time is conceptually different from the total phase time and from the actual
sterilization time. The NLIAs of the probes that detected the minimum and maximum temperatures are
indicated in brackets.
The format of the three lines is as follows:
MIN STERIL. TEMP. °C xxx.x ( n)
MAX STERIL. TEMP. °C xxx.x ( n)
In the case of tyndallization (“Sterilization control” equal to “5”), the following lines are listed:
MIN TYNDALL. TEMP. °C xxx.x ( n)
MAX TYNDALL. TEMP. °C xxx.x ( n)
In case of type 1 sterilizer, for sterilization threatment only (no tyndallization), if the program parameter It requires
G21 PV Control is set then the format of the three lines is slightly different because Tsmin and Tsmax OPT.20
values are added: Golden
MIN STERIL. TEMP. °C xxx.x ( n) [TSMIN xxx.x] cycle
MAX STERIL. TEMP. °C xxx.x ( n) [TSMAX xxx.x] package to
(see 1.7).
1 the actual sterilization time when the sterilization phase ends, in the following format:
ACTUAL STERIL. TIME min.s yyyy.yy
This line is printed only if the sterilization control parameter is "1" or "2". It should be noted that the
actual sterilization time must always have reached the value set as a target in order to indicate the
number and the successful completion of the sterilization (see above); in most cases, at the end of the
sterilization phase it is equal to the progressive phase time, but it can be different, either greater or
smaller, even though the sterilization has had a successful outcome.
2 the maximum and minimum values of the equivalent sterilization times added for all the “product”
probes from the beginning of the cycle up to its end. The NLIAs of the probes to which the equivalent
minimum and maximum times correspond are indicated in brackets. The format of the lines is as
F(T,z) MIN: xxx.x ( n)
F(T,z) MAX: xxx.x ( n)
This line is printed only if the sterilization control parameter is "2" or "3".
2 In case of type 1 sterilizer, if the program parameter G21 PV Control is set, two more lines are added It requires
to report the minimum and maximum chamber pressure during sterilization, compared against OPT.20
theoretical limits calculated as the saturated steam pressure for temperatures Tsmin and Tsmax: Golden
the format of the two lines is as follows: cycle
MIN STERILIZ. PRESSURE bar x.xx [PV(TSMIN) x.xx] package to
(see 1.7).
If the "Sterilization control" parameter is equal "0"(no sterilization/tyndallization phase present) in the cycle
sequence for sterilizer Type 1, but there is a chamber tightness test phase (vacuum or pressure test), all the
lines related to sterilization are omitted. These lines are replaced by the following:
Test final data (Sterilizer type 1)
Lines Content Note
1 the outcome of the the leak test, with one of the following texts:
the leak test was successful.
the leak test failed.
1 test duration:
TEST DURATION: xxx.xx (minutes.seconds)
2 the positive and negative pressure variation during the test:
If the "Treatment control" parameter is different from "0" for sterilizer Type 2
Treatment final data (Sterilizer type 2)
Lines Content Note
1 the outcome and progressive number of the sterilization process, with one of the following texts :
This text is printed when the sequence of the cycle contains a treatment or sterilization phase
and this phase has had a positive outcome. The progressive sterilization number is also
increased progressively from 1 to a maximum of 99999999, and its updated value is stored every
time, and only if, a sterilization phase has ended successfully. This progressive number can be
reset only by means of the special operation for reinstalling the PCS software, by means of the
machine state reinitialization operation or explicitly set using Configuration Menu and cannot be
changed in any other way.
This text is printed if sterilization has been interrupted and also if the sequence of the cycle does
not comprise a sterilization phase but the sterilization control parameter is different from zero
and the sequence of the cycle does not comprise any "tightness test" P/G.
3 the maximum and minimum temperature values detected during the exposure phase, and with the
progressive phase time detected for the sterilization phase at its final moment. It should be noted that
the progressive phase time is conceptually different from the total phase time and from the actual
sterilization time. The NLIAs of the probes that detected the minimum and maximum temperatures are
indicated in brackets.
The format of the three lines is as follows:
1 the actual exposure time when the treatment or sterilization phase ends, in the following format:
It should be noted that the actual sterilization time must always have reached the value set as a target
in order to indicate the number and the successful completion of the sterilization (see above); in most
cases, at the end of the treatment or sterilization phase it is equal to the progressive phase time, but it
can be different, either greater or smaller, even though the sterilization has had a successful outcome.
2 the maximum and minimum values of the equivalent sterilization times added for all the “product”
probes from the beginning of the cycle up to its end. The NLIAs of the probes to which the equivalent
minimum and maximum times correspond are indicated in brackets. The format of the lines is as
MIN.FH: xxx.x ( n)
MAX.FH: xxx.x ( n)
MIN.FT: xxx.x ( n)
MAX.FT: xxx.x ( n)
All these lines are printed only if the Treatment control parameter is “4” otherwise the line printed are
only two, one for the MIN. value and one for the MAX value of the F calculation if the Treatment control
parameter is “1”, “2”, “3”
If the cycle sequence includes the execution of the integrated Sartorius WIT for sterilizer Type 1, the summary
of the test is printed:
WIT final data (Sterilizer type 1)
Lines Content Note
1 the name of the filter as typed in System parameters
FILTER TYPE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1 the acceptance value:
WIT TOLERANCE ml/10min xx.x
1 the measured value:
WIT TEST VALUE ml/10min xx.x
1 the outcome of the test, with one of the following texts:
WIT was successful.
WIT failed.
6 values measured during the test:
NET VOLUME ml xxx.x
If any door can be opened the data relative to the door that can be opened are reported:
Door opening permission final data
Lines Content Note
1 empty line
1 if all the conditions for the opening of one of the doors were met at the final
instant of the cycle end phase there can be one of the following texts:
OK OPEN DOOR 1 Sterilizer
the door on side 1 can be opened. Type 1
the door on side 2 can be opened.
1 to end the cycle the utilizer have to open the door and there can be one of the
following texts :
the door on side 1 can be opened. Type 2
the door on side 2 can be opened.
If a “critical alarm” (see Chapter 5) occourred another line is be printed to indicate that critical alarms occurred
during the execution of the program:
Critical alarms final data
Lines Content Note
1 empty line
If “Enable Golden Cycle” parameter or “Enable Parametric Release table” parameter is true and the related
“acceptance” system parameter is true the check for acceptance is made.
If the sterilization is OK but GC/PR is NOT OK then a decision is to be made if to invert the unloading door or
Acceptance Request final data
Lines Content Note
1 empty line
a line which contains all the time/Pressure/Temperature columns with the data related to the
time of activation.
This part is present in the Process Report only in case it was generated with program
parameter G19 set. This requires Golden Cycle Package to be authorized (OPT.20 see
paragraph 1.7) and the program to have a matching Golden Cycle Profile.
If this part is not present it won’t be printed regardless of setting of parameter 15.12.
It is composed as follows:
Golden Cycle Definition
Lines Content Note
2 empty line
1 empty line
1 the number of points for the pressure profile, as follows:
Pressure profile: xxx points
1 If number of points is different from zero an heading is present
Time Value Toll- Toll+
n for each pressure profile point (if any) values are reported in four colums:
Time: in the format xxx:xx
Value: in the format x.xx bar (sterilizer type 1) or xx Pa (sterilizer type 2)
Toll-: negative tolerance in the format x.xx bar (sterilizer type 1) or xx Pa (sterilizer type 2)
Toll+: positive tolerance in the format x.xx bar (sterilizer type 1) or xx Pa (sterilizer type 2)
1 empty line
1 the number of points for the temperature profile, as follows:
Temperature profile: xxx points
1 If number of points is different from zero an heading is present
Time Value Toll- Toll+
n for each pressure profile point (if any) values are reported in four colums:
Time: in the format xxx:xx
Value: in the format xxx.x °C
Toll-: negative tolerance in the format xxx.x °C
Toll+: positive tolerance in the format xxx.x °C
This part is present in the Process Report only in case it was generated with program
parameter G19 set. This requires Golden Cycle Package to be authorized (OPT.20 see
paragraph 1.7) and the program to have a matching Golden Cycle Profile.
If this part is not present it won’t be printed regardless of setting of parameter 15.13.
It is generated by comparison between process data and the desired Golden Cycle profile. The comparison is
performed only using the process data of the sensors (pressure transducers and temperature probes) configured
in the program TE list and TP list, with “check” column set.
If there are portions of these process data not falling within the GC profile (minimum and maximum values
defined), this is identified as an anomaly, reported with following rules:
- a new anomaly starts whenever there is a change in result of comparison: for example in case of two
probes, with an anomaly detected with both probes above the maximum of the profile, if for subsequent
process data the second probe falls back within the profile range, a new anomaly begins;
- anomalies are identified by means of intervals of the program time: when the anomalous portion begins
until the anomalous portion changes (both because anomaly terminated or because a new anomaly
- for each probe checked, the result of comparison is reported by means of the GC comparison symbols,
reported in the table below:
There is generally at least one “tolerable difference”, identified with the symbol * , located at
the end of the process report. This is due to the program end time, that rarely can match
exactly the length of the Golden Cycle profile: if the program end time falls between the last
and the last-but-one point of the Golden Cycle profile then this is considered tolerable, if the
program end time falls before the last-but-one point or after the last point, there will be non a
tolerable anomaly.
Adjusting correctly the time value between the last-but-one point and of the last point of the
Golden Cycle profile, used to define a tolerance zone for the program end time (GC tolerance
final area), is essential for the generation of the analytical report.
The presence of the last-but-one and last point, is the reason why a Golden Cycle profile
must be composed at least of three points: a beginning, a time point where program can
terminate and a time point where program must end.
It is composed as follows:
Golden Cycle Analytical Report
Lines Content Note
2 empty line
1 empty line
5 Golden Cycle Analitical Report legend of symbols
* = Tolerable difference
? = Anomaly of lack of data
+ = Anomaly of process data above max
- = Anomaly of process data below min
= No difference
1 empty line
1 the number of anomalies detected for the pressure profile, as follows:
Pressure profile: xxxxx points
1 If the number of anomalies is different from zero, there is an heading to identify them:
anomaly from to TPxxx
i. anomaly: progressive count, starting from 1.
ii. from: start program time value for the anomalous section, in the format xxx:xx.
iii. to: end program time value for the anomalous section, in the format xxx:xx.
iv. TPxxx: the name associated to the corresponding pressure transducer of the “TP list” that has
the “check” column set.
n If the number of anomalies is different from zero, values and symbols are reported in four
colums, according to the heading above and general report rules described above.
1 empty line
1 the number of anomalies detected for the temperature profile, as follows:
Temperature profile: xxxxx points
1 If the number of anomalies is different from zero, there is an heading to identify them:
anomaly from to TExxx
i. anomaly: progressive count, starting from 1.
ii. from: start program time value for the anomalous section, in the format xxx:xx.
iii. to: end program time value for the anomalous section, in the format xxx:xx.
iv. TExxx: the name associated to the corresponding temperature probe of the “TE list” that has
the “check” column set.
n If the number of anomalies is different from zero, values are reported and symbols in four
colums, according to the heading above and general report rules described above.
This part is present in the Process Report only in case it was generated with program
parameter G23 set. This requires Parametric Release Package to be authorized (OPT.21 see
paragraph 1.7) and the program to have a matching Parametric Release table.
If this part is not present it won’t be printed regardless of setting of parameter 15.15.
It is composed as follows:
Parametric Release table
Lines Content Note
2 empty line
1 empty line
1 the NAME OF PROGRAM related with Parametric Release table
1 empty line
1 If number of rows is different from zero an heading is present
Phase Name UM Min Set Max
n Each parameters rows values are reported in six colums, with the exception of Formula field
that is reported in a new line:
Phase: phase number to which this critical parameter applies to (plus repetition, if any) [5
Name: text describing the name of the critical parameter [18 char]
UM: text describing the units of measure [7 char]
Min: minimum value (if any, needed to specify ranges) [7 char]
Set: set value (if any, see rules described later) [7 char]
Max: maximum value (if any, needed to specify ranges) [7 char]
(in new line) Formula: text describing the formula to apply for analysis [49 char]
1 empty line
This part is present in the Process Report only in case it was generated with program
parameter G23 set. This requires Parametric Release Package to be authorized (OPT.21 see
paragraph 1.7) and the program to have a matching Parametric Release table.
If this part is not present it won’t be printed regardless of setting of parameter 15.16.
At the end of a program execution, if a Parameters Release Table with the same number of the Program being
executed is found, the content of the Process Report is analyzed, based on template definition.
This analysis produces an actual Value for each Parameter, which is the result of the formula applied to Process
Report data. The actual Value is then compared to Acceptance Values in order to produce a Result.
1 Compliant If the actual value has been calculated and it is within acceptance criteria
0 Not Compliant If the actual value has been calculated but it is outside acceptance criteria
? Not Defined If it has not been possible to calculate the actual value
This part is present in the Process Report only in case Golden Cycle Package and/or
Parametric Release Package are authorized (OPT.20 and OPT.21 see paragraph 1.7), a Cycle
Acceptance has been requested and it has been performed.
At the end of the “end of cycle” phase, the Golden Cycle and the Critical Parameters Table are evaluated. Based
on doors programming, on the result of sterilization and on the result of Golden Cycle and/or Parametric
Release, a Cycle Acceptance might be requested (see paragraphs, 9.7.8 and for more details).
If the Cycle Acceptance operation is performed some information are embedded in the Process Report and in
the Audit Trail, as follows:
Cycle Acceptance
Lines Content Note
1 Date and time with the related format template and the login type (L, R):
dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss DD/MM/YY HH:MM:SS [L/R]
1 User name
1 Result of the acceptance (user choice):
Unloading door [accepted/inverted], unloading door: [1/2]
1 Comment 63 character max might be empty
2 empty lines
1 File Name of the file that contains the archived document (complete with its
Table 10-6 – Heading of the “manual” print on thermal printer
In this case of automatic print, no heading is printed by the thermal printer.
The span of time axis is calculated adding 2 minutes to sterilization duration and rounding up to the nearest
multiple of 5. This means that the span of time axis is always multiple of 5 minutes.
The starting point of time axis is calculated subtracting the sterilization begin time by one minute and rounding
down to the lower integer minute. If this value is negative (because, even if this condition it is not likely, the
sterilization started within the first minute) the lower limit is 0.
In the chart Tsmin, Tsmax, sterilization begin time and sterilization end time are drawn as continuous lines,
and the rectangle generated by the intersection of these lines is filled in a darker color, to highlight sterilization.
This feature requires specific information saved in the Process Report file so it will be
applicable only to process reports generated using software versions W30 or next.
For process reports generated with previous software versions the printout will always be
produced with autoscaling enabled, regardless by the setting of the parameter 5 “Disable
This feature requires specific information saved in the Process Report file so it will be
applicable only to process reports generated using software versions W31 or next, only for
systems that have Golden Cycle package enabled and only for process reports generated by
programs associated to a Golden Cycle profile. The association requires to define a Golden
Cycle profile with the same number of the program being run and to enable the general
program parameter G19.
For process reports that do not have these additional information none of the printout
defined in this paragraph will be produced, regardless of GUI settings.
This feature requires specific information saved in the Process Report file so it will be
applicable only to process reports generated using software versions W32 or next, only for
systems that have Parametric Release package enabled and only for process reports
generated by programs associated to a Parametric Release table. The association requires
to define a Parametric Release table with the same number of the program being run and to
enable the general program parameter G23.
For process reports that do not have these additional information none of the printout
defined in this paragraph will be produced, regardless of GUI settings.
1. Display of a process report of the program during its execution. In this case, one speaks of "online" display.
This display is updated continuously and is available in the "RUN & OPERATION" work area, from the start
of the program until the subsequent cycle is selected.
2. Requested display of an already-archived process report. This is requested automatically by selecting the
file of the process report in the "Alarm & Data logging" work area.
The format of this process report displayed is very similar to the process report printed on the thermal
printer, but with the following differences:
• process data are reported for up to 32 traces (sum of pressure transducers and temperature
• the format is always “complete”: process data are added every 10 seconds, regardless of P/G
parameterization and the value of the Program parameter 10 - PRINT INTERVAL MULTIPLIER;
• charts are missing (trend can be monitored in “Process Summary” page);
• alarms summary is missing (alarms can be checked both in “Alarm details” and in “Logged
Alarms” pages)
This printout has not GMP purposes. It contains raw data and charts and alarms summary
are missing.
If the function is enabled a new parameter is displayed to set the output path for PDF generated; the default
setting is to store files in the “export/log” directory of the computer where the Remote GUI is installed.
This path affects only process reports generated at end of cycle whereas files generated by
manual conversion are placed in their default directories.
The controller has an automatic function for recovering process reports that is executed when the
system is powered on: if it detects that a program was running before the shutdown it retrieves data
from the temporary files and saves them in the archive. A corresponding message is saved in the audit
trail to indicate that a process report was recovered.
Note that, by the moment that the Process report was not correctly terminated it will lack of
final data. It will be possible to reprint it but final data, charts and alarms summary will be
This function can be enabled in “Remote GUI\XML Generation” page of the Remote GUI by means of the
parameter “Generate XML at end of cycle”.
Default output path for XML generated is “export/log” directory of the computer where the Remote GUI is
installed, but this can be changed to any valid Windows path (for example a network path).
This path affects process reports generated at end of cycle and files generated by
converting to XML a specific Process Report by means of the button “XML output”. The
manual conversion operation performed by Archive Conversion always stores the XML files
in the “export/log” folder of the specific Remote GUI.
The sections present in the generated XML file can be customized by means of XML generation options (see
paragraph, similarly to A4 printouts.
For additional information about XML conversion see document “THEMA4 Function: Export
of data in XML format” DM#221612
11.1.1 - Printer error messages
11.3.1 - Printout of “Sterilizer Data”
11.3.2 - List of “Manual” printouts of the sterilizer
• Onboard printer: this is a thermal printer, which prints on a roll of paper 112 mm wide and is installed
on board the sterilizer. Printouts are managed directly by the PCS software (see section 1.4.1)of the
primary Panel PC (which operates with the VxWorks operating system) and can be activated only from
one of the Panel PCs on the sterilizer. THEMA4 can have a single onboard printer, which is the one
indicated in the hardware configuration of THEMA4 and in this document at paragraph 1.3.6.
The printer communicates with the controller by means of the Seiko protocol (the same one used by the
Seiko LPT 5442), for this reason it must be used a specific printer model.
The printout is generated on continuous-form paper.
By the moment that the printer firmware contains characters used to print, to get a correct printout it is
necessary to load the correct firmware version, depending on the current codepage (see par.
• Remote printer: this is a printer that can be managed only from a remote GUI of the THEMA4, which
operates in the Windows environment. It can be connected directly to the LPT port of the PC on which
the remote GUI is installed, or can be connected on a network by means of an Ethernet connection.
Each remote GUI can in any case sends the print data to any printer provided with an appropriate driver
and connected and configured in the Windows environment.
The printout is generated on A4 sheets.
Both printers are optional and their use must be configured: in the System parameters (see
subsection for the "onboard printer", and in Windows printer management for the
"remote printer".
For software version previous to W27 the thermal printer was loaded with a firmware that supported
only Latin characters. Starting from software version W27 it is possible to print with characters
different from Latin, provided that the right set of characters (through the correct firmware) is
loaded on the thermal printer.
If the set of characters does not match the codepage used to generate the Process Report or Audit
trail to be printed, some artifact will be produced in the printout for non-ASCII characters.
Starting from software version W27 it is possible to check the set of characters used by the thermal
printer by means of a new function in Configuration Menu.
When printing in one of the five standard languages on a system with a current codepage different
from CP1252, some non-ASCII characters (for example characters: “è”, “è”, “à”, “ò”) can be
replaced with similar characters (for example: “è” can be replaced with “e”) or “?” (question mark).
This behaviour is correct and due to the fact that some non-ASCII characters of CP1252 can’t be
found in another codepage.
The correct printing of five standard languages is granted only on systems with current codepage
CP1252 (which fully supports these languages).
Similarly, the correct printing of languages that use a non Latin codepage, is granted only on
systems with the current codepages matching the codepage defined for that non Latin language.
See definition of “manual” and “automatic” printing at paragraph 10.1.2 and definition of
reduced/complete at paragraph 10.1.3
The following table summarizes the characteristics of the printouts on the two types of printer managed by
Process reports are discussed in detail in chapter 10
• Sterilizer data: parameters that hold the configuration of the sterilizer (hardware configuration, system
parameters, program, cycles…) and records of significant events (alarms, audit trail…) that it is necessary to
acquire and store for correct system management.
• For all current archived data, by means of the "print button" in the specific work areas, the printout of these
data is issued immediately. This button is active only if a change of these data is not in progress. Both
modification and printout require a work session of the "master" type.
• For all the historical archived data, which are in the "ALARMS & DATA LOGGING" area, by selecting a
specific file archived in the various directories and subdirectories of the archive, the print preview of this file
is displayed immediately. In the print preview, the data are displayed as they would be printed on the remote
The "print button" is always present in the print preview page, and pressing it allows to activate the printout
of the displayed report (only if the printer is configured).
The generation of these previews and of the printout on the "remote printer" is based on the display and printout,
on the part of the interface, of temporary ASCII files, which are conveniently generated by the PCS by means of
the same procedures that perform printing on the local printer.
08/08/02 Date and time when the printout of the selected file was requested
Factory number The Factory Number (NF) as set in the “Factory parameters” of the autoclave
2 Date and time Date and time format selected when the reprint has been generated; it allows to
format understand both dates in the header than dates inside the printout
3 Language Identification of the language and language files that generated the printout
4 Operator Public name of the operator who requested the printout of the data
5 File Name of the file that contains the archived document (complete with its “path”)
6 Last change Date and time when a change was made to the file. This is not the date when the
file was moved into historic archives but the date when the set of data in the
printout was generated. For this reason there is a date on current archived data too.
7 Programmer Name of the operator who edited the data of the selected file
8 Supervisor Name of the Supervisor who countersigned the change (By the moment that
“electronic signature” feature is not present at the moment it will contain the string
“Supervisor not valid”).
9 Empty line, to highlight the title
10 Title Title that identifies information in the printout
11 Empty line, to separate the title from the file content
Table 11-4 – Heading fields of the archived “Sterilizer data” pages
12.2.1 - Digital input logic numbers for safety
requirements on door opening
12.2.2 - Manual doors
12.2.3 - Motorized doors
12.3.1 - Process conditions for opening the doors
12.3.2 - Safety requirements for opening the doors
12.4.1 - Closure-locking operation
12.4.2 - Release-opening operation
Door moving when expected Magnetic switch TM1 TM2 NO 371 372 1
Table 12-1 – NLIDs related to the safety requirements for door opening
NLIDs 305, 310 and 315 do not apply in the case of manual doors, for which the requirement
of minimum internal overpressure is checked by means of a mechanical device included
within the structure of the door.
When the locking tooth locks door opening the wheel can still be actuated in the closing and
locking direction if the door is opened accidentally while opening clearance is not available.
Closing movement of the door Electric motor MCP1 MCP2 363 368
From the software standpoint, the possibility to open a door is conditioned by the presence of a clearance, which
depends both on process conditions and on safety requirements. These safety requirements are also generally
duplicated with purely electrical means (hardwired safeties).
The presence of the clearance to open is indicated to the operator by a message (OK OPEN DOOR SIDE 1, OK
OPEN DOOR SIDE 2), which is displayed on the screen of THEMA4 and on the display of the door management
module (see subsection 1.3.7).
If the process conditions or the safety requirements are not met temporarily, the door for
which opening is attempted remains in its closed and locked state regardless of any attempt
to open it.
b. The absolute pressure of the chamber must be close to the atmospheric pressure, i.e., within the interval
defined by the system parameters that define the minimum and maximum atmospheric balancing pressure
(see subsection 7.3). This situation is checked with following conditions:
i. The absolute pressure read by the transducer of the chamber must be comprised in the range
defined by system parameters 1 and 2, except in case of a faulty transducer;
ii. There must be no residual relative pressure in the chamber; i.e., the input PRS (NLID 315, NC = 0,
chamber/environment differential pressure switch), if configured correctly, must be electrically
iii. There must be no residual relative vacuum in the chamber; i.e., the input PRS2 (NLID 330, NC = 1,
chamber/environment differential vacuum switch), if configured correctly, must be electrically
c. The other door, if configured, must be closed and locked (in case of two doors).
d. There must be no dangerous presence of fluids in the chamber (if applicable); i.e., the following inputs, if
configured correctly, must be electrically energized:
i. LS (NLID 51, NC = 0);
ii. SELA (NLID 250, NC = 1);
iii. RL1W (NLID 167, NC = 1);
iv. NOGAS (NLID 332, NC = 1).
e. The temperature of the chamber must be lower than a safety value, which is set manually; i.e., the input
TESIC (NLID 331, NC = 1, chamber safety thermostat), if configured correctly, must be electrically
energized. This requirement, however, is applied only at the end of programs in which General parameter
no. 9, FINAL TEMPERATURE CHECK (see Section 7.4), is different from zero. Any effect of this
parameter lasts throughout the subsequent standby period up to the beginning of the preparation phase of
another cycle. Switching off the controller does not eliminate this requirement.
f. The “Waiting for Cycle Acceptance” status must not be active. This can happen only if OPT.20 Golden
Cycle Package or OPT.21 Parametric Release Table are authorized, see paragraphs, 9.7.8 and for more details.
The following table summarizes the effects of the various combinations of auxiliary system parameters 11.1,
11.2 and 11.3 on the possibility to open the two doors in the different foreseeable situations.
The symbols "Y", "N", "YOS" and "i" have the following meanings:
Y= YES, always;
N= NO, never;
YOS = Yes Only when Sterile), as defined in the description of auxiliary door parameters 11.2 and 11.3;
i= row independent of the value assumed by the parameter to which the column refers.
1 0 0 Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
2 0 0 N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
1 0 1 Y Y N YOS N Y Y Y Y Y
1 0 2 Y Y N YOS N Y Y N Y Y
2 1 0 N YOS Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y
2 2 0 N YOS Y Y Y N Y Y Y N
i 1 1 N YOS N YOS N N Y Y Y Y
i 1 2 N YOS N YOS N N Y N Y Y
i 2 1 N YOS N YOS N N Y Y Y N
i 2 2 N YOS N YOS N N Y N Y N
Table 12-4 – Effects of auxiliary door parameters
• After the beginning of a preparation phase, the opening of the door provided by means of general program
parameter "Door open sequence" (see subsection 7.4.2, parameter 5) is authorized, provided that the
sterility condition possibly required to open it has been met (see subsection7.3.2.2). Therefore, at the
beginning of the cycle it may not be possible to open the selected loading door if the "sterility" of the
chamber required to open it has been lost as a consequence of the unlocking of the opposite door.
• Directly after the end of a cycle (i.e., before opening the unloading door), process clearance is assigned
depending both on the actual value of general program parameter no. 5 (see subsection 7.4.2) and on the
state of NLID 319 (DOOR REV., i.e., door opening reversal selector) and of the DOOR REVERSAL button
(see Section 5, alarm no. 130) when the cycle actually ends.
• At the end of a cycle, after moving the unloading door from the completely closed position:
b. if the unloading door is the one selected as initial door by the corresponding system parameter, the only
operation that is possible is to open the door and close it again, provided that the requirement of
"sterility", optionally provided by the system parameters on door control, has been met. Depending on
the provided "sterility" requirement, the opposite door can be opened by simply requesting the execution
of a new program or only after completing a new sterilization program;
c. if the unloading door is not the one selected as initial door by the corresponding system parameter, until
a new cycle is set, and always in compliance with the "sterility" requirements, either door can be opened.
For example, if the unloading door is protected, clearance to reopen it occurs only until the opposite door
remains closed and locked. If instead the door that lies opposite the unloading door is protected,
clearance to open it is in any case not available until a new sterilization cycle has been completed.
In order to obtain clearance to open the opposite door, if allowed, the unloading door must be completely
opened and then closed and locked every time. Enablement for door opening/closing buttons
Adjacent door closure button is enabled if the corresponding door is not locked although it is in the closed
position. During the closure operation, this button must be pressed continuously until the closing motion of the
door ends.
- If it relates to the door on Side 1, this condition indicates that the digital input channel connected to the
maximum-pressure switch PR10 of door 1 is not electrically energized (i.e., the state of NLID 320 is
false) and corresponds to the presence of digital output LAANS, NLOD 358.
- If instead it relates to the door on Side 2, this condition indicates that the digital input channel connected
to the maximum-pressure switch PR11 of door 2 is not electrically energized (i.e., the state of NLID 321
is false) and corresponds to the presence of digital output LAAS, NLOD 356.
Adjacent door opening button is enabled if the corresponding door is locked:
- If it relates to the door on Side 1, this condition indicates that the digital input channel connected to the
maximum-pressure switch PR10 of door 1 is electrically energized (i.e., the state of NLID 320 is true) in
the presence of digital output LACNS, NLOD 359.
- If instead it relates to the door on Side 2, this condition indicates that the digital input channel connected
to the maximum-pressure switch PR11 of door 2 is electrically energized (i.e., the state of NLID 321 is
The following tables summarizes, for type 1 sterilizers, four scenarios depending by sterility requirements for
door opening. Each table lists:
the door that can be opened at power on (After power on)
depending by the unloding door sequence (sequence):
the door that can be opened during the prepare phase (loading door)
the unloading door at end of cycle depending by the outcome of the treatment (ster.ok)
the unloading door that can be opened if door inversion button is pressed (PIB pressed)
in case the GC and/or PRT fails, if the operator choice is requested (operator choice)
2 1 2 1 1 2 x
0 1 -
Initial door: 1, door 1 control: 1, door 2 control: 0
After power on Prepare phase End of cycle PIB pressed GC/PRT not ok
door sequence ld.door ster.ok unld.door unld.door operator choice
- 1 2 sterilok 1 if ster. 1 2 1 x
0 - -
2 1 sterilok 2 1 1 2 x
0 2 2
Always 1 1 if ster. 1 1 2 x
0 - -
Always 2 2 1 2 1 x
0 2 2
1 2 1 1 2 1 x
0 2 -
2 1
2 1
For type 2 sterilizer the “Waiting for Cycle Acceptance” status does not have any impact on
doors management.
Moreover it is not possible to invert the unloading door, due to the fact that a cycle with
threatment OK terminates when the unloading door is unlocked, so before that Golden Cycle
comparison or Parametric Release analysis are performed.
All the requirements described above are of the "inherently safe" type: a failure in the
operation of the sensor in the field or of its electrical connection to the THEMA4 would
simulate a risk situation and would prevent door opening.
1. No closure movement can be performed if the digital channel for the safety signal NLID 305 or NLID
310 (see subsection 12.2) is not energized. These NLIDs are connected either to a photocell for
detecting the presence of any obstacles in the path of a sliding door or to a proximity switch in order
to check whether a semiautomatic side-hung door has been turned into the closure position and its
control bar has been moved toward the switch.
2. The door closure button must be kept pressed throughout the closure movement.
3. If the closure button is released or if the safety clearance is lost during the closure movement, the direction
of door motion is reversed automatically.
4. The opening button must be pressed in order to start release and opening, but can then be released.
5. From the point of view of the process conditions for authorizing the opening of a door, the opposite door is
considered open as soon as it has been released, even though it is still in the fully closed position.
6. At the end of a program, it is assumed that the unloading door has been opened only if it has reached the
fully open position, i.e., if the input channel connected to the proximity switch for opening stroke limit has
been energized.
7. The digital output that controls the motors of the doors (in both directions of motion) is deactivated
immediately if the corresponding digital input (TM1, NLID 371 for door on Side 1; TM2, NLID 372 for door on
Side 2) is configured but is not energized while the digital output is active. The return of the input channel to
the energized state does not reactivate the output automatically.
8. If a blackout occurs while the door is moving, the door stops and stands still also when the electrical power is
restored. To start moving the door it is necessary to release any door button that was pressed and press the
close button (to close the door) or the open button (to open the door). The same consideration applies if the
door is controlled by means electrical signals coming from an automatic loading/unloading mechanism
instead of manually operated buttons.
The description that follows refers to the door on Side 1, but can be applied easily to the door on Side 2 by using
the NLs of tables of subsection 12.2, which list the sensors and devices for both doors.
• If the door is already in the completely closed position after a closing movement (see above), i.e., as soon as
the input channel for the limit switch F2.1 is energized, a locking delay counter starts. The delay time is 4
If the signal of the closure limit switch is lost during the delay time, the delay that has already been
accumulated is reset and the opening motor starts automatically; to restore the closing movement, it is
necessary to press and hold the closure button in the presence of the safety signal.
Any opening command during the delay time also resets the delay that has already been accumulated and
starts immediately an opening motion, provided that safety requirements and the process conditions for
opening are met.
After the 4-second delay time has elapsed with the continuous presence of the signal of the closure limit
switch F2.1, the pressurization air discharge valve E31.1 is closed, deactivating NLOD 361, and the loading
valve E30.1 is opened, activating NLOD 360; if the pressurization air is available, the signal of the "low-level"
pressure switch PR12 (NLID 304) disappears and the signal of the "high-level" pressure switch PR10 (NLID
320) appears.
In these new conditions, the gasket is pressed against the internal face of the door and the door is
considered not only closed but also "locked".
The seat of the locking gasket of a door is pressurized NLID 320 (PR10) true NLID 321 (PR11) true
although the door is not in the fully closed position. and and
NLID 301 (F2.1) false NLID 306 (F2.2) false
The seat of the locking gasket of a door is still pressurized NLID 320 (PR10) true NLID 321 (PR11) true
although the door is in the fully open position. and and
NLID 302 (F1.1) true NLID 307 (F1.2) true
The seat of the locking gasket of a door is not yet NLID 304 (PR12) false NLID 309 (PR13) false
depressurized although the door is not in the fully closed and and
position. NLID 301 (F2.1) false NLID 306 (F2.2) false
The seat of the locking gasket of a door is not yet NLID 304 (PR12) false NLID 309 (PR13) false
depressurized although the door is in the fully open position. and and
NLID 302 (F1.1) true NLID 307 (F1.2) true
The seat of the locking gasket of a door is simultaneously NLID 304 (PR12) true NLID 309 (PR13) true
depressurized and pressurized. and and
NLID 320 (PR10) true NLID 321 (PR11) true
A door is simultaneously in the fully open and fully closed NLID 302 (F1.1) true NLID 307 (F1.2) true
position. and and
NLID 301 (F2.1) true NLID 306 (F2.2) true
Table 12-7 – Conditions for activation of “Door system alarm”
If one of these abnormal conditions occurs while a door motor is running, the motor is
stopped immediately and does not restart automatically after normal conditions have been
restored. This requires a new command.
Thema4-SCADA integration is described in the document “THEMA4-SCADA INTEGRATION
This functionality is always possible, without enablement by means of the authorization file.
• START/STOP of the recorder in sync with the start and completion of the cycle.
• Transfer to the recorder of the following data related to the sterilizer and to the cycle in execution:
At cycle start
At cycle end
• The following data, configured previously on the recorder, must be entered in the recorder configuration
on THEMA4 (Setup & Configuration/System parameters work area):
- USER ID (*)
- GATEWAY ADDRESS (if needed)
The addresses must be configured appropriately according to the way in which the Ethernet LAN is
(*) These data are required since the YOKOGAWA recorder of the DX100P/DX200P family works in
accordance with the compulsory US standard 21 CFR Part 11.
Visualization, trending, alarming, controlling
THEMA4 printer
and recording on Thema4 of both Local and
Recorder sensors
Registration in Thema4 process report of
external probes (to use only one report)
Automatic inserting in Chessel report of
Thema4 data, for traceability
Integration up to 12 external sensors: 4 TP
Panel PC and 8 TE
PW BUS D D AN AN BUS L1 Chessel ecording synchronized with
IN OU IN OU Thema4 cycle
T T Dual elements sensors (local and external)
comparison alarms
Converter Modbus Data of External sensors, available for
4-20mA/Pt100 TCP-IP client Thema4-SCADA integration
Local sensors
UPS SCADA connection
TCP-IP server
Recorder sensors
For more information about Thema4 parameters to control integration with Eurotherm
Chessel recorder, see section
In order to have clock synchronization between Thema4 and Chessel, it is necessary to
setup the SNTP clock synchronization with the same server on both Thema4 and recorder,
by means of available options.
Control sensors
TH4-Recorder + Windows
Blind PC
IN TCP-IP server
Recorder sensors
Remote station
Thema4 controller, must be configured, by System parameters (see section:, in order to set:
TH4Recorder must be configured accordingly, by means of the remote GUI system, in order to:
- configure recorder probes, physically present in the hardware configuration;
- enable integration by Modbus TCP protocol and define proper Modbus address;
- define IP address of the primary panel in the Configuration Menu.
TH4Recorder can have the following options:
- Clock synchronization SNTP
- Remote authentication
IP addresses must be chosen properly, based on the topology of the LAN Ethernet.
THEMA4 can be configured, to exchange digital I/O signals with the external UCS, in order to optimize the
utilities management .
- D/OUT: Demand
- D/IN : Release
- D/OUT: Internal utility valve (only for 3-signals integration)
The utilities are managed during a cycle or offline, but only for the generator steam.
This management is based on a configuration of defined Phase Groups in the cycle. By this configuration, before
the “Start program”, in Preparation phase, Thema4, automatically, requests (by Demand signal) the utility
necessary and will allow starting only if all these utilities are available (Release signal ON) and during the
program execution, THEMA4 releases the utilities not more needed.
Utilities managed: Clean Steam , Plant Steam , Process air , Water for Injection , Purified water , Tap water ,
Chilled water , Nitrogen .
Utility loop
D/OUT: Demand
(to detect utility D/IN: Release
presence) internal
with alarms utility
management valve
D/OUT: Internal utility valve
THEMA4 (only for 3-signals
UCS integration option requires special P/Gs in the P/G Library and has to be configured by
proper Program Parameters
Thema4-UCS integration is described in the document D/O#147582
SOAP s server Primary MS Windows
(C) server CLIENT OS
Supported DBMS
Thema4 integration with an external data base, for remote archives management, by SQL
access, is described in the document D/O#183475
sql OPT.18 archives manag. by SQL access authorization parameters: SQL integration
to an external datab.
No. Type Meaning Causes / Remedies / Remarks
Indicates that the pressure switch installed in 1. Restore the normal pressure of
the pipe which feeds steam to the external the line which feeds steam to the
1 C heaters of the sterilizer is detecting a pressure external heaters.
which is lower than the set value. The external 2. Make sure that the pressure
heating is therefore not reliable. switch is operating correctly.
1. Restore the normal pressure of
Indicates that the pressure switch installed in
the line which feeds compressed
the pipe which feeds compressed air to the
air to the sterilizer.
sterilizer is detecting a pressure which is lower
2. Make sure that the pressure
than the set value.
COMPRESSED AIR switch is operating correctly.
2 C
This alarm is usually configured to produce an
It is possible to end the run by the
emergency stop, otherwise the correct
Stop button (if enabled) or to resume
operationof the pneumatic valves would not be
program execution by Phase Step
button (if enabled).
1. Restore the normal pressure of the
Indicates that the pressure switch installed in
line which feeds tap water to the
the pipe which feeds tap water to the sterilizer
is detecting a pressure which is lower than the
2. Make sure that the pressure switch
set value.
is operating correctly.
When this alarm occurs, the valves connecting
Once the cause of the alarm has been
the sterilizer with the vacuum pump are shot
eliminated, the vacuum pump restarts
and after a short delay the vacuum pump is
automatically and the vacuum valves
are subsequently re-opened.
Indicates that the pressure switch installed in 1. Restore the normal pressure of the
the pipe which feeds de-ionized water to the line which feeds de-ionized water
sterilizer is detecting a pressure which is lower to the sterilizer.
than the set value. 2. Make sure that the pressure
Cooling phases or washes which use deionized switch is operating correctly.
water are therefore unreliable.
1. Find the cause of the alarm and
Indicates that the level of the water in the
eliminate it (e.g. low pressure in
STEAM steam generator is below the safety limit.
de-ionized water line; water
manual valve closed).
WATER LACK This alarm halts the operation of the heating
2. Make sure that the level detector
resistors both electrically and via software.
is operating correctly.
1. Restore the normal pressure of the
Indicates that the pressure switch installed in
line which feeds cooling water to
COOLING WATER the pipe which feeds cooling water to the
6 C the sterilizer.
LACK sterilizer is detecting a pressure which is lower
2. Make sure that the pressure
than the set value.
switch is operating correctly.
1. Find and eliminate the causes of
the alarm (e.g. failed initial filling
of the autoclave; failed level
restore, for loads which require it;
Indicates that the level of the circulation water malfunction or incorrect
7 P is below the safety level. This alarm is usually placement of the level detector;
configured to produce an emergency stop. water circuit leaks).
2. Make sure the level indicator is
operating correctly.
132 C COOLING FLUID This a configuration alarm of the 1. Make sure that the micro-switch is located
FEED VP ALARM type Activation monitoring - correctly and that the screws which fix it to the
complete alarm for valves. The pneumatic valve are not loose.
valve is modulating. 2. Use the auto-diagnostics function to make
This Alarm is used to monitor sure that the digital and analog input and
external cooling valves. output modules are operating correctly.
3. Make sure that the valve for which the alarm
has been issued has not been opened
4. Make sure that the valve's actuator is correctly
connected to the compressed air duct.
5. For modulating valves, check the tension of
the shutter's pusher spring.
6. For modulating valves, check the actual value
of the Parameter Modulation Control
133 C COOLING FLUID This a configuration alarm of the 1. Make sure that the micro-switch is located
RETURN VP type Activation monitoring - correctly and that the screws which fix it to the
ALARM complete alarm for valves. The pneumatic valve are not loose.
valve is modulating. 2. Use the auto-diagnostics function to make
This Alarm is used to monitor sure that the digital and analog input and
external cooling valves. output modules are operating correctly.
3. Make sure that the valve for which the alarm
has been issued has not been opened
4. Make sure that the valve's actuator is correctly
connected to the compressed air duct.
5. For modulating valves, check the tension of
the shutter's pusher spring.
6. For modulating valves, check the actual value
of the Parameter Modulation Control
134 P HEATING It indicates that any one of the TEs 1. Restore the steam to the external heaters.
TEMPERATURE has dropped below the minimum 2. The TE is not adjusted appropriately.
LACK value of PF local parameter. 3. The analog output module (P or T) is not
operating correctly.
4. Incorrect value parameter.
135 C FLUID TANK LACK It indicates that the level sensor 1. Fill the tank.
installed in the tank is detecting no 2. Make sure that the level sensor is operating
liquid. correctly.
136 C DEGASSER Indicates the open condition of at Find and eliminate the causes of the excessive
HEATER ALARM least one of the safety magneto- absorption of electric current in the resistors. If all
thermal switches or of the the magneto-thermal switches have not opened, it
amperage-activated relay, which is nonetheless possible to try and continue
are placed in series to the remote program run: the amount of the feeding water
switches of the degasser's heating could be insufficient for the cycle needs.
137 N DEGASSER Indicates that the level of the water 1.Find the cause of the alarm and eliminate it (e.g.
WATER LACK in the degasser is below the safety low pressure in de-ionized water line; water
limit. This alarm halts the operation manual valve closed). 2.Make sure that the level
of the heating resistors both detector is operating correctly.
electrically and via software.
Indicates that the controller is no
longer receiving analog signals
within the meaningful range (-
20°C/+160°C) from steam
generator probe (TE29); the steam
Use the autodiagnose functions to check the
generator TE is therefore
STEAM signals arriving from the failed TE and, when the
considered to be shorted or
138 N GENERATOR TE program is over, replace it or the analog input
interrupted and no longer reliable
UNSERV. module connecting the it with the sterilizer. Then
and the signals transmitted by it
reboot the system.
are no longer considered. The
malfunctioning of TE29 stops
steam generator's heating resistors
until system reboot, but does not
interrupt the program.
No. Type Meaning Causes / Remedies / Remarks
Find and eliminate the causes of the
The temperature detected by at least one TE alarm (e.g. parameters incompatible
exceeds the maximum temperature allowed for with the characteristics of the sterilizer
1 N it. The maximum temperature values for each have been programmed, incorrect PID
TE (MAX TEMPERATURE FOR TEs) are parameters have been chosen in case
Sterilizer General Data. of operation at near-maximum
Indicates that the pressure switch installed in 1. Restore the normal pressure of the
COMPRESSED AIR the pipe which feeds compressed air to the line which feeds compressed air to
2 C the exchanger.
LACK exchanger is detecting a pressure which is
2. Make sure that the pressure switch
lower than the set value. is operating correctly.
1. Restore the normal pressure of the
Indicates that the pressure switch installed in
line which feeds water to the
the pipe which feeds water to the exchanger is
3 C TAP H2O LACK exchanger.
detecting a pressure which is lower than the set
2. Make sure that the pressure switch
is operating correctly.
4 C See below See below
5 C See below See below
6 C See below See below
7 C See below See below
8 C See below See below
9 C FAN See below See below
This one and all the previous alarms relative to
motors are configuration alarms of the type 1. Use the auto-diagnostics functions
"Activation monitoring". They may be configured to make sure that the digital input
either as "complete alarm for motors" or "partial and output modules are operating
alarm for motors". correctly.
Absence of the digital input signal is caused by 2. Check the state of the safety
VENTILATION FAN the fact that the remote switch is open: this magneto-thermal switch.
10 C
UNSERVICEABLE condition may in turn be caused by: 3. Check the state of the safety
1. lack of activation signal from the computer; thermistor (if installed).
2. malfunction of the remote switch; 4. Check the state of the remote
3. open condition of the safety magneto- switch.
thermal switch; 5. Find and eliminate the causes of the
4. the safety thermistor possibly installed on the above malfunctions.
motor has intervened.
1. The TE is not adj. appropriately.
2. The heating elements are not
PRODUCT It indicates that any one of the TEs enabled as
adjusted appropriately.
11 P TEMPERATURE "product" TEs has exceeded the maximum
EXCESS 3. The PID parameters are incorrect.
temperature admitted in the current phase.
4. The analog output module (TYR) is
not operating correctly.
1. The TE is not adj. appropriately.
2. The heating elements are not
PRODUCT It indicates that any one of the TEs enabled as
adjusted appropriately.
12 P TEMPERATURE "product" TEs has dropped below the minimum
LACK 3. The PID parameters are incorrect.
temperature admitted in the current phase.
4. The analog output module (TYR) is
not operating correctly.
227 N REMOVE OLD Indicates that at least one of the data archived Check the files archived in the
HISTORIC DATA in the operating archive section of the operating archive section of the
controller has exceeded the alarm threshold. controller and move in the hidden
This alarm can be activated at system boot, at section files older than the threshold.
midnight or after an archive maintenance Consider performing a backup before
operation. to move data in the hidden section. It
is suggested to move also archived
data about to expire, to avoid to get
this alarm activated again after a short
Temperature probe are out of
Between the selected probes there are a calibration. PID parameter are
N temperature gap greater then the setted alarm inadequate. Analog output electronic
threshold (program parameter). module is damaged. Transducer does
not work correctly.
Temperature probe are out of
The temperature gap detected during
calibration. PID parameter are
229 UNIFORMITY IN sterilization phase, by selected probe, is
N inadequate. Analog output electronic
TIME EXCEEDED greater than the setted alarm threshold
module is damaged. Transducer does
(program parameter).
not work correctly.
For more information about hardware and software requirements see section 1.3.8.
Archived data
The Remote GUI does not store locally sterilizer’s data, which are instead stored on controller’s hard disk.
When the Remote GUI displays sterilizer’s data is actually browsing them on the controller’s hard disk, for
this reason it is not possible to browse data off-line.
The only data archived locally are process report converted in PDF or XML format at end of cycle and/or
PDF or XML obtained through the archive conversion function.
Process Report printout
The Process Report printout in A4 format has additional information in the heading of each page than the
process report stored on the controller:
- operator that is logged on the Remote GUI;
- progressive page number against total page number;
- sterilization/time diagram.
15.1.3 Installation
Installation steps are described in a chapter of the controller’s Installation Manual document.
For more information about installation see the document “Installation Manual”
(D/O#100978). TH4RStart
TH4RStart is a launcher that is able to download the Remote GUI software directly from the controller and run it.
When it is started a page similar to the following is displayed:
The graphical interface has a look and feel identical to the one of the Remote GUI and is composed by the
following elements:
a progress bar
The progress bar is used to display the progress of actions that might last long time, such as the initial
download or the update of the GUI software from the controller.
Changing the Home Directory does not automatically clean the content of the old Home
Directory. After changing the Home Directory it is advisable to clean the content where
it was previously located, to save disk space.
By changing the Home Directory the list of sterilizers changes accordingly to the
content of the new location. If the new location is empty there will be no sterilizer
@echo off
REM Procedure for starting the Fedegari Remote User Interface
java -cp .;GUI.jar -Duser.timezone=GMT MainPanel %1
in what it has just an additional parameter “%1” that can be used to pass to the batch file the IP address of the
If the parameter is left empty the Remote GUI software displays a text box asking for the IP address, otherwise it
connects directly to the sterilizer.
TH4RStart invokes this batch file passing the IP address of the sterilizer so the Remote GUI connects directly to
the sterilizer.
In case the TH4Remote.bat start method is used, it is still possible to customize the batch file by replacing the
“%1” argument with the IP address of the sterilizer.
This connection method should be used only for Thema4 special configurations listed in
1.2.1. With those configurations, having to choose every time the sterilizer to connect to
through the interactive launcher TH4RStart, would be annoying, while having the Remote
GUI to connect directly to the correct sterilizer would be more effective.
To allow the alignment of the software after an upgrade it will be enough to launch a
connection through TH4RStart, to force the alignment of the Remote GUI software.
TH4RStart keeps track of the home directory and a bunch of connection parameters
inside the TH4RStart.ini file. This file is located by default into the default downloading
folder. Depending by access rights of the Windows® user, it is possible that this path
is not writable. In such cases it is necessary to pass a different path to TH4RStart.bat
(this can be done editing the link to TH4RStart.bat).
The new path + “Fedegari\TH4RStart” becomes the new location of the TH4RStart.ini
file and the Home Directory is set to point exactly to that folder.
If the Home Directory is then edited through the text box of TH4RStart, the path where
to download GUIs software is changed, but not the location of TH4RStart.ini.
For more information about GUI folder structure see 1.4.3.
For more information about Remote GUI printing parameters see Paragraph and
Chapter 10 in general.
Do not mistake the Remote GUI thermal printer parameters and A4 printer parameters.
Remote GUI allows to control both the behavior of the thermal printer and the behavior of
the A4 printer:
- print parameters under Setup&Configuration\SystemParameters control the behavior
of the thermal printer (on which the Remote GUI can’t print);
- print parameters under Setup&Configuration\Remote GUI\Print Generation control
the behavior of the A4 printer.
For more information about Remote GUI connection parameters see Paragraph 8.2.
For more information about archive conversion function see Paragraph 9.11.9.