Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
KEYWORDS Abstract This paper proposes fault detection and classification scheme for transmission line pro-
Discrete wavelet transform; tection using WT and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Current signals of each phase are used for
LDA; the detection and identification of faulty phases and zero sequence currents are used for the detec-
Fault detection; tion of ground. Current signals are processed using discrete wavelet transform with DB-4 wavelet
Fault classification; up to level 3. Approximate coefficients are reconstructed using wavelet reconstruction. Performance
Shunt faults; of the proposed based scheme is tested by variations of parameters such as fault type, location, fault
Multi-location faults resistance, fault inception angle and power flow angle. The scheme is applicable for both single cir-
cuit and double circuit transmission line. All shunt faults and multi-location faults which occur in
different locations at the same time are also detected and classified by the proposed scheme within
one cycle time. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is not affected by non-linear
high impedance fault and CT saturation.
Ó 2014 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Source 1 Source 2
400kV 400kV
Load Load
100kW 200kW
2500 When another labeled data set is not present, it can be sim-
Input Currents Ia,Ib,Ic and Iz (amp)
2000 ulated by doing cross-validation. N-fold cross-validation is
used for estimating the test error on classification algorithms.
1500 Ic
It randomly divides the training set into N disjoint subsets.
1000 Each subset has roughly equal size and roughly the same class
proportions as in the training set. Because cross-validation
randomly divides data, its outcome depends on the initial ran-
0 dom seed.
X: 80
-500 Y: 2.116e-006
If there is
Obtain the no fault in
three phase Obtain the Test it against line output
currents Ia, Ib approximate the trained will be ‘0’.
and Ic from coefficient of LDA fault
relaying three phase detection
point. currents. network. If there is a
fault in line
output will
be ‘1’.
Pre-process the three phase currents Ia, Ib, Ic
and zero sequence current Iz with discrete
wavelet transform and obtain the approximate
coefficient of currents.
Ia Ib Ic Iz
Phase Phase Phase Phase
Table 2 Fault detection time in case of near boundary faults (near end and far end) with Rf = 0.001 X and Ui = 0°.
Fault location (km) Fault detection time (ms) Fault phase identification time (ms) Fault classification
0.1 12 7 – – 8 AG
0.3 12 – 6 – 9 BG
0.5 12 – – 8 10 CG
0.7 12 9 6 – 8 ABG
0.9 12 – 8 7 12 BCG
1.1 12 11 – 9 10 CAG
1.3 12 9 7 – – AB
1.5 12 – 12 7 – BC
85 15 10 – 11 – CA
87 15 7 11 9 – ABC
89 15 5 – – 7 AG
91 15 – 9 – 11 BG
93 15 – – 8 12 CG
95 15 9 6 – 10 ABG
97 16 – 8 9 9 BCG
99 16 7 – 6 8 CAG
Output of LDA
based fault
X: 80
1 Y: 0
0 X: 92
Y: 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
Output of LDA based Fault phase Identifier and fault Classifier
X: 80
1 Y: 0
X: 87
Y: 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
X: 80
1 Y: 0
G0 X: 88
Y: 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
Figure 6 (a) Output of fault detection. (b) Output of fault classification during AG fault for Rf = 0.001 X and Ui = 0° at 0.1 km.
A novel transmission line relaying scheme for fault detection and classification using LDA 203
4. Proposed method using linear discriminant analysis Training accuracy is estimated by calculating the re-substi-
tution error and cross-validation error which is 0% in LDA
The proposed method consists of three stages: developing the based method. Confusion matrix of the training is given in
model of the power system network for fault simulation stud- Table 1. Diagonal values of the confusion matrix show the
ies, pre-processing of the signals to obtain the input–output accurate number of classified data for a particular class. After
patterns/data set and designing of LDA network for fault training network is tested for different fault cases and output
detection and fault classification. MATLAB/SIMULINK of fault detection is obtained which will be discussed in next
platform has been used for the implementation of the three section.
stages involved in the proposed method such as fault simula-
tion, signal pre-processing and algorithm implementation. 4.3. Fault classification
The single line diagram of the power system network under
consideration is shown in Fig. 3. It consists of 400 kV, 50 Hz After fault is detected the phases of fault are identified using
single circuit transmission line of length 100 km. Three phase LDA. Proposed fault phase identification and fault classifica-
source of 400 kV, 50 Hz is connected to bus-1 with 100 kW tion scheme is shown in Fig. 5. For fault classification separate
and 100 kVar load, the short circuit capacity of source is modules are designed for each phase A, B, C and ground G.
1250 MVA and X/R ratio is 10. At bus-2 a load of 200 kW Input given to each classifier A, B, C is the phase currents
is connected and another 3 phase source of 400 kV, 50 Hz, and zero sequence current for ground G. Training accuracy
SCC 1250 MVA, X/R ratio is 10 is connected. is 100% in case of fault classification. After training the net-
work, test data are generated and tested for checking the per-
4.1. Inputs to the network formance of the relay for the classification of fault. First fault
phases are identified individually and from phase identification
Three phase current signals are obtained from the relaying output faults are classified.
point for different fault case studies. To analyze the current
signals during faulty condition, consider a single line to ground 5. Results and discussion
fault has occurred at 80 ms. The waveform of the three phase
currents and zero sequence current during AG fault is shown The proposed relay has been tested for around 5000 test fault
in Fig. 4. Before the inception of fault, the three phase currents cases involving different faults (LG, LL, LLL, and LLG) at 50
in all the phases are same and zero sequence current has zero
magnitude. At 80 ms, AG fault has occurred, so phase ‘‘A’’
current increases and zero sequence current also starts increas- Table 3 Fault detection time in case of varying fault
ing while other phase currents remain same as shown in Fig. 4. resistance with Ui = 180°.
Various fault parameter variations such as fault type, fault
Fault Fault Fault Fault resistance
location, fault inception angle, and fault resistance are studied.
type location (km) detection (X) time (ms)
The total number of fault cases simulated for training includ-
ing variations in fault type: LG, LLG, LL, LLL faults, fault AB 12 0 6
locations, fault inception angles, and fault resistances are BC 22 5 11
380. Three phase current and zero sequence current signals CA 32 10 10
ABC 42 10 7
are processed with DB-4 wavelet up to level 3. In the proposed
AG 52 0 15
technique approximate DWT coefficients of three phase cur- BG 62 20 18
rents obtained after wavelet reconstruction process are used CG 72 40 20
as inputs to LDA based fault detector. On the other hand in ABG 82 60 12
addition to approximate DWT coefficients of three phase cur- BCG 92 80 14
rents and zero sequence currents are also used as input to LDA CAG 99 100 17
based fault classifier. Fault detection and classification are car-
ried out in separate modules which will be described below.
Output of LDA
based Fault
X: 86
0 Y: 1
X: 80
20 40 60 Y: 0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
X: 80
Y: 0
X: 86
0 Y: 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Output of LDA based Fault Phase Identifier and fault classifier
Time (ms)
X: 80
Y: 0
X: 88
0 Y: 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
G X: 87
Y: 1
X: 80
20 40 60 Y: 0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
Figure 7 (a) Output of fault detection. (b) Output of fault classification during ABG fault for Rf = 0.001 X and Ui = 0° at 0.1 km at
80 ms for 25° power flow angle.
A novel transmission line relaying scheme for fault detection and classification using LDA 205
Output of Fault
X: 95
2 Y: 1
-1 X: 85
20 40 60 Y:80
0 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
A Phase
0 X: 99
Output of Fault Phase Identification and Fault Classification
-1 X: 85 Y: 1
20 40 60 Y:80
0 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
X: 95
2 Y: 1
B Phase
-1 X: 85
20 40 60 Y:80
0 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
X: 97
C Phase
2 Y: 1
-1 X: 85
20 40 60 Y:80
0 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
Ground G
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
Figure 8 (a) Output of fault detection. (b) Output of fault classification during ABC fault at 65 km with fault resistance of 0.001 X and
fault inception angle of 90° at 87.5 ms.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (in ms)
Figure 9 Three-phase current waveforms during an AG fault resistance of 0.001 X and inception angle of 0° at 90 km with and without
CT saturation.
Table 7 Fault detection time in case of CT saturation. Table 10 Fault detection time in case different short circuit
Fault type Fault location (km) Fault detection time(ms) capacities of source.
AG 6 11 Short circuit Fault Fault Fault detection
BG 16 13 capacity of source type location (km) time (ms)
CG 26 15
1250 MVA AG 12 14
ABG 36 12
ABG 32 17
BCG 46 10
AB 52 18
CAG 56 16
ABC 72 15
AB 66 9
BC 76 13 2000 MVA AG 12 8
CA 86 11 ABG 32 5
ABC 96 14 AB 52 5
ABC 72 5
5.5. Performance of the proposed method during nonlinear high- 5.7. Performance in case of double circuit line
impedance faults
Proposed LDA based method is also tested for double circuit
The faults with nonlinear high-impedance are simulated using lines considering the zero sequence mutual coupling effect.
MATLAB and the proposed method is tested for non-linear Current signals of both the circuits are taken as input to
high impedance fault with arc resistance of 100 X where arc LDA based method for detection and classification of faults.
resistance is function of arc current. Current threshold for The performance of the relay is tested by some fault cases in
arc extinction is 50 A. Some of the results during nonlinear both the circuits and few test results for double circuit lines
high-impedance faults are given in Table 6 which shows that are shown in Table 8. From this Table 8, it can be concluded
the proposed scheme is not affected by nonlinear high- then the proposed scheme works correctly for double circuit
impedance faults. line also.
Proposed method is studied to observe effect of CT Proposed LDA based method is checked for faults occurring
saturation. Three CTs are used to measure current using in multiple locations. Multiple location faults are the faults
the saturated transformer block each rated 2000 A/5 A occur at different locations in same time; the conventional dig-
and 25 VA. To study the effect of CT saturation, CTs are ital distance relay is unable to detect multi-location fault
assumed to saturate at 8 pu. Three-phase current waveforms occurring at the same time. The performance of the proposed
during an AG fault at 99 km with Rf = 0.001 X, Ui = 0° scheme during multi-location faults has been investigated and
with and without CT saturation are shown in Fig. 9. some of the test results of multiple location faults are shown in
The test result of LDA based network for fault detection Table 9. From Table 9 it can be observed that proposed LDA
and fault classification with CT saturation is shown in based method can detect multiple location faults correctly
Table 7. within one cycle time.
Output of Fault
X: 109
2 Y: 1
X: 100
20 40 60 80 Y: 0 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
Output of LDA BAsed Fault Phase Identification and Fault Classification
A Phase
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
B Phase
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
C Phase
X: 100
Y: 0
X: 106
0 Y: 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
Ground G
X: 100
Y: 0
X: 108
0 Y: 1
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (ms)
Figure 10 (a) Output of fault detection. (b) Output of fault classification for un-transposed line during CG fault at 70 km with Rf
0.001 X and Ui = 0° at 100 ms.
208 A. Yadav, A. Swetapadma
Not mentioned
change, this requires adding the samples of no-fault condition
in the training data set. The test result of proposed fault detec-
different source capacities is shown in Table 10. It is clear that
the proposed scheme is not affected by variation in source
Not mentioned
Reach setting
posed algorithm is tested for this fault case and results are
training of ANN and wavelet transforms
7. Conclusions
measured at the sending end
This paper presents the wavelet and LDA based fault Detector
Comparison with other schemes.
e.g. LG, LL, LLG, and LLL. The performance of the pro-
Current signals
and fault inception angle. Inputs given to the LDA based fault
detector and classifier are approximate coefficients of three
phase currents and zero sequence current. Wavelet
Proposed method
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