Appln For PG Degree

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Price: Rs. 20/- Code. No.

KOTTAYAM Optional Subject…………………
APPLICATION FOR M.A /M.Sc./M.Com. DEGREE Stream……………………………
Separate Application to be submitted for each Semester Examination.
Reg. No…………………………...
Read the instructions carefully before fill
filling the application

1 Centre of Examination
2 Name of the Candidate
3 (a) Main Subject taken :Specify the Optional papers meant to be taken at the
Optional /Stream etc. exam
(b) Optional papers 1 1
(c) Failed or supplementary candidatess
should specify the paper No. and title of 2 2
the papers they intend to appear (both
theory & practical) 3 3

(d) Betterment candidates should write

‘Betterment’ against this column
4 4

5 5
4 Details of earlier appearances:

Semester Register No Month& Year Center of Examinations

Examination Specify the paper No. and Title
of the papers passed
Specify the Stream/
Optional if any

5 Details of fee remitted

(a) Amount (b) Pay in Slip No/DD/ Receipt No:
(c) Date of remittance (d) Uty Cash Counter/SBT/Jana
BT/Jana Sevana Kendra
6 (a) Religion and Community Subdivision
if any
( b) Whether belongs to SC/ST
(c) Whether eligible for fee concession Yes / No
7 Age and Date of Birth
8 For I Semester First Appearance Candidates
(a) Details of qualifying Examination passed.
(i) Name of Examination (ii) Reg. No. (iii) Month & Year (iv) Name of the University& College

(b) Marks obtained in the qualifying examination

Part I Part II Part III(Main) Sub I Sub II
9. For re-admission candidates No.
and date of re-admission order
10. (a) Name of Father /Guardian
(b) Occupation &Annual income of
Father /Guardian
11.Address of the Candidate
Permanent Address Present Address
Present size
photograph to be
pasted ad attested
by a gazette
officer in the case
of Private/Failed
Telephone No. Telephone No. candidate

(Dated signature of the identifying officer is necessary across the photograph)

12. Name and designation of the identifying officer with seal


I hereby certify that the entries made above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that they have been
made in my own hand writing.

Date : Signature of the Candidate


* I hereby declare that the entries made have been verified by me and I have found them to agree to those in the records
of this college.
** Certified also that the candidate has earned minimum required attendance for registration to examination and that
his/her progress is satisfactory.

Date : College Seal Signature of the Principal


This is to certify that Shri./Smt.……………………………belongs to Scheduled Cast /Scheduled Tribe / Other Backward
Community etc. and is appearing for the examination for the First /Second consecutive chance and he/she is eligible for
reimbursement of examination fees. The District Welfare Officer concerned has been requested to sanction the
examination fees and the required statement in quadruplicate will be sent to the Controller of Examinations at an early

Date : College Seal Signature of the Principal

*This column needs to be filled only in the case of candidates attending a college on the date of

**To be filled in only in the case of regular candidates.

1. Every Column of the application should be carefully filled in by the candidate.
THE LAST DATE PRESCRIBED ED WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. The last date prescribed is the last date of
receipt of applications in the University office and not the date of remittance of fees.
3. Applications for admissions to the Examination, together with the University Cash Counter pay pay-in-slip for the
remittance of fees must be forwarded ed to the Controller of Examinations not later than the last date prescribed.
4. Enquires from candidates, as to the receipt of their applications in the University office
fice will not receive attention
attention. Each
application, if accompanied by a self-addressed
self Post Card, will
ill however be acknowledged by the return of the card with
the Universityy Stamp affixed thereon. Candidates are advised to send their eir applications by Registered Post
P with
acknowledgement due, so that they may have a ready means mean of knowing that their applications have been received in
the office.
5. The fee for the examination is as follows:-
a) Theory – Rs. 40/- per paper+ Rs. 50/-per
50/ practical + Rs.25/- for mark list.
b) For subsequent appearance Rs. Rs 50/-per theory and practical papers + Rs.25/- for mark list.
c) Camp Valuation Fee – Rs. 30/- 30/ per paper subject to a maximum of Rs. 150/-
d) Viva voce Rs. 40/- + Rs. 100/-- for Project / Dissertation.

6. The fee must be paid through pay

slip at M.G. University Cash Counter or DD drawn in favour of the Finance
Officer M.G University payable at SBT M.G. University Campus Branch Code No. 669. No application will be
registered unless the prescribed fee has been paid. The fee once paid will not be refunded or held over for a subsequent
examination. P.T.O
(All entries except
cept the Reg. No. to be filled in by the candidate)


Reg. No.
(for office use only)

M.A……………………. /M.Sc.M.Sc. ………………………../M.Com………………………..Semester

Centre of Examination
Name of the Candidate Male/Female
Main Subject……………………………………….
…………………Semester………………………… Passport size photograph to be
Paper(s) meant to be taken in the examination pasted here
3…………………………………………………… No photograph is necessary
4…………………………………………………… for
5…………………………………………………… First appearance candidate

Signature of the candidate

Signature of the Principal

(To be signed in the presence of Identifying Officer)) (in the case of regular candidates) with seal
Name, designation and office seal of Identifying Officer
(In the case of Private/Failed/Subsequent
ubsequent appearance candidate’s
photograph is necessary)
University Office Seal The Controller of Examinations

7. Candidate belonging to Scheduled Cast, Scheduled Tribe and Christian converts from them, Kudumbis etc. who are
eligible for exemption from payment of examination fee for their second consecutive appearance should forward
their application through the Principals of the Colleges from where they were presented to the examinations for the
first time. Applications received direct from such candidates without examination fees for will not be entertained by
the University.
8. Candidate submitting their applications directly to the University should write in block letters at the left hand top
corner of the envelope containing the applications: APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION FOR P.G semester
/semester improvement examination.
9. The chances for betterment of the whole programme (course) will be limited to one.
10. Each candidate appearing for the first time must forward his/her application along with his/her Qualifying Certificate
/Provisional Certificate and Mark lists. In the case of Bachelors from Universities outside the state a copy of the
communication granting recognition of the Examination should also be submitted. APPLICATIONS WITHOUT
11. No candidate appearing for the first time will be allowed to select a centre for his /her examination other than the
college in which he/her has studied except for satisfactory reasons and on the recommendation of the Principal of
his/her College.
12. The mark list of the candidates will be sent to the Principals of the respective colleges where the candidates appeared
for the examination.
13. The mark list of the Candidates who fail to produce the Original Qualifying Certificate and Qualifying Mark lists at
the University office for verification will not be released.


1. Candidate should take their seats in the examination hall at least five minutes before the Commencement of the
examination. Candidates presenting themselves more than half an hour after the appointed time will not be admitted
to the examination hall. Candidate who are undoubtedly suffering from infectious of any kind will not be admitted.
Candidates should bring with them to the examination hall each day of the examination their hall tickets for
inspection by the Chief Superintendent.
2. Candidates are prohibited from writing on their hall-tickets or question papers. They are also prohibited from writing
their names on any part of the answer books.
Candidate should write their register number in words as well as in figures in the space provided for the purpose
on the outer cover of the answer book. For eg. If the Reg. No. of the candidate is 27380 the candidate shall write
in letters ‘Two Seven Three Eight Zero’. They are strictly prohibited from writing their register numbers on any
other page of their answer books, Violation of this rule will involve rejection of answer book.
3. No candidate will be allowed to leave the examination hall before the expiry of at least half an hour after question
paper has been given and no candidate who leaves the room during the period allotted for paper will be allowed to
return within that period.
4. Candidate are prohibited from introducing into the examination hall any book or portion of book, mobile phone,
manuscript or paper of any description, from communicating with or copying from each other and from
communicating with any person outside the examination hall. Any candidate detected in the violation of these Rules
will be sent out of the hall forthwith and will not be permitted to sit for the remaining papers of the Examination.
Violation of these rules may involve cancellation of the examination taken by a candidate and his/her rustication for
a period to be decided by the University.
5. When a candidate has finished writing his/her answers and wishers to hand over his/her answer book or at the end of
the period prescribed for each particular part of the examination he/she shall stand up in his/her place and remain
standing until one of the Superintendents has gone up to him/her and has received his/her answer book from him/her.
He/she should not leave the hall leaving the answer book in his/her seat.

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