Latral Load On Each Floor
Latral Load On Each Floor
Latral Load On Each Floor
parapet Dead weight of floor
Floor Beam Slab Column Wall wall Load finish
Ground 2537.63 4198.611656 1142.683 3022.335 0 10901.26 656.234535
1 2537.63 4198.611656 1283.176 4281.626 0 12301.05 656.234535
2 2537.63 4198.611656 1283.176 4281.626 0 12301.05 656.234535
3 2537.63 4198.611656 1283.176 4281.626 0 12301.05 656.234535
4 2537.63 4198.611656 1283.176 4281.626 0 12301.05 648.92773
5 2537.63 4198.611656 1283.176 4281.626 0 12301.05 648.92773
Roof 2537.63 4198.611656 1283.176 4281.626 298.75558 12599.80 648.92773
Base shear(VB)=Ah*W
where Ah = Horizontial acceleration coefficient
Ah= (Z*I*Sa)
(2*R*g) Where
Z=Zone factor=0.36 ( Zone V)
0.36*1.5*2.50 I=important factor=1.5
2*5reduction factor=5 (Special RC moment-resisting frame ( SMRF))
0.135 Sa/g=average acceleration sepctrum coef
Tax= 0.399
Tay= 0.348
for soil type II (Medium)
Sa/g= 2.5 (0.10≤T≤0.55)
Story shear
Story Weight(wi) Height (hi)Wi*hi^2 Qi
Roof 16980.86328 22.4282 8541784.405 4912.5215
5 16682.11 20.6883 7140038.133 4106.354
4 16682.11 17.2085 4940113.796 2841.1412
3 16689.41 13.7287 3145574.177 1809.0717
2 16689.41 10.2489 1753055.285 1008.2111
1 16689.41 6.7691 764720.902 439.80364
Ground 12124.05 3.2893 131176.047 75.441514
Wi= 112537.368 total 26416462.746
Σ Qi=Vb 15192.545 ok
weight of
live load Total weight
566.54767 12124.05 Remarks= Flooring of marble
3732.1311 16689.41 Total floor finish Thickness=22mm(10+12)
3732.1311 16689.41 Floor plan area(Ground floor to 3rd floor)=1193.1537m^2
3732.1311 16689.41 Floor plan area(Fourth and Fifth)=1179.8686m^2
3732.1311 16682.11
3732.1311 16682.11
3732.1311 16980.86
total= 112537.37
= 3.4798*7+1 =25.3586 m
dx= 32.6136m
dy= 42.9006m
ft in m
10 2 3.0988 1.5494 1.7399
11 5 3.4798 3.2893