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IPTEK, Journal of Proceeding Series, Vol.

1, 2014 (eISSN: 2354-6026) 109

Analysis of Buttering Method on Mechanical

Properties Welded Material Low Carbon Steel
Gathot Dwi Winarto1, Rivai Wardhani1, and Irsyadus Syarif1
AbstractIn manufacturing, especially offshore, welding is one of the joining processes (steel) with very tight specification.
Preparation time (fitting) both steel material which will be connected, especially when the material cutting process does not
allow for mistakes, so when they do tuning of both material be spliced happen distance (gap) in excess of the standard, then the
buttering method that does not eat a lot of time, wasted materials and dimensions of objects so it still makes tolerance in
otherwise require. Buttering is the adding process of material in welding. It is applied on one or both sides to be connected, with
the aim of giving the distance (gap) between the two materials will be in connection with welding processes meet the
requirements of the standard (ASME Sec IX, 2010)1. This study aimed to indicate the effect of the buttering in welding. And the
variety of wide buttering is 10 mm, 15 mm, and 20 mm. Material will be joined with welding process Shield Metal Arc Welding
(SMAW). In the test, material is low carbon steel type SA 36. Tests performed were tensile test, impact test, and the test macro
etching. By those tests, will be Investigated what the differences between welding without buttering and with buttering. And the
final results showed the addition of wide buttering decreased tensile strength, which declines in linear: buttering width 10 mm =
413.47 MPa , buttering width 15 mm = 397.48 MPa , buttering width 20 mm = 390.07 MPa. In impact strength, it increased,
which increasing linear: width 10 mm = 1.82 J/mm², 15 mm width buttering = 1.90 J/mm², 20 mm width buttering = 1.94 J/mm².
And in macro test, it was shown that a Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) in buttering spread larger than HAZ in material without

Keywords Buttering, SA 36, tensile, impact, macro etch, HAZ.

of a joint, prior to the preparation of the joint for final

I. INTRODUCTION1 welding, for the purpose of providing a suitable
transition weld deposit for the subsequent completion of
D uring manufacturing process, especially fabrication
and erection, welding takes the most important step.
In general, there are some welding process types , and
the joint.
Based on those reasons, it is necessary to do research
one of them is SMAW (Shield Metal Arc Welding). to determine the effect of the buttering width on the
SMAW welding process, generally known as electric mechanical properties, in particular material of low
welding, is a welding process that using heat to melt the carbon steel.
base material and electrode. Heat generated by the A. Carbon Steel
electric ion jumps between the cathode and the anode Carbon steel is a metal alloy, combination between
(electrode tip and the surface of the plate to be welded). iron and carbon with other alloys, such as Si (silicon),
Generated heat as the result from electrical ions leap can Mn (manganese), P (Phosphorus), S (sulfur), and Cu
reach 4000˚ to 4500˚ Celsius in temperature. Voltage (copper). A property of carbon steel depends on the
source used in SMAW, are two kinds, AC (alternating carbon content. Therefore the steel can be classified into
current) and DC power (direct current). Welding is 3 groups such as low carbon steel with a carbon
applied for connecting multi sections into a structure. In composition less than 0.30%, medium carbon steel with
process, it must be included the preparation of material, 0.30% - 0.45% carbon, and high carbon steel with
such as bevel, distance area to be welded, and connection carbon content from 0.45% up to 1.70%.
forms. One of the stages that have common errors is the In this research, used material is classified as ASTM
cutting process. And if there are errors during cutting A36, with 400-550 MPa tensile, Yield: min 250 MPa,
step, It will result in the distance, will increase the gap elongation: min 20% as required by ASME section II-A.
between two parts, further the welding cannot be done This material is commonly used for the structure, with
directly without special treatment. carbon content of SA 36 0.25% - 0.29%.
Generally, if the gap between two parts too wide, The
common way to solve the problem, usually apply B. Buttering
buttering on the welded area. By this method, the gap Buttering having been applied to solve the welding
will be reduced significantly. And actually, addition that problem, in particular to weld dissimilar materials, the
are applied must be met with several requirements that condition that these materials have different melting
exist in the code or the standard. But in field, this thing is points, or the other condition because two materials have
rarely considered in more detail, and even ignored and different weldability (weldability properties), for
not be tested on the buttering areas. example, material A with low weldability, will be
In ASME section IX, it clearly defined that buttering is connected to material B that has better weldability. On
the addition of material, by welding, on one or both faces the other hand, it could also reduce the gap between two
parts, which was usually applied during the erection, due
Gathot Dwi Winarto, Rivai Wardhani, and Irsyadus Syarif are with to error at material preparation or error at cutting
Departement of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial process.
Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Surabaya, 60111,
Indonesia. E-mail: gathot.d3mits.its@hotmail.com.
110 IPTEK, Journal of Proceeding Series, Vol. 1, 2014 (eISSN: 2354-6026)

Buttering method can be applied not only on one side 1) Tensile strength
of the parent metal that will be connected, but also on Tensile strength (tension strength) states the ability to
both sides of the base metal to be welded. These receive a load of material without causing damage or
procedures can be applied as listed on the ASME section broken, which is expressed in the maximum stress before
IX. In this section, it requires the maximal thickness of failure. It is stated in equation 2,
additional material equals to the thickness of buttering Fmax
material. If the material is 10 mm in thickness, so the U TS   U  (2)
thickness of material addition is 10 mm maximum. But A0
in practices, the client has an own specification, by 2) Ductility
allowing the buttering up to 15 mm for material Ductility represents the ability of the material to
thickness 8 mm on welding dissimilar materials. deform plastically without causing fractures stated
C. SMAW Welding percentage of change of length (elongation)
 L1  L0  
Welding process SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc
Welding), generally known as electric welding, is a
process that uses heat to melt the base material and
    100 % (3)
electrode . The heat generated by the electric ion jumps  L0 
between the cathode and the anode (electrode tip and the
surface of the plate to be welded) . Heat arising from L0 = Original gauge length
electrical ions leap of this magnitude can be reached L1 = Final gauge length at break
4000o to 4500o Celsius . Voltage source is used there are ε = Strain
two kinds of AC ( alternating current ) and DC power And ductility also can be expressed by the percentage
(direct current). reduction in cross-sectional area which presentated as the
Because the tip electrode contact the base material, the reduction of area.
process of welding ignites, causing a short circuit   A  A0  
between them. At the time of short circuit occurs, welder RA   1   100 % (4)
should pull (keep distance between electrode and  A0 
material base) the electrode to form an electric arc that
which :
leaps ions that cause heat . Generated heat will melt the
A1 = Final cross sectional area
electrode and the base material, due to their melting
A0 = Initial cross sectional area
point temperature, so the liquid electrodes and a liquid
base material will be joined together to form the weld E. Impact Test
metal. To produce a good welded metal and constant arc, To explore the effects caused by notch, notch shape,
welders must keep distance between the tip electrode and temperature and other factors, The impact test is
the surface of the base material. The best distance from delivered. Impact test can be interpreted as a
tip electrode to material is as same as the diameter of the standardized test that measures the ability of a material
electrode is used, as shown in Figure 1 as follows. to accept the burden of mashed as measured by the
Amount of heat / temperature (H) which can melt amount of energy required to break the specimen with a
material is a product of the voltage (E) multiplied by swing.
current (I) and time (t), which is expressed in units of The amount of impact energy (Joules) can be viewed
joules of heat such as the following formula: on a scale testbed machine. While besarya impact energy
can be calculated by the following equation:
H=ExIxt (1)
Eo = W.ho (5)
H = Heat (joule) E1 = W.h1 (6)
E = Voltage (volt) ∆E = Eo - E1 = W (ho- h1) (7)
I = Currect (ampere)
t = Time (sec) ho = ℓ - ℓcos = ℓ (1 - cos α) (8)
Straight polarity is more widely used because it has a h1 = ℓ - ℓcos β = ℓ (1 - cos β) (9)
deep penetration.
substitution eq. 8 and eq. 9 to eq. 7, then:
D. Tensile Test
Tensile strengtt, one of mechanical properties, is very ∆E = W ℓ( cos β - cos α ) (10)
important in a construction design and manufacturing which:
process. Tensile strength of a material was obtained from
the tensile test (tension test) which was carried out by Eo = Initial Energi (J)
standard tests such as ASTM (Assotiation Test and E1 = Final Energi (J)
Materials Society) and JIS (Japan Industrial Standard).
In tensile test, during specimen withdrawn, time is W = Mass of pendulum (N)
being recorded with a chart available on the tensile ho = Initial height of pendulum (m)
machine. Plot of stress-strain curve will be generated in
the tensile test machine. Data obtained from the tensile h1 = Height of pendulum after released (m)
machine is usually represented by the applied load- ℓ = Length of pendulum string (m)
elongation chart (graph P - ΔL).
IPTEK, Journal of Proceeding Series, Vol. 1, 2014 (eISSN: 2354-6026) 111

α = Initial angle (o) Welding parameters as follows:

o Material : Plat SA 36
β = Final angle ( )
Dimension : 300 x 150x 12mm
To know the impact strength impact strength (Is) the Form : Single V-Groove
impact energy that should be shared with the effective Welding machine : SMAW (DCSP)
specimen cross-sectional area (A) so that: Welding wire : E 7016 (Ø 2,6 & 3,2 mm)
Is = ∆E/A = W ℓ( cos β - cos α )/A (11) Current : 70-100 (A)
Voltage : 18 – 24 (V)
F. Macro Etch Testing
Velocity : 0,9 - 1.5 (mm/sec)
Macro-etching is a method to find a picture of the
rough metal or weld metal. The principle works the same III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
as test metallography, only with a microscope only
observation process that differentiates. At the macro- A. Tension Test Result
etching, after etching the specimen in subsequent spray After tensile test has been done, table 1 show the
cleaner. While the objects in metallography after etching, results. It stated about failure stress (σfail), ultimate
we then observed with a microscope as shown in Figure stress(σultmate), reduction of area (Ф), elastic moduli (E)
3. which shown in table 1.
Size of the main weld metal can be determined by By resuming the resultsof tensile test, it shows in
macro-etching test this. For example, the length of the fugure 8, tensile strength of each specimen. And figure 9,
legs of the weld, the weld metal height, and also the it shows trending result of elongation each specimens.
amount of dilution of the welding results. Dilution is the
B. Macro Etsa Result
amount of weld metal are joined together with
metalparent, and its place in the fusion line (base metal- This test is a way to see the fusion of the weld metal
weld metal) in percent, which stated in eq.12, and width of HAZ (Heat-affected Zone) the welding
A results. Before the macro test, material should be
D x100 % (12) polished, to get the flat surface and shiny by using
A B
rubbing paper. Then macro etch was being done, with an
etching solution composition, nital 2%, which composed
2% nitric acid and 98% alcohol. After observation and
A. Flow chart measurement of macro photograph etch results showed
Steps in the research described in the following flow in Table 2.
chart (Figure 4). C. Impact Test Result
B. Buttering Weld Impact test done with V shape notch in the base metal,
weld metal, HAZ (Heat-affected Zone) and buttering.
Determination for buttering use in this study refers to The results of impact test is showed in table 3. While the
the ASME. And in this study using buttering width 10 trend of the impact test results can be seen in Figure 11.
mm, 15 mm, 20 mm. Figure 5 shows the scenario
buttering IV. CONCLUSION
Welding parameters as follows:
Material : Plat SA 36 The test results showed the addition of buttering
Dimension : 300 x 150x 12mm widening decreased tensile strength, which declines in a
Form : Single V-Groove row as follows: buttering width 10 mm = 413.47 MPa,
Type : SMAW (DCSP) buttering width 15 mm = 397.48 MPa, buttering width
Wire : E 7016 (Ø 3,2 mm) 20 mm = 390.07 MPa. And for impact energy, by
Current : 90-100 (A) applied impact test, buttering width increased impact
Voltage : 20 – 24 (V) energy. The increase in a row as follows: buttering width
Velocity : 1.5-2.2 (mm/sec) 10 mm = 147.0 Joules, buttering width 15 mm = 149.2
The addition of buttering have been done after 30° Joules, buttering width 20 mm = 149.9 Joules. And
bevel made, with the addition of 10 mm, 15 mm and 20 based on the macro etch test, Heat Affected Zone (HAZ)
mm. Furthermore welding proceed. The next step is area of weld metal with buttering was greater than area
leveling with a 30° bevel grinding, the temperature used of weld metal without buttering.
during welding at interpass should be kept not less than
60° C, then continue to the next layer. Welding tempo REFERENCES
each layer must be kept. [1] Fohkard, Erich, (1988). Welding Metallurgy of Stainless Steel,
In this research, welding applied with buttering 10 mm, Springer verlag Wien, New York.
[2] ASM Handbook Vol. 1, 8th edition. (2005). Properties and
there was 9 layers. And buttering with 15 mm, welding Selection Irons, Steels dan High-Performance Alloys.
deposit reached 15 layers. For the last buttering 20 mm, [3] ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section IX. (2007).
welding deposit was as much as 19 layers. Welding and Brazing Qualification. New York.
Joining [4] Callister, William D Jr. (2007). An Introduction Material
Science and Engineering, 7th edition.
After buttering welding was completed, then joining
performed, butt joint with SA 36 without buttering
material. Figure 6 shows the deposit of weld metal with
buttering. And in Figure 7 shows the deposit of weld
metal without buttering.
112 IPTEK, Journal of Proceeding Series, Vol. 1, 2014 (eISSN: 2354-6026)

Figure 6. Welding deposit sequence for butt joint

Figure 1. SMAW welding process [1]

Figure 7. Welding deposit without buttering

Figure 2. P-Δl graph

Figure 8. Trending of tensile strength in tensile test

Figure 3. Weld Joint [1]

Figure 9. Trending of elongation in tensile test

Figure 4. Flowchart

Figure 5. Buttering scenario

Which : (1)First Layer; (2)Second Layer; (3)Third Layer, and so on Figure 10. Macro etch photograph result
IPTEK, Journal of Proceeding Series, Vol. 1, 2014 (eISSN: 2354-6026) 113

Figure 11. Trending of impact test result

Yield Stress Max Stress Name Defect Width of HAZ Area of
Specimen [Mpa] [MPa] Elongation [mm] HAZ [mm2]
BM 277.13 360.66 44.01 No UC 1,85 49.41
No 326.875 384.46 34.64
Buttering B 10 NO 2.50 50.60
Buttering 361.04 413.47 29.075 B 15 P 2,75 61.00
10 mm
Buttering 347.09 397.98 24.145 B 20 P 2,50 63,30
15 mm
Buttering 326.465 390.07 22.065
20 mm

Notch E impact
Specimen Notch
Location ( Joules)

SA 36 V BM 139.3
Buttering V HAZ 149.9
10 mm V HAZ 149.6
15 mm V HAZ 148.7
20 mm V HAZ 147.3
Buttering V WM 148.5
10 mm V WM 146.2
15 mm V WM 149.2
20 mm V WM 145.5
10 mm V Buttering 147.0
15 mm V Buttering 149.2
20 mm V Buttering 149.9

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