The Knowing Organization
The Knowing Organization
The Knowing Organization
This Journal written by CW Choo, talks about how an Organisation uses information strategically:
First of which is making sense of change in its environment; helping in making decisions about
courses of action; to help create a piece of entirely new knowledge for innovation. The flow of
information behaviors is analyzed in each of these cases to interweave a richer explanation of
where how information is used in the organization. Through the concept of making sense, people
in an organization add meaning to the events and actions. Through the concept of knowledge
creation, the insights of an individual are converted to the design of a new product or as an
improvement in the processes. Finally, through decision making, both knowledge and
understanding are used to focus on the selection and the required commitment to a required
course of action.
There are four modes in knowledge conversion: socialization, externalization, combination, and
internalization. they feed off each other in a continuous spiral of internal knowledge creation
which it typically begins with individuals who develop some insight or intuition in how better can
they do their tasks. This tacit knowledge may be shared with others through effective
socialization. However, as long as the knowledge stays tacit, it is difficult to exploit it further.
Thus, it has to be converted into explicit knowledge which is then used to design the real
concept. From this perspective, the externalization of tacit knowledge into explicit concepts is
therefore very important. These different bodies of expertise may be combined into new forms
of explicit knowledge. Lastly, the new explicit knowledge created through the various modes
will have to be re-experienced and re-internalized as new tacit knowledge.
For Example, Shell has been able to effectively manage and integrate itself into a knowing
organization into the processes of scenario planning and strategy development. Its ability to
survive and adapt through the years is no small part in its skill in scanning the environment,
developing interpretations or scenarios that provide a context for action, mobilizing the tacit
knowledge of its managers and planners, and finally the implementation of hard-headed decision
routines to aid strategy development.
The definition of the Knowing Organization provides a collective view of the principal ways in
which an organization can make use of information strategically. From attending to and making
sense of signals from its environment, the organization will able to adapt and thrive successfully.
Next, by deploying the knowledge and expertise of its members, it is constantly learning and
innovating. Finally, By designing action and decision routines that are based entirely on what its
members know and believe, the organization is able to choose and commit itself to further
courses of action.
Ref: The Knowing Organization: How Organizations Use Information to Construct Meaning, Create Knowledge and Make
Decisions, PII: S0268-4012(96)00020-5 International Journal of Information Management,Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 329-340,