Btech Chem NIFFT Part 1 PDF

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Factors Affecting Atomic

Orbital Energies
• The energies of atomic orbitals are affected by
– nuclear charge (Z) and
– shielding by other electrons.
A higher nuclear charge increases nucleus-electron
interactions and lowers sublevel energy.
Shielding by other electrons reduces the full
nuclear charge to an effective nuclear charge (Zeff).
Zeff is the nuclear charge an electron
actually experiences.
Orbital shape also affects sublevel energy.
The energy order of orbitals for a
given quantum number depends
on shielding effects (σ), effective
nuclear charge (Z*) & penetration
of orbitals
How to determine or estimate the Z*?
{If the electron resides in s or p orbital}
1. Electrons in principal shell higher
than the e- in question: contribute 0 to σ
2. Each e- in the same principal shell:
contribute 0.35 to σ, except 1s which is 0.3
3. Electrons in (n-1) shell: each
contribute 0.85 to σ
4. Electrons in deeper shell: each
contribute 1.00 to σ
How to determine or estimate the Z*?
{If the e- resides in a ‘d’ or ‘f’ orbital}
 All e-’s in higher principal group
contribute 0
 Each e- in the same group contributes
 All inner and lower group electrons
contributes 1.00
Effective nuclear charge Z* increases
very slowly down a group for the
“valence electron”. Example of
Valence configuration as ‘ns1’
n Z Z* 16

H 1 1 1.0 14


Li 2 3 1.3 10

Na 3 11 2.2 8

K 4 19 2.2 4

Rb 5 37 2.2

Cs 6 55 2.2
H He Li Be Be C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Effective nuclear charge Z* increases
rapidly along a period. For example,
take period two

Li Be B C N O F Ne
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.3 1.95 2.4 3.1 3.8 4.5 5.1 5.8

2s1 2s2 2p1 2p2 2p3 2p4 2p5 2p6

Penetration of Orbitals
Orbital shape causes electrons in some orbitals to “penetrate” close to the
nucleus. Penetration increases nuclear attraction and decreases shielding.
Radial probability
Penetration of Orbitals
The penetration potential
of an orbital varies as:
ns > np > nd > nf
The energy of the orbitals
for a given n varies as:
ns < np < nd < nf

The penetration of 2s electron through the inner core

is greater than that of a 2p electron because the
latter vanishes at the nucleus. Therefore, the 2s
electrons are less shielded than the 2p electrons.
Influence of nucleus on electrons

 Two electrons present in the same d-orbital repel

each other more strongly than do two electrons in
the same s-orbital.
 The electrons present in f are much less
influenced by the nucleus as compared to d, those
present in d much less influenced as compared to
p, than s, etc.

 It is essential to consider all contributions to the

energy of a configuration, and just not one-
electron orbital energies.
Considerations of principles such as penetration and
shielding have enabled atomic orbitals to be arranged in
rough order of increasing energy (order of filling of orbitals).
How do you fill electrons ?

Two electrons present in the same d-orbital
repel each other more strongly than do two
electrons in the same s-orbital.

Therefore, occupation of orbitals of higher

energy can result in a reduction in the
repulsion between electrons (for eg., 4s),
otherwise the repulsion will be more if the
lower-energy 3d orbitals were occupied.

It is essential to consider all contributions to

the energy of a configuration, and just not
one-electron orbital energies
Experimental data show that Ground
State configurations of d-block
elements are of the form 3dn4s2, with 4s
orbital fully occupied.
Sc (at. No. 21) is [Ar]3d14s2
This order is followed in most cases
- but not always! (some exceptions)
Two atomic configurations do not
follow the sequence of filling of orbitals
Z = 24 Cr [Ar] 3d54s1; not [Ar] 3d44s2
Z = 29 Cu [Ar] 3d104s1; not [Ar] 3d94s2
As atomic number increases, energy of 3d
orbitals decrease relative to both 4s and 4p
At z = 29, energy of 3d becomes much lower
than 4s
Hence order of filling 3d < 4s < 4p
Filling & removal in Transition elements
• Transition series: filling order: 4s, 3d
• removal order (cation formation): 4s, 3d
(not 3d, 4s)
e.g. Ti [Ar] 3d2 4s2
• Ti2+ [Ar] 3d2 (not [Ar] 4s2) Why?
The following properties are important
to address the compounds formed
•Atomic size (radius)
•Ionic size (radius)
•Atomic volume
•Ionization energy
•Electron affinity
•Hard soft acid base (HSAB)
•Oxidation states
•Coordination number & geometry
Size (Radius)
The METALLIC RADIUS is half of the
experimentally determined distance between
the nuclei of nearest neighbors in the solid
The COVALENT RADIUS of a non-metallic
element is half of the experimentally
determined distance between the nuclei of
nearest neighbors in the solid
The IONIC RADIUS of an element is
related to the distance between the nuclei
of neighboring cations and anions
Ionic radius of O2- is 1.40 Å;
What is the ionic radius for Mg2+?
Measure the Mg-O distance in MgO and
subtract 1.40 Å
Size (Radius)
In a period, left to right
1. n (number of shells) remain constant.
2. Z increases (by one unit)
3. Z* increases (by 0.65 unit)
4. Electrons are pulled close to the nucleus by the
increased Z*
So atomic radius decreases with increase in atomic
number (in a period left to right)
In a group, top to bottom
1. n increases
2. Z increases
3. No dramatic increase in Z* - almost remains
So atomic radius increases moving down the group
Decreases with increase in atomic number in a
period left to right
Increases moving down a group
Metallic Radius
Metallic radii of 5d- block elements are expected
to be larger than that of the 4d- elements, but
found that these are not larger. Of course these
are larger than 3d- block elements.
Lanthanide Contraction
f-orbitals have poor shielding properties;
low penetrating power.
So Zeff increases from left to right across the
period leading to more compact atoms.
All anions
are larger
than their

The cations
are smaller
Atomic volume

Density, melting point, etc. depend on atomic volume;

related to compactness or the lack of it
Ionisation Energy (IE)
The minimum energy needed to remove an
electron from a gas phase atom
Depends on: (a) Size of the atom - IE
decreases as the size of the atom increases;
(b) Nuclear Charge - IE increases with
increase in nuclear charge; (c) The type of
electron - Shielding effect
1st IE: H = 1312 KJ mol-1 Li = 520 KJ mol -1
Reasons: 1. Average distance of 2s electron
is greater than that of 1s; 2. Penetration
effect; 3. Electronic configuration
Ionisation Energy (IE)
On moving down a group
1. nuclear charge increases
2. Z* due to screening is almost
3. number of shells increases, hence
atomic size increases.
4. there is an increase in the number of
inner electrons which shield the
valence electrons from the nucleus
Thus IE decreases down the group
Ionisation Energy (IE)

On moving across a period

1. the atomic size decreases
2. nuclear charge increases
Thus IE increases along a period
Electron affinity (EA)
- the amount of energy associated with
the gain of electrons
The greater the energy released in the
process of taking up the extra electron,
greater is the EA
The EA of an atom measures the
tightness with which it binds an
additional electron to itself.
Electron affinity (EA)
On moving across a period,
-As the size decreases, the force of attraction by the
nucleus increases. Consequently, the atom has a
greater tendency to attract added electron, i.e., EA
electron affinity increases
-Generally the EA’s of metals are low while those of
non-metals are high
-Halogens have high EA. This is due to their strong
tendency to change their configuration to ns2np6
On moving down a group,
- the atomic size increases and therefore, the
effective nuclear attraction decreases and thus
electron affinity decreases
The process
can be
Exo or
measure of the tendency of an element to
attract electrons to itself (from its
On moving down the group,
-Z increases but Z* almost remains
-number of shells (n) increases
-atomic radius increases
-force of attraction between added
electron and nucleus decreases
Therefore EN decreases down the group

On moving across a period left to right

-Z and Z* increases
-number of shells remains constant
-atomic radius decreases
-force of attraction between added
electron and nucleus increases

Hence EN increases along a period

The variation of Electronegativity through Periodic Table
The variation of Ionization Energy through Periodic Table
DX > 2 : ionic
2 > DX > 0.5 : polar
DX < 0.5 : covalent
Trends in three atomic properties.
Hardness and Softness
[Chemical but not mechanical]
An important concept of compounds formed
Chemical Hardness or Softness of an atom can be
correlated with ionization energy (IE), electron
affinity (EA), size and polarizability. If the IE > EA,
the EA can be ignored.
High IE, smaller size, low polarizability -- makes
Low IE, larger size, high polarizability -- makes
The lighter atoms of a group are chemically harder
The heavier atoms of a group are chemically softer
Hardness and Softness
The difference between the IE of a neutral atom
and its anion: If it is more, the hardness is more
& if it is less, the hardness is less or it will be
Pearson’s Absolute Hardness η 
Same as saying that the separation between the
two frontier orbitals is large it is hard and if small
it is soft. .ie. I= HOMO energy and A=LUMO
Hard acids tend to bind to hard bases.
Soft acids tend to bind to soft bases.
SCN- can bind through either S or N depending
upon the HSAB nature of the metal ion.
For eg., Si or Pt
N will prefer Si due to Hard … Hard type
interactions, since ‘N’ is hard Lewis base, &
‘Si’ is hard Lewis Acid.
S will prefer Pt due to Soft … Soft type
interactions, since ‘S’ is soft Lewis base & ‘Pt’
is soft Lewis Acid
Trends are exhibited,
By keeping the metal same and changing the
By keeping the anion/ligand same and
changing the metal
Oxidation States
[In atomic state they are all zero]
Tendency of an atom to form ions with
different oxidation states (negative or
positive) would depend on solvation or
hydration or ligation and lattice formation
energies of the corresponding ions.
Compare this with the IE.
More electronegative atoms tend to form
anions and lesser electronegative atoms
tend to form cations when combined with
Alkali atoms show +1 & alkaline earth shows +2
Oxidation States
Oxidation states vary as a fn. of valence e’s
In d-block, the highest Ox. St. is more favoured
down the group
In p-block, a lower Ox. St. is favoured down the
group, generally by -2 due to inert pair effect

Formal charge or formal oxidations state of the central

atom or ion
NH3, N2H4, NH2OH, NO, HNO2, NO2, HNO3, N2O3, N2O4,
Similarly for S, P, etc.
Coordination numbers
Number of neighbours in interaction with the
central ion
-- Can be primary (closely interacting and/or
-- Can be secondary (distant than the
primary but interacting – mostly no bonding)

-- All this affects the reactivity, conductivity,

electronic and magnetic properties
Coordination Geometry
The way the nearest neighbours are arranged in
space, a variety of geometries emerge: (Main
group, Transition and Lanthanides)

Linear (2), Trigonal (3)

Tetrahedral (4), Square planar (4)
Trigonal bipyramidal (5) Square pyramid (5),
Octahedral (6) Pentagonal bipyramid (7)
Singly capped octahedron (7),
Doubly capped octahedron (8),
Capped pentagonal bipyramid (9),
Decahedron (10),
Dodecahedron (12)
Number Geometry Polyhedron

Linear (2)

Trigonal plane (3)

Square planar (4)

Tetrahedral (4)
Coordination No. 5

Geometry Polyhedron

Square pyramid (5)

Trigonal bipyramid (5)

Coordination No. 6

Octahedral (6)

Triagonal prism
Coordination No. 7
Geometry Polyhedron

Singly capped
octahedron (7)

bipyramidal (7)
Coordn. No. 8

Doubly capped
octahedral (8)

Coordn. No. 9

Heptagonal dipyramid Tricapped triagonal prism

Coordn. No. 10

Pentagonal Prism Bicapped square Prism

Coordn. No. 11

Octadecahedron Hendecahedron
Coordn. No. 12

Icosahedrons Cuboctahedrons

Hexagonal prism Hexagonal antiprism

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