Work From Home
Work From Home
Work From Home
Sl. No. : 1620/2016 - 17
Circular No. : CDO/P&HRD-PM/100/2016 - 17
Thursday,March 16,2017.
25 Falgun 1938 (S).
b) Who perform their regular functions from the office premises and
can avail the work from home policy for a longer duration.
Extension/ combination/ carry over in the above options will not be
permitted. For each occasion, fresh application will require to be
iii. Job profiles/ Activity/ Task covered should have clear defined
deliverables, which can be remotely measured, and which requires
minimal dependency of the job -on physical presence; on data/
documents/ system/ infrastructure of the Bank; on vendor interaction,
on daily co-ordination with team members, daily face to face
meetings, and regular face to face customer interactions.
iv. Job profiles requiring access to CBS or facing customers on regular
basis shall not be covered under the policy.
v. Activities to be covered under the Work from Home Policy will be
approved by the DMD/ vertical head.
vi. Metrics shall be put in place by the respective vertical head for
measurement of productivity of the officials along with addressing the
security concerns on the Bank’s confidential data and information.
vii. Approver for officers up to Scale III would be controller not below the
rank of TEGS VI (DGM) and for Scale IV and above, controller not
below the rank of TEGSS-I (CGM). Control report will be put up to the
next higher authority.
viii. The employee is required to submit a work report based on the
tasks/deliverables assigned and the respective completion status at
the end of the Work from Home duration. Further, Quarterly report will
be put up by the Controllers to the Sanctioning authority on Officers
availing of the policy.
ix. The approver will review the work of the employee before providing
the confirmation on the work of the employee.
x. In case of non-completion of allotted tasks, absence in attendance will
be marked, as decided by the approver and officer will be required to
apply for leave against the same.
xi. While working from home employees will remain subject to all
confidentiality clauses as applicable in the Bank.
xii. Employee will not be entitled for any allowance/ benefit/
compensation on account of Work from Home.
xiii. The Sanctioning authority/ Controllers is to ensure that the Policy is not
misused by the officials.
xiv. The policy shall be intricately linked to, and dependent on, the
enterprise mobility solution implemented by the bank.
xv. The Work from Home Policy will be implemented through HRMS.
Yours faithfully,
Dy. Managing Director &
Corporate Development Officer
This policy provides for a degree of flexibility and choice to employees and
their controllers concerning working arrangements that will better balance
the demands of the workplace with personal circumstances.
i. The policy is not a right but a benefit extended by the bank for its
employees based on an underlying management philosophy of
trust and mutual benefit.
ii. The individual approval for the implementation of the policy is at the
approver’s discretion.
iii. The policy is entirely voluntary, and does not necessitate any
employee to work from home unless the employee chooses to do
iv. The terms and conditions of the policy may be subject to change
due to changes in the work environment, technology or any other
cause as deemed necessary at any point in the future.
v. The policy, and the employees eligibility or applicability, does not
impact the compensation of the employees under consideration in
any manner.
vi. The policy does not mean that any special equipment or facilities
will be compulsorily provided by the Bank for individuals to aid the
specific purpose of implementation of this policy.
vii. The policy is designed to ensure, through appropriate monitoring,
that working from home does not inadvertently impact the
performance of the employee and in turn that of the Bank.
i. Due to the nature of the policy and the accessibility of both the
bank’s network as well as digital information for the employee from
outside the physical premises of the bank, the policy is intricately
linked to, and dependent on, the enterprise mobility solution
implemented by the bank.
ii. All aspects of the policy are subject to change in the future based
on changes in the technology and the underlying solution enabling
enterprise mobility as deployed by the bank.
i. Definition of Approver:
i. Employee Actions:
The employee is required to submit a work report based on the
tasks/deliverables assigned and the respective completion status
at the end of the Work from Home duration.
vii. Security:
viii. Confidentiality: