IAS Prelims 2013 Paper 2 CSAT Solved Part 17 PDF

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5/12/2019----IAS Prelims 2013 Paper 2 CSAT Solved (Part 17 of 18)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi,

Sindhi, Tamil,
Telgu - Examrace----Downloaded from examrace.com

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IAS Prelims 2013 Paper 2 CSAT Solved (Part 17 of 18)

English Passage-3

A stout old lady was walking with her basket down the middle of a street in Petrograd to the
great confusion of the traffic and no small peril to herself. It was pointed out to her that the
pavement was the place for foot-passengers, but she replied, “I'm going to walk where! free.
We've got liberty now.” It did not our to the dear lady that if liberty entitled the foot-passenger
to walk down the middle of the road it also entitled the taxi-driver to drive on the pavement, and
that the end of such liberty would be universal chaos. Everything would be getting in everybody
else way and nobody would get anywhere. Individual liberty would have become social anarchy.

1. It was pointed out to the lady that they should walk on the pavement because she was

a. a pedestrian.

b. carrying a basket.

c. stout.

d. an old lady.

Answer: a

2. The lady refused to move from the middle of the street because

a. she was not afraid of being killed.

b. she felt that she is entitled to do whatever she liked.

c. she did not like walking on the pavement.

d. she was confused.

Answer: b

3. The old lady failed to realize that

a. she was not really free.

b. her liberty was not unlimited.

c. she was an old person.

d. roads are made for motor vehicles only.

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5/12/2019----IAS Prelims 2013 Paper 2 CSAT Solved (Part 17 of 18)- Translation in Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Sindhi, Tamil,
Telgu - Examrace----Downloaded from examrace.com

Visit examrace.com for free study material, doorsteptutor.com for questions with detailed explanations, and "Examrace" YouTube channel for free
videos lectures
Answer: b

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