Effects of Temperature On The Hydration Characteristics of Free Lime
Effects of Temperature On The Hydration Characteristics of Free Lime
Effects of Temperature On The Hydration Characteristics of Free Lime
The rate of heat evolution of hydrating CaO has been determined quantitatively by means of a conductive microcalorimetry, and the
hydration kinetics of CaO has been studied. Some regularity of the influence of temperature on the hydration characteristics of free lime
(f-CaO) has been discussed as well. Based on the present research, the mechanism of effects of temperature in the calcining process and the
hydration process on the hydration of CaO has been illustrated. D 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0008-8846/02/$ – see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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790 H. Shi et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 32 (2002) 789–793
Table 1
Chemical composition of limestone (%)
IL SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO
42.49 0.85 1.12 0.29 54.55 0.82
Table 2
Rate of heat evolution of CaO fired at various temperatures and time
at which
Heat evolution Time of
Firing Time at hydration
temperature Maximum maximum termination
Sample (C) rate (w/g) rate (min) (min)
Pure CaO 1100 3.144 2.0 21.1
1300 1.872 5.0 27.4
1500 0.571 18.2 79.2
Fig. 1. Effect of firing temperature on the rate of heat evolution of Industrial CaO 1300 0.754 3.7 > 240
pure CaO. 1450 0.557 5.1 >240
H. Shi et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 32 (2002) 789–793 791
Table 3
Crystallite size and lattice distortion of CaO
Firing Lattice
temperature Firing Crystallite distortion
(C) time (h) size (nm) (%)
1100 1 86 0.09
1300 1 233 0.06
1500 1 738 0.04 Fig. 4. Rate of heat evolution of pure CaO at various temperatures.
792 H. Shi et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 32 (2002) 789–793
logarithm, we have Eq. (4): the crystallite size of CaO crystals increases, while the
lattice distortion and crystal cell parameters decrease. The
Ea more perfect the lattice of CaO and the denser its structure,
lnW ¼ lnC ð4Þ
RT the lower the free energy of the crystal surfaces and the
where C = A/B. lower the hydration activity of CaO. The hydration activity
According to the maximum rate of heat evolution of CaO of CaO is a macroscopic reflection of its microstructure.
in Table 4, taking linear regression (see Fig. 6), we can The hydration rate of CaO is closely related to the
calculate the activation energy of the hydrating reaction of hydration reaction temperature. Raising the hydration reac-
CaO (see Table 5). Table 5 shows that, for the hydration tion temperature can make the reactant obtain enough
reaction of CaO, the activation energy of industrial CaO energy to surmount reaction the potential barrier, thus
containing impurities is twice as much as that of pure CaO. increasing reaction rate effectively. The effect of the hydra-
For the material with high activation energy, higher energy tion reaction temperature on CaO with high activation
is needed for the creation and continuation of reaction. At energy and some impurities is more obvious than that on
the same temperature, the hydration rate of industrial CaO pure CaO. The f-CaO in Portland cement clinker forms in
with high activation energy is lower than that of pure CaO coexistence with many other oxides coexists. Thus, it has
with low activation energy. Rising reaction temperature higher hydration activation energy, so the ambient temper-
increases the average kinetic energy of Ca2 + and OH ature has a great influence on the disappearance and
(or CaO and H2O molecules), accelerates their diffusion rate hydration rate of CaO.
in solution and increases their mutual collision frequency.
Besides, at higher temperature, more ions have enough
energy to form an activated complex when they collide Acknowledgments
with other ions. Therefore, raising temperature can increase
both collision energy and collision frequency. Thus, the This research is supported by the University Key Studies
reaction rate increases greatly, which has been confirmed by protects of Shanghai.
our experiment. With the increase of reaction temperature,
the rate of heat evolution of CaO increases rapidly and the
duration of the maximum rate of heat evolution and the References
duration of the whole reaction decrease greatly.
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