World General Knowledge Mcqs Solved (Wars, Agreements and Treaties)
World General Knowledge Mcqs Solved (Wars, Agreements and Treaties)
World General Knowledge Mcqs Solved (Wars, Agreements and Treaties)
The real cause of war-like tension between North Korea and US is:
(a) North Korea’s refusal to allow full inspection of its nuclear installations.
(b) US’s urge to rule over North Korea.
(c) Japan-US threat of Patriot defence missiles in South Korea.
(d) None of these
Answer: a
President Reagan’s strategic defence initiative programme was popularly known as:
(a) Nuclear Umbrella
(b) NATO seize
(c) Star Wars
(d) Killar Shark Programme
Answer: c
The Peace Accord between Israel and PLO was signed on September 13, 1993 at:
(a) London
(b) Washington
(c) Geneva
(d) New York
Answer: b
The parley between the Prime Minister Z. A. Bhutto and Prime Minister Indira Ghandhi, so
much referred to world politics, were held at:
(a) Shimla
(b) Islamabad
(c) Delhi
(d) Lahore
Answer: a
Answer: a
Which parts of territories of Israel handed over to Palestine for self-rule under the September
13, 1993 Israel-PLO accord?
(a) Jericho and Gaza Strip
(b) Jerusalem and Sinai
(c) Gaza Strip only
(d) None of these
Answer: a