Hydac StatFree

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Element Technology

Stat-Free ®

E 7.017.2/11.16

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1. Introduction 2. The Trend in Hydraulic Fluids

The use of modern environmentally-friendly hy- Globalisation of markets compels oil producers
draulic and lubrication oils, together with the trend worldwide to supply consistently high quality hydrau-
towards ever more compact systems and finer filtra- lic and lubrication oils to the manufacturers and op-
tion, has in the past few years exacerbated the prob- erators of systems, such as compressor stations,
lem of electrostatic charge and discharge. As a re- large transmissions or machines. For category I base
sult, the components integrated into the system be- oils, where the molecular structure of the crude oil
come severely restricted in their function or are even has not been changed, this is not guaranteed. In-
damaged. Electrostatic discharges destroy filter ele- creasingly, therefore, base oils are used where the
ments, damage valves and sensors and can even molecular structure has been broken down by hy-
cause explosions in the hydraulic tank. In addition, drocracking and then selectively rearranged accord-
they accelerate oil ageing. ing to requirement.
To ensure that the whole system operates eco- Refinery capacities of oil producers all over the
nomically and without risk, it is essential to use filter world are currently geared to this trend (in Asia and
systems which are capable of absorbing oil ageing the USA, for example, predominantly category II base
products and which can prevent dangerous electro- oils or higher are produced).
static discharges from occurring. Unscheduled and
costly oil changes can be avoided by using this sys- To achieve the oil characteristics guaranteed by
tem of filters. the oil producers, additives (usually several, as an
additive package) must be added to the base oil.
We have recognized the long-term problem of Category I base oils contain aromatics most of which
electrostatic discharge and with our innovative Stat- are toxic. In addition the additive packages contain
Free series of elements have developed an effec- zinc which is a heavy metal, and ash is produced on
tive solution to the occurrence of charging and dis- combustion. They therefore no longer comply with
charging in the hydraulic and lube circuit. the current international environmental standards.
With findings drawn from the specifically designed
Electrostatic Test Rig which has been verified by Hydraulic and lubrication oils in category II and III
TÜV as well as numerous field tests, we have been which are produced with appropriate additive pack-
able to create an element technology which inhibits ages, contain no toxins or carcinogens, are free of
the phenomenon of electrostatic discharge in the filter heavy metals and do not produce residues as a re-
element as well as significantly reducing the charge sult of combustion. However, because they do not
in the oil. contain any metal, these oils have low electrical
conductivity. When this oil flows through the filters
In the following pages, the principles and conse- in the hydraulic system, an electrostatic charge is
quences of electrostatic charge and discharge in the generated. This can result in sparking in the system,
hydraulic circuit are examined more closely and the which can cause considerable damage to hydraulic
advantages of the new Stat-Free element technolo- components.
gy are demonstrated.
Conductivity [pS/m]

group I group II group III

23°C 50°C

Examples of conductivity in oils of different categories

E 7.017.2/11.16

3. Theoretical Principles If the voltage generated exceeds the specific limit
of dielectric strength (in air approx. 3 kV/mm), there
will be a sudden equalization of voltage which is usu-
3.1 Electrostatic charging of solid par-
ally in the form of discharge sparking.

Every substance or material has a certain electron 3.2 Charging of fluids

work function, i.e. the tendency to accept or release
electrons. If two substances which have different
In fluid/solid systems as is the case in hydraulic
electron work functions are then brought together
-9 systems (filter medium/oil) a double charging layer is
(distance < 10 m) at the same temperature, then at
also formed here at the phase boundary, as shown in
the point of interface, electrons are transferred from
the following diagram. Near the boundary, this dou-
the material with low work function to the material
ble layer consists of a linked layer of charge carriers
with higher work function. An electrical double layer is
(in this case positively charged). In the oil there is a
produced with a certain charge Q. There does not
diffuse layer of opposing (negative) charge carriers.
have to be any friction between the two materials.
Friction merely reduces the distance between the
substances involved. filter media + hydraulic fluid
+ -
+ -
double layer
+ -
1 2 + - - negative charge
+ -
+ -
positive charge + - -
migration +
Distribution of charge in fluid/solid systems

a < 1 nm When the fluid then flows, the charge is carried

downstream and creates a difference in potential.
The faster the fluid is flowing, the higher the potential
Development of the double layer difference will be. If the voltage exceeds the dielectric
strength of the oil, it will discharge in the form of
If the two materials are separated and the dis- sparking.
tance between them is therefore increased, the ca-
pacitance is reduced and the potential difference (= filter media + hydraulic fluid
voltage) is increased. Both materials are electrostati- + -
cally charged. +
+ -
+ -
+ sparking
+ - -
+ -
- -
1 2 +
+ - -


The precondition for charge generation is that the

fluid has a sufficiently low conductivity, otherwise the
charges of the diffuse layer can flow back and can be
Separation of the two materials

The amount of charge is dependent on the speed

E 7.017.2/11.16

of separation, amongst other things. If separated

slowly, charge can be equalized over the last point of
contact. The faster the separation occurs, the higher
will be the charge.
3.3 Main factors

The main factors influencing the electrostatic

behaviour in hydraulic systems:

 Electric conductivity
The lower the conductivity, the higher the charge

 Filter medium
Different materials produce different charges
depending on the electron work function

 Temperature
In general the charge falls as the temperature

 Flow velocity
The higher the flow velocity, the higher the charge
Burn hole in the filter material
 Contamination
Conductive particles or water increase the con-
ductivity of the fluid which results in a lower Furthermore, when the charge is carried further
charge downstream by the oil, uncontrolled discharges can
occur in the hydraulic tank. Depending on the oil/air
mixture in the tank, dangerous explosions are pos-

4. Consequences of Discharge

The consequences of electrostatic discharges can

be serious.

Breather filter burned as a result of explosion in the tank

The electrostatic discharges also cause electro-

magnetic waves which disrupt and damage sensi-
tive sensors and electronic components in a hydraulic
Electrostatic discharging in the filter element
It is not only hydraulic components but also the
hydraulic oil itself which is damaged by discharges.
The discharge sparks can burn holes, for exam- The sparking cracks the molecules of the fluid and
ple, in the filter medium. The following picture shows free radicals are formed. These radicals polymerize
a hole of about 200 µm in 3 µm filter media. The re- into long chains and this in turn leads to the for-
quired oil cleanliness is therefore no longer achieva- mation of varnish. In addition, the free radicals ac-
ble. celerate oil ageing.
E 7.017.2/11.16

5. Measuring Equipment In the case of discharge sparking in the system,
an oscilloscope can also be used as a measurement
device. Owing to the high sampling rate of the oscil-
5.1 Mobile measuring equipment
loscope, the transient discharges are shown as
peaks on the display.
In order to examine more closely the electrostatic
behaviour of a hydraulic system in the field, we have
a range of test equipment. 5.2 Stationary test rig

With the aid of a portable conductivity meas- Our specially developed test rig which has been
urement instrument we are able very quickly and certified by TÜV is used to simulate real-world critical
simply to determine the electrical conductivity of the applications. With the help of the test rig, the electro-
hydraulic fluid. It enables us to make an initial as- static behaviour of the hydraulic filter in critical oils
sessment as to whether the conductivity has fallen has been thoroughly analysed.
below a critical limit and can lead to electrostatic This has led to the development of the Stat-Free

phenomena. filter element series which combats the problem of

electrostatic discharge.
Furthermore, HYDAC has developed a special
voltage sensor, the so-called StatStick. In conjunc-
tion with our widely-available portable device (HMG
3000) it is possible for our engineers in the field to
measure the voltage in the oil directly in the system.


HYDAC Electrostatic Test Rig

Innovative StatStick with HMG 3000


0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Stat-Free Element

Voltage [V]



E 7.017.2/11.16

Flow [l/min]

Comparative measurement of a standard element versus a Stat-Free element on the electrostatic test rig

6. The Stat-Free® Technology The new Stat-Free technology is available for the
following HYDAC element materials:
If a hydraulic system is using an oil with a low
conductivity and a non-conductive filter element, the  Mobilemicron (MM)
filter and the fluid can be charged electrostatically for filtration ratings 8, 10, 15 µm
and can lead to electrostatic discharges.
 Optimicron® (ON)
A purely discharge-capable design without the for filtration ratings 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 µm,
addition of a special combination of media, indeed Optimicron Pulp & Paper (ON/PP)
reduces sparking in the element but the oil continues for filtration rating 5 µm and
to be charged. The charges at the interface of the Betamicron (BN4HC, BH4HC)
filter can dissipate, but the fluid has an even higher for filtration ratings 3, 5, 10, 20 µm
charge because there is no sparking on the filter to In this case, please add /-SFREE to the
neutralize the charge. The highly charged oil is trans- element model code.
ported further through the system and uncontrolled Example: 2600 R 010 ON /-SFREE
discharges are possible in other parts of the system ®
which under certain circumstances can lead to seri-  Optimicron Power (ON/PO)
ous damage (e.g. explosion in the tank). for filtration ratings 5, 10, 20 µm and
Optimicron Pulse (ON/PS, OH/PS)
Using a new type of filtration meshpack and ele- for filtration ratings 3, 5, 10, 20 µm with
ment design, HYDAC has for the first time combined SFREE inclusive
excellent electrostatic characteristics and filtratioin
performance. Our Stat-Free elements have ®
achieved a previously all-time low charge of the Stat-Free elements are particularly suitable for
filter element and the fluid during system operation. applications in power plants, gas turbines, plastic
In addition the Stat-Free elements are equipped injection moulding machines and calenders (paper
with conductive O-ring caps and conductive core industry) and in mobile hydraulics, as well as any
tubes. other hydraulic and lubrication system which uses
new low conductivity oils.
The performance of Stat-Free elements has
They guarantee a high level of operating relia-
been confirmed in thorough laboratory and field tests.
® bility, since they prevent sparks, deflagration and
By comparing the test diagram below, the Stat-Free sludge formation in the oil. Longer oil change inter-
elements have a striking advantage over the conven- vals can be achieved through non-damaging filtration
tionally designed standard elements, in terms of the of the oil.
oil charge generated.

Comparison of the electrostatic charge (volt)


The discharge potential of Stat-Free® elements
is much lower than with competitor elements!


4 0
Test on flat filter material Test on element

Standard element Stat-Free® element

Comparison of the electrostatic charge (volt)

E 7.017.2/11.16

7. Real-World Example and Reference Moreover, the functionality of the Stat-Free filter
elements has been analysed by DEKRA EXAM GmbH,
HYDAC became aware of the possibility of explo- the German specialist unit for explosion protection at
sions in the hydraulic tank of a large hydraulic system the mining test facility (BVS). The efficiency of the
after breather filters were burned out. The filters con- elements was confirmed in the expert report 13EXAM
cerned were competitor's filters which were not opti- 10666 BVS-BI by DEKRA EXAM GmbH, Explosion
mized for electrostatic charging. Measurements Protection Department.
made on site using the StatStick revealed voltage
peaks of up to 17,000 Volt and dangerous discharge
sparks in the tank. Once retro-fitted with Stat-Free
elements, no further discharges could be detected 8. Summary
and the voltage was just 2-3 Volt.
 The charge separation in low conductivity oils
results in electrostatic charging and discharging.

 Electrostatic discharges can cause the following

damage, amongst others:
- Explosions in the hydraulic tank
- Accelerated oil ageing
- Damage to the filter element
- Destruction of electronic components
- Damage to cooler units

 A conductive design of filter element is not suffi-

cient to reduce oil charging.
 HYDAC Stat-Free elements ensure a very low
charge in the filter element and the hydraulic fluid

 High level of operating reliability
because discharge sparking, deflagration and
sludge formation in the oil is eliminated

 Longer oil change intervals

because filtration of the oil is non-damaging


These developments prove that at HYDAC we will

always find a solution to a customer problem. We not
only provide an efficient result, but we will see you
Voltage measurement using StatStick through the whole diagnostic process, especially in
(above: competitor's standard element voltage peaks
up to 17kV [scaling: 5kV]; below: Hydac Stat-Free
® challenging cases.
element 2-3V [scaling: 5V])

A number of established companies in sectors

such as turbine lubrication, presses, plastic injection
moulding machines and mobile hydraulics have al-
ready named HYDAC as a reference with regard to
finding a solution to the problem of electrostatic dis-
charge, as indicated by the following quotation:

"Due to numerous, frequently recurring difficulties on

actual systems, we urgently recommend using filter
cartridges which inhibit electrostatic charging in oils We look forward to hearing about your new
with low electrical conductivity. These filters are projects!
available from HYDAC under the same model
code, by adding "/-SFREE"."
E 7.017.2/11.16


NOTE HYDAC Filtertechnik GmbH

The information in this brochure relates to the operating conditions and applications Industriegebiet
described. D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar
E 7.017.2/11.16

For applications or operating conditions not described, please contact the relevant Tel.: 0 68 97 / 509-01
technical department. Fax: 0 68 97 / 509-300
Subject to technical modifications. Internet: www.hydac.com
E-Mail: filter@hydac.com

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