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To perform following experiments with the help of semiconductor LASER kit.
1. Determination of wavelength of given LASER source using Grating.
2. Determination of particle size.

LASER source
Grating (100/300/600 Lines per millimetre(Lpmm))
Lycopodium powder sample for determination of particle size
Screen with a graph paper

Formulae used:
The wavelength of the LASER source is given by

λ= m√ X²m + f²

where d = Resolution of Grating = Grating Element
m= order of spot
Xm= Distance between the zero order spot and first order spot
f = Distance between the screen and grating element

The particle size is given by

D= ρ

where λ= Wavelength of given LASER source

ρ= Diameter of the first circle
f= Distance between the source and Grating
and 1.22 is an Airy constant

Working Principle:

The principle involved in the LASER experiment is Diffraction. Diffraction can

be defined in many ways. i) The bending nature of a wave around an obstacle. ii)The spreading out
of a wave when it passes through a narrow opening. iii) The mutual interference of secondary
waveletes. The intensity distribution observed on the screen is known as diffraction pattern.
Diffraction is of two types i.e Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhoffer diffraction. In Fresnel Diffraction
the source and screen are kept at a finite distance and the waves involved in it are spherical and
cylindrical waves whereas in the Fraunhoffer diffraction the source and screen are kept at infinite
distance and the waves involved in it are plane waves. As LASER source generates plane waves
one can observe Fraunhoffer diffraction in this experiment.


Experiment NO:1

Fraunhoffer Diffraction by Grating:

An arrangement which essentially consists of a large number of equidistant slits is

known as a diffraction grating ; the corresponding diffraction pattern is known as the grating
spectrum. Let us assume that each slit consists of a large number of equally spaced point sources.
When a plane wave from a LASER source is incident on the grating then each point on the slit acts
as a source of Huygens' secondary wavelets which interfere with the wavelets emanating from other
points. Therefore a diffraction can also be defined as a mutual interference of secondary
wavelets.(According to Huygens' Fresnel principle.)
So a laser beam after passing through the grating will split into zero order, first
order, and second order as shown in the figure.
From the figure sinθ= √X²m + f²

Substitute sinθ in formula as below

mλ = dsinθ

λ= m√X²m + f²


1. Place the LASER source on holder and mount on the heavy base.
2. Hold the grating and screen in their respective holders and bases.
3. Place the grting between LASER source and screen.
4. The laser beam after passing through the grating splits into zero order, first order, second
5. Mark zero order and first order spots on the screen and measure the distance between zero
order spot and first order spot.
6. Measure the distance between screen and the grating element.
7. Note the measured values in the given tabular column.
S. Grating Resolution Order Distance Distance The wavelength of
No Element of Grating of between X²m between f² the particle is
d(m) spot Zero screen and dXm
m order grating λ= m√ X²m + f²
spot and element
first f (m) (nm)

Experiment No:2

Fraunhoffer Diffraction by a Circular Aperture:

The Lycopodium sample which is used for the determination of particle size acts as a
circular aperture. When a plane wave is incident normally on the circular aperture, the Fraunhoffer
diffraction pattern is observed on the screen. Because of the rotational symmetry of the system, the
diffraction pattern will consist of concentric dark and bright rings; this diffraction pattern is known
as the Airy pattern and the rings are called as Airy rings.
The particle size using the pattern obtained on the screen is calculated by the formula

D= ρ

where ρ= diameter of the first circle

and 1.22 is called an Airy constant


1. Place the LASER source on holder and mount on the heavy base.
2. Hold the sample slide ( mounted on the hold & base ) between LASER source and screen as
shown in figure below so as to obtain the good pattern on the screen.
3. Measure the diameter of the first circle obtained on the screen.
4. Measure the distance between the screen and grating element.
5. Note all the measured values in the given tabular column.

S. Diameter of the first circle ( ρ ) Distance between The particle size is

No. screen and grating 1.22λf
(m) element (f ) D= ρ



1. Align the Laser beam properly
2. Grating and screen should be perpendicular to the incident LASER beam.
3. Measure the values of Xm and f accurately using a scale.
4. Handle the Lycopodium powder sample and grating element carefully.


1. Wavelength of LASER beam is λ =

2. Particle size using the pattern obtained on the screen is

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