Paper Title Here: Font: Times Size: 9 PT Style: Italics

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Top Margin Paper Size  Letter (8.

5 * 11)
1.3 No of Columns  2
Column Width  2.8
Column Spacing  0.2

Times new Roman 16pt

Author names should be ALL CAPS Designation, Affiliation, Department of xxx, xxx, Country
Times new Roman 10pt . 2
Affiliations should be Capital Each Designation. Affiliation, Department of xxx, xxx, Country
Word Times new Roman 10pt E-mail:,
H 2: 1.1 Times New Roman 10pt Capitalize Each Word Bold
ABSTRACT H 3: 1.1.1 Times new roman 10pt sentence case bold

Abstract should convey the importance of your research in a concise and logical manner. The abstract is a
synopsis of the original study that addresses the research problem, the information and methods used to
address this problem and your conclusions. It should be presented in introduction body research
contribution flow. It should present only key points without exceeding a length of 300 words. The abstract
is to be in fully-justified text, at the top of keywords in single column format, below the author information
Keywords: Five Keywords are Required Separated By Commas (Capitalize Each Work Italic)
10pt normal space
after each 1. INTRODUCTION the section titles. For subsections, the first letter of
heading/subheading each word should be in capital letter and followed
and a single tab This guide provides details to assist authors in by small letters. One line space should be given
preparing a paper for publication in JATIT so that above the sub section while no space should be
there is a consistency among papers. These given below the heading and text
instructions give guidance on layout, style, 1) Identification of sub subsections
Left Margin illustrations and references and serve as a model for Subsub section has to be in sentense case with no
1.25 authors to emulate. Please follow these spacing above or blow the srat of it.
specifications closely as papers which do not meet Right Margin
the standards laid down, will not be published. 3. TABLES AND FIGURES 1.25
Figures should be labeled with "Figure"
Manuscripts must be in English (all figures and tables with "Table" and should be numbered
and text) and prepared on Letter size paper (8.5 X sequentially, for example, Figure 1, Figure 2 and so
11 inches) in two column-format with 1.3 margins on (refer to table 1 and figure 1). The figure
from top and .6 from bottom, and 1.25cm from left numbers and titles should be placed below the
and right, leaving a gutter width of 0.2 between figures, and the table numbers and titles should be
columns. placed on top of the tables. The title should be
Text Size placed in the middle of the page between the left
Times new Centered at top of the first page should be and right margins. Tables, illustrations and
Roman 10pt the complete title of the manuscript, followed by the corresponding text should be placed on the
normal same page as far as possible if too large they can be
name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), mailing and
email address(es). This is followed by the abstracts placed in singly column format after text.
under the heading ABSTRACT, keywords under Otherwise they may be placed on the immediate
the heading Keywords and followed by the text. following page. If its size should be smaller than
The text should be typed in single space, using a the type area they can be placed after references in
font similar to the one used in this text (Times, 10 singly column format and referenced in text
points). Paragraphs should be separated by single
Table 1: Center Table Captions Above The Tables. Font: Times
spacing. Each manuscript should not exceed 10 Size: 9 pt
pages including illustrations and tables. Relevancy (%) Score (%) Style: italics
88.5 87.3
A. Sections and Subsections
Font: Times 82.6 85.4
Sections and Size: subsections
8-10 pt should be 83.1 82.6
numbered and titled as 1.0, 2.0, etc. and 1.1, 1.2,
2.1, 2.2, 2.2.1, etc. Capital letters should be used for
Bottom Margin
0.6 + one 10pt line space 1
after page number
Top Margin


Editorial committee expects the following in a

Quality Paper to have high chance of acceptance
for publication in the journal.

 Paper should be rich in content and data.

 Follow a proper well defined research method
or approach.
Figure 1: Description Is Placed Right Below The Figure  Should effectively introduce the area and
subareas under investigation.
4. EQUATIONS  Critique available literature on the topic.
 Present a clear research problem derived from
When numbering equations, enclose numbers literature
in parentheses and place flush with right-hand  Present a valid detailed solution to the
margin of the column. Equations must be typed, not identified problem.
inserted.  Develop / Adopt/ Adapt a clear validation
(If nonstandard fonts are used its better to put method/criteria.
equations as images instead of text)  Follow a proper detailed method for validation
Example: and should present concrete and decisive
evidence in from of research results. Discusses
and evaluates the results in comparison to
Netj = w0 + i 1
xiwij (1) literature
 Provide difference from prior work
REFRENCES:  Provide clear limitation and assumptions to
[Author Name(s), Paper Title, Conference/Journal achieve the solution or results presented.
Title (Vol/Issue), Date, Page Numbers]  Provide clear conclusion and deduction based
Should be arranged/numbered in chronological order on work carried out and data presented.
as they appear indexed [1],[2] in paper text.  Provide clear Future Research Directions
Examples are as follows
[1] Author No.1, Author No 2 Onward, “Paper Title REVIEW & SELECTION CRITERIA
Here”, Proceedings of xxx Conference or Kindly visit the journal home page WWW.JATIT.ORG
Journal (ABCD), Institution name (Country), to have a good look at what reviewers have in mind
February 21-23, year, pp. 626-632. when conducting double blind review.
[2] B.N. Singh, Bhim Singh, Ambrish Chandra, and
Kamal Al-Haddad, “Digital Implementation of
Number of pages is never a criteria to judge a paper
an Advanced Static VAR Compensator for
but the content and its effective presentation
Voltage Profile Improvement, Power Factor
matters. Following is just a guide for presentation
Correction and Balancing of Unbalanced
of enough content to qualify as a good presentation
Reactive Loads”, Electric Power Energy
Research, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2000, pp. 101-111.
Minimum length to present sufficient content is 10
[3] URL Date Stamp Time Stamp GMT and pages in journal format. Under 11 pages of text will
dd/mm/yyyy not qualify for an external review and shall be
rejected in editorial screening
Maxim allowed length is 40 pages in journal
format. Can be relaxed to 46 pages in special
Large Figures/Tables Or Any Other Annexures Can Becases
Placed At The End Of The Paper And Indexed
In Paper Text Accordingly
Figure titles should be below figures
Figure x : Figure Title (Times New Roman 9pt Capitalize Each Word Italic)
Table x: Table Title(Times New Roman 9pt Capitalize Each Word Italic)
Table titles should be above tables

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