Narrative Research

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
District of Malvar

School Based Training on Action Research
“Building a Culture of Research Through Practitioner Research”

In line with the efforts to ensure quality education and strenghten proffesional growth of the
teaching personnel , an activity entitled “ Building a Culture of Research Through Practitioner Research
was held last Oct 27, 2017” It aims to orient teachers regarding the significance and impact of action
research in education.

The program started with the first session which entitled Importance of Research in the K to 12
Educational and the Strands of Action Research this was explained by Ms. Vanessa L. Abando. She
cited some important details regarding research. This was followed by the Introduction on Action
Research and Formulating the Problem which was discussed by Mrs. Clyo O. Endaya. She emphasized
the step by step procedures on how to start and write research.

Meanwhile, the afternoon session was started by the Brainstorming on the problems in the
School/ Workplace: Use of Causal Loops which was led by Mrs. Michelle P. Umali. She also focused
on sharing of output to every teacher participants. This session led to an open forum or wrap up to
enlighten the teachers to different querries in ther minds about research.

After sometime, Ms. Mykell B. Padua led the writing of the statement of the problem and
expected outcome or action and parts of an action reseach workshop. This help the participants to fully
undertand the research not just by theories alone but through experience on writing the research.

This led to the presentation of their output which created deeped understanding on the
importance of conducting action research its relevance to school and learners.

Today with the help of this inset, the teachers skills in conducting research may not fully
developed but a deeper understanding on the relevance of the reseach on the lives of every teachers
was fully explained and built. This will lead to realization that writing and conducting action research is
a must and a dream to fulfill.

Prepared by:
Guidance Counselor
Noted by:

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