Sentry CO2 Manual PN429425
Sentry CO2 Manual PN429425
Sentry CO2 Manual PN429425
ANSUL, SENTRY, and the product names listed in this material are marks
and/or registered marks. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
EXPLANATION OF SAFETY ALERTS SENTRY Carbon Dioxide Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers
REV. 02 2013-JUN-28 Operation, Recharge, Inspection, and Maintenance Manual
Indicates a hazardous situation in which a person will experi-
ence serious personal injury or death if the situation is not
Indicates a hazardous situation in which a person could expe-
rience serious personal injury or death if the situation is not
Indicates a hazardous situation in which a person could expe-
rience minor or moderate personal injury if the situation is
not avoided.
Addresses practices not related to personal injury, such as a
system part malfunctioning, property damage, or system failure.
Addresses general practices or observations
related to system function that are not related
to personal injury.
SENTRY Carbon Dioxide Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers TABLE OF CONTENTS
Operation, Recharge, Inspection, and Maintenance Manual 2013-JUN-28 REV. 02 PAGE TOC-1
Introduction 1
Operation 2
Recharge 3–4
Inspection 5
Maintenance 6–7
When utilized, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Extinguishers shall be maintained at regular intervals, not more
rules require that ‘‘the employer shall be responsible for the than one year apart, or when specifically indicated by an inspec-
inspection, maintenance, and testing of all portable extinguish- tion. Maintenance is a ‘‘thorough check’’ to give maximum assur-
ers in the work place.’’ Details are provided in the Code of ance that the extinguisher will operate effectively and safely. It
Federal Regulations 29 CFR 1910.157(e) and in Appendixes A includes a thorough examination and any necessary repair,
and B to Subpart L, referencing the provisions of NFPA 10 as recharge, or replacement. It will normally reveal if there is a need
guidelines. NFPA 10 entitled ‘‘Standard for Portable Fire for hydrostatic testing.
Extinguishers’’ is available from the National Fire Protection
Association, visit HYDROTEST
The Compressed Gas Association Inc. CGA C-6 ‘‘Standards For Extinguishers shall be hydrostatically tested at regular intervals
Visual Inspection of Steel Compressed Gas Cylinders’’ and CGA as required in NFPA 10, ‘‘Standard for Portable Fire
C-6.1 ‘‘Standards For Visual Inspection of High Pressure Extinguishers,’’ or more frequently when inspection or mainte-
Aluminum Compressed Gas Cylinders’’ provides information on nance dictates a specific need. Such tests are usually required
determining unacceptable dents and corrosion. It is available on extinguisher shells and some hose assemblies. For further
from the Compressed Gas Association, Inc., visit details, see ANSUL Technical Bulletin No. 50 entitled ‘‘Hydrostatic Retest Requirements for ANSUL Hand Portable
and Wheeled Extinguishers’’ (Form No. F-81301), and ‘‘ ANSUL
RESPONSIBILITY Hydrostatic Test Instructions’’ (Form No. F-7602).
The owner or occupant of a property in which fire extinguishers
are located has an obligation for the care and use of these extin-
guishers at all times. By doing so, he/she is contributing to the
protection of life and property. The nameplates and instruction For safety: If, at any time, an extinguisher shows evidence of
manual should be read and thoroughly understood by all corrosion or mechanical injury, it shall be subjected to a hydro-
personnel who may be expected to operate, recharge, inspect or static pressure test or replaced.
maintain the extinguishers.
All extinguishers shall be recharged immediately after use, or
Do not use air or gas for pressure testing. Failure to comply
when indicated by an inspection or maintenance examination.
could result in severe personal injury or death if the shell
Recharge is the replacement or replenishment of the suppress-
ing agent.
Carbon dioxide extinguishers contain a suppressing agent that
will not support life when used in sufficient concentration to
suppress a fire. The use of this type of extinguisher in an
unventilated space can dilute the oxygen supply. Prolonged
occupancy of such spaces can result in loss of consciousness
and possible death due to oxygen deficiency.
For additional information on proper use
and applications of ANSUL Carbon
Dioxide Extinguishers, Tyco Fire Protec-
tion Products maintains a comprehensive
library of training aids and offers hands-on
fire fighting training at our fire school.
Contact Tyco Fire Protection Products,
One Stanton Street, Marinette, WI 54143-
2542, or your authorized ANSUL
SENTRY Carbon Dioxide Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers RECHARGE
Operation, Recharge, Inspection, and Maintenance Manual 2013-JUN-28 REV. 02 PAGE 3
Extinguishers taken out of service for mainte-
nance or recharge shall be replaced by spare
extinguishers of the same type and at least an
equal rating.
When discharging carbon dioxide for recharge purposes, it
should always be discharged to an outside atmosphere.
The discharging of this type of extinguisher in an unventi-
lated space can dilute the oxygen supply. Prolonged occu- FIGURE 2
pancy of such spaces can result in loss of consciousness
and possible death due to oxygen deficiency. 4. Attach proper recharge adaptor to valve.
Always wear gloves and goggles or a face shield as CO2 5. Place extinguisher on scale. Attach spring clamp to hold
gas could cause freezing if sprayed on bare skin or in the extinguisher valve in open position.
eyes. 6. Connect CO2 supply line to recharge adaptor.
7. Check nameplate on cylinder for proper charge (weight) of
Discharge all remaining CO2 from extinguisher.
2. Check cylinder shoulder for date of manufacture. If five
years or more have passed since most recent date stamp,
cylinder must be hydrotested before returning to service. ! WARNING
Date will appear as the month (i.e., 3 = March, 8 = August, When performing recharge, use only the proper materials.
etc.) followed by the inspector’s stamp and then the year The use of other recharging materials may reduce the effi-
(last two digits). ciency, cause malfunction or result in rupture of the extin-
3. Remove horn/hose assembly (10-15-20 lb models) or horn guisher that could cause injury to the operator.
(5 lb model) as follows:
a. Horn/Hose assembly – Using open end wrench, disen- Open fill line valve and fill cylinder to correct total weight as
gage hose from valve assembly. See Figure 1. stamped on valve assembly. DO NOT OVERFILL.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) used to fill the
extinguisher must conform to item
description as specified in UL Standard
154, as follows: ‘‘A commercial grade of
carbon dioxide, free of water and other
contaminants that might cause corrosion
or interfere with the discharge of the extin-
guisher. The vapor phase shall be not less
than 99.5 percent carbon dioxide with no
detectable off-taste or odor. The water
content shall be not more than 12 parts
per million (ppm) by weight at minus 62 °F
(–52.2 °C) dew point. Oil content shall be
not more than 10 parts per million (ppm)
FIGURE 1 by weight.’’
RECHARGE SENTRY Carbon Dioxide Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers
PAGE 4 REV. 02 2013-JUN-28 Operation, Recharge, Inspection, and Maintenance Manual
RECHARGE (Continued)
9. Release spring clamp from operating lever when scale indi-
cates correct amount of CO2 has been introduced into cylin-
der. Close CO2 supply line valve and vent CO2 supply line
to outside atmosphere.
10. Remove CO2 supply line from charging adaptor. Remove
adaptor from valve.
11. Perform leak check on all joints or possible sources of
leakage. (Leak check may consist of a bubble test using a
soapy water solution or any of several commercially avail-
able preparations such as ’’Leak-Tek’’.) If no bubbles
appear, wipe extinguisher clean and air dry. If leaks
(bubbles) appear, refer to Service and Repair section.
12. Reinstall horn or horn/hose assembly.
13. Install ring pin and visual seal.
14. Check weight of recharged extinguisher against weight
stamped on extinguisher valve body. See Figure 3.
Inspection provides reasonable assurance the extinguisher is
charged and operable. Where an inspection reveals that
tampering has occurred or that the extinguisher is damaged,
impaired, leaking, or has obvious corrosion, complete mainte-
nance as described on Pages 6–7 should be followed.
Become familiar with the Service and Repair
section prior to performing inspection.
Always be alert for any indications of damage or inoperative-
ness in the extinguisher. No manual can anticipate everything
that could happen to an extinguisher. In the event that some-
thing not covered in the manual is found, ascertain whether
any potential for damage or effect on operation of the extin-
guisher or safety exists and repair or replace, as necessary.
1. Make certain extinguisher is in its designated place, readily 7. 10, 15, or 20 lb Extinguishers Only: Remove and inspect
accessible and immediately available in the event of fire. horn/hose assembly as follows:
2. Remove extinguisher from its wall hanger. Check to see that a. Using open end wrench, disengage hose from valve.
hanger is firmly fastened to mounting surface.
b. Check hose assembly for any blockage.
NOTICE c. Perform conductivity test on hose by attaching one lead
of an ohmmeter to one hose coupling and other lead to
Extinguishers taken out of service for opposite hose coupling. With meter set in ohms range,
maintenance or recharge shall be reading should show approximately 0 ohms, indicating a
replaced by spare extinguishers of the complete circuit exists through hose. See Figure 5. If
same type and at least equal rating. meter indicates an open circuit, hose must be replaced.
MAINTENANCE (Continued) 10. 5 lb Extinguisher Only: Assure nut attached to hex swivel
8. 5 lb Extinguisher Only: Remove and inspect horn assem- rotates freely but not loosely.
bly as follows: 11. Check siphon tube by shaking entire extinguisher. A metallic
a. Using open end wrench, rotate hex swivel in counter- rattling noise indicates separation of siphon tube from valve.
clockwise direction to remove from valve assembly. See 12. Follow instructions in Recharge section to empty and
Figure 6. recharge extinguisher.
13. Return extinguisher to its designated location.
14. Personnel making maintenance checks are usually required
to keep records by way of marking a tag attached or affixed
to the extinguisher and/or in a permanent file. Your precise
guide to record keeping requirements should be the applic-
able company, local, state or federal authority having juris-
SERVICE AND REPAIR SENTRY Carbon Dioxide Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers
PAGE 8 REV. 02 2013-JUN-28 Operation, Recharge, Inspection, and Maintenance Manual
Contents under high pressure. Before removing or disassem-
bling valve, make sure extinguisher is completely discharged.
Failure to comply could result in personal injury or property
damage due to violent movement of loosened components.
When discharging carbon dioxide for service and repair
purposes, it should always be discharged to an outside atmos-
phere. The discharging of this type of extinguisher in an unven-
tilated space can dilute the oxygen supply. Prolonged
occupancy of such spaces can result in loss of consciousness
and possible death due to oxygen deficiency.
SENTRY Carbon Dioxide Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers SERVICE AND REPAIR
Operation, Recharge, Inspection, and Maintenance Manual 2013-JUN-28 REV. 02 PAGE 9
Valve Leak at safety nut Remove nut, disc and washer. Clean out receptacle.
Replace with new ANSUL components. Torque to 17 ft lb
to 20 ft lb (23.2 Nm to 27.1 Nm).
Leak through valve outlet Discharge. Disassemble valve. Replace plunger stem.
Leak at plunger stem Discharge. Disassemble valve. Replace plunger stem.
(Under operating lever)
Leak at hose joint Disassemble and examine internal and external threads.
Replace hose if damaged.
Leak at hex swivel/valve joint Disassemble. Clean seating surface. Reassemble.
(5 lb extinguisher only) Assure tube rotates freely but not loosely.
Leak at cylinder/valve joint Examine for cracks around perimeter of cylinder neck.
Discard if cracks are found. If leaking at thread joint,
remove valve from cylinder. Clean threads with stiff brush.
On aluminum shell only, replace O-ring. On steel shell
only, lightly lubricate valve thread with DOW 111 or equal
and reinstall valve. Torque steel shell to 50 ft lb (68 Nm).
Tighten aluminum shell hand tight.
Sticky valve Disassemble valve. Examine valve stem and push lever.
Replace if damaged. Replace stem O-ring and adequately
Do not leave open end of hose unattended unless
adequately restrained to prevent whipping.