BSC Mathematics
BSC Mathematics
BSC Mathematics
B.Sc. Mathematics
(Three year programme 2016-17 admitted batch onward)
Course Structure
Note: @ Generic Elective Subjects to be chosen from discipline other than Mathematics
Note: # Any two Skill Enhancement Courses to be chosen from the list given below
Core Courses
Semester – I
BSFL1101 English
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSFL1101 English Theory 2 2-0-0
Reference Books:
1. Communicative English & Business Communication by R.K.Panda, J.Khuntia, M.Pati, Alok
2. Communicative Grammar of English Geoffery Leech
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the concept of multi-disciplinary nature of Environmental Science where different aspects are
dealt with a holistic approach.
2. Students will develop a sense of community responsibility by becoming aware of environmental issues in
the larger social context.
3. One must be environmentally educated.
Environment and its multidisciplinary nature; Need for public awareness; Renewable and non -renewable
resources–forest, water, mineral, land, food and energy resources; Structure and function of ecosystems of
forest, grass land, desert and aquatic types.
Biodiversity and its conservation: Biodiversity at global, national and local levels; Threats to biodiversity -
Habitat loss; wild life poaching and man - wildlife conflicts; Endangered and endemic species; conservation
Causes, effects and control measures of pollution, air, water and noise pollution; Nuclear hazards; solid-waste
management–Causes, effects and control measures; Management of disasters due to natural causes of floods,
earthquakes, cyclones and landslides.
Social issues and the environment; Sustainable environment, Water conservation measures; Rain water
harvesting; Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; Climate change and global warming; Acid rain; Ozone
layer depletion; water land reclamation; Consumerism and waste products; Features of Environment Protection
Act, Air pollution and Control of Pollution Acts; Water Pollution and its Control Act. Effects of Pollution
explosion on environment and public health; Need for value education to Protect environment and resources.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the natural environment and its relationships with human activities.
2. Characterize and analyze human impacts on the environment.
3. Integrate facts, concepts, and methods from multiple disciplines and apply to
environmental problems.
4. Design and evaluate strategies, technologies and methods for sustainable management of environmental
systems and for the remediation or restoration of degraded environments.
Text Book:
1. Anubhav Kaushik & C.P. Kaushik: Environmental Studies-New age International Publishers.
Reference Books:
1. Benny Joseph: Environmental Studies-Tata Mac Graw Hill
2. E. Bharucha: Text book of Environmental Studies for under graduate courses– Universities
Press. (Book prepared by UGC Committee.
BSMA1101 Calculus
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA1101 Calculus Theory + Practice 6 4-0-2
Curvature, Asymptotes, Tracing of Curves: Cartenary, Cycloid, Folium of Descartes Astroid, Limacon,
Cissoids, Cardioid, Lemniscate and Loops.
Reduction Formulae, Rectification, Quadrature, Volume and Surface area of solids of revolutions.
Vector Calculus: Vector valued functions of scalar variables, Differential operators, Integral transformations:
Line Integrals, Surface Integrals, Volume Integrals, Green’s Theorem, Gauss’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem
(without proof).
List of Practical (Using any software)
Practical/ Lab work to be performed on a Computer.
1. Plotting the graphs of the functions eax+b, log (ax + b). 1/(ax + b), sin (ax + b), cos(ax + b),
|ax +b| and to illustrate the effect of a and b on the graph.
2. Plotting the graphs of the polynomial of degree 4 and 5, the derivative graph, the second derivative
graph and comparing them.
3. Sketching parametric curves (Eg. Trochoid, cycloid, epicycloids, hypocycloid).
4. Obtaining surface of revolution of curves.
5. Tracing of conics in Cartesian coordinates/polar coordinates.
6. Sketching ellipsoid, hyperboloid of one and two sheets, elliptic, cone, elliptic, paraboloid, hyperbolic
paraboloid using Cartesian coordinates.
Text Books:
Module I:-
1) A Text book of Calculus Part – II : Shantinarayan
Chapter : 8 (Art. 24, 25, 26),
2) A Text book of Calculus Part-III : Shantinarayan
Chapters : 1 (Art 1, 2,3), 3(Art 7,8,9)
Module II:-
3) A Text book of Calculus Part – II : Shantinarayan
Chapter :10 (Art.33,34,35,36,37,38)
4) A Text book of Calculus Part-III : Shantinarayan
Chapters : 4(Art 10,11,12) omitting Simpson’s rule), 5(Arts 13,14),6(Arts 15,16).
Module III:-
5) A Textbook of Vector Calculus by Shanti Narayan & P. K. Mittal, S. Chand & Co. , 2003
Chapters: 1, 6, 7 (7.1 to 7.6, 7.8 & 7.11)
Reference Books:
1. M.J. Strauss, G.L. Bradley and K. J. Smith, Calculus, 3rd Ed., Dorling Kindersley (India) P. Ltd.
(Pearson Education). Delhi, 2007, Chapters: 4(4.3,4.4,4.5&4.7), 9(9.4), 10(10.1-10.4).
2. H. Anton, I. Bivens and S. Davis, Calculus, 7th Ed., John Wiley and Sons (Asia) P. Ltd., Singapore,
2002. Chapters: 6. (6.2-6.5).7(7.8). 8(8.2-8.3, Pages:532-538), 11(11.1), 13(13.5)
3. G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney. Calculus, 9th Ed., Pearson Education, Delhi, 2005
4. R. Courant and F. John Introduction to Calculus and Analysis (Volumes I & II). Springer-Verlag. New
York. Inc., 1989
BSMA1102 Linear Algebra
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA1102 Linear Algebra Theory+ Practice 6 4-0-2
Vector spaces, definition and examples, subspaces, span of aset, linear dependence and independence,
dimension and basis.
Linear transformation, definition and examples, range and kernel, rank and nullity, the space L(U,V),
composition of Linear maps, matrix and linear map, linear operations, matrix multiplication, rand and nullity
of matrix, transpose of a matrix.
Elementary row operations, Systems of linear equations, matrix inversion, determinants, minors and rank of a
matrix, product of determinants, application to linear equations, Eigen value and Eigen vector.
List of Practical (Using any software)
Practical/ Lab work to be performed on a Computer.
Text Book:
1) An Introduction to Linear Algebra by V. Krishnamurty,V.P.Mainra, J.L.Arora, Affiliated East-West press
Chapters: 3,4 (4.1 to 4.7), 5,6 (6.5 to 6.8)
Reference Books:
1) Basic Structures in Algebra, Part-I : J.N. Patnaik
2) Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra : I.N. Herstein and D.J. Winter (Ma Chilan Publishing company)
3) First course in Linear algebra : Bhattacharya, Jain and Nagpaul (New Age International)
BSMA1201 Analysis-I
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA1201 Analysis-I Theory 6 5-1-0
Ordered field of Real numbers, l.u.b. and g.l.b. completeness of R(Not through Dedkind cuts), complex
numbers, Inequalities, Metric properties of R, limit points, closed sets, open sets, Bolzano-Weirstrass theorem.
Convergence of real sequence and series, monotonic sequences, Cauchy Criteria of convergence, limit
superior, limit inferior, Tests of convergence of spaces of positive terms, comparison tests, Ratio test, Root
test, Absolute convergence, Alternating series test.
Limit and continuity of functions, properties of continuous functions, discontinuities, uniform continuity,
Differentiability of real functions, Higher derivations, Leibnitz theorem, Mean value theorems, Taylor’s
theorem with reminder, Taylor’s series.
Functions of several variables, Neighbourhood of points in R2 and R3 , Limit of a function, repeated limits,
continuity, Partial derivatives, differentiability, Partial derivative of higher orders, Derivatives of composite
functions, change of variables, Taylor’s Theorem, Extreme value, Implicit functions (Statement of implicit
function theorem only),Jacobians, derivatives of implicit functions, Lagrange’s method of multipliers
(application without proof).
Text Book:
1) Mathematical Analysis (Wiley Eastern) : S.C. Malik and S.Arora
Chapters: 1 (excluding 4.3 and 4.4), 2,3,4 (upto Art.5 and 10.1, 10.2), 5,6, 15 (upto Art. 10)
Reference Books:
1) Fundamentals of Real Analysis :S.L.Gupta&Nisha Rani
2) Mathematical Analysis-II : Sharma &Vasistha
3) Fundamental of Mathematical Analysis :G.das&S.Pattanayak
Differential equations and mathematical models.First order and first degree ODE (variables separable
homogeneous, exact, and linear).Equations of first order but of higher degree. Applications of first order
differential equations (Growth, Decay and Chemical Reactions, Heat flow, Oxygen debt, Economics).
Second order linear equations (homogeneous and non-homogeneous) with constant coefficients, second order
equations with variable coefficients, variation of parameters, method of undetermined coefficients, equations
reducible to linear equations with constant coefficients, Euler’s equation. Applications of second order
differential equations.
Power series solutions of second order differential equations.Legendre’s Equation and its simple properties,
Bessel’s Equation and Bessel’s Function.
Reference Books:
1. Martin Braun, Differential Equations and their Applications, Springer International.
2. M. D. Raisinghania-Advanced Differential Equations, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi.
3. G. Dennis Zill-A First Course in differential Equations with Modeling Applications, Cengage
Learning India Pvt. Ltd.
4. Text Book of Differential Equations : N.M. Kapoor
5. Introductory course in Differential Equations : D.A. Murray
6. S. L. Ross, Differential Equations, John Wiley & Sons, India, 2004.
Semester – III
Core courses
BSMA2301 Analysis-II
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA2301 Analysis-II Theory 6 5-1-0
Riemann Integration; Definitions and existence of the integral Inequalities of Upper and Lower Sums;
Riemann Conditions of Integrability. Riemann Sum and Definition of Riemann Integral Through Riemann
Sums; Equivalence of Two Definitions; Riemann Integrability of Monotone and Continuous Functions,
Properties of the Riemann Integral; Definition and Integrability of Piecewise Continuous and Monotone
Functions.Intermediate Value Theorem for Integrals; Fundamental Theorems of Calculus.
Improper Integrals; Convergence of Beta And Gamma Functions, Implicit functions
Double integration over rectangular region and over non-rectangular region, double integrals in polar co-
ordinates change of variable in double integrals
Triple integrals, triple integrals over a parallelepiped and solid regions, volume by triple integrals, cylindrical
and spherical co-ordinates, change of variable in double integrals and triple integrals.
Text Book:
Book Recommended:- 1.S.C Mallik & S. Arora ,Mathematical Anyalysis ,New Age Pub. House New Delhi .
Chapters: 9,10,11(3.3,4.3) 12(12.1 to 12.4), 13 Appendix-I.
Reference Books:
1. M.J. Strauss, G.L. Bradley and K.J. Smith, Calculus 3rd Ed. Dorling Kindersley(India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson
Education), Delhi, 2007, (Chapters: 11(11.1,11.2,1.6,11.7(Pages 598-605), 11.8(Page 610-614), 12(12.1, 12.3,
12.4(Pages 652-660), 12.5, 12.6), 13(13.1-13.3, 13.4 (Pages 712-716, 718-720), 13.5(pages 723-726, 729-
730), 13.6(Pages 733-737), 13.7(Pages 742-745).
2. Topics In Calculus By R.K Panda & P.K Satapathy, S.G Publication , Puri
BSMA2302 Modern Algebra
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA2302 Modern Algebra Theory 6 5-1-0
Definition and examples of groups including permutation groups and quotient groups, elementary properties of
groups.Subgroups and examples of subgroups.
Properties of Cyclic groups, Classification of Subgroups of Cyclic groups of Group A, cycle notation
properties of Permutations, Even and Odd Permutations, Alternating Group of Degree n. Properties of Cosets,
Lagrange’s Theorem and Consequences, Fermat’s little theorem, Application of cosets to permutation groups.
External direct product of a finite number of groups, normal subgroups, Cauchy’s theorem for finite
abeliangroups, Group Homomorphism, Properties of Homomorphism, Isomorphism: Definition and
examples,Cayleys Theorem.
Ring theory-definitions and examples, some special classes of Rings, Homomorphism, Ideals,Quotient Rings.
Text Book:
1. Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra(4th Edn.), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
Chapters: I, II,III,IV,V,VI(up to Theorem 6.2 only), VII, VIII, IX, XC
2. Topics in algebra-I.N.Herstein (Vikas Pub. House)
Chapters: 1, 2 (2.1 to 2.7), 3(3.1 to 3.4)
Reference Books:
1. University Algebra – N.S. Gopalkrishna (Wiley Eastern)
2. Modern Algebra – Vatsa and Vatsa (New Age International)
Systems of Linear Differential Equations, Homogeneous Linear Systems with Constant Coeffcients (Two
Equations in Two Unknown Functions). Simultaneous Linear First Order Equations in Three Variables,
Methods of Solution, Pfaffian differential equations, Methods of Solutions of Pfaffian Differential Equations
in Three Variables.
Formation of first order partial differential equations, linear and non-linear partial differential equations of first
order, special types of first-order equations, solutions of partial differential equations of first order satisfying
given conditions. Linear partial differential equations with constant coeffcients, equations reducible to linear
partial differential equations with constant coefficients, partial differential equations with variable coefficients,
separation of variables, non-linear equation of the second order.
Laplace Equation, Solution of Laplace equation by separation of variables, One dimensional wave equation,
Solution of wave equation by separation of variables, Diffusion Equation, Solution of one-dimensional
diffusion equation using separation of variables.
List of Practical (Using any software)
Practical/ Lab work to be performed on a Computer.
Semester – IV
Core Courses
Module – I
Number system and Errors, Binary numbers, octal numbers, hexa-decimal numbers. Floating point
Arithmetic, K – digit Arithmetic, Errors, Sources of Errors. Numerical Solution of non-linear equations,
method of bisection, Regula-falsi method, Secant method, Newton – Raphson method, Fixed point
iteration method.
Module – II
Polynomial Interpolation, Existence and uniquencess of interpolating polynomials, Lagranges
Interpolating polynomial, Error in Interpolation.Newtons Divided Difference Interpolating Polynomial,
Forward and backward Difference operators. Newton’s Forward and backward Difference Interpolation
Module – III
Numerical Integration, some Simple Quadrature Rules, Newton’s-Cotes Rule. Compound Quadrature
rules, Gauss – Legendre Rules, Numerical solution of Differential Equation, Picard’s method, Euler’s
method, Runge-Kutta 2nd& 4th order methods
List of Practical (Using any software)
Practical/ Lab work to be performed on a Computer.
1. Calculate the sum
2. To find the absolute value of an integer.
3. Enter 100 integers into an array and sort them in an ascending order.
4. Bisection method.
5. Newton raphson method.
6. Secant method.
7. Regulafalsi method.
8. LU Decomposition method.
9. Gauss-jacobi method.
10. SOR method or Gauss-Siedel method.
11. Lagrange interpolation or Newton interpolation.
12. Simpsons rule
Note: For any of the CAS (Computer aided software) Data types-simple data types, floating data types,
character data types, arithmetic operators and operator precedence, variables and constant declarations,
expressions, input/output, relational operators, logical operators and logical expressions, control statements
and loop statements, arrays should be introduced to the students.
Text Books:
1. A Course on Numerical Analysis : B. P. Acharya & R. N.Das, Kalyani Publisher
Chapters – 1 , 2 (2.1 – 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9), 3 (3.1 to 3.4, 3.6 to 3.8). 6 (6.1- 6.3, 6.5, 6.10, 6.11), 7 (7.1,
7.2, 7.3,7.4& 7.7)
Reference Books:
1. M.K. Jain, S.R.K. IyengarAnd R.K. Jain, Numerical Methods For Scientific And Engineering
Computation, 6th Ed., New Age International Publisher, India, 2007.
2. John H. Mathews And Kurtis D. Fink, Numerical Methods Using MatLab, 4th Ed., Phi Learning
Private Limited, 2012.
Metric Spaces: Definition and examples, open and closed spheres, neighborhoods, Interior points, open set,
closed set, boundary points, limit points and isolated points, closure of a set, dense sets,
Separable metric spaces, sequences in metric space, convergent sequences, cauchy sequences, complete metric
space, distance between sets and diameter of a set, subspaces,
Cantor’s theorem. Continuous functions, definition and characterizations, sequential criterion and other
characterizations of continuity, uniform continuity, homeomorphism,
Connectedness, connected subsets of separated sets, disconnected sets, contraction mappings, Banach fixed
point theorem.
Book Prescribed
1. P.K. Jain and K. Ahmad, Metric Spaces, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. Chapters: 2(1-9, 12),
3(1-4), 4(1-4), 6(1-2, 4), 7(1 Only).
2. Methods of Real analysis-R.G. Goldberg
Chapters: 4, 5, 6 (up to 6.8) and 10(10.1 to 10.2).
Books for Reference
1. S.C. Malik and S. Arora – Mathematical Analysis (New Age International)
2. Principles of Mathematical Analysis – Walter Rudin, III Edition, McGRAW-Hill Book Co.
BSMA2403 Programming in C
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA2403 Programming in C Theory+ Practice 6 4-0-2
Basics and Introduction to C, The C declaration Data Types, Operators and Expressions, Input and Output in
C, Arithmetic Operators and Operators Precedence, Variables and Constant Declarations, Expressions,
Decision statements, Loop Control. If-Else Statement, Switch and Break Statements for, While and Do-While
Loops and Continue Statement, Nested Control Statement,
Data structure: array, Functions Value Returning Functions, One Dimensional Array, Two Dimensional Array
Text Book:
Programming in C by Ashok N. Kamthane , Pearson
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10.
Reference Books:
1. Let us C (third Editions): by Yashvant Kanetkar, BPB Publication., Chapter: 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8.
List of Practical
Practical/ Lab work to be performed on a Computer.
1. Write a programme and draw the flow chart for searching of primes less than or equal to 1000(N).
2. Write a programme and draw the flow chart for arranging a given set of numbers in ascending or
descending order.
3. Write a programme and draw the flow chart for searching of odd numbers and its sum less than or
equal to 1000(N).
4. Write a programme and draw the flow chart to find the sum of digits of a number.
5. Write a programme and draw the flow chart to evaluate the area under the curve Y= ax+b and X-axis
between the limits X= 0 and X= 10 using Trapezoidal rule.
6. Write a programme and draw the flow chart to evaluate the integral [ f(x) dx ] using Simpson’s rules.
7. Write a programme and draw the flow chart to solve a quadratic equation.
8. Write a programme and draw the flow chart to evaluate the product of two matrices.
9. Write a programme and draw the flow chart to find the sum of odd/even natural numbers.
10. Write a programme and draw the flow chart to find the Armstrong Number between1 to 100.
Skill Enhancement Courses (Any two of the following)
Module-III: Presentation
Meeting documentation: Preparing an agenda, drafting resolutions & writing minutes Presentations: Oral &
Written Interviews: Types, decorum & other formalities Group discussions.
Text Books:
Effective technical communication by M.A.Rizvi
Reference Books:
Business communication by Urmila Rai &S.M.Rai Communicative English & Business Communication by
R.K.Panda, J.Khuntia, M.Pati, Alok Publication
Fundamentals of computer Programming
Logical Operations and control structures
Procedures, Modules and derived types
Text Books:
1. Introduction to computer Programming Using FORTRAN 95,Astudent guide
Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Reference book:
1. Problem solving with FORTRAN 95 for Scientists and Engineers, SPRINGER ,By David R.
Starting with MATLAB, Creating Arrays
Mathematical operations with arrays, Programming in Matlab, User defined functions
Polynomial curve fitting, Application of Numerical Analysis, Symbolic Math
Two-dimensional and Three-dimensional plots
Text Books:
1. MATLAB, An Introduction with application by Amos Gilat
Wiley Student Edition
Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Reference Books:
1. Getting started with Matlab by RudraPratap, Oxford University Press
Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
Semester – V
Core Courses
Properties of Complex Numbers, regions in the complex plane, functions of complex variable, mappings.limit
and continuity of complex functions derivatives, differentiation formulas, cauchy-riemann equations, sufficient
conditions for differentiability, polar co-ordinates.
Analytic functions, examples of analytic functions, exponential function, logarithmic function, trigonometric
function, derivatives of these functions, definite integrals of functions. Contours, contour integrals and its
examples, upper bounds for moduli of contour integrals theorem on anti derivatives. Cauchy- goursat theorem
(statement only), cauchy integral formula
Liouvilles Theorem and the fundamental theorem of algebra. Convergence of sequences and series, taylor
series and its examples. Laurent series (without proof) and its examples, absolute and uniform convergence of
power series.
Conformal Mapping, Bilinear Transformation
Text Book:
1. James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill, Complex Variables And Applications, 8th Ed., Mcgraw
Hill International Edition, 2009. Chapters: 1(11 Only), 2(12,13), 2(15-22, 24, 25), 3(29, 30, 34) 4(37-
41, 43-46, 50-53), 5(55-60, 62,63,66).
Reference Books:
1. Complex Analysis – L. V. Ahlfors,Mc – Graw – Hill international Editions
(Vikas Publications – Second Edition)
Chapters : 1,3 (Subsections 2.1,2.2,2.3,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4 only) 2,4 (Subsections 1,2,3 only)
BSMA3502 Probability and Statistics
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA3502 Probability and Statistics Theory 6 5-1-0
Sample Space, Probability axioms, Independent events, conditional probability and Bayes’ theorem, Real
random variables(discrete and continuous), Cumulative distribution function, Expectation of random variables,
some special expectations.
Multivariate distributions, Joint cumulative distribution functions, Joint Probability distributions, Marginal and
conditional distributions, some probability distributions(Discrete case), uniform distribution, binomial
distribution, negative binomial and geometric distributions poisson distribution.
Some probability distributions(Continuous case), uniform, Gamma, Exponential, Beta Distributions, Normal
distributions, Normal approximation to the Binomial distributions Bivariate normal distribution.
Distribution of two random variables, expectation of function of two random variables, moment generating
functions, conditional distributions and expectations, correlation coefficient, co-variance independent random
variables, linear regression of two variables. Limit theorems, Markov’s inequality, Chebyshev’s inequality.
Text Book:
1. Irwin Miller and Marylees Miller, John E. Freund, Mathematical Statistics with Applications, 7th Ed.,
Pearson Education, Asia, 2006. Chapters: 2(excluding Art 9),3(Excluding Art 8), 4, 5(5.1,5.2,5.4,5.5,5.7),
6(6.1-6.7), 14(14.1,14.2)
2. Sheldon Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, 9th Ed., Academic Press, Indian Reprint, 2007
Chapters:8(8.1-8.4(upto page 428)), 9(9.1,9.2).
Reference Books:
1) Statistical Methods By S.P. Gupta (31st Edition) ; Publisher: Sultan Chand & Sons
Chapters of Volume-II:1, 2 (Except Multinomial& Negative Binomial Distributions),3(Except Tests of
Significance for Attributes)
10(Only Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation)
11(Upto Regression equations of Y on X and X on Y)
2) Mathematical Statistics By S.C. Gupta & V.K. Kapur(10th Edition); Publisher: Sultan Chand & Sons
Discipline Specific Elective – 1
Introduction To Structured Programming: Data Types- Simple Data Types, Oating Data Types, Character Data
Types, String Data Types.Arithmetic Operators and Operators Precedence, Variables and Constant
Declarations, Expressions, Input Using The Extraction Operator >>and Cin, Output Using The Insertion
Operator << and Cout
Preprocessor Directives, Increment(++) And Decrement({) Operations, CreatingA C++ Program, Input/
Output, Relational Operators, Logical Operators and Logical Expressions.
If And If-Else Statement, Switch and Break Statements. for, While and Do-While Loops and Continue
Statement, Nested Control Statement, Value Returning Functions, Value Versus Reference Parameters, Local
and Global Variables, One Dimensional Array, Two Dimensional Array, Pointer Data and Pointer Variables.
Text Book:
1. D. S. Malik: C++ Programming Language, Edition-2009, Course Technology, CengageLearning,India
Reference Books:
1. E. Balaguruswami: Object Oriented Programming with C++, Fifth Edition, Tata McgrawHillEducation Pvt.
2. R. JohnsonbaughAnd M. Kalin-Applications Programming In Ansi C, Pearson Education.
3. S. B. LippmanAnd J. Lajoie, C++ Primer, 3rd Ed., Addison Wesley, 2000.
4. BjarneStroustrup , The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Ed., AddisonWelsley.
1 1 1 1
1. Calculate the Sum of the series:- 1 + 2 + 3 … + 𝑁 For Any Positive Integer N :
2. Write a user Defined Function To find The Absolute Value Of An Integer And Use It To Evaluate The
Function (-1)n/|n|, for n=-2,-1,0,1,2.
3. Calculate The Factorial Of Any Natural Number.
4. Read floating Numbers And Compute Two Averages: The Average Of Negative Numbers And The
Average Of Positive Number
5. Write A Program That Prompts The User To Input A Positive Integer. It Should Then Output A
Indicating Whether The Number Is A Prime Number.
6. Write A Program that prompts the user to input the value of A;B and C involved in the equation
ax2+bx+c=0 and outputs the type of the roots of the equation. Also the program should outputs all the
roots of the equation.
7. Write a program that generates random integer between 0 and 99: given that first two Fibonacci
numbers are 0 and 1; generate all Fibonacci numbers less than or equal to generated number.
8. Write a program that does the following:
A. Prompts the user to input + Ve Decimal numbers
B. Prints the +Ve Decimal Numbers.
C. Converts each decimal number to the nearest integer.
D. Adds these +Ve integers.
E. Prints the sum and average of them.
9. Write a program that uses while loops to perform the following steps:
A. Prompt the user to input two integers: first number and second number (first numshoul be less
than second num).
B. Output all odd and even number between first num and second num.
C. Output the sum of all even numbers between first num and second num.
D. Output the sum of the square of the odd numbers firs T num and second num.
E. Output all uppercase letters corresponding to the numbers between first num and second num
if any.
10. Write a program that prompts the user to input +Ve decimal numbers. The program should then add
the +Ve decimal numbers, convert the sum to the nearest integer, and print the result.
11. Write a program that prompts the user to enter the lengths of three sides of a triangle and then outputs
a message indicating whether the triangle is a right triangleor a scalene triangle.
12. Multiplication/addition of two matrices using two dimension arrays.
Fourier series, Periodic Function, Fourier Expansion of Functions of any Period, Even and Odd Functions,
Half Range Expansions, Complex form of Fourier series
Fourier Integrals, Different forms of Fourier Integral Theorem
Introduction to Integral Transforms
Laplace Transform, Transforms of Derivatives and Integrals, Derivatives and Integrals of Transforms, Shifting
Properties, Unit Step Function, Dirac’s Delta Function, Evaluation of Integrals, Inverse Laplace Transform,
Convolution, Solution to Differential Equation, Integral Equation.
Fourier Transforms, Infinite Fourier Transforms, Linear property, Change of scale, shifting property,
Modulation Theorem, Convolution theorem, Parseval’s identity.
Module IV
Finite Fourier Sine & Cosine transforms and its applications
Books Prescribed
1. M.D. Raisinghania, H.C.Saxena and H.K.Dass: Integral transforms, S.Chand& Company LTD.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3,4,5(5.1, 5.2 ,5.16, 5.18), 6( 6.1 to 6.3,6.6 to 6.9, 6.11 to 6.14), 7(7.1 to 7.9)
BSMA3505 Mathematical Modelling
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA3505 Mathematical Modeling Theory 6 5-1-0
Module – I
Simple Situations Requiring Mathematical Modeling. The Technique of Mathematical Modeling,
Mathematical Modeling through Differential Equations, Linear Growth and Decay Models, Non-Linear
Growth and Decay Models, Compartment Models, Mathematical Modeling of Geometrical Problems Through
Ordinary Differential Equations of first Order.
Module – II
Mathematical Modeling In Population Dynamics, Mathematical Modeling of Epidemics Through Systems of
Ordinary Differential Equations of first Order, Compartment Models through Systems of Ordinary Differential
Equations, Mathematical Modeling In Economics Through Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations of first
Module – III
Mathematical Models In Medicine, Arms Race, Battles And International Trade In Terms of Systems of
Ordinary Differential Equations. Mathematical Modeling of Planetary Motions, Mathematical Modeling of
Circular Motion and Motion of Satellites. Mathematical Modeling through linear differential equations of
second order.
Situation Giving Rise to Partial Differential Equations Models, Mass Balance Equations: First Method of
Getting PDE Models, Momentum Balance Equations. The Second Method of Obtaining Partial Differential
Models, Variational Principles. Third Function, Fourth Method of Obtaining Partial Differential Equation
Models, Models for Tracing of a Highway. Situation That can be Modeled through Graphs, Mathematical
Models in terms of directed Graphs, Optimization Principles and Techniques, Mathematical Modeling through
Calculus of Variations.
Text Book:
1. J.N. Kapur-Mathematical Modeling
Chapters: 1(1.1 And 1.2), 2(2.1 To 2.4, 2.6), 3(3.1 To 3.6),4(4.1 To 4.3), 6(6.1 To 6.6), 7(7.1 To 7.2),
9(9.1 And 9.2).
Semester – VI
Core Courses
BSMA3601Linear Programming
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA3601 Linear Programming Theory 6 5-1-0
Introduction to linear programming problems (LPP), Mathematical formulation of the LPP with illustrations,
Graphical method, general Linear programming problems, canonical and standard form of LPP. Theory of
simplex method, optimality and unboundedness, the simplex algorithm, simplex method in tableau format,
introduction to artificial variables, two – phase method, big-M method and their comparisons.
Duality in LPP: Introduction, General Primal-Dual Pair, Formulation of the Dual Problem, Primal Dual
relationship duality theorems, complementary slackness theorem, duality and simplex method, Economic
interpretation of the duality.
Transportation Problem(TP): LP formulation of TP, Existence of solution and duality in TP. Solution of
transportation problems, North-West corner method, Least-cost method and Vogel approximation method for
determination of strategy basic solution, algorithm of solving transportation problem, assignment problem and
its mathematical formulation. Solution methods of assignment problem, special cases in assignment problems.
Games and strategie4s: Introduction, Formulation of two person zero sum games, solving two person zero sum
games, maximin-minimax principle, Games without saddle points, games with mixed strategies, Graphical
solution procedure to (2xn) and (mx2) games.
Text Book:
1. KantiSwarup, P.K. Gupta and Man Mohan-Operations Research, S. Chand and Co. Pvt. Ltd. (chapters: 2, 3,
4, 5(5.1-5.8), 10(10.1-10.10), 11(11.1-11.4), 17(17.1-17.6)
Reference Books:
Mathematical Programing by N. S. Kambo.
Chapters : 6 (6.4 to 6.6), 7 (7.1 and 7.4), 8.16.
Logic, Proportional Equivalence, Predicates and Quantifiers, Nested Quantifiers, Methods of Proof, Relations
and their Properties, n-Ary Relations and their Applications, Boolean Functions and their Representation. The
Basic Counting, the Pigeon-Hole Principle, Generalized Permutations and Combinations.
Recurrence Relations, Counting Using Recurrence Relations, Solving Linear Homogeneous Recurrence
Relations with Constant Coefficients, Generating Functions, Solving Recurrence Relations using Generating
Partially Ordered Sets, Hasse Diagram of Partially Ordered sets, maps between ordered sets, Duality Principle,
Lattices as Ordered Sets, Lattices as Algebraic Structures, Sub lattices, Boolean Algebra and Its Properties.
Graphs: Basic Concepts and Graph Terminology, Representing Graphs and Graph Isomorphism. Distance in a
Graph, Cut-Vertices and Cut-Edges, Connectivity, Euler and Hamiltonian Path
Text Book:
1. Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Applications, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publications, Chapters: 1(1.1
To 1.5), 4(4.1, 4.2, 4.5), 5(5.1, 5.2, 5.5), 6(6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6), 7(7.1, 7.2), 8, 10(10.1,10.2).
Reference Books:
1. Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory by Edgar G. Goodaire and Michael M.Parmenter
Discipline Specific Elective – 3
BSMA3603 Hydrodynamics
Code Course Title Course Type Credits L-T-P (hrs.)
BSMA3603 Hydrodynamics Theory 6 5-1-0
Eulerian and Lagrangian method, equation of continuity in different co-ordinates system, boundarysurface,
Helmholtz’s vorticity equation of motion, Bernoulli’s equation, Cauchy’s Integrals.
Two dimensional motion, source, sink and doublet, Images, Theorem of Blasius, Vortex motion, Kerman
Vortex sheet.
Module- III:
Motion of circular and elliptic cylinder, motion of a sphere in sample cases.
Module- IV:
Laws of Newtonian Attraction, Attraction and potential of a rod, circular disc, spherical shell and solid sphere.
Gauss’s and Poisson’s Equation of matter and Equipotential Surfaces.
Text Books:
1. A treatise on hydromechanics, part 1,William Henry Besant Deighton, Bell, 1891
2. Hydrodynamics, Shanti Swarup, Krishna Prakashan Media (P) Ltd.
3. An elementary treatise on hydromechanics: with numerous examples:5th ed., Edward Albert Bowser,
D. Van Nostrand, 1899
4. Hydromechanics: Besant & Ramsay
5. Newtonian Attraction: A S Ramsay
6. Statics: S L Loney
Introduction to Graphs: Definition of a graph, finite and infinite graphs, incidence of vertices and edges, types
of graphs, subgraphs, walks, trails, paths, cycles, connectivity, components of a graph, Eulerian and
Hamiltonian graphs, travelling salesman problem, vertex and edge connectivity, matrix representation of
graphs, incidence and adjacency matrices of graphs
Trees and Fundamental Circuits: Definition and properties of trees, rooted and binary trees, counting trees,
spanning trees, weighted graphs, minimum spanning tree, fundamental circuit, cut set, separability, network
flows Vector Spaces Associated with Graphs: Galois fields, vector spaces associated with graphs, orthogonal
vectors and spaces
Planar graphs and Graph Coloring: Planar graphs, Kuratowski’s graphs, detection of planarity, Euler’s formula
for planar graphs, geometric and combinatorial duals of a planar graphs, coloring of graphs, chromatic
numbers, chromatic polynomial, chromatic partitioning, Four color theorem.
Directed Graphs: Types of digraphs, digraphs and binary relations directed paths andconnectedness, Euler
digraphs, de Brujin sequences, tournaments
Ramsey Theory: Introduction to Ramsey theory, Ramsey numbers, Ramsey theorem
Enumerations: Types of enumerations, Polya theory of enumeration and its applications
Text Books:
1. Deo, N., “Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science”, Prentice Hall India
Reference Books
1. West, D. B., "Introduction to Graph Theory ", Prentice Hall India (2nd Edition 2009
2. Clark, J. and Holton, J. A.,"A First Look at Graph Theory", World Scientific 1991
3. Aldous, J. M., Wilson, R. J. and Best S., “Graphs and Applications: An Introductory Approach”,
4. Deistel, R., “Graph Theory”, Springer (4th Edition) 2010
5. Chartrand, G. and Zhang, P., "Introduction to Graph Theory", Tata McGraw Hill
6Bondy, J. A. and Murty, U. S. R., “Graph Theory”, Springer 2011