Rubric in Adding and Subtracting

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Luigi Caburlotto School

Buho, Amadeo Cavite
SY 2018 - 2019

Summer Class
Name:________________________ Section:___________________
Teacher: Karen L. Drio___________ Date: _________Score: __/20= ____%
Mini Task

Adding/Subtracting Fractions
CRITERIA 2 3 4 5
Find LCM of With intensive With some assistance, With minimal assistance, The student fully
Denominators assistance, the the student somewhat the student understands understands and lists
student somewhat understands the concept and lists the multiples of the multiples of the
understands the of listing the multiples of the denominators, denominators,
concept of listing the denominators, but showing the LCM by showing the LCM by
the multiples of the their work is not circling it, or making it circling it, or making
denominators, but complete. the fractions new it the fractions new
their work is not denominator. denominator.
Make Equivalent With intensive With some assistance, With minimal assistance The student is able to
Fractions assistance, the the student somewhat the student is able to make equivalent
student somewhat understands the concept make equivalent fractions from
understands how of making equivalent fractions from making making the LCM of
change the fraction, but their the LCM of the unlike the unlike
fractions to understanding is not denominators the new denominators the
equivalent fractions complete. They make denominators and then new denominators
with the same may the new multiples the numerator and then multiples
denominators. denominator the LCM by the same number the numerator by the
but is not sure about they multiplied their old same number they
how to get the new denominator by to get multiplied their old
numerator. their new denominator. denominator by to
get their new
Add/Subtract the The student does With some assistance With minimal assistance The student fully
Fraction not know how to the student somewhat the student somewhat understands to add
correctly add or understands that when understands that when the new numerators
subtract the the denominator is the denominator is together, while the
fractions with unlike different, they need to different, they need to denominator stays
denominators make equivalent make equivalent the same, as well as
without assistance. fractions. They make an fractions. They make an adding the whole
attempt to find the new attempt to find the new numbers.
numerators/denominator numerators/denominator
s and adds or subtracts s and adds or subtracts
only the numerator. only the numerator.
Simplify The student does With some assistance With minimal assistance The student is able to
Fractions not know or does the student may the student is able to list list the greatest
not simplify somewhat understand to the greatest common common factors of
fractions without list the factors of the factors of the numerator the numerator and
assistance. numerator and/or and denominator and denominator and
denominator. An attempt then dividing the then dividing the
is made to find the numerator and numerator and
common factors and denominator by the GCF denominator by the
divide the to come up with the GCF to come up with
numerator/denominator most simplified version the most simplified
by the common factors, of the fraction. version of the
but the factors may not fraction.
be in simplest form.

2 5 4 7
+ 6. +
3 6 5 8
3 7 2 4
2. _ 7. +
12 8 3 9
4 6 9 3
3. + 8. +
5 10 12 8
12 2 2 5
4. _ 9. _
15 3 3 18
18 3 4 3
5. _ 10. +
20 4 5 9

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