Review On Strategic Planning of Directorate General of Strengthening The Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products
Review On Strategic Planning of Directorate General of Strengthening The Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products
Review On Strategic Planning of Directorate General of Strengthening The Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products
As a maritime country, Indonesia has enormous potential from the sea. Through the
ratification of Indonesia in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,
Indonesian sea sovereignty has been recognized internationally so as to strengthen the
utilization rights of this potential for the welfare of the nation.
Indonesia has the largest number of islands as many as 17,504 islands with a beach
length 95,181 km. The size of Indonesia's sea covers 2/3 of the territory of the Republic of
Indonesia, which is 5.8 million km2 with territorial waters of 3.1 million km2 and the area of
the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEEI) of 2.7 million km2. Indonesia has the world's
largest marine mega biodiversity, 8,500 species of fish, 555 species of seaweed, and 950
species of coral reefs, as well as other species that have not been identified. The potential of
marine capture fisheries resources is estimated at around 12.54 million tons/year. In addition,
the location of Indonesia is very strategic, flanked by 2 Oceans (India and the Pacific) and 2
continents (Asia and Australia), placing Indonesia as the world's maritime axis in the context
of the global supply chain system that connects the Asia-Pacific region with Australia. This
potential and position are big capitals for economic development and in the end, it can be
utilized to improve people's welfare.
Utilizing national potential into a resource that is able to have a positive impact on the
life of the nation, state and society for the prosperity of its people is in line with the Trisakti
ideology, the foundation of the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan. Based
on the Trisakti ideology, development is achieved through the realization of a nation that is (1)
sovereign, that is, a nation capable of living equal and equal to other nations, this is achieved
through increased competitiveness; (2) independent, namely the reduction of dependence on
foreign resources through the availability of quality human beings and the principle of
sustainable development in an integrated and environmentally friendly manner; (3) personality
and culture, which is to realize the national identity of Indonesia as a pluralistic nation and
maritime nation, and to place maritime as the axis of power to build the Indonesian economy
and improve people's welfare. Trisakti ideology also illustrates the existence of a reorientation
of the paradigm shift, from land-based development to marine and island-based development.
In line with the Trisakti concept and paying attention to the direction of the President
of the Republic of Indonesia in his state speech that the sea is the future of Indonesian
civilization and should not be ruled out, the role of the marine and fisheries sector is very
important to be developed for the welfare of the nation. Therefore, the development of a
sustainable marine and fisheries sector needs to be done by paying attention to aspects of
growth, equity and modernization. The development of the marine and fisheries sector is the
responsibility of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has responsibility to carry out sustainable
development of the marine and fisheries sector. So, it is responsible to manage Indonesia's
marines, including the resources and utilization of their potential for people's welfare. In
general, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has the task of organizing government
affairs in the field of maritime affairs and fisheries to assist the President in organizing state
governance. In carrying out its duties and functions, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries is supported by thirteen echelon II work units consisting of one secretariat general,
five directorate generals, one inspectorate general, two bodies, and three expert staff.
One of the echelon II units under the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is the
Directorate General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products. The
Directorate General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products
plays a role in carrying out marine and fisheries development through a program to strengthen
the competitiveness of marine and fishery products directed towards realizing marine and
fishery products that have competitiveness in domestic and international markets by
implementing efficient industrial systems and non-waste. The program to strengthen the
competitiveness of marine and fishery products is one of them in the form of policy making
based on a market driven or market approach so that the availability of products can be accepted
and demanded by consumers. Thus, the products produced must be marine and fishery products
that have high quality, safe, traceable, high value content and competitive.
To achieve the goal of realizing marine and fishery products that are competitive in the
domestic and international markets, the Directorate General of Strengthening Competitiveness
of Marine and Fishery Products implements strategic planning in his organization and
documents the strategic planning in a strategic plan document. In its strategic plan, the
Directorate General of Strengthening the Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products sets
out the vision, mission, goals, strategic objectives, and strategies used to achieve its strategic
goals and objectives. In addition, the Directorate General of Strengthening the Competitiveness
of Marine and Fishery Products periodically evaluates established strategic plans, responds to
changes that occur within the organization's environment and strategic environment and then
makes it as feedback to determine whether or not to make changes to the existing strategic plan.
How the Directorate General of Strengthening Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery
Products develops a strategic plan for 2015-2019, starting from developing a vision and
mission to formulating strategies to achieve the vision and mission and how strategic plans
evaluation, environmental changes such as changes in organizational structure and changes in
government policies used as feedback to make changes to the strategic plan will be discussed
in this paper.
Strategic Planning
Since the early 1980s, strategic planning has been one of the "hot" innovations in public
administration, the technique of borrowing from the best run private sector companies (Berry
and Wechsler, 2014). An outpouring of books and articles advocate strategic planning and an
effective tool for improving organizational decision making and program performance in
Berry and Wechsler, 2014, defines strategic planning as a process for managing the
organization and its future direction in relation to the environment and the demands of external
stakeholders, including strategy formulation, analysis of agency strengths and weaknesses,
identification of agency stakeholders, implementation of strategic actions, and issue
The political approach considers that elections are a process of drafting a plan, because
the voters make their choices based on the development programs offered by each candidate
for President. Therefore, the development plan is the elaboration of the development agendas
offered by the President during the campaign into the medium-term development plan.
Planning with a technocratic approach is carried out using methods and scientific
thinking frameworks by institutions or work units that are functionally assigned to it. Planning
with a participatory approach is carried out by involving all stakeholders (stakeholders)
towards development. Their involvement is to get aspirations and create a sense of belonging.
While the top-down and bottom-up approach carried out according to levels of government.
The political approach in the strategic planning process affects the strategic planning
time framework in government agencies in general. Time horizon for strategic planning at
government agencies will follow the electoral cycle period, which is every five years. Thus,
the time horizon for the government's strategic planning agency is five years, which is the
minimum time frame in the private sector. This minimum period of time can be a separate
constraint for government agencies in achieving their stated organizational goals. As stated by
Allison, 1979; Heclo, 1978; Lynn, 1987; Ring & Perry, 1985 that within the public sector,
electoral cycles act to constrain the time horizons of many officials, with the short-term
planning focus of senior managers who often bring their own priorities to bear in the agency.
1. Strengthen and develop market access and promotion of marine and fishery products in
domestic and foreign markets.
2. Developing quality and diversification of marine and fishery products.
3. Improve logistics networks in order to ensure availability of marine and fishery
products in the domestic market.
4. Development of investment and sustainability of marine and fisheries businesses.
5. A variety of processed products are developed by the application of innovative
6. Develop management support and order in order to realize good upstream downstream
connectivity of marine and fishery products.
Departing from the vision and mission that has been made, the Directorate General of
Strengthening Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products formulates the objectives to be
achieved and the achievement indicators for each of these objectives. The goal clearly contains
which direction the organization will aim for or want, which is a further elaboration of the
assigned mission. By setting goals, it can be clearly known what the organization must do in
fulfilling its vision and mission for the next one to five years. The Directorate General of
Strengthening Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products developed its six missions into
ten objectives and set performance indicators for each goal.
The next step in preparing its strategic plan, the Directorate General of Strengthening
Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products, made the program. The program is a
collection of systematic and integrated activities in order to achieve the set goals and objectives.
These activities are something that must be implemented to realize a predetermined program
and is a reflection of concrete strategies to be implemented as well as possible in order to
achieve goals and objectives. For each program, program performance indicators are set. The
program performance indicator is a measuring tool that indicates the success of achieving the
results of a program. Likewise, for each activity has an activity performance indicator.
Indicator of activity performance is a measuring instrument that indicates the success of
achieving the output of an activity.
The Directorate General of Strengthening Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery
Products makes a strategic plan with a top-down and bottom-up approach. A top-down
approach is used when setting vision and mission. A bottom-up approach is used when
developing the vision and mission into goals, strategic objectives, programs, strategies and
activities. The use of bottom-up approach means to includes participatory all of organization
parts in the strategic planning process.
Based on the strategic plan that has been prepared, the Directorate General of
Strengthening Competitiveness of Marine and Fishery Products establishes the funding
framework needed to implement the direction of policies, strategies and programs to strengthen
the competitiveness of marine and fishery products. This indicates that the strategic planning
process is linked to the budgeting process.
The strategic planning cycle at the Directorate General of Marine and Fishery Products
follows the general election cycle. Therefore, the time framework for the strategic plan
prepared is five years, the same as the minimum framework in the private sector. The process
of formulating a strategic plan at the Directorate General of Strengthening Competitiveness of
Marine and Fishery Products includes formulating the organization's vision and mission,
analyzing the internal and external environment (environment scanning) by looking at the
strategic environment of the organization, formulating goals and objectives, and formulating
strategies to achieve these goals and objectives. Furthermore, the Directorate General of
Strengthening of Marine and Fishery Products formulates important indicators to measure the
success of achieving strategic objectives. The process of preparing a strategic plan uses a top-
down and bottom-up approach. Furthermore, the strategic planning process is linked to
budgeting process by creating a funding framework needed to carry out policy directions,
strategies, and programs to strengthen the competitiveness of marine and fishery products.
Berry, Francess Stoke and Wechsler Barton. (1995). State Agencies’ Experience with Strategic
Planning: Finding from a National Survey. Public Administration Review, Vol. 55, No.
2, 159-168.
David, F., & David, F. (2016). Strategic Management A Competitive Advantage Approach,
Concepts and Cases. Essex: Pearson.
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Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Daya Saing Produk Kelautan Dan Perikanan Nomor
72/KEP-DJPDSPKP/2018 tentang Perubahan Ketiga Atas Keputusan Direktur Jenderal
Penguatan Daya Saing Produk Kelautan Dan Perikanan Nomor 1/KEP-DJPDSPKP/2016
Tentang Rencana Strategis Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Daya Saing Produk Kelautan
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Appendix 1
The comparison table of strategic plans compiled first in 2015 with the latest strategic plan amended in 2018
2015 2018
Realizing the competitiveness of marine and fishery products that are Realizing the competitiveness of marine and fishery products that are
independent, advanced, strong and based on national interests independent, advanced, strong and based on national interests
Strengthen and 1. Increase the export Nilai ekspor Strengthen and 1. Increase the export Nilai ekspor meningkat rata-
develop market value of marine and meningkat rata-rata develop market value of marine and rata 12.97% per tahun (2015
access and fishery products 12.97% per tahun access and fishery products USD 5,86 miliar—2019 USD
promotion of (2015 USD 5,86 promotion of 9,50 miliar)
marine and fishery miliar—2019 USD marine and
products in the 9,50 miliar) fishery products Peningkatan konsumsi ikan
domestic and in the domestic rata-rata 7,44% per tahun
foreign markets Peningkatan and foreign 2. Increase national 2015 40,9 kg/kapita—2019
2. Increase national konsumsi ikan rata- markets average0 per capita 54,49 kg/kapita
average0 per capita rata 7,44% per fish consumption
fish consumption tahun
2015 40,9
54,49 kg/kapita
Developing the Increase the volume of Volume produk Developing the Increase the volume Volume produk olahan hasil
quality and added value processed olahan hasil quality and of added value perikanan meningkat rata-
diversification of fishery products perikanan meningkat diversification of processed fishery rata 4,97% per tahun
marine and fishery (what about marine rata-rata 4,97% per marine and fishery products 2015 5,6 juta ton—2019 6,8
products products?) tahun products (what about marine juta ton
2015: 5,6 juta ton— products?)
2019: 6,8 juta ton
Improve logistics increased availability of tahun 2016-2019 Improve logistics Guaranteed tahun 2016-2019
networks in order to fish supply in the UPI networks in availability of fish
guarantee the jaminan order to supply in the Fish jaminan ketersediaan ikan di
availability of marine ketersediaan ikan di guarantee the Processing Unit UPI meningkat rata-rata
and fishery products UPI meningkat rata- availability of 7,72% per tahun,
in the domestic rata marine and 60% pada tahun 2016 menjadi
market 7,72% per tahun, fishery products 75% pada tahun 2019
60% pada tahun in the domestic
2016 menjadi 75% market
pada tahun 2019
Develop investment 1. Increase the 2015-2019 Develop 1. Increase the 2015-2019
and sustainability of investment value of nilai investasi bidang investment and investment value of nilai investasi bidang pasca
marine and fisheries marine and fishery pasca panen sustainability of marine and fishery panen meningkat rata-rata
businesses. products meningkat rata-rata marine and products 10,03% per tahun
10,03% per tahun fisheries Rp 3,2 T di 2015 menjadi Rp
Rp 3,2 T di 2015 businesses. 4,69 T di 2019
menjadi Rp 4,69 T di
2019 nilai pembiayaan meningkat
rata-rata 3,72% per
nilai pembiayaan tahun
2. Increase the value of meningkat rata-rata Rp 320 miliar di tahun 2015
2. Increase the value
marine and fisheries 3,72% per menjadi Rp
of marine and
business financing tahun 3,63 triliun di tahun 2019
fisheries business
from bank and non- Rp 320 miliar di
financing from
bank financial tahun 2015 menjadi
bank and non-bank
institutions Rp
370 miliar di tahun
Develop a variety of increasing test of uji terap inovasi Develop a variety 1. Increasing the uji terap inovasi teknologi
processed products applied technological teknologi meningkat of processed applied test of meningkat
with the application innovation and 40% per tahun, yakni products with the marine and fishery 40% per tahun, yakni dari 10
of innovative marketing of marine dari 10 ragam pada application of product technology ragam pada tahun 2016
technology and fishery products tahun 2016 menjadi innovative innovation menjadi
16 ragam pada tahun technology 16 ragam pada tahun 2019
2. Increase the test of 3 ragam pada tahun 2016
3 ragam pada tahun applied innovation menjadi 5 ragam pada
2016 menjadi 5 in marketing of tahun 2019
ragam pada maritime and
tahun 2019 fishery products produk
bersertifikat SNI pada tahun
2016 menjadi 15 produk pada
tahun 2019
3. Increase the
number of SNI
certified products
Develop Increase management 100% Develop Increase management 100%
management support and management support and
support and implementation of support and implementation of
implementation of technical duties within implementation technical duties within
other technical the Directorate General of other technical the Directorate
duties in the field of of PDSPKP to strengthen duties in the field General of PDSPKP to
strengthening the upstream-downstream of strengthening strengthen
competitiveness of connectivity of marine the upstream-
marine and fishery and fishery products competitiveness downstream
products in order to of marine and connectivity of marine
realize good fishery products and fishery products
upstream- in order to realize
downstream good upstream-
connectivity of downstream
marine and fishery connectivity of
products marine and
fishery products
Balance Scorecard
2015 2018
Realizing the welfare of the marine and fisheries community The realization of the welfare of marine and fishery products businesses
The realization of participatory, responsible and sustainable marine Realization of sovereignty in the management of marine and fisheries
and fisheries resources management resources
Increased competitiveness of marine and fishery products and The realization of marine and fishery products that are competitive,
logistics responsible and sustainable
Availability of policies to strengthen the competitiveness of marine Availability of effective policies to strengthen the competitiveness of
and fishery products as needed marine and fishery products
Increased market access and promotion of marine and fishery Achieving the volume of processed fishery products
Increasing the quality and diversification of marine products Increased national per capita fish consumption
Increasing the quality and diversification of fishery products Increased export value of fishery products
Increased availability of fish supply Achievement of annual fish inflation value
Increased investment and business of marine and fishery products Increased value of marine and fisheries business financing from Bank and
non-Bank financial institutions
Increased testing of the application of fishery products Testing othe application of marine and fishery products
Implementation of fisheries product import controls according to
quality standards
The realization of competent, professional and personable civil The realization of competent, professional and personable civil servant
servant (ASN) of Directorate General PDSPKP (ASN) of Directorate General PDSPKP
Availability of reliable and accessible Directorate General of PDSPKP Availability of reliable and accessible Directorate General of PDSPKP
knowledge management knowledge management
The realization of effective, efficient, and excellent service-oriented The realization of effective, efficient, and excellent service-oriented
bureaucracy bureaucracy
Management of the Directorate General of PDSPKP's development Management of the Directorate General of PDSPKP's development budget
budget is efficient and accountable is efficient and accountable