SBI Fact Shewt
SBI Fact Shewt
SBI Fact Shewt
Product Labelling
*Investors should consult their financial advisers if in doubt about whether the product is suitable for them.
The Scheme particulars have been prepared in accordance with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds)
Regulations 1996, as amended till date, and filed with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The units being
offered for public subscription have not been approved or disapproved by SEBI, nor has SEBI certified the accuracy or
adequacy of this KIM.
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
Name of the SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund (earlier known as SBI Magnum Gilt Fund – Short Term Plan)
Type of An open-ended debt scheme investing in government securities having a constant maturity of
Scheme around 10 years. However, there is no guarantee or assurance that the scheme’s objective will be
achieved. The scheme does not guarantee or assure any returns.
Investment The investment objective of the scheme is to provide returns to the investors generated through
Objective investments predominantly in Government securities issued by the Central Government and/or State
Government such that the Average Maturity of the portfolio is around 10 years.
The Scheme may invest in debt derivatives upto 100% of the net assets of the scheme.
As per SEBI circular SEBI/HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2017/109 dated September 27, 2017, the Scheme may
indulge in ‘Imperfect hedging’ using IRFs upto maximum of 20% of the net assets of the scheme.
While the portfolio will maintain a constant maturity of around 10 years, the Fund manager will
rebalance the portfolio every 6 months to achieve the investment objective.
For detailed asset allocation, please refer to SID
Investment Investment in Central and/or State Government securities are considered to be free of credit risk.
Strategy However, the aim of the portfolio will be to make capital gains by actively managing interest rate
Risk Profile of Mutual Fund Units involve investment risks including the possible loss of principal. Please read the
the Scheme SID carefully for details on risk factors before investment. Scheme specific risk factors are
summarized below:
SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund is prone to interest rate risks like any other debt instruments.
Changes in interest rates will affect the scheme’s Net Asset Value as the prices of securities generally
increase as interest rates decline and generally decrease as interest rates rise.
The Scheme is subjected to risk factors associated with investments in Central and State Government
securities, T-Bills, triparty repo, Repo and Cash, debt derivatives. Besides, the scheme is also
subjected to risk associated with imperfect hedge using interest rate futures, Settlement Risk &
Regulatory Risk associated with securities as detailed in the SID.
Risk Control Investments in debt and debt related securities carry various risks such as inability to sell securities,
trading volumes and settlement periods, market risk, interest rate risk, liquidity risk, default risk,
reinvestment risk etc. Whilst such risks cannot be eliminated, they may be mitigated by
diversification and hedging.
In order to mitigate the various risks, the portfolio of the Scheme will be constructed in accordance
with the investment restriction specified under the Regulations which would help in mitigating
certain risks relating to investments in securities market.
Further, the AMC has necessary framework in place for risk mitigation at an enterprise level. The Risk
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
Management division is an independent division within the organization. Internal limits are defined
and judiciously monitored. Risk indicators on various parameters are computed and are monitored
on a regular basis. There is a Board Level Committee, the Risk Management Committee of the Board,
which enables a dedicated focus on risk factors and the relevant risk mitigates.
Liquidity risks:
The liquidity of the Scheme’s investments may be inherently restricted by trading volumes, transfer
procedures and settlement periods. Liquidity Risk can be partly mitigated by diversification,
staggering of maturities as well as internal risk controls that lean towards purchase of liquid
Credit Risks
Credit risk shall be mitigated by investing in rated papers of the companies having the sound back
ground, strong fundamentals, and quality of management and financial strength of the Company.
Volatility risks:
There is the risk of volatility in markets due to external factors like liquidity flows, changes in the
business environment, economic policy etc. The scheme will manage volatility risk through
Plans /Options The Scheme has two sub plans – Regular Plan and Direct plan. Both sub-plans have Growth &
Dividend options. Dividend option has Reinvestment, Payout & Transfer facilities
Direct Plan:
Direct Plan is only for investors who purchase /subscribe Units in a Scheme directly with the Mutual
Fund or through Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) and is not available for investors who route
their investments through a Distributor. All the features of the Direct Plan under Scheme like the
investment objective, asset allocation pattern, investment strategy, risk factors, facilities offered,
load structure etc. will be the same except for a lower expense ratio as detailed in Section IV – Fees
and Expenses – B. – Annual Recurring Expenses of the SID. Brokerage/Commission paid to
distributors will not be paid / charged under the Direct Plan. Both the plans shall have a common
Eligible investors: All categories of investors as permitted under the Scheme Information Document
of the Scheme are eligible to subscribe under Direct Plan.
Modes for applying: Investments under Direct Plan can be made through various modes offered by
the Mutual Fund for investing directly with the Mutual Fund
How to apply:
Investors desirous of subscribing under Direct Plan of a Scheme will have to ensure to indicate
“Direct Plan” against the Scheme name in the application form. Investors should also indicate
“Direct” in the ARN column of the application form.
Regular Plan
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
This Plan is for investors who wish to route their investment through any distributor.
In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN codes mentioned on the application form, the
application shall be processed under Regular Plan. The AMC shall contact and obtain the correct ARN
code within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the application form from the investor/ distributor. In
case, the correct code is not received within 30 calendar days, the AMC shall reprocess the
transaction under Direct Plan from the date of application.
Default Options
Both plans will have growth and dividend option. Between “Growth” or “Dividend” option, the
default will be treated as “Growth”. Dividend option will have Reinvestment, Payout and Transfer
facilities. Between “Reinvestment”, “Payout” or “Transfer”, the default will be treated as
Investor can select only one option either pay out or reinvestment in dividend plan at a Scheme and
folio level. Any subsequent request for change in Dividend option viz. Payout to Reinvestment or
vice-versa would be processed at the Folio / Scheme level and not at individual transaction
level. Accordingly, any change in dividend option (payout / reinvestment) will reflect for all the
units held under the scheme / folio.
1. Applicable NAV For subscription of below Rs. 2 lakhs
In respect of valid applications received upto 3 p.m. by the Mutual Fund at any of the OPAT of SBI MF
along with a local cheque or a demand draft payable at par at the place where the application is
received, the closing NAV of the day on which application is received shall be applicable. In respect
of valid applications received after 3 p.m. by the Mutual Fund at any of the OPAT along with a local
cheque or a demand draft payable at par at the place where the application is received, the closing
NAV of the next business day shall be applicable.
For subscription of Rs. 2 lakhs & above: In respect of purchase of units of the scheme, the closing
NAV of the day on which the funds are available for utilization shall be applicable, provided the funds
are realised up to 3.00 pm on a business day, subject to the transaction being time stamped
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
In case where more than one application is received for purchase/subscription/switch-in in a debt
scheme (irrespective of the plan/option/sub-option) of the Fund for an aggregate investment
amount equal to or more than Rs.2 lakh on any business day, then such applications shall be
aggregated at Permanent Account Number (PAN) level of the first holder. Such aggregation shall be
done irrespective of the number of folios under which the investor is investing and irrespective of
source of funds, mode, location and time of application and payment.
Accordingly, the applicable NAV for such investments shall be the day on which the clear funds are
available for utilization before the cut off time. In case the funds are received on separate days and
are available for utilization on different business days before the cut off time, the applicable NAV
shall be of the Business day/s on which the cleared funds are available for utilization for the
respective application amount.
For Redemptions including Switch out: In respect of valid applications received upto 3.00 p.m. by
the Mutual Fund, same days closing NAV shall be applicable. In respect of valid applications received
after the cut off time by the Mutual Fund, the closing NAV of the next business day shall be
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
Performance of Performance of the scheme (As on April 30, 2019)
the scheme
Scheme Name 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Since
SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund - Regular Plan -
Growth 9.70 8.89 9.74 7.92
Benchmark: - CRISIL 10 Yr. Gilt index 8.99 5.77 7.95 N.A.
As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception
or the required period are not available.
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Financial Year
SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund - Reg Growth
Crisil 10yr Gilt Index
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
The AMC reserves the right to modify / change the load structure on a prospective basis.
(ii) Recurring The AMC has estimated that upto 2.00% (plus allowed under regulation 52(6A) of the daily net asset
expenses will be charged to the scheme as expenses. The maximum annual recurring expenses that can be
charged to the Scheme, excluding issue or redemption expenses, whether initially borne by the
mutual fund or by the asset management company, but including the investment management and
advisory fee shall be within the limits stated in Regulations 52 read with SEBI circular no.
CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13, 2012. The AMC may charge the investment and advisory
fees within the limits of total expenses prescribed under Regulation 52 of the SEBI (Mutual Funds)
Pursuant to SEBI Circular No. SEBI /HO/IMD/DF2/CIR/P/2018/15 dated February 02, 2018, additional
expenses under regulation 52 (6A) (c) shall not be levied if the scheme doesn’t have exit load. Any
other expenses which are directly attributable to the Scheme, may be charged with the approval of
the Trustee within the overall limits as specified in the Regulations except those expenses which are
specifically prohibited.
These estimates have been made in good faith as per the information available to the Investment
Manager based on past experience and are subject to change inter-se. Types of expenses charged
shall be as per the SEBI (MF) Regulations. Pursuant to SEBI Notification dated December 13, 2018,
the maximum total expenses of the scheme under Regulation 52(6)(c) shall be subject to following
Assets under management (in Rs Crores) Total expense ratio limits
On the first Rs.500 crores of the daily net assets 2.00%
On the next Rs.250 crores of the daily net assets 1.75%
On the next Rs.1,250 crores of the daily net assets 1.50%
On the next Rs.3,000 crores of the daily net assets 1.35%
On the next Rs.5,000 crores of the daily net assets 1.25%
On the next Rs.40,000 crores of the daily net assets Total expense ratio reduction of 0.05% for
every increase of Rs.5,000 crores of daily
net assets or part thereof.
On balance of the assets 0.80%
The scheme may charge additional expenses incurred towards different heads mentioned under
regulations (2) and (4), not exceeding 0.05% of the daily net assets.
In addition to expenses as permissible under Regulation 52 (6) (c), the AMC may charge the
following additional costs or expenses to the scheme:
1. The Goods & service tax on investment management and advisory fees would be charged in
addition to above limit.
2. Brokerage and transaction costs which are incurred for the purpose of execution of trade and is
included in the cost of investment, not exceeding 0.12 per cent in case of cash market transactions
and 0.05 percent for derivative transaction. Further, In terms of SEBI circular CIR/IMD/DF/24/2012
dated November 19, 2012, It is clarified that the brokerage and transaction cost incurred for the
purpose of execution of trade may be capitalized to the extent of 12bps and 5bps for cash market
transactions and derivatives transactions respectively. Any payment towards brokerage and
transaction cost, over and above the said 12 bps and 5bps for cash market transactions and
derivatives transactions respectively may be charged to the scheme within the maximum limit of
Total Expense Ratio (TER) as prescribed under regulation 52 of the SEBI (Mutual Funds) Regulations,
1996. Goods & service tax on brokerage and transaction cost paid for execution of trade, if any, shall
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
be within the limit prescribed under regulation 52 of the Regulations Any expenditure in excess of
the said prescribed limit (including brokerage and transaction cost, if any) shall be borne by the AMC
or by the trustee or sponsors.
3. In terms of Regulation 52 (6A) (b), expenses not exceeding of 0.30 per cent of daily net assets will
be charged, if the new inflows from such cities as specified from time to time are at least –
(i) 30 percent of gross new inflows in the scheme, or;
(ii) 15 percent of the average assets under management (year to date) of the scheme, whichever
is higher:
Provided that if inflows from such cities is less than the higher of sub-clause (i) or sub- clause (ii),
such expenses on daily net assets of the scheme shall be charged on proportionate basis:
Provided further that expenses charged under this clause shall be utilised for distribution expenses
incurred for bringing inflows from such cities:
Provided further that amount incurred as expense on account of inflows from such cities shall be
credited back to the scheme in case the said inflows are redeemed within a period of one year from
the date of investment.
4. Further, GST on expenses other than investment and advisory fees shall be borne by the Scheme
within the maximum limit of annual recurring expenses as prescribed in Regulation 52.
Direct Plan shall have a lower expense ratio excluding distribution expenses, commission, etc., vis-à-
vis the Regular Plan and no commission shall be paid from Direct Plan. Both the plans i.e. Direct &
Regular shall have common portfolio. However, Regular Plan and Direct Plan shall have different
For investor education and awareness initiative, the AMC or the Schemes of the Fund will annually
set apart at least 0.02 percent of daily net asset of the Schemes of the Fund within the maximum
limit of the total expense ratio as per SEBI Regulation.
The Mutual Fund would update the current expense ratios on its website within three working days
mentioning the effective date of the change. Investors can refer for Total
Expense Ratio (TER) details.
Any recurring expenses incurred over and above the aforesaid limit shall be borne by AMC.
Actual expenses for the previous financial year ended March 31, 2019:
Tax treatment Investors will be advised to refer to the details in the Statement of Additional Information & also
for the independently refer to their tax advisor
Daily Net Asset NAV of the Scheme shall be computed and declared on every business day and shall be disclosed in
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
Value (NAV) the manner as may be specified by SEBI. NAV can be viewed on and
Monthly The Fund shall disclose the scheme’s portfolio (along with the ISIN) in the prescribed format as on
Disclosure of the last day of the month for all the Schemes of SBI Mutual Fund on its website i.e.
Schemes’ and on the AMFI’s website i.e. within 10 days from the close of the month.
Portfolio Further, the Statement of Scheme portfolio shall be emailed to those unitholders whose email
Statement addresses are registered with the Fund within the above prescribed timeline. Further, the AMC shall
provide physical copy of the statement of scheme portfolio, without charging any cost, on receipt of
a specific request from the unitholder.
Annual Report Scheme wise Annual Report or an abridged summary thereof shall be provided to all unitholders
within four months from the date of closure of the relevant accounts year i.e. 31st March each year
as follows:
1. The Scheme wise annual report / abridged summary thereof shall be hosted on website of the
Fund i.e., and on the website of AMFI i.e. The physical copy of
the scheme-wise annual report or abridged summary shall be made available to the unitholders at
the registered office of SBI Mutual Fund at all times.
2. The scheme annual report or an abridged summary thereof shall be emailed to those unitholders
whose email addresses are registered with the Fund.
3. The AMC shall publish an advertisement on annual basis, in the all India edition of at least two
daily newspapers, one each in English and Hindi; disclosing the hosting of the scheme wise annual
report on its website viz. and on the website of AMFI i.e. and
the modes through which a written request can be submitted by the unitholder for obtaining a
physical or electronic copy of the scheme-wise annual report or abridged summary.
4. The AMC shall provide physical copy of the abridged summary of the Annual report, without
charging any cost, on receipt of a specific request from the unitholder.
For Investor
Grievances, Registrar SBI Mutual Fund
please Computer Age Management Mr. Rahul Mayor
Contact Services Pvt. Ltd., (Investor Relations Officer)
(SEBI Registration No.: INR000002813) SBI Funds Management Pvt. Ltd.
Rayala Towers 158, Anna Salai 9th Floor, Crescenzo,
Chennai - 600002 C-38 & 39, G Block,
Tel No.: (044) 28881101/36 Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East),
Fax: (044) 30407101 Mumbai – 400 051
Email:, Tel: 022- 61793537
Website: Email:
Unit holders’ Pursuant to Regulation 36 of the SEBI Regulation, the following shall be applicable with respect to
Information account statement:
The asset management company shall ensure that consolidated account statement for each calendar
month is issued, on or before tenth day of succeeding month, detailing all the transactions and
holding at the end of the month including transaction charges paid to the distributor, across all
schemes of all mutual funds, to all the investors in whose folios transaction has taken place during
that month:
Provided that the asset management company shall ensure that a consolidated account statement
every half yearly (September/March) is issued, on or before tenth day of succeeding month, detailing
holding at the end of the six months, across all schemes of all mutual funds, to all such investors in
whose folios no transaction has taken place during that period.
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
Provided further that the asset management company shall identify common investor across fund
houses by their permanent account number for the purposes of sending consolidated account
• Account Statements for investors holding demat accounts: Subsequent account statement
may be obtained from the depository participants with whom the investor holds the DP account.
• The asset management company shall issue units in dematerialized form to a unitholder of
the Scheme within two working days of the receipt of request from the unitholder.
In terms of SEBI Circular No. IR/MRD/DP/31/2014 dated November 12, 2014 on Consolidated
Account Statement, investors having Demat account has an option to receive consolidated account
• Investors having MF investments and holding securities in Demat account shall receive a single
Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) from the Depository.
• Consolidation of account statement shall be done on the basis of Permanent Account Number
(PAN). In case of multiple holding, it shall be PAN of the first holder and pattern of holding. The CAS
shall be generated on a monthly basis.
• If there is any transaction in any of the Demat accounts of the investor or in any of his mutual fund
folios, depositories shall send the CAS within ten days from the month end. In case, there is no
transaction in any of the mutual fund folios and demat accounts then CAS with holding details shall
be sent to the investor on half yearly basis.
• In case an investor has multiple accounts across two depositories, the depository with whom the
account has been opened earlier will be the default depository.
The half yearly portfolio of scheme (along with the ISIN) shall be disclosed within 10 days from close
of each half year on the Website of the Mutual Fund ( and on the Website of AMFI
( Also, the Fund shall email the half yearly portfolio to the unitholders whose
email address is registered with the Fund within 10 days from close of each half year. The AMC shall
publish an advertisement in all India edition of at least two daily newspapers, one each in English and
Hindi, every half year disclosing the hosting of the half-yearly statement of the schemes portfolio on
the Website of the Mutual Fund and on the Website of AMFI and shall also specify the modes
through which a written request can be submitted by the unitholder for obtaining a copy of the
statement of scheme portfolio. Further, before expiry of one month from the close of each half year
i.e. on March 31 or September 30, the Fund shall host a soft copy of half – yearly unaudited financial
results on the website of the Fund and that of AMFI. A notice shall be published disclosing the
hosting of such financial results on the website of the mutual fund, in atleast one English daily
newspaper having nationwide circulation and in a newspaper having wide circulation published in
the language of the region where the Head Office of the mutual fund is situated.
Note - For further details of the Scheme, investors are requested to refer Scheme Information Document
How this scheme is different from the existing schemes of SBI Mutual Fund:
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
opportunity to mix of debt, equity (including
invest primarily in & money market derivatives) - 10%
Debt and Money instruments. Debt - 25%;
market instruments instruments will be • Debt instruments
(including debt
and secondarily in invested based on
derivatives) and
equity and equity evaluation of Money Market
related instruments. macro-economic instruments
factors, market (including
dynamics and issuer TRIPARTY REPO,
specific factors. Reverse repo and
equivalent) - 75%
Maximum exposure
to equities is
• Units issued by
capped at 25% in REITs and InVITs –
this scheme. 0% - 10%.
SBI Multi To provide the • Investments under • Equity and Equity 277.92 9,331
Asset investors an the fund will be related
Allocation opportunity to invest predominantly in a Instruments
Fund in an actively mix of debt, equity (including
& commodity derivatives) - 10
managed portfolio of
instruments (as %-80%;
multiple asset permitted by SEBI • Debt instruments
classes. from time to time). (including Central
Debt instruments and State
will be invested Government
based on evaluation securities, debt
of macro-economic derivatives) and
factors, market Money market
dynamics and issuer instruments –
specific factors. 10% - 80%
• Gold and gold
instruments –
10% - 80%
SBI Credit To provide the The scheme aims • Corporate Bonds 5,404.20 65,078
Risk Fund investors an to generate rated AA and
opportunity to attractive returns below only – 65%
predominantly through high- - 100%
• Debt instruments
invest in corporate yielding
rated higher than
bonds rated AA or corporate debt AA, Central and
below (excluding securities which State
AA+ rated corporate are rated below Government(s)
bonds) so as to the highest dated securities
generate attractive rating. The fund and Money
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
returns while will follow an instruments – 0%
maintaining active credit - 35%
moderate liquidity in management • ADR/GDR/Foreign
the portfolio strategy. Securities – 0% -
through investment Performance will
• Units issued by
in money market depend on the REITs and InVITs –
securities. Asset 0% - 10%
Company’s ability
to accurately
assess the
financial position
of the security
issuers regarding
paying off its
debt. The
investments may
be made in
primary as well as
markets. The
portfolio will be
diversified to
minimize credit
risk. The Scheme
being open-
ended, some
portion of the
portfolio will be
invested in
money market
instruments so as
to meet the
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
SBI Savings To provide the An open-ended • Money market 8,505.57 1,02,772
Fund investors an debt scheme instruments
opportunity to invest investing in including CPs,
in money market money market CDs, Commercial
Bills, T-Bills,
(erstwhile instruments instruments as
known as : defined by SEBI / securities having
SBI Magnum RBI from time to an unexpired
Income Fund time. The maturity up to
investment one year, call or
-1998 -
strategy would notice money,
Floating Rate Usance bills, and
Plan – be towards
Savings Plus generating stable Debentures
Bond Fund) returns through a (NCDs) of original
portfolio of or initial maturity
Money Market up to one year –
instruments 0% - 100%
seeking to
capture the term
and credit
SBI Magnum To provide investors The scheme will • Debt instruments 6,900.88 33,678
Low Duration an opportunity to invest its corpus (including Central
Fund generate regular in the entire and State
income with range of debt and Government(s)
securities, Debt
reasonable degree money market
derivatives), and
of liquidity through securities in line Money Market
investments in debt with the instruments – 0%
and money market investment - 100%
instruments in such objective to
a manner that the provide attractive
Macaulay duration risk-adjusted
of the portfolio is returns to its
between 6 months investors through
and 12 months active
management of
credit risk and
interest rate risk
in its portfolio.
SBI Liquid To provide the The scheme will • Debt instruments 47,156.89 47,680
Fund investors an invest in the (including Debt
opportunity to entire range of derivatives) and
Money Market
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
invest in the entire debt and money instruments with
range of debt and market a residual
money market instruments in maturity upto 91
Days only – 0% -
securities with line with the
residual maturity investment
• Securitized Debt
upto 91 days only objective to with a residual
provide attractive maturity upto 91
risk-adjusted Days only – 0% -
returns to its 20%
investors while
maintaining a
high degree of
liquidity to the
SBI Short To provide investors The scheme will • Debt instruments 6,777.46 10,615
Term Debt an opportunity to invest based on a (including Central
Fund generate regular continuous and State
income through evaluation of Government(s)
securities, debt
investments in a macro-economic
derivatives) and
portfolio comprising factors, market Money Market
predominantly of dynamics and instruments –
debt instruments debt-issuer 65% - 100%;
which are rated not specific factors. • Securitized Debt –
below investment The scheme will 0% - 35%.
grade and money invest its corpus
market instruments in the entire
such that the range of debt and
Macaulay duration money market
of the portfolio is securities in line
between 1 year and with the
3 years investment
objective to
provide attractive
returns to its
investors through
management of
credit risk and
interest rate risk
in its portfolio.
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
SBI To provide returns Investment in • Central and State 1,399.56 10,910
Magnum to the investors Central and/or Government
Gilt Fund generated through State Government securities, T-Bills –
investments in securities are 80% - 100%;
Government considered to be
Repo and Cash –
securities issued by free of credit risk. 0% - 20%;
the Central However the aim
Government and/or of the portfolio
State will be to make
Government(s). capital gains by
actively managing
interest rate risk.
SBI To provide returns Investment in • Central 430.60 6,276
Magnum to the investors Central and/or Government and
Constant generated through State Government State Government
Maturity investments securities are free securities, T-Bills –
80% - 100%
Fund predominantly in of credit risk.
Government However, the aim Repo and Cash –
securities issued by of the portfolio 0% - 20%
the Central will be to make
Government and/or capital gains by
State Government actively managing
such that the interest rate risk.
Average Maturity of
the portfolio is
around 10 years.
SBI Magnum To provide investors An open ended • Debt instruments 8,159.40 31,644
Ultra Short with an opportunity ultra-short (including Central
Duration to generate regular duration debt and State
Fund income with high scheme investing Government(s)
securities, Debt
degree of liquidity in instruments
derivatives) and
through investments such that the Money Market
in a portfolio Macaulay instruments - 0%
comprising duration of - 100%
predominantly of Portfolio is
debt and money between 3
market instruments months and 6
months. The
scheme will
invest its corpus
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
in the entire
range of debt and
money market
securities in line
with the
objective to
provide attractive
returns to its
investors through
management of
credit risk and
interest rate risk
in its portfolio.
SBI Magnum To provide the The proportion of • Equities or equity 62.80 9,831
Children’s investors an the scheme related
Benefit Fund opportunity to earn portfolio invested instruments
regular income in each type of (including
derivatives) – 0%
predominantly security will vary
- 25%
through investment in in accordance • Debt instruments
debt and money with economic (including Central
market instruments conditions, and State
and capital interest rates, Government(s)
appreciation through liquidity and securities) and
an actively managed other relevant Money market
equity portfolio considerations,
including the TRIPARTY REPO,
risks associated Reverse repo and
with each equivalent) – 75%
investment. The - 100%
scheme intends • Securitized Debt –
0% - 10%
to invest upto
• Units issued by
25% of the
REITs & InvITs –
corpus in equity 0% -10%
and equity
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KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
SBI To provide investors The scheme will Debt instruments 1,649.36 22,033
Magnum an opportunity to invest its corpus in
Medium generate attractive the entire range of • (including
Central and
Duration returns with debt and money
Fund moderate degree of market securities in Governmen
liquidity through line with the t(s)
investments in debt investment securities,
and money market objective to provide debt
instruments such attractive risk- derivatives)
that the Macaulay adjusted returns to and Money
duration of the its investors
portfolio is between through active -0%- 100%;
3 years – 4 years. management of • Units issued
credit risk and by REITs
However, there is no interest rate risk in and InVITs –
guarantee or its portfolio. 0% - 10%
assurance that the
investment objective
of the scheme will be
achieved. The scheme
doesn’t assure or
guarantee any
Page 17
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
4 years and 7 years. corpus in the entire 100%
range of debt and
However, there is no money market
guarantee or securities in line
assurance that the • Units issued by
with the REITs and InVITs
investment objective investment – 0% -10%
of the scheme will objective to provide
be achieved. The attractive risk- • Securitized Debt
scheme doesn’t adjusted returns to – 0% -20%
assure or guarantee its investors
any returns. through active
management of
credit risk and
interest rate risk in
its portfolio.
SBI To provide the The Fund will invest • Overnight 2,447.18 3,290
Overnight investors an in overnight securities or
Fund opportunity to securities to instruments
invest in overnight generate returns maturing in the
next business
securities maturing corresponding to
day (including
on the next business the overnight rates TRIPARTY REPO,
day. in the money Reverse Repo
markets. and equivalent)
– 0% - 100%
SBI Dynamic To provide The investment • Debt Instruments 1,035.05 19,940
Bond Fund investors strategy of the (including Central
attractive returns Scheme would be and State
through to allocate fund Government
securities, debt
investment in an corpus across
derivatives) – 0%-
actively managed debt securities 100%;
portfolio of high including Central • Money Market
quality debt and State Instruments – 0%
securities of Government -100%.
varying maturities securities, debt • Units issued by
derivatives and REITs and InVITs –
0% - 10%
money market
instruments of
maturities on the
basis of the
expected interest
Page 18
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
rate scenario.
Since the interest
rates can be
volatile at times,
the fund will
endeavour to
invest in highly
liquid debt and
money market
instruments. The
fund will follow
an active
strategy as a
result of which
the portfolio
turnover could be
SBI Dynamic To provide investors SBI Dynamic Asset • Equity & Equity 649.91 20,508
Asset with an opportunity Allocation Fund related
Allocation to invest in a endeavours to meet instruments
Fund portfolio which is a the objective of this including foreign
securities and
mix of equity and fund mainly from
derivatives – 0% –
equity related asset allocation 100%
securities and fixed between asset • Debt instruments
income instruments. classes. This (including Central
The allocation approach will help and State
between fixed reduce the risk of Government
securities, debt
income and equity tracking the
derivatives) &
instruments will be individual asset
Money Market
managed classes. Based on Instruments
dynamically so as to historical (including
provide investors observation, these TRIPARTY REPO,
with long term asset classes exhibit Reverse Repo and
capital appreciation very different risk – equivalent) - 0% –
return profile and a
low correlation to
each other. Both
Debt and Equity
Page 19
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
tend to outperform
each other on a
relative risk adjusted
basis under different
market conditions.
The fund strategy is
based on the
persistence of such
over longer periods.
The Scheme will
allocate higher
weight to the asset
class that is
relatively favourable
under the prevailing
market and
conditions. The fund
manager will aim for
a superior risk
adjusted returns
over long time
periods. The entire
approach is rule
based and involves a
list of checklists and
filters to generate
buy and sell signals.
The key feature of
this approach is its
design to buy into
weakness and to sell
into strength.
The optimal
allocation between
Equity, Debt and
Cash will be based
Page 20
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
on three principles:
• Momentum
• Rate of change in
• Exhaustion of
1. Momentum: The
model assesses the
relative strength of
momentum for each
asset class by
examining whether
current prices are
above or below
historical moving
average prices for
short and medium-
term periods. By
using a combination
of moving averages
for different terms,
we expect a higher
stability and
confidence in the
indicator. The asset
class that shows a
higher ratio
between current
price and the
moving average
price will get a
higher weighting.
2. Rate of change:
The model uses the
Page 21
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
rate of change in the
momentum of the
underlying assets in
addition to the
relative strength of
the momentum to
mitigate the risk of
frequent changes in
the signals. For an
asset class to be
considered strongly
trending higher not
only does the
current price need
to be above the
moving averages but
also the rate of
change for the
moving averages
also need to be
3. Exhaustion of
momentum: A
system based on
indicators attempt
to identify a trend
that is likely to
persist and remain
strong for a long
period. However,
even with very
strong well-defined
trends, there is likely
to be a point at
which the trend gets
exhausted and there
will be a reversal in
price. The model
incorporates the
Page 22
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
third and essential
component of
exhaustion” which
attempts to identify
the price and time
points at which the
probability of a
short-term reversal
in price trend is
quite high. The
strategy involves
tracking price
behaviour and
identifying price
relationships that
typically appear
prior to and
coincident with
market turning
This framework
requires the fund
manager to monitor
the level, rate of
change and pattern
of changes in the
momentum for
these asset classes
on a regular basis.
Under normal
conditions, the fund
manager would take
the decision to
reallocate the funds
based on the
relative strength of
momentum and its
rate of change for
Page 23
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
each asset class.
However, given the
indications of
reallocation will be
based on the
contrary stance to
the existing
momentum signal.
In this framework,
Fund Manager will
use the
exhaustion” strategy
solely on the equity
asset class. When
either a buy or sell
signal is triggered
using this strategy,
the weight obtained
for equity using the
Momentum and
Rate of change
framework will be
over-ruled. In other
words, under a
“Buy” signal, the
portfolio will entirely
shift to the equity
asset class while
under the “Sell”
signal, the equity
weight in the
portfolio will be
reduced to zero.
This will last as long
as the buy or sell
signal is active. The
exhaustion” signals
Page 24
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
will eventually get
deactivated either
upon realizing a pre-
calculated profit
target or upon
reaching a stop-loss
level. Buy and sell
signals using the
exhaustion” strategy
is triggered
The frequency of
reallocation and
portfolio turnover
will be maintained
under control by
allowing small
deviation from the
target weights
suggested by the
above strategy. The
asset classes will
retain market
adjusted weights as
long as the deviation
from targeted
weight is below an
absolute percentage
threshold. The
allocation strategy
of SBI Dynamic Asset
Allocation Fund,
under certain
volatile market
conditions, may
signal frequent
rebalancing of the
Page 25
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
portfolio in a short
period of time.
Page 26
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
SBI To provide the The scheme aims to • Corporate Bonds 3,071.83 41,646
Corporate investors an generate attractive rated AA+ and
Bond Fund opportunity to returns through high above only- 80%-
predominantly quality corporate 100%
• Debt instruments
invest in corporate debt securities
other than above
bonds rated AA+ and which are rated AA+ including Central
above to generate and above. and State
additional spread on Performance will Government (s)
part of their debt depend on the Asset dated securities
investments from Management and Money
high quality Company’s ability to
instruments- 0%-
corporate debt accurately assess
securities while the financial position • Units of REITs and
maintaining of the security InVITs- 0%-10%
moderate liquidity in issuers regarding
the portfolio paying off its debt.
through investment The investments
in money market may be made in
securities. However, primary as well as
there is no secondary markets.
guarantee or The portfolio will be
assurance that the sufficiently
scheme’s objective diversified to
will be achieved. The minimize credit risk.
scheme does not The Scheme being
guarantee or assure open-ended, some
any returns. portion of the
portfolio will be
invested in money
market instruments
to meet the liquidity
SBI Banking The scheme seeks to An open-ended • Debt and money 1,673.65 7,536
and PSU generate regular debt scheme market
Fund income through a predominantly instruments
judicious mix of investing in debt issued by Banks,
PSUs, PFIs and
portfolio comprising & money market
Municipal bodies
predominantly debt securities issued – 80% - 100%
and money market by Banks, Public • Debt instruments
securities of Banks, Sector (including Central
and State
Page 27
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund
AUM (Rs in Folio
Scheme Investment crores) (as (as on April
Asset Allocation
Name objectives Investment Strategy on April 30, 30, 2019)
Public Sector Undertakings, Government(s)
Undertakings, Public Public Financial securities) and
Financial Institutions Institutions and money market
instruments other
and Municipal bodies. Municipal bodies.
than above – 0% -
Please refer to Common Debt KIM for guidelines, application forms and terms & conditions (including SIP, STP, SWP,
Trigger, etc.)
Page 28
KIM – SBI Magnum Constant Maturity Fund