Reflux Plate Determinations For Batch Distillation: S. R. M. Ellis
Reflux Plate Determinations For Batch Distillation: S. R. M. Ellis
Reflux Plate Determinations For Batch Distillation: S. R. M. Ellis
ever, to be able to calculate rapidly the reflux ratio a t any stage in Benzene-Toluene
the distillation. The need for such calculations is emphasized in 10.2 4.24 0.53 2.27 2.25 0.01
8.3 4.24 0.44 2.45 2.25 0.06
the application of Bogart’s ( I ) equation to the separation of high 5.9 4.24 0.24 3.58 2.25 0.29
5.4 4.24 0.18 4.58 2.25 0.42
purity components from close boiling mixtures. 4.9 4.24 0.12 5.58 2.25 0.57
8.4 6.28 0.22 13.6 10.2 0.23
7.55 6.28 0.15 18.0 10.2 0.41
6.85 6.28 0.07 35.5 10.2 0.69
10.33 6 . 2 8 0.36 10.8 10.2 0.05
9.1 8.1 0.07 48.0 25.5 0.46
Dlstillatc 0.9 8 . 9 0 9 9.5 8.1 0.13 36.6 25.5 0.29
10.5 8.1 0.21 27.0 25.5 0.05
Bottoms 0.02 0.05 0.3
Benzene- n-Heptane
10.7 9.4 6.5
10.3 9.4 0.08 44.0 16.6 0.61
12.3 9.4 0.22 21.5 16.6 0.22
lX8 9.4 0.30 18.6 16.6 0.10
10.9 9.4 0.13 30.0 16 6 0.43
12.3 10.7 0.12 64.3 43 0 0 32
11.6 10.7 0.07 97.0 43. I) 0.56
12.9 10.7 0.16 50.0 43.0 0.14
14.0 6.5 0.5 3.5 3.1 0.09’
8 2 6.5 0.18 8.0 3.1 0 54
9,6 6.5 0.29 5.0 3.1 0.32
11.2 6.5 0.38 4.2 3.1 0.21
7.8 6.5 0.15 10.0 3 1 0.63
0.96 0.30 1.238 23.2 18.8 0.18 47.0 13.1 0.50
0.96 0.30 1.238 25.4 18.8 0.25 23.0 13.1 0.41
0.96 0.30 1.238 34.9 18.8 0.44 15.0 13.1 0.11
0.96 0.10 1.238 36.4 25.1 0.30 47.0 40. 1 0.14
0.96 0.10 1.238 27.8 25.1 0.09 96.0 40.1 0.58
0.96 0.10 1.238 30.6 25.1 0.16 67.0 40.1 0.40
0.96 0.04 1.238 33.6 29.8 0.11 200.0 100.6 0.49
0.96 0.04 1.238 35.8 29.8 0.16 150.0 100.6 0.33
Figure 1. Extrapolation of Curves Calculated for 0.96 0.04 1.238 39.4 29.8 0.24 120.0 100.6 0.16
Correlations Provide Rapid and Accurate
Calculation of Reflux and Plate Requirements
The results for the benzene-n-heptane system (Table I ) have
been expressed graphically in Figure 1. For benzcue-n-heptane
separate curves are obtained for varyiii.s tlrgrtw of separation.
Similar graphs (riot shown) for the other tahles result in curves
having a sixiilar trend.
R - Xnz
For values of ___- less than 0.05 the cu
s - s,, value of+unity
I I2 - R,,, approaches zero. 13y es- I I I I I
R + l
s - s, are obtained
0 20 40
- R, - 60 80
07.5 1 I I I These examples show that this graphical method for calculating
the reflux ratio or the number of plates approaches the accuracy
of the Smoker and Dodge and Huffman equations. Although the
correlating curves are based on the Underwood, Fenske, and
Smoker equations, the method might not have been expected to
give such accurate results in view of the ease with which it may
be applied. The method can be equally well applied to the sep-
aration of key components in an ideal multicomponent mixture
\\\ i I
I I if the correct minimum reflux ratio is used.
Continuous Distillation and Feed Plate Location. To deter-
mine the total number of plates in the distillation column for
a given reflux ratio, it is necessary to use the correlating curves
of Gilliland ( l a ) or Brown and Martin ( 8 ) .
If the total number of plates is known, numerous methods have
I ” ’ 1 # 1 1 1 1
been proposed for locating the feed plate-Le., hlcCabe-Thiele
construction, plate-to-plate analysis, the Smoker equation, and
0 025 0.5 075
the empirical correlation of Kirkbride (14).
It was considered feasible that Figure 4 should be applicable to
s - sm the location of the number of trays above the feed plate. The
Figure 4. Correlation of ____ Intercept with Reflux feed composition entering the column a t ita boiling point is con-
S+ 1 sidered to be the equivalent of a composition in a reboiler in a
and Plate Requirements
batch distillation. This is probably best illustrated by the follow-
ing examples.
method, those calculated by Gilliland’s correlation, and by the ous still fractionating a mixture of 40.0y0 benzene and 60.0y0
method proposed in this paper. toluene a t a reflux ratio of 3 to 1, so that each product is 99.0%
Gilliland’s correlation does not apply to batch distillation. pure. The Smoker and RlcCabe-Thiele methods give 7.9 plates
This is not a criticism of the method, since it was developed for above the feed plate. The total number of theoretical plates is
continuous distillation. 15.7.
The relative volatility a t the feed point is 2.45 and the average
value between the feed and overhead compositions is 2.40, R , =
1.65, and S , = 5.6.
Table 111. Comparison of Methods of Calculating Reflux From Figure 2 the
s - s,
intercept is taken as 0.52 and from
Ratio R - R,
Figure 4, with -___ as0.34, -
-+8, = 0.25. S , the number of
R +
R + l
Figure 3, by interpolation and extrapolation, the intercept value Multicomponent Systems. I n continuous multicomponent
distillation the presence of other components influences the
- Sm is 0.58. Csing the appropriate curve of Figure 4,for
of ___
S + l
_ _R_
R +1
m -
- 0.5> ___ ’s + 1
- sm has a value of 0.19. The number of
separation of the key components and the evaluation of their
minimum reflux ratio. Figures 3 and 4 can be rapidly applied
to the location of the feed plate with a reasonable degree of
plates obtained by this procedure is 529, which is in close agree- accuracy if the following procedure is adopted:
ment with the above calculated result.
SEPI R ~ T I O N OF ~L-HEPTAKE AND ~IETHYLCYCLOHEXANE. In 1. R, is determined using the equation of Underwood (18)
the separation of n-heptane and methylcpclohexane (with a rel- between the overhead composition and the composition of the
ative volatility of 1.07) to give an overhead and bottoms product liquid fraction of the feed. The Colburn (6) equation can be
of 06.0 and 3.33%, respectively, and using a reflux ratio of 1000, similarly used for evaluating R,.
2. For a liquid feed, S, is determined between the ratio of key
Dodge and Huffinan ( 7 ) calculated that 105 theoretical plates components in the overhead composition and the ratio in the feed
were required. Since R,, = 415 and S, = 97.0, for S, = 97.0 and by using the Fenske (11) equation. I n the case of flash vaporiea-
a: = 1.07 from Figure 3 the intercept value of -
S -+S, is 0.35. tion of the feed, S, is determined between the ratio of key com-
ponents in the overhead composition and the ratio in the liquid
R - Rm fraction of the feed.
This locates the cun’e on Figure 4, and from
R f l
= 0.59 the 3. For a liquid feed, S = n 1 and S,, n, +
1 are equal
to the theoretical and minimum number of theoretical trays above
+ +
value of is 0.09. This gives the number of plates as the feed plate. I n the application of Figures 3 and 4 to feed plate
S + l location the assumption is made that the ratio of key components
105.6, which again is in good agreement with the calculation of in the feed entering the feed tray is the same as that in the liquid
Dodge and Huffman. leaving the tray above the feed plate.