Multimedia Video
Multimedia Video
Multimedia Video
Technology Standard Addressed: 3d - Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and
problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.
After spending some time answering questions, students will get into groups of two or three students. They
will be able to have one device (phone or tablet) out per student in order to use to video tape or use stop
motion. Students will take the time to create a short video showing an example of their own to explain to the
class. This will require students to work together to show they understand how to compose functions
correctly. After they present, the students’ classmates will be able to analyze their video to see if they agree
or disagree with their answers.
Spring 2018_SJB
MultiMedia Tools
Importance of technology:
The multimedia authoring tool, iMovie, is utilized in this lesson to introduce the content to in order to
prepare them for their next class. This tutorial video is easily accessible from my blog. The in-class assignment
could be done without technology; however, it would be very time consuming and require students to just
write on the board and verbally explain their work to their classmates. This would greatly decrease the
students desire to participate and would not be engaging. Lack of participation and engagement would result
in a student struggling to learn the material.
Inspiration (optional):
I used to find a tutorial explaining to students how to compose two functions. The
video I used can be located at:
Internet safety is extremely important for students in the classroom. Since students in high school are all over
the age of 13, a lot of the restrictions are not applicable. However, it is still important to inform your students
on how to safely use the internet when searching for anything. Before using the internet for any reason, the
teacher should have a conversation with the principal, their students, and all parents. The teacher is required
to constantly monitor all research and keep parents informed on what is being done. Doing these things will
minimize all risks when using the internet. Most importantly, students should never give any personal
information away. Personal information includes their name, email, or address.
Reflective Practice:
By utilizing a flipped classroom approach, students will be able to review the material at their own pace as
well as be introduced to the material before the next class meeting. The impact on the students learning is
increased by utilizing technology and making the assignments more interactive. Students will come to class
with basic knowledge of the material and be able to be active participants in their own learning. Students will
be more willing to participate and come to class having already formulated questions regarding anything that
confused them. One way to extend this lesson would be for students to look up real-world examples of
composed functions and create their own introduction video.
Spring 2018_SJB