Handout and Worksheet X

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Name : Score :

Class : Parent signature :

1. Read the links on each attachment as your reference.
2. Do the exercise independently and individually (pair and group activity
are not allowed).
3. Employing gadget for non academic purposes during English
lesson is going to charge your phone being seized by the teacher.
4. If you do not have access to data connection, ask teacher to help
you (either using school wi-fi or going to computer lab).

Attachment 1 : Pronouns

Attachment 1.1
Attachment 1.2

1. Material : Pronouns (Subjective, Objective and Possessive)

Pronouns include subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive

pronouns. These are used to replace nouns in sentences. It is also
important to learn possessive adjectives when learning these forms. Use
the chart below and then study the example sentences chart. Finally, you
can practice what you've learned by taking the quizzes below.
Pronouns and Possessive Forms
Subject Object Possessive Possessive
Pronouns Pronouns Adjectives Pronouns
I me my mine
you you your yours
he him his his
she her her hers
it it its ----
we us our ours
you you your yours
they them their theirs

Exercise 1 (Tugas Terstruktur)

Use a subject pronoun as the subject of each sentence based on the
word(s) in parentheses.
1. ____ works at National Bank. (Mary)
2. ____ are in the cupboard. (the cups)
3. ____ lives in Oakland, California. (Derek)

1. ____ enjoy watching movies on Friday evenings. (My brother and I)
2. ____ is on the table. (the magazine)
3. ____ is working at the moment. (Mary)
4. ____ study French at university. (Peter, Anne, and Frank)
5. ____ are good friends. (Tom and I)
6. ____ went to school yesterday. (Anna)
7. ____ think this exercise is difficult. (the students)

Exercise 2 (Tugas Terstruktur)

Use an object pronoun as the object in each sentence based on the
word(s) in parentheses.
1. Please give ____ the book. (Peter)
2. I bought ____ last week. (the car)
3. Angela visited ____ two months ago. (Mary)
4. I enjoyed listening to ____ last week. (the song)
5. Alexander asked ____ to give the book to ____ . (Peter, I)
6. She ate ____ quickly and left for work. (breakfast)
7. I picked ____ up at seven o'clock. (Peter and Jane)
8. I like reading ____ before I go to sleep. (magazines)
9. It's very difficult to memorize ____. (the new vocabulary words)
10. Tom gave ____ some advice. (The children, my wife and I)

Exercise 3 (Tugas Terstruktur)

Use a possessive adjective in the gap in each sentence based on the
word(s) in parentheses.
1. That's ____ book on the table. (I)
2. Peter asked ____ sister to the dance. (Jane)
3. We bought ____ book last week. (Alex Smith)
4. ____ color is red. (The car)
5. Would you like to buy ____ cookies? (My friends and I)
1. Peter picked up ____ lunch and left for school. (Peter)
2. Alison asked ____ questions because they couldn't come. (Mary and
3. I think ____ idea is crazy! (You)
4. I'd like to hear ____ opinion. (Susan)
5. She works for ____ company. (John)

Exercise 4 (Tugas Terstruktur)

Use a possessive pronoun in the gap in each sentence based on the
word(s) in parentheses.
1. The book is ____. (John)
2. I think we should go in ____. (The boy's car)
3. That house is ____. (Kathy)
4. Do you hear the telephone? I think it's ____. (my telephone)
5. I'm sure it's ____. (the computer that belongs to my sister and me)
6. Look at that car. It's ____. (Mary and Peter)
7. That dog over there is ____. (Henry)
8. Those bicycles are ____. (Jack and Peter)
9. No, that one is ____. (you)

10. Yes, that one is ____. (I)

Retrieved from : https://www.thoughtco.com/pronouns-1212209 on July 5th,


Attachment 2 : Expression of Congratulation, Compliment, Gratitude

Attachment 2.1 : Retrieved from

compliment-and-gratitude, on July 5th, 2018

Look at the video of dialog using expression of congratulation, compliment

and gratitude. Take some notes of other possible expressions.
Attachment 2.2 link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5gXJQRU-Yo
Attachment 2.3 link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jICby79UkH4

Assignment 1 (Tugas Tidak Terstruktur)

1. In a group consist of 4 students, create your own dialog employing
expression of congratulation, compliment and gratitude. Choose the
following situation or develop your own context of conversation. Perform
the dialog you compose to your peers.
 graduation

 passing driving test
 enrolling to university
 birthday party


Extended Compliment
Compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise other people. Compliment is useful to
give encouragement so that people will keep on doing their best and event improves their
The function of compliment:
- Helps people to focus on the positive
- Builds a sense of community
- Everyone feels great

Expressions Responses
• I must express my admiration to • Thank s a lot for your appreciation.
you! • Thank you very much.
• What a nice dress! • It’s very kind of you to say that.
• You look gorgeous! • I’m glad you like it.
• Great job! • Thanks for your compliment.
• That’s good. • I am glad you like it
• You’are looking great. • Thanks
• You are looking good • Oh thanks.
• Good job!
• What a marvellous meal.
• Your meal is so tasty!
• What a nice T-shirt?
• How beautiful you are today.
• Excellent.
• Well done!

Retrieved from http://eprints.uny.ac.id/50473/1/RPP%20%20compliment.pdf, on July 25th

Compose a dialog employing expression of compliment and response.

A : _________________________________________________________________________
B : _________________________________________________________________________
A : _________________________________________________________________________
B : _________________________________________________________________________
A : _________________________________________________________________________
B : _________________________________________________________________________
A : _________________________________________________________________________
B : _________________________________________________________________________
A : _________________________________________________________________________
B : _________________________________________________________________________

A : _________________________________________________________________________
B : _________________________________________________________________________

Attachment 3 : Be Going To and Would Like To

Attachment 3.1 :

1. Compose a dialog in a group using the expressions of ‘be going to’ and
‘would like to’. You may choose your own situation and preference. As
you finish with your dialog, perform to your classmates incorporating any
media/instrument to support.

A _______________________________________________________
: _______________________________________________________
B ____________
: ____________
A _______________________________________________________
: _______________________________________________________
B ____________
: ____________
A _______________________________________________________
: _______________________________________________________
B ____________
: ____________
A _______________________________________________________
: _______________________________________________________
B ____________

: ____________
A _______________________________________________________
: _______________________________________________________
B ____________





2. Assess your peer performance and give feedback

Based on your friends’ performance, give score and feedback. Fill in the
criteria below using range of scale of 1 to 4 (1 is the lowest score and 4
is the highest score).

Scoring Criteria Score

Contextually correct
Creativity idea
situation, dialog
Facial expression

Comment or suggestion to improve their performance


Attachment 4 : Descriptive Text

Attachment 4.1 : Retrieved from

sample.pdf on July 17th, 2018


Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information. The

context of this kind of text is the description of particular thing, animal,
person, or others, for instance: our pets or a person we know well. It
differs from Report which describes things, animals, persons, or others
in general. The social function of descriptive text is to describe a
particular person, place, or thing.
(Linda Gerot, Peter Wignell, 'Making
of Functional Grammar',1994)
The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text consists of Identification and
Identifies phenomenon to be described.

Describes parts, qualities, characteristics, etc.

(Jenny Hammond 'English

for Special Purposes', 1992)
Descriptive often uses 'be' and 'have'. Tense which is often used is Simple
Present Tense.
However, sometime it uses Past tense if the thing to be described doesn't
exist anymore.

Significant Grammatical Features:

- Focus on specific participants
(My English teacher, Andini's cat, My favourite place)

- Use of Simple Present Tense

- Verbs of being and

having 'Relational
(My mum is really cool. She has long black hair)

- Use of descriptive adjectives

(strong legs, white fangs)

- Use of detailed Noun Phrase to give information about the

subject. (a very beautiful scenery, a sweet young lady, very
thick fur)

- Use of action verbs 'Material Processes'

(It eats grass, It runs fast)

- Use of adverbials to give additional information

about behaviour (fast, at tree house)

- Use of figurative language

(John is as white as chalk.)
(Jenny Hammond 'English for Special Purposes', 1992)

1. Make a mind mapping about historical site (in Indonesia or abroad) that you
are going to write.

• Main Idea

Description 1
• Main Idea

Description 2
• Main Idea

Descripti • Main Idea

on 3

2. Use your gadget to browse some supportive information and cite your links

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

As you finish with your mind mapping and source citation, you can now
compose your descriptive text about historical site.

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Attachment 5 : Announcement (Tugas Tidak Terstruktur)

Attachment 5.1 : Please do the exercise on the following page.

Retrieved from http://actioncivicscollaborative.org/wp-

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