Analytical Solution of The Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Stokes Equations in A Cylindrical Channel
Analytical Solution of The Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Stokes Equations in A Cylindrical Channel
Analytical Solution of The Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Stokes Equations in A Cylindrical Channel
1. Introduction
(a) – – – – – – – (b)
– –
R –
z – –
– –
– – – – – – –
understand the flow of water and protons in such PEM nano-pores (Zawodzinski
et al. 1995; Paddison et al. 1998, 2000a; Eikerling & Kornyshev 2001; Eikerling
et al. 2001).
Recently, SAXS spectra analysis has been used by Schmidt-Rohr & Chen
(2008) to postulate that the pore morphology of PEM consists mainly of
cylindrical nano-channels with a circular cross section. Based on this evidence,
Berg & Ladipo (2009) derived an analytical solution of Stokes flow in these
cylindrical pores, following the ideas of Qiao & Aluru (2003). The results go
beyond previous solutions of linearized Poisson–Boltzmann equations (Rice &
Whitehead 1965) but fail to include a pressure term in the Stokes equation, as
well as a migration term in the Nernst–Planck equation (Rubinstein 1990). In
other words, only advection is considered along the pore.
In a more comprehensive numerical study, Karimi & Li (2005) solved the
complete set of PNP–Stokes equations for a cylindrical PEM pore. Expressions
are derived for the proton and potential distributions, and the water flow. The
authors mention explicitly that the system cannot be solved analytically which is
true for a spatially varying permittivity as used in their work. However, we will
show in what follows that the entire system of equations can be solved in closed
form for a constant permittivity.
Therefore, this brief contribution will close an important gap and present a full
solution of the PNP equations, coupled with Stokes flow, for such channels. The
results also include expressions for water drag and conductivity, two quantities
of the system that can be compared with experimental data.
However, we would like to underline that our analysis does not include a
Stern layer that plays an important role at this scale. Consequently, the model
predictions might deviate from experimental results. Indeed, the focus of this
paper lies in the complete solution of the PNP–Stokes equations while the
reference to PEMs serves mainly as a motivation. It adds relevance to the results
but we do not claim that the analytical solution can fully describe PEM nano-
channels. To the contrary, there is strong evidence that a Stern layer must be
incorporated to reproduce experimental findings. For a discussion of the issues
surrounding the modelling of PEM nano-pores, their Stern layers and overlapping
electric double layers, we refer to Ladipo et al. (2011).
The next section presents analytical expressions for the electric potential, the
proton concentration, the velocity profile, the mass flux, the current, the water
drag and the conductivity in cylindrical channels, described by PNP–Stokes
equations. The last section will conclude with a brief comparison of analytical
results to experimental data of PEMs.
Similar to the work of Berg & Ladipo (2009), we study an infinite, cylindrical and
circular pore with a uniform surface charge density, ss , for a given pore radius R
(figure 1). The flow is driven in the (axial) z-direction by an external electric
field1 and a pressure gradient. In case of a PEM nano-pore, we assume that all
protons are dissociated from the sulphonic acid groups.
Owing to the symmetry of the domain, the system equations can be split into
radial and axial parts. In the radial direction, the proton concentration, c, varies
as well as the electric potential, j, generated by them. The fluid velocity, ur , is
zero. In the axial direction, j and c do not vary, the fluid velocity, uz (r), (which
we will denote by u = u(r) in what follows) is non-zero and a constant external
electric field, E, is applied.
The system of equations includes the PNP equations for j and c
1 d dj qc
r =− , (2.1)
r dr dr ee0
VJ+ = 0 (2.2)
dc(r) DF dj
J+ = qu(r)c(r)ê z − D ê r + qc(r) E ê z − ê r , (2.3)
dr RT dr
and a constant permittivity, e. In reality, the permittivity could be a function
of spatial coordinates or of system size (Paddison et al. 1998) but in order to
derive an analytical solution, it is a constant in this work. Also, owing to the
above assumptions and the symmetry of the flow, the axial contribution (ê z ) to
the divergence in equation (2.2) is zero.
This nonlinear ordinary differential equation can be solved analytically for the
following boundary conditions (Berg & Ladipo 2009):
=0 at r = 0 (2.5)
dj ss
=− at r = R. (2.6)
dr ee0
The first equation is a symmetry condition. The last equation ensures global
Furthermore, we impose the gauge j(0) = 0 and the non-dimensional
coordinate3 x according to r = Rx. The derivation of the solutions is presented
by Berg & Ladipo (2009). They are
kB T l 2 2
j(x) = ln 1 − x (2.7)
q 8
c(x) = c0 (1 − lx 2 /8)−2 , (2.8)
R 2 q 2 c0
l= , (2.9)
ee0 kB T
which relates to the Debye length
R ee0 kB T
d=√ = , (2.10)
l q 2 c0
c0 = . (2.11)
q 2 R2 s s /ee0 kB T − 4qR
Note that the solutions j(x) and c(x) do not include the diffusion coefficient
of protons since D scales out for the radial component of the Nernst–Planck
equation (2.3). In other words, both diffusion and mobility (i.e. migration) scale
proportional to D.
2 The expression (2.6) usually relates to the electric field of a charged plane. It is applicable in
our case since it can be derived for a small test volume at the wall whose curvature effectively
approaches zero in the limit of vanishing volume, thereby resembling a charged plane.
3 In this work, when we switch from r to x, the corresponding functions keep their symbolic
expressions for reasons of simplicity even though, strictly speaking, we should change notation.
where u0 (x) is the solution found in Berg & Ladipo (2009) and up (x) is a solution
containing the pressure term. With the no-slip condition at the channel wall,
u(1) = 0, the integration constants and solutions are found to be
2qc0 ER2 l
C2 = − ln 1 −
lm 8
and C3 = − .
2qc0 ER2 1 − lx 2 /8 ⎪
⇒ u0 (x) = ln ,⎪
lm 1 − l/8 ⎬
PR2 ⎪
up (x) = − (1 − x ).
2 ⎪
In summary, this results in a velocity profile
2qc0 ER2 1 − lx 2 /8 PR2
u(x) = ln − (1 − x 2 ). (2.24)
lm 1 − l/8 4m
We observe that the pressure term simply adds a Poiseuille-like component to
the electrically driven flow component.
and therefore
4prqc0 ER4 prPR4
Ṁ = f (l) − , (2.31)
m 8m
which scales like R4 , similar to Poiseuille flow.
and therefore
1 1
c0 PR2 1 x x
c(x)up (x)x dx = − dx − x 2
dx , (2.37)
0 (1 − lx /8) 0 (1 − lx /8)
4m 2 2 2 2
where each integral is solved separately. The first integral is similar to an integral
found in equation (2.16), namely
x 4 1
dx = − 1 . (2.38)
0 (1 − lx /8) l 1 − l/8
2 2
which yields
x 4 1 32 l
x 2 dx = + 2 ln 1 − . (2.40)
0 (1 − lx /8)
2 2 l 1 − l/8 l 8
Combining equations (2.38) and (2.40) gives
c0 PR2 4 1 4 1 32 l
c(x)up (x)x dx = − −1 − − 2 ln 1 −
0 4m l 1 − l/8 l 1 − l/8 l 8
c0 PR2 4 32 l
=− − − 2 ln 1 − (2.41)
4m l l 8
c0 PR2
c(x)up (x)x dx = − h(l), (2.42)
0 4m
where h(l) represents the term in the brackets. The final term in equation (2.33)
is found to be
2pR2 DFqE 1 2pR2 DFqc0 E 1 x
c(x)x dx = dx
0 (1 − lx /8)
RT RT 2 2
2pR2 DFqc0 E 4 1
= −1 (2.43)
RT l 1 − l/8
and hence
2pR2 DFqE 2pDFqc0 E
c(x)x dx = k(l)R2 , (2.44)
where k(l) represents the term in the brackets. Finally, combining
equations (2.35), (2.42) and (2.44) gives the solution for the total proton flux
The analytical results above are very helpful to obtain order of magnitude
estimates for water and proton flows in (PEM) nano-channels. In addition, they
can play an important role in validating numerical models of such systems for
more complex three-dimensional geometries. Computer codes can be validated
first for straight-channel geometries before they are modified to simulate more
intricate domains. For this reason alone, one could argue that the above results
are an important contribution to the field of electro-kinetic theory.
D = 0, P = 0
D = 7.5 × 10−10, P = 0
D = 7.5 × 10−10, P = 1.0 × 1010
D = 7.5 × 10−10, P = 3.0 × 1010
D = 7.5 × 10−10, P = 5.0 × 1010
D = 7.5 × 10−10, P = 10.0 × 1010
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
R (× 10–9)
Figure 2. Water drag as a function of pore radius R (in nanometres) for various values of the
diffusion coefficient (in m2 s−1 ) and the pressure gradient (in Pa m−1 ).
D = 0, P = 0
D = 7.5 × 10−10, P = 0
60 D = 7.5 × 10−10, P = 1.0 × 1010
D = 7.5 × 10−10, P = 3.0 × 1010
sp (S m–1)
Figure 3. Pore conductivity as a function of pore radius R (in nanometres) for various values of
the diffusion coefficient (in m2 s−1 ) and the pressure gradient (in Pa m−1 ).
parameter description value
making the result look even worse. In this sense, our simple continuum model
for the electro-kinetic flow in a PEM pore fails. However, the results might
change substantially when a non-constant permittivity is included, as observed
in microwave experiments of Nafion (Paddison et al. 2000b) and theoretical
calculations (Paul & Paddison 2004a,b), along with a larger viscosity typical for
PEM nano-pores, a Stern layer and a pore network approach (see Ladipo et al.
2011, §2f ). Also, the value for the proton diffusion coefficient, D, remains a topic
of controversy in the literature.
In simulations of a PNP–Stokes system for a Nafion pore, Ladipo et al. (2011)
have shown that a non-constant permittivity, increasing from about 10 near the
pore wall to the value of bulk water (80) near the pore centre (Paul & Paddison
2004a,b), can indeed reduce the water drag by a factor of 2. Yet, only the inclusion
of a Stern layer, containing immobile water molecules, addresses the water drag
discrepancy successfully, bringing its value in line with experimental data.
On the other side, the conductivity exhibits reasonable values that are on the
right order of magnitude when compared with fully saturated Nafion membranes
(sp = 0.07 S cm−1 ). With a vanishing pressure gradient, we find a value of
sp ≈ 0.20 S cm−1 , about 50 per cent larger than the reference value of Berg &
Ladipo (2009), i.e. sp ≈ 0.12 S cm−1 , for a radius R = 1 nm. Pressure (via P) only
has a significant impact on the results at extremely large gradients. Further
modifications to the computation of an effective conductivity would have to
include a re-scaling that incorporates the size of the backbone and, again, an
upscaling through a pore network approach. The inclusion of the backbone alone
reduces the conductivity by a factor of two (sp ≈ 0.10 S cm−1 ), thereby predicting
a very reasonable value close to experimental data.
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