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1. Author of the Philippine Declaration of 13. Rizal was not in favor of the revolution 28. The Bates Treaty _______ Muslim
Independence planned by the Katipunan because of resistance against the Americans
2. CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY - Which of the during the Filipino-American War
following were part of the First Eight unpreparedness of the A.heightened
Provinces that rose up in arms against A.Katipuneros for an armed B.neutralized
Spain: (Part1) struggle C.sustained
A.Cavite willingness to the wealthy 29. The Cry of Pugad Lawin marked the
B.Nueva Ecija B.Filipinos to support the end of
C.Zambales struggle Bonifacio's leadership in the
D.Quezon absence of a military tactician KKK
E.Laguna C.who will direct the military B.Filipino vassalage to Spain
3. Good working relationship between the operations of the KKK C.KKK as a secret society
executive and legislative branches of 14. Founder of the Partido Federal 30. The pen name Taga-Ilog was
the American colonial government was 15. The original title of the Filipino National associated with
fostered with Harrison's creation of Anthem A.Antonio Luna
A.Council of the State 16. McKinley's proclamation in which the B.Mariano Ponce
Council of Advisers to the US made clear its intention of imposing C.Jose Ma. Panganiban
Governor its sovereignty over the Philippines and D.Juan Luna
Council of Senior Government also made clear the American intention 31. Which of the following was not a
Officials of colonizing the Philippines is known reform sought from the Spanish
4. Which of the following was the as government by the propagandists?
immediate cause of the outbreak of the 17. Senate President of Spain who headed basic human rights for the
War of Philippine Independence? the Spanish delegation in the drafting Filipinos
A.San Juan Bridge Incident of hte peace treaty ending the change of government from
B.San Nicolas Bridge Incident Spanish-American War absolute to limited monarch
C.Pasig River Incident 18. Who negotiated the Pact of Biak-na- equality of the Filipinos and
5. Diariong Tagalog was founded by Bato with Aguinaldo and his men? Spaniards before the law
A.Marcelo del Pilar A.Primo de Rivera restoration of Filipino
B.Juan Luna B.Isabelo Artacho representation in the Cortes
C.Pedro Laktaw C.Pedro Paterno 32. Young Filipinos who were sent to US
D.Gregorio Sanciano 19. The American general responsible for as scholars of the government to
6. The most powerful branch of establishing military government in the pursue higher education were called
government under the Malolos country right after the mock battle of A.aficionados
Constitution was the Manila B.comisionados
A.Legislature 20. The password used by a KAWAL in C.pensionados
B.Executive the Katipunan 33. The highest grade of membership in
C.Judiciary 21. Their death signaled the beginning of the Katipunan was called
7. What was the alleged cause of the the Propaganda Movement. 34. A Spanish colony in the West Indies
discovery of the Katipunan? 22. The central leadership of the KKK was which revolted against the Spanish
Discovery of Katipunan the authorities
A.paraphernalia at the Diario de A.Sangguniang Hukuman 35. All of the following are reasons behind
Manila B.Sangguniang Bayan the failure of the reform movement,
Discovery of the list of C.Sangguniang Barangay except one. Which is the exception?
Katipunan members D.Kataastaasang Sanggunian petty quarrels among
Patino's disclosure of the 23. Taft became popular among Filipinos reformists
secrets of the society during his tenure of office because of Spain's preoccupation with her
A quarrel between Patino and his policy known as own internal problems
De La Cruz A.Filipino First lack of finances to support
8. Jones Law of 1916 became popularly B.Liberalism and Democracy propaganda activities
known in the Philippines as C.Philippines for the Filipinos failure of the friars to counter
A.Philippine Independence Law 24. Luna's assassination was a big blow to attacks on the clergy
B.Organic Act for the Philippines the Filipino cause as it 36. Government established by Aguinaldo
C.Philippine Autonomy Act led to a series of reverses on immediately after his return from Hong
9. The Spooner Amendment to the Army the part of the Filipino soldiers Kong to prosecute the war against
Appropriation Act became the basis for made Aguinaldo decide to Spain effectively
the establishment of B.wage guerilla warfare against 37. The first real battle fought by the
A.autonomous government American soldiers Filipinos against the Spaniards was the
civil government in the deprived the nation of an able Battle of
Philippines C.military tactician in its great A.Majayjay
C.military rule hour of need B.Pugad Lawin
10. First Filipino to head an executive 25. The American military officer whose C.Montalban
department under the American life was sacrificed in the Battle of San D.Pinaglabanan
colonial government Mateo was 38. US battleship sank at the Havana Bay
11. The Malolos Constitution was drafted A.Major Bell which led to the outbreak of the
based on the plan proposed by B.Major General Lawton Spanish-American War
A.Paterno C.Colonel Stotsenberg 39. Composer of the Marcha Filipino
B.Mabini 26. The place where Philippine Magdalo
C.Calderon independence was proclaimed 40. Belgian consul who acted as mediator
12. Who was the president of the 27. Who led the Filipinos in attacking the for the surrender of the Spaniards to
Associacion La Solidaridad? Americans in Balanggiga, Samar? the Americans
A.Jose Ma. Panganiban A.Felipe Buencamino 41. The commander of the battleship
B.Mariano Ponce B.Pedro Sanchez Olympia who defeated the Spanish
C.Manuel Sta. Maria C.Lazaro Segovia fleet of Admiral Patricio Montojo
D.Galiciano Apacible
Phil Hist Reviewer |2

42. The Cabinet Crisis of 1923 took place 57. The First Pontifex Maximus of the 73. Founder of the newspaper, The
during the tenure of Governor-General Philippine Independent Church Tribune
A.W. Cameron Forbes 58. Katipunan was anchored on the 74. The agreement that ended the
B.Leonard Wood political platform of separating the Spanish-American War of 1898
C.James Smith country from Spain 75. The president of the Council of War
43. CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY - Which A.True which tried Bonifacio for the charge of
of following were part of the First Eight B.False sedition was
Provinces that rose up in arms against 59. The formal inauguration of the A.Mariano Noriel
Spain: (Part2) Philippine Assembly was held at the B.Emilio Aguinaldo
A.Bulacan A.Malacanang Palace C.Lazaro Makapagal
B.Tarlac B.Grand Opera House 76. Bonifacio's Katipunan was revived by
C.Pampanga session hall of the Philippine A.Luciano San Miguel
D.Manila Commission B.Faustino Guillermo
E.Batangas 60. The newspaper of the Malolos C.Julian Montalan
44. The leader of the Magdiwang faction of Republic came to be known as 77. Aguinaldo's decree that called for
the KKK in Cavite was A.El Heraldo de la Revolucion reorganization of local government in
45. Under the Naic Military Agreement, B.La Independencia areas under their control
Bonifacio made it clear that he C.Del Superior Gobierno 78. The first American civil governor of the
was organizing an army in support of 61. The Sublime Paralytic who later country was
Aguinaldo's revolutionary forces became Aguinaldo's adviser A.Henry Ide
A.True 62. The rightist wing of La Liga came to be B.Joseph Smith
B.False called C.William H. Taft
46. The fundamental teachings of the A.Cuerpos de Propagandistas 79. The last Filipino general to surrender
Katipunan were embodied in the B.Cuerpos de Compromisarios to the Americans was
document written by Emilio Jacinto C.Cuerpos de Militantes A.Macario Sakay
known as D.Cuerpos de la Revolucionarios B.Simeon Ola
47. The capture of Aguinaldo was 63. The first Masonic lodge in the C.Miguel Malvar
successfully undertaken by Philippines was Lodge 80. Which of the following legislations
A.Arthur MacArthur 64. First Senate President of the made treasonable the advocacy of
B.Elwell Otis Philippines independence during the Filipino-
C.Frederick Funston 65. Gregorio del Pilar sacrificed his life in American War?
48. Under the military government defense of Aguinaldo in the Battle of A.Sedition Law
established by the Americans right A.Tirad Pass B.Reconcentration Law
after the surrender of Manila, the B.Bagbag River C.Brigandage Act
country was governed directly by the C.Macabebe 81. This event reflected the decision of the
US President D.Montalban Katipunan to stage a revolution against
A.True 66. The last American military governor of Spain.
B.False the Philippines was 82. Walled City of Manila where most
49. The first political party in the A.Elwell Otis Spaniards went into hiding after the
Philippines was the Federal Party B.Arthur McArthur Battle of Manila Bay
A.True C.Wesley Merritt 83. Founder of the Philippine Independent
B.False 67. The American consul who convinced Church
50. The abolition of the military Aguinaldo to collaborate with the 84. The first editor of La Solidaridad (The
government and the establishment of Americans in expelling the Spaniards Sol).
the civil government in the country was from the Philippines 85. The naval battle that led to the
recommended by 68. The first American organic law for the transformation of US into a world
A.Schurman Commission Philippines was power
B.Wood-Forbes Mission A.Jones Law 86. First Speaker of the Philippine
C.Taft Commission Cooper Act / Philippine Deal of Assembly
51. The defender of La Loma who 1902 87. Founder of the Union Obrera
sacrificed his life during the war C.Hare-Hawes-Cutting Law Democratica
against the Americans was 69. Which of the following is not true of the 88. The political section of the Asociacion
A.Tomas Mascardo La Solidaridad? Hispano-Filipino was under the charge
B.Jose Torres Bugallon It was a forum for discussion of
C.Justin Estrada A.of the issues concerning the A.Jose Rizal
52. Rizal's anatomy of a revolution that Philippines. B.Marcelo del Pilar
failed was the It was the official organ of the C.Dominador Gomez
53. The newspaper of the Katipunan was reform movement. D.Tomas Arejola
known as It featured articles about the 89. Which island province in the Visayas
54. First Filipino Chief Justice of the good deeds of the friars. offered to cooperate with the
Supreme Court It was a vehicle for the Americans during the Filipino-
55. Choose the answer that DOES NOT D.expression of the political American War?
belong. Universities established views of the reformers. A.Cebu
during the American Era: 70. The last Spanish governor-general of B.Iloilo
A.Centro Escolar University the Philippines C.Negros
B.Siliman University 71. The First Philippine Republic came to 90. The Malolos Congress was conceived
C.Far Eastern University be called as by Mabini as
D.Philippine Women's University A.Biak-na-Bato Republic advisory body
56. Bonifacio's formal declaration of the B.Sakay Republic B.a legislative body
nullity of decisions reached at the C.Malolos Republic C.a judicial body
Tejeros Convention was known as The 72. Higher education under the First
Acta de Imus Philippine Republic was promoted
A.True through
B.False A.Burgos Institute
B.University of Santo Tomas
C.Literary University of the Philippines

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